P1: KcZ Aggragation.xml CY431/Mason 052182754X April 8, 2004 This page intentionally left blank ii 18:5 P1: KcZ Aggragation.xml CY431/Mason 052182754X April 8, 2004 18:5 from buildings and loans to bail-outs For most Americans, the savings and loan industry is defined by the fraud, ineptitude, and failures of the 1980s These events, however, overshadow a long history in which thrifts played a key role in helping thousands of households buy homes First appearing in the 1830s, savings and loans, then known as building and loans, encouraged their working-class members to adhere to the principles of thrift and mutual cooperation as a way to achieve the “American Dream” of home ownership This book traces the development of this industry, from its origins as a “movement” of a loosely affiliated collection of institutions into a major element of America’s financial markets It also analyzes how diverse groups of Americans, including women, ethnic Americans, and African Americans, used thrifts to improve their lives and elevate their positions in society Finally, the overall historical perspective sheds new light on the events of the 1980s and analyzes the efforts to rehabilitate the industry in the 1990s David L Mason is Assistant Professor of History at Young Harris College Prior to earning his Ph.D in Business History from The Ohio State University, he served as a corporate banker for nearly a decade, holding positions at the Bank of America and the Resolution Trust Corporation He is also the author of articles for Essays in Economic and Business History and Proceedings of the Ohio Academy of History i P1: KcZ Aggragation.xml CY431/Mason 052182754X ii April 8, 2004 18:5 P1: KcZ Aggragation.xml CY431/Mason 052182754X April 8, 2004 18:5 FROM BUILDINGS AND LOANS TO BAIL-OUTS A History of the American Savings and Loan Industry, 1831–1995 DAVID L MASON Young Harris College iii cambridge university press Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge cb2 2ru, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521827546 © David L Mason 2004 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published in print format 2004 isbn-13 isbn-10 978-0-511-21167-6 eBook (EBL) 0-511-21344-1 eBook (EBL) isbn-13 isbn-10 978-0-521-82754-6 hardback 0-521-82754-x hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate P1: KcZ Aggragation.xml CY431/Mason 052182754X April 8, 2004 For Dad v 18:5 P1: KcZ Aggragation.xml CY431/Mason 052182754X vi April 8, 2004 18:5 P1: KcZ Aggragation.xml CY431/Mason 052182754X April 8, 2004 18:5 contents List of Tables Acknowledgments page ix xi Introduction 1 A Movement Takes Shape, 1831–1899 12 The Rise of the League, 1900–1929 40 From State to Federal Oversight 69 The Movement Becomes an Industry, 1930–1945 100 The Glory Years, 1946–1955 128 External Challenges and Internal Divisions, 1956–1966 159 Lost Opportunities, 1967–1979 187 Deregulation and Disaster, 1979–1988 213 Resolving the Crisis, Restoring the Confidence, 1989–1995 241 The American Savings and Loan Industry in Perspective 266 10 Appendices Fraud, Forbearance, and Failure: The Case of Empire Savings and Loan Association vii 275 P1: KcZ Aggragation.xml CY431/Mason 052182754X April 8, 2004 18:5 Contents Success the Old Fashioned Way: The Case of Medford Cooperative Bank 297 Bibliography Index 319 341 viii P1: KcS 052182754Xbib.xml CY431/Mason 052182754X April 12, 2004 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McCraw, Thomas “Regulation in American: A Review Article,” Business History