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TEST 21 Date : ………………………………… * REWRITE THE SENTENCES: 1. It’s common knowledge that he has been in prison several times.  He is known 2. “ I hate to be criticized by non-professionals,” , the film star said. The film star objected . 3. She can’t get into the habit of studying every evening.  She can’t get used 4. I regret not paying much attention to the lecture.  I wish 5. Perhaps I didn’t get a better job because I didn’t study hard enough .  I might 6. Please don’t mention it again.  I’d rather 7. Ms. Quyen began teaching Chinese ten years ago.  Ms. Quyen has 8. We haven’t visited the museum before.  This is 9. Peter missed the train because he woked up too late.  If Peter 10. The robber forced the cashier to hand over the money.  The cashier 11. The remark was so unexpected that she didn’t know what to say.  It was 12. You’re the worst guitarist in the world.  No 13. It was a waste of time writing that letter.  I needn’t 14. “Let’s check everything once more” ,said the main in chief.  The man in chief . 15. Although the fish appears to be harmless, it is quite dangerous.  Contrary 16. The students really appreciate the teacher’s sense of humor. What 17. It is acknowledged that Vietnam had a complete control over SARS from a very early stage of the epidemic.  Vietnam is 18. He didn’t remember anything about it , and neither did she.  He forgot 19. We couldn’t have managed it if our father hadn’t encouraged us.  If it 20. I wish I had applied for that job.  It is a pity regret that 21. The storm completely wiped out all my crop.  I’ve 22. Her hobby is one thing that she doesn’t intend to give up. She has 23. Why didn’t I take up his offer of a job.  I wish 24. It was overeating that caused his heart attack. If 25. You should make an effort to get out and about more. It’s high time 26. We can say that the leisure industry will be the money spinner of the future. The leisure industry 27. I left the bike outside the house last night and this morning it isn’t there any more.  I should 28. He was foolish . He left the firm.  It was 29. “You’d better go to the doctor if you’ve got a pain in your back, Anna”  Henry suggested 30. They recommended opening new factories in the depressed area.  They recommended that 31. Without this treatment , the patient would have died. If it 32. The dress was not long enough for the little girl to wear.  It was 33. What a beautiful collection of stamps you have!  How ! 34. I was surprised to find that there was a stranger in my house.  To my 35. His classmates did not like him because of his bad behaviour.  If . 36. Peter has tried to repaired the machine no matter how long it takes.  However 37. We were very surprised to learn that Michael Faraday had very little schooling.  The fact . 38. We were in disagreement with what you said.  We didn’t 39. I have never heard such an exciting story like this before. This is 40. It is three years since I last write to her.  I TEST 21 Date : ………………………………… MODEL TEST I/ Choose the best answer (10ms) 1. I could tell from the look on her face that something terrible a. frighting/was happened b.frightening/ had happened c.frighted/would happen d. frightened/happened 2. Chemists have come to understand the complex molecules … a. on that life depends b. on which life depends c. that life depends d. which life depends 3. Mary was sacked , wasn’t surprising. a. that b. for that c. which d. for which 4. The doctor recommended a. my father that to eat more fish and not to drink wine b. my father that eating more fish and no drinking wine c. that my father eat more fish and not drink wine d. that my father eating more fish and not drinking wine he is 5. The first explorer California by land was Jedediah Smith. a. reach b. reached c. reaching d. who reaching 6. In recent years , the number of people going to the cinema . down dramatically. a. has fallen b. has been fallen c. have fallen d. have been fallen 7. What all of us this man is his excellent command of English. a. admire about b. admire in c.admire d. admiring 8. He rushed into the burning, was very brave of him. a. that b. which c. what d. where 9. you revise your lessons carefully , you’ll never pass your driving test. a. If b. provided c. If only d. Unless 10. He took over the family’s business after his graduation. a. acquired knowledge b. made allowances for c. used up d. assumed responsibility II/ Pronunciation: (5ms) 11. a. distribute b.tribe c.triangle d.trial 12. a. ruin b. cruise c. bruise d. suit 13. a. bargain b. attain c. remain d. gain 14 a. thread b. feather c. ahead d. mean 15. a. precious b. precise c. face d. citizen 16. a. technology b. architect c. headache d. machinery 17. a.rose b.house c.mouse d.practise 18. a.along b.area c.attract d.aware 19. a.surface b.face c.facial d.facing 20.a. university b. unique c. unit d. undo III/ Word formation: (20ms) 21. The scheme looked good on paper but in practice it proved to be .(WORK) 22. Even in the rain the was spectacular. (SCENE) 23. As a doctor she wants to about child health. (SPECIAL) 24. Burning coal is an ---------- way of heating a house.Gas is much cheaper. (ECONOMY) 25. There are very few -------------- places left on earth. Man has been nearly everywhere.(EXPLORE) 26. Since he became a technical teacher, he has done his job with ---------- . (ENTHUSIASTIC) 27. I prefer natural water to other soft drinks.I believe in its--------- . (PURE) 28. Recently ……… have become extremely worried about the world’s 29. population.