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đề thi TOEIC thật ngày 1332016 | câu 101108 101. Dạng câu từ loại: vị trí chọn danh từ. 102. Cụm từ take a trainbustaxi…. 103. Câu dạng động từ. Chọn dạng nào của động từ to be? 104. Dùng start soon hay start promptly? 105. Dạng câu từ loại: vị trí chọn danh từ. 106. Dạng câu đại từ: vị trí chọn tính từ sở hữu. 107. Câu từ loại và dạng động từ. Chọn danh từ hay động từ? Và nếu chọn động từ thì chọn dạng nào? 108. Cách dùng tính từ disappointed. Lời thoại của video: Câu 101 Chúng ta thấy chỗ này chọn loại từ gì? Thì rõ ràng a là “một cái gì đó tại chỗ nào đó”. Nên ở đây rõ ràng đang cần một cái danh từ (một thứ gì đó). Đáp án là câu (B) reservation có đuôi tion là đuôi danh từ. Câu 102 Câu này cần phải coi nghĩa để biết là chọn động từ gì. Vì là 4 động từ khác nhau nên phải coi nghĩa. Ở đây là “cái người gì đó đang làm cái hành động này với một cái gì đó”. Danh từ chính là chữ train (với một chiếc xe lửa). To nghĩa là “đến chỗ nào đó…” Động từ ở đây đang tác động lên cái xe lửa. “Ông đó làm gì đó cái xe lửa, đến cái chỗ nào đó.” Chúng ta có động từ took là quá khứ của take. Đây là động từ mà người ta chuyên dùng để nói là đi một cái phương tiện nào đó. Ví dụ như take a taxi, take the bus. Đi bằng một phương tiện nào đó thì dùng chữ take. Thì (A) took chính là đáp án. Took a train nghĩa là “đã bắt một chiếc xe lửa”. Câu 103 Đây đều là động từ to be nhưng ở 4 dạng khác nhau. Chúng ta xét ngữ pháp để coi là ở đây chúng ta chọn động từ to be dạng gì. Chúng ta thấy là ở đây người ta đang nói về “những thứ gì đó của những cái gì đó…” Động từ to be nghĩa là thì (thì không được gì đó). Vậy thì chọn chữ nào đây? Thì đầu tiên ta thấy có will be. Will be sai vì bạn không thể nói là will be not được. Chữ not không thể nằm sau động từ to be, mà nó phải nằm giữa chữ will và chữ be: will not be. He will not be happy. Chữ not phải nằm giữa như vầy. Vì will là một trợ động từ (giống cancouldmust). Còn be là một động từ bình thường. Còn not là trạng từ. Thì trạng từ phải nằm giữa trợ động từ và động từ bình thường chứ nó không nằm ở phía sau được. Ví dụ như mình nói: He can quickly eat this cake. Anh ấy có thể nhanh chóng ăn cái bánh này. Đây là một trạng từ. Nó phải nằm giữa trợ động từ can và động từ eat. Chứ bạn không thể nói là He can eat quickly ở đây được. Not là một trạng từ nên cũng phải nằm vào giữa chứ không nằm sau động từ to be. Nên ở đây bạn không thể nói là will be not được. Đáp án (C) being thì sao? Being là động từ to be ở dạng Ving. Các bạn chú ý là động từ to be dạng Ving không thể đóng vai trò vị ngữ trong một câu. Ví dụ mình nói: He is happy. Hoặc They are students. He là chủ ngữ, is happy là vị ngữ của câu (Anh ấy thì vui). Động từ to be mà đóng vai trò vị ngữ nó phải là is. Hoặc là như dưới này. Họ là sinh viên. They là chủ ngữ, are students là vị ngữ. Động từ to be đóng vai trò vị ngữ của một câu phải là are như thế này. Hoặc nó phải là những chữ như là has beenwerewas. Tức là nếu đóng vai trò vị ngữ trong một câu thì động từ to be phải chia ở một cái thì nào đó như hiện tại hoàn thành, quá khứ đơn, hiện tại đơn. Chứ động từ to be dạng Ving nó đâu có chia thì nào đâu. Cho nên nó không đóng vai trò là vị ngữ được. Ví dụ bạn không bao giờ gặp trường hợp là He being happy cả. Mà trong khi đó ở câu này động từ to be phải đóng vai trò là vị ngữ. Chủ ngữ là đây: Copies of…plans (những bản copy của cái gì đó) thì không được gì đó. Câu này chưa có động từ nào đóng vai trò vị ngữ hết, cho nên động từ to be ở đây phải đóng vai trò là vị ngữ của chủ ngữ này. Bởi vậy chúng ta không thể chọn being ở đây được, ta loại being luôn. Phải là arewerewill be thì mới được. Vậy còn was thì sao? Rõ ràng was với are ở đây khác nhau. Are thì đi với chủ ngữ số nhiều. Còn was phải đi với chủ ngữ số ít. Nhìn vào đây rõ ràng ta thấy là chủ ngữ số nhiều. Những cái copy của cái gì đó thì không gì đó. Vị ngữ này đang đi với chủ ngữ số nhiều nên không thể là was được (was chỉ đi với chủ ngữ số ít), ta loại luôn. Nên đáp án chỉ có thể là are. Những cái copy này thì không gì đó. Câu 104 Ta có 4 đáp án là 4 trạng từ khác nhau. Ta cần coi nghĩa để coi là chọn trạng từ nào. Ở đây ta nhìn thấy to start là bắt đầu. Ở sau là vào 9 giờ sáng những ngày thứ hai. Cái trạng từ ở đây rõ ràng đang mô tả cho hành động bắt đầu. Bắt đầu một cách như thế nào vào 9 giờ sáng. Đáp án của chúng ta là chữ promptly, đồng nghĩa với immediately. Nghĩa là một cách ngay lập tức. Bắt đầu một cách ngay lập tức vào lúc 9 giờ sáng. Bắt đầu liền vào lúc 9 giờ sáng chứ không chậm trễ. Vậy đáp án là câu (B). Câu này một số bạn làm sai là do chọn đáp án (A) soon. Ví dụ mình nói I will start soon. Tôi sẽ bắt đầu sớm. Tức là tôi sẽ không chần chừ nữa. Trong một khoảng thời gian ngắn nữa thì tôi sẽ bắt đầu. Cái này không cần đi với khoảng thời gian cụ thể mà chỉ cần diễn tả là ít phút nữa bắt đầu, trong một khoảng thời gian ngắn nữa là sẽ bắt đầu chứ không đi với thời gian như vầy. Ở đây đi với thời gian vào lúc 9 giờ sáng nên ta không dùng chữ sớm này nữa. Đã sớm thì không có 9h hay 10h gì nữa mà chỉ là sớm thôi. Nếu bạn vẽ trục thời gian ra và đây là thời điểm hiện tại: Bạn nói bắt đầu cái gì đó sớm nghĩa là bạn làm ngay vào khoảng này, tức là một thời gian gần trong tương lai chứ không có đợi đến khi xa mới làm. Tức là một thời gian gần trong tương lai không cần biết chính xác là lúc nào. Còn ở đây nó đã biết chính xác vào lúc 9h sáng thì bạn không dùng chữ sớm này nữa. Cho nên chúng ta không chọn đáp án soon. Câu 105 Ta thấy ở đây là cho cái gì đó đến cái gì đó thì rõ ràng ở đây chọn danh từ. Đáp án là câu (B) admission có đuôi sion là đuôi danh từ. Câu 106 Ở đây 4 đáp án đều liên quan đến chúnghọ. Ta xét ngữ pháp để xem chọn cái nào. Ở đây là cho (for) cái công việc gì đó tại chỗ nào đó (vân vân…). Rõ ràng ta thấy đây là cụm danh từ. Vị trí chỗ trống đang đứng đầu một cụm danh từ. Bạn cứ thấy vị trí chỗ trống mà đứng đầu một cụm danh từ thì chọn tính từ sở hữu vô. Chọn những chữ như là theirhishermy. Những chữ mang nghĩa của họ, của tôi, của anh ấy… Ở đây là cho cái gì đó của họ. Ta chọn their điền vô. Câu 107 Nhìn 4 đáp án ta có đáp án (A) là danh từ đuôi tion. Còn 3 đáp án còn lại là động từ ở những dạng khác nhau. Đầu tiên chúng ta coi chúng ta có chọn danh từ không. Phía trước chỗ trống chúng ta thấy đây là một danh từ chỉ người (the manager). Rồi phía sau chỗ trống cũng là một danh từ chỉ người luôn (Mr. Hong). Rõ ràng ở giữa ta phải chọn động từ. Những người này họ làm hành động gì đó đối với ông Hồng này. Chứ chúng ta không thể chọn thêm một danh từ vô đây được. Không thể nói là những người này, rồi sự gì đó, rồi ông Hồng. Như vậy là không được nên không chọn danh từ. Đáp án phải là động từ. Thì bây giờ chúng ta coi thử chọn động từ ở dạng gì. Thì đầu tiên chúng ta có đáp án (B). Đây rõ ràng là động từ ở thì hiện tại đơn bởi vì nó có s. Nhưng bạn để ý là hiện tại đơn có s thì phải đi với chủ ngữ số ít. Trong khi đó phía trước ở đây là một chủ ngữ số nhiều nên không thể đi với cái này được. Muốn đi với chủ ngữ số nhiều thì phải bỏ s đi. Bạn cứ nhớ nguyên tắc là chủ ngữ có s thì động từ không được có s. Còn động từ có s thì chủ ngữ không được có s. Cho nên chúng ta loại đáp án này luôn. Còn đáp án (D) là động từ dạng Ving. Như lúc nãy mình nói thì động từ to be dạng Ving không thể làm vị ngữ trong câu được. Thì tương tự một động từ dạng Ving bình thường như vầy không thể đóng vai trò vị ngữ trong một câu được. Bạn không thể nói là He eating the cake. Đây không phải là vị ngữ. Ví dụ bạn nói He eats the cake (vị ngữ ở thì hiện tại đơn) hay He will eat the cake (vị ngữ ở thì tương lai đơn) hoặc là He is eating the cake (vị ngữ ở thì hiện tại tiếp diễn). Chứ một động từ dạng Ving thì không thể đóng vai trò vị ngữ được. Mà trong khi đó ở đây là một câu có chủ ngữ (những người quản lý) làm gì đó ông Hồng thì cần một động từ đóng vai trò vị ngữ. Bạn không thể chọn recommending được. Rõ ràng chúng ta chỉ có đáp án là câu (C) recommended. Đây là động từ ở thì quá khứ đơn (đã làm gì đó). Những người quản lý này đã làm gì đó ông Hồng. Câu 108 Chỉ việc nhìn thấy chữ that ở phía sau thì chúng ta thấy đơn giản là đáp án (A) disappointed, nghĩa là bị thất vọng. Nó có thể đi với that được. That nghĩa là rằng. Ý là đã rất thất vọng rằng. Không thích thì bạn có thể đọc nguyên câu này. Câu này nó nói là những người nhân viên tại trung tâm gì đó đã rất thất vọng rằng trung tâm này sẽ nhận quỹ ít hơn (less funding, funding nghĩa là quỹ). Họ nhận được ít tiền hơn thì rõ ràng là họ thất vọng. Những đáp án còn lại rất lạ, ít gặp trong bài thi TOEIC. Các bạn không cần quan tâm.

