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Improving retail banking services at the bank for investment and development – ha thanh branch ha noi

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CHAPTER INTRODUCTION In the context of open economies, expanding trade and financial liberalization, the demand for financial banking services can grow fast and far beyond the capabilities of financial intermediary institutions in the country.This is what attracts foreign financial institutions to dominate the domestic market, especially when the financial market barriers have been removed in Vietnam and from 04/01/2007 Vietnam allows the establishment of financial institutions with 100% owned foreign capital in Vietnam in accordance with the WTO accession commitments(9) The fact also shows that the demand for financial banking services of the people are on rise, especially in city market The needs associate with the forming process with the fast pace of the types of enterprises in the economy, as well as the transformation of SOEs into joint stock companies That is the demand for stock trading, investment advisory, financial leasing, debt management, etc Also, the presence of foreign firms in the economy plays the role of a catalyst, promotes the emergence and rapid growth of market demand for the financial banking services These are services related to non-cash payments, automatic withdrawals, remittance services and trading of derivatives, such as Option, Future, Forward, etc Clearly, the demand for various types of banking services is pioneer, breakthrough, plays the role of motivation stimulating the introduction and development of the supply of domestic services Thus, market of new modern services of banks in Vietnam today is potential, ready to welcome financial instruments and new supply on the market Whatever route of WTO commitments execution protects Vietnamese banks until 2010, but many foreign banks in Vietnam are not afraid to plan to take the whole market shares in retail services Competition among banks gets increasingly dratics, especially in the first class and the second class, where is the concentration of highly financial potential customers and strongly increased bank density In recent years, competitive pressures increasing due to implementation of the roadmap to loosen regulations for foreign financial institutions, particularly in opening branches and transaction points, the lifting of term institutions on deposits in VND; scalable banking services and the explosive growth of information technology, the commercial banks in Vietnam have achieved encouraging results in the development retail banking services In general, banks began to focus attention and retail operators, such as promoting the modernization of banking technology, development of new services, most gadgets and has been accepted by society as ATMs, internet banking, home banking, PC banking, mobile banking Indeed it marked a new development of the market retail banking service in Vietnam This will be the basis for service development of non-cash payment (the proportion of funds raised from the population increased significantly and accounted for 35-40% of the total capital raised) Ways to mobilize increasingly diverse and more flexible, remittances through banks surged The commercial banks in Vietnam has made significant improvements in financial capability, technology, governance, organizational structure and distribution network, product systems of banking services, contributing to service development retail banking service, giving customers more and more new facilities in the settlement and civilization By the end of 2006, most banks have retail banking build software based on business process design with the goal of freeing American customers the fastest processor in the professional division into two parts : Division-counter trading and processing unit operations support This system has created a utility interface, the customer's account is connected across the system, creating a foundation to expand the non-cash payments and provide the products and services to consumers retail banking Bank of Investment and Development for Vietnam (BIDV), in addition to providing products of capital mobilization and credit activities, had the general direction in the evolution that the option of RB services is long term business strategy, through this BIDV has planning strategies to develop its services However, the expansion of retail banking services of BIDV in Vietnam has not been vigorous, and retailing services of BIDV is not wellknown by customers as other banks’ Therefore, development of retail banking services must be set as the top target 2 Background of the Study Bank of Investment and Development for Vietnam which was established under Decision No.177 / / TTg dated 26th April, 1957 by the Prime Minister initially called the Bank for Construction of Vietnam During development, the bank changed its name from Bank of Investment and Development for Vietnam (06/24/1981) It adopted its present name on 14 November 1990 Ha Thanh Branch was established on 28.3.2000 with the mission of an major army, being a pioneer, a newcomer in mobilization campaign, products, profession and new technology testing In November, 2008, according the general direct of BIDV, BIDV – Ha Thanh branch and branches across the country have completed the transition to operating under the organizational model under The Project TA2 The branch activities mainly on Hanoi central area includes 03 districts: Hoan Kiem, Hai Ba Trung and Dong Da, prove the large-scale operations and BIDV's new position in the area BIDV Ha Thanh which is a member unit under BIDV was decentralized to operate under the branch level I model With this organizational model, till early in 2010, BIDV Ha Thanh has total 112 employees with an average age of 27 years in which there are 80 people having the university degree or uper, the rest has graduate from colleges or technical colleges.