(SCIENCE) 30. Unfortunately, the natural resources are becoming ……… for the support of the increasing population.(ADEQUATE) IV/ Complete the passage:( 20ms) One thing about London (31) every visitor from abroad admires is the large number of parks. They are lungs of (32) which are like green islands of peace and quiet in the (33) of a noisy sea . They (34) an important part in helping to form the city’s character. The best known (35) are , of course, the central ones : St James’s Park, Hyde Park, Regent’s Park, and Kensington Gardens which have many (36) . Hyde Park has the Serpentine, a little lake, which is a good place (37) swimming or rowing , and Speakers’ Corner where one may get up and say anything (or almost anything!) one pleases. In Regent’s Park there are the zoo and the Open-Air Theathre. Kensington Gardens (38) the Round Pond which is used by “dry land sailors” of all ages to sail every kind of model yacht . St James’s Park boasts a truly elegant lake (39) which live a great variety of wild ducks and , apart from these individual attractions, each park has a greater or lesser expanse of well- kept grass . Here , in fine weather , can be seen hundreds of lucky people who have escaped for a while (40) the noise and bustle of the town , some sitting on chairs, some lying full length on the ground, some strolling aimlessly around. V/ Rewrite the sentences: (20ms) 41. It’s common knowledge that The 22 nd SEA GAMES were held in Vietnam successfully  The 22 nd SEA GAMES were 42. I regret not traveling to Ha noi with my father last year.  I wish 43. Ms. Quyen began teaching Mathematics in this school two years ago.  Ms. Quyen has TEST 21 Date : ………………………………… 44. The students really appreciate the teacher’s sense of humor. What . 45. We couldn’t have managed it if our father hadn’t helped us.  If it 46. Her hobby is one thing that she doesn’t intend to give up. She has 47. You should make an effort to get out and about more. It’s high time 48. I was surprised to find that there was a stranger in my house.  To my 49. His classmates did not like him because of his bad behaviour.  If 50. We were very surprised to learn that Michael Faraday had very little schooling.  The fact VI/ Make sentences: (15ms) 51. Clean air/ provide/ us / healthy supply / oxygen.  52. When wastes / poured/ the atmosphere ,/ air/ become/ contaminated /unpleasant/ breathe  . 53. Water vapour / carbon dioxide / occur/ air naturally.  54. A large amount /air pollution/ cities /come/ source other / industry , / mainly automobiles ,/ home heating,/ garbage disposal.  55. Vehicles / account/ air pollution / cities.  56. Automobile exhaust/ some industrial processes /contain carbon monoxide, / odourless gas /not be seen / tasted.  57. Nitric oxide / another tail – pipe emission / highly poisonous /sometimes change/ even more dangerous nitrogen dioxide.  58. Lead and smoke / emitted/ engine exhausts / tiny partisles.  59. Smog – originally a combination of smoke and fog – also occur/ atmosphere / nitrogen oxides / organic gases combine/ influence / sunlight.  60. photochemical smog/ commonly found / most major cities / there / large concentrations / industry / automobiles .  VII/ Answer the questions: (10ms) The State of California , is famous for its traffic problem . We've all seen television pictures of Los Angeles during the evening rush hour . Too many cars want to use the roads and motorways at the same time . Scientists who have been trying to solve these problems for several years now have suggested various solutions , such as two-storey motorways . Not surprisingly , people rejected this idea because of the damage it would cause to the environment . Now the scientists have thought of another solution . They want cars on motorways to be controlled by. computers instead of human beings . If their plan goes ahead , cars will travel on special lanes at 100 km ph , just one metre from each other . Because the cars are under the control of a computer , drivers will be able to take their hands off the steering wheel and sit back and read newspapers . They won't even need to look where they are going . The cars will travel along the motorways in groups of twenty and there will be a gap of 100 metres between these groups . It might sound dangerous ,but apparently, if there is a crash or if the computer fails , it will actually be safer for the cars to be close together Although the technology is ready , the system will not start operating on public road until the year 2005 . 61. What is the state of California famous for ?  62. What can we see on TV ?  63. What have scientists been trying to do ?  64. Why did people reject this idea ?  65. What solution have scientists thought of ?  66. What will happen if the plan goes ahead ?  67. What will the drivers be able to do ?  68. How will the cars travel ?  69. What will happen if there is a crash or if the computer fails?  70. Will the system start operating in the year 2005?  . 39. I have never heard such an exciting story like this before. This is . or rowing , and Speakers’ Corner where one may get up and say anything (or almost anything!) one pleases. In Regent’s Park there are the zoo and the Open-Air

Ngày đăng: 06/08/2013, 01:26

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