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Tờ khai xin cấp visa hàn quốc

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tờ khai xin cấp visa hàn quốc , mẫu xin cấp visa hàn quốc, đơn xin cấp visa hàn quốc,tờ khai xin cấp visa hàn quốc , mẫu xin cấp visa hàn quốc, đơn xin cấp visa hàn quốc, tờ khai xin cấp visa hàn quốc , mẫu xin cấp visa hàn quốc, đơn xin cấp visa hàn quốc

■ 출출출출출출 출출출출 [출출 출 17 출출출] (출 출 / Page1) 사사사사사사사 APPLICATION FOR VISA ‣ 출출출출 출출출 출출출출 출출출출 출출출출 출출출출 출출출출출 출출출 ‣ 출출출출출 출출 출출출 출출 출출출 출출 출출 출출출출 출출출출출 출출출 ‣ 출출출출출 출출 출[ ] 출출 √ 출출출 출출출 출출출출 ‣‘출출’출 출출출 출출, 출출출출출 출출출출출 출출출출 ‣ You must fill out this form completely and correctly ‣ You must write in block letters either in English or Korean ‣ For multiple-choice questions, you must check [√] all that apply ‣ If you select‘Other’, please provide us with more information in the given space 사사사사 / PERSONAL DETAILS PHOTO 출출출출출 (35출×45출) 1.1 출출출 출출출 출출 출출/Full name in Englis 출 h (as shown in your passport) 출 Family Name 출 Given Names - 출출 출출출 출출출 출출 출출 출출 출출출출 출출출 1.2 출출출출 출출출출 출출 출출출 출출출출 출출출 출 Acolorphototakenwithinlast months(fullfacewithouthat, front 1.4 출출출출 Date of Birth (yyyy/mm/dd) view against white or of-white background) 1.3 출출 Sex 출출/Male[ ] 출출/Female[ ] 1.5 출출 Nationality 1.6 출출출출 Country of Birth 1.7 출출출출출출출 National Identity No 1.8 출출출 출출출 출출출출출출 출 출출 출출출 출출출출출 출출 Have you ever used any other names to enter or depart Korea? 출출출 No [ ] 출 Yes [ ] → ‘출’출출 출 출출출출 출출 If‘Yes’please provide details (출 Family Name , 출 Given Name ) 1.9 출출 출출 출출 Are you a citizen of more than one country ? 출출출 No [ ] 출 Yes [ ] →‘출’출출 출 출출출출 출출 If‘Yes’please write the countries ( ) 사사사 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 출출출출 출출출출 출출출출 출출출출 출출출출 출출출출 출출출출 출출출 출출출출 출출출출 출출출출 출출출출 출출 출출출 출[ ] 출[ ] 출출출출출(2 출, 출 출출) < 출출출출 출출출 > 210mm×297mm[출출출 80g/출(출출출출)] (출 출 / Page2) 사사사사사사사 사사사사 / DETAILS OF VISA ISSUANCE CONFIRMATION ※ 사사사사 사사사사사사사사·사사사사사 사사사사사사사사 사사사사 사사사 사사 (S e c t i o n i s o n l y f o r t h o s e w h o p o s s e s s c o nfi r m a t i o n o f v i s a i s s ua nc e i s s ue d b y t h e I m m i g r a t i o n O ffi c e o f t h e R e p u b l i c o f Ko r e a ) 2.1 출출출출출출출출 Confirmation No 출출출출 출출 2.2 출출출 Issue Date 2.3 출출출출 Passport No 출출출 출출 2.4 출출출출출 Passport Expiry Date ‣ 출출출출출출출출 출출출출 출출출 12 출(출출)출출 출출출출 출출출 출 출출출 출출(3 ~ 11 출출 출출 출출) Those who have confirmation of visa issuance must move to section 12 (Declaration) to complete this from (Those with visa issuance confirmation must not fill out section 3~11) 사사사사 / PASSPORT INFORMATION 3.1 출출출출 Passport Type 출출출 Diplomatic [ ] 출출 Official [ ] 출출 Regular[ ] → ‘출출’출출출출 If‘Other’please provide details ( 출출 Other [ ] ) 3.2 출출출출 Passport No 3.3 출출출출 Country of Passport 3.5 출출출출 Date of Issue 3.6 출출출출출 Date Of Expiry 3.7 출출 출출 출출 출출 Do you have any other valid passport ? 