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Tài liệu A Programmer’s Guide to Java™ SCJP Certification doc

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  • Contents

  • List of Figures

  • List of Tables

  • List of Examples

  • Foreword

  • Preface

  • 1 Basics of Java Programming

    • 1.1 Introduction

    • 1.2 Classes

      • Declaring Members: Fields and Methods

    • 1.3 Objects

      • Class Instantiation, Reference Values, and References

      • Object Aliases

    • 1.4 Instance Members

      • Invoking Methods

    • 1.5 Static Members

    • 1.6 Inheritance

    • 1.7 Aggregation

    • 1.8 Tenets of Java

    • Review Questions

    • 1.9 Java Programs

    • 1.10 Sample Java Application

      • Essential Elements of a Java Application

      • Compiling and Running an Application

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercise

  • 2 Language Fundamentals

    • 2.1 Basic Language Elements

      • Lexical Tokens

      • Identifiers

      • Keywords

      • Literals

      • Integer Literals

      • Floating-Point Literals

      • Boolean Literals

      • Character Literals

      • String Literals

      • White Spaces

      • Comments

    • Review Questions

    • 2.2 Primitive Data Types

      • Integer Types

      • The char Type

      • The Floating-Point Types

      • The boolean Type

    • Review Questions

    • 2.3 Variable Declarations

      • Declaring and Initializing Variables

      • Reference Variables

    • 2.4 Initial Values for Variables

      • Default Values for Fields

      • Initializing Local Variables of Primitive Data Types

      • Initializing Local Reference Variables

      • Lifetime of Variables

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercise

  • 3 Declarations

    • 3.1 Class Declarations

    • 3.2 JavaBeans Standard

      • Naming Patterns for Properties

      • Naming Patterns for the Event Model

    • 3.3 Method Declarations

      • Statements

      • Instance Methods and the Object Reference this

      • Method Overloading

    • 3.4 Constructors

      • The Default Constructor

      • Overloaded Constructors

    • Review Questions

    • 3.5 Enumerated Types

      • Declaring Typesafe Enums

      • Using Typesafe Enums

      • Declaring Enum Constructors and Members

      • Implicit Static Methods for Enum Types

      • Inherited Methods from the Enum Class

      • Extending Enum Types: Constant-Specific Class Bodies

      • Declaring Typesafe Enums Revisited

    • Review Questions

    • 3.6 Arrays

      • Declaring Array Variables

      • Constructing an Array

      • Initializing an Array

      • Using an Array

      • Anonymous Arrays

      • Multidimensional Arrays

    • Review Questions

    • 3.7 Parameter Passing

      • Passing Primitive Data Values

      • Passing Reference Values

      • Passing Arrays

      • Array Elements as Actual Parameters

      • final Parameters

    • 3.8 Variable Arity Methods

      • Calling a Varargs Method

      • Varargs and Non-Varargs Method Calls

    • 3.9 The main() Method

      • Program Arguments

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercises

  • 4 Access Control

    • 4.1 Java Source File Structure

    • 4.2 Packages

      • Defining Packages

      • Using Packages

      • Compiling Code into Packages

      • Running Code from Packages

    • 4.3 Searching for Classes

    • 4.4 The JAR Utility

    • 4.5 System Properties

    • Review Questions

    • 4.6 Scope Rules

      • Class Scope for Members

      • Block Scope for Local Variables

    • 4.7 Accessibility Modifiers for Top-Level Type Declarations

    • 4.8 Other Modifiers for Classes

      • abstract Classes

      • final Classes

    • Review Questions

    • 4.9 Member Accessibility Modifiers

      • public Members

      • protected Members

      • Default Accessibility for Members

      • private Members

    • Review Questions

    • 4.10 Other Modifiers for Members

      • static Members

      • final Members

      • abstract Methods

      • synchronized Methods

      • native Methods

      • transient Fields

      • volatile Fields

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercise

  • 5 Operators and Expressions

    • 5.1 Conversions

      • Widening and Narrowing Primitive Conversions

      • Widening and Narrowing Reference Conversions

      • Boxing and Unboxing Conversions

      • Other Conversions

    • 5.2 Type Conversion Contexts

      • Assignment Context

      • Method Invocation Context

      • Casting Context of the Unary Type Cast Operator: (type)

