RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction The dissertation’s aim is finding the solutions to improvepaymentcardmarketingactivitiesofVietinbankofficeinHanoi Therefore, the dissertation’s content is about analyzing data and marketing strategies of the bank and the office to see the strong points, weak points and finding the problems From those problems, the writer will base on the current situation of the office and paymentcard market to search for solutions The data, which the researcher uses in this dissertation, consists of both secondary and primary data The research method is very useful in gaining practical understanding The research is looking carefully not only into the current situation of the office and the bank but also the past information The writer will use mostly qualitative analysis in this dissertation The writer goes with the procedure step-by-step: collecting data and then analyze them to gather information from them Besides, through charts, data, information from documents, journals… the writer also try to express the finding and discussions that the research refers 3.2 Secondary research The secondary research will refer the marketing strategies ofVietinbankin general and Vietinbank main officeinHanoiin particular The latest data also was collected and presented in this stage The secondary data of this dissertation is from the annual financial statement of Vietinbank, the main officein Hanoi’s annual-payment-card- situation reports Besides, the data from the other banks’ annual financial statements were also used to compare with Vietinbank data Other sources of this kind data were from journals and internet sources Secondary data may have some disadvantages First, the data may be not update with the current state of research objectives The data may be late with the current time for a year Second, some of secondary data may be quite sensitive because it cannot be announced widely or publicized However, the accurate and consistence of secondary data still has much credit because of their sources From the data, we can figure out the current state of the bank and the office 3.2.1 Internal data and Vietinbank profile The dissertation used data from Vietinbank annual financial statements and the office’s reports ofpaymentcard business The data was used in accordance with the bank policies and the approval of the bank and the office The dissertation also did consider and respect the ethical principles 3.2.2 Competitor banks To have the comparison between Vietinbank and other banks paymentcard business, the writer also used the data from the bank competitors ofVietinbank like Techcombank, Agribank The data was taken from the annual financial statements and others reports in accordance with those banks’ policies 3.2.3 Books Books are the important sources for this dissertation The theory from the books is the background for the analysis in this research Books also provide the systematic data and help the writer connect the findings from analyzing quantitative data The writer used some theory ofpaymentcard and bank marketing from this source The biggest advantage from books is most of the theories were proved by many researches and practical experiments The dissertation can find more examples that are practical, which suit with those theories easier Therefore, the dissertation also is more convincing with those examples 3.2.4 Journals/ Magazines Journals/ magazines can be easy found on daily life and Internet However, the accurate of this source is not as reliable as books or internal data, the journals can also have many personal opinions of their authors Therefore, the writer must be cautious when choosing the data for this dissertation The writer used Leeds Metropolitan University Business Database, where many reliable Electronic Journals can be found for consulting like Financial Times or Business Management Journals… These are the reliable sources with credit and available access with Leeds Metropolitan University Business Database 3.2.5 Internet This source is easiest for searching data and information There are quite much advantages of this source The information on Internet is very up-to-date and diversified Besides, the convenient and efficient of this source are obvious The writer also found many Vietinbankmarketing information from this source However, like journals and magazines, the data must be cautious because the reliability of this source is very low The writer must make sure the information is taken from the reputable, official and scholar websites 3.3 Primary data The primary data the writer used in this dissertation is the results of the two surveys, which the writer conducted with the participations of 50 Vietinbank and non-Vietinbank customers The surveys were conducted with 50 photocopies of the questionnaires were sent and the writer would collect the answer sheets from the customers With the list of the surveys’ questionnaires can be found in Appendix 2, the writer tried the best to carry out all the characteristics ofpaymentcard products and their marketingactivities This method can help the writer collects the opinions of the mass, have the comparison between the competitors and figure out the characteristics ofpaymentcard market and consumers The data that was collected from those surveys is very valuable Designing the questionnaire for the surveys required many skills and experience The writer must consult many surveys that addressed the similar subjects With the help of supervisor, Mr Snyder, the writer design the questionnaire focus on the opinions of customers about the products’ features, functions; the banks’ services and marketingactivities Because of some difficulties that the writer will mention in the Conclusion and Learning Statement, the scale of the two surveys is quite small There are only 25 Vietinbank customers and 25 non-Vietinbank customers participated in the surveys There are 15 questions for each kind of customers The content of those questions was designed not only to collect data but also the opinions of customers for the marketingactivities improvement The ethic is also very important with the surveys The writer has enclosed the Local level approval: postgraduate research project, low risk project involving human participants in the last appendix with the dissertation proposal 3.4 Quantitative data and Qualitative data These are two main methods in approaching and carry out the goal of the dissertation They are Quantitative research and Qualitative research According to Bryman and Bell (2007) 1, “quantitative research can be construed as a research strategy that emphasizes quantification in the collection and analysis of data and that: entails a deductive approach to the relationship between theory and research, in which the accent is placed on the testing of theories; has incorporated the practices and norms of the natural scientific model and of positivism in particular; and embodies a view of social reality as an external, objective reality” Qualitative research also was described as “can be construed as a research strategy that usually emphasizes words rather than quantification in the collection and analysis of data and that: predominantly emphasizes an inductive approach to the relationship between theory and research, in which the emphasis is placed on the generation of theories; has rejected the practices and norms of the natural scientific model and of positivism in particular in preference for an emphasis on the ways in which individuals interpret their social world; and embodies a view of social reality as a constantly shifting emergent property of individuals’ creation” The writer tried the best to develop all the data and information that were collected from those research methods The secondary data analysis will contain the analysis of both quantitative data and qualitative data 3.5 Data analysis The data analysis in this dissertation consists of mostly qualitative analysis With the data and information that were taken from the survey and Vietinbankmarketing strategy, the writer discussed and try to find out the relationship between the information and data From here, there will be easier to find out the solutions for the aim of the dissertation The data analysis will emphasize the practical data and information Those data presented the current state of research objectives In order to find the solutions, which are in accordance with the real situation of the bank office, the practical data analysis is very important Other analysis visual tools were used like charts or pictures will help the writer explains the analysis more clearly Alan Bryman, Emma Bell (2007) Business Research Methods (2nd ed): Business research strategies, pg28 3.6 Validity and Credit of Results The validity of the dissertation is very important because the dissertation’s topic is very practical The discussion in this dissertation was based on practical data and information to find the most useful results The validity has many different aspects that can affect the dissertation aim The results of the dissertation have been built on the practical information, examples and data The credit is very important because it is the acknowledgment of the sources of the information and data that are used in a work The dissertation has sufficient credit to the sources of data and information The writer acknowledges the serious of plagiarism and tries her best to give the proper credit to all the sources in this dissertation 3.7 Ethical consideration Leeds Metropolitan University’s ethical form was completed and signed by the writer and her supervisor and enclosed with the last appendix with the dissertation proposal All the participants were aware of the research The findings have been introduced properly and confidently All the participants also have the right of anonymity All the data, information were used and discussed in the dissertation are remained the respect for the sources and the organizations The secondary data sources are given full credit for their contrubution The writer tried her best to analyze the data and information by her own knowledgement and experience ...3.2.1 Internal data and Vietinbank profile The dissertation used data from Vietinbank annual financial statements and the office s reports of payment card business The data was used in accordance... analysis in this research Books also provide the systematic data and help the writer connect the findings from analyzing quantitative data The writer used some theory of payment card and bank marketing. .. questions for each kind of customers The content of those questions was designed not only to collect data but also the opinions of customers for the marketing activities improvement The ethic