The opening of the Prince Theater Today' all seem very skillful and knowledgeable, so it will be difficult to choose was considered a notable [AI ee——) one to fill the position (A)jobs (B) applicants (C) offers (D) accounts (B) succeed (C) successive ID h2 a Neither the CEO the president will be present at the shareholders’ meeting (A) or (B) nor (C) yet " The Hoshi Đề thi thật 27/03/2016 H= nó) Resraurant provides an elegant (A) dine experiences (B) dines (C) dined Jeannie Tyler found it easy to sell specialty handbags (B) hers (C) herself (D) she (B) require (C) required (D) requires The enthusiastic teachers in the programming course share their occupational knowledge, skills _ expertise with mature, (CN 22, (B) and (C) because dedicated students (D) during (D) dining (Sica to contact Ms Waters if they are to take more than two days off ID atmosphere and exquisite attractive All employees are - because they are very The ~- ©Xpressed in the article are those of the author alone and not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editor (A) viewed (B) viewer (C) viewing (D) views 109 Driving directions and a map of the university EU TY non | this letter (A) from (B) along (D) until whether we should expand our capacity here or move to a larger building complex (A) consider (B) considers (C) considered (D) considering Đề thi thật 27/03/2016 TIELZI Ms Morgan will arrive 0/0000 Cy Trelis (B) afterward at A.M so her room cu (C) since (D) though With 700 guest rooms, the Dream Oasis Hotel el accommodate tour groups of any sizes (A) softly (B) easily (C) deeply (D) slowly first-time clients, be sure (A) dignifies (B) dignity (C) dignify (D) dignified (C) with We are When meeting with to present yourself in a - manner According to our policy, all updated customer invoices by both on-site managers (C) are signed (D) sign The marketing manager will make a brief ==- about new online advertising strategies (A) profession (B) arrangement (C) administration (Ocean The reception takes place at six o'clock and will be by a special reception at seven thirty (A) followed (B) delayed (C) advanced (D) proceeded Due to - problems with Vargas Shipping, we have decided to switch to another delivery We expect that the opening ceremony will be service provider (A) supportive (B) numerous (Oh DỊ (oy eral) Despite several attempts to contact the the item, we have not received a single response CC (A) manufacturer (B) manufacture Having many delays, the construction of the new building will continue of the month (A) at (C) manufacturing (D) manufactured (B) without (C) than (D) for The account receivables department has The World Travel publication Montreal Steel for the defective materials the world been to issue a full refund check to (A) intended (B) demanded information about tours to more than 100 countries all over ID (B) arrives (C) contains (C) instructed (D) believes (D) agreed Our company the remainder has replaced the old air conditioners 'with a system that does a better job of temperature (A) regulate (B) regulator (C) regulation (D) regulating INI in the main hall to notify factory workers of the beginning of a shift Hotel guests order our "Wonder Meal" special will receive their food between 11:30 and 13:00 (A) who (B) whose (C) where (D) what For a limited period only, if you book a consultation, Brookings Home Insurance will (A) be rung (B) ringing offer a significant (Coon 1o] (B) renewal (C) rings (A) delivery (C) discount The Camelot Hotel is - an hour's drive from (D) restraint most of the city's popular tourist attractions M06 ID Nhị (B) onto (C) so that (D) despite on propety insurance 0n Si metallic surfaces, as it tends to corrode other types of materials (A) only (B) exactly (C) nearly (D) doubly Although Ms Swanson's experience is - we think she may not be suitable for this ae of work (A) impress (B) impressed - the construction of the metro station is complete, traffic using this street will be less congested (D) impressive (A) Usually (B) Regarding (C) Instead of The many - listed in the candidate's resume show that he is an ideal candidate The design work of our new e-learning website (C) impressively for the position (A) accomplish (B) accomplishments (Oeecosleairl (D) accomplished (D) Now that was VÌ (B) great aided by the talents of the two artists (C) greatly (D) greatness Paito Manufacturing has quickly expanded its market share by offering products at two-thirds of the - price (A) duplicate (B) standard (B) prosperously (C) relevantly (C) plentiful [TY The delicious desserts at Beachside Restaurant approved by world-renowned chef Anita Nguyen (A) personally Ti (D) realistically Maxi Megastores frequently conduct tests to assess how their marketing campaigns are performing Trainees must - the Introductory (B) effective (B) make (€) complete ID oi, (C) effects (D) effect Programming course before moving on to the more advanced (A) present [NT Copies of this communication skills book are available for to