Power Systems Ulf Häger Christian Rehtanz Nikolai Voropai Editors Monitoring, Control and Protection of nterconnected Power Systems ^ S p rringer i Power Systems F o r f u r th e r v o lu m e s : h tlp :// w w w s p r i n g e r c o m / s c r i c s / 2 U lf Häger • Christian Rehtanz Nikolai Voropai Editors Monitoring, Control and Protection of Interconnected Power Systems TRƯỞNG -DH HÀNG HAI \ IẺĨ NAM TÁI LIỆU THƯ VIỆN ringer E d i to r s U lf H ä g e r N ik o la i C h r is tia n R e h t a n z E n e r g y S y s te m s I n s titu te I n s titu te o f E n e r g y S y s te m s , E n e r g y Ir k u ts k E f f ic ie n c y a n d E n e r g y E c o n o m ic s V o ro p a i R u s s ia T U D o r tm u n d U n iv e r s ity D o r tm u n d G e rm a n y IS S N -1 IS B N -3 -6 -S -6 IS S N -4 ( e le c tr o n ic ) IS B N - - - 8 - (e B o o k ) D O I 0 /9 - - - 8 - S p r i n g e r H e id e l b e r g N e w Y o r k D o r d r e c h t L o n d o n L ibrary o f C o n g re ss C o ntro l N u m ber; 01 9 9 © S p rin g er-V erlag B erlin H eid elb erg 2014 T h is w ork is su b ject to co p y rig h t All rig h ts are reserv ed by the P u blisher, w h eth er the w hole or part of the m aterial is c o n ce rn e d , specifically the rig h ts o f tran slation , reprinting, reuse o f illustrations, recitatio n , bro ad castin g , re p ro d u c tio n on m icrofilm s o r in an y o th e r physical w ay and tra n sm issio n or in fo rm atio n sto rag e an d retriev al, e le ctro n ic a d ap tatio n , c o m p u te r softw are, or by s im ila r or d issim ilar m eth o d o lo g y now k n ow n or he re afte r dev elo p ed E xem pted fro m this legal reser^'ation are b rie f ex ce rp ts in c o n n ec tio n w ith rev iew s o r scho larly an aly sis or m aterial supplied s p ec ifica lly for the p u rp ose o f b ein g e n te re d an d ex ec u te d on a c o m p u te r sy stem , for e x clu siv e use by the p u rc h a se r o f the w ork D u p lic a tio n o f th is p u b lic a tio n o r p arts th e re o f is p erm 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sib ility for any e rro rs o r o m issio n s that m ay be m ade T h e p u b lish e r m akes no w arranty, e x p re ss o r im plied, w ith resp ect lo the m aterial c o n ta in ed herein P rinted on a cid -fre e pap er S p rin g er is part o f S p rin g er S c ie n c e+ B u sin e ss M ed ia (w w w sp rin g e r.co m ) Foreword Electric energy systems have undergone two major paradigm changes during the last 20 years: • lib eralization of the electricity market by unbundling generation and energy market on one hand and transmission/distribution systems on the other hand • Transition from the existing fossil fuel and nuclear generation to an increasing share with respect to renewable energy sources T o effectively support the aims of these changes, the transmission systems have to be regulated because they are a natural monopoly Planning and operation of modern transmission systems become more and more complex for the following reasons: • The location o f generation sites depends on the availability of renewable energies and not on the location of the major customers • The nature of renewable energy sources creates a substantial volatility in the transmission network • Dispatchable pow er sources are replaced by stochastic generation patterns which need com plex and sophisticated prediction tools • The acceptance for new transmission lines by the public is a major barrier for the adequate expansion of the transmission system • The key for the successful transformation from fossil fuels/nuclear generation to renewable energies is a powerful transmission system tailored to its needs I he continuous growth of interconnected transmission systems is an immense challenge because it leads to the most complex technical system ever built by engineers Although the frontiers for the size of future interconnected systems are continuously expanding there is a conjecture concerning the optimal size o f a transmission system This conjecture cannot be confirmed without looking into the details of monitoring, control and protection of interconnected power systems keeping the above mentioned paradigm changes in mind The expansion of the existing interconnected electric power transmission systems offers significant advantages with respect to operational security, inte gration of renewable energy, as well as energy trading On the other hand, the complexity o f operational problems significantly increases and hence large R& D vi lo io v o u l efforts are urgently required in order to make I'ull use of recent technological innovations with respect to new power system components like wide area nu'nitoring, control, and protection equipment, as well as advanced network contri>llers such as flexible AC transmission systems (FACTvS) and H V D C systems Furthermore, power system disturbances may result in major blackouts if moni toring, operation, and control of interconnected power systems is not based on efficient and innovative information technologies The objectives o f the l'P7 project Intelligent Coordination of Operation and Emergency Control of F-U and Russian Power Grids (ICOEUR) sponsored by the EU com mission are directly linked to the aspects o f a secure and economic operation of large interconnected power transmission systems, the integration of renewable energy power genera tion and the efficient system handling under emergency conditions To achieve these objectives, a clo.se and trustful cooperation between many experts with a wide range of expertise is an important prerequisite for creating a large