In so doing, itbecomes very important for them to know the basic body structure of the animals they rear.. Since bodystructure is closely related to body function, a knowledge of structu
Trang 11Livestock farmers are constantly striving to improve their actual level of production In so doing, itbecomes very important for them to know the basic body structure of the animals they rear Since bodystructure is closely related to body function, a knowledge of structure and function of an animal's bodywill help farmers to understand clearly how each structure works to produce a particular livestock producte.g meat, milk, eggs This sort of understanding is essential when the farmer's goal is to improve hismanagement practices which would later result in efficient production Hence, the farmer's work would
be concentrated only on those practices which promote good health and comfort for animals so that theycan produce at their maximum levels with minimum cost to their owners
The term "anatomy" refers to the science concerned with the form, structure and spatial relationships ofliving organisms In this chapter two aspects of the anatomy of farm animals will be presented the grossanatomy and the systemic anatomy
The gross anatomy
The gross anatomy deals with the relative positions of various body parts with emphasis on the externalfeatures of an animal's body In addition to the popular
classes of livestock, reference will also be made to fish and bees Morphology relates to the form andstructure of an organism
A knowledge of morphology will help farmers to:
select breeding stock,
give to the veterinary surgeon or livestock officer oral descriptions on the exact position of injury orabnormality of the body,
identify correct positions on the animal's body for administering injections,
give precise reports to the Artificial Inseminator,
comment accurately on body conformation at Animal Shows or Livestock Sales,
classify animals according to breeds and types, for example, for an animal to be registered as member
of a particular breed, it must show the external features
Trang 28Fig 1.14
a) The respiratory system of the fowl
b) The structure of the lung and alveoli
c) The process of gaseous exchange in an alveolus
Energy required for the operation of all body processes is obtained during respiration Respiration
involves breathing and the chemical breakdown of simple sugar within the cells to produce energy Studythis chemical formula
All livestock consume food so as to supply their bodies with nutrients for normal growth and bodydevelopments For this goal to be achieved food ingested needs to be physically broken down into much
Trang 4938- i
Revision exercises – Natomy and physiology of farm animals
1 What are some key points one should know about morphology?
2 List three (3) dorsal position of a fish
3 What are the basic body positions of an animal?
4 a Describe the position of the Kidney
b Identify the components of the abdominal cavity
5 What are the components of the excretory organs?
6 Why should farmers be aware of the body systems?
7 List four (4) joints that can be found in an animal’s body
8 a In relation to the nervous system, the brain is described as?