Review 49 (Summer 1975), 159–83 Meier, Kenneth J, and John P Plumlee “Regulatory Administration and Organizational Rigidity, “The Western Political Quarterly 31 (March 1978), 80–95 Snowden, Kenneth A “Building and Loan Associationa in the U.S., 1880–1893: The Origins of Localization in the Residential Mortgage Market,” Research in Economics 51 (1997), 227–50 “Mortgage Lending and American Urbanization, 1880–1890”, The Journal of Economic History 48 (June 1988), 273–85 P1: KaD/Jzk P2: Kcz 052182754ind.xml CY431/Mason 052182754X March 29, 2004 21:44 index accounts, savings, 60, 64, 134, 172, 190–191 Adams, Nathan, 86 Adams, Stanley, 237 American Bankers Association, 48, 86, 141 American Bankers Institute, 48 American Institute of Architects, 109 American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers (AIREA), 104, 287, 288 Master Appraisal Institute (MAI), 288–289 American Savings, Building & Loan Institute (ASBLI), 48–49 American Savings and Loan (Stockton, CA), 274 American Savings and Loan Institute (ASLI), 103–104, 136 American Savings & Loan League (AS&LL), 168–169 American Social Science Association (ASSA), 26 America’s Community Bankers, 263 automated teller machines (ATMs), 192, 194 Baker, James, 233 Bailey Bros Building and Loan, 1, 2, 274 Baltimore, 28, 164, 166 “bank holidays”, 90, 228 Banking Act of 1933, 93, 134, 182, 215, 265 Banking Act of 1935, 110 banks, commercial, 16, 53, 75, 216, 246, 247, 264 (see also savings and loan industry) Basle Accords, 246 Bass, Robert, 236 Bay State Trust, 303–304, 305 Bell Savings & Loan (Belton, TX), 279, 289 Best, William, 87 Better Homes of America, 46 Better Homes Week, 45–46 Blain, Spencer, 276, 280, 282, 292, 294 Bodfish, H Morton, 6, 81, 87, 93, 96, 97, 106, 107, 137, 149, 269 early career, 80–81 as FHLBB member, 95, 102, 122 as League manager, 80, 100–102, 138 criticism of, 122 death of, 138 lobbying activities of, 81, 96, 97 Boesky, Ivan, 231 Bomar, Thomas, 201 Borah, William, 85, 88, 89 Bowman, L Linton, 282, 289, 292 Bricker, John, 154 brokered deposits, 150, 152, 179, 216, 221, 227, 259, 293–294 Brown v Board of Education, 163 Buchanan, Frank, 137 building and loans (see savings and loans) building societies, 14, 15, 17, 20, 21 Building Society Act, 15 Bulkley, Robert, 96 Burke, Addison, 27 Bush, George, 242, 244 Business Week, 107 Calder, William, 76 Calder-Nolan Bill (see Federal Building Loan Bank Act) California, 124, 176, 177, 178, 183, 200, 203, 262 341 P1: KaD/Jzk P2: Kcz 052182754ind.xml CY431/Mason 342 052182754X March 29, 2004 21:44 Index California Savings & Loan League, 176 capital adequacy requirements, 94, 203–204, 222–223, 227, 245 Capra, Frank, 1, 2, 229 Carter, Jimmy, 202, 209, 215 Carver Federal Savings & Loan Association (New York), 169 Casey, Albert, 252, 254 “cease and desist” orders, 182, 294–295 Celeste, Richard F., 228 certificates of deposit (CDs), 161, 184, 190, 277 Chicago, 26, 28, 32, 51, 52, 54, 56, 122, 166 Cincinnati, 26, 28, 51, 55 Citizens Federal (San Francisco), 205 Cleveland Plain Dealer, 45 Clinton, Bill, 254 Columbia Savings & Loan (Beverly Hills), 237–238 Commerce Dept., U.S., 45, 79, 83, 86 Commission on Financial Structure and Regulation (see Hunt Commission) Commission on Money and Credit, 206 Commission on Civil Rights, 169 Competitive Banking Equity Act (CEBA) criticism of, 233–234 industry support for, 232 passage of, 232–233 provisions of, 233 Conference on Housing and Home Finance, 80–83 cooperative banks, 50, 107 Cooperative Central Bank (CCB), 305, 312 Coopers & Lybrand, 281, 290, 292 Council of Savings and Loan Financial Corporations, 176 Couzens, James, 85, 86, 87 Couzens Amendment, 85, 87, 88, 91 Cranston, Alan, 238 Crocker, Olivia, 308 The Dallas Morning News, 283 “Dayton Plan,” 20 DeConcini, Dennis, 238 Defense Production Act of 1950, 155 Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act (DIDMCA), 216, 217, 219, 256 consumer support for, 214–215 passage of, 215 provisions of, 216 Depository Institutions Deregulation Committee (DIDC), 216, 218, 220 Depression of 1893, 36, 270 deregulation (see regulation, federal and USS&LL) Dexter, Seymour, 26, 38, 70 disintermediation, 190, 214 Divers, William K., 147–149, 150, 152, 169 Dixon, Don, 237, 238, 253 Drexel Burnham Lambert, 237, 253 Dunham, Ralph, 313 Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, 225 Educational Cooperative Bank, 311 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 150 electronic funds transfer (EFT), 192–194, 215 Emergency Mortgage Act of 1933, 91 Empire Savings & Loan Association (Mesquite, TX), 10, 226 audits of, 281–282 brokered deposits and, 285–286 change in ownership, 276–277 closure of, 284 condominium loans made by, 282 depositors paid off, 284 fraud and, 286–289 growth of, 279 and “land flips”, 286–287 loan sales by, 279–280 plan for expansion, 277, 283 problems with regulatory oversight of, 289–293 real estate appraisals and, 287–289 regulatory action taken against, 282, 283–284 supervisory examinations of, 281, 282 as Town East Savings & Loan Association, 276, 278 Equal Credit Opportunity Act, 196 ESM Government Securities, 227 Executive Order 9070, 123, 146 Fahey, John, 91, 123, 124–125, 179 Fair Housing Act of 1968, 196 Farmer’s Alliances, 22–23 Faulkner, Danny, 278, 280, 292, 294 Federal Asset Disposition Association (FADA), 230–231 Federal Building Loan Bank Act (Calder-Nolan Act), 76, 77, 83, 84 P1: KaD/Jzk P2: Kcz 052182754ind.xml CY431/Mason 052182754X March 29, 2004 Index Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 93, 94, 141, 142, 247, 249 Federal Farm Loan Act, 66 Federal Home Building Service Plan (FHBSP), 108–109 Federal Home Loan Bank Act, 83, 86 industry support for, 83, 86 opposition to, 84, 86 passage of, 84–86 provisions of, 83 (See also Couzens Amendment) Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas, 283 Federal Home Loan Bank of Little Rock, 276 Federal Home Loan Bank of Los Angeles, 124–125, 146 Federal Home Loan Bank of Portland, 124 Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco, 124, 125, 150 Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB), 86, 94, 111, 114 abolished in 1989, 245 activities of, 108, 123–124, 147–153, 178–182, 200–202, 220–221, 226–227, 234 Division of Examination and Supervision, 179 independence, 146 reorganization of, 123, 125, 146, 256, 292 S&L leaders’ influence on, 95, 102, 124, 147, 152–153 Federal Home Loan Bank System, 87, 305 acceptance by S&L industry, 76, 108, 140 creation of, 87 criticism of, 88–89 League support for, 81, 106 early operations of, 86–88, 90 reorganization of, (See also Federal Building Loan Bank Act, Federal Home Loan Bank Act) Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC or Freddie Mac), 191 Federal Housing Administration (FHA), 95, 116, 123, 144, 146, 162, 197 Federal Housing and Finance Board, 245 Federal Land Banks, 66, 75 Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA or Fannie Mae), 116, 145, 162, 172, 191, 252, 277, 315 Federal Reserve, 66, 75, 76, 81, 82, 83, 87, 93, 156, 161, 183, 185 Federal Savings & Loan