impact on the future development o f interconnected pow er systems Leading experts in all the relevant fields successfully completed the ICOEUR project It is most welcome that the important results and insights obtained in this successful project are documented in this book It supports the dissemination efforts o f the ICOEUR research consortium in order to adopt the accomplished results con cerning innovative monitoring, simulation and control concepts, experience with tools and equipment, and the implementation o f the results This book offers a systematic approach in looking for the optimal size of a large interconnected system from a technical point of view A suitable basis for tackling the related problems is a well-defined basis consisting of system models and systematic description of relevant dynamic phenomena This leads to a holistic simulation approach indispensable for the thorough understanding o f the future energy system Monitoring aspects ba.sed on state estimation and wide area monitoring deal with the reliable and complete assessment of the current opera tional state of the power system Without detailed knowledge o f the actual system state, a secure and economic operation is unthinkable Since the first efforts in the 1960s of the last century much technological process significantly contributes to new effective solutions for the secure assessment of the current system state In view of the aforementioned increasing volatility due to renewable genera tion, the dynamic control o f interconnected power systems is o f increasing importance These control aspects are based on new operational equipm ent such as FACTS and H V DC as well as modern information technologies such as multiagent control systems Dynamic control intrinsically is related to system stability and the as.sociated protection techniques The reliable assessment o f a stable operating point with respect to voltage and frequency is a great challenge for modern information systems Interesting contributions have been achieved based on neural network approaches and artificial intelligence techniques Although being p ow erful, all these methods have limits and suitable methods are required for stabi lizing the power system under emergency conditions Under-frequency load shedding is a suitable method to guarantee a stable system state even under extreme conditions All these methodological approaches lead to an important td ie w o ril vii answ er to the at'orementioneci conjecture related to possible limits of future interconnecled transmission systems The close interaction between energy and infvirmation technologies is under all circumstances an imporlanl prerequisite for successlully tackling the future challenges This book is a comprehensive description of all aspects related to modern po w er transmission systems As it is the result of a fruitful cooperation under the FP7 program of the European Commission in collaboration with the Russian Federal Agency for Science and Innovation, it is an impressive contribution across national boundaries based on a successful cooperation between scientists and entiineers May this book be an important reference for all those responsible for the future electric energy transmission systems G erinany 2013 Edmund Handschin 37X S C Miiller et al I"'or modeling the wide area network links, dift'erent lechnologies and topologies (e.g fiber along the transmission system lines) can be investigated and compared According to the communication architecture presented before, nodes arc inodeled at the substation level representing decentralized operations, e.g., distributed control and protection systems At the substation level, nodes for mapping the local process communication are modeled using local network technologies Additionally, as candidates for fallback solutions wireless broadband technologies (e.g Tetra LTE) can be taken into account both as dedicated or shared infrastructures 19.4.2 Power System Architecture Model As discussed in Sect 19,3.1 commercial power system simulators are primarily designed for simulations at the bay level In our hybrid simulation architecture we represent also the substation level, the wide area level and the communication links explicitly as it is visualized in Fig 19,2 The colors indicate which software tool is applied to simulate the processes and to account for the dift'erent delays All simulators and software tools are run simultaneously and are time-synchronized by the HLA All processes al the bay level are simulated with the commercial power system simulator D IgSlLLN T PowerFactory as it provides a large library of validated models and proven functionalities Via the HLA the other levels are connected with the power system simulator Entities that process data, e.g., execution of control algorithms, at either the substation level or beyond (e.g at control centers) can be represented explicitly as HLA federates Currently, these entities are modeled in JA VA but also other secondary software tools such as M A TLAB or G NU R can be linked into the simulation The communication between all fed erates can be simulated in detail by the communications network simulator OPNET Within the network simulator, communication delays at the wide area level are the most relevant for the analysis of W A M P A C applications However, sim ulating the local intra-substation traffic between bays is available as well at any of the federates, it can be accounted for their timely impact on real-time behavior Communication latencies i c T w a n • ^c t , i a n as well as execution times