educators, students and employees all over the country (A) distributor (B) distributing intermediate courses All factory workers working on this assembly line should keep a copy of the safety handbook with (A) (B) (C) them for quick indication procedure subject (D) reference (C) distributed (D) distribution The human resources department are ordered to seek help from a reliable real estate agency by the CEO to find - ways to promote employee participation in team-building events (B) So (B) additional you are selling or buying a house, be sure (A) If (omnes (C) approximate (D) obtained (D) Due to The Georgetown Art Museum thanks its for their generous donations this year (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) decided supported supporting supporter supporters Please be careful to record the quantities and eset Nain on cis (A) accurate (B) accurately (C) accuracy (D) accuracies Trumpet player Clint Porter's international last week with a performance in Singapore (A) conclude (B) concluded (C) concluding (B) in (C) either (D) on (D) concludes To set an alarm, - the instructions in the enclosed manual M10) before from (B) follow oer (D) direct Hans Richter will distribute an ~- to each committee member before Tuesday's meeting (A) agenda 05-2) (C) atmosphere (D) account Hotel guests are reminded to return all key cards checking out at the end of their stay around (A) watch (C7 Orders for specialty flower arrangements from Thyme Orchid can be placed - the phone or online (A)if Executive Towers is pleased to announce that internet access is now available in all c3 of the building (A) publicize (B) publicity (C) publicly (oto 'Westley, Inc., provides its clients with updated information about its services (A) considerably (B) regularly (C) perfectly customer service of Vintel Corporation is what sets it apart from other manufacturers in the area (Moco ten (D) equally Mayton City Council are receiving Mayton Volunteer of the Year Award (A) nominated (B) nominate (Ovenmeens (B) exceptionally (C) exceptional (D) exceptionality Spruce Theater's latest play was produced with the director of the city's summer arts program (A) cooperated (D) nominating (B) cooperatively (C) cooperation [Y0 c1 Gary Thompson to exchange euros for ringgit upon arrival at Kuala Lumpur, but all of the banks had closed (A) wants (B) wanting (C) want Merchandise from Vetale requires to avoid damage to the components handling (A) casual (B) careful (D) wanted (C) typical (D) grateful The new chief executive of SOE Gas received a warm - at the staff meeting yesterday - by critics as her best work in recent years (A) welcome (B) appearance (C) practice Patricia Flores’ latest sculpture exhibition (A) praised (B) will praise (C) was praising (D) has been praised (D) notice MU the most extensive rare book collections can be found in the Wurnster area (A) fet (ID Wifi 5-1-1 (00505 (C) a (D) with O0 (C) precision CC the temperature of any commercial refrigerator (A) precisely DĐ ~r=-¬ records are confidential and must not be One goal of Hannel Industries is to make its distributed to unauthorized personnel D0 ST V (C) These (B) much (C) many Dallas City Transport Authority has promised to Serving over four million riders a day, the Duluth City Transit System is the most used in T200 CMe (A) That (B) Them Ti region of the country (D) every (D) Theirs increase the number of its bus and train routes (A) endlessly (B) significantly TY! 20210 - (C) distantly [To HN AFG Interior has gained a for excellence among real estate agents in the city (A) design Farmer tN? (B) heavily (C) swiftly (Oyu - for the Auburnville Photography Competition (B) center must feature scenes of every life in the town (Nanci (B) Entered (D) reputation (D) Entering (C) pursuit (C) Entries Due to decreases in the cost of materials, the prices of micoscopes from Novista will be lower than (A) experimented increases in airfares and hotel prices, most salespersons will exceed their travel allowances for this month (A) In fact (B) anticipated (C) organized (D) distributed (B) Because of Mr Skane thinks only an - marketing campaign can help increase ticket sales for the next movie Dinner in the banquet hall will be served (C) Since (D) When (A) extent (B) extension the spokeperson delivers his speech (A) more hi (C) once (D) that (C) extensively (D) extensive (B) next (©) until The survey results show that car manufacturers are five times more to advertise online than in print (A) common (B) thorough (€) likely surprised