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revision a4 student 2018

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REVISION – ENGLISH – 2017 A Test form: Multiple choice Total: 60 questions Time: 60 minutes I II III IV V VI Vocabulary: 15 questions Grammar: 15 questions Pronunciation: questions Reading: 15 questions Guided sentence building: questions Rewriting: questions B Reviewed exercises: I Vocabulary: Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentences How long does it ……….for the Sun’s rays to reach Earth? A take B spend C make D bring The Times is one of Britain’s oldest and most influential ……… A newspapers B magazines C reports D stories Average ……….in Europe has risen dramatically over the last hundred years from 50 to 75 years today A living standard B life expectancy C population D lifestyle In 1969 Neil Armstrong, the first person in the world, ………out on the moon A went B visited C stepped D took ……….have already revolutionized the way we live and work A mobile phones B computers C television D microwave ovens In order to get a ……… job, many people want to work for a state company A steady B active C busy D uninteresting Lots of tulips and daffodils are ……….in Holland A produced B grown C sent D made That block of flats is being …………because it is unsafe A built B pulled down C decorated D painted The ……… have to work hard to keep the traffic rules on the streets A director B police C traffic wardens D police office 10 I don’t believe you, you’re telling ……… A lies B story C true D funny 11 She has a lot of ………so that she can have different hair styles in different shows A hats B dresses C wigs D shoes 12 Who is the first man to on the moon? A event B board C set foot D mount 13 The worst aircraft happened at Tenerife Airport in 1970 A event B explosion C matter D accident 14 Her parents were very because she was out so late last night A responsible B sorry C worried D overcome 15 I have been looking for this book for months, and I have found it A at least B in time C at the end D at present 16 Will you me how to play the game? A show B tell C ask D say 17 How many are there in you class? A pupils B adults C children D men 18 She is very …………, she always helps other people when they have problem A selfish B generous C patient D friendly 19 His parents are ………, they usually ask him to be at home before 10 p.m A strict B easy-going C warm-hearted D open- minded 20 This restaurant is very crowded so you have to ……… in advance if you want to eat there A buy B call C book D post 21 ……… is a special bird living in the North Pole A penguin B pigeon C parrots D cheetah 22 According to the ……… on TV last night, it will be sunny today A weather forecast B report C survey D research 23 I don’t have a motorbike so my friend gives me a ………daily because we are the same class A life B lift C rest D book 24 She lives with her family in a big ……….with twelve servants A castle B hotel C motel D flat 25 Where does the conversation ………….? A take into B take place C take over D take up 26 She forgot to put salt in the soup, so it tasted ……… A salty B sweet C tasteless D good 27 He spent has all his childhood living with his parents so the lifestyle of his parents have a lot of ……….on his novels A difficulties B influences C advantages D disadvantage 28 The volume of paperwork that needs to be filled out to buy a home can it seem insurmountable A make B cause C put D appear 29 Albrecht Dure’s house was bought by the townspeople, who it to its original condition A reconstituted B restructured C restored D redone 30 Arthur Morris created the first loan in 1961 despite all advice to the contrary A increment B installment C internment D involvement II Grammar: Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentences 31 When ………….the modern Olympic Games start? A B was C does D did 32 How long…………it take for the sun’s rays to reach Earth? A did B C does D was 33 Look at that man! He ……………such a funny hat A is worn B is wearing C wears D was worn 34 English…………………all over the world A speaks B is speaking C was spoken D is spoken 35 Do you think men……………….generally happier than women in your country? A were B are C is D was 36 I…………… you but I ………………….with you A am understanding/ am not agreeing B understand/ agree C understand/ not agree D don’t understand/ don’t agree 37 I ………………you You …………….lies A am not believing/ are telling B don’t believe/ are telling C don’t believe/ tell D am not believing/ are not telling 38 A police car………………us on the motorway when we……… 80 miles per hour A passes/ drove B was passing/ drove C was passing/ were driving D passed/ were driving 39 When I………., the party was in full swing Paul……… with Mary and Pat and Peter…………….champagne A arrived/ danced/ drank B was arriving/ was dancing/ were drinking C arrived/ was dancing/ were drinking D was arriving/ danced/ drank 40 When I …………… home, the children…….to bed A get/ went B got/ had gone C got/ go D had got/ went 41 The biography of Princess Diana……………by the journalist Andrew Morton A wrote B writes C was written D has written 42 She ……………quietly at her desk when suddenly the door………… and her