b Describe how a response action occur
9 Why is respiration necessary?
10 Trace the movements of food from the mouth to the rectum
11 Which are the digestive organs that make the fowl different from the pigs?
12 How many teeth a Rabbit should have?
13 Which compartment is the true stomach in ruminants?
14 What is the function of the reticulum?
15 What is the major source of protein for ruminants?
16 What percentage of moisture is reabsorbed in the animal’s body?
17 What causes normal addition of body tissues?
18 Why are chromosomes important?
19 How do farm animals grow?
20 When fat is added to the body of animal
21 Why is sexual reproduction important?
22 What hinders rate of reproduction?
23 Sate the groups of farm animals
24 Differentiate between reproduction in birds and mammals
25 What are gametes?
26 What is cryptorchism?
27 What produces sperms?
28 a States the functions of the Cowper’s gland
b Describe the prepuce
29 Describe graafian follicles
30 Give the function of the vagina
Trang 7260- i
Revision exercises – Animal nutrition
1 What are the classifications of starch?
2 Describe what are Essential Amino acids.
3 What are two sources of calcium?
4 How can you determine the presence of manganese in an animal?
5 Why iodine is essential in the diet of animals.
6 What sources of food is required in a high proportion by animals?
7 Define fodder.
8 How additives are beneficial in the diet of animals?
9 How antibiotics help in the health of animals?
10 Identify the types of ration.
11 What cause an animal to consume much of the food that is provided?
12 What are the classifications of pasture?
Trang 86and sperm viability It is then diluted and extended with egg yolk, pasteurized, homogenized milk, citrate
or glycerol up to twenty (20) times the original volume
Storage of Semen
Diluted semen is placed in smaller receptacles (straws) and then stored in carbon dioxide cabinets at173°C One straw may contain up to 25cc of semen
Inseminating the cow
The operator carries out the following in the process of inseminating:
washes and disinfects his hands
inserts the left hand into a plastic glove which covers the arm, up to the shoulder
lubricates the glove to facilitate easy entry of the hand into the rectum
collects a straw of semen from the flask
the gloved hand in the rectum is used to locate the cervix of the reproductive tract
Fig 39 Inseminating a cow
Advantages of artificial insemination
Artificial insemination has many benefits:
Sperms from selected hulls can be transferred from miles away
Semen can be preserved long after the bulls are dead
The spread of venereal disease can be minimized
The cost of keeping a bull on the farm is not incurred
A large number of females can be bread from one ejaculation
There are some disadvantages:
The operator may not be skilled and can damage the genital tract
Insanitary practices can cause infection of the genital tract
Non-detection of heat by the farmer can result in had timing on the part of the inseminator
Trang 87Insemination Procedure
The most common AI method used on cattle is called the rectovaginal technique With this technique,the technician inserts a disposable catheter containing thawed semen into the vagina and guides it intothe cervix with a gloved hand inserted into the cow's rectum Because the vaginal walls are made up
of thin muscle, he can easily feel the catheter through the wall between the rectum and vagina
He passes the catheter through the cervix into the uterus and slowly deposits part of the semen, thendeposits the rest into the cervix as he withdraws the catheter This process may be repeated later to
decrease the chance of conception failure
Embryo Transfer
This technique involves the collection of fertilized eggs (embryos) from high producing cows and
transferring them to other cows The donor cow is treated with
hormones to induce ovulation Several eggs are produced and the cows are then bred naturally or byartificial insemination with sperms from superior bulls
After one week, the fertilized eggs are removed from the donor They are immediately transferred to othercows (surrogates) or are frozen at -196°C for future use
Trinidad is known to have made use of this system by importing embryo from the U.S.A
A good cow should calve once every year Reproduction requires that the following
conditions are met
Puberty - sexual maturity of both male and female
Oestrous or heat - readiness of the female for the male
Oestrous cycle - interval between two oestrous
Ovulation - shedding of eggs by the ovary in the female
Ejaculation- shedding of sperms in the vagina by the male
Fertilization - union of the sperm and egg in the female reproductive tract
Conception - union of the fertilized egg unto the wall of the uterus (placentation)
Pregnancy Gestation - period of development of the foetus in the uterus or womb
Trang 108These animals feed on a wide range of forage and can survive where little herbage is available They therefore are ideal for our conditions in this region where lush pastures are not readily available.
Types and breeds
Fig 4 3 Sheep breeds
Sheep belong to the group of animals known as Ovidae, while goats belong to the group called Capra.Like cows they are ruminants and can be classified into three types basically
There are: wool type and meat type and milk type
Some breeds of sheep are
Barbados Black Belly
Black-headed Persian
Fig 4.4 Goat Breeds
1 Mouth 2 Muzzle 3 Nostril 4 Forehead
9 Shoulder 10 Top of Shoulder 11 Back 12 Ribs
13 Belly 14 Fore leg 15 Dew claw 16 Hoof
21 Hock 22 Hind leg 23 Tail 24 Hip
25 Loin 26 Fore Flank 27 Rear Flank 28.Horn
Trang 109Barbados Black Belly: This breed was developed in Barbados Its hair is reddish brown with
conspicuous black on the sides extending to the lower part of the legs There are also black points on theface The ears point forward and are black with
white margins
Both male and female are polled The rams have a characteristic mane extending from the neck to thebrisket This is a very prolific breed and breeding can take place twice per year
The breed is known for giving birth to twins
The Black Head Persian: This breed originated in Somalia (Africa) and was introduced into the
It is a large fat-rumped sheep having a pale coat with a fine woolly under coat Its colour is white or lightbrown except for the head, neck and feet which are dark brown to black It is polled with long legs, semi-lopped ears and a well developed dewlap The tip of the tail is thin
Trang 1411 2.