o f algo rithms iiT.caic and waiting for additional input data before the execution o f an algorithm in wmi can be accounted for Furthermore, the response of power system equipment to a change o f control values (e.g., mechanical change o f a tap position o f a transformer) is subject to characteristic time delays /pp Last, the power system responds to events (e.g., control actions) following a certain trajectory that needs to be simulated and the time until a certain state of the power system is reached (ips, e.g., until oscillation have decayed below a certain limit) results from the pow er system simulation The interplay of this representation o f all entities of interest enables a comprehensive analysis o f time-critical applications that rely on communication and interaction with other entities C 'o m p r e h c iis iv e S in u i l a i i o n i T a i i i e w o r k to r P o w e r S v s ie tn O p e r a t i o n Power System Sim ulator ips Substation Comm unications N etwork Simulator V F ig 19.2 379 tcT.WAN V / ( ) \ e r v i e w o f r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f p o w e r s y s t e m le v e ls a n d d e p l o y e d s o f tw a r e T o o l s , based on | | 19.4.3 Integration Concept fo r ICT and Power Systems I he section presents the integration concept by introducing the JAVA-based Suhstation Data Processing Unit {SSDPU) model to connect both communication and power system network For this, the SSDPU represents a node within both power system and com munication network at the substation level, equipped with additional information needed for redirecting the requests to the corresponding network T h e concept of the SSDPU is visualized in detail within Fig 19.3 For describing the various parts and functions o f the SSDPU the components are described individually in the following: • In terface to the P ow er System Sim ulation: Interactions between the substation unit and the power systems simulator are realized using an industrial standard for substations (OLE for Process Control— OPC) Via an OPC server, data can be exchanged between the power system simulator and the SSDPU In particular, current state variables o f the pow er system simulation (e.g., measurements) can be accessetl by the SSDPU and control actions (e.g disconnection of a line) can be executed by the SSDPU by triggering events in the power system simulation • Interface to the C om m unication N etw ork Sim ulator: Communication requests and notifications are modeled using HLA interactions Flence, the com m unication network sim ulator is connected to the SSDPU using the FILA interface, li.g for transmitting a message from one substation to another, the sending SSDPU triggers a HLA interaction, then the comtiiunication is sim u lated in the O P N E T communications network simulator which in turn delivers the message after the simulated delay to the receiving SSDPU by another HLA interaction S C 380 M iiller et al C o m m o n In fo rm a tio n M odel lE C 61970 E N T SO -E OPNET Network Simulator Control Center Centralized protection and control Supervisoiy Control and Data Acquisition Super PDC State Estimation Control Center Centralized protection and control Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Super P IX • State Estimation Fig 19.3 Subst ation D a ta P r o c e s s i n g U n it ( S S D P U ) fo r c o u p l i n g o f S ii iiu la lo ts b a s e d o n |.^| M o d e l p a r titio n : In order to ensure compatibility with a variety o f secondary software tools and m odem standards, the modeling is based on a C o m m on Infomiation Model (CIM— lEC 61970) of the power system The substation model within the SSDPU is created by the so called T opology Parser by reading the given CIM model and creating an lEC 618.30 based model description within the substation controller For this, the power system model is split into multiple substation instances containing detailed model information for local process control Additionally, the power system topology given by the corresponding C IM model is translated into a com munication network topology for scenarios close to the real-world Instance generation: After the model partitioning has finished, the previously generated sub models are used for instance generation with each substation described within the CIM model being instantiated in a single SSD PU instance, carrying the lEC 61850 based model for local process control Once the SSDPU instance is started, the interfaces to each subsimulator attributes inside the local substation model are mapped to the corresponding elements: O PC items for accessing the values of the power system simulation and HLA objects within the H L A federation, generated and published according to the Federation Object Model H L A control interface: After the interfaces to the subsimulators are mapped and initialized, the HLA control interface is set up, m anaging time-synchronization with the HLA federation and implementing the update functions on part 19 C o n i p r c h c n s i v f S i m u la li iin F r a m e w o r k fo r I ' o w e r S y s t e m O p e r a t i o n 3X1 of the OPC itiletl'ace to the pow er systems simuhitioti For the attributes updates, differetit approaches are available to be used by the given protection algorithm: a continuous update at each time-step a static update on initialization or an eveni-tlriveti update 19.5 Simulation Results As exemplary results, a proof of concept study simulating a wide area control system for Phase Shifting Transformers (PSTs) as presented in |2 | will be dis cussed in Ihe following The