shareholders the most is that Lomeal Technology was able to build a global brand name in just two years has been written about the techniques used by builders in this region during the eighteenth century (C) Neither (D) Nothing (ey (C) Who (D) Little EME deliveries rele Men (A) during Materia 122072) customers have made payment (D) plenty ) [VY (B) Which The Fulton Café offers a large ~ grown fruits and vegetables (A) selection (B) select (C) selected The new shipment of Aspen computers will arrive in stores one week Lele (A)to (B) than (C) for yee Please kindly direct (A) Any (D) from questions about warranties to the customer service department (A) each (B) all OU) (ieee MMe oun Foto) wokers complete all current projects on schedule (A) expecting (B) expected (C) expectant (D) expectation Reed Richards has called Fantastic Shipping Make sure that your employment application is filled out - before you submit it (A) completed (B) completeness (C) completely (D) complete The Acreton City Council will honor local activist Margaret Cole for the many ways in has helped the children of the city Ces (B) her (C) she (D) herself to check on the status of the replacement were ordered a week ago (A) that (B) what (Omnis) Coyne) Students are encouraged to observe the No Food and Drinks Permitted signs posted TT 50I0 TT 1417 vi (B) among (C) throughout (D) with Coolbreeze has been a proud of high quality electric fans since its founding in 1980 (A) manufatured (B) manufacturer (C) manufactures (D) manufaturing Lunar Industries plans to build five factories in the region over the - ten years (A) near (eyircteeuls (C) next (le) eles Please leave your name and email address with Mr Sato, the event registrar, - the conclusion of today's program (A) at (B) in (C) since (D) except Because of its mild climate and fertile soil, the southern region of the country is — - for farming (A) ideality (B) idealism (Ø7 TT (D) ideal Before - to rent a car from Quicksilver Cars, Mr Walker consulted his coworkers about the company (NK tố T0 (B) decided (C) deciding (D) decide [j3 (C) their own (D) them One of the newest businesses in town, Indiana Tech, - in database management and maintenance (A) produces (C) identifies Letters of reference for candidates should descriptions of their achivements and experience (Cocos (B) absent (C) accurate [ĐI James Howletts sent to his client an estimate (A) includes CV on taxes and legal fees (B) include (C) including (D) included The Jigsaw Corporation gave a money gift to the Trappo Foundation to the local schools in developing children’s activities (A) trust (B) depend (C) support (D) delight All current employees receive a hiring preference for the newly assistant supervisor position [chi (B) creating (yee fon) (oy ere The reporter contacted Mr Arnold, - the new machine is more efficient, it does to Poland (C) Due to (C) so ) can (Mme (B) Although (D) Even The website of Magnet Shipping provides information on the - services that the (B) insistent (C) approving (D) various the chief executive of TI Future Corp, to request an interview discuss its plans to expand not quite meet our requirements company offers (A) prevailed ni (D) while (D) specializes for the project, San Marino Botanical Gardens offers tours of the grounds (A) quite (B) every (C) still (B) determines include a concise and Rockanz Gems always encourage its employees to take responsibility for - work schedule (A) they CSN (B)to are complete for the tomorrow's demonstration of the newest product from Anto Inc [CÀ 212 7c) (B) Preparing (C) Prepares (D) Prepared Ms Morgan has made a - at the Minara Café for tomorrow's lunch meeting Mr Williams’ application for - to the certification program was not submitted (A) reserved before the deadline (D) reserve (C) admitted Ella Portofino, the finance director ‘Tina Michaels and Emma Blair were both conference in Tokyo year-end party (A) admit (B) admission (B) reservation (C) reservable (D) admitting high-speed train to the management (A) be to k ee thi thật1T 13/03/2016 Đề T11 (D) spent l0 recognized for ga Lc distributed to employees without prior a authorization (A) (B) (C) (D) are will be being was The director of sales would like all staff meetings to start - at 9AM on Mondays (A) soon (B) promptly (C) sometime (D) presently excellent work at the (uence ° ther (B) After carefully considering all candidates’ qualifications and experience, the managers Mr Hong for the position =— (A) (B) (C) (D) recommendation recommends recommended recommending