Advisory Committee, 148 21:44 343 Federal Savings & Loan Associations acceptance by S&L industry, 92–93, 110–111 Charter K, 111, 141 Charter N, 140–141 creation of, 91–92 growth of, 111, 140, 221 League support for, 92–93, 110–111 (See also HOLA) Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC), 94, 95, 169, 177, 228, 235, 249, 293 abolished in 1989, 245 acceptance by S&L industry, 109–110, 140 assistance to failed S&Ls, 181, 223, 226, 230, 236, 241 bankruptcy of, 232, 242 capital adequacy of, 180, 181, 201, 230 comparisons with FDIC, 94, 141–142 creation of, 95 efforts to separate from FHLBB, 142–143 insurance coverage, 209, 216 League support for, 93–94, 106, 110 net worth certificates and, 219, 223 premiums, 109, 142 recapitalization of, 231–232 (See also National Housing Act and Competitive Equity Banking Act) Financial Institutions Act of 1973, 208 Financial Institutions Act of 1975, 208 Financial Institutions and the National Economy (FINE) Study, 208–209, 210 Financial Institutions Interest Rate Control Act of 1978, 209 Financial Institutions Relief, Recovery and Enforcement Act (FIRREA), 244, 249 critique of, 247 industry support for, 243 passage of, 243–244, 245 provisions of, 245–247 Financial Institutions Supervision Act, 182 Financial Reform Act of 1976, 209 Financing Corporation (FICO), 233 First Federal Lincoln (Omaha, NE), 193 First Federal Savings & Loan Association (Austin, TX), 276 First Federal Savings & Loan Association (Chicago), 122, 138 First Great Migration, 165 First Industrial Revolution, 13–14, 16 First National Bank (Garland, TX), 292 P1: KaD/Jzk P2: Kcz 052182754ind.xml CY431/Mason 344 052182754X March 29, 2004 21:44 Index First Savings & Loan Association (Burkburnett, TX), 279 Fort, Franklin, 87 Franklin, Benjamin, 45 Friend, Irwin, 206 Friend Commission, 206, 207 friendly societies, 13 Friendly Societies Act, 13, 15 futures options, 221 Garn, Jake, 218, 220, 234 Garn-St Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 (Garn-St Germain Act), 224, 257 industry support for, 220 passage of, 218–219 Pratt and, 220 provisions of, 219–220 Garner, Jake, 84 General Accounting Office (GAO), 205, 232, 251, 255 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), 222 “give-away” promotions, 149, 151, 179 Glass, Carter, 85 Glenn, John, 238 Gonzalez, Henry D., 244 goodwill, 222, 242, 243, 245 Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA or Ginnie Mae), 191 Graduate School of Savings & Loan, 103, 136–137 Gramm, Phil, 243 Gray, Edwin, 226–227, 232, 234, 238, 271, 282, 284 Great Depression, 65, 67, 166, 182, 210, 218, 228, 270 Great Western Financial Corporation, 177 Gregory, Thomas, 124–125 Gries, John, 86 guarantee stock plan, 21, 38, 176 Hand, John, 307, 309, 310, 313 Home Owners’ Loan Act, 92, 93 League support for, passage of, 92 provisions of, 91–92 opposition to, 92 Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC), 92, 96, 112–113, 119, 123, 268 bonds of, 112, 113 League opposition to, 115 mortgage characteristics of, 112, 113 real estate appraisals and, 114–115 Home Savings (Los Angeles), 203 Home State Savings Bank (Cincinnati), 227 homestead associations, 50 Hoover, Herbert, 45, 46, 78, 86 “associationalism” and, 79 home loan bank and, 79–83 home ownership and, 78–79 Horne, John E., 181, 184, 200, 271 House Banking Committee, 84, 96, 207, 210, 215, 219, 231, 244 Housing Act of 1949, 153, 154 Housing Act of 1964, 171 Housing Amendments Act of 1955, 146 Housing and Community Development Act, 196, 199 Housing and Home Finance