simulation is perform ed in the IEEE 39-bus 10tnachine system ( “ New England Test S ystem ") with four PSTs and one HVDC transmission line added to enable the analysis o f power flow control concepts The transmission system topology is shown in Fig 19.4 For inodeling the wide area network litiks we assume a full fiber coverage existing along the power system transmissions lines, which is available exclusively for usage of power system operation The aitii of the study is to explain the analysis capabilities of the hybrid sim ulation and to verify the interaction o f the simulators by a test case For these reasons, only a simple wide area control scheme is investigated using the fol lowing setup: A decentralized control system being located at the substation at tiode controls the tap position o f PST The objective of the control algorithm is to keep the loading o f the transmission line between node and 14 (TL04I4) below 80 % W henever the loading is detected to exceed this threshold, a control tiiessage is sent to adjust the tap position of PST by one tap as a countermeasure As the PST tap position has to be adjusted mechanically, it takes an additional delay of //./, = s until the new control value is set For detecting the overload, PMU measurements being collected at substation 14 are used as input, which needs tt) be delivered by wide area communication The reporting frequency between the substations is assumed to be set at a tiiaxitiium o f 0.1 Hz, thus the SSDPU at substation 14 waits for = lOs before it sends another measuretiient to substation For the com munication network infrastructure we assume to have D Sl {digital sif>nal /) links available for wide area communication exclu sively with a data rate of 1.35 Mbit/s, Each substation is assumed to have a local substation cotUroller a wide area network access router and a local network switch installed being connected by 10 Mbit/s Ethernet Furthermore, a proprietary net work protocol is applied that transmits UDP (User Datagram Protocol) based tiiessages with a constant size of 240 bytes For simplicity reasons we assume the delays due to substation LAN (ter.¡a n ) and tiines for the execution o f algorithm and PM U data processing (trr.cah ) to be negligible, nonetheless, also execution times of complex algorithms or l.AN latencies can be accounted for explicitly in the simulation F-'inally, the comtnunication network setup is assumed to be incomplete, so that no network route exists at the beginning of the simulation 382 F ig S C Miiller el al N e w E n g l a n d T e s t System (l E H K - b u s lO - m a c h in e s y s t e m ) e x l e n d e l by P.STs a n d an H V D C tr a n s m is s io n lin e Figures 19.5 and 19.6 show the simulation results for the gentral setup as described above, assuming the load at node 15 to be disconnected al / = s In particular, the loading of the critical line, the tap position of PST and the IP traffic sent from the SSDPU at node 14 are visualized Furthermirc, the time components that are critical for the real-time perform ance (compare Fig 19.2 and Sect 19.4.2) are indicated Before the disconnection of the load, the system is in steady state and the loading o f line TL0414 is not critical Due to the dsconnection of the load at i = s, the load o f the line increases to more than 80 9« The excess o f the threshold is determined by the PMU located at node 14 As (elays due to LA N communication and PMU data processing are neglected, the SSDPU receives the measurement immediately from the PM U (located at the bay level and triggers a message to substation in order to report the overload As the conm unication network is not initialized at the beginning, this first message is dropped and does not reach the SSDPU at node Flowever in the course o f this falcd attempt 19 C im i p r e h c i i s i v e S i m u l a t i o n h r a m e w o r k liir P o w e r S y s t e m O p e r a t i o n Kig 19.5 S i m u l a t i o n re su lts: 383 - 14 lo a d in g (it line H J ) I a n d ta p p o s itio n ol P S T 3, b a s e d 12 140 10 S- 120 I o 100 00 c o 80 60 -2 Li ne T L 4 - PS T3 -4 40 10 20 30 40 50 Time (s) F ig 19.6 S i m u l a t i o n resul ts : IP Iratiic s en t Iroin s u b s ta tio n 14 b a s e d o n | | Ti me (s) routes over the W AN are estahlished by routing protocols Due to the dropped message and the I T logic o f reporting at a maxim um frequency of 0.1 Hz a delay of 10 s is caused before the PMU measurement collected at substation 14 is delivered successfully to substation in the second attempt at / = 12 s, This delay is indicated in the figure as Ic i m a n After the second attempt to deliver the PMU measurements has been successful, the decentralized control system at substation initiates a countermeasure by sending a local control com m and for increasing the tap position o f PST As latencies o f local com m unication and execution of the algorithm are neglected, the control com ntand reaches the PST instantaneously, but due to the delays of the mechanics an additional delay of = s occurs until the new tap position is successfully set Thus, the first alleviation of the overload takes place at / = 18 s nonetheless, it is not sufficient to reduce the loading o f transmission line T L 04I4 below the threshold of 80 % l-or this reason, the next PMU measurement is 384 S C Miiller el al reported from substation 14 to after another = s (because of the m axi mum reporting frequency of 0.1 Hz and the last message having been sent at / = 12 s) So, the next measurement indicating the overload is receixed by the decentralized control