      • Numeric Promotion Context

    • 5.3 Precedence and Associativity Rules for Operators

    • 5.4 Evaluation Order of Operands

      • Left-Hand Operand Evaluation First

      • Operand Evaluation before Operation Execution

      • Left to Right Evaluation of Argument Lists

    • 5.5 The Simple Assignment Operator =

      • Assigning Primitive Values

      • Assigning References

      • Multiple Assignments

      • Type Conversions in Assignment Context

    • Review Questions

    • 5.6 Arithmetic Operators: *, /, %, +, -

      • Arithmetic Operator Precedence and Associativity

      • Evaluation Order in Arithmetic Expressions

      • Range of Numeric Values

      • Unary Arithmetic Operators: -, +

      • Multiplicative Binary Operators: *, /, %

      • Additive Binary Operators: +, -

      • Numeric Promotions in Arithmetic Expressions

      • Arithmetic Compound Assignment Operators: *=, /=, %=, +=, -=

    • Review Questions

    • 5.7 The Binary String Concatenation Operator +

    • 5.8 Variable Increment and Decrement Operators: ++, --

      • The Increment Operator ++

      • The Decrement Operator --

    • Review Questions

    • 5.9 Boolean Expressions

    • 5.10 Relational Operators: <, <=, >, >=

    • 5.11 Equality

      • Primitive Data Value Equality: ==, !=

      • Object Reference Equality: ==, !=

      • Object Value Equality

    • 5.12 Boolean Logical Operators: !, ^, &, |

      • Operand Evaluation for Boolean Logical Operators

      • Boolean Logical Compound Assignment Operators: &=, ^=, |=

    • 5.13 Conditional Operators: &&, ||

      • Short-Circuit Evaluation

    • Review Questions

    • 5.14 The Conditional Operator: ?:

    • 5.15 Other Operators: new, [], instanceof

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercise

  • 6 Control Flow

    • 6.1 Overview of Control Flow Statements

    • 6.2 Selection Statements

      • The Simple if Statement

      • The if-else Statement

      • The switch Statement

    • Review Questions

    • 6.3 Iteration Statements

      • The while Statement

      • The do-while Statement

      • The for(;;) Statement

      • The for(:) Statement

    • 6.4 Transfer Statements

      • Labeled Statements

      • The break Statement

      • The continue Statement

      • The return Statement

    • Review Questions

    • 6.5 Stack-Based Execution and Exception Propagation

    • 6.6 Exception Types

      • The Exception Class

      • The RuntimeException Class

      • The Error Class

      • Checked and Unchecked Exceptions

      • Defining New Exceptions

    • 6.7 Exception Handling: try, catch, and finally

      • The try Block

      • The catch Block

      • The finally Block

    • 6.8 The throw Statement

    • 6.9 The throws Clause

    • Review Questions

    • 6.10 Assertions

      • The assert Statement and the AssertionError Class

      • Compiling Assertions

      • Runtime Enabling and Disabling of Assertions

      • Using Assertions

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercises

  • 7 Object-Oriented Programming

    • 7.1 Single Implementation Inheritance

      • Inheritance Hierarchy

      • Relationships: is-a and has-a

      • The Supertype-Subtype Relationship

    • 7.2 Overriding Methods

      • Instance Method Overriding

      • Covariant return in Overriding Methods

      • Overriding vs. Overloading

    • 7.3 Hiding Members

      • Field Hiding

      • Static Method Hiding

    • 7.4 The Object Reference super

    • Review Questions

    • 7.5 Chaining Constructors Using this() and super()