Agency (HHFA), 146, 149 Housing and Urban Development Act, 198 housing starts, 57–58, 129, 160 insurance companies, 17 Hughes, Harry R., 228 Hunt, Reed, 207 Hunt Commission, 207 Huntington, Henry, 131 Hussey, Cecilia, 308 Hyde, Henry, 244 “I-30 Corridor”, 278 Indiana University, 136 Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), 209 inflation, 187–188 Interest Rate Control Act of 1966, 185 interest rates controls on, 182–185 effects of rising, 188, 203, 214 “rate wars”, 183, 190 (see also Regulation Q) Investex Savings (Tyler, TX), 279 It’s a Wonderful Life, 1, 2, 229, 247 Janis, Jay, 202 Johnson, Lyndon B., 176, 181, 184 Jones, Wesley, 86 “junk” bonds, 226, 237, 238, 246 Justice Dept., U.S., 137, 150, 242, 247, 253 Kamp, Carl O., 201 Keating, Charles, 238, 253, 295 P1: KaD/Jzk P2: Kcz 052182754ind.xml CY431/Mason 052182754X March 29, 2004 Index Kennedy, John F., 175, 178, 206 Keogh plans, 209 Knights of Labor, 22, 23 Lake Ray Hubbard (TX), 278 Lamar Savings & Loan (Austin), 237 Lancaster First Federal Savings & Loan (Lancaster, TX), 279 Leach, Jim, 244 Lehman Brothers, 177 lending risk evaluation, 18, 21, 104, 114, 258–259 discrimination, 115, 163, 167–168, 195, 197–198 Levitt, Alfred and Bill, 132–133 Levittown, 132, 133 Liberty Loans, 44, 45, 53, 56 Lincoln Savings & Loan (Phoenix), 238, 253, 295 Lloyd’s of London, 17 loans acquisition, development and construction (ADC), 150, 171, 277 commercial, 219, 225 condominium, 170 consumer, 170, 199, 220 home improvement, 95, 113, 119, 199 installment, 57 non-real estate, 199 participations, 150, 170 (see also mortgages, savings and loan industry, US Loan Plan) Lobbying Registration Act, 137 Long Beach Federal Savings & Loan Association, 124–125 low-income housing, 153–154 Luce, Robert, 83 MacAdoo, William, 44 McAllister, Walter, 148–150, 152, 156 McBirney, Edwin T., 238 McCain, John, 238 McDonald, Stewart, 117 McFadden Act, 64 McKinney, William, 202 McMurray, James P, 178–181, 184, 200, 271 Magazine of Wall Street, 61, 71 Maloney Act, 162 management consignment plan (MCP), 230 Marston, Garth, 201 Martin, Preston, 200–201, 205 21:44 345 Maryland, 29, 71, 228 Massachusetts, 29, 32, 194 Massachusetts Co-Operative Bank League, 301 Medford, MA, 298 Medford Cooperative Bank, 10 advertising of, 300, 309 and “character loans”, 300, 307, 312, 314 commercial lending and, 311, 314 conservative practices of, 301–302, 305, 307 conversion to stock ownership, 315 and deregulation, 310 early operations of, 299 formed, 298 during the Great Depression, 303–305, 310 involvement in trade associations, 301 management of, 306, 312, 313 Medford Trust, 301, 303–304, 305 Merrill Lynch, 162, 193 Metzenbaum, Howard M., 236 Milken, Michael, 237, 253 Minneapolis, 32, 37, 56 money market accounts, 193, 214, 220 money market certificates (MMCs), 190–191 Moorehead, J R., 47 Mortgage Bankers Association, 86 Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation, 121, 172 mortgage companies, 65, 163 mortgage insurance, 94, 116, 144, 162, 172 mortgages adjustable, 189, 217, 221 alternative, 188–189 characteristics of S&L, 58–59 commercial, 246 conventional amortizing, 20, 113, 146 FHA-insured, 116, 117, 144, 145 second, 58, 62, 89, 91, 134 secondary market for, 145, 162, 172, 191 securities backed by, 145, 191 VA-guaranteed, 144 (See also loans, savings and loan industry) Murchison, Ken mutual funds, 162 Mutual Home Savings Association (Dayton, OH), 20 Mystic Financial, 315 National Association of Real Estate Boards, 81, 83, 104 P1: KaD/Jzk P2: Kcz 