Staff at Maxwell Culture and Arts was =—- that the center will receive less funding than it did last year (A) disappointed (B) eliminated (C) complicated (D) indebted The directors of Montreal Steel were pleased at the enthusiastic Community work (A) responsive (B) respond to its call for voluntary (D) responded In the choice of a job, it is important to consider only salary but also the distance from your home to work (C) though The contract meeting clients has resulted in a tentative agreement (A)with (B) around (C) above (D) until (C) response (Nees (nes 113 b Đề thi that 13/03/2016 (D) as well as TIEIi At Tulare Designs, we expect all sales DU themselves in a professional manner when meeting with clients (A) conducts (B) to conduct (C) conduction The deparment head approved the new layout for the company's website (A) enthusiasts (B) enthusiastic (C) enthusiasm (D) enthusiastically The advertised discount was not decided arbitrarily as a result of careful planning by the marketing department (Ca ales) (B) both (€) but (D) are conducted onto) Although many deemed it Industries has reported a sales growth in the first quarter We have received your change-of-address Y0 IE (A) updated (D) impossible (C) were updated (D) updating (B) impossibility (C) impossibly (B) update e n lace lela 117_Employees who use the company's parking lot must the parking permit on their rear Window CON (B) state (C) display (D) commit Đề thi that 13/03/2016 TOE Since Mr Warren had finished writing his monthly sales report ahead of schedule, he offered to help Ms Rivera finish (A) hers (B) her The mechanics recommended car owners to check their tire alignment (A) frequent (B) frequently (C) frequented [XU 1/0101) To receive a refund, customers must return their merchandise (A) since 30 days of purchase (B) when (C) for (C) she (D) within The principal of the high school commended parents' ongoing efforts to promote physical activity local schoolchildren The Renforth Community Book Club membership covers the cost of the monthly newsletter (B) between (B) tip (D) upon (D)fare Chef Tanaka is known for making dishes of The (A) high (A) intend (B) intentional (D) herself ID nón) (C) about the — - quality during his stay at this restaurant (B) higher (C) highly (D) highest (A)fee (C) worth of the new supply requisition process [0V Voi: F T005 71-10151777 (C) intention (D) intentionlly We - qualified candiates who have strong communication skills and a strong finance background (A) urge (B) seek Security guards who work the night shift are stationed at the bank - business to the next morning the close of (A) even (B) since (C) so that (D) from O0 (D) contain Tours of the most - landmarks in the North Lucas area are available but must be reserved in advance (A) celebrates Đề thi thật 13/03/2016 (B) celebration (C) celebrity At Samsung Electronics, we not offer We offer custom made suits for both men and company experienced an - need to improve its delivery system U1 Sica (D) celebrated o0 (A) willing (20s—) (B) valuable (C) reasonable (D) opposing - the sports department only has a small staff, it is known to have organized many major athletic events very efficiently (A)Although (B) Despite (C) Whether (D) However for items that were purchased at a discount (A) profits (2T) (C) registers (D) commissions As the cost of fuel was rising continually, the (A) increase (B) increases (C) increasing (D) increasingly The annual letters by the chairman Tianfu Yang are so - —- - well writen that people all over the world look forward to their releases (A) except (B) exception (C) exceptional (D) exceptionally 133 Members wishing to cancel their Summerton Golf membership must give 30 days oa We have found it -to receive estimates from various contractors before making a (B) status (C) attention (A) generous (B) beneficial (A) notice (D) reference (C) abundant Please be informed that all guests must check in at the front desk arrival (A)to (B)as DI TIEIi Special tours of each science department will be for participants of the conference if they make requests beforehand (A) collected (B) enrolled (C) aligned (D) arranged Negotiators should be aware of the fact that the Prime Minister speaks very (A) mutually (B) indirectly (C) nearly (D) centrally decision to choose one (D) accessible The application - advanced animation techniques was heavily used in making the film (A) of (B) to (C) at (D) with The Global Accouting Association is known to have organized man: seminars all over the world (A) convinced (B) sensible educational (C) innovative (D) hesitant The use of new production technologies has been increasing C9ÄU)103) 0U (0 A2 produce 40% more than what we used to [TY (B) output (C) facility (D) preparation Our customers can choose ~ standard shipping or, if their order qualifies, express shipping (A) and (B) both (C) either (D) as Travellers should complete their visa application Lệ and not rely on travel agents to perform this task ee Đề thi thật (A) their (C) they (D) themselves 10/04/2016 een erie ` the train by turning of your mobile phones (A) (B) (C) (D) considerate consideration consider considerately For TENE (B) within (€) still (D) along Melanie Swanson's report last month contains a — description of the methods used by Montgomery Laboratory researchers (A) length (B) lengthily (C) lengthy (D) lengthen The two CEOs of both companies will meet tomorrow to the agreement (A) inform (B) sign (C) talk (D) appear ố.aố°6 ốc providing high-quality furniture to businesses in the San Diego area (A) over The sales office of Maxi Megastores makes every effort to to product inquiries within two days (A) responded (B) response (C) responding ) respond The new plant, which will be become functional next month, is expected to use 20% less power to operate than the - plant did Maal! (B) immediate (C) considerable oye Employees are asked to call the help desk at Bernard Fox is responsible for - that safety difficulties (A) assistant (B) assisted Construction employees (A) ensure (B) ensuring (D) assistance (D) ensured extension 5601 for - with any technical procedures are followed by all Birkland (C) ensures (C) to assist Ms Danny Sullivan wanted to review the fourth quarter statistics ble ụi | Ete d ellie! of the rent for the property on 213 Yeoksam, Gangnam, Seoul, is due on the first day of each month (F00) CME | (B) from (C) upon (B) Renovation (C) Payment (D) Building (D) before WS commerce indicate a - rise in the (C) possible (D) innovative (D) noticing In the event - rain, the outdoors concert into the Castiglione Hall threw away his copies of the sales contract, so he had to have new ones printed (A) mistake (C) mistakes (©) of (D) mistook (D) to All employees in the accounting department of Polaui Travel, - the manager, will be attending the training session tomorrow (A) among (B) including (C) together [B3 From his childhood, world-renown portrait painter Thomas Schilling has lived in the house that his grandparents built themselves Oe (B) quickly (C) yet (D) always CN 00: Ï có purchase a house can attend the free real estate Seminar next week (A) whoever (B) who (C) when (D) where After months of extensive renovations, the Lincoln Museum has reopened to residents (A) shortly \ B) closely \ ©) finally i D) annually im Baskin (B) mistakenly (B)on Golden World employees Mee (A) convenient (B) undivided (C) notice (A)in Palle their - television commercials purchase of computers this month (A) noticeable (B) noticeably will be moved Pea Pao Acie marketers from Birkland won first prize for Records from the city's department of The ability to with others effectively is of great importance to any manager (A)face (B) familiarize (€) interact (D) initiate Holmstrom, Inc was able to increase its market share by advertising to a younger (A) collection (B) audience lo) 72/1102 (D) concentration Repairs on Mountview Road are likely to rene in the deliveries of supplies to restaurants in the area II V1 / (B) delayed (C) delaying (D) delays The team of weather forecasters led by Erin Renski is F21217 510hf 21/71 cu predictions to the local community (A) dedication (B) dedicating (C) dedicated (D) dedicatedly To improve the appeal of its products, Natron Digital usually hold among its employees for (A) (B) (C) creative proposals competing competitively compete The executive board must proceed with the negotiations - because the terms of the merger are very complicated (A) caution (B) cautious (D) competitions (C) cautioned (D) cautiously use the XB4000 food processor, the user must first remove the safety lock (A) In order to Sales of Pierce Nutrients vitamin supplements has increased significantly in the past year, a fact that some to Mr Jordan's leadership Oya (B) attribute (C) suggest (B) Regarding (C) Instead of (A) report (D) estimate Maurice Owens was honored at the employee appreciation banquet for his achievement Ti Y2 ii (B) exceptionally (C) exceptional (D) except To obtain unbiased results, the researchers showed each survey respondent two bottles with