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Multiple choice 2 - Mai Lan Huong

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UNIT 1: LETTERS TEST I/ Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others: a invitation b blind c decide d provide a acrobat b lake c animal d thanks a unlucky b sun c June d fun a missed b stopped c looked d invited a too b food c soon d good II/ Choose the right wold or phrase that best completes the sentence: We must be grateful _ all the teachers who have helped us a lot in our lived a to b for c with d about Thank you very much _ inviting me to your birthday party a about b for c because d of I’m looking forward _ seeing my sister a in b about c for d to The new laws gained windespread _ a accept b acceptance c acceptable d acceptably 10 I have to refuse their _ a invite b invitation c inviting d invitingly 11 They had a _ seafood lunch in a restaurant a love b loveliness c lovely d lover 12 I _ when the lighs went out a read b am reading c have read d was read 13 The farmers _ in the field now a were working b have word c words d are working 14 The war _ out three years ago a broke b had broken c has broken d was breaking 15 She won’t get married until she _ 25 years old a is b will be c had been d was II/ Find the one choice that best completes the sentence 16 Alfred has not _ a lived alone in previous time b never before lived alone c ever lived alone before d before lived without the company of his friends 17 Jane dosen’t speak English _ a as well as Betty b as good as Betty c better as Betty d well as Betty 18 “I’ll see my teacher” Alice says _ a I’ll see my teacher b I would see my teacher c she would see her teacher d she’ll see her teacher 19 “What are you doing ?” Mr Baker _ his son a says b tells c asks d asks to 20 “ We have just finished our lesson” The pupils say _ a we have just finished our lesson b we had just finished our lesson c they have just finished their lesson d they had just finished their lesson 21 Maria _ that she can’t attend classes next week a tells to her teacher b says her teacher c tells her teacher d is telling to her teacher 22 David says to Peter _ a he can’t sit here b he couldn’t sit here c he didn’t sit here d he hadn’t sat here 23 They had _ lunch in a restaurant a a seafood love b a love seafood c a seafood lovely d a lovely seafood 24 After _ , he went to bed a had done his homework b have done his homework c being done his homework d doing his homework 25 Amateur bird watchers _ provide scientists with a lot of information about birds a able b help to c are helpful in d are able II/ Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in standard English: 26 Mary says (that) she come to school by bus a b c d 27 The teacher said the pupils where Tom was a b c d 28 Miss White always says me about her troubles a b c d 29 George isn’t enough intelligent to pass this exam a b c d 30 There are going to a sightseeing tour of Ho Chi Minh city a b c d 31 There were so much people trying to leave the burning building a b c d 32 Harvey seldom pays his bills on time, and his brother does too a b c d 33 I’m very grateful to you for help me with my study of English a b c d 34 A friendly letter can be an interest piece of writing a b c d 35 I can’t decide which was more funny, the animals or the tent shows a b c d V/ Choose the word (a,b,c or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces: After (36) _ Mary’s letter of invitation Ann asked her parents for their (37) _ and they let her go (38) _ ,Ann was so (39) _ that she(40) _ go to the circus with Mary She was very (41) _ Now, she is staying (42) _ bet, thinking about the (43) _ time they had last year She can’t go to the circus (44) _ she is very (45) _ to Mary for her invitation 36 a receive b receives c received d receiving 37 a acceptance b permitting c allowance d permission 38 a Lucky b luckily c unluckily d unlucky 39 a sick b tiring c bored d sad 40 a can’t b couldn’t c can d could 41 a a pleasant b nice c sorry d boring 42 a in b on c at D from 43 a interested b best c good d well 44 a go b therefore c but d and 45 a grateful b helpful c useful d hopeful VI/ Read the following passage and the choose the item (a, b, c or d) that best answers each of the questions about it: England is not a country No town in Eng land is very far from the sea, and many English families spend their summer holidays at the sea-side There are no mountains in England, no very long rivers and no very large forests There are many towns in Eng land No town is very