052182754ind.xml CY431/Mason 346 052182754X March 29, 2004 21:44 Index “national” building and loans, 32–37, 210 characteristics, 32–34 criticized by “local” S&Ls, 34–35 differences with the “local” S&Ls, 33–34 efforts to restrict, 35–36 expansion of, 33 failure of, 36–37 long-term effects of, 37–39 National Housing Act of 1934, 95, 97, 116 industry opposition to, 96, 97 passage of, 96 provisions of 95 National Housing Agency, 123, 146 National Housing Association (NHA), 41–42 National League of Savings & Loan Associations (NLSLA), 123, 155, 263 national mortgage associations, 96, 116 National People’s Action, 195 National Recovery Administration (NRA), 112 National Thrift News, 280, 289 National Thrift Week, 45 negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) accounts, 194, 199–200, 201, 208, 215, 216 Niagara Permanent Savings & Loan, 62 Nixon, Richard M., 169, 200 Nolan, John, 76 Nolan Bill, 224 North American Review, 27 Northwestern University, 80, 103, 138 O’Connell, William, 203, 220, 232, 243 Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), 245, 247 Ohio, 36, 60, 70, 176, 227 The Ohio State University, 80 oil prices, 188, 214, 228, 259 Old Court Savings & Loan (Baltimore), 228 Oxford Provident Building Association (Frankfort PA), 18 Paine, Robert Treat Jr., 26, 42 Panic of 1907, 53, 75 Patman, Wright, 184, 185, 207, 210 Pennsylvania, 29, 60, 70 Perleman, Ronald, 236 permanent plan, 19–20 Philadelphia, 17, 26, 27, 28, 39, 58, 67, 133, 164, 165, 166 point-of-sale (POS), 192, 193, 194 Poor Richard’s Almanac, 45 populism, 23 Pratt, Richard T., 220, 221, 226, 227, 260 Progressivism, 23, 31, 41–46 “Americanization” and, 42–44 tenement housing reform and, 41–42 thrift and, 42, 44–45 trade associations and, 24 Proxmire, William, 211, 215 Qualified Thrift Lender (QTL) test, 233, 246 Rae, Ann, 62–63 Rand, Robert L., 200 Reagan, Ronald, 218, 220, 226, 233, 295 real estate direct equity investments, 219 tax shelters and, 225, 229 Texas, 228–229 (See also mortgages) Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, 196 Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), 83 re-discounting, 75, 79, 81 “redlining”, 115, 131, 195 Regan, Donald, 227, 260, 295 regulation, federal efforts to reform, 206–209 enforcement of, 179, 181–182 examiners, 226, 227 failure of, 209–212, 255, 272 forbearance and, 232, 233, 255–257 League support of, 75–77 moral hazard, 257 reasons for, 73–74 regulatory lag and, 256 (see also specific legislation) regulation, state, 36, 224, 246 creation of, 69–71 industry reaction to, 72 lack of uniformity, 71–72 League support of, 71, 72–73 reasons for, 70 similarities with other industries, 73 Regulation Q, 134, 161, 182, 190 abolished, 218, 220 extended to S&Ls, 151, 184–185 League support for, 185–186, 211 proposed phase-out of, 206, 207, 208, 209, 215 rate differential, 185, 198, 200, 209 Regulation X, 156 Regulation Z, 196 P1: KaD/Jzk P2: Kcz 052182754ind.xml CY431/Mason 052182754X March 29, 2004 Index Regulatory Accounting Principles (RAP), 221–222, 229, 257 Reigle, Donald, 238 Reilly, Michael, 84, 86, 96 Resolution Funding Corporation (REFCORP), 242, 243 Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC), 246–255 affordable housing and, 244, 247, 255 assets held by, 252 criticism of, 250, 251 critique of, 254–255 equity participation and, 254 funding of, 249, 252, 253–254 methods of asset disposal, 247–249 mortgage backed securities issued by, 252–253 Operation “Clean Sweep” and, 250 operational problems of, 250–251, 253 recovery