Trang 142 The Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory
The Weed Herbarium Laboratory
The Soil Chemistry Laboratory
The Plant Pathology Laboratory
The Seed Technology Laboratory
Entomology Laboratory
Soil Survey Laboratory
Field Equipment Maintenance Laboratory
Hosororo, agricultural Station
Ebini Livestock Station
St Ignatius Livestock Station
Central Horticultural Station – Atkinson Field
Coastal Plains Field Research Unit at Burma (1984)
Coastal Plains Field Research Uint at Mahicony
Intermediate Savannahs Field Research Unit at Ebini
Coconut Seed Garden (1986)
Trang 143Burma Branch
This is basically the research on rice for the production of improved and resistant varieties
Ebini Branch
A research centre in operation for the propagation of selected crops in the Interme- diate Savannahs
Local marketing institution
The New Guyana Marketing Corporation was the Guyana Marketing Corporation which was formed in
1963 This included the Ham and Bacon Factory, the Fish Marketing Centre, the Processing Factory, theMilk Pasteurization Plant and Produce Depots
This corporation handled the transportation, storage, packaging and communication of highly perishableproducts of variable quality, which were graphically dispersed Today because of many difficulties thiscorporation was forced to change course
However it was felt that the Government needed to have a more indirect role in the marketing of traditional agricultural produce This brought about the formation of a New Marketing Corporation with anew strategy This new corporation is the government agency for improving market access and forproviding market intelligence It is responsible for the collection, analysis and dissemination of marketinformation In addition to this, the corporation analyses market performance It recommends to
non-Government, ways to reduce transportation cost and to increase processing of agricultural produce Theimprovement of grading, packaging and storage is an essential area of additional responsibility since itaddresses the issue of losses owing to post-harvest handling
This corporation co-ordinates the activities of the domestic and overseas
markets by performing the following functions:
Establishing a non-stop desk, thereby reducing the eleven steps involved in the
export of fresh fruits and vegetables, to a basic minimum
Inspecting and approving the quality of produce taken to an export
Identifying and documenting for use by potential exporters, the specific export
Trang 145suitable recommendations
The Agricultural Credit Department is located in each of the ten Administrative Regions It deals withcredit for the farmers with small projects
Trang 171BANANA
Botanical name: Musa acuminata
Family: Musaceae
Origins and importance of banana as a food crop
Banana is one of the most fascinating and important of all crops It is a large monocotyledonous herb thatoriginated in Southeast Asia Virtually all of the cultivars that are grown are thought to have been selected
as naturally occurring hybrids in this region by the earliest of farmers It is believed that banana was one
of the first crops to be domesticated by man
Despite the current, clear understanding of its ancestry, the edible bananas’ origins are often confused inthe literature Almost all the 300 or more cultivars that are known arose from two seeded, diploid species,
Musa acuminate Cola and M balbisiana Colla, they are diploid, triploid and tetraploid hybrids a mong
subspecies of M.acuminata, and between M acuminate and M.balbisiana.
Conventionally, the haploid contributions of the respective species to the cultivars are noted with A and
B for example, the Cavendish cultivars that are the mainstays of the export trades are pure triploid
acuminate and, thus, AAA The Limean species M paradisia (the AAB plantains) and M.sapientum (the
sweet dessert bananas, of which silk AAB is the type cultivar) are invalid and no longer used
Women selling fruit of Dwarf Cavendish AAA and Pisang awak ABB
Banana is now one of the most popular of all fruits Although it is viewed as only a dessert or an addition
to breakfast cereal in most developed countries, it is actually a very important agricultural product Afterrice, wheat and milk, it is the fourth most valuable food In export, it ranks fourth among all agriculturalcommodities and is the most significant of all fruits, with world trade totaling $ 2.5 billion annually Yet,only 10% of the annual global output of 86 million tons entries international commerce Much of theremaining harvest is consumed by poor subsistence farmers in tropical Africa, America and Asia Formost of the latter producers, banana and plantain (which is a type of banana) are staple foods that
represent major dietary sources of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins A, B6 and C, and potassium, phosphorusand calcium
Trang 172Banana plants grow well in the following:
Rich, dark fertile soils
Lots of mulch and organic matter LOTS Just keep piling it on
Lot of nitrogen and potassium (Chicken manure)
Steady warmth, not too hot and not too cold (Bananas are sissies when it comes to temperatures.)
Steady moisture, in the ground and in the air
The shelter of other bananas That’s the most overlooked aspect by home growers
However the crop will not thrive well in the following:
Strong winds
Extreme heat or cold
Being hungry or thirsty
Being alone and exposed
However do bananas grow?
Bananas aren’t real trees, not even palm trees, even though they are often called banana palms Bananasare perennial herbs Gingers, heliconias and bird-of-paradise flowers are distant relatives of bananas.They are in the same order, Zingiberales
Banana trunks consist of all the leaf stalks wrapped around each other New leaves start growing inside,below the ground They push up through the middle and emerge from the centre of the crown So does theflower, which finally turns into a bunch of bananas