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Optimization methods in finance, cornuejols tutuncu

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Optimization Methods in Finance Gerard Cornuejols ă tu ă ncu ¨ Reha Tu Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA Summer 2005 Foreword Optimization models play an increasingly important role in financial decisions Many computational finance problems ranging from asset allocation to risk management, from option pricing to model calibration can be solved efficiently using modern optimization techniques This course discusses several classes of optimization problems (including linear, quadratic, integer, dynamic, stochastic, conic, and robust programming) encountered in financial models For each problem class, after introducing the relevant theory (optimality conditions, duality, etc.) and efficient solution methods, we discuss several problems of mathematical finance that can be modeled within this problem class In addition to classical and well-known models such as Markowitz’ mean-variance optimization model we present some newer optimization models for a variety of financial problems Contents Introduction 1.1 Optimization Problems 1.1.1 Linear Programming 1.1.2 Quadratic Programming 1.1.3 Conic Optimization 1.1.4 Integer Programming 1.1.5 Dynamic Programming 1.2 Optimization with Data Uncertainty 1.2.1 Stochastic Programming 1.2.2 Robust Optimization 1.3 Financial Mathematics 1.3.1 Portfolio Selection and Asset Allocation 1.3.2 Pricing and Hedging of Options 1.3.3 Risk Management 1.3.4 Asset/Liability Management Linear Programming: Theory and Algorithms 2.1 The Linear Programming Problem 2.2 Duality 2.3 Optimality Conditions 2.4 The Simplex Method 2.4.1 Basic Solutions 2.4.2 Simplex Iterations 2.4.3 The Tableau Form of the Simplex Method 2.4.4 Graphical Interpretation 2.4.5 The Dual Simplex Method 2.4.6 Alternative to the Simplex Method LP Models: Asset/Liability Cash Flow Matching 3.1 Short Term Financing 3.1.1 Modeling 3.1.2 Solving the Model with SOLVER 3.1.3 Interpreting the output of SOLVER 3.1.4 Modeling Languages 3.1.5 Features of Linear Programs 3.2 Dedication 3.3 Sensitivity Analysis for Linear Programming 9 10 11 11 12 13 13 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 21 23 26 28 29 31 35 38 39 41 43 43 44 46 48 50 50 51 53 CONTENTS 3.4 3.3.1 Short Term Financing 3.3.2 Dedication Case Study 54 58 59 LP Models: Asset Pricing and Arbitrage 61 4.1 The Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing 61 4.1.1 Replication 62 4.1.2 Risk-Neutral Probabilities 63 4.1.3 The Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing 64 4.2 Arbitrage Detection Using Linear Programming 66 4.3 Exercises 68 4.4 Case Study: Tax Clientele Effects in Bond Portfolio Management 72 Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Algorithms 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Software 5.3 Univariate Optimization 5.3.1 Binary search 5.3.2 Newton’s Method 5.3.3 Approximate Line Search 5.4 Unconstrained Optimization 5.4.1 Steepest Descent 5.4.2 Newton’s Method 5.5 Constrained Optimization 5.5.1 The generalized reduced gradient method 5.5.2 Sequential Quadratic Programming 5.6 Nonsmooth Optimization: Subgradient Methods 5.7 Exercises 77 77 79 79 79 82 85 86 87 89 93 95 99 99 101 NLP Models: Volatility Estimation 103 6.1 Volatility Estimation with GARCH Models 103 6.2 Estimating a Volatility Surface 106 Quadratic Programming: Theory and Algorithms 7.1 The Quadratic Programming Problem 7.2 Optimality Conditions 7.3 Interior-Point Methods 7.4 The Central Path 7.5 Interior-Point Methods 7.5.1 Path-Following Algorithms 7.5.2 Centered Newton directions 7.5.3 Neighborhoods of the Central Path 7.5.4 A Long-Step Path-Following Algorithm 7.5.5 Starting from an Infeasible Point 7.6 QP software 7.7 Exercises 111 111 112 113 115 116 116 118 120 122 123 123 124 CONTENTS QP Models: Portfolio Optimization 8.1 Mean-Variance