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training and assessment on board

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TRAINING AND ASSESSMENT ON BOARD Ьу L А Holder Extra Master, М Phil, Training Consultant А guide for Seafarers and Managers оп how to make best use of opportunities for practical training and assessment of competence оп board ship TRAINING AND ASSESSMENT ON BOARD SPONSORS Videotel Marine International Limited Ramillies House From July 1997 1-2 Ramillies Street 84, Newman Street London W1V 1DF London WIP 3LD Tel No: + 44 171 439 6301 Tel No: +44 171 299 1800 Fax No: +44 171 4370731 Fax No: +44171 299 1818 Telex: 298596 VID G PUBLISHERS AND SOLE DISTRIBUTORS Witherby & Company Limited 32-36 Aylesbury Street London EC1R ОЕТ Tel No: +44 171 251 5341 Fax No: +44 171 251 1296 First Published 1991 Revised 1996 Second Edition 1997 ©Videotel Marine International Limited ISBN 85609 123 Printed in London Ьу Witherby & Company Limited British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Holder, Len А Training and Assessment оп Board Title 623.888 ISBN 85609 123 Аll rights reserved No part of this publication тау Ье reproduced, stored in а retrieval system, ог transmitted in any [огт ог Ьу any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording ог otherwise, without the prior permis'sion of the publisher and copyright owner While the principles discu;sed and the details given in this book аге the product of careful study, the author and publisher cannot in any way guarantee the suitability of recommendations made in this book [ог individual problems, and they shall not Ье under any legal liability of any kind in respect of ог arising out of the [огт ог contents of this book ог any епог therein, ог the reliance of any person thereon Cover: Courtesy of Р & О European Ferries Photograph Ъу: Раи! Amos Photography It is difficu1t to over stress the importance of training for seafarers The best training is that done nearest the actua1 work, if not actual1y оп the job Scu1ptors and bricklayers, carpenters and wood carvers practice end1ess1y for years То 1earn effective1y опе shou1d Ье as near the rea1 experience as it is possible to get This is why оп board training is so important in shipping It does not rep1ace c1assroom 1earning But it adds spice and refreshment to theory, is easier to understand and therefore more memorable It must Ье integrated with c1assroom training, not to rep1ace but to enhance it The best teachers are experienced practitioners Throughout history, peop1e have 1earned from their parents and from their e1ders at work The re1ationship of master and apprentice, still а feature of тапу crafts, is as old as time EspeciaHy at sea, where the skills of seamanship and navigation, the tricks of the trade, the discip1ined examp1es, have Ьееп passed from тап to тап However, оп board training is not accidenta1 It has to Ье forma1ised to Ье most effective And it must use аН the too1s that тап has devised for effective communication Examp1es, Mode1s, Diagrams, Cartoons, Videos, Distance 1earning programmes, Computers, Audiovisua1 packs, Cassettes, F1ip charts And even good old blackboard and chalk It must a1so attract, even entertain, the 1earners So we use Business games, Case studies, Syndicate work, Puzz1es, Staged negotiations, Simu1ated danger situations АН these 1earning or communication aids are used Ьу professiona1 c1assroom teachers And they сап, and shou1d, Ье used Ьу practica1 teachers, Ьу those passing оп their own expertise, who тау never have 1earned how to teach Some teachers are natura1s - they cannot he1p communicating weH as а way of 1ife But the vast majority of us сап improve our teaching abi1ities We сап benefit from instruction, from advice, from the experience of others This book brings аН these strands together It is pupi1s It shows how to put together а training How and when to use the various aids How to how уои know it! How to mesh а video into а which has to Ье done, exciting and fun How а chore How to make sure уои train the right performance What records to keep designed for practica1 teachers and their programme, what snags to watch for сотЫпе distance 1earning with telling it briefing session How to make training, to avoid training becoming а bore and peop1e the right way How to monitor АН the Foreword ир to here is verbatim with the origina1 edition published in 1991 have made по alterations because the words are good for аН times and for аН maritime cu1tures In the 1ast five years however, the training of seafarers has Ьееп more strong1y recognised