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Image Processing and Jump Regression Analysis Peihua Qiu @E!E&CIENCE A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION This Page Intentionally Left Blank Image Processing and Jump Regression Analysis WILEY SERIES IN PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS Established by WALTER A SHEWHART and SAMUEL S WILKS Editors: DavidJ BaIding, NoeIA C Cressie, Nicholas I Fisher, Iain M Johnstone, B Kadane, Geert Molenberghs, Louise M Ryan, David W Scott, Adrian F M Smith, Jozef L Teugels Editors Emeriti: Vic Baraett, Stuart Huntel; David G KendaN A complete list of the titles in this series appears at the end of this volume Image Processing and Jump Regression Analysis Peihua Qiu @E!E&CIENCE A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION Copyright 2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc All rights reserved Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, 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2005 006.3’76~22 Printed in the United States of America 2004053000 Contents Preface I Introduction I Images and image representation 1.2 Regression curves and sugaces with jumps 1.3 Edge detection, image restoration, and jump regression analysis I Statistical process control and some other related topics 1.5 Organization of the book Problems xxiii I 10 10 Basic Statistical Conceptsand Conventional Smoothing Techniques13 2.1 Introduction 13 2.2 Some basic statistical concepts and terminologies 14 14 2.2.1 Populations, samples, and distributions 2.2.2 Point estimation of population parameters 18 21 2.2.3 Conjdence intervals and hypothesis testing 2.2.4 Maximum likelihood estimation and least squares estimation 24 2.3 Nadaraya-Watson and other kernel smoothing techniques 25 2.3.1 Univariate kernel estimators 25 v vi CONTENTS 2.3.2 Some statistical properties of kernel estimators 2.3.3 Multivariate kernel estimators 2.4 Local polynomial kernel smoothing techniques 2.4 I Univariate local polynomial kernel estimators 2.4.2 Some statistical properties 2.4.3 Multivariate local polynomial kernel estimators 2.4.4 Bandwidth selection 2.5 Spline smoothing procedures 2.5.1 Univariate smoothing spline estimation 2.5.2 Selection of the smoothing parameter 2.5.3 Multivariate smoothing spline estimation 2.5.4 Regression spline estimation 2.6 Wavelet transformation methods 2.6 I Function estimation based on Fourier transformation 2.6.2 Univariate wavelet transformations 2.6.3 Bivariate wavelet transformations Problems Estimation of Jump Regression Curves 3.I Introduction 3.2 Jump detection when the number ofjumps is known 3.2.1 Difference kernel estimation procedures 3.2.2 Jump detection based on local linear kernel smoothing 3.2.3 Estimation of jump regression functions based on semiparametric modeling 3.2.4 Estimation of jump regression functions by spline smoothing 3.2.5 Jump and cusp detection by wavelet transformations 3.3 Jump estimation when the number ofjumps is unknown 3.3.I Jump detection by comparing three local estimators 3.3.2 Estimation of the number of jumps by a sequence of hypothesis tests 3.3.3 Jump detection by DAKE 3.3.4 Jump detection by local polynomial regression 3.4 Jump-preserving curve estimation 3.4.1 Jump curve estimation by split linear smoothing 3.4.2 Jump-preserving curve jitting based on local piecewise-linearkernel estimation 27 29 30 30 31 33 34 36 36 38 39 40 44 44 45 49 51 55 55 56 57 61 65 67 70 72 73 76 78 80 87 88 90 CONTENTS 3.4.3 Jump-preserving smoothers based on robust estimation 3.5 Some discussions Problems vii 93 94 96 Estimation of Jump Location Curves of Regression Surfaces 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Jump detection when the number of jump location curves is known 4.2.1 Jump detection by RDKE 4.2.2 Minimax edge detection 4.2.3 Jump estimation based on a contrast statistic 4.2.4 Algorithmsfor tracking the JLCs 4.2.5 Estimation of JLCs by wavelet transfornations 4.3 Detection of arbitrary jumps by local smoothing 4.3.1 Treat JLCs as a pointset