Optimization 8.1.1 Example 8.1.2 Large-Scale Portfolio Optimization 8.1.3 The Black-Litterman Model 8.1.4 Mean-Absolute Deviation to Estimate Risk 8.2 Maximizing the Sharpe Ratio 8.3 Returns-Based Style Analysis 8.4 Recovering Risk-Neural Probabilities from Options Prices 8.5 Exercises 8.6 Case Study 127 127 128 133 136 140 142 145 147 151 153 Conic Optimization Models 155 9.1 Approximating Covariance Matrices 156 9.2 Recovering Risk-Neural Probabilities from Options Prices 158 10 Integer Programming: Theory and Algorithms 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Modeling Logical Conditions 10.3 Solving Mixed Integer Linear Programs 10.3.1 Linear Programming Relaxation 10.3.2 Branch and Bound 10.3.3 Cutting Planes 10.3.4 Branch and Cut 11 IP Models: Constructing an Index Fund 11.1 Combinatorial Auctions 11.2 The Lockbox Problem 11.3 Constructing an Index Fund 11.3.1 A Large-Scale Deterministic Model 11.3.2 A Linear Programming Model 11.4 Portfolio Optimization with Minimum Transaction Levels 11.5 Exercises 11.6 Case Study 12 Dynamic Programming Methods 12.1 Introduction 12.1.1 Backward Recursion 12.1.2 Forward Recursion 12.2 Abstraction of the Dynamic Programming Approach 12.3 The Knapsack Problem 12.3.1 Dynamic Programming Formulation 12.3.2 An Alternative Formulation 12.4 Stochastic Dynamic Programming 161 161 162 164 164 165 173 176 179 179 180 182 184 187 187 189 189 191 191 194 196 198 200 201 202 202 13 Dynamic Programming Models: Binomial Trees 13.1 A Model for American Options 13.2 Binomial Lattice 13.2.1 Specifying the parameters 13.2.2 Option Pricing 13.3 Case Study: Structuring CMO’s 13.3.1 Data 13.3.2 Enumerating possible tranches 13.3.3 A Dynamic Programming Approach CONTENTS 205 205 207 208 209 212 214 216 217 14 Stochastic Programming: Theory and Algorithms 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Two Stage Problems with Recourse 14.3 Multi Stage Problems 14.4 Decomposition 14.5 Scenario Generation 14.5.1 Autoregressive model 14.5.2 Constructing scenario trees 219 219 220 221 223 226 226 228 15 Value-at-Risk 233 15.1 Risk Measures 233 15.2 Example: Bond Portfolio Optimization 238 16 SP Models: Asset/Liability Management 16.1 Asset/Liability Management 16.1.1 Corporate Debt Management 16.2 Synthetic Options 16.3 Case Study: Option Pricing with Transaction Costs 16.3.1 The Standard Problem 16.3.2 Transaction Costs 241 241 244 246 250 251 252 17 Robust Optimization: Theory and Tools 17.1 Introduction to Robust Optimization 17.2 Uncertainty Sets 17.3 Different Flavors of Robustness 17.3.1 Constraint Robustness 17.3.2 Objective Robustness 17.3.3 Relative Robustness 17.3.4 Adjustable Robust Optimization 17.4 Tools for Robust Optimization 17.4.1 Ellipsoidal Uncertainty for Linear Constraints 17.4.2 Ellipsoidal Uncertainty for Quadratic Constraints 17.4.3 Saddle-Point Characterizations 255 255 256 258 258 259 259 261 262 263 264 266 18 Robust Optimization Models in Finance 267 18.0.4 Robust Multi-Period Portfolio Selection 267 18.0.5 Robust Profit Opportunities in Risky Portfolios 270 18.0.6 Robust Portfolio Selection 271 CONTENTS 18.0.7 Relative Robustness in Portfolio Selection 273 18.1 Moment Bounds for Option Prices 274 18.2 Exercises 275 A Convexity 279 B Cones 281 C A Probability Primer 283 D The Revised Simplex Method 287 CONTENTS Chapter Introduction Optimization is a branch of applied mathematics that derives its importance both from the wide variety of its applications and from the availability of efficient algorithms Mathematically, it refers to the minimization (or maximization) of a given objective function of several decision variables that satisfy functional constraints A typical optimization model addresses the allocation of scarce resources among possible alternative uses in order to maximize an objective function such as total profit Decision variables, the objective function, and constraints are three essential elements of any