system at / = 22 s Due to this, another increase of the tap position o f PST is triggered that takes place— delayed by = ft s— at / = 28 s Analogously, two more increases o f the tap positions are executed at i = 38 s and / = 48 s, respectively Finally, the fourth increase of the PST tap position achieves a reduction of the loading below 80 % After a time of the oscillations fol lowing the tap change have decayed below a predefined level and the simulation is stopped after this successful alleviation of the overload by the control system The exemplary study case illustrates the basic functionalities of ihe hybrid simulation Regarding ICT, it allows for the detailed analysis o f the impact ot various technologies and logics Evidently, the maximum reporting rate of SSDPU at node 14 as well as the incomplete setup o f the com munication network had decisive impact on the perform ance o f the control system Although these assumptions were a relatively obvious worst case scenario, similar effects are usually not taken into account within simulations, but can have considerable impact Besides this, the explicit simulation o f the ICT system allows for the comparison of different IT and com munication technologies E.g., the impact of different hardware used for the execution o f algorithms with relevant execution times, fallback solutions for com munication networks, background traffic or dif ferent protocols (e.g., using encryption to avoid vulnerability in the context ot cyber security) on the real-time perform ance of W A M P A C applications can be investigated From a power systems perspective, an interesting capability of the hybrid simulation is that it allows for the detailed comparison of centralized versus decentralized control and protection approaches E.g., a com peting control algo rithm for the decentralized control o f the PST could be a centralized system analysis performed at the control center With the hybrid simulation, it can be analogously analyzed how a central collection o f system data, state estimation and execution of a centralized optimal pow er flow for calculation o f the ideal tap position o f the PST performs com pared with the decentralized approach Further, the simulation allows to investigate the operational benefits by investment in fast controllable primary pow er system equipment (e.g., FACTS devices or HV DC as a com plem ent or supplement to the slow controlling PST in the study case) in critical network situations and their reliance on the ICT system 19.6 Outlook and Discussion In the previous sections, the hybrid simulation design has been discussed and exemplary simulation results have been detailed in order to explain the capability o f the hybrid simulation to account for all processing steps and timely impacts at the different levels o f pow er system operation including the ICT So far the 19 C o m p r e h e n s i v e S ii m i l a l i o n F r a m e w o r k lo r P o w e r S y s l e m O p e r a t i o n 3X5 ititeraciion of simulators in a time-synchronized co-simulation has been presented iti exeiTtphtry case studies in |2, 3| Below, we summ arize and discuss steps for further enhancement and application o f the simulator for extended studies on large-scale systems with complex protection and control systems in Sect 19.6.1 Finally, a summ ary is given and a conclusion is drawn in Sect 19,6.2 19.6.1 Future Developments and Extensions For future deploytnent o f the hybrid simulation in the context of integrated power system and ICT system analysis, some methodic as well as practical issues like usability, verilication and perform ance need to be addressed In the following we present enhancetnents and extensions of the present state hybrid simulation which are currently under development in research unit FOR151I in order to enable interdisciplinary research in the field o f W A M P A C applications with a high level of detail S cen ario C onfiguration Usability is a key factor to enable an interdisciplinary research on both power and comtnunication systems I'wo major points for this debate will be introduced in the near future, which both are taking into account the specific scenario configuration First, an aut(miatic scenario-conversion is necessary to enable a repeatable sce nario configuration, which can be used without further knowledge on either power or cotnnuinication system Flere, as scenario generation is pow er systetn driven, an easy and automatic ontology tnatching between communication nodes and power systems primary equipm ent is necessary to provide enhanced usability Secotidly for testing different event scenarios, a malfunction generator will be tmplemented for both the com munication network and power systetn simulator By this, failure events during the simulation can be generated following a predefined syntax o f event strings and can include events of both pow er systetn and cotntnunication system, e.g loss of a transmission line and disrupting a parallel comtnunication link IT Kxecution Time.s As presented, the execution times of algorithms on substation or control center hardware can be taken into account within the simulation However, the hybrid sitnulation relies on adequate information on these execution titnes which can be stgnificatit (e.g response from a control center may rely on state estimation and security attaKses that tnay sum up to several minutes) Therefore, it is itnportant that realistic estitnates oti the execution titnes o f the algorithms are provided for 38(1 S C M üll er el al the detailed analysis of the applications and a