Elements, Ru/es, and Philosophy Jinichi Tokeshi KENDO Elements, Rules, and Philosophy Jinichi Tokcshi • A T.autmk :!( l Boo! Uniwrsily o( l l.1w:11'1 Press Honolulu To Dr Nobom Akn,~i, 111/10 hns hclped to preserve and nttrturc kendo in llawai 'i © 2003 Umvcmty of Hawai'• Prt'ss Ali rightS rcservcd Pr inted in the U niteù States of Amnica 11 10 09 oa 07 06 Library of Congrcss Catalog ing-in-Publication D ata Tokcshi,J imclu Kendo: clementS, rules, and philosophy JuuduTokcshi p cm Includcs bibliograp hical refcrt'nces and index ISDN - 13: 978-0-!!248-2598-0 (paper: al k papt:r) ISDN-1 0: 0-8248-259R-5 (p.1per : alk papcr) Kendo 1.Title GV li42.T76 2003 796-dc21 2002034772 University of Hawa•'i Press books are printed on tnd- free papt:r and met:t the guidehncs for permanence and durability of the Cou neil on L1br.1ry Resourccs Designt:d by A•gosy Pr inted by Versa Pœss, lnc 'l'lw Pn•n•pt \ of lü•ndu l