optimization problem Problems that lack constraints are called unconstrained optimization problems, while others are often referred to as constrained optimization problems Problems with no objective functions are called feasibility problems Some problems may have multiple objective functions These problems are often addressed by reducing them to a single-objective optimization problem or a sequence of such problems If the decision variables in an optimization problem are restricted to integers, or to a discrete set of possibilities, we have an integer or discrete optimization problem If there are no such restrictions on the variables, the problem is a continuous optimization problem Of course, some problems may have a mixture of discrete and continuous variables We continue with a list of problem classes that we will encounter in this book 1.1 Optimization Problems We start with a generic description of an optimization problem Given a function f (x) : IRn → IR and a set S ⊂ IRn , the problem of finding an x∗ ∈ IRn that solves minx f (x) (1.1) s.t x∈S is called an optimization problem (OP) We refer to f as the objective function and to S as the feasible region If S is empty, the problem is called infeasible If it is possible to find a sequence xk ∈ S such that f (xk ) → −∞ as k → +∞, then the problem is unbounded If the problem is neither infeasible nor unbounded, then it is often possible to find a solution x∗ ∈ S 10 CHAPTER INTRODUCTION that satisfies f (x∗ ) ≤ f (x), ∀x ∈ S Such an x∗ is called a global minimizer of the problem (OP) If f (x∗ ) < f (x), ∀x ∈ S, x = x∗ , then x∗ is a strict global minimizer In other instances, we may only find an x∗ ∈ S that satisfies f (x∗ ) ≤ f (x), ∀x ∈ S ∩ Bx∗ (ε) for some ε > 0, where Bx∗ (ε) is the open ball with radius ε centered at x∗ , i.e., Bx∗ (ε) = {x : x − x∗ < ε} Such an x∗ is called a local minimizer of the problem (OP) A strict local minimizer is defined similarly In most cases, the feasible set S is described explicitly using functional constraints (equalities and inequalities) For example, S may be given as S := {x : gi (x) = 0, i ∈ E and gi (x) ≥ 0, i ∈ I}, where E and I are the index sets for equality and inequality constraints Then, our generic optimization problem takes the following form: (OP) minx f (x) gi (x) = 0, i ∈ E gi (x) ≥ 0, i ∈ I (1.2) Many factors affect whether optimization problems can be solved efficiently For example, the number n of decision variables, and the total number of constraints |E| + |I|, are generally good predictors of how difficult it will be to solve a given optimization problem Other factors are related to the properties of the functions f and gi that define the problem Problems with a linear objective function and linear constraints are easier, as are problems with convex objective functions and convex feasible sets For this reason, instead of general purpose optimization algorithms, researchers have developed different algorithms for problems with special characteristics We list the main types of optimization problems we will encounter A more complete list can be found, for example, on the Optimization Tree available from http://www-fp.mcs.anl.gov/otc/Guide/OptWeb/ 1.1.1 Linear Programming One of the most common and easiest optimization problems is linear optimization or linear programming (LP) It is the problem of optimizing a linear objective function subject to linear equality and inequality constraints This corresponds to the case in OP where the functions f and gi are all linear If either f or one of the functions gi is not linear, then the resulting problem is a nonlinear programming (NLP) problem 290 APPENDIX D THE REVISED SIMPLEX METHOD basis is optimal Otherwise choose a variable xk such that c¯k > ¯ k = B−1 Ak and perform the Step Compute the updated column A ratio test, i.e., find ¯bi { } a ¯ik >0 a ¯ik ¯ respectively If ¯ k and b, Here a ¯ik and ¯bi denote the ith entry of the vectors A a ¯ik ≤ for every row i, then STOP, the problem is unbounded Otherwise, choose the basic variable of the row that gives the minimum ratio in the ratio test (say row r) as the leaving variable The pivoting step is where we achieve the computational savings: Step Pivot on the entry a ¯rk in the following truncated tableau: Current basic variables Z xBr Coefficient of Original xk basics −¯ ck π = cB B−1 B−1 a ¯rk RHS cB B−1 b B−1 b Replace the current values of B −1 , ¯b, and π with the matrices and vectors that appear in their respective positions after pivoting Go back to Step Once again, notice that when we use the revised simplex method, we work with a truncated tableau This tableau has m + columns; m columns corresponding to the initial basic variables, one for the entering variable, and one for the right hand side In the standard simplex method, we work with n + columns, n of them for all variables, and one for the RHS vector For a problem that has many more variables (say, n = 50, 000) than constraints (say, m = 10, 000) the savings are very significant An Example Now we apply the revised simplex method described above to a linear programming problem We will consider the following problem: Maximize Z = subject to: x1 + 2x2 + x3 − 2x4 −2x1 + x2 + x3 + 2x4 + x6 = −x1 + 2x2 + x3 + x5 + x7 = x1 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x8 = x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 , x6 , x7 The variables x6 , x7 , and x8 form a feasible basis and we will start the algorithm with this basis Then the initial simplex tableau is as follows: , x8 ≥ 291 Basic var Z x6 x7 x8 x1 -1 -2 -1 x2 -2 x3 -1 1 x4 2 x5 0 1 x6 0 x7 0 x8 0 RHS Once a feasible basis B is determined, the first thing to in the revised simplex method is to calculate the quantities B −1 , ¯b = B −1 b, and π = cB B −1 Since the basis matrix B for the basis above is the identity, we calculate these quantities easily: B −1 = I,    ¯b = B −1 b =   , π = cB B −1 = [0 0] I = [0 0] Above, I denotes the identity matrix of size Note that, cB , i.e., the sub-vector of the objective function vector c = [1 − 0 0]T that corresponds to the current basic variables, consists of all zeroes Now we calculate c¯i values for nonbasic variables using the formula c¯i = ci − πAi , where Ai refers to the ith column of the initial tableau So,   −2   c¯1 = c1 − πA1 = − [0 0]  −1  = 1,     c¯2 = c2 − πA2 = − [0 0]   = 2, and similarly, c¯3 = 1, c¯4 = −1, c¯5 = The quantity c¯i is often called the reduced cost of the variable xi and it tells us the rate of improvement in the objective function when xi is introduced into the basis Since c¯2 is the largest of all c¯i values we choose x2 as the entering variable To determine the leaving variable, we need to compute the updated column A¯2 = B −1 A2 :     1     A¯2 = B −1 A2 = I   =   0 Now using the updated right-hand-side vector ¯b = [2 3]T we perform the ratio test and find that x6 , the basic variable in the row that gives the minimum ratio has to leave the basis (Remember that we only use the positive 292 APPENDIX D THE REVISED SIMPLEX METHOD entries of A¯2 in the ratio test, so the last entry, which is a zero, does not participate in the ratio test.) Up to here, what we have done was exactly the same as in regular simplex, only the language was different The next step, the pivoting step, is going to be significantly different Instead of updating the whole tableau, we will only update a reduced tableau which has one column for the entering variable, three columns for the initial basic variables, and one more column for the RHS So, we will use the following tableau for pivoting: Basic var Z x6 x7 x8 x2 -2 1∗ Init basics x6 x7 x8 0 0 0 RHS As usual we pivot in the column of the entering variable and try to get a in the position of the pivot element, and zeros elsewhere in the column After pivoting we get: Basic var Z x2 x7 x8 x2 0 Init basics x6 x7 x8 0 0 -2 0 RHS 3 Now we can read the basis