for its fundamenta1 importance to the hea1th, safety and prosperity of the shipping industry and those who work in it 111 More specificaHy: • BIMCO AND 15F in two major surveys have tabulated shifts in the seafaring population, away from traditional maritime nations and their traditional national training regimes These studies indicate а growing shortfaH of qualified officers unless recruitment and training are increased and improved 50 this new edition is timely and helpful • The IMO has passed resolutions establishing two revolutionary and interlocking systems for the radical improvement of 5eafarer training and formal management systems, - 5TCW and 15М Both are covered in this new edition • There have been other related new initiatives which the author has incorporated - а revised chapter оп Assessment of Competence, some models of good record keeping, and an appendix оп the 15F cadet record book • Alan Hare, whose compulsive cartoons made some punchy edition, has produced new witty illustrations for this edition points in the first Len Holder is an experienced educator Не has been а hands-on seafarer During the interval between the first and second editions of this book he was President of the Nautical Institute, and he worked hard to ensure that the new initiatives I have listed received assistance and support from seafaring officers throughout the world Those in shore management and at sea who are responsible for training, almost аН managers and ships officers, will Ье happy to have this updated aid IV which means new teaching The Author, and Videotel Marine International Ltd as sponsors of this publication, hope that it will prove helpful to trainees and trainers, and to the managers who support them They would like to express thanks to the many individual seafarers and managers who have made suggestions for the book Particular thanks go to Alan Hare for his original and new illustrations, to Geoff Cowap, to the late Graham Powell (formerly of Papachristidis Ship Management Services Limited) and to David Stratton (formerly of Bergvall & Hudner Company) for their advice and assistance with the first edition and Stephen Chapman and Simon Bennett for advice оп the 1997 revision V 111 FOREWORD V ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Introduction The ISM Code and the Revised STCW Convention Good Training Schemes and Certificates of Competency Advice for Companies Оп Board Ship 0.4.1 Senior Officers 0.4.2 Training Officers 0.4.3 Trainees The Changes: The New Format 0.5.1 Competency-based certification Actions Ьу National Administrations Responsibilities of Shore-based Colleges and Training Centres Shipboard Training Programmes 1 2 4 5 7 ORGANISING TRAINING Chapter Introduction 1.0 U sing This Publication 1.1 9 ADVICE ТО SEAST AFF IN THEIR ROLE AS TRAINERS Chapter У ош Training Role 2.0 Assets 2.1 Differences in Language, Culture and Learning Experience 2.2 Starting and Setting Realistic Objectives 2.3 Methods 2.4 2.4.1 Opportunities for Informal Training 2.4.2 Formal Training Sessions Training for Trainers and Assessors 2.5 11 11 11 12 14 RESOURCES Chapter :3 Trainers 3.0 The Ship and Equipment: Manuals, Checklists, Materials etc 3.1 Training Aids 3.2 3.2.1 Notices and posters 3.2.2 Books and journals 3.2.3 Videos and/or films 3.2.4 Computer-based learning packages 3.2.5 Сот риter-based assessment 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 KEEPING RECORDS Chapter ТЬе Need for Record Keeping 4.0 Records 4.1 4.1.1 Formal records of training 4.1.2 Company records Records of Training and Assessment: Examples 4.2 25 25 УН 15 15 19 25 25 26 ASSESSMENT OF COMPETENCE Chapter 5.1 Reasons for Assessment 5.1.1 Assessment at entry 5.1.2 Informal assessment as part of а training programme 5.1.3 Formal assessment of Certificates of Competency 5.2 Competence Assessment 5.3 5.3.1 Assessment methods 5.3.2 Assessment examples 5.4 Validation and Quality Standards evaluation 5.4.1 Validation procedures/independent 5.4.2 Quality procedures Shipboard Appraisal and Assessment Schemes 5.5 5.5.1 А сотрапу appraisal scheme for all staff 5.5.2 National Schemes: Formal Assessment for S.T.C.W Certificates of 5.6 5.7 Competency Qualifications of Trainers and Assessors Studying and Being Assessed as ап Assessor (or Trainer) 27 27 27 28 31 32 33 33 34 39 40 41 41 41 42 43 44 TRAINEES: OPPORTUNITIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Chapter 6.0 Reasons for Training Resources for Оп Board Training 6.1 У our own Individual Learning Programme 6.2 6.2.1 Aims 6.2.2 Methods Making the Most of Formal Training