in the design space 4.3.2 Jump detection by local linear estimation 4.3.3 Two modijicationprocedures 4.4 Jump detection in two or more given directions 4.4.1 Jump detection in two given directions 4.4.2 Measuring the pe$ornance of jump detection procedures 4.4.3 Connection to the Sobel edge detector 4.4.4 Jump detection in more than two given directions 4.5 Some discussions Problems 101 101 Jump-Preserving Surface Estimution By Local Smoothing 149 149 150 151 151 153 5.1 Introduction 5.2 A three-stageprocedure 5.2.1 Jump detection 5.2.2 First-order approximation to the JLCs 5.2.3 Estimation ofjump regression surfaces 5.3 Surface reconstruction with thresholding 5.3.1 Surface reconstruction by local piecewisely linear kernel smoothing 5.3.2 Selection of procedure parameters 5.4 Surface reconstruction with gradient estimation 103 103 108 110 112 115 118 118 119 128 129 129 137 139 141 144 146 157 159 165 I69 300 REFERENCES 283 Woodall, W.H (1984),“On the Markov chain approach to the two-sided CUSUM procedure,” Technometrics, 26,4 1-46 284 Woodall, W.H (1986), “The design of CUSUM quality control charts,” Journal of Quality Technology, 18,99-102 285 Woodall, W.H (2000), “Controversies and contradictions in statistical process control,” Journal of Quality Technology, 32,341-350 286 Worsley, K.J (1983a), “Testing for a two-phase multiple regression,” Technometrics, 25, 35-42 287 Worsley, K.J (1983b), “The power of the likelihood ratio and cumulative sum tests for a change in a binomial probability,” Biometrika, 70,455464 288 Worsley, K.J (1986), “Confidence regions and test for a change-point in a sequence of exponential family random variables,” Biometrika, 73,91-104 289 Wu, J.S., and Chu, C.K (1993a), “Kernel type estimators of jump points and values of a regression function,” The Annals of Statistics, 21, 1545-1566 290 Wu, J.S., and Chu, C.K (1993b),“Nonparametric function estimation and bandwidth selection for discontinuous regression functions,” Statistica Sinica, 3,557576 291 Yang, G.J., and Huang, T.S (1981), “The effect of median filtering on edge location estimation,” Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 15,224-245 292 Yao, Y.C (1987), “Approximating the distribution of the maximum likelihood estimate of the change-point in a sequence of independent random variables,” The Annals of Statistics, 15, 1321-1328 293 Yashchin, E (1992), “Analysis of CUSUM and other Markov-type control schemes by using empirical distributions,” Technometrics, 34,54-63 294 Yashchin, E (1993), “Performance of CUSUM control schemes for serially correlated observations,” Technometrics, 35,37-52 295 Yitzhaky, Y., and Peli, E (2003),“A method for objective edge detection evaluation and detector parameter selection,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 25, 1027-1033 296 You, Y.L., Xu, W., Tannenbaum, A., and Kaveh, M (1996), “Behavioral analysis of anisotropic diffusion in image processing,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, , 1539-1553 297 Yuille, A., and Poggio, T (1986), “Scaling theorems for zero crossings,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 8, 15-25 298 Zhang, H (1994), “Maximal correlation and adaptive splines,” Technometrics, 36,196-201 Index AIC criterion, 69 Basis functions, 3637,41,46,67, 112,200 directional basis functions, 201 Bayesian estimation, 246 Bayes estimator, 250 Bayes Theorem, 250 loss function, 250 posterior distribution, 250,252 prior distribution, 249,25 BIC criterion, 69 Block-circulant matrix, 238,245 Bonferroni correction, 142 Bootstrap techniques, 61, 181 Boundw curve, 107,222 B-splines, 42, 269 Cartesian coordinate system, 224 Change-point estimation, Chebyshev’s polynomials, 36, 199 City-block distance, 207 Clique, 246 Clique potentials, 248 Conditional probability, 246 Conditional probability density function, 249 Convolution, 191,196,202,237,239,252,269 discrete version, 237 Cost factors, 216 point cost, 218 total cost, 218 Cubic splines, 42 Curvature, 37.89, 141,218 Cusps, 70, 115 distance, 207 Data compression, Data