daughter………… in A worked/ opened/ rushed B was working/ was opening/ was rushing C has worked/ has opened/ has rushed D was working/ opened/ rushed 43 I haven’t……………………sleep very well recently A been able to B able to C can D can’t 44 14 I can’t understand Martin I’ve never ………………………… understand him A can B been able to C be able to D need 45 I used to………………… stand on my head but I can’t it now A be able B can C be able to D can be 46 “The phone is ringing Who you think it is? “It ………………… be Tom” A could B need C is able to D had better 47 “I can’t find my bag Have you seen it?” “No, but it………………… be in the car.” A must B need C could D will 48 Does…………………want a game of tennis? A anyone B anybody C everyone D A & B 49 What’s that smell? Can you smell…………… burning? A anything B something C nothing D one thing 50 I asked if …………………wanted an ice- cream, but…………did, so I just bought one for myself A anyone/ nobody B anybody/ no one C everyone/ nobody D A & B 51 Did…………….phone me while I was out? A everyone B someone C anyone/ anybody D none of them 52 Your face looks terribly familiar Haven’t I seen you………….before? A anywhere B ever C everywhere D somewhere 53 “We had a new teacher today called Mary.” “What was she…………………?” A look like B C like D doing 54 She works in the same office……………………me A with B as C like D to 55 Toby, …………………………parents both died a few years ago, is the same age as me A who B who’s C whose D whom 56 If we don’t entertain our out- of- town buyers, they…………………such big orders A will place B might not place C would place D wouldn’t place 57 Come to our next picnic if you………………….the chance A have B will have C had D don’t have 58 If I didn’t think the gym was helping me feel better, I …………………my membership A would be renewing B wouldn’t be renewing C will be renewing D can’t renew 59 I that if I were you A won’t B wouldn’t C shan’t D don’t 60 my stay in hospital, I lost twelve kilos A in B on C while D during III Pronunciation: Choose the word (A,B,C or D) whose underlined part has different pronunciation from the other three 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 IV A fourteen A honest A recycle A humble A surely A complexion A seldom A destination A ancient A spirit A economy A wrinkle A cool A wound A stretcher A corn A southern A barrier A island A cloudy B volunteer B hour B sky B hum B sushi B opinion B tolerant B develop B dramatic B tiny B commercial B writing B blood B drought B chemistry B import B sunbathe B paddle B rescue B windy C seem C honor C why C abuse C serious C compose C content C destroy C statement C wrinkle C comic C wonder C food C discount C Christmas C comfort C breathe C cave C institute C dry D free D humour D century D gun D castle D revolution D regularly D describe D nation D pigeon D chemical D wrong D typhoon D proud D character D resort D thunder D salary D limestone D rainy Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each of the questions below Passage 1: Travelling to all corners of the world gets easier and easier We live in a global village, but this doesn’t mean that we all behave in the same way How should you behave when you meet someone for the first time? An American or Canadian shakes your hand firmly while looking you straight in the eyes In many parts of Asia, there is no physical contact at all In Japan, you should bow, and the more respect you want to show, the deeper you should bow In Thailand, the greeting is made by pressing both hands together at the chest, as if you are praying, and bowing you head slightly In both countries, eye contact is avoided as a sign of respect Many countries have rules about what you should and shouldn’t wear In Asian and Muslim countries, you shouldn’t reveal the body, especially women, who should wear long-sleeved blouses and skirts below the knees In Japan, you should take off your shoes when entering a house or a restaurant Remember to place them neatly together facing the door you came in This is also true in China, Korea, Thailand, and Iran In Italy, Spain, and Latin America, lunch is often the biggest meal of the day, and can last two or three hours For this reason many people eat a light breakfast and a late dinner In Britain, you might have a business lunch and business as you eat In Mexico and Japan, many people prefer not to discuss business while eating Lunch is a time to relax and socialize, and the Japanese rarely drink alcohol at lunchtime In Britain and the United States, it’s not unusual to have a business meeting over breakfast, and in China it’s common to have business banquets, but you shouldn’t discuss business during the meal 81 In which countries shouldn’t you shake hands in your first meeting? A Japan B Thailand C Canada D Japan and Thailand 82 Which is true in Muslim countries A Women should wear long-sleeved blouses and skirts below knees B You should reveal the body C All men and women should wear skirts D Men shouldn’t wear jeans 83 In which countries is lunch the biggest meal of the day? A Italy B Spain C Italy and Latin America D Spain, Italy and Latin America 84 Which is NOT true in Japan A You should bow when you greet someone B The Japanese