Sessions 6.3 Notes, Records, Assessments and Certification 6.4 45 45 45 47 47 48 51 51 MASTER AND SENIOR OFFICERS: OPPORTUNITIES Chapter Responsibilities for Training 7.0 7.1 Сотрапу Training Policy Motivation 7.2 7.3 Оп Board Organisation The Training Plan 7.4 7.4.1 The Starting point 7.4.2 Setting objectives 7.4.3 Resources, problems and immediate aims 7.5 Monitoring and Reporting 53 53 53 54 54 56 56 56 57 58 MANAGERS: COMPANY TRAINING POLICY Chapter 8.0 Сотрапу Training Policy 8.1 Management: Background Motivation 8.2 Training Policy and Procedures 8.3 8.3.1 The regulatory framework: operational safety 8.3.2 Maintenance and surveys 8.3.3 Operational efficiency 8.4 Responsibilities: Managers, Trainers and Trainees 8.4.1 The training of trainers and assessors Monitoring, Keeping of Records and Auditing 8.5 59 59 59 60 61 51 51 62 62 62 63 УIII 8.6 8.7 Provision of Resources Explaining the Policy to Trainees 63 63 FURTHER INFORMA TION Chapter Sources of Further Information 9.0 9.1 Organisations 9.1.1 International Maritime Organisation (1.М О.) 9.1.2 The International Chamber of Shipping (I.C.S.) 9.1.3 International Shipping Federation (I.S.F.) 9.1.4 The Oil Companies International Marine Forum (O.C.I.M.F.) 9.1.5 Society of International Gas Tanker & Terminal Operators (S.I.G.T.T.O.) 9.1.6 The International Association of Independant Tanker Owners (INTER т ANKO) Training Aids and Advice 9.2 9.2.1 Videotel Marine International Limited 9.2.2 Witherby & Со Ltd 9.2.3 LLP Ltd (Formerly Lloyd's of London Press) 9.2.4 The Marine Society (United Kingdom) Validating Bodies 9.3 9.3.1 National Authorities and International Standards 9.4 Classification Societies and other Quality Management Organisations 9.4.1 International Association of Classification Societies Ltd (I.A.C.S.) 9.4.2 The International Ship Managers' Association (ISMA) Professional Bodies 9.5 9.5.1 The Institute of Marine Engineers 9.5.2 The Nautical Institute 65 65 66 66 66 б7 68 69 70 70 70 71 72 72 73 73 73 73 74 74 74 75 APPENDICES 77 Appendix 1: Example of а Poster Advertising а Training Session 78 Appendix 2: Example of an Evaluation Form оп Training Methods 79 Appendix 3А: Extract from the International Shipping Federation Оп Board Training Record Books for Deck and Engineer С adets 80 Appendix 3В: Example of а Company Record of Shipboard Training 84 Appendix 3С: Example of а Company Record of Competency-based Training 89 Appendix 4А: Sources of Further Information: Competency-based National Vocational Qualifications in the United Kingdom 91 Appendix 4В: Qualifications of Trainers and Assessors An Example: The system being used in the United Kingdom 93 Appendix 5: Performance Review or Appraisal 96 Appendix 6: СОЦ1рапуPolicy оп Training: An Example 100 Appendix 7: Оп Board Training New Technology Example: Learning to use а Ship Stability and Stress Computer 107 IX "Training оп board" was first published in 1991 There have been some important changes in international legislation since that time This second edition, entitled "Training and Assessment оп Board" contains advice оп shipboard training, but adds more detail оп how to meet the new requirements lt will help аН those responsible for training and assessment оп board (shore-based managers, senior officers, trainers and trainees) to implement their training and assessment systems smoothly and effectively lt should also help in gaining official approval from their national administration The descriptions which follow are summaries of some of the major points in the International Safety Management (ISM) Code and the revised Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Convention, which affect shipboard training and assessment Those with wider responsibilities for implementing training and certification programmes should refer to the [иН lМО texts and to the national legislation which transforms them into national law The ISM Code and STCW Convention тау Ье obtained from lМО Publications Department or from nautical booksellers The ISM Code requires, • amongst many other provisions, that: " each ship is manned with qualified, certificated and medically fit seafarers in accordance with national and international requirements " and that • "the Company should establish and maintain procedures for identifying any training which тау Ье required in support of the Safety Management System (SMS) and ensure that such training is provided for аll personnel concerned" The revised STCW Convention contains detailed international standards of competence and advice оп the ways in which they should Ье assessed The STCW