inverse B −1 , updated RHS vector ¯b, and the shadow prices π for the new basis from this new tableau Recalling the algebraic form of the simplex tableau we discussed above, we see that the new basis inverse lies in the columns corresponding to the initial basic variables, so   0   B −1 =  −2  0 Updated values of the objective function coefficients of initial basic variables and the updated RHS vector give us the π and ¯b vectors we will use in the next iteration:    ¯b =  π = [2 0]  , Above, we only updated five columns and did not worry about the four columns that correspond to x1 , x3 , x4 , and x5 These are the variables that are neither in the initial basis, nor are selected to enter the basis in this iteration 293 Now, we repeat the steps above To determine the new entering variable, we need to calculate the reduced costs c¯i for nonbasic variables:   −2   c¯1 = c1 − πA1 = − [2 0]  −1  =     c¯3 = c3 − πA3 = − [2 0]   = −1, and similarly, c¯4 = −6, c¯5 = 0, and c¯6 = −2 When we look at the −¯ ci values we find that only x1 is eligible to enter So, we generate the updated column A¯1 = B −1 A1 :      −2 −2 0      −1 ¯ A1 = B A1 =  −2   −1  =   0 1 The ratio test indicates that x7 is the leaving variable: 3 min{ , } = Next, we pivot on the following tableau: Basic var Z x2 x7 x8 Init basics x6 x7 x8 0 0 -2 0 x1 -5 -2 3∗ RHS 3 And we obtain: Basic var Z x2 x1 x8 x1 0 Init basics x6 x7 x8 − 43 −3 − 23 −3 RHS Once again, we read new values of B −1 , ¯b, and π from this tableau:  B −1 −1  32 =  −3 3 − 13    4   ¯   , b =   , π = [− 0] 3 294 APPENDIX D THE REVISED SIMPLEX METHOD We start the third iteration by calculating the reduced costs:     c¯3 = c3 − πA3 = − [− 0]   = 3     c¯4 = c4 − πA4 = −2 − [− 0]   = 3 , and similarly, c¯5 = − , c¯6 = , and c¯7 = − 3 So, x6 is chosen as the next entering variable Once again, we calculate the updated column A¯6 :  −1  32 −1 ¯ A6 = B A6 =  − 3 3 − 13     −1    32     =  −3  The ratio test indicates that x8 is the leaving variable, since it is the basic variable in the only row where A¯6 has a positive coefficient Now we pivot on the following tableau: Basic var Z x2 x1 x8 x6 − 43 − 13 − 23 2∗ Init basics x6 x7 x8 −3 −3 −3 − 3 x6 0 Init basics x6 x7 x8 -0 1 2 0 − 12 RHS Pivoting yields: Basic var Z x2 x1 x6 RHS 13 3 The new value of the vector π is given by: π = [0 2] Using π we compute       c¯3 = c3 − πA3 = − [0 2]   = −2   c¯4 = c4 − πA4 = −2 − [0 2]   = −4 295         c¯5 = c5 − πA5 = − [0 2]   = −3   c¯7 = c7 − πA7 = − [0 2]   = −1 0   c¯8 = c8 − πA8 = − [0 2]   = −2 Since all the c¯i values are negative we conclude that the last basis is optimal The optimal solution is: x1 = 3, x2 = 5, x6 = 3, x3 = x4 = x5 = x7 = x8 = 0, and, z = 13 Exercise 80 Consider the following linear programming problem: max Z = 20x1 + 10x2 x1 − x2 + x3 = 3x1 + x2 + x4 = x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0, x3 ≥ 0, x4 ≥ The initial simplex tableau for this problem is given below: Basic var Z x3 x4 Z 0 Coefficient of x1 x2 x3 x4 -20 -10 0 -1 1 RHS Optimal set of basic variables for this problem happen to be {x2 , x3 } Write the basis matrix B for this set of basic variables and determine its inverse Then, using the algebraic representation of the simplex tableau given in Chapter D, determine the optimal tableau corresponding to this basis Exercise 81 One of the insights of the algebraic representation of the simplex tableau we considered in Chaper D is that, the simplex tableau at any iteration can be computed from the initial tableau and the matrix B−1 , the inverse of the current basis matrix Using this insight, one can easily answer many types of “what if” questions As an example, consider the LP problem given in the previous exercise What would happen if the right-hand-side coefficients in the initial representation of the example above were and instead of and 7? Would the optimal basis {x2 , x3 } still be optimal? 