never drink alcohol at lunchtime C You should take off your shoes when entering a house or a restaurant D Many people prefer not to discuss business while eating 85 Which is NOT true according to the last paragraph? A In Britain, you might have a business lunch and business as you eat B In Mexico and Japan, people eat a light breakfast and a late dinner C In Britain and the United States, it’s not unusual to have a business meeting over breakfast D In China, you shouldn’t discuss business during the meal Passage 2: In the spring of 1934, storms swept across the Great Plains, but they were not rainstorms They were the result of sun and drought and a terrible wind that blew millions of tons of topsoil from 300,000 square-miles in Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico This was the Dust Bowl It choked, cattle and sickened the people who stayed Three hundred and fifty thousand settlers fled, many becoming part of a slow, sad caravan along Route 66 to California But wind and drought were not the only factors that combined to create the Dust Bowl Only fifty years earlier, a carpet of buffalo grass had covered the Great Plains, protecting the soil and retaining the moisture in the ground By the turn of the century, farmers had settled, homesteading in regions that had been used as rangeland The increased demand for wheat during World War I encouraged farmers to plow and plant even wider areas Forty percent of the land that they plowed up had never been exposed to rain, wind, or sun before When the drought and wind came; the land had been prepared for disaster 86 Where did many of the homesteaders go when they abandoned their farms? A To California B To Kansas C To New Mexico D To Texas 87 With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned? A The Dust Bowl B The Great Plains C Homesteading D World War I 88 The author mentions all of the following as having contributed to the disaster except: A Wind B Drought C Homesteading D Rain 89 The word “It” in line refers to A topsoil B the Dust Bowl C wind D result 90 The word “fled “in line is closest in meaning to which of the following phrases? A passed way B became ill C ran way D gave up Passage 3: Red Rock Canyon, part of the Red Rock Recreation Lands in Nevada, is an escarpment of crimson Aztec sandstone cliffs and canyon walls that reveal the geologic history of the area Bands of sediment layers tell of a deep-sea bed that 400 million years ago rose eastward to a shoreline in present-day western Utah As the ancient sea grew progressively shallower, about 225 million years ago, marine limestone and shales were overlaid by sediments washed in from emerging land areas As the water in the shallow island, seas evaporated, salts and minerals were deposited in thick beds and fluctuating shorelines created intermixed beds of limestone, shale’s, and minerals Sediments from this period gave the canyon its name Their red color was created from the weathering of iron compounds within About 180 million years ago the area became arid and was covered in sand dunes more than 2,000 feet deep, which became cemented into the Aztec sandstone that is prominent in the canyon today Its alternating hues of red, yellow, and white are believed to have resulted from groundwater percolating through the sand and leaching out the oxidized iron The most significant geologic feature of the area is the Keystone Thrust Fault, a fracture in the earth’s crust Sixty-five million years ago, intense pressure thrust one rock plate over another, a phenomenon that can clearly be seen in the contrasting bands of gray limestone and red sandstone, where the gray limestone cap is actually older than the sandstone beneath it The Keystone is one of the most easily identifiable thrust faults to be found anywhere 91 Which of the following can be concluded from this passage? A Red Rock Canyon was created in a relatively short time span B The location of a rock layer is not always an indication of its age C The expansion of the sea bed played a significant role in the creation of Red Rock Canyon D Emerging land areas eventually caused the sea to evaporate 92 According to the passage, the red of the canyon walls is primarily a result of ……………… A groundwater percolating through the sand B the weathering of iron compounds C the evaporation of the inland sea D intense pressure on rock plates 93 According to the passage, when did Red Rock Canyon become dry? A 400 million years ago B 225 million years ago C 180 million years ago D 65 million years ago 94 The author of this passage is most likely ……………… A an animal rights activist B a geologist C a public relations writer D a public works engineer 95 With what topic is the passage mainly concerned? A The creation of the Keystone Thrust Fault B How Red Rock Canyon acquired its name C The formation of Aztec sandstone D The geologic history of Red Rock Canyon Passage 4: Among the more than 1.5 million species of living things that have been described and named, the human species is unique because its members adapt to the environment primarily by a complicated form of learned behavior called culture, which is transmitted from generation