(www.bidv.portsl.com) By this time, BIDV Ha Thanh’s banking network includes: - Head office at 80 Tran Hung Dao, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi - 04 transaction office, 02 saving funds Capital resource mobilization is "material" for the business activities of commercial banks Gradually hot competition on mobilization shows the importance of this activity for the overall business activities of commercial banks We can say, capital is the key, a key element of all development process Recognizing the importance of the capital, BIDV Ha Thanh always respects the work of fund raising to ensure the scale of capital always on the growth as planned and ensure that all business activities of the branch is the most effectively BIDV – Branch in Ha Thanh is the first class branch under the BIDV system Since its establishment, the branch has been assigned to be a state-backed commercial bank branch with the orientation on operating as a retail model However, the result of new retail banking activities initially be deployed in general at BIDV and Ha Thanh branch in particular is not commensurate with the potential to persist and insisted the problems.So it is necessary to find uniform solutions for the developement of retail banking services in BIDV Ha Thanh Branch Beginning with the above fact, I have chosen the topic "Improving Retail Banking services at the Bank for Investment and Development – Ha Thanh Branch-Ha Noi" as the subject of thesis research in the hope of contributing a small part in the work of strategic planning at the unit 2.1 Satement of the Problem: Research and implement with the objective of evaluating retail banking services and advise solutions to develop retail banking services in the coming period, the specifically, the topic will answer the following questions: 2.1.1 What is the propose of the bank in term of a Organization structure b Technical structure c Financial structure d Banking service opened e Type of customer 2.1.2 What is the propose of respondent in term of a Age b Gender c Nature of employment d Monthly household income e Employment status 2.13 What are the perceptions of respondents on the retail banking services of the bank in terms of a Awareness on the existing product b General policy of the bank in available products c Mode of payment 2.1.4 What can be proposed to increase retail banking of BIDV - Diversification & development of products and services retail banking - Modernize technology - Advanced degree in the direction of professional staff - Diversity, distribution and implementation of effective delivery Assumptions There was no statistically significant difference in review questions on issues related to the business strategy of the bank among different groups of people asked Limit - Not consider company clients, group clients - The subject review is qualitatively limited in retail banking services and related issues of the bank in recent times and the targets which not belong to bank secrecy Significance of The Research Topics will be significant to many different objects as follows: For banks: evaluating and proposing development of retail banking services appropriately For customers: helping customers realize the benefits they may have in dealing with business with the bank and get better service For researchers: this work is a test of his/her knowledge in business and his/her ability to engage in a research work For the future research: this study can serve as benchmark information for related studies The concepts In this section, the researchers will present the concept of some phrases and words to have a unified understanding of these term CHAPTER REFERENCE OF DOCUMENTS AND RELATED RESEARCH S The enterprise business strategy 1.1 Concept In recent years, the financial banking services have changed dramatically with the explosion of banks changing the approach to the basic operations of commercial banks Initially, banks provide services to the main subjects such as financial institutions, businesses, wealthy individual clients Places to hold the transaction together is at banks, in the time frame specified, limited But in recent years, economic and social significant development has brought a comfortable and more affluent life for people not only in terms of income but also on higher intellectual level, increasing ability to to reach a broader consumer services in the economy, consumer habits This trend has brought to financial market opportunities to exploit the resources of the people as well as the ability to provide financial services to residents So, retail banking services increasingly are on attention, investment and development The term "retail banking" is originally from English The literally in providing retail banking services means providing products to consumers in small quantities It is contrary to the work of providing middlemen for large quantities by wholesalers In addition, there are many different existing understandings of retail banking services According to the World Trade Organization (WTO): Retail banking is typical services of banks where individual customers can make transactions at branches (transaction office) in banks to perform services such as savings and checking accounts, mortgage loans, credit card services, debit cards and some other services According to experts of the Asian Institute of Technology-AIT: retail banks provides banking products and banking services to every single individual, small and medium businesses through a network of branches , or clients can have direct access to banking products and services through the means of information technology, electronics and telecommunications According Banking and IT Dictionary, Retail banking is for the masses, usually a group of financial services including loans with gradual payment, mortgages, securities credit, receive deposits and personal accounts Thus, we can come to a unified definition and overview of retail banking services: retail banking services can be understood as the banking services provided to each single individual, small and medium enterprises through a network of affiliates, or customers can have direct access to banking products through the means of information technology, electronics, computers, telecommunications activities.