far from another The English countryside between the towns is like a carpet of many colours In spring and summer, the fields, meadows and forests are light green or dark green, and the gardens are green,red, blue, yellow and white with flowers 46 The tows in England are a not far from the sea b near the sea c very far from the sea c a and b are correct 47 Where many English families spend their summer holidays ? a at the seaside b near the mountain c beside the river d far from the sea 48 The rivers in England are a long b not long c rather long d very long 49 What’s the Eng lish countryside between the towns like ? a It likes a carpet of many colours b It is to be like a carpet of many colours c It is like a carpet of many colours d It is liked a carpet of many colours 50 In what seasons is the countryside like a carpet of many colours ? a In spring and summer b In fall and winter c In winter and spring d In summer and fall TEST I/ Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others: a high b rich c tired d kind a bite b drive c find d since a hour b home c horn d high a angry b bad c ask d hat a mother b this c think d that II/ Choose the right word or phrase that best completes the sentence: He says he’ll pick me _ at 2.30 this afternoon a in b on c about d up She can’t accept the invitation bacause _ her sickness a about b up c of d in Her sickness kept her away work for several days a from b far c at d off My children enjoy listening to stories a fun b funny c funnily d funnyness 10 The weather this summer has been most a disappoint b disappointment b disappointed d disapponiting 11 I’ll give it to Tom if I _ him tomorrow a will meet b am going to meet c met d have met 12 She _ dinner when she heard the news a cooked b was cooking c cooks d has cooked 13 When he was young, he _ in the army for 10 years a has served b had served c has been serving d served 14 He _ a cup of coffee every morning a drinks b drank c is drinking d has drunk 15 She a lot of new books a has just bought b had just bought c buys d bought III/ Find the one choice that best completes the sentence: 16 We can’t believe that he the man saved you from drowning a which b whom c who d whose 17 He is _ , if not taller than, his uncle a tall b as tall c as tall as d the tallest 18 Since ancient time, silver _ to human beings a was known b has been known b is being known d has been knowing 19 you’d better _ from work tomorrow a not to be absent b not to absent c not to be absent d not absenting 20 “ I’m not feeling well” She says _ a she hasn’t been feeling well b she hasn’t been feeling well c she was not feeling well d she is not feeling well 21 The teacher asks us _ our holiday last year a where did we spend b we spent where c where we spend d where we spend 22 “I will answer the phone” He says _ a he would answer the phone b he will answer the phone b will he answer the phone d would be answer the phone 23 “ I go to school by bicycle” She says a I go to school by bicycle b I went to school by bicycle 24 Betty speaks English very fluently, and _ a Jane also b Jane too c Jane is as well d so does Jane 25 Henry will not be able to ettend the meeting tonight because a He will be teaching a classb he must to teach a class c he will have teaching a class d of he will teach a class IV/ Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in standard English: 26 Jane doesn’t speak English as good as Betty a b c d 27 She wondered that her father looked like now after so many years away a b c d 28 The police have asked that someone who saw the accident should a b c get in touch with them d 29 Mary says me that she is tired a b c 30 Thank you to invite me I’ll be on time a b c d 31 Because his bad leg, he couldn’t walk so fast as the others a b c d 32 Mum says she already have tickets for all of us a b c d 33 That’s the man that his house was burned down a b c d 34 The tone of his letter is very friend a b c d 35 Dr Jone has two children, but none of them want to study medicine a b c d V/ Choose the world( a, b, c or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces: Dear Nam , It’s very (36) _ of you to (37) _me to the party on Sunday evening I only wish I (38) _come but I am (39) _ I couldn’t All of our family (40) _ going to leave (41) _ Vung Tau on Friday to visit our grandfather (42) _ we haven’t seen (43) a long time Thank you for (44) _ of me Hope you would have great (45) _ Your friend, Nhi 36 a good b kind c pleased d happy 37 a say b refuse c accept d invite 38 a can b will c could d shall 39 a nice