      • The this() Constructor Call

      • The super() Constructor Call

    • Review Questions

    • 7.6 Interfaces

      • Defining Interfaces

      • Abstract Method Declarations

      • Implementing Interfaces

      • Extending Interfaces

      • Interface References

      • Constants in Interfaces

    • Review Questions

    • 7.7 Arrays and Subtyping

      • Arrays and Subtype Covariance

      • Array Store Check

    • 7.8 Reference Values and Conversions

    • 7.9 Reference Value Assignment Conversions

    • 7.10 Method Invocation Conversions Involving References

      • Overloaded Method Resolution

    • 7.11 Reference Casting and the instanceof Operator

      • The Cast Operator

      • The instanceof Operator

    • Review Questions

    • 7.12 Polymorphism and Dynamic Method Lookup

    • 7.13 Inheritance Versus Aggregation

    • 7.14 Basic Concepts in Object-Oriented Design

      • Encapsulation

      • Cohesion

      • Coupling

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercises

  • 8 Nested Type Declarations

    • 8.1 Overview of Nested Type Declarations

    • 8.2 Static Member Types

      • Declaring and Using Static Member Types

      • Accessing Members in Enclosing Context

    • 8.3 Non-Static Member Classes

      • Instantiating Non-Static Member Classes

      • Accessing Members in Enclosing Context

    • Review Questions

    • 8.4 Local Classes

      • Accessing Declarations in Enclosing Context

      • Instantiating Local Classes

    • 8.5 Anonymous Classes

      • Extending an Existing Class

      • Implementing an Interface

      • Instantiating Anonymous Classes

      • Accessing Declarations in Enclosing Context

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercise

  • 9 Object Lifetime

    • 9.1 Garbage Collection

    • 9.2 Reachable Objects

    • 9.3 Facilitating Garbage Collection

    • 9.4 Object Finalization

    • 9.5 Finalizer Chaining

    • 9.6 Invoking Garbage Collection Programmatically

    • Review Questions

    • 9.7 Initializers

    • 9.8 Field Initializer Expressions

    • 9.9 Static Initializer Blocks

    • 9.10 Instance Initializer Blocks

    • 9.11 Constructing Initial Object State

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

  • 10 Fundamental Classes

    • 10.1 Overview of the java.lang Package

    • 10.2 The Object Class

    • Review Questions

    • 10.3 The Wrapper Classes

      • Common Wrapper Class Constructors

      • Common Wrapper Class Utility Methods

      • Numeric Wrapper Classes

      • The Character Class

      • The Boolean Class

    • Review Questions

    • 10.4 The String Class

      • Immutability

      • Creating and Initializing Strings

      • The CharSequence Interface

      • Reading Characters from a String

      • Comparing Strings

      • Character Case in a String

      • Concatenation of Strings

      • Searching for Characters and Substrings

      • Extracting Substrings

      • Converting Primitive Values and Objects to Strings

      • Formatting Values

      • Pattern Matching

    • Review Questions

    • 10.5 The StringBuilder and the StringBuffer Classes

      • Thread-Safety

      • Mutability

      • Constructing String Builders

      • Reading and Changing Characters in String Builders

      • Constructing Strings from String Builders

      • Appending, Inserting, and Deleting Characters in String Builders

      • Controlling String Builder Capacity

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercises

  • 11 Files and Streams

    • 11.1 Input and Output

    • 11.2 The File Class

      • Querying the File System