(4) The concept also shows that the difference between retail banks and wholesale banks is that wholesaler banks provide services to large businesses, corporations, commercial banks and other financial institutions In the U.S as well as in Banks and financial dictionary of British banks, wholesale banking is a commercial banks’ and other financial institutions’ service, and retail banking is for the general public The size of a transaction of retail banking services is multiple time smaller than the wholesale 1.1.2 Characteristics of retail banking services a) Clients The object to serve is individuals, households and SMEs Thus the object to serve is really large, including many components of society, banks must find out who the clients are, what needs to offer products and customer care policies most relevant For individual customers, because of the different level and consumer behavior, the demands for banking products are also different For qualified customers who have knowledge of the monetary banking sector, thus they demand for modern banking services, and pay attention to the customer care policices of banks; they are sensitive to price, interest rate and banks’ policies There fore, in retail operations, the market segmentation problem is what paid attention by banks in the process of product design, marketing and development of their products b) Scope of transaction The number of transactions is large but the value is small Because services is provided for consumping purpose, the value of transactions is less than wholesale while the range of clients is wide, diversifiled, the number of transactions is large However, to expand the scope of the transaction, banks must attract customers by the diversity of transaction types and multiple forms of promotion as well as many utilities included c) Retail banking service products Retail banking service products must be based on the foundation of modern information systems Today, when banks realize the potential of this activity, the question of modern technology application is essential issues Moreover, due to the psychological and the knowledge of individual customers is very diverse, so they want either to have the best services with lowest cost or save time and expect the transaction will be served whenever they wish Therefore, banks must use the initial equity invested to establish major infrastructure on transaction places, modern IT systems to ensure their customers can directly use the product at the trading places of banks which are from banks, homes or offices of customers d) Developed retail banking distribution system To supply the products for a wide range of customers, banks need to have more branches, transaction places, with a large number of employees to reach and meet the needs of large number of customers Besides the traditional distribution channels, RBs now have many new distribution channel to meet customer needs better and reduce fixed costs for banks e) Rich and diverse retail banking service RB Services directly server consumer demands, production and daily life Thus, it generally conforms to the requirements of goods set out by the consumer, not the needs of middlemen financial institutions It is the practical usage satisfying people’s needs The people’s needs are diverse and rich, but they have the same requirements which are: high speed, convenience, accuration and safety needs The products of RB’s services must also be sufficient in order to meet the customers’ needs 1.1.3 The benefits of retail banking service development For economy The development of services RBS accelerate the flow of money, improves people's life, contributing to reduce social costs by cost and time, information cost savings for both banks and customers It is essential to meet the convenience, the rapid and frequent changes in social needs These services attract single small capital scattered in residential area where mainly concentrated capital in society They contribute to the exploitation and use of capital in the economy more efficiently, increase the monetary circulation in space and time, the volume of money moved from one place to another, from customer to customer, and meet the needs for social and economic activities They contribute to boosting business production, consumption, to the process of industrialization and modernization of the country The national economy develops, national income raises, people's life is increasingly improved Income used for consumption will be also increased Thus, it is necessary to streamline the payment system to be convenient, safe and satisfy to the customers’ diverse needs of shopping, spending This is the base for banks expand card payments as well as increase the size and market share, build the civilization of payment In addition, through the provision of services to meet the demands of individual customers, RB services will help improve people's life and consumption environment Non-cash payment is the form of payment which is encouraged to use in production and business transactions by the State The payment of cash leads to corruption, smuggling and tax evasion Cash flows when paid