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Where is language

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free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com www.ebook777.com free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Where is Language? free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com www.ebook777.com free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Where is Language? An Anthropologist’s Questions on Language, Literature and Performance By Ruth Finnegan Bloomsbury Academic An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Bloomsbury Academic An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 50 Bedford Square 1385 Broadway London New York WC1B 3DP NY 10018 UK USA www.bloomsbury.com BLOOMSBURY and the Diana logo are trademarks of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc First published 2015 © Ruth Finnegan, 2015 Ruth Finnegan has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as Author of this work All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publishers No responsibility for loss caused to any individual or organization acting on or refraining from action as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by Bloomsbury or the author British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: HB: 978-1-4725-9092-3 PB: 978-1-4725-9093-0 ePDF: 978-1-4725-9095-4 ePub: 978-1-4725-9094-7 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress Typeset by Fakenham Prepress Solutions, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR21 8NN www.ebook777.com free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com To the evergreen memory of Gerhardt Baumann who would have liked and, as is right, argued with this book We will never forget you free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com www.ebook777.com free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com CONTENTS Preface Acknowledgements ix x What is the art of language? Playing with the heroes of human history 15 ‘Artisting the self’: A tale of personal story 27 Forget the words …: It’s performance! 53 Reclothing the ‘oral’ 63 Song What comes first: words, music, or performance? 85 Competence and performance: Was Chomsky right after all? 107 Poem and story: The arts of dreaming and waking to sweet words 115 Where is literature? 127 Further reading Bibliography Index 143 147 161 free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com www.ebook777.com free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com PREFACE What could be greater than linguistic expression for narrating the deep story of our identities, clothing our emotions in beautiful language, using the modalities of our bodies to communicate and embellish our words, formulating the lyrics of songs or our dreams into narrative? And yet, like ‘time’ for Saint Augustine, what, when we come to think of it, is so little understood? A host of puzzles face us when we come to think about it Do we, in our Western way, exaggerate the significance of what we term language – above all, our particular form of language, alphabetic literacy, ‘the tool of conquest’? Are not other modes as profound, perhaps ‘divine’ as some would put it, and, above all, is it only a Western cultural trait to see verbalizing as the greatest art of all? We need a more multiplex, challenging, but more contextually situated understanding of language, literature and performance And if the search involves challenging some accepted stereotypes, this is scarcely too high a price to pay for a greater understanding, controversial as it may be, of phenomena so apparently crucial to our humanity The present volume represents the fruit of a lifetime’s puzzling over the subject, reinforced by my desire – need – to set the issues, as far as in me lie, in some kind of cross-cultural perspective