      • File or Directory Existence

      • File and Directory Permissions

      • Listing Directory Entries

      • Creating New Files and Directories

      • Renaming Files and Directories

      • Deleting Files and Directories

    • 11.3 Byte Streams: Input Streams and Output Streams

      • File Streams

      • Filter Streams

      • Reading and Writing Binary Values

    • Review Questions

    • 11.4 Character Streams: Readers and Writers

      • Print Writers

      • Writing Text Files

      • Reading Text Files

      • Using Buffered Writers

      • Using Buffered Readers

      • The Standard Input, Output, and Error Streams

      • Comparison of Byte Streams and Character Streams

    • 11.5 The Console class

    • Review Questions

    • 11.6 Object Serialization

      • The ObjectOutputStream Class

      • The ObjectInputStream Class

      • Customizing Object Serialization

      • Serialization and Inheritance

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercise

  • 12 Localization, Pattern Matching, and Formatting

    • 12.1 The java.util.Locale Class

    • 12.2 The java.util.Date Class

    • 12.3 The java.util.Calendar Class

      • Static Factory Methods to Create a Calendar

      • Interoperability with the Date Class

      • Selected get and set Methods

      • Manipulating a Calendar

      • Comparing Calendars

    • 12.4 The java.text.DateFormat Class

      • Static Factory Methods to Create a Date/Time Formatter

      • Formatting Dates

      • Parsing Strings to Date/Time

      • Managing the Calendar and the Number Formatter

    • 12.5 The java.text.NumberFormat Class

      • Static Factory Methods to Create a Number Formatter

      • Formatting Numbers and Currency

      • Parsing Strings to Numbers

      • Specifying the Number of Digits

    • Review Questions

    • 12.6 String Pattern Matching Using Regular Expressions

      • Regular Expression Fundamentals

      • Escaping Metacharacters

      • The java.util.regex.Pattern Class

      • The java.util.regex.Matcher Class

      • The java.util.Scanner Class

    • Review Questions

    • 12.7 Formatting Values

      • Overview

      • Defining Format Specifiers

      • Conversion Categories and Formatting Conversions

      • Selected Format Exceptions

      • Using the format() Method

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercises

  • 13 Threads

    • 13.1 Multitasking

    • 13.2 Overview of Threads

    • 13.3 The Main Thread

    • 13.4 Thread Creation

      • Implementing the Runnable Interface

      • Extending the Thread Class

    • Review Questions

    • 13.5 Synchronization

      • Locks

      • Synchronized Methods

      • Synchronized Blocks

    • Review Questions

    • 13.6 Thread Transitions

      • Thread States

      • Thread Priorities

      • Thread Scheduler

      • Running and Yielding

      • Sleeping and Waking Up

      • Waiting and Notifying

      • Joining

      • Blocking for I/O

      • Thread Termination

      • Deadlocks

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercises

  • 14 Generics

    • 14.1 Introducing Generics

    • 14.2 Generic Types and Parameterized Types

      • Generic Types

      • Parameterized Types

      • Generic Interfaces

      • Extending Generic Types

      • Raw Types and Unchecked Warnings

    • 14.3 Collections and Generics

    • 14.4 Wildcards

      • The Subtype Covariance Problem with Parameterized Types

      • Wildcard Types

      • Subtype Covariance: ? extends Type

      • Subtype Contravariance: ? super Type

      • Subtype Bivariance: ?

