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Plane wave born collision strengths for electron ion excitation comparison with other theoretical methods

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— 7- - A — -A : , , ,,— AISAffiitfve Action/Equal @pOCtUSdty EIlS@3yCS Thisworkwassupported bytheUS Department ofEnergy, OffIce ofMagnetic Fusion Energy DISCLAIMER TM report waspepared as an account of work sponsoredby an agencyof the UnitedStztti Covcrnment Neitherthe UrdtedStatcaGovernmentnor any agencythermf, nor any of their employea, maka any warranty,expre= or implied,or assumesany legalliabifityor responsibilityfor the accuracy,completeness, or uscfu!oesaof any information,apparatus, product, or procmadisclosed,or reprcaentsthat its use would not infringeprivatelyowned rights Reference hereinto any speciIiccomrciaf product, process,or serviceby trade mme, trademark, manufacturer,or otherwise,docs not newsarily constitute or imply ita endorscmeru,recommendation,or favoringby the United States Governmentor any agencythereof The viewsand ophdonaof authors expressedherefndo not necessarilystate or reflect those of the United Statca Governmentor any agencythweof LA-10192-MS UC-34a Issued:September1984 Plane-Wave BornCollisionStrengths for Electron-Ion Excitation: Comparisonwith Other Theoretical Methods R E H.Clark L A Collins , — .- , - ., - A m— - — - — — - ,m - — ~~~~k)~~~ LosAlamos National Laboratory LosAlamos,NewMexico875.5 +-—- - PLANE-WAVE BORN COLLISION STRENGTHS FOR ELECTRON-IONEXCITATION:COMPARISON WITH OTHER THEORETICALMETHODS by R E H Clark and L A Collins ABSTRACT Collision rates and strengths for electron-impact excitation of atomic ions are calculated in the approximation using Born plane-wave (PWB) Cowan and the programs of Robb Two modifications of the PWB, which correct for the ionic investigated distorted threshold Comparison is and wave behavior, made with are the Coulcanb-Born-exchange techniques I INTRODUCTION The plane-wave Born (PWB) approximation~ provides a simple, economical means of generating collision strengths for electronic excitationsin atoms and ions due to electron impact Since plane waves are employed and exchange effects are neglected, the method is strictly applicable only at high energies for spin-allowedtransitions However, in practice, the PWB collision strengths are in reasonable agreement ( o o.2- ,!2’”0 / / / // / 11 0.1- ; I I 0.0 Id v I 1 I 1I Id x Fig I FeXXIII 2s2 – 2s2p 1P +# : - + * -•.+ 1.2 1.( + ++ + , /’ / / - +- -k -+ - 000 /’ 8’% -@_*- -e 0° o /’0 O(J O.E o / / ~ ~ + ().6 I u I I /t 1’ f’ i 0.4 I I I i 0.2 O.c D I I I I I 1I 1 Id 1 I I I 1t I r Id x Fig llb 0.0225 FeXXIll 2s2 – 2s2p 3P 1 I 1 t I 1I I 1 o.02000.01754) a o.o150- - 6“4 4- -; + “ o 4“ +” o ●@ +*O.oloo o + ~“ o +* fl + , 0.0075- , + + + ,,~ o ) o ,9’ o 0.oo50,/’ / / 0.0025 - ,If I 0.0000 I I I I I I I I 1 0.0125- c l(f “8”+ v 1 r 1I ld Fig 12a 21 FeXXIII I 0.9 2s2 – 292P 3P & 1 1 1 I I 0.8- I Alr 0.7,+” +” ~ / ,+-0 0.6- I # e - ’ ~“~””” /v ‘ o o o g o.5- ~ o.4- >“’+ +.0 + /’ o + ,’ + ,“ o ,/ + o ++ // o 0 ,0’ // / / / 1/ } 0.34I 0.2 0.1- ,: I 0.0 o 1 1 1I I I I o Id Id 1 I 1I ld x Fig 12b FeXXIII 2s2 – 2s3s 1S I 0.019 I 1 1I t A + ++ AA 15@ +; AA A AAA AAA 0.018- I I 1 [ ih $ A o.o17- A A o.o160 c 0.o15- 0 0.014 -! t + o + o.o13- 0.o12- 00 0.011 l(i’ 00 1 I 1 1t I I ld x Fig 13a 22 I I I 1 I 11 Id FeXXIII 2s2 – 2s3s 1S 1.05 1 I A A I I I A A A AAA A A A A 1.00 AA + + t A A ‘F + + + o + + 0.95 I + + + + ++ 0 o 0.80 0.75 0 0 0.70 r I Id’ I I Id I 1 1 r x Fig 13b N ‘o n FeXXIII 2s2 – 2s3s 1S RATE COEFFICIENT 18.0 A A 16.0 + + 14.0 + 12.0 10.0 E ; 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 O.a i 1.0 I 2.0 I 3.0 I 4.0 I 5.0 T (eV) 8.0 I 7.0 I 8.0 I 9.0 ,0 *1(? Fig 13c 23 0.10 FeXXIII 2s2 – 2s3p 1P 1 1 1t I I 1 I 1t () o.09e 0.08‘0.07 0.06 - c 0.00 1(Y e 1 I 1 1I 10’ x 1 1 11 l(f Fig 14a 2.2 ~ h t I I 1 FeXXIII 2s2 – 2s3p 1P I I 1I I 1 1 I 1! 