smoothing, 14 Delta function, 236 Difference operator, 190-191 Diffusion equation, 270 anisotropic diffusion equation, 270 isotropic diffusion equation, 270 nonlinear diffusion equation, 270 discrete version, 271 Diffusivity, 270 Divergence operator, 270 Edge detection, 1,7, 187 Canny’s edge detection criteria, 201 correction terms, 210 cost minimization, 216 deletion of deceptive edge pixels, 222 derivative estimation, 189 estimation of the first-order derivatives, 189 estimation of the second-order derivatives, 189 derivative of Gaussian (DOG)operators, 192, 202 discrete version, 192 difference of Gaussian operator, 197 directional first-order derivative, 205,209,215 directional second-order derivative, 199-201, 205,215 dissimilarity measure, 218 301 302 INDEX edge fragmentation, 219 Gibbs distribution, 248.251-252.255 edge linking, 221 Gibbs sampler, 253 edge location, 196 Global topographical elevation data, 157 edge thickness, 19 Graph, 246 edge thinning, 222 Hat matrix, 35,39 Frei-Chen masks, 191 Hausdorffdistance, 118,127,135, 137-139 gradient estiamtion, 190,200,223 Hough transform, 224 greedy search, 221 Hypothesis test, 22 hill climbing, 221 alternative hypothesis, 22, 13 Laplacian of Gaussian (LOG) operator, 195, 197 critical value 23 localization, 201,203 null distribution, 24 local surface estimation, 199 null hypothesis, 22, 113 Maxican hat filter, 196-197 power, 24 multilevel masks, 206 p-value, 23 optimal edge detector, 202-204 significance level, 23 post-processing, 222 test statistic, 23 Prewitt masks, 191,193 ?Lpe I error, 23 Roberts operator, 191,193 ?Lpe I1 error, 23 roof edge detection, 213 Ill-posed problem, 259 rotationally invariant operators, 199 Image addressing, 222 Sobel operator, 139-140,191,193,222 Image enhancement, 187 tbresholding, 193,210,224 Image reconstruction, 234 truncated pyramid masks, 192- I 93 Image restoration, 1, 8,233-234.246 variational approach, 204 adaptive smoothing, 265,272 zero-crossing properties, 189, 197,201 bilateral filtering, 265,272 Edges, 187 discrete version, 267 components, 17 edge-preserving, edge configuration, 216 inverse filtering, 243 edge pixel, 217 iterated conditional modes (ICM) algorithm, 254 line edges, 189,262 local smoothing filters, 261 mathematical description, 216 Markov random field modeling, 246 nonedge pixel, 217 maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimator, 252 path, 217 model, 236 ramp edges, 188 nonlinear diffusion filtering, 269, 272 roof edges, 7, 188 regularization, 258 I-D profile, 188.213 scale-space filtering, 270 spike edges, 189 weak membrane model, 260 step edges, 7, 187-189 weak string model, 260 I-D profile, 188 Images, texture edges, 189 black-and-white images, 8, 255 thick edge, 217 coordinate system, 2, 10 thin edge, 217 debluning, 8,235 walk, 217 degradations, 233 Energy function, 220,248,252,258,269 linear blur, 242 Equi-temperature surfaces, 8, 149 point degradations, 233 Fidelity, 6,37,259 sources of degradation, 233 Fourier transformation, 44,235,238,240 spatial degradations, 233,240 discrete Fourier transformation, 239 denoising, 7, 235 discrete inverse Fourier transformation, 240 digitization, 2, 119 fast Fourier transformation, 239 digitizer, Fourier coefficients,44 Image segmentation, 187,222 inverse fast Fourier transformation, 239 Images inverse Fourier transformation, 44,239 gray level, orthonormal basis, 44 gray level quantization, Parseval's relation, 45 image intensity function, Generalized inverse matrix, 244 image representation, ”EX monochrome digital images, noise, 3,235 point source images, 237 resolution, smoothed image, 196 uniform sampling, , s Impulse function, 236 Independent, 18,247 Intensity process, 251 Jump curve estimation, 60,87 boundary regions, 93 information-sharingproperty, 61 jump-preserving, 88 M smoother, 93 piecewise-linear kernel estimation, 90 robust estimation, 93 sigma filter, 93 split linear smoothing algorithm, 88 trimmed spline estimator, 68 two approaches, 60-61 Jump detection, I-D jump detection, 56 a modification procedure, 79, 129 