      • Subtype Invariance: Type

      • Some Restrictions on Wildcard Types

    • 14.5 Using References of Wildcard Parameterized Types

      • Generic Reference Assignment

      • Using Parameterized References to Call Set and Get Methods

    • 14.6 Bounded Type Parameters

      • Multiple Bounds

    • Review Questions

    • 14.7 Implementing a Simplified Generic Stack

    • 14.8 Generic Methods and Constructors

      • Generic Method Declaration

      • Calling Generic Methods

    • 14.9 Wildcard Capture

      • Capture Conversion

    • 14.10 Flexibility with Wildcard Parameterized Types

      • Nested Wildcards

      • Wildcard Parameterized Types as Formal Parameters

      • Flexible Comparisons with Wildcards

      • Recursive Bounds

    • 14.11 Type Erasure

      • Bridge Methods

    • 14.12 Implications for Overloading and Overriding

      • Method Signature

      • Implications for Overloading

      • Implications for Overriding

    • 14.13 Limitations and Restrictions on Generic Types

      • Reifiable Types

      • Implications for instanceof operator

      • Implications for Casting

      • Implications for Arrays

      • Implications for Varargs

      • Implications for Exception Handling

      • Implications for Nested Classes

      • Other Implications

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercises

  • 15 Collections and Maps

    • 15.1 Comparing Objects

      • The equals() Method

      • The hashCode() Method

      • The Comparable<E> Interface

      • The Comparator<E> Interface

    • Review Questions

    • 15.2 The Java Collections Framework

      • Core Interfaces

      • Implementations

    • 15.3 Collections

      • Basic Operations

      • Bulk Operations

      • Iterators

      • Array Operations

    • Review Questions

    • 15.4 Sets

      • The HashSet<E> and LinkedHashSet<E> Classes

    • 15.5 The SortedSet<E> and NavigableSet<E> Interfaces

      • The SortedSet<E> Interface

      • The NavigableSet<E> Interface

      • The TreeSet<E> Class

    • 15.6 Lists

      • The ArrayList<E>, LinkedList<E>, and Vector<E> Classes

    • 15.7 Queues

      • The Queue<E> Interface

      • The PriorityQueue<E> and LinkedList<E> Classes

      • The Deque<E> Interface

      • The ArrayDeque<E> and LinkedList<E> Class

    • Review Questions

    • 15.8 Maps

      • Basic Operations

      • Bulk Operations

      • Collection Views

    • 15.9 Map Implementations

      • The HashMap<K,V>, LinkedHashMap<K,V>, and Hashtable<K,V> Classes

    • 15.10 The SortedMap<K,V> and NavigableMap<K,V> Interfaces

      • The SortedMap<K,V> Interface

      • The NavigableMap<K,V> Interface

      • The TreeMap<K,V> Class

    • Review Questions

    • 15.11 Working with Collections

      • Ordering Elements in Lists

      • Searching in Collections

      • Changing Elements in Collections

      • Sorting Arrays

      • Searching in Arrays

      • Creating List Views of Arrays

      • Miscellaneous Utility Methods in the Arrays Class

    • Review Questions

    • Chapter Summary

    • Programming Exercises

  • A: Taking the SCJP 1.6 Exam

    • A.1 Preparing for the Programmer Exam

    • A.2 Registering for the Exam

      • Obtaining an Exam Voucher

      • Signing Up for the Test

      • Contact Information

      • After Taking the Exam

    • A.3 How the Examination Is Conducted

      • The Testing Locations

      • Utilizing the Allotted Time

      • The Exam Program

    • A.4 The Questions

      • Types of Questions Asked

      • Types of Answers Expected

      • Topics Covered by the Questions

    • A.5 Moving on to Other Java Technology Exams

  • B: Objectives for the SCJP 1.6 Exam

  • C: Objectives for the SCJP 1.6 Upgrade Exam

  • D: Annotated Answers to Review Questions

  • E: Solutions to Programming Exercises

  • F: Mock Exam

  • G: Number Systems and Number Representation

    • G.1 Number Systems

      • Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal Number System

      • Converting Binary Numbers to Decimals

      • Converting Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers to Decimals

    • G.2 Relationship between Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal Numbers