출출출 No [ ] → ‘출’출출 출 출출출출 출출 If‘Yes’please provide details 3.4 출출출 Place of Issue 출 Yes [ ] a) 출출출출 Passport Type 출출출 Diplomatic [ ] b) 출출출출 Passport No 출출 Official [ ] 출출 Regular[ ] c) 출출출출 Country of Passport 출출 Other [ ] d) 출출출출출 Date Of Expiry 사사사 / CONTACT INFORMATION 4.1 출출 출출 Address in Your Home Country 4.1 출출출출 CurrentResidentialAddress*출출출출출출출출출출출출출출출출 /Writeifitisdiferentfromtheaboveaddress 4.3 출출출출 Cell Phone No 4.4 출출출출 Telephone No 4.5 출출출 E-mail 4.6 출출출 출출출 Emergency Contact Information a) 출출 Full Name in English b) 출출출출 Country of residence c) 출출출출 Telephone No d) 출출 Relationship to you 사사사사 / MARITAL STATUS DETAILS 5.1 출출 출출출출 Current Marital Status 출출 Married [ ] 출출 Divorced [ ] 출출 Never married [ ] 5.2 출출출 출출출출 *출출출출 출출출 출출출출 출출 If‘Married’please provide details of your spous e a) 출 Family Name (in English) b) 출 Given Names (in English) c) 출출출출 Date of Birth (yyyy/mm/dd) d) 출출 Nationality e) 출출출 Residential Address f) 출출출 Contact No 210mm×297mm[출출출 80g/출(출출출출)] (출 출 / Page3) 사사 / EDUCATION 6.1 출출출출 What is the highest degree or level of education you have completed ? 출출/출출 Master’s/DoctoralDegree [ ] 출출 High School Diploma [ ] 출출 Bachelor’s Degree [ ] 출출 Other [ ] → ‘출출’출출 출 출출출출 출출 If‘Other’please provide details ( ) 6.3 출출 출출출 Location of School(city/province/country) 6.2 출출출 Name of School 사사 / EMPLOYMENT 7.1 출출 What are your current personal circumstances ? 출출출 Entrepreneur [ ] 출출출 Civil Servant [ ] 출출 Unemployed [ ] → ‘출출’출출 출 출출출출 출출 If‘Other’please provide details ( 7.2 출출 출출출출 Employment Details 출출출출 Self-Employed [ ] 출출 Student [ ] 출출 Other [ ] 출출출 Employed [ ] 출출출 Retired [ ] ) a) 출출/출출/출출출 Name of Company/Institute/School b) 출출/출출 Your Position/Course c) 출출/출출/출출 출출 Address of Company/Institute/School d) 출출출출 Telephone No 사사사 사사 / DETAILS OF SPONSOR 8.1 출출출/출출출출 Do you have anyone sponsoring you for the visa ? 출출출 No [ ] 출 Yes [ ] → ‘출’출출 출 출출출출 출출 If‘Yes’please provide details a) 출출출/출출출출출 Name of your visa sponsor (Korean, foreign resident in Korea, company, or institute) b) 출출 출출/출출출출출출출 Date of Birth/Business Registration No c) 출출 Relationship to you d) 출출 Address e) 출출출출 Phone No 사사사사 / DETAILS OF VISIT 9.1 출출출출 Purpose of Visit to Korea 출출/출출 Tourism/Transit [ ] 출출출출/Meeting, Conference [ ] 출출출출 Medical Tourism [ ] 출출출출 Business Trip [ ] 출출/출출 Study/Training [ ] 출출출출 Work [ ] 출출/출출/출출 Trade/Investment/Intra-Corporate Transferee [ ] 출출 출출 출출출출 Visit ing Family /Re la tive s / Fr ie n d s [ ] 출출출출 Marriage Migrant [ ] 출출/출출 Diplomatic/Official [ ] 출출 Other [ ] → ‘출출’출출 출 출출출출 If‘Other’please provide details ( 9.2 출출출출출출 Intended Period of Stay 9.4 출출출출출(출출 출출) Address in Korea(including hotels) ) 9.3 출출출출출 Intended Date of Entry 9.5 출출 출 출출출 Contact No in Korea 210mm×297mm[출출출 80g/출(출출출출)] (출 출 / Page4) 9.6 출출 출출 출출출 출출출 출출 Have you travelled to Korea in the last years ? 출출출 No [ ] 출 Yes [ ] → ‘출’출출 출 출출출출 출출 If‘Yes’please provide details of any trips to Korea ( ) 출 times, 출출 출출출출 Purpose of Recent Visit ( ) 9.7 출출출출출출출 출출출출출출출 Haveyoutravelledoutsideyourcountryofresidence,excludingtoKorea,inthelast5years? 출출출 No [ ] 출 Yes [ ] → ‘출’출출 출 출출출출 출출 If‘Yes’please provide details of these trips 출출출 Name of Country (in English) 출출출출 Period of Stay 출출출출 Purpose of Visit (yyyy/mm/dd)~ (yyyy/mm/dd) 9.8 출출출출 출출 출출 출출 Are you travelling to Korea with any family member ? 