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0–1 linear program, 12, 162 BSM formula, 107 absolute robust, 256 accrual tranche, 212 active constraint, 94 adaptive decision variables, 219 adjustable robust optimization, 261 adjusted random sampling, 229 ALM, 241 American option, 18, 205, 210 anticipative decision variables, 219 arbitrage, 62 arbitrage pricing, 274 arbitrage-free scenario trees, 230 Armijo-Goldstein condition, 86 ARO, 261 asset allocation, 16 asset/liability management, 20, 241 autoregressive model, 226 CAL, 143 call option, 17 callable debt, 244 capital allocation line, 143 capital budgeting, 162, 192 cash flow matching, 51 centered direction, 118 central path, 115 CMO, 212 collateralized mortgage obligation, 212 combinatorial auction, 179 complementary slackness, 26 concave function, 279 conditional prepayment model, 215 conditional value-at-risk, 235 cone, 281 conic optimization, 12, 155 constrained optimization, 93 backward recursion in DP, 194 constraint robustness, 14, 258 basic feasible solution, 30 constructing an index fund, 182 basic solution, 29 constructing scenario trees, 228 basic variable, 30 contingent claim, 61 basis matrix, 30 convex combination, 279 Bellman equation, 199 Bellman’s principle of optimality, 191 convex function, 279 convex set, 279 Benders decomposition, 223 convexity of bond portfolio, 51 beta of a security, 135 corporate debt management, 244 binary integer linear program, 162 correlation, 286 binary search, 79 covariance, 285 binomial distribution, 208 covariance matrix approximation, 156 binomial lattice, 207 Black Sholes Merton option pricing credit migration, 238 credit rating, 213 formula, 107 credit risk, 238 Black-Litterman model, 136 credit spread, 216 branch and bound, 168 cubic spline, 148 branch and cut, 176 cutting plane, 173 branching, 166, 169 Brownian motion, 106 CVaR, 235 301 302 decision variables, 44 dedicated portfolio, 51 dedication, 51 default risk, 213 density function, 284 derivative security, 61 deterministic DP, 192 deterministic equivalent of an SP, 221 diffusion model, 107 discrete probability measure, 284 distribution function, 284 diversified porfolio, 133 dual cone, 281 dual of an LP, 24 dual QP, 111 dual simplex method, 39 duality gap, 25 duration, 51 dynamic program, 13, 191 efficient frontier, 16 efficient portfolio, 16 ellipsoidal uncertainty set, 257 entering variable, 35 European option, 17 exercise price of an option, 18 expectation, 285 expected portfolio return, 16 expected value, 285 expiration date of an option, 17 INDEX hedge, 18 Hessian matrix, 92 heuristic for MILP, 172 idiosyncratic risk, 135 implied volatility, 106 independent random variables, 285 index fund, 183 infeasible problem, insurance company ALM problem, 242 integer linear program, 12 integer program, 161 interior-point method, 113 internal rate of return, 80 IPM, 113 IRR, 80 Jacobian matrix, 90 joint distribution function, 285 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions, 95 KKT conditions, 95 knapsack problem, 200 knot, 148 L-shaped method, 223 lagrangian relaxation, 185 leaving variable, 36 line search, 85 linear factor model, 145 linear optimization, 10 linear program, 10 feasibility cut, 225 linear programming relaxation of an feasible solution of an LP, 22 MILP, 164 first order necessary conditions for NLP,linear progream, 21 94 local optimum, 10 formulating an LP, 45 lockbox problem, 180 forward recursion in DP, 196 Lorenz cone, 156 Frobenius norm, 157 loss function, 235 Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pric- loss multiple, 215 ing, 65 LP, 21 GARCH model, 103 generalized reduced gradient, 95 geometric mean, 130 global optimum, 10 GMI cut, 174 golden section search, 81 Gomory mixed integer cut, 174 marginal distribution function, 285 market return, 135 Markowitz model, 127 master problem, 224 maturity date of an option, 61 maximum regret, 260 MBS, 212 INDEX mean, 285 mean-absolute deviation model, 140 mean-variance