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Analytically tractable stochastic stock price models, gulisashvili

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Springer Finance Editorial Board M Avellaneda G Barone-Adesi M Broadie M.H.A Davis E Derman C Klüppelberg W Schachermayer Springer Finance Springer Finance is a programme of books addressing students, academics and practitioners working on increasingly technical approaches to the analysis of financial markets It aims to cover a variety of topics, not only mathematical finance but foreign exchanges, term structure, risk management, portfolio theory, equity derivatives, and financial economics For further volumes: http://www.springer.com/series/3674 Archil Gulisashvili Analytically Tractable Stochastic Stock Price Models Archil Gulisashvili Department of Mathematics Ohio University Athens, OH, USA ISBN 978-3-642-31213-7 ISBN 978-3-642-31214-4 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-31214-4 Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London Library of Congress Control Number: 2012945072 Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 91Gxx, 91G80, 91B25, 91G20 JEL Classification: GO2, G13 © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012 This work is subject to copyright All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed Exempted from this legal reservation are brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis or material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the Copyright Law of the Publisher’s location, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer Permissions for use may be obtained 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and more general stochastic asset price models The central objective of the book is to characterize limiting behavior of several important functions associated with such models, e.g., stock price densities, call and put pricing functions, and implied volatilities Stock price models with stochastic volatility have been developed in the last decades to improve pricing and hedging performance of the classical Black–Scholes model and to account for certain imperfections in it The main shortcoming of the Black–Scholes model is its constant volatility assumption Statistical analysis of stock market data shows that the volatility of a stock is a time-dependent quantity Moreover, it exhibits various random features Stochastic volatility models address this randomness by assuming that both the stock price and the volatility are stochastic processes affected by different sources of risk Unlike the Black–Scholes model, stock price models with stochastic volatility explain such stylized facts as the implied volatility smile and skew They can also incorporate the leverage effect, that is, the tendency of the volatility of the stock to increase when the stock price decreases Stochastic volatility models reflect the leverage effect by imposing the restriction that the stock price and the volatility are negatively correlated An important problem in mathematical finance is to describe the asymptotic behavior of the stock price density in a stochastic volatility model Once we have a good understanding of how this density changes, we can estimate many other characteristics of the model, for example, left and right tails of stock return distributions, option pricing functions, and implied volatilities Asymptotic formulas for distribution tails of stock returns in a stochastic volatility model can be used to analyze how well the model addresses the tail risk In financial practice, the tail risk is defined as the probability that stock returns will move more than three standard deviations beyond the mean The Black–Scholes model underestimates the tail risk, since the probability of extreme variations of stock returns in this model is negligible This follows from the fact that distribution tails of stock returns in the Black–Scholes model decay like Gaussian density functions In the present book, we obtain sharp asymptotic formulas with relative error estimates for stock price densities in three vii viii Preface popular stock price models with stochastic volatility: the Hull–White model, the Stein–Stein model, and the Heston model These formulas show that for the abovementioned models, the stock price distributions have Pareto type tails, that is to say, the tails decay like regularly varying functions As a consequence, the Hull–White, Stein–Stein, and Heston models estimate the probability of abrupt downward movements of stock prices (disastrous scenarios) better than the Black–Scholes model The implied volatility associated with the call pricing function in a stochastic asset price model may be poetically described as the reflection of this function in the Black–Scholes mirror One can obtain the implied volatility by inverting the Black– Scholes call pricing function