    • G.3 Converting Decimals

      • Converting Decimals to Binary Numbers

      • Converting Decimals to Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers

    • G.4 Representing Integers

      • Calculating 2’s Complement

  • Index

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F

    • G

    • H

    • I

    • J

    • K

    • L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • P

    • Q

    • R

    • S

    • T

    • U

    • V

    • W

    • Y

    • Z

Nội dung

[...]... java.util.Calendar Class Static Factory Methods to Create a Calendar Interoperability with the Date Class Selected get and set Methods Manipulating a Calendar Comparing Calendars The java.text.DateFormat Class Static Factory Methods to Create a Date/Time Formatter Formatting Dates Parsing Strings to Date/Time Managing the Calendar and the Number Formatter The java.text.NumberFormat Class Static Factory Methods... Reference Values Passing Arrays Array Elements as Actual Parameters final Parameters Variable Arity Methods Calling a Varargs Method Varargs and Non-Varargs Method Calls The main() Method Program Arguments Review Questions Chapter Summary Programming Exercises 4 Access Control 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Java Source File Structure Packages Defining Packages Using Packages Compiling Code into Packages Running... Relationship 1.7 Class Diagram Depicting Aggregation 2.1 Primitive Data Types in Java Chapter 2 19 3.1 The Event Model Chapter 3 39 3.2 Array of Arrays 3.3 Parameter Passing: Primitive Data Values 3.4 Parameter Passing: Reference Values 3.5 Parameter Passing: Arrays 4.1 Java Source File Structure Chapter 4 103 4.2 Package Hierarchy 4.3 File Hierarchy 4.4 Searching for Classes 4.5 Searching in JAR files... Variables Reference Variables Initial Values for Variables Default Values for Fields Initializing Local Variables of Primitive Data Types Initializing Local Reference Variables Lifetime of Variables Review Questions Chapter Summary Programming Exercise Declarations 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Class Declarations JavaBeans Standard Naming Patterns for Properties Naming Patterns for the Event Model Method Declarations... for Class Members Keywords in Java Reserved Literals in Java Reserved Keywords not Currently in Use Examples of Literals Examples of Decimal, Octal, and Hexadecimal Literals Examples of Character Literals Escape Sequences Examples of Escape Sequence \ddd Range of Integer Values Range of Character Values Range of Floating-Point Values Boolean Values Summary of Primitive Data Types Default Values Parameter... software • The Java programming language has become a lingua franca for programmers all over the world One can draw varied conclusions from these comments One of them is that it is of great importance that programmers working with the Java programming language should be as competent as possible The Java certification program is an important effort aimed at precisely this goal Practitioners looking to. .. Constructors and Members Implicit Static Methods for Enum Types Inherited Methods from the Enum Class Extending Enum Types: Constant-Specific Class Bodies Declaring Typesafe Enums Revisited Review Questions Arrays Declaring Array Variables Constructing an Array Initializing an Array Using an Array Anonymous Arrays Multidimensional Arrays Review Questions Parameter Passing Passing Primitive Data Values Passing... of a Class Declaration Chapter 1 1 1.2 Static Members in Class Declaration 1.3 Defining a Subclass 1.4 An Application 2.1 Default Values for Fields Chapter 2 19 2.2 Flagging Uninitialized Local Variables of Primitive Data Types 2.3 Flagging Uninitialized Local Reference Variables 3.1 A JavaBean Chapter 3 39 3.2 Using the this Reference 3.3 Namespaces 3.4 Using Enums 3.5 Declaring Enum Constructors and... 3.6 Declaring Constant-Specific Class Bodies 3.7 Using Arrays 3.8 Using Anonymous Arrays 3.9 Using Multidimensional Arrays 3.10 Passing Primitive Values 3.11 Passing Reference Values 3.12 Passing Arrays 3.13 Array Elements as Primitive Data Values 3.14 Array Elements as Reference Values 3.15 Calling a Varargs Method 3.16 Passing Program Arguments 4.1 Defining Packages and Using Type Import Chapter 4... Chapter Byte Stream Inheritance Hierarchies 11.2 Stream Chaining for Reading and Writing Binary Values to a File 11.3 Partial Character Stream Inheritance Hierarchies 11.4 Setting up a PrintWriter to Write to a File 11.5 Setting up Readers to read Characters 11.6 Buffered Writers 11.7 Buffered Readers 11.8 Keyboard and Display as Console 11.9 Object Stream Chaining 13.1 Spawning Threads Using a Runnable . Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Mughal, Khalid Azim. A programmer's guide to Java SCJP certification : a comprehensive primer / Khalid A. Mughal,. Parameter Passing 81 Passing Primitive Data Values 82 Passing Reference Values 84 Passing Arrays 86 Array Elements as Actual Parameters 87 final Parameters

Ngày đăng: 14/02/2014, 12:20