optimization, 16, 127 Michaud’s sampling approach, 135 MILP, 162 minimum risk arbitrage, 271 mixed integer linear program, 12, 162 model robustness, 14 modeling, 44 modeling logical conditions, 162 mortgage-backed security, 212 multi-stage stochastic program with recourse, 221 MVO, 127 Newton method, 82, 89 NLP, 77 node selection, 171 nonbasic variable, 30 nonlinear program, 10, 77 objective function, objective robustness, 15, 259 optimal solution of an LP, 22 optimality cut, 224 optimization problem, option pricing, 18, 209 pass-through MBS, 212 path-following algorithm, 117 pay down, 212 payoff, 209 pension fund, 242 pivoting in simplex method, 36 polar cone, 281 polyhedral cone, 281 polyhedral set, 279 polyhedron, 279 polynomial time algorithm, 11 polynomial-time algorithm, 42 portfolio optimization, 16, 127 portfolio optimization with minimum transaction levels, 187 positive semidefinite matrix, 11 prepayment, 215 present value, 51 primal linear program, 24 probability distribution, 283 303 probability measure, 283 probability space, 284 pruning a node, 166 pure integer linear program, 12, 162 pure Newton step, 118 put option, 18 quadratic convergence, 84 quadratic program, 11, 111 random event, 283 random sampling, 228 random variable, 284 ratio test, 36 RBSA, 145 rebalancing, 251 recourse decision, 222 recourse problem, 224 reduced cost, 55, 291 regular point, 94 relative interior, 114 relative robustness, 260 replicating portfolio, 18 replication, 62, 251 required buffer, 215 return-based style analysis, 145 revised simplex method, 287 risk management, 19 risk measure, 19 risk-neutral probabilities, 63 riskless profit, 70 robust multi-period portfolio selection, 267 robust optimization, 14, 255 robust portfolio optimization, 272 robust pricing, 274 saddle point, 266 sample space, 283 scenario generation, 226 scenario tree, 222 scheduled amortization, 214 second order necessary conditions for NLP, 94 second order sufficient conditions for NLP, 95 second-order cone program, 156 securitization, 212 304 self-financing, 251 semi-definite program, 156 sensitivity analysis, 53 sequential quadratic programming, 99 shadow price, 54, 289 Sharpe ratio, 142 short sale, 17 simplex method, 35 simplex tableau, 35 slack variable, 21 software for NLP, 79 SOLVER spreadsheet, 46 spline, 148 stage in DP, 198 standard deviation, 285 standard form LP, 21 state in DP, 198 steepest descent, 87 stochastic DP, 202 stochastic linear program, 13 stochastic program, 13, 220 stochastic program with recourse, 13 strict global optimum, 10 strict local optimum, 10 strictly convex function, 279 strictly feasible, 114 strike price, 18 strong branching, 170 strong duality, 26 subgradient, 100 suplus variable, 21 symmetric matrix, 11 synthetic option, 246 terminal node, 222 tranche, 212 transaction cost, 134, 252 transition state, 199 transpose matrix, 11 tree fitting, 229 turnover constraint, 134 two stage stochastic program with recourse, 220 type A arbitrage, 62 type B arbitrage, 62 unbounded problem, uncertainty set, 256 INDEX unconstrained optimization, 86 underlying security, 17 value-at-risk, 233 VaR, 233 variance, 285 variance of portfolio return, 16 volatility estimation, 103 volatility smile, 107 WAL, 213 weak duality, 24 weighted average life, 213 yield of a bond, 80 zigzagging, 89 ... random 14 CHAPTER INTRODUCTION event ω A and b define deterministic constraints on the first-stage decisions x, whereas B(ω), C(ω), and d(ω) define stochastic linear constraints linking the recourse... of constraint robustness Indeed, by introducing a new variable t (to be minimized) into OPuo and imposing the constraint f (x, p) ≤ t, we get an equivalent problem to OPuo The constraint robust... uncertainty 1.3 Financial Mathematics Modern finance has become increasingly technical, requiring the use of sophisticated mathematical tools in both research and practice Many find the 16 CHAPTER INTRODUCTION

Ngày đăng: 23/03/2018, 09:02