through bank accounts are fully reflected in the books, vouchers, fully reflect the revenues of the business especially for SMEs, these businesses are required to fully account business revenue generated and out value added tax, corporate income tax payable So, RB services contribute tos opposite corruption and commercial fraud, smuggling and tax evasion Educational level of population will be increased because high tech applications of RB services Therefore it is required for the user to consciously learn new knowledge in using internet, reference of information contributing to the improvement of people's knowledge Helping people not feel unfamiliar with the concept of automatic banking, banks without human, virtual bank Revenue for the national currency from remittances from abroad 10 Bank guarantee which is a commitment of a guarantee bank shall be made on a document to commit to the obligee (the beneficiary of guarantee) If at maturity, the obligor (guarantor) fail to perform or improper commitments stated in contract, the bank will take the responsibility of guarantee on behalf of the guarantor Indeed, this is a form of credit by signature, banks not finance by capital but will be born risks because they have to perform the guarantee commitments when the guarantor, for any reason, fails or impropers to perform means Guarantee services are primarily used for SMEs Other Services In recent years, the development of IT, banking products are gradually modernized, which results many modern banking products and utilities to meet the increasing demands of individuals and SMEs The products of modern banking services in this category include the following major categories: + Financial Advisory Services: individual customers often want to invest in a certain area when they are not have enough information and knowledge which cannot be met by the field of individual investors, banks can provide consulting services based on the volume of information and qualifications of all deeply professional staff Banks can advise customers on many different areas: tax consulting, established enterprises, investment consulting, real estate consulting, or consulting for stock trading + Investments trust management service: banks on behalf of the client's name on the portfolio and solve problems arising + Telephone banking services: customers can check account balances, recent transactions, get information about exchange rates and interest rates and ask banks to fax their reports, statements of exchange rates, interest rates + Internet banking services: customers can find information about products and services of banks; access information on individual accounts including balance, transactions information of their accounts monthly 18 + Home banking (home banking) customers can perform most transactions at their homes or at their offices through a computer system connected to the computer systems of banks These transactions typically include money transfer, interest rates notification, debit, credit notification With the goal of rapidly expanding market of retail banking services, telephone and internet banking services will significantly contribute to widen the market, efficiently promote distribution channels with product low cost of investment compared to geographical expansion of the sales network However, the products or services have just been applied in our country, not yet widely available This is the market for research by banks to design appropriate products to best exploit advantages and overcome difficulties in the market 1.2.2 Factors affecting development of retail banking services Objective factors a) Economic Environment Economic environment, including: the policy of the state in each period of economic development, business environment These factors will affect the ability of income, payments, and expenses, capital, and population's deposits needs Situation and the change of the elements of the economic environment has a tremendous impact to the overall economic development and business activities of banks in particular Economic environment creates opportunities for banks and business, while also creates challenges for banking operation In a developed economic environment, the macroeconomic variables are good signs, the development of production and business operation will facilitate the development of liquidity, raise of spending, lending needs and capital requirements for companies This will enable banking services to have opportunites to develop In turn, when the economy is on the downturn, rising unemployment, uneffective production and business activities of enterprises leads the demand for services as well on the downward, direct affection to banks’ operation Economic environment is a very strong impact of the needs and way of use banking products and services by customers Thus, it dominates the behavior of banks in providing financial services 19 The world economic situation also affects the business activities of banks The trend of globalization with the development of international trade and freer movement of capital flows will create conditions for retail banking services development, which is opportunities to expand the market, establish distribution channels widely b) Legal-political environmental Banking is one of the industries under close supervision of law and other government’s authorities The legal environment will give banks a range of new opportunities and new challenges, especially in the integration process of Vietnam's economy to the world For retail banking activities, issues to complete legal environment is very important In the trend of globalization, banks’ operation must be innovative to meet the market’s demands However, it is difficult to deploy new products and services, especially for products using high