출출출 No [ ] 출 Yes [ ] → ‘출’출출 출 출출출출 If ‘Yes’ please provide details of the family members you are travelling with 출출출출 Date of Birth 출출 Full name in English (yyyy/mm/dd) 출출 Nationality 출출 Relationship to you * 출출: 출출출 출출 – 출출출, 출출, 출출, 출출 Note: Definition of a Family Member - your spouse, father, mother, children, brothers and sisters 10 사사사사 / FUNDING DETAILS 10.1 출출출출(출출 출출 출출) Estimated travel costs(in US dollars) 10.2 출출출출출 Who will pay for your travel-related expenses ? (any person including yourself and/or institute) a) 출출/출출(출출)출 Name of Person/Company(Institute) b) 출출 Relationship to you c) 출출출출 Type of Support d) 출출출 Contact No 11 사사 사사 사 사사 사사 / ASSISTANCE WITH THIS FORM 11.1 출 출출출출 출출출출출 출출 출출출 출출출 출출출출출? Did you receive assistance in completing this form? 출출출 No [ ] 출 Yes [ ] → ‘출’출출 출 출출출출 If‘Yes’please provide details of the person who assisted you 출출출출 Date of Birth 출출 Full Name 출출출 Telephone No (yyyy/mm/dd) 출출 Relationship to you 210mm×297mm[출출출 80g/출(출출출출)] (출 출 / Page5) 12 사사 / DECLARATION * 사사사사사사사 사사사사 사사 Those who possess confirmation of visa issuance must only complete section 1,2, and 12 of this form 출출출 출 출출출출 출출출 출출출 출출 출출 출출출출 출출출출출출 출출출출출 출출 출출출 출출출출출 출출출출출출 출출출 출출출 출출 출출출출출 I declare that the statements made in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that I will comply with the Immigration Act of the Republic of Korea 출출출출 (출 출 출) DATE OF APPLICATION (yyyy/mm/dd) / / / 출출출 출출 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 17 출 출출출출 출출 출출 출출 출출출출출출 출출 Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian´s for a person under 17 years of age 출출출출 ATTACHMENT 출출출출출출출 출출출출출 출 76 출출 출 출출 [출출 5] 출출출출출출 출 출출출출 사사사사 Notice 출 출출출출출 출출출출 출출출 출출출 출출출 출출출출출 출출 출출출 출출출 출출출 출 출출출출 If extra space is needed to complete any item, record on a separate sheet of paper or submit relevant documents which could support your application 출출출출 출출출 출출출출 출 출출 출출 출출 출출 출출출 출출출 출출 출출출출 출출출출, 출출출 출출출출출 출출출 출 출출출 출출출 출출출출출 출출출출출출출 출출출출출 출출출 If you received Korean visa approval, and have new passport issued thereafter in lieu of lost/damaged passport, you must notify the concerned visa office of changes in your passport information 출출출 출출출출출출출 출출출출 출출 출 출출출출 출출출 출출출 출출출출 출출출출출출출 출출출 출출출출 출출 출 출출출출 Possession of a visa does not entitle the bearer to enter the Republic of Korea upon arrival at the port of entry if he/she is found inadmissible 출출출출출출출 출출출출출 출 출출 출출 출출 C 출출 출출출출출출 출출 출출 출출출출출 출출출 출 출출출출 Please note that category C visa holders are not able to change their status of stay after their entry into the Republic of Korea in accordance with Article 9(1) of the Enforcement Regulations of the Immigration Act 사사사사 출출출 출출 Application 출출출 Applicant → 출출 Reception 출출출출 (출출출출) Diplomatic Mission → 출출 Review 출출출출 (출출) DiplomaticMission → 출출 Approval → 출출출출 (출출) Diplomatic Mission 출출 출출 Issuance 출출출출 (출출) Diplomatic Mission 210mm×297mm[출출출 80g/출(출출출출)] ... 출출출 출출(3 ~ 11 출출 출출 출출) Those who have confirmation of visa issuance must move to section 12 (Declaration) to complete this from (Those with visa issuance confirmation must not fill out section... 출출출/출출출출 Do you have anyone sponsoring you for the visa ? 출출출 No [ ] 출 Yes [ ] → ‘출’출출 출 출출출출 출출 If‘Yes’please provide details a) 출출출/출출출출출 Name of your visa sponsor (Korean, foreign resident in Korea,... 출출출출출출출 출출출출출 출출출 If you received Korean visa approval, and have new passport issued thereafter in lieu of lost/damaged passport, you must notify the concerned visa office of changes in your passport

Ngày đăng: 22/03/2018, 17:43