to generation by the symbol system of language For all practical purposes, geographic variation in our species is now irrelevant because people adapt to the environment primarily by means of behavior, whose biological basis is in the brain and is not reflected in superficial differences in body surfaces When they first evolved, people who had dark colored skins were better adapted to climatic conditions near the equator than those who had light colures skins, but few human beings now live under natural conditions Also, technology advances have assured that at the present time, human beings of various races are as likely to reproduce in one environment as in another The superficial differences between existing human races are thus largely relics of the past and are not of much functional significance today 96 The word “evolved” in line most nearly means ……………… A appeared on the earth B came into being C assumed form D gradually developed from a simple form to a more complex one 97 The author’s main point in this passage is that ………………… A language is important to the human species B the differences between human races today are not very important C people with dark-colored skins were better adapted to living near the equator D geographic variation plays an important part in the human species 98 According to the passage, the human species is unique because of…………………… A having different colored skins B not living in natural conditions C technological advances in human reproduction D adaptation to the environment through cultural behavior 99 It can be inferred from the passage that members of the human species ………… A don’t live near the equator B transmit their learned behavior through language C cannot reproduce between races D are biologically different from each other 100.The tone of this passage can best be described as ……………… A informational B hypothetical C pessimistic D critical Passage 5: Money is an international commodity that moves across continents almost as fast as it moves across the street One of the things that lure money across international borders is the rate of interest If interest rates are higher abroad than at home, American businesses and investors will move their money out of the USA and into countries with higher interest rates When domestic interest rates are higher, the flow of money will reverse These international money flows are another constraint on monetary policy Suppose the federal government wants to slow the economy by limiting money-supply growth Such tight-money policies will tend to raise interest rates in the USA A higher interest rate is supposed to curb domestic investment and consumer spending But those higher U.S interest rates will also be an attraction for foreign money People holding dollars abroad will want to move more money to the Unites States, where it can earn higher interest rates Foreigners will also want to exchange their currencies for dollars, again in order to earn higher interest rates As international money flows into the United States, the money supply will expand more quickly than the government desire This will frustrate the government’s policy objectives and may force it to tighten the money supply even more Capital inflows will also tend to increase the international value of the dollar, making it more difficult to sell U.S exports In sum, the internationalization of money is one more problem the federal government has to worry about when it conducts monetary policy 101.The main idea of the passage is that A money is an international commodity B interest rates determine the flow of international money C the Fed controls the international money market D internationalization of money will affect monetary policy 102.This passage mainly discusses A International politics B U.S banking C International money and monetary policy D Interest rates for foreign investors 103.Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage? A A classification of monetary policies B A criticism of current monetary policies C A response to a proposal for a change in monetary policy D An explanation of an issue in monetary policy 104.What is the purpose of the passage? A To discourage foreign investment B To gain support for the federal government C To argue for lower interest rates D To discuss the effect of the flow of international money 105.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? A Foreign Money in the USA B Higher Interest Rates: A Cure for Financial Problems? C Take Your Money Abroad D International Constraints on Monetary Policy V Choose the option (A, B, C or D) to indicate the sentence that is the best interpretation based on the suggested words in each of the following questions 106.It / exciting / hear/ he has won / gold medal A It is exciting to hear that he has won a gold medal B It is too exciting to hear him has won a gold medal C It is so excited to hear that he has won a gold medal D It is very excited for him to hear that he has won a gold medal 107.He like/ read about rockets / so / his children A He is like to read about rockets and so his children B He likes to read about rockets and so his children C He likes to