b pleasant c afraid d disappointing 40 a are b will c can d would 41 a at b for c in d to 42 a which b whose c whom d who 43 a during b for c from d with 44 a telling b asking c inviting d thinking 45 a fun b funny c funnily d more funny VI/ Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d) that best answers each of the question about it : The Thames rises in the Cotswold Hills, not very far from the British Channel It has seven different springs, one for each day of the week The seven little brooks flow gently through green meadows which are good camp-ing-grounds for scouts and where one can see lits of sheep graze At the foot of the hills, the seven streams join to make the real Thames There you can go boating, but it is not very nice for swimming because the river is cold and the banks are covered with weeds 46 Where does the Thames rive ? a in the Cotswold Hills b at the foot of the hills c from the British Channel d through the green meadows 47 How many springs dose it have ? a b c d 48 For whom are green meadows good camping-grouds ? a scouts b sheep c brooks d men 49 Where the seven streams join to make the real Thame ? a At the bed of the hills b At the top of the hills c At the foot of the hills d At the bottom of the hills 50 Why is this river not very nice for swimming ? a because is it warm b because it is not warm c because it is not cold d because it is rough TEST I Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others: a easy b please c pleasure d teacher a suil b sugar c seven d sun a accept b happy c apple d ant a kind b sincerely c mind d high a sigh b line c child d children II Choose the right word or phrase that best completes the sentence: What’s TV tonight? a on b in c at d from Mr Brown usually comes home _ a by foot b by feet c on foot d on feet She has just gone _ a tour round the town a to b on c about d from Money cannot buy true a happy b happiness c happily d unhappiness 10.A cup of tea would be most a accept b acceptance c acceptably d acceptable 11.When we see Mr Taylor tomorrow, I _ him of that a will remind b remind c have reminded d reminded 12.Up to the presenr, George good work in his class a does b has done c did d had done 13.The manager the store before I arrived a closed b had closed c has closed d was closing 14.When the alarm rang, Frank out of bed quickly a was jumping b has jumped c had jumped d jumped 15.At present, that author a historical novel a is writing b was writing c has written d had written III Find the one choice that best completes the sentence: 16.While my brother has excellent eyesight, he hard of hearing a has b is c was d isn’t 17.You better study a lot next week if you want to get through that exam a should b will c must d had 18.Your friends won’t be late, _? a won’t they b will they c isn’t it d is it 19.“They went to London last year” Peter tells me a they went to London last year b that they had gone to London the previous year c we went to London last year d we had gone to London the previous year 20.Tommy was one _ a of the haapy childs of his class b of the happiest child in the class c child who was the happiest of all the class d of the happiest children in the class 21.They soon forgot their differences and a were befriended b were befriend c were friends d were friendly 22.Both you and Mary know Ann, so Ann is a of yours a popular friend b friendly friend c mutual friend d usual friend 23.Tom is a(n) _ He never tells a lie a untrue friend b sincerce friend c disappointed friend d untruthful friend 24.John says that no other car can go _ a so fast like his car b as fast like his car c as fast like the car of him d as fast as his car 25.“I enjoyed it” She says a I had enjoyed b she had enjoyed it c she enjoyed d Ienjoyed it IV Choose the words or pharses that are not correct in standard English: 26 I don’t feel well But I don’t know what is the matter with me a b c d 27 Our flight from, Amsterdam to London was delayed because the heavy a b c 28 Jane said she will be 18 the following week a b c d 29 The doctors know that it would be difficult to save the life of the patient, but a b c they will their will their best d 30 - Why did you stay an extra day in London? - I will say you tomorrow I’m very busy now a b c d 31 Being that he was a good swimmer, John jumped into the water an rescued a b c the drowning child d 32 After learning all the details about the project, our monitor told us them at the a b c planning meeting d 33 The progress made in space travel for the early 1960 is remarkable a b c d 34 