rates, 251, 253, 254 resolution costs, 255–257 S&L resolutions by, 250, 252, 253, 254 termination of, 254 (See also FIRREA) RTC Completion Act, 254, 261 RTC Funding Act, 252 RTC Refinance, Reconstruction and Improvement Act, 252 Reuss, Henry, 210, 215 Revenue Act of 1962, 175 Robertson, Albert J., 150–152, 178 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 89, 90, 91, 92, 96 Roosevelt, Theodore, 41 Russell, Horace, 91, 94, 95 St Germain, Ferdinand, J., 208, 219, 231, 235 Saturday Evening Post, 148 Savings Association Insurance Fund (SAIF), 245, 261 savings and loan bailout Bush plan for, 242–243 cost of, 243, 258, 260 deposit tax for, 242 (See also FIRREA, Resolution Trust Corporation) savings and loan crisis California and, 221, 224, 229 causes of, 255–260 criminal prosecutions, 253 Board response to, 227, 230, 235 deposit insurance as a factor in, 216 21:44 347 fraud and, 227, 239, 257–258 “high fliers” and, 225–226, 237–239 S&L insolvencies, 223, 230, 234, 236, 242, 260 Texas and, 221, 224, 232, 234, 237 savings and loan industry in 1920s, 60–62 in 1950s, 139 in 1960s, 173–174 in 1970s, 202–203 African-Americans and, 163–170 as a movement, 22–28, 106–107 as a profession, 106–107 in California, 21, 29, 61, 139, 152, 169, 175, 180, 189 as home lenders, 54, 61, 121, 139, 173, 263 as savings repository, 139 competition with banks, 63–65, 78, 160–162, 183 competition with federal government, 66, 143–145, 162–163 diversification of, 171, 206, 207, 219–220, 224 ethnic-Americans and, 54–56 in Gilded Age, 28–29 Great Depression and, 77–78, 117–118 public image of, 37–38, 49, 105, 198, 262 recovery in 1990s, 261–263 technology and, 135, 173, 192–194 women and, 29–32, 62–63, 121–122, 308 World War I and, 53–54 World War II, 120 (See also Federal Home Loan Bank system, Federal Savings & Loan Associations, Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corp., Associations, loans, mortgages, savings and loan crisis, savings and loans) savings and loans accounting, 50, 221 branches and, 174, 202 dividend rates, 64, 134, 151, 156, 179–180 early operations of, 18, 21 failures of, 67, 78, 181 forms of organization, 18–21 “frozen”, 118 holding companies and, 177–178 large vs small, 175–176, 200, 203 lending territory of, 28, 70, 171 mergers of, 121, 139, 202, 221, 222, 260 name changes, 50–51, 107, 219, 263–264 offices of, 49, 119, 135, 173 P1: KaD/Jzk P2: Kcz 052182754ind.xml CY431/Mason 348 052182754X March 29, 2004 21:44 Index savings and loans (cont.) promotion of, 24–28, 54, 173 reserves of, 19–20, 29, 64, 142, 174, 180, 205, 256, 262 shareholders of, 29, 61, 221 stock ownership, 176–177, 180–181, 204–205 state deposit insurance for, 227–228 “super” thrifts, 262–263 taxation of, 74, 155, 174–175 (see also capital adequacy requirements, interest rates, savings and loan industry, savings and loan crisis, Resolution Trust Corporation) Savings & Loan Foundation, 148 Savings & Loan Holding Company Act, 178 savings banks, mutual, 15, 16–17 Savings Institutions Marketing Society, 174 Saxon, James J., 160, 183 Schumer, Charles, 247 Scribner’s Magazine, 26 Second Federal Savings & Loan Association (Cleveland), 136 Second Great Migration, 167 Second Industrial Revolution, 24, 41 Second Oxford Provident Building Association, 29 Seidman, L William, 250 Senate Banking Committee, 84, 178, 181, 210, 215, 218 serial plan, 19 service corporations, 199 Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (“GI Bill of Rights”), 143, 167 Shelley v Kraemer, 167 Shelby, Richard C., 243 Silva, Lorraine, 