So I start here, as most scholars, anthropologists included (we are not just creatures of fieldwork or the exotic), from a closely interested reading of the literature, beginning with the ancient classics, followed by intensive reading and fieldwork in three continents The results have also drawn (of course) on primary evidence, including the field research of both myself and others, interpreted in the light of the comparative material from throughout the world and the centuries The two inform each other free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Bibliography 151 Farrar, C (2012a) The Little Angel and Three Wisdoms, Houston: SBPRA —(2012b) Three Ways of Loving, Milton Keynes: The Callender Press —(2012c) Li’l Old Lil the Heavenly Rocker Makes Merry Heaven and Hell, Milton Keynes: The Callender Press —(2012d) The Dragon’s Tale, Milton Keynes: The Callender Press —(2012e) The Wild Thorn Rose, Milton Keynes: The Callender Press Featherstone, M (ed.) 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technologies aural see auraliture; oral auriture 26 see also oral Austin, J L 1, 109 Bagre myth 64–76 Bakhtin, M M 1, 19, 37, 96, 109, 110, 143 Banti, G 95, 96 Barber, Karen 21, 102 Basso, Ellen 118 Bauman, Richard 1, 19, 32, 77, 110, 118, 143, 144 Baumann, Gerhardt 5, 10 Baumgardt, Ursula 107 Ben-Amos, Dan 110 Berger, Harris M 87, 91, 145 Berliner, Paul 99 Biddle, J L 79, 80 binary opposition 17, 67, 69 Blackwell, Jill 47 Boas, Franz 109 body 19 see also senses Boone, E H 79, 144 Bornat, J 36 Brathwaite, Edward 91 Brazil 89, 94 Briggs, Charles L 1, 19, 23, 77, 110, 144 Brown, Calvin S 88 Brown, Duncan 108 Brown, M 79 Brown, Stewart 56, 87, 144 Bruner, Jerome 17, 35–7, 39n 144 Bulkley, Kelly 118 Burke, Kenneth 77, 109 Burke, Peter 118, 145 Burnett, J 34, 35 Burrows, David 88 Butterfeild, Ardis 130 Calame-Griaule, Geneviève 20 Cancel, Robert 91 Caribbean see dub poetry carols 59–61 Caucasian Georgian women 96 Cavicchi, Daniel 91, 100–1 Chimombo, Steve 18 China 79, 115 Chomsky, Noam 15, 107–14, 145 ‘civilised’ 17, 67, 69 see also binary opposition Clark, Herbert H 1, 76, 109, 143 Classen, C 77 classical antiquity 2, 115, 117, 130, 132 see also Homer Clayton, Martin 91 Clegg, S R 31 Clifford, J 33 cognitive see language, cognitive models Coleman, Joyce 129 Collingwood, R G 19 community 11–12 speech community 11–12 context 23, 72–8 passim; see also performance; pragmatic speech theory Cooper, Carolyn 56, 144 Coplan, David 26, 99 Cronon, W 32 free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com 162 Index Cummings, Louise 1, 109 Cunningham, Andrew 41–2, 47 Dale, Lucy 48 dance 18 see also performance Dawson, Brenda 40, 46, 48 De Nebrija, Antonio 16 Deal, T E 31 Dennis Travers 40 Derive, Jean 107 Devereux, G 116 Devonish, Hubert 56, 144 Dewey, John 109 dialogic 23, 50 see also context Diamond, Elin 60, 102, 137 Diringer, D 18, 79, 144 drama 18 see also performance dreams, source of 125 and language 115–25 dub poetry 55–9, 136 Duranti, Alessandro 1, 77, 110, 143, 145 Durkheim, Emile 64, 66, 69 Edgar, Iain 118, 146 Eliot, T S 96 Entwistle, J 77 Ewe (funeral songs) 139 Fardon, Richard 20 Farley, Agnes 41, 48–9 Featherstone, M 77 Feld, Steven 91, 95, 96, 145 film see video Finch, Janet 15 Finnegan, Ruth 1, 13, 37, 39, 53, 76, 80, 87, 101, 108, 109, 118, 143, 144, 145 Foley, John Miles 87, 129, 143 Fox, Aaron A 95, 145 Fraenkel, Eduard Freud, Sigmund 118 Frith, Simon 87, 91, 98, 100, 108, 139, 145 Furniss, Graham 20, 91 Gandah, S W D K 64, 72, 73, 75 Gans, Eric 143 genres 37, 139 passim see also literature Gerstle, A 91, 127, 129, 134, 135, 139, 146 gesture 24, 108 Giannatasio, F 95, 96 Gikandi, Simon 18 Gippert, Jost 1, 143 Glaser, M 56 Goffman Erving 110–11, 143 Goldstein, Kenneth S 110 Goodwin, C 77, 110 Goody, Jack 16, 17, 63–83 passim, 145 Graves-Brown, M 77 Gregorian chant 99 