methodology for this estimation would be valuable Interactive Sim ulations and V erification o f F unctionality It is the objective o f the development o f the hybrid sim ulator to enable the interactive simulation of the W A M P A C applications In the future, applications for monitoring, protection and control purposes like the ones presented in this book and those being under development in FOR15I I will be integrated in the sim u lation in order to perform joint analyses The comprehensive simulation of the applications needs to be verified by plausibility checks, comparison to analytical models or other simulations D istributed Execution For evaluating the overall simulation performance, distributed execution will be taken into account to speed up the simulation Due to the fact that the HLA is used in the simulation framework, an execution of the different HLA federates on various workstations is enabled by itself However, various factors will affect the overall simulation performance and will be detailed in future work 19.6.2 Summary and Conclusion In this chapter, we have presented our novel architecture for integrated analyses of power and ICT system based on time-synchronized co-simulation using the IEEE 1516— High Level Architecture The hybrid simulator design follows the levels of the physical system, e.g., bay, substation and wide area level o f power system operation as well as their communication links are explicitly repre.sented in the design Currently, the simulator is under strong development for performing extended studies on large-.scale system and for analyzing the interplay of the W A M P A C applications presented in latest research Generally, it can be concluded that the use of the proposed hybrid simulation framework offers particularly benefits for the following fields o f investigation: • analysis o f the interplay and interdependencies o f several smart grid applications (e.g., interacting or interdependent W A M P A C applications, possibly imple mented in different software tools |161); • analysis of real-time performance of power system applications, in particular of time critical applications like wide area protection schemes 19 C D in p ie h t’iisive Siim ilatKiii f-iaTiiework l o r P o w e r S y s t e m O p e r a lio ii 3X7 • analysis of real-time performance of power system applications, in particular of time ciitical applications like wide area protection schemes, that require taking into account realistically the data processing, communication latencies and execution times at all involved components of the power and ICT system; • analysis of emergent effects resulting from the simultaneous action of a large number of autonomous entities, e.g multi-agent systems or future states of the smart grid w'ith a large number of active and autonomous decision making participants; • analysis of the impact of ICT technologies, protocols, fallback solutions and overall concepts on real-time performance o f applications in power system operation; • analysis of the mutual interdependencies of the ICT and the power system, e.g increasing latencies in critical network situations due to increased network traffic, thereby influencing power system protection and control performance; • analysis of the real-time perform ance of fast controlling equipment like FACT.S devices and HVDC controllers; and • comparison of different approaches for system management at different levels, e.g., centralized versus decentralized (e.g., as proposed in |17, 18|) protection and control concepts Summarizing, the future development of renewable energy source and the rise of smart grids lead to an increasingly dynamic power system operation that becomes more and more dependent on the ICT system The hybrid simulation framework presented in this chapter enables an integrated analysis of power system, ICT system and various applications at all levels of power system oper ation The architecture is designed to allow a high level o f details within the simulatii)ri by explicitly representing all components of the physical system and specializeil simulators for the complex analysis of electromechanical simulation of the powei system in discrete time-steps and the event-based simulation of the communicaiiot) networks I'he hybrid simulator will be deployed in the future for investigating the interplay of a variety of pow'er system applications as the ones described in the previous chapters By enhancing the usability and performance, a com preheiisi\e simulation environment will be provided that enables the analysis of complex systems and facilitates interdisciplinary research in the field of power system operation .\i'k n o w le d );n ie n l.s I'his w o r k w a s s u p p o r t e d by th e G e r m a n R e s e a r c h t 'o u n d a l l o n l) l '( i as part ('I r e s e a r c h unit l-'ORI.'il I " P r o l e c t i o n a n d C o n t r o l S y s t e m s l o r R e l ia b le a n d S e c u r e O p e r a t i o n o f I ' le c tr ic a l T r a n s m i s s i o n S y s t e m s " 388 S C M ü l l e r e i al References V T e r z i j a , G V a l v e r d e P D e y u C a i , V R e g u l s k i J M a d a n i S Pitch , M S k o k , M B e govic A, Phadke W ide-A rea M onitoring, Protection, and C onlrol o f Future l i le c lric Pow er N e t w o r k s P r o c e e d i n g s o f th e I E E E 9 ( ) - (2 ! 