and composing the inverse function with the call pricing function of our interest A substantial part of the present book discusses model free asymptotic formulas for the implied volatility at extreme strikes in general asset price models Some of the reasons why such asymptotic formulas are important are the following On the one hand, these formulas help to check whether the given stochastic asset price model produces a skewed volatility pattern often observed in real markets On the other hand, since the implied volatility at extreme strikes is associated with out-of-the-money and in-the-money put and call options, the analysis of the implied volatility for large and small strikes quantifies the expectations and fears of investors of possible large upward or downward movements in asset prices Note that buying out-of-the money put options has been a popular hedging strategy against negative tail risk The text is organized as follows The main emphasis in Chaps 1–7 is on special stochastic volatility models (the Hull–White, Stein–Stein, and Heston models) In Chap 1, we consider stochastic processes, which play the role of volatility in these models, i.e., geometric Brownian motion, Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, and Cox–Ingersoll–Ross process (Feller process) Chapter introduces general correlated stock price models with stochastic volatility It also discusses risk-neutral measures in such models Chapter is concerned with realized volatility and mixing distributions For an uncorrelated stochastic volatility model, the mixing distribution is the law of the realized volatility, while for correlated models, mixing distributions are defined as joint distributions of various combinations of the variance of the stock price, the integrated volatility, and the integrated variance Chapter considers integral transforms of mixing distribution densities, and provides explicit formulas for the stock price density in terms of mixing distributions In Chap we prove a Tauberian theorem for the two-sided Laplace transform, and also Abelian theorems for fractional integrals and for integral operators with log-normal kernels The Tauberian theorem is used in Chap to characterize the asymptotics of mixing distributions by inverting their Laplace transforms approximately, while the Abelian theorem for fractional integrals is a helpful tool in the study of mixing distributions in the Hull–White model In Chap we provide asymptotic formulas with error estimates for the stock price distribution densities in the Hull–White, Stein–Stein, and Heston models For the correlated Heston model the proof of the asymptotic formula is based on affine principles, while in the absence of correlation an alternative proof of the asymptotic formula is given In the latter proof the Abelian theorem for integral operators with log-normal kernels plays an important role Finally, in Preface ix Chap we include a short exposition of the theory of regularly varying functions This chapter also considers Pareto type distributions and their applications The second part of the book (Chaps 8–11) is devoted to general call and put pricing functions in no-arbitrage setting and to the Black–Scholes implied volatility In the beginning of Chap we prove a characterization theorem for call pricing functions, and at the end of this chapter we establish sharp asymptotic formulas with error estimates for the call pricing functions in the Hull–White, Stein–Stein, and Heston models Chapter also presents an analytical proof of the Black–Scholes call option pricing formula, which is arguably the most famous formula of mathematical finance Chapter introduces the notion of implied volatility (or “smile”) and provides model free asymptotic formulas for the implied volatility at extreme strikes One more topic discussed in Chap concerns certain symmetries hidden in option pricing models The contents of Chap 10 can be guessed from its title “More Formulas for Implied Volatility” It is shown in this chapter that R Lee’s moment formulas for the implied volatility and the tail-wing formulas due to S Benaim and P Friz can be derived from more general results established in Chap Chapter 10 also presents an important result obtained by E Renault and N Touzi, which can be shortly presented as follows: “The absence of correlation between the stock price and the volatility implies smile” The last section of Chap 10 deals with J Gatheral’s SVI parameterization of implied variance SVI parameterization provides a good approximation to implied variance observed in the markets and also to implied variance used in stochastic volatility models Finally, in Chap 11 we study implied volatility in models without moment explosions Here we show that V.V Piterbarg’s conjecture concerning the limiting behavior of implied volatility in models without moment explosions is true in a modified form Chapter 