technology Therefore, to take advantage of opportunities and minimize disadvantages in the process of globalization, the perfect legal environment is really essential c) Competition in the financial - banking sector Financial and banking market is growing strongly In the world’s trend of increasing the proportion of services and developing people’s lives, there are many business organizations involved in the provision of financial services Besides commercial banks, there are also a variety of non-bank financial institutions which are also engaged in providing services such as insurance institutions, finance companies, postal savings organizations Especially the participation of banks, foreign financial institutions to banking activities makes the competition in this sector increasingly fierce Competitive pressures leads banks that want to survive and develop need to raise the maximum financial potential, always develop new products to meet the needs of customers with the lowest prices d) Technological environmental The strong development of technology has strong impact on the economy and society It affects to the ways of use of service, creates new needs, new demands on banking products and services If 20 retail bank is known to present a field of banking services, technology is a mean to perform this service segment The role of technology is expressed by: Firstly, technology is an important premise for storing and processing centralized data base enabling online transaction On this base, a range of banking services and retail facilities become a reality Secondly, technology supports more advanced retail services such as the automatic money transfer, population funding in various forms, personal loan products Thirdly, with the immediate exchange of information, technology helps banking management to be better, facilitates the implementation of centralized process model of distributed transactions, such as: Centre of money transfer, money transfer transactions, Centre processing card transactions The focus and expertise of operation does not only enhance the accuracy of transaction processing, reduce investigation costs, but also helps banks to focus on customer care and reduce labor costs Fourth, IT improves governance in banks Centralized administration system will allow data to be exploited whenever and wherever under policy consistently, is an effective tool for management to make decisions correctly and promptly e) Factor of customers In providing retail banking services, customers joins to the services orientation and directly use the products and services So wants, needs and ways to use customer service are factors that will determine the number and quality of bank services Factors related to customers such as age, occupation, educational level , banks need to pay attention to learn about the different needs of their service needs The more the society grows, the higher people’s needs asking banks constantly strive to provide more modern and diversified services The determinants of retail customer satisfaction is to provision of adequate information (about products, services, advice and information on the customer's account, ); the security of information that customers provide for banks when dealing; customer orientation reflected in communication styles, 21 attitudes of banking staff with customers; the availability of banking products and services for the diverse needs of customers Subjective factors a) Financial ability of banks If SMEs have many types of advantages in the usual business, in the business of modern banking, the priority is for banks having high financial potential strength, RBs requires a network which can reach the open market, this requires banks to have large capital To develop retail banking services, banks should have strong financial resources This factor plays an important role in the improvement of traditional services and develop new products to enhance the competitiveness of banks Banks having financial strength can ensure the ability to expand and invest in high-tech products such as ATM networks, online services Potential financial decides confidence of customers for the bank Customers tend to believe the big, prestigious banks which have strong financial capacity, they believe that those banks will provide better service In this era, banks are paying more and more attention to branding and financial capacity When having needs, customers often look for strong-brand banks rather than the bank does not have a name So branding and developing financial capacity is what any bank will want to achieve b) The structure of banks Currently, most of Vietnamese banks have traditional organizational model Departments are currently assigned by type of professionals while at advanced banks, departments are assigned by the criteria of customers objects and in order to improve customer services This is the basic reason causing retail banking services can not meet current customer needs, disperse resources due to no depth of staff’s professional, especially of leads This asks banks to have appropriate arrangement on customer objects, through ‘one door’ it can meet the needs of customers in all kinds of different products Operating capacity of commercial banks is still limited in comparion with the management requirements of modern banks Business plans are now focusing on growth in number, not quality as 22 commonly standardized internationally, this impact makes difficult for individual customers in contact with retail banking products who always require best services’ quality c) Human resources People are very important factors to keep key role in the successes and failures of banking activities Especially in the provision of retail banking services, human factor is even more important From realizing, predicting