read about rockets and so his children D He likes to reading about rockets and so his children 108.The nurse / kind enough / help him walk A The nurse was too kind enough to help him walk B The nurse was kind enough to help him walk C The nurse was enough kind to help him walk D The nurse was so kind enough that helping him to walk 109.It / easy / him / translate this text / English A It is too easy so that he can translate this text into English B It is very easy for him can translate this text into English C It is easy for him to translate this text into English D It is easy so that he translate this text into English 110 The patient / too sick / eat/ dinner A The patient was too sick for eat dinner B The patient is too sick not to eat dinner C The patient have been too sick to eat dinner D The patient was too sick to eat his dinner 111 Do / know when / leave / Hanoi ? A Do you know when to leave for Hanoi? B Do you know when leaving to Hanoi? C Do you know when leave for Hanoi? D Do you know when left for Hanoi? 112 I / not know where / go A I am not know where to go B I don’t know where to go C I don’t know where will go D I don’t know where is going 113 Teach/ English / hard work A Teaching English is hard work B To teach English is a hard work C Teaching English is the hard work D Teaching English is one hard work 114 Learn/ English / important / us/ have/ good job A Learning English is important to us to have a good job B Learning English is important with us to have a good job C Learning English is important for us to have the good job D Learning English is important for us to have a good job 115 Our teacher/ tell / us / practice English frequently A Our teacher told us practicing English frequently B Our teacher is told us to practice English frequently C Our teacher told us to practice English frequently D Our teacher telling us to practice English frequently 116 His uncle/ advice/ him / study hard A His uncle advised him to study hard B His uncle advised him to studying hard C His uncle was advised him to study hard D His uncle is advised him to study hard 117 His friend persuade /him /study chemistry A His friend persuaded him to study chemistry B His friend persuaded him studying chemistry C His friend persuaded him that to study chemistry D His friend persuaded him about study chemistry 118 He / better not / to school because he / not feeling well A He’d not better go to school because he is not feeling well B He’d better not go to school because he is not feeling well C He’d better not going to school because he is not feeling well D He’d better not to go to school because he is not feeling well 119 He / only plant / trees / also water / them A He not only plants trees but also waters them B He not only plants trees and waters them C He not only plants trees but also water them D He not only plants trees also waters them, too 120.Many people / rather travel / car / by train A Many people would rather travelling by car than by train B Many people would rather travel by car than by train C Many people would rather to travel by car than by train D Many people would rather travel by car more than by train 121.I / live / flat / near / centre / town A I live in a flat near the centre of town B I live at the flat near the centre of town C I am live in a flat near the centre of town D I lives in a flat near the centre of town 122 We / going / holiday / Spain / next week A We are going to go for holiday to Spain next week B We are going to holiday in Spain next week C We are going on holiday in Spain next week D We are going on a holiday to Spain next week 123.English / speak / all / over / the / world A English is speak all over the world B English is speaks all over the world C English is spoke all over the world D English is spoken all over the world 124.His father / angry / him / because / he / listen / music / while / he / / his homework A His father was angry with him because he listening to music while he was doing his homework B His father was angry with him because he was listening to music while he was doing his homework C His father was angry to him because he was listened to music while he was doing his homework D His father was angry to him because he was listening to music while he was doing his homework 125.We / meet / when / we / live / in Italy A We met when we were living in Italy B We met when we had lived in Italy C We were meet when we were living in Italy D We were meeting when we were living in Italy VI Choose the option (A, B, C or D) to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions 126.I haven’t seen that man here before A It’s the first time I’ve seen that man here C It’s the first time I had seen that man here 127.The furniture was so expensive that I didn’t buy it A The furniture was too expensive for me to buy it C The furniture was too expensive for me to buy 128.They’ll have to change the date of the meeting again A The date of the meeting will have to been changed again C The date of the meeting will have to be change again 129.The bus takes longer than the train A The train doesn’t take as long so the bus C The train doesn’t takes as long as the bus 130.It is unnecessary to change your dress A You needn’t to change your dress C You needn’t change your dress 131.We couldn’t drive because of the fog A The fog prevented us for driving C The fog prevented us from driving 132.Did anything disturb you in the night? A Were you disturbed (by anything) in the night? C Were you being disturb (by anything) in the night? 