11 also studies smile asymptotics in various special models, e.g., the displaced diffusion model, the constant elasticity of variance model, SV1 and SV2 models introduced by L.C.G Rogers and L.A.M Veraart, and the finite moment log-stable models developed by P Carr and L Wu We will next make a brief comparison between the present book and the following related books: [Lew00, Gat06, H-L09], and [FPSS11] It is easy to check that although the books on the previous list and the present book have the same main heroes (stochastic volatility models, stock price densities, option pricing functions, and implied volatilities), they differ substantially from each other with respect to the choice of special topics For example, the book by A Lewis [Lew00] deals with various methods of option pricing under stochastic volatility, and the topics covered in [Lew00] include the volatility of volatility series expansions, volatility explosions, and related corrections in option pricing formulas The book by J Gatheral [Gat06] is a rich source of information on implied and local volatilities in stochastic stock price models and on the asymptotic and dynamic behavior of volatility surfaces In particular, the book [Gat06] discusses early results on smile asymptotics for large and small strikes The book by P Henry-Labordère [H-L09] uses powerful methods of differential geometry and mathematical physics to study the asymptotic behavior of implied volatility in local and stochastic volatility models For instance, heat kernel expansions in Riemannian manifolds and Schrödinger semigroups with x Preface Kato class potentials play an important role in [H-L09] The book by J.-P Fouque, G Papanicolaou, R Sircar, and K Sølna [FPSS11] is devoted to pricing and hedging of financial derivatives in stochastic volatility models In [FPSS11], regular and singular perturbation techniques are used to study small parameter asymptotics of option pricing functions and implied volatilities The authors of [FPSS11] obtain first and second order approximations to implied volatility in single-factor and multifactor stochastic volatility models, and explain how to use these approximations to calibrate stochastic volatility models and price more complex derivative contracts A more detailed comparison shows that a large part of the material appearing in the present book is not covered by the books on the list Moreover, to the best of the author’s knowledge, many of the results discussed in the present book have never been published before in book form These results include sharp asymptotic formulas with error estimates for stock price densities, option pricing functions, and implied volatilities in special stochastic volatility models, and sharp model free asymptotic formulas for implied volatilities This book is aimed at a variety of people: researchers in the field of financial mathematics, professional mathematicians interested in applications of mathematical analysis to finance, and advanced graduate students thinking of a career in applied analysis or financial mathematics It is assumed that the reader is familiar with basic definitions and facts from probability theory, stochastic differential equations, asymptotic analysis, and complex analysis The book does not aspire to completeness, several important topics related to its contents have been omitted For example, small and large maturity asymptotics of implied volatility, affine models, local martingale option pricing models, or applications of geometric methods to the study of implied volatility are not discussed in the book The reader can find selected references to publications on the missing subjects in the sections “Notes and References” that conclude each chapter, or search the bibliography at the end of the book for additional reading Athens, Ohio December 2011 Archil Gulisashvili Acknowledgements This book was first thought of as a lecture notes book Its early versions were based on the contents of several summer courses on selected topics in financial mathematics that I gave at Bielefeld University However, the book underwent significant transformations during my work on it It has grown in size, and its final version looks more like a research monograph than a lecture notes book I express my gratitude to Michael Röckner for extending to me the invitations to visit the International Graduate College “Stochastics and Real World Models” at Bielefeld University in the summers of 2007–2011 and for giving me the opportunity to spend several months in a very stimulating mathematical environment I also thank all the members of the graduate college and the stochastic analysis group in the Department of Mathematics at Bielefeld University for their hospitality, and all the students who attended my courses at Bielefeld University The present book would not exist without Elias M Stein It has been a privilege and a