customer needs to create appropriate products and services to bringing products to end customers, it is required officers to have knowledge, understanding of banking products and services, who will advise customers to use the products and services best suited to their needs In addition to the professional qualifications and language proficiency of direct trading officers, it is necessary to have marketing skills and good communication, social-humanities understanding, high sensitivity in the persuading individual customers to 'purchase' On the eyes of customers, they are the 'faces', the 'images' of banks, they should be trained in sales skills In addition, training results should be used for arrangement of with right people, right job; especially it should be positive to move staff to be in accordance with qualifications of each person and timely to stimulate the spirit of striving and creativity of employees d) Distribution channels of banks Retail revolution including seizing technological opportunities to distribute new products to traditional customers as well as new customers "Retail is the problem of distribution." said Jean-Paul Votron from Fortis Bank It can be said that finding and development means, distribution channels and products will be an important differentiating factor between winners, losers in the war retail of in the future In the trend of increasing integration and competition in the retail market, the distribution problem is very important, it creates a connection between banks and customers Building a distribution channel of banking retail service is maximizing the introduction of products and services to customers in accordance with their diverse needs of and technological level 23 The development of distribution channels is one of the leading solution for retail banking service development Therefore, it is necessary to actively develop the branch network of the first class and the second class branches, pay attention to expand trading rooms with compact models, rapidly and effectively response to demand for banking services of people Along with the expansion of traditional distribution channels - the branch system, the diversification of modern distribution channels serve as a factor in the success in the increasingly fierce competition in the provision of products and services This means diversifying choices for customers, reducing costs and increasing profits for banks A wide distribution network also should be thought of the trading place for business performance, and the inspection and supervision to ensure safety and effectivity e) The level of science & technology Technology and application of technology in banking operations have helped the development of new retail products such as electronic banking, electronic payment services, card services The more the society develops, the more the products and services with high technological are preferred by customer, they can sit at their home to transactions without having to go to banks Use these products can help customers save time, travel costs and meet demand as quickly as possible The development of technology in banking operations requires the synchronized development of the banking system It also requires the economy to have the appropriate technology infrastructure, as well as some parts of the population - customers in the use of these products and services 24 Theoretical framework Profile of respondents: - Name of Client - Age - Nature of employment - Monthly household income - Employment status Assessment of customer about: Products/services Gerneral policy Mode of payment EVALUATION Proposed strategy to improve retail banking services at BIDV Ha Thanh Branch CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLODY This chapter presents the content relating to methods of research topics including: study design; research sites; description of object, population, samples and way to opt samples of research, tools and steps to collect and process information in the study Descriptive research design using survey The study was primarily designed by use of qualitative and quantitative analysizing tools and methods to assess the subjective and objective factors which BIDV Ha Thanh is applying to know the existing problems and propose solutions to develop its retail banking business for the bank The evaluation was conducted during the period from 2006 to 2011 Location of the Study 25 The study was conducted in BIDV Ha Thanh Branch headquartered at 80 Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique The total number of banking employees involved in the business are: 250 people The total number of clients is: 3000 people and organizations Topics will conduct random sampling in several levels to ensure the representativeness of the sample.The staff is divided in parts and the clients will be classified in several groups of business customers or households, as well as using different services of the bank To ensure the number of samples large enough to meet the statistical precision of the number of samples taken under Slovin formula: n = N / (1 + Ne 2) where, n is the number of samples to survey the rate of the group of employees and other customers N is the total number of each group home on each staff and customers e is the error in the subject, e = 0.05 Thus the number of employees will be selected as follows: 154 people The number of clients selected by customer group as follows: 353 clients Description of Respondents Objects for approach to collect information for the study include two groups: Group of bankers working in business provision and ones related to banking services and The bank’s group of customers using services provided by banks Data Collection Procedure - For starting research, the researcher will request for permission from