John lived in New York since 1960 to 1975, but he is now living in Detroit a b c d 35 I don’t think she is enough old to enjoy this story a b c d V Choose the word (a, b, c or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces: Dear Betty, I have just (36) your note (37) a three-day trip to the (38) _ I wish I could go (39) you but I can’t Next week I’ll have a(n) (40) _ of English, mathematics and (41) So I have to lear much (42) _ than usual for the exam I hope I (43) go with you on another (44) Thank you for your (45) Your truly, Mary 36 a accepted b received c invited d refused 37 a to b for c with d on 38 a laboratory b camping-trip c tour d beach 39 a with b for c to d about 40 a lesson b test c examination d homework 41 a tennis b basketball c chemistry d football 42 a better b more c sooner d fewer 43 a will b would c could d might 44 a occasion b tour c travel d journey 45 a refusal b acceptance c thanks d invitation VI Read the folowing passage and choose the item (a, b, c or d) that best answers each of the questions about it: Dear Mary, I am very happy yo receive your attraction invitation for a two-day stay by the seaside I can’t think of a more pleasant way to spend the weekend, epecially in this kind of weather What a pity I can’t go My uncle in London has asked us to visit him for three days, and we have accepted his invitation because we haven’t seen one another for a long time Thanks you for inviting me I hope I’ll be with you another time With love, Ann 46 The word “pleasant” means most nearly _ a pretty b beautiful c handsome d nice 47 The phrase “What a pity” means most nearly _ a It is sad b It is lucky c It is pleasant d It is happy 48 What kind of letter is it ? a Letter of invitation b Letter of acceptance c Letter of refusal d Letter of thanks 49 Why does Ann refuse Mary’s invitation? a because of her laziness b because of her agreement to her uncle’s invitation c because of her sickness d because of her sadness 50 How does Ann feel when she can’t go with Mary? a pleasant b interested c sincere d sorry TEST I Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others: a greeting b sneeze c knee d deer a locate b shock c knock d lock a bacon b day c grateful d bad a pick b high c kick d hit a dinner b ticket c thirty d winter II Choose the right word or phrase that best completes the sentence: I’m terrible _ getting up late every morning a in b on c at d about Thanks your present, I can wake up on time a for b about c to d in I look forward to seeing you Christmas a on b at c in d intill She gave me an smile a invite b invitation c inviting d invitingly 10 They ride their bicycles to the countryside for a please b pleasant c pleasure d pleased 11 I _ the parcel until I hear from you a a won’t send b don’t send c haven’t send d hadn’t send 12 Mr Brown _ in Paris for years when the second World War broke out a lived b had lived c has lived d was living 13 By next month, I my first novel a will finish b am going to finish c finish d will have finished 14 George _ at the university so far a had worked b was working c worked d has worked 15 Please wait here until the manager _ a will return b had returned c returns d returned III/ Find the one choice that best completes the sentence: 16 Yesterday I felt a litter ill and today feel _ a more ill b most ill c worse d worst 17 Thousands of years ago giaffes had much _ necks than they have now a short b shorter c less short d least short 18 “I’ve typed those letters” She says _ a she has typed those those letters b she had typed those letter c a and b are correct d d a and b are incorrect 19 I _ my mother that I had finished work a said b asked c required d told 20 A good students must know a to study hard b to be a good student c how to study effectively d the way of efficiency in study 21 Thank you _ me not to smoke a to advise b for advise c to advising d for advising 22 His parents were not _ his failure in the final examination a to please at b pleased with c pleasing about d to be pleased for 23 “We always try to please you” He says to me a they always try to please me b they always tried to please me c we always try to please you d we always tried to please me 24 Nam says that he wants a to be rich and famous b be rich and famous c rich and famous d to rich and famous 25 Paperbacks sell _, as people can afford to by them any time a quicker b fastly c readily d with ready IV Choose the words or pharses that are not correct in standard English: 26 As well as he worked in an office he used to have part-time job