pleasure working with him on a project concerning classical stochastic volatility models A substantial part of this book has strongly benefited from his impact, and many results obtained in our joint papers are covered in the book I express my deep gratitude to E.M Stein for his friendship, collaboration, and encouragement I am indebted to many of my friends and colleagues who were of great help to me in my work on this book I would like to single out Peter Laurence for his friendship, advice, valuable mathematical and bibliographical information, and stimulating discussions on some of the topics covered in the book Peter Friz and Sean Violante for important remarks concerning the contents of the book Peter Friz, Stefan Gerhold, and Stephan Sturm for their much enjoyable and fruitful collaboration on the joint project concerning stock price density asymptotics in the correlated Heston model The results of this work are included in the book René Carmona and Ronnie Sircar for interesting conversations and important advice during my early work on stochastic volatility models and the implied volatility Roger Lee for being very generous in sharing with me his profound knowledge of stochastic volatility models and smile asymptotics Josep Vives for his friendship and collaboration on the joint paper devoted to stochastic volatility models with jumps Jean-Pierre Fouque, Josef Teichmann, and Martin Keller-Ressel for always interesting and informative conversations xi 344 11 Implied Volatility in Models Without Moment Explosions for all ε > and x > x0,ε , where ρ is defined in the formulation of Theorem 11.23 Next using the same method as in the proof of Lemma 10.30, and taking into account (10.59), (11.84), and (11.86), we obtain similar estimates for the density DT of the asset price These estimates have the following form: x −ρ−2−ε ≤ DT (x) ≤ x −ρ−2+ε for every ε > and x > x1,ε The previous inequalities and Theorem 7.3 show that the function DT is of weak Pareto type near infinity with index α = −ρ − < −2 Therefore, we can apply part of Corollary 10.29 to finish the proof of (11.83) in the case where C1 > and C2 > Our next goal is to prove that I (K) ∼ η as K → Since the process X (1) is a geometric Brownian motion, we have exp (−A − ε) log2 1 (1) ≤ DT (x) ≤ exp (−A + ε) log2 x x for all ε > and x < x4,ε , where A = 2η2 T Hence (1) exp (−A − ε)y ≤ DT (y) ≤ exp (−A + ε)y (11.87) for all ε > and −∞ < y < y1,ε < It follows from (11.82) and (10.59) that DT (y) = ∞ δ1 DT(1) (y − z)Dt(2) (z) dz, y ∈ R (11.88) Next, using (11.87) and (11.88), we get ∞ δ1 (2) exp (−A − ε)(y − z)2 Dt (z) dz ≤ DT (y) ≤ ∞ δ1 (2) exp (−A + ε)(y − z)2 Dt (z) dz for all ε > and −∞ < y < y2,ε < Now, it is not hard to prove that for every ε > there exists y3,ε < such that exp − − ε y ≤ DT (y) ≤ exp 2η2 T − + ε y2 2η2 T for all −∞ < y < y3,ε Hence, for every ε > there exists x5,ε > such that exp − 1 − ε log2 ≤ DT (x) ≤ exp x 2η T − 1 + ε log2 x 2η T 11.8 Notes and References for all < x < x5,ε It follows from Lemma 11.19 with A = that I (K) ∼ η as K → This completes the proof of Theorem 11.23 345 2η2 T and w(y) = log2 y 11.8 Notes and References • The material included in this chapter is adapted from [Gul12] • In [BF09], S Benaim and P Friz obtained formulas (11.5) and (11.6) under certain restrictions on call pricing functions The results presented in Sect 10.2 show that no such restrictions are needed • W Feller found in [Fel51] an explicit expression for the fundamental solution of the diffusion equation related to the CEV process (see [BL10] for more information and details) Additional facts concerning the CEV model can be found in [EM82, Cox96, DS02, JYC09] • Formula (11.21) without an error estimate was reported in [For06] The proof of this formula in [For06] uses the right-tail-wing formula from [BF09] and the asset price distribution estimates See also [BFL09] where an alternative proof is given One more proof can be found in [H-L09], Example 10.3 Note that formula (11.21) in the present book contains an error estimate • Displaced diffusion models with a > provide first order approximations to more complicated stochastic volatility models (see [Mar99, Muc04, S-G09]) These approximations can be used to study call option prices for small time in the region of the at-the-money strike In [S-G09], general local volatility models are approximated by displaced diffusion models Note that the asymptotic behavior of the implied volatility at large strikes in the original and the approximating model may be qualitatively different For the CEV model, this can be seen by comparing formula (11.21) with formula (11.28) Another application of displaced diffusion models was given in [LW12], where the authors use these models to reduce variance in Monte Carlo simulations of other models • For more information on stable distributions and stochastic models based on stable random