133.I would like you to help me to put the chairs away A Do you mind help me to put the chairs away? C Do you mind to help me to put the chairs away? B It’s the first time I saw that man here D It’s the first time I see that man here B The furniture was too expensive for I to buy D The furniture was too expensive with me to buy B The date of the meeting will have to be changed again D The date of the meeting will had to be changed again B The train doesn’t take as long as the bus D The train doesn’t take as longer as the bus B You needn’t changed your dress D You needn’t changing your dress B The fog prevented us with driving D The fog prevented us in driving B Were you disturbing (by anything) in the night? D Were you being disturbing (by anything) in the night? B Do you mind helping me to put the chairs away? D Do you mind with helping me to put the chairs away? 134.Although both his legs were broken in the crash, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded A Despite of his broken legs in the crash, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded B Despite that his broken legs in the crash, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded C Despite his broken legs in the crash, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded D Despite his legs were broken in the crash, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded 135.After fighting the fire for twelve hours the firemen succeeded in putting it out A The firemen managed to put out the fire after fight it for twelve hours B The firemen managed to put out the fire after being fighting it for twelve hours C The firemen managed to put out the fire after to fight it for twelve hours D The firemen managed to put out the fire after fighting it for twelve hours 136.You can’t visit the United States unless you get a visa A If you don’t get / haven’t (got) a visa, you can’t to visit the United States B If you don’t get / haven’t (got) a visa, you can’t visit the United States C If you get / have (got) a visa, you can’t to visit the United States D If you get / have (got) a visa, you can’t visit the United States 137.He could not afford to buy the car A The car was too expensive for him to buy / cost more than he could afford it B The car was too expensive for him to buy / cost more as he could afford it C The car was so expensive for him to buy / cost more than he could afford it D The car was so expensive for him buy / cost more than he could afford it 138.He is said to have been in the French Foreign Legion A People say (that) he have been in the French Foreign Legion B People says (that) he has been in the French Foreign Legion C People say (that) he has in the French Foreign Legion D People say (that) he has been in the French Foreign Legion 139.I advise you to put your money in the bank A You’d better to put your money in the bank B You’d better put your money in the bank C You’d better putting your money in the bank D You’d better put your money on the bank 140.That restaurant is so dirty that no one wants to eat there A It is such dirty restaurant that no one wants to eat there B It is such an dirty restaurant that no one want to eat there C It is such a dirty restaurant that no one wants to eat there D It is such a dirty restaurant that no one want to eat there 141.Unless someone has a key, we can’t get into the house A We can only get into the house if someone have a key B We can only get on the house unless someone has a key C We can only get into the house if someone has a key D We can only get into the house unless someone has a key 142.“Bring your swimming things in case it’s sunny.” A He told us / me to bring our / my swimming things in case it was sunny B He told us / me to bring our / my swimming things in case it is sunny C He told us / me to bring our / my swimming things in case it has sunny D He told us / me bring our / my swimming things in case it had sunny 143.Please don’t say things like that A I wish you didn’t said things like that B I wish you hadn’t said things like that C I wish you won’t say things like that D I wish you wouldn’t say things like that 144.They left early because they didn’t want to get caught in the traffic A They left early in order to avoiding getting caught in the traffic B They left early in order to avoid getting caught in the traffic C They left early in order to avoid get caught in the traffic D They left early in order to avoid to get caught in the traffic 145.Bill will finish the test in one hour A It will take Bill one hour to finish the test B It will take Bill one hour finish the test C It will takes Bill one hour to finish the test D It will takes Bill one hour finishing the test - THE END -

Ngày đăng: 09/03/2018, 15:50

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