308, 309, 312 Sinclair, Clifford, 278, 294 60 Minutes, 293 Slipher, Stephen, 137, 211 Society of Real Estate Appraisers (SREA), 104, 287 Southern Building & Loan Association (Knoxville, TN), 37 Southwest Plan, 235–236, 241, 251 cost of, 235, 236 criticism of, 235 defended by Board, 236 S&L sales completed under, 235–236 Sparkman, John, 181, 211 Spiegel, Thomas, 237 Standard Asset Management and Disposition Agreement (SAMDA), 249 State Savings & Loan (Lubbock, TX), 279 Steagall, Henry, 93 Stevenson, William, 91 Stewart, Jimmy, 229, 247 Strunk, Norman, 6, 138, 151, 211 Sturtevant, James, 299, 300 Surabian, Robert, 307, 310, 311, 313 suburbs, 129–133 Sunbelt Savings (Dallas), 238–239 Taft, Robert, 153 Tax Reform Act of 1986, 229 terminating plan, 19 Texas, 176, 264 Texas Savings & Loan Commission, 276, 282 Texas Savings & Loan League, 282, 293 “Three Percent” Loan Companies, 66–67 thrifts (see savings and loans) Toler, Jim, 278, 294 Tottenham Benefit Bank, 15 Treasury Dept, U.S., 45, 242, 243, 245 Trans-Bay Federal (San Francisco), 169 Transmatic System (TMS), 193 Truman, Harry S., 125 Truth-in-Lending Act, 196 Uniform Savings Loan Plan (US Loan Plan), 133–134 U.S Housing Authority, 123 United States Building & Loan League (see United States Savings & Loan League) United States League of Building & Loan Associations (see United States Savings & Loan League) United States League of Local Building & Loan Associations (see United States Savings & Loan League) United States League of Savings Institutions (see United States Savings & Loan League) United States Savings & Loan League, 6, 269 Accounting Division, 103 Advertising Division, 105 Appraisal Division, 104 internal dissent, 122, 203, 211 lobbying of, 137, 174, 185, 211, 232, 244, 256 low income housing and, 153–154 membership in, 38, 52, 101–102 P1: KaD/Jzk P2: Kcz 052182754ind.xml CY431/Mason 052182754X March 29, 2004 Index merger with NLS&LA, 263 name changes, 51, 95, 107, 198 organizational changes, 51–52, 101, 138 origins of, 38–39 publications of, 26, 47, 51–52, 81, 101, 136, 137 real estate appraisals and, 104 S&L accounting and, 103 S&L advertising and, 46–47, 105–106, 135–136 S&L deregulation and, 225 S&L professionalism, 48–51, 103, 107, 136 (See also regulation state, regulation federal, savings and loan industry, savings and loans specific legislation) Veihmann, George, 44 Veillor, Lawrence, 42 Vernon Savings & Loan (Dallas), 237, 253 21:44 349 Veterans Administration (VA), 143, 162, 197, 307 Volker, Paul, 214 Voluntary Home Mortgage Credit Program (VHMCP), 171 Wade, Stacy, 72 Wakefield, Priscilla, 15, 16 Wall, M Danny, 234, 235, 238 The Wall Street Journal, 248 Watson, James, 83 Washington, Booker T., 164 West Medford Cooperative Bank, 301, 307 White, Lawrence, 247 Wilson, Woodrow, 44 Women’s Building & Loan (Cleveland, OH), 62 Workingman’s Way to Wealth, 25 Wright, Jim, 231, 232, 260 Wrigley, Edmund, 25 YMCA, 43, 45 ... 8, 2004 18:5 FROM BUILDINGS AND LOANS TO BAIL- OUTS A History of the American Savings and Loan Industry, 1831 1995 DAVID L MASON Young Harris College iii cambridge university press Cambridge, New... The American Savings and Loan Industry in Perspective 266 10 Appendices Fraud, Forbearance, and Failure: The Case of Empire Savings and Loan Association vii 275 P1: KcZ Aggragation.xml CY431 /Mason. .. began, why savings and loan leaders cultivated an image of their business as a self-help movement, the role of women in encouraging industry growth, and the rise and fall of “national” thrifts and