as a waiter a b c d 27 What is a beautiful Sunday! Whay don’t we have breakfast in the garden? a b c d 28 Would you be enough kind to hold the door open? a b c d 29 Will you stop to sing while I’m talking? a b c d 30 Lucy was deeply disappointing at not being chosen for the team a b c d 31 I have not leared cycling as I have been afraid of falling and hurting me a b c d 32 I remember to meet you before, but I have forgotten your name a b c d 33 There was a very interesting news on the radio this morning a b c d 34 She must retyping the report before she hands it in to the director a b c d 35 The fire began in the fifth floor of the hotel, but it soon spread to next floors a b c d V Choose the word (a, b, c or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces: After receiving Mary’s letter of invitation, Ann asked her parents for their (36) _ and they agreed (37) _ her go So the two girls (38) _ to the circus last Sunday They really had a (39) time there They enjoyed doth the tent (40) and the animals On the (41) home, they kept (42) _ about the clowns, the acrobats and the lion (43) They hoped that they (44) go to the circus again when it came to the city (45) 36 a permission b agreement c allowance d acceptation 37 a to let b to tell c to ask d to get 38 a go b were going c wenr d are going 39 a happy b nice c good d funny 40 a perform b shows c showing d performing 41 a return b coming c back d way 42 a telling b asking c saying d talking 43 a binders b trainers c tamers d keepers 44 a might b will c can d will be able to 45 a once b again c more d soon VI Read the folowing passage and choose the item (a, b, c or d) that best answers each of the questions about it: Dear Betty, I was so sorry to hear about your accident Your husband told me what happened and I was very worried Burns on the hands can be dangerous However, the doctor said that your injury was not serious, so you are very lucky You should be more careful when you are cooking with oil I am going to visit you this weekend to see how you are I hope that you are already feeling better and that your hands not hurt too much Get well soon All my love Jane 46 The word “injury” means most nearly a harm b inject c leak d joy 47 The word “serious” is synonymous with a very poisonous b very important c very bad d very useful 48 Why did Betty’s injure her hands? a because of her carefulness b because her sadness c because her illness d because of her carelessness 49 What was Betty’s injury like? a very serious b very dangerous c not good d not very serious 50 What is Jane going to visit Betty this weekend for? a to know what happened to Betty b to see how Betty is c to listen to Betty’s complait d to ask what the matter with Betty is UNIT 2: A LETTER FROM LONDON TEST I Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others: a invite b pick c circus d ticket a cheer b cheat c chess d cholarship a envelope b decide c enclose d deliver a pleasure b television c excursion d decision a blind b invitation c decide d provide II Choose the right word or phrase that best completes the sentence: He is tired all the hard work he’s done today a of b from c to d about I’m tired listening to the same thing again and again a about b to c from d of The President is going to make a speech _ internationnal situation a in b of c about d for The Scarlet letter a novel about the woman who commits adultery a has been b is c to be d which is 10 The spoke so persuasively that he won his audience completely over a sayer b teller c speaker d orator 11 He been there _ a next week b already c yesterday d tomorrow 12 I home until I finnish my lesson a haven’t come b don’t come c did’t come d won’t come 13 She says she wash her hair tonight? a will have to b must c had to d both a and b are correct 14 How long able to drive? – Since 1990 a could you b have you been c were you d are you 15 She’s been listening to the radio _ 7:30 a since b from c at d for III/ Find the one choice that best completes the sentence: 16 Mr Smith , was one of the best doctors in this city a is a famous doctor b was a famous doctor c a famous doctor d that was a famous doctor 17 Have you seen the Thang Long bridge, ? a is one of the longest bridges in Southeast Asia b was one of the longest bridges in Southeast Asia c One of the longest bridges in Southeast Asia d That is one of the longest bridges in Southeast Asia 18 She wishes her father _ here now to help her a has been b is being c is d were 19 Mary goes to bed late Her mother wishes a She went to bed early b she went to