SLSU and TNU for approving the field of research - To Preparing for the research, the researcher will Spent time to review related literatures and studies 26 - Preparing research instrument: Colection checklist and questionnaire for information.The checlist and questionnaire based on the research topic and the objective of the survey - Checking of the instrument, Validating and final revise the instrument to make sure all information can be collected by using the instrument.The pretest phase is useful for Validating the questionnare - Sampling design and taking the sample to make sure the Representative sample for the study by using the Slovin's formula with 5% of accepted error - Data gathering by using Developed instrument, the researcher questionnare to send the bank the Staffs and managers, who were selected as sample Asking for support, the questionnaire is enclosed with a enquiry letter - Encoding of data: data will clean (with outline hand and missing value) before entering into computer using Excel - Data analysis and evaluation by using Excel and SPSS programe for ANOVA analysis For some qualitative criteria, respondents will answer and theo Assess level from to 5, equal to Grades: "Never / Strongly Disagree," "Seldom," "Sometimes / right", "Often / agree", "always / strongly agree " Scale Range 4:20 to 5:00 3:40 to 4:19 2.60 - 3:39 1.80 - 2:59 1.00 - 1.79 Statistical Treatment This study used the Statistical treatment method to analyze data, in which: Some qualitative and quantitative criteria word such as: gender, age, department, position, mà was processed through frequency or distribution percentage To evaluate the difference Significant Among groups, the researcher used one-way ANOVA 27 APPENDICES I BILIOGRAPHY Raghu Palat (2006) Retail Banking, Cortland t Rand Consulting Public House 28 Joseph A Divanna (2009), The future of Retail Banking, Oxford Public House Co-author of Michael Violano and Shimon-Craig Van Collie (2008), Retail Banking Technology David Cox, Modern banking Professional (1997)National Political Publishing House Proceedings of scientific conference: Development of retail banking services in Vietnam commercial banks, Culture and Information Publishing House ( 2007) Report the results of operations Annual Review Report (2006-2007-2008) of the Bank for Investment and Development, branch of Ha Thanh Dr Nguyen Dang Don (2005), Banking credit, Statistical Publishing House, Ho Chi Minh City Bankinng Review (2005-2006-2007) 10 Banking Times (2005-2006-2007) 11 Financial Times (2005-2006-2007) Websites: www.bidv.com.vn Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam www.bidvportal.com Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam www.cpv.org.vn Vietnam Communist Party www.mof.gov.vn Ministry of Finance www.mpi.gov.vn Ministry of Planning and Investment www.sbv.gov.vn State Bank of Vietnam www.dddn.com.vn Business Forum www.economy.com.vn Vneconomy II ENQUIRY LETTER FOR THE CONDUCT OF THE SURVEY ( RESPONDENT) 29 Hanoi, 17th June 2007 Dear Customers! Firstly, The Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam – Ha Thanh Branch (BIDV – Ha Thanh Branch) would like to thanks for your the precious trust Last time, with the close cooperation from you, both sides have reached the certain results However, according to the The Exchange, the results have not fully reflected the inherent potential of both parties In response to the confidence of our clients, BIDV – Ha Thanh Branch always listening and absorbing the customers’ comments to continuously improve and enhance the service quality Moreover, with the desire to provide the best service, we send you the form of client survey, with the expectation of taking your time to answer the questions in the form and return it to us at address: The Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam, Ha Thanh Branch, 80 Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi Your valuable answers are base for us to continue to offer effective solutions to meet your requirements the best We hope to cooperate closely with you (Please tick the boxes that you think reasonable for most) Scale Range 4:20 to 5:00 3:40 to 4:19 Choice Description Strongly agree Agree 30 2.60 - 3:39 1.80 - 2:59 1.00 - 1.79 Fairly Agree Disagree Strongly disagree QUESTIONNAIR I PROFILE OF RESPONDENTS a Name of Client: b Age: c Nature of employment: d Monthly household income: e Employment status: II PERCEPTIONS OF RESPONDENTS INDICATIORS A Awareness on existing products/ services Good Unique Reputatipon Cheap 5.More competitive with other banks B GENERAL POLICY Satisfied customers Safe operation Fast Convenience Effective C MODE OF PAYMENT ATM card Credit card Internet banking Check Remittance III FACTORS AFFECTING DECISION TO DEVELOP THE RETAIL BANKING SERVICES A EMPLOYMENT Understanding of products 31 Use of foreign languages Enthusiastic consultants Sensitive Professional behavior B TECHNOLOGY Modern Fast Exactly Convenience for customers Save time C DISTRIBUTION Many transaction offices Convenience for customers Safe location Easily recognizable D CUSTOMER POLICY Regular Good Attractive Thanks for your cooperation! Respondent 32 ... uniform solutions for the developement of retail banking services in BIDV Ha Thanh Branch Beginning with the above fact, I have chosen the topic "Improving Retail Banking services at the Bank for. .. Firstly, The Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam – Ha Thanh Branch (BIDV – Ha Thanh Branch) would like to thanks for your the precious trust Last time, with the close cooperation from... Investment and Development – Ha Thanh Branch -Ha Noi" as the subject of thesis research in the hope of contributing a small part in the work of strategic planning at the unit 2.1 Satement of the

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