Gunner, Liz 99 Habekost, Christian 56 Hanks, William, F 1, 76, 110 Hardy, Barbara 33 Hardy, Emma 49 Harrán, Don 94 Harris, Roy 1, 79, 109, 117, 143 Hausa 135 Haviland, J B 10, 77 Haya 20 Herbert, George 61 Herndon, Marcia 95 Hesmondhalgh, David 91 Hill, Jane H 110 Hodge, Robert 1, 144 Homer 128 Honko, Lauri 91, 102, 138 Hopkins, Timothy 42–3, 49, 50 Howes, David 19, 77 Huizinga 19 human history, as history of language 15–26, 70–1 see also language, linguistic myth Hymes, Dell 1, 110, 144 identity see personal stories individuality 44–50 see also personal stories Inglis, Fred Irvine 31 intertextuality 110 intonation see also audio; oral; performance Irvine, Judith I 110 Ivey, Donald 94 www.ebook777.com free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Index Jacobs, Rachel 45, 49 James, Wendy 15, 19 Japan 127, 129, 130, 135, 139 Jedrej, M 118 Jewish chant 96 Johnson, Bruce 91 Jones, Stephanie 91 Jung, Gustav 118 Kadir, Djelal 91 Kalulu 96 Kaschula 20, 21 Kaschula, Russell H 108 Keesing 15 Kendon, Adam 10, 108, 145 Kennedy, A A 31 King, Jonathan 94 Knapp, M L 77 Konteh, Duada 53–5 Knoblauch, H Kotthoff, H 96 Kpelle 25 Kracke, W 118 Kramer, Lawrence 88, 94 Kress, Gunther 79, 144 Kuna 96 Kwint, M 77, 80 Lambert, Lesley 46–7 Lambert, Shirley 27–30, 45, 48 Landau 32 language, boundaries of 6–11 and passim; cognitive models of 6–8, 18; documenting 12–14; essence of 1–6, 107–14 passim; practices of 19, 109, see also pragmatist approach (as action) 109; theories of 76–81, 107–14 passim; as seminal to Western civilization 5, 8, 15–26, 68–9; as words 24–6; as written text 2–4 see also literature; linguistic myth 15–26, 70–1; and performance 1–14 passim; see also literature, performance, multisensory, text 163 Limba 2–15, 53–5, 98, 99 Linde, Charlotte 32, 37, 144 ‘liquid’ knowing 115 List, George 95, 145 literacy see writing literature 127–42 passim; theories of 127–41 passim; oral 64–83; essence of 128–5, 138–42; see also language; performance; text Locke, John 7, 19 Lohmann, R I 118 Lord, Albert 19, 64, 78, 91 McLuhan, Marshall 64 McNeill, David 10, 77 Malinowski, Bronislav 109 Mannheim, Bruce 110 Marcus, G 33 Matos, Cláudia Neiva de 89 media see multimodality; technologies; transformation Menezes Bastos, Raphael José de 87, 94, 100, 104 Mey, J L 143 Meyer-Dinkgrāfe, Daniel 131 Middleton, Richard 135 Mignolo, W D 16, 79, 144 Milton, John 86–7 Milton Keynes 27–52 passim Mkiva, Zolani 21 modernity 17 Moraes 25 Moraes, José Geraldo Vinci de 94 Morris, Mervyn 56 Mossi multiliteracy 22 multimedia 134 multimodal 25–6 multimodality 10 see also performance multisensory 10, 139 see also performance Mumby, P K 32 music 18, 93, 123–5 see also language; performance music/language boundaries myth 68–9 see also language, linguistic myth free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com 164 Index myth, linguistic 15–26 passim of West 8, 15–26, 68–9 see also language, essence of narrative see story Native American 78 Negus, Keith 91 Nigeria 21, 135 Nketia, J H Kwabena 108 Obododimma Ochberg, R L 32 Okome, Onookome 108 Okpewho, Isidore 25, 87, 101 Ong, Walter 63, 64 Opland, Jeff 96, 129 oral, orality 4–6, 25–6, 63–84 passim see also literature; multisensory; speech; voice Orwin, Martin 130, 137 Osborne, Joy 46 Östman, Jan-Ola 109 Ottenberg, Simon 100 Paris 107 Parry, Hubert 104 Parry, Milman 64 Parsons, Talcott 17, 64, 66, 69 Passerini, Louisa 37, 38 Pausch, M 56 Peek, Philip M 91 performance 1–4, 53–62, 88, 92–105, 107–13, 128–42 passim; see also music Perri, A 79, 80 Personal Narratives Group 35, 36 personal stories 27–52 Phelan, Peggy 91, 137 pictorial 22 see also visual Plummer, K 32, 35 poetics 33 passim see also genres; literature Pope, Ron 146 Potter, John 91, 98 pragmatic speech theory 109–12 see also language: theories of ‘primitive’ 17, 67, 69 see also binary opposition Prince, G 32 Prophets of