bandwidth selection, 61 boundary problem, 60.95 confidence interval, 61 convergence rate, 61,7 1.85 difference apart kernel estimation (DAKIE), 78 difference kernel estimators (DKEs), 59 hypothesis tests, 76 jumps in derivatives o f f , 64-65,75,80,85 local linear estimators, 73 local linear kernel smoothing, 61-62 local LS estimation, 81 multiple jumps, 60, 64,72 one-sided kernel estimators, 57 properties, 58,62,85 semiparametric modeling, 65 spline smoothing, 67 thresholding, 84, 87 wavelet transformation, 70 2-D jump detection, 101, 151 arbitrary JLCs, 118 assumption on the design points, 106 bandwidth selection, 132 boundary estimation, 107 continuity regions, 102 contrast statistic, 110 convergence rate, 136 deceptivejump candidates, 128, 136 false jump detection rate, 167 gradient estimation, 123, 139 jump location curves (JLCs), 102 local linear estimation, 119 minimax estimator, 107-108 303 modification procedures, 128, 136,143 multiple JLCs, 106, 115 one-sided kernel estimators, 105 performance measurement, 137-138 pointset estimator, 119, 132 properties, 106, 117,127,135 rotational difference kernel estimators (RDKEs), 105 rotational kernel functions, 104 singular point, 119, 134 smooth, closed and simple curve, 110, 147 thresholding, 117, 125, 128, 132, 142 tracking algorithm, 112 wavelet transformation, 115 Jump regression analysis, related statistical research areas, Jump surface estimation, 149 adaptive weights smoothing (AWS), 177 a three-stage procedure, 150 first-order approximation to the JLCs, 151 convergencerate, 153, 155 explicit mathematical formula, 159 gradient estimation, 169, 184 jump-preserved, 149 measuringjump preservation, 183 M smoother, 150 one-sided estimators, 170 parameter selection, 166, 180 piecewise-linear kernel estimation, 159 properties, 153-154,176 sigma filter, 150 singular points, 163, 172 symmetric “padding” method, 155 thresholding, 157, 163 Laplacian operator, 194,270 eight-neighbor Laplacian mask, 195, 197 four-neighbor Laplacian mask, 195 Least squares (LS) estimation, 25,41,45,147,244 local LS estimation, 81 local LS plane, 121 residual sum of squares, 25 Lena image, 193, 197 Line process, 250,256 Manhattan distance, 207,215 Marginal probability density function, 250 Markov random field (MRF), 247 local characteristics, 247 Maximum likelihood estimation, 24, 109 kernel-weighted likelihood function, 113 likelihood function, 24 likelihood ratio test, 114 log-likelihood function, 24, 109 Median filtering, 262 center weighted median filtering, 265 weighted median filtering, 265 Microarray image, 146,222 304 INDEX Mountain image, 233,257 Moving local least median squares (MLMS) approximation,267 Neighborhood averaging, 261 Neighborhood system, 246 Neighbors, 246 Newton-Raphson algorithm, 112 Nonparametric regression analysis, automatic boundary carpentry, 32 bandwidth, 25 bandwidth selection, 34 cross-validation (CV), 34,39,167 Mallow’s Cp, 34 plug-in algorithm, 34 bias, 27-28,32 boundary problem, 25,28,32,64, 157,223 conventional nonparametric regression analysis, global smoothing, 26,38,45 kernel function, 26 local constant kernel estimator, 30 local linear kernel estimator, 30.90, 159, 170, 223 local polynomial kernel estimator, 30 local smoothing, 26 mean squared error, 27-28 multivariate kernel estimator, 29 curse of dimensionality,29 multivariate local polynomial kernel estimator, 34 Nadaraya-Watson kernel estimator, 27,29,57, 66.93, 154 optimal convergence rate, 27-28.32 regression model, design points, explanatory variable, predictor, response variable, regression spline estimation, 40 knots selection, 43.69 regression spline estimator, 41 spline of order k,40 smoothing spline estimator, 37, 111 an expression, 37 generalized cross-validation (GCV), 39 knots, 36 multivariate smoothing spline estimation, 39 piecewise polynomial function, 36 polynomial spline function, 36 selection of the smoothing parameter, 38 smoothing parameter, 37 wavelet transformation,44 binary dilation, 46 bivariate wavelet transformations,49 continuous wavelet