1) S C M ii lle r H G e o r g C R e h t a n z C W i e t f e l d , H y b r i d s i m u l a t i o n o f p o w e r s y sle ii is a n J I C T for real-tim e applications, Pro(.eedii\f>s o f }th In te r n a tiim a l W o r k s h o p o n C o m p u te r A i d e d M o d e lin g a n d D e s ig n o f C o m trm n ic u tio n L in k s a n d N e tw o r k s (C A M A D ) K y o to J a p a n J u n e 201 p p - 13 K H o p k i n s o n , X W a n g , R G i o v a n i n i , J T h o r p , K B i r m a n , D, C o u r y , E p o c h s : a p la tf 'o n n fo r a g e n t - b a s e d e le c tr ic p o w e r a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n s i m u l a t i o n b u ilt fr o m c o m m e r c i a l ofT-thes h e l f c o m p o n e n t s I E E E T r a n s P o w e r S ys t ( ) - 5 (20()6) 14 K H o p k i n s o n K B i r m a n R G i o v a n i n i D C o u r y X W a n g , J T h o r p , E P O C H S : I n te g r a te d C o m m e r c i a l O H - t h e - S h e l f S o f t w a r e f o r A g e n t-B a s e d E l e c tr ic P o w e r a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n Sim ulation, in P r o c e e d in g s o f In te r n a tio n a l C o n fe r e n c e on M a c h in e le a r n in g and C y b e r n e tic s N e w O r l e a n s , L A , U S A D e c 2(K)3, pp 1 -1 166 15 T , G o d f r e y , S M u l l e n R D u g a n , C R o d i n a D G rif fith N, G o l m i e M o d e l i n g S m a r t G r id A p p l i c a t i o n s w ith C o -S ii m u la tio n in Fir.v/ I E E E In te r n a tio n a l C o n fe r e n c e o n S m a r t G r id C o m m u n ic a tio n s (S m a r tG r id C o m m ), G a i t h e r s b u r g M D U S A O c t pp - 16 S C M iille r A, K u b is , S E r a t o , U H ä g e r , C R e h t a n z J G ö t z e , N e w A p p l i c a t i o n s f o r W i d e Area M onitoring, Protection and C ontrol, in ^rd I E E E PES I n n o v a tiv e S m a rt G r id T e c h n o lo g ie s E u r o p e C o n fe r e n c e , B e r lin G e r m a n y O c t 2 17 S C , M ii ll e r, U H ä g e r , C R e h t a n z , H F W e d d e A p p l i c a t i o n o f S e l f - O r g a n i z i n g S y s t e m s in P o w e r S ystem s C ontrol, in L e c tu r e N o te s in C o m p u te r S c ie n c e , vol 7343 (S pringer, H e i d e l b e r g , 2 ) p p - 3 18 U H ä g e r , S L e h n h o f f , C R e h t a n z , H F W e d d e M u l t i - A g e n t S y s t e m fo r C o o r d i n a t e d C o n t r o l o f F a c ts D e v i c e s , in P r o c e e d in g s o f th In te r n a tio n a l C o n fe r e n c e o n I n te llig e n t S y s te m A p p lic a tio n ^ to P o w e r S y s te m (I S A P '0 ), C u r i t i b a , B z i l, N o v 0 , pp - Index C o r r e c t i v e a c t io n s 43 A d a p t i v e seU '-he alin g, C o - s i m u l a l i o n 37 Al'tei-ell'ect ( u n c t i o n 2.3.3 C o u n t e r m e a s u r e , 17 A g e n t 195 a c t iv e , 172 c o m m u n i c a t i o n 174 I) pa ss iv e 172 D a m p i n g , 37 •Aggregated lines, 26 D a t a b a s e , 73 A ggregated netw ork D e c o m p o s i t i o n , 7, 21 , 2 ■Aggiegated n o d e s , A u to m a tic control 266 325 '\ n to m a tic v o l t a g e re g u l a t o r 48 I' unctional, D e t e r m i n i s t i c , 65 D F C , 154 Dill'erential re la y 42 D ir e c tio n o f i m p a c t, 177 D iscrete-evenl based sim ulations, 374 H ad d a t a d e t e c t i o n Distance protection, 242 B a l tic e l e c tr ic a l rin g 127 D is t r i b u t e d c o o r d i n a t i o n , 179 D is t r i b u t e d e x e c u t i o n , [dis tr ib u te d o p t i m i z a t i o n 15 C D is t r i b u t e d p r o te c tio n , 31 C o n i m u n i c a t i o n 54, 66 a r c h i t e c t u r e , 37 D i s t r i b u t e d s i m u l a t i o n , 74 D M Z n e t w o r k , 57 la y e r, 377 D roop control, 344 m o d e l , 173 D y n a m i c b r e a k i n g 35 n e t w o r k , 57 D y n a m i c m o d e l , 29 netvvork s i m u l a t o r 79 D y n a m i c s 35 24 1, 373 r e t | U i r e m e n t s IS S ru le s , 175 ( ' o i K l i i c t o r , 26 K C o n tin g e n cy , 208, 259 tm e r g e n c y 259 260, 349 C o n t r o l , 3, 143 178, 195, , ,321 C o n t r o l c e n t e r , 55 b m e rg e n c y control 201, 266, 286 294 303 E m e r g e n c y s itu a tio n C o n t r o l la yer, E m e r g e n c y sta le 09 ('iin lr tilD in v it/.o itc 172 178 C o n t r o l l e r type s, 30 E N T S O - t C i: (.'o iilr n H ll’/ j i n c 172, 178 E q u a l i t y c o n s t r a i n t s 223 C o o r d i n a t e d c o n t r o l , 171, E x e c u t i o n li m e s 38 Environm ent 202 I' H iig o r et al t e d s ) M o n ito r in g C o n tr o l a n d P r o te c tio n o f In te r c o n n e c te d P o w e r S y s te m s I’o w e r S y s t e m s D O I: 0 / - - 8 - , © S p r i n g e r - V e r l a g B e r lin H e i d e l b e r g 89 390 In de x F J I- A C T S , 146, 171, 3()4 J A D E 321 a v a i l a b i l i t y 165 c o m b i n e d c o n t r o l l e r s , 154 r e l ia b ility 165 K s e r ie s c o n t r o l l e r s 132 K a l m a n Miter 109 1.32 s h u n t c o n t r o l l e r s , 149 t u n i n g , 117 Fault cle aran c e 244 F o r e c a s t i n g I 14 Frequency behavior 352 L F u n c t i o n a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s 23 L a r g e d i s t u r b a n c e 36 L a r g e scale W A M S 6S 68 d e c e n t r a l i z e d 68 centralized (; G eneralized red u ced gradient m eth o d 216 L o a d 27 G e n eratio n 27 L o a d agent 320 G e n e r a t o r a g e n t 19 L o a d s h e d d i n g , , 31 349 G O O S B -m e s s a g e s 59 L o s s o f s y n c h r o n i s m , 243, 30 G o v ern o r blocking 46 L y a p u n o v m e t h o d , 41 H M H ie r a r c h y , M ac h in e param eter, 30 H i g h - l e v e l a r c h i t e c t u r e , 371 M e a s u r e m e n t d a ta , 109 H V A C , 12 M o d a l a n a l y s is 41 H V D C , 12, , 1.58 , , M o d e l li n e a riz a t io n 41 a v a i l a b i l i t y 165 M t> nitoring 14 b a c k - t o - b a c k 158 M o n t e - C a r l o , 69 C S C , 160 M u l