processes see [Zol86, ST94, 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noncentral, 18 CIR process, 14 as time-changed squared Bessel process, 29 marginal distributions, 32 Complementary cumulative distribution function, 221 Constant elasticity of variance model, 320 Convex functions, 229 Cumulative distribution function, 221 D Displaced diffusion model, 323 Dufresne’s recurrence formula, 144 Dufresne’s theorems, 137 E Exponential distribution, 141 Exponential functionals, 77 of CIR processes, 85 of geometric Brownian motions, 77 of squared Bessel processes, 81 of squared Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes, 90 F Filtration, complete, right-continuous, usual conditions, Finite moment log-stable model, 325 Fractional integrals, 114 Abelian theorem, 115 G Gamma distribution, 142 Gatheral’s SVI parameterization, 310 Girsanov’s theorem, 46 Greeks, 236 H Hartman–Watson distributions, 99 Heston model, 44 Hull–White model, 43 Hypergeometric functions, 133 I Implied volatility, 243 asymptotic formulas for small strikes, 270 first order asymptotic formulas, 255 in models without moment explosions, 316 in SV1 model, 338 in SV2 model, 343 in the constant elasticity of variance model, 322 A Gulisashvili, Analytically Tractable Stochastic Stock Price Models, Springer Finance, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-31214-4, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012 357 358 Implied volatility (cont.) in the displaced diffusion model, 323 in the finite moment log-stable model, 327 in the Heston model, 286 in the Hull–White model, 287 in the Stein–Stein model, 286 second order asymptotic formulas, 259 static arbitrage, 244 third order asymptotic formulas, 259 zero order asymptotic formulas, 249 Integral operators with log-normal kernels, 118 Abelian theorem, 118 Inverse Mellin transform, 103 K Karamata’s theorem, 206 Kellerer’s theorem, 232 L Lee’s moment formulas, 273 asymptotic equivalence, 289 Leverage effect, 40 Lévy’s characterization theorem, Linear growth condition, 40 Lipschitz condition, 40 Local martingale, Local time, 54 Log-normal distribution, M Marginal distributions, long-time behavior, symmetry properties, 8, 70 Market price of risk for the stock, 49 Market price of volatility risk, 49 Martingale, Measurability, 30 Mellin transform of the stock price density, 102 in the Heston model, 104 in the Stein–Stein model, 107 Mixing densities, 68 asymptotic behavior, 124, 149, 157, 158 Mixing distributions, 68 three-dimensional, 74, 75 two-dimensional, 72, 73, 102 Modified Bessel function, 20 Moment explosions in the Heston model, 169 critical curvatures, 169 critical moments, 169 critical slopes, 169 N Novikov’s condition, 47 Index O Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, 10 as a time-changed Brownian motion, 12 the absolute value, 13 P Pareto type functions, 220 Piterbarg’s conjecture, 329 asymptotic equivalence, 336 modification, 330 Progressive measurability, 31 Put pricing functions, 228 R Realized volatility, 68 Regular variation, 201 Bingham’s lemma, 218 regularly varying functions, 201 representation theorem, 203 slowly varying functions, 201 slowly varying functions with remainder, 214 smooth variation theorem, 218 smoothly varying functions, 217 uniform convergence theorem, 203 Regularly varying majorants, 206 Renault–Touzi theorem, 303 Risk-neutral measures, 48 in the Heston model, 61, 64 in the Hull–White model, 52, 61 in the Stein–Stein model, 57, 64 S Semimartingale, Sharpe ratio, 51 Sin’s theorem, 62 Squared Bessel process, 15 dimension, 15 index, 15 Laplace transforms of marginal distributions, 23 marginal distributions, 22 Static arbitrage, 229 Stein–Stein model, 43 Stochastic asset price models, 227 mixed, 293 with jumps, 297 Stochastic volatility models, 38 with correlation, 38 Stock price densities, 68 asymptotic behavior, 168, 185, 195 Stopped process, Stopping time, Submartingale, Index Supermartingale, SV1 model, 338 SV2 model, 341 Symmetric models, 266 Symmetries, 263 T Tail-wing formulas, 279 with error estimates, 281 Tauberian theorem, 111 359 Two-sided Laplace transform, 110 V Volatility, W Weak Pareto type functions, 221 Y Yamada–Watanabe condition, 40 ... further volumes: http://www.springer.com/series/3674 Archil Gulisashvili Analytically Tractable Stochastic Stock Price Models Archil Gulisashvili Department of Mathematics Ohio University Athens,... Thorvald N Thiele, Louis Bachelier, Albert Einstein, and Marian SmoluA Gulisashvili, Analytically Tractable Stochastic Stock Price Models, Springer Finance, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-31214-4_1, © Springer-Verlag... assuming that both the stock price and the volatility are stochastic processes affected by different sources of risk Unlike the Black–Scholes model, stock price models with stochastic volatility

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