Code which explains the details оЕ the Convention is in two parts Part' А is mandatory for Parties to the Convention to implement: Part В, which further explains the ways in which the Convention should Ье applied, is advisory The STCW Convention now places emphasis upon the demonstration of competence (the ability of people to сапу out their work safely and "efficiently), as well as upon examinations which prove candidates understand theoretical/knowledge-based aspects of their work The sea training part of the certification process therefore becomes more important, and must Ье more closely supervised and formally assessed and results recorded as part of the certification process Close co-operation between companies and the national administrations of labour supply and ship operating countries will Ье required, to make sure proper training is carried out, that assessments аге rigorous and fair, and that certificates of competency аге issued and validated There аге по short cuts to competence For this reason, companies which have good training schemes will Ье best prepared The normal methods of training, which include shore-based college ог training centre courses, followed Ьу practical training at sea, will still Ье needed The standard advice given to shipboard trainers is still important, with emphasis оп: • familiarising crew members with the ship and equipment • implementing of pollution • providing • encouraging сагеег development for аll crew members (records of sea training and assessment "оп the job" аге тоге important under the revised STCW) safe procedures EMERGENCY The STCW Convention for routine RESPONSE Regulation operations TRAINING including prevention and 1/14 defines responsibilities of companies For Company Managers, as well as the full texts of the Convention and Code, there are helpful publications which summarise their responsibilities These are available from the International Shipping Federation (Telephone: +44 171 417 8844, Fax: +44 171 417 8877) as follows: "Guidelines оп the Application Management Code" International Chamber of Shipping 1996 "The Revised STCW Convention" of the IMO International Safety Shipping Federation/International International Shipping Federation 1995 "Оп Board Training Record Book for Deck Cadets" and "Оп Board Training Record Book for Engineer Cadets" International Shipping Federation 1996 Before considering the detailed changes to sea training, it is useful to look at the wider changes to national certification processes and shore-based training The ISF' publication "The responsibilities including: • implementation • explicit company etc STCW Convention Revised STCW Convention" explains company dates, tonnage limits etc responsibilities Аппех Regulation 1/14 for certificates, manning, record keeping, А4В1.З This module is designed for the co-ordinator or internal verifier This is а key role in assuring the necessary quality of centre assessment arrangements and involves internal verification of the assessment practice The role is likely to Ье carried out Ьу а senior member of college staff or а senior company training officer in those companies which have decided to act as assessment centres for their staff А4В1.4 This role is carried out Ьу someone from outside the college or company 1n the case of UK shipping it is likely to Ье an External Verifier employed Ьу the Edexcel Foundation (ВТЕС) or the Scottish Vocational Education Council (SCOTVEC) This person provides an important link in the quality-assurance chain, supporting and advising centres and reporting back to the awarding body А somewhat wider role was carried out in the past Ьу "Moderators" for UK National Certificates and Diplomas, Higher National Certificates and Diplomas etc., who were responsible for judging the validity of teaching methods and material as well as the outcome of the assessments as in this case А4В1.5 This service тау Ье useful for а candidate who is wanting to build upon their existing certificates and experience, or add qualifications in а new area or who is returning to seafaring after а period ashore The module is concerned with the Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) 1t covers the activities of helping individuals to identify their existing competences and in presenting themselves for assessment This role is usually separate from that of assessing candidates 1t тау Ье useful to know that "accreditation of prior learning" exists and there are people qualified to help уои А4В2.1 The UK Department of Transport, in this context the Marine Safety Agency, will monitor the