t i - a g e n t s y s te m , L 20 1, e x a m p l e s 162 M u l t i p l e - l a y e r e d s y s t e m , 198 r e l ia b ility , 165 M U S T A N G , 125 V S C 160, 9 H ybrid sim ulation, 376 H y b rid s im u la tio n arch itectu re, 372 N H ydro pow er, 45, N e t w o r k m o d e l 21, 30, 334 N e w E ngland Test S y s t e m , 179 I N o d e s , 22 IC T IBC6I8.50 59 IB H H O n e A r e a R T S - s y s t e m , 3 O Inequality constraints, 225 O b j e c t i v e f u n c t i o n , I 10 I n t e r a r e a o s c i l l a t i o n s 15 35 O n t o l o g y 18 Interactive sim u la tio n O peration, Interconnected p o w e r system s O peration handbook I n t e r c o n n e c t i o n , 186, O p t i m a l p o w e r flow , 171 A C , 335 H V D C, 340 Interface, 9, 333 O ptim ization c u r r e n t flow 21 short-term 229 I n t e r f a c e li n e s , 129 O s c i l l a t i o n d a m p i n g 6, 47 I P F C 155 O s c i l l a t i o n s , 72, 77 IP S /U P S O T S E N K A , 125 Islanding d e te ction 73 O u t - o f - s t e p p r o t e c t i o n , 245, 391 I ikIl- x S S S C 153 I’a r a l l c l lines, Stability 373 P D C , 6, S T A T C O M , I,50 P e e r t o p e e r e o m m u n i c a l i o n 61 P M U , 54, 6, S.5 24.5 .304 S t a l e e s t i m a t i o n , 13, 54 d i s t r i b u t e d 131 Post c m e r g c i K V state d i s t r i b u t e d h i e r a r c h i c a l 95 P ost-processing 289 d y n a m i c 107 132 P o w e r b a l a n c e 267 p r o t o t y p e 130 test c a s e 125 P o w e r d e l i c i e n c y 361 P o w e r How c o n t r o l 171 S t a t e m e s s a g e s 17 P o w e r s y s t e m s i t m d a t i o n 79 S t e a d y s la te e q u a t i o n s I'ow er transfer characteristic 39 Sub-problem 216 Preprncessing 288 S u b sy stem a llocation 89 P rev e n tiv e 283 S V C 149 P r e v e n t i v e a c t io n s S y n c h r o n i z a t i o n 79 P r o b a b i l i s t i c 63 Synchrophasor 69 P r o b a b i l i t y 261 S y sle m freq u en cy 69 P r o c e s s L a y e r 377 P r o c e s s n e t w o r k 52 P r o t e c t i o n 15 71 241 ad ap tiv e 249 T a p changer 318 d e vice 241 T C P A R 186 190 i n t e r l a c e 333 T C P S T 154 loc al 42 T C R 149 p h iilo s o p h y T C S C 152 T e s t e q u a t i o n s 85 w i d e - a r e a 24 P r o t e c t i v e re l a y i n g 241 T i e li nes P r o to c ols T i m e d o m a i n s i m u l a t i o n 41 P.S.S 4.4 P S T 1144 186, 188 T r a n s i e n t s ta b i l i t y 38 T r a n s m i s s i o n lin e T S C 149 R R a t e - i'i f - c h a n g e R ea cli 'o ii tim e Unit c o m m itm e n t 28 R ea l- ti m e d a t a e x c h a n g e 70 L^PFC R e d isp ia tc h R e l a y p r o te c tio n 30 R is k e s t i m a tio n 255 \ R is k iind ic ator R is k n i a n a g c m e n t 6 R o b u s t ne ss 91 V a l u e o f risk R T U 58 V o l t a g e le ve l 2 V i s u a l i z a t i o n 74 V o l t a g e a n g le V o l t a g e s ta b i lity , 36, 73, 316, 324 V P N 57 S SCAD 58, 130 245, S e c u r i t y a s s e s s m e n t , 88 S e n s i t i v i t y , 175 \V S e p a itio n 69 W A M S 54 6 74 186 S im u la it io n e n v i r o n m e n t 75 W A P r o te c to r 75 S m a ll 'd i s tu r b a n c e 36 W e i g h t e d le a st s q u a r e s 91 S m a l l - 's i s n a l s ta b ili ty 37 S n a p s h io t tiata , I I \V A M P < \C 371 Power Systems Ulf Häger ■Christian Rehtanz • Nikolai Voropai Editors Monitoring, Control and Protection of Interconnected Power Systems The interstate integration o f pow er grids provides m ultiple advantages concerning operation security, integration o f renewable energy as well as energy trading D ue to these facts grid interconnections, such as ENTSO-E in C ontinental Europe, expand co n tin u ally sin ce its estab lish m en t D ue to the in creasing scale and d istance o f interconnected power system s as well as an increasing num ber o f countries involved with increasing com plexity o f operation, com prehensive R&D and innovations are urgently required to assure reliable and efficient operation o f power systems In this book new tools and m ethods are presented for monitoring, control and protection o f large scale power systems These tools and methods consider Smart Grid technologies based on wide area data exchange in com bination with modern measurement devices, such as PMUs and advanced network controllers, such as FACTS and FIV DC systems W ithin this topic the impact and reliability o f different com m unication technologies play a key role The material o f this book is based on final results from the international research project ICOEUR “Intelligent C oordination o f O peration and Em ergency Control o f EU and Russian Power Grids”, supported by the European C om m ission and the Russian Federal A gency o f Science and Innovation This book provides a great value for professional power system engineers as well as for students interested in topics related to large scale power system m onitoring, control, protection and operation THU-VIENDH HÄNG HÄI Electrical Engineering ISSN 1612-1287 S D H /L T 02976 ►springer.com ... details of monitoring, control and protection of interconnected power systems keeping the above mentioned paradigm changes in mind The expansion of the existing interconnected electric power transmission... operation, and control of interconnected power systems is not based on efficient and innovative information technologies The objectives o f the l'P7 project Intelligent Coordination of Operation and. .. Large-Scale Interconnected Power Systems All investigations in this book are related to real power system requirements As examples the interconnected power systems of Europe (EN TSO-E) and Russia