2.0- 1.o0.80 0.6 l(f 1 I 1 1I 10’ x Fig 14b 24 I I I Ir , FeXXIII 2s2 – 2s3p 1P RATE COEFFICIENT I 1 t I I I i + + I A 20.0 + + + + + 5.0 0.0 + L ,0 I I 1.0 2.0 I 3.0 I I I 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 — I 8.0 9.0 10.0 T (eV) “It? Fig 14c 0.045 FeXXIII 2s2 – 2s3p 3P 1 I 1I1 # 1 1 11 A 0.040 0.035 0.030 0.025 c 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 P I I I I I 1 I r I Id x Fig 15a 25 1.3 1.2 A A A FeXXIII 2s2 – 2s3p 3P 1 1 11 1 A A A + + + + + A + A + A A A A A + + + + + 1 1II A + o o + o o o o 0 o o 0.8 0 0.7 r I’r ‘ -766x — I 1- 1 I I r Fig 15b 0.055 / FeXXIII 2s2 – 2s3d ID 1 I 1 1I # 1 I I t1 AA 0.050 0.045 + + 0.040 c + + + + ++A +1 + + A A *+:;&@@ o 0.035 0 0.030 0.025 o.0200.015 ~ Id I I I I I 11 lx)’ Fig 16a I I 1 1 11 1 2.4 FeXXIII 2s2 – 2s3d ID t I 1 1I 1 1 I 1I 2.2 2.0 + 1.8 g + o + 1.4 + 1.2 o + o A 1.0 0.8 + A A A - P “~ 1 t v I I I I 10’ I x Fig 16b N ‘o + * FeXXIII 2s2 – 2s3d 1 I I + + + 45.0 40.0 ID RATE COEFFICIENT I I I + + 35.0 + o 30.0 + 15.0 + 10.0 5.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 T (eV) 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 ] *12 Fig 16c 27 AIIV 2Pe – 2p53s ‘P “.’~ ,e’ / o.!50.4- c 0.3/ o.2+ + 0.1- 0.0 - 00’ Id’ I I I 1 1I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1I 1(f Id x Fig 17 AIIV 2p6 – 2p53s 3P 0.07 1 t 1 1I I 11 0.06 - 0.05- 0.04- c 0.03- 0.02 - 0.01~, b 0.00 “a~ Id +0 ,0 Mo + :’ o b :,N” O /’ 1 I I Id 1 1I x Fig 18 1(J FeXVII 0.035 2p” – 2ps3s 1P 1 1 sI 1 1 I I I r I1 Id 1 I I 1I1 1 I I I 11 0.030 0.025 0.020 c 0.015 0.010 + 0.0057 , 0.000 “0” I 1(Y x Fig 19a FeXVII 3.0 2pe – 2p53s 1P 1 1 11I #8 2.5 2.0 g ~ + 1.5 o + z o + & 1.0 /-0 - /“ //0 0.5 ++ - -+ * - +-.+ 0+- l!i-er-e-+-.-+-*00 00° 00 t“ I t 0.0 I I I u 1 I y 1 I I 1 r ~ Fig 19b 29 FeXVII 2p* – 2p53s3P 1 I I 1I 1 0.030 t t I I I I b I 0.025 0.020 c 0.015 0.010 ‘“oo’w;’o ~ 0.000} 1 r I 1 Id I Id 1 r 1 x Fig 20a FeXVII 2p6 - 2pg3s 3P 1.2 ++ 1.0 o ,/’ 0.8 ,~ o“ / o o / o f It If If I 0.4 0.2 0.0 11 It I I P I 1 I 1 i Id x Fig 20b 30 I I 1 1 FeXVI 3s – 3p 8.0 7.0 6.0 /+ “ +“ !5.0c 4.03.0 ‘ ‘+ 00 2.0- ++ //’ “ ,0‘ o / //“ 1’ 1.o- I: I t 0.0 Id’ I I 1I I Id I I I 1 I I 11 I 1 I I I x Fig 21 FeXVI 0.12 3s – 4s 1 I 1 I 11 1 1I 0.10 0 0.08 + o o 9“0 o c /“ 0.06 0.04 1“ If I 0.02 0.00 I t I t’ I I I I I r I I Fig 22 1 I r TiX 3s23p – 3s3p22D I 9.0 I 1 I I I # t 8.0- 1 1 + 7.0+ c 6.0- 5.0- 4.0+ t 3.0 I I I I ld x I I I Id I I I I r 11 Id Fig 23 TiX 3S23P – 3s23d 2D I 1 1 1 11 35.0 1 1 t 1t I + 30.0 + 25.0 c 20.0 P I I 1 1 1 I 10’ x Fig 24 32 1 I 1 1 ~ ; , -1 - — ! I 1 ,“ - t ,, , - I i i P I JI Range PW : 001.02s 026-050 051-075 076.100 101.125 126.150 , ,~ Nns Code Price A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 A07 , WJIIIUI NTIS for ● pricequote ,- J ,, ’ - — ,, Page IIh— I lge 151.175 -7 176.200 201-225 226.250 251-27S 276300 * I Lod!lliams ... ~~~~k)~~~ LosAlamos National Laboratory LosAlamos,NewMexico875.5 +-—- - PLANE- WAVE BORN COLLISION STRENGTHS FOR ELECTRON- IONEXCITATION :COMPARISON WITH OTHER THEORETICALMETHODS by R E H Clark... agencythweof LA-10192-MS UC-34a Issued:September1984 Plane- Wave BornCollisionStrengths for Electron- Ion Excitation: Comparisonwith Other Theoretical Methods R E H.Clark L A Collins , — .- , -... ABSTRACT Collision rates and strengths for electron- impact excitation of atomic ions are calculated in the approximation using Born plane- wave (PWB) Cowan and the programs of Robb Two modifications

Ngày đăng: 28/06/2018, 11:00