transformations,70 discrete wavelet transformations,46 dyadic translation, 46 father wavelet, 46 inverse discrete wavelet transformation, 46 mother wavelet, 46.70 multi-resolution analysis, 49 separable form, 49 thresholding, 48 wavelet coefficients, 46 wavelet functions, 46 weighted residual mean square, 170-172 weighted residual sum of squares, 163 window width, 25 Observations, 13 measurement error, 13 sources of noise, 13 Outliers, 19, 94,267 Parameter estimation, 19 asymptotically unbiased estimator, 20 asymptotic distribution, 21 bias, 19 confidence interval, 21 confidence level, 21 consistency,20 convergence rate, 21 mean squared error, 20 point estimator, 19 standard error, 21 unbiased estimator, 19 Parametric regression analysis, linear regression, 6, 147 polynomial regression, 36 Partial differential equation, 270 Partial spline estimator, 40,68 Peppers image, 213,231 Piecewisely linear regression analysis, Pixels, first order pixels, 206 interaction among neighboring pixels, 261 second order pixels, 206 Point spread function, 237,244 Polar coordinate system, 224 Population, 13-14 population distribution, 15 population proportion, 17 Position invariant, 237,240 Principal component (PC) line, 152-153 Random field, 247 Random variable, 15 absolutely continuous, 15 chi-square distribution, 53 correlation coefficient, 52 covariance, 52 covariance matrix, 52 cumulative distribution function (cdf), 15 density curve, 16 expected value, 16 INDEX Gaussian distribution, 16 joint cumulative distribution function, 52 joint probability density function, 52 location parameter, 16 mean, 16 mean vector, 52 multivariate, 15 normal distribution, 16 probability density function (pdf), I5 random vector, 15 scale parameter, 16 standard deviation, 16 standard normal distribution, 16.75 &distribution,53 variance, 16 Raster scan, 255,271 Regression function, continuous regression function, 14 jump regression function, 55 continuity part, 55.68 jump part, 55.68 b e e jump factors, 55 linear regression function, 6,24 nonparametric regression function, parametric regression function, regression coefficients, signal, 14 smooth function, 14 Regularizer, 259 Robust estimation, 93,261 Sample, 17 central limit theorem, 22,26,210-211 order statistic, 19,60, 107 sample interquartile range, 19 sample mean, 18 sample median, 19 sample standard deviation, 18 sample variance, 18 sampling distribution, 19 sampling techniques, 18 simple random sample, 18 statistic, 18 SAR image, 3,143 Scale parameter, 203 Sea-level pressure data, 4,54,85,96 Semiparametric regression model, 40.65 Signal-to-noise ratio, 174,202 Simulated annealing, 216.219-220.253 Simulation, 54 Sleep data, 97 Smoothness,6,37,259 Sobolev function space, 37,68 Standard Wiener process, 70 Statistical process control, Statistical relaxation, 253 Surface estimation, Temperature, 220,248,254 Thresholding, 84.87, 117, 125, 128, 132, 142, 157,163, 193,210,224 Transition probability function, 220 Truncated power functions, 41,67,69 Weighted bicubic spline (WBS), 268 White noise model, 70 305 This Page Intentionally Left Blank WILEY SERIES IN PROBABILITY'A N D STATISTICS ESTABLISHED BY WALTER A SHEWHART AND SAMUEL s.WILKS Editors: David J Balding, Noel A C Cressie, Nicholas I Fisher, Iain M Johnstone, J B Kadane, Geert Molenberghs Louise M Ryan, David W Scott, Adrian F M Smith, Jozef L Teugels Editors Emeriti: Vic Barnett J Stuart Hunter, David G Kendall The Wiky Series in Probability and Statistics is well established and authoritative It covers many topics of current research interest in both pure and applied statistics and probability theory Written by leading statisticians and institutions, the titles span both state-of-the-art developments in the field and classical 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Image processing and jump regression analysis / Peihua Qiu p cm “A Wiley- Interscience publication.” Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-471-42099-9 (Cloth) Image processing Regression

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