bed late c she doesn’t go to bed late d she goes to bed early 20 My friend won’t lend me his car I wish _ a He lent me his car b he didn’t lend me his car c he would lend me his car d he wouldn’t lend me his car 21 Everyone in our class seems _ a To be very friendly b to very friendly c be very friendly d being very friendly 22 Because the first pair of pants did not fit well, he asked for a another pants b others pants c the others ones d another pair 23 We wish we a large house, but we can’t afford it now a have b had c can have d will have 24 “ We’ll get her home at eleven o’clock ” Mum says that a they would get her home at 11 o’clock b They will get you home at 11 o’clock c We will get you home at 11 o’clock d We would get you home at 11 o’clock 25 “ You can go to the circus with Ann ” Dad says to me that a she can go to the circus with Ann b she could go to the circus with Ann c I could go to the circus with Ann d I can go to the circus with Ann IV Choose the words or pharses that are not correct in standard English 16 I wish I didn’t say that to him yesterday a b c d 17 Because they have moved away, they hardly never go to the beach anymore a b c d 18 As we passing by , we saw crowds of people gather to listen to some of these a b c d orators 19 she wishes he will stop interrupting her whenever she speaks a b c d 20 These televisions are all too expensive for we to buy at this time a b c d 21 Naomi, is the daughter of an actress, wants to become a fashion model A b c d 22 Jane made a walking tour in some streets around the hotel a b c d 23 Do you want being woken up tomorrow morning? a b c d 24 I wish I wasn’t absent from class yesterday a b c d 25 Orators deliver speeches in every subject on Sunday afternoons a b c d V Choose the word (a, b, c or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces: Jane lives in Manchester, (36) big city in Northwest England She went to london with her father (37) a (38) tour She’s visited and done so (39) _ things that she (40) knows (41) to begin to (42) _ her sister about them She’s still tired (43) a long journey Jane wishes her sister (44) _ see and hear all (45) of people speaking there 36 a which a b is c a d the 37 a in b on c at d for 38 a travelling b business c looking d sightseeing 39 a much b many c a lot d lots 40 a hard b really c mostly d hardly 41 a which b where c that d why 42 a tell b speak c say d talk 43 a from b for c at d about 44 a will b should c could d can 45 a matters b choices c problems d sorts VI Read the folowing passage and choose the item (a, b, c or d) that best answers each of the questions about it: WESTMINSTER Another well-known part of London is the city of Wesminster, called the city of Kings because it contains Buckingham Palace, which is the royal residence, St Jame’s Palace, The Houses of Parliament and the Abbey where famous Englishmen are buried and where lies the unknown Soldier’s Grave It is in Westminster, too, that many important public offices are to be found, such as the Admiralty, the War Office, and at Number 10, Downing Street, the residence of the Prime Minister 46 where is the city of Westminter? a in Manchester b in Downing Street c in Buckingham d in London 47 why people call westminter the city of Kings? Because it is the place a where lies the unknown Soldier’s Grave b where famous Englishmen are buried c where the royal resides d Where many important public offices are to be found 48 where are famous Englishmen buried? a the abbey b Buckingham Palace c downing street d the house of parliament 49 what’s the prime minister’s address? a buckingham place b St Jame’s Palace c Number 10, Downing Street d the house of parliament 50 which of the following statement is not true ? a Westminter is one of well-known parts of london b Westminster is the capital of england c There are many important public offices in westminster d Westminster is called the city of kings ... standard English: 26 Mary says (that) she come to school by bus a b c d 27 The teacher said the pupils where Tom was a b c d 28 Miss White always says me about her troubles a b c d 29 George isn’t... about it: England is not a country No town in Eng land is very far from the sea, and many English families spend their summer holidays at the sea-side There are no mountains in England, no very... standard English: 26 As well as he worked in an office he used to have part-time job as a waiter a b c d 27 What is a beautiful Sunday! Whay don’t we have breakfast in the garden? a b c d 28 Would you

Ngày đăng: 03/08/2013, 01:25