Da City 108 proverbs 22 radio 91 see also audio, oral, performance rap 108 recording, process of 50–1 Richards, I A 16 Riessman, C K 31, 144 Robinson, Douglas Rosa, Noel 94 Rosenwald, G C 32 Rumsey, Alan 80 Santos, I M dos 101, 103 Sapir, Edward 143 Sarbin, T R 32 Schechner, Richard 144 Scheub, Harold 20 Schiffer, M B 77 Scollon, Ron 77 Sell, Karen 91 senses, sensory 19 Shakespeare, William 61, 96 Shaw, R 118 Sheldon, A 77 Sherzer, Joel 1, 96, 143 Shokleng 96 Sierra Leone see Limba Silverstein, Michael 110 Silverstone, Roger 77 Simpson J M Y 24, 108, 143 Slavic 99 Society for Oral Literature in Africa 21 Somali 91, 99, 130, 137 song 85–106 South Africa 108 speech 17, 23–4; as multisensory 10; theories of see language, theories of see also language, linguistic myth; oral; performance; voice Springsteen, Bruce 100–9 Stanford, E B Stanley, Alison 40–1 Stanley, L 35 Stevens, John 95 Stone, Ruth M 25, 78 www.ebook777.com free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Index stories, as life 27–52 see also Limba; performance stories, personal 27–52; diversity of 39–40; essence of 32–3, identity and individuality in 44–50; themes in 40–50; in corporate culture 31, 32 story-tellers 27–52 Strathern, A 15 Streeck, J 77, 81 Sunjata epic 99 Sutton, Peter 43–4 Swift, Graham 31, 33 Syed, Matthew 111 Tanzania 108 technologies, communication 17, 19–21, 91–2; ‘impact’ of 19, see also audio, video, voice Tedlock, Barbara 118 Tedlock, Dennis 21 television see video text 1–14, 133–42 and passim; and language 1–14; and literature 127–41 passim Thiong’o, Ngugi wa 18 Thomas, Rosalind 91, 132 Tonfoni, G 134 Tracey, K 1, 76, 143 Tran Quang Hai 88, 95 transformation between media 103, 133 Travassos, Elizabeth 91, 103 Treitler, Leo 95, 145 Tuareg 20 Tyler, Jonathan 42 Tylor, E B 17 UNESCO 17 Urban, Greg 96, 110 Valdés, Mario J 91 Van Maanen, J 33 165 Verschueren, J 1, 109, 145 video 20–1 see also technologies Vietnam 88 Vincent, David 37 Vincent, Sally 41, 44–5 visual see video voice 91–2 passim; see also audio, music, oral, performance Wagner, David A 145 Walser, Robert 87, 100 Watt, I 63, 67 web displays 21 Weber, Max 64, 66, 69 White, H 32 Widdowson, Peter 128, 131, 133, 135, 138, 146 Winn, J A 88 Wolf, Werner 135 Wolfreys, J 128, 143 words, as only one dimensions 53–5; as writable text 88–91 see also literature, oral, multisensory, oral performance, text, writing Wordsworth, William 86 writing 10–26 passim; alphabetic 18, 79; ‘effects’ of 70; terminologies for 79; theories of see language, theories of; see also language, linguistic myth; technologies; visual Xhosa 91, 96 Yankah, Kwesi 91 Yates, Frances 80 Yoruba 21, 91, 99 Yule, George 143 Zenani 20 Zimbabwe 99 Zulu 96 ... ==> www.ebook777.com Where is Language? free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com www.ebook777.com free ebooks ==> www.ebook777.com Where is Language? An Anthropologist’s Questions on Language, Literature... www.ebook777.com WHERE IS LANGUAGE? Small wonder, perhaps, that the written model of language is so extraordinarily persistent, with its implicit suggestion that data doesn’t quite ‘exist’ until it is reduced... ‘Human history = the history of language What makes us human is our possession of language; that has long been the refrain of both popular wisdom and academic exposition Thus language is the

Ngày đăng: 12/03/2018, 09:28

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Mục lục

    1 What is the art of language?

    2 Playing with the heroes of human history

    3 ‘Artisting the self’: A tale of personal story

    4 Forget the words …: It’s performance!

    6 Song. What comes first: words, music, or performance?

    7 Competence and performance: Was Chomsky right after all?

    8 Poem and story: The arts of dreaming and waking to sweet words


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