their brandnames concealed (A) purposeless (B) purposing (C) purposely (D) purposeful The fact that the great writer Monica The shopping malls in this district are too a great source of (A) image (B) pride (C) courtesy dedided to avoid the area - Jackson was born here in Plainsburg is for the townspeople crowded with tourists, so some shoppers have (A) altogether (B) whenever (C) hardly (D) never (D) ) propriety Dale Hill Farms would like - you to the grand opening of our newest store The technicians concluded that replacing the network system would be (Mesa) (B) more cheaply (A) invite (B) inviting (€) invitation than repairing it (C) cheapest (D) cheaper oC) If you miss your flight, please talk to the attendants at the check-in counters or the departure gate does it guarantee availability of all Mien (B) either (©) both advertised services (A) which (B) and (C) whether (D) nor (D) not only Julie Nam, who has been working at Bhatt's Beads for only two months, has proved herself to be a very (A) valuable (B) valuing employee (A) welcome (B) will welcome (C) welcomed (D) has welcomed (D) valuably Ms Casey praised the former chief executive officer, who was her mentor Corporation (A) among (D) of Superstore Grocery - new interns to the marketing department last week (C) value (B) up (©) at Hotel Niagara does not refund deposits Getaway Tours 8_We are pleased to inform you that your order of Tuffs Furniture chairs will arrive (A) short (B) shortly (C) shorten (D) shortness The new energy-efficient SOE convertible from Harrison has extraordinary (A) potent for global sales (B) potential (C) potentially (D) potentiality The botanical garden near the city center by all the main bus routes [ẤN 10 1) (2) Úc đc (C) accessible (D) capable Auditions with the Gola Troupe will be held at the newly Pine Knoll Theater (A) renovated (B) renovating (C) renovate (D) renovation 'Yesterday the president of Harrison Ford announced - decision to appoint Shelby Moore to be the new director of the marketing department (A) ours (B) his (C) these (D) us The company announced yesterday that its new machines will help workers to work much —- on the (A) (B) (C) assembly line efficiently more efficiently efficient (D) most efficiently When his merchandise failed to arrive date specified in the order confirmation, Hugh Jackman called the shipping company (A) from (B) in (©) by (D) between All equipment in this factory is checked ensure they are up to safety standards (A) regularly (B) almost Our new policy requires new employees to C20007 F00 501 (A) conclusive (B) exhausted paperwork within two weeks vï4 (C) ) absolute (D) completed The firm the (A) (B) builder send an to the architectural for the costs of the materials needed for building estimate estimates (C) estimating (D) estimated It is important managers know how to motivate their employees during hard times (A) should (B) to (C) that (D) upon The CEO has left for his employees to follow when he is out of town to attend the convention (A) instructionally (B) instructing (C) instructions (D) instructional Last week all attendants of the annual conference - a letter containing the schedule (A) was sending (B) will be sent (C) would send (D) was sent Brown Bakery has produced high quality baked goods since the company was founded in 1998 (A) lightly (B) briefly (C) enormously (D) consistently Using the same password for different accounts (A) subjected (eee oc) (C) every (C) recommended (D) opened All students in the Comstock High School system Considering his ability, dedication, and expertise | am - that Hugo Weaving will be a valuable (D) recently will be given free - to the Museum of Science during their tour on Sunday (A) exhibition (B) permission (C) admission (D) speech asset to his future employer (A) obvious (B) confident (C) noticeable (D) intelligent ... | this letter (A) from (B) along (D) until whether we should expand our capacity here or move to a larger building complex (A) consider (B) considers (C) considered (D) considering Đề thi thật. .. Travellers should complete their visa application Lệ and not rely on travel agents to perform this task ee Đề thi thật (A) their (C) they (D) themselves 10/04/2016 een erie ` the train by turning of... reservation (C) reservable (D) admitting high-speed train to the management (A) be to k ee thi thật1 T 13/03/2016 Đề T11 (D) spent l0 recognized for ga Lc distributed to employees without prior a

Ngày đăng: 12/04/2018, 21:04

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