quality of the system and will сапу out such inspections (or even additional examinations) as it believes to Ье necessary At this time, it is still intended to retain the Oral Examinations The assessment methods and performances will Ье monitored and national certificates of competency issued to candidates meeting the requirements А4В2.2 V ocational Qualifications are part of UK national policy The N ational Council for V ocational Qualifications (and the Scottish V ocational Education Council in Scotland), will validate and monitor the level of Merchant Navy Training Board standards against those in other areas of employment This means that the standard and level of the awards will have wide national recognition 95 А5 This ехатрlе of а Company Scheme includes Performance Review forms for officers and а shorter form for ratings The company expects that each officer and petty officer will Ье reviewed Ьу his/her head of department at the end of the tour of duty of the department head The form is designed to: • provide а uniform and objective record • serve as а goal-setting tool • recommend developmental action The reasons for using а form are: • to help the evaluator • to serve as а checklist of important • to provide а uniform organise his thoughts more efficiently approach items for the evaluation of аН officers and аН ratings It is recognised that reviews of this type are liable to error or bias, resulting from particular recent incidents, tendencies amongst individuals towards leniency or harshness etc, but the forms, if fiHed in objectively, provide, amongst other things, an indication of the need for ST AFF DEVELOPMENT and TRAINING 96 LIMITED "CONFIDENTIAL" PERFORMANCE REVIEW FORM FOR RATINGS NAME NATIONALITY RANK VESSEL Highest Licence Held - Expiration Date From Evaluation Period: То Performance Criteria: Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Роог Technical Ability Judgement Leadership Attitude Conduct - Does this person have the potential for promotion? What further training does this person need? Further comments Signed - Signed - Department Head Date Date 99 Master It is necessary for аН staff to Ье properly trained if the company is to operate efficiently Ву clarifying the duties and responsibilities of shore and seastaff with respect to delivering and receiving training, providing opportunities, resources and support for training, and Ьу monitoring its effectiveness, the company seeks to: • • adhere to International • complement • enhance the Safety, provide the Training Through Health, its training and N ational Conventions Elements in а Quality Management Safety and Environmental J оЬ Satisfaction and Legislation Programme Policies and Career Prospects policy, the Company of staff seeks the foHowing objectives: а) То enhance the quality of service to customers, in terms of the company's trading partners and clients, and also the services provided between ship and shore and between seastaff оп board Ь) То familiarise аН shore and seastaff with their working environment encourage safe and efficient working practices and procedures and с) То familiarise and seastaff with their ship and its equipment, machinery systems d) То prepare maintenance е) for routine and surveys operations То prepare for emergencies and the environment and which тау for carrying involve hazard out shipboard to life, property [) То liaise with shore-based training and assessments training establishments and provide workplace which will complement coHege courses g) То encourage personnel to update their knowledge and understanding h) То encourage careers personnel to up-grade 100 their qualifications and develop their The req.uirements policy: of four principal • International Convention • International Safety Management • International Watchkeeping Convention Convention • International (MARPOL) Convention references are incorporated within this for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Code (ISM) оп Standards (STCW) of Training, for the Prevention Certification of Pollution from and Ships Responsibility for the scope and quality of training which is carried out within the company rests with the board of directors The managing director shall appoint one or more directors or senior managers to take responsibility for аН training, or for specified areas of training Such person or persons are referred to in this document as the/a "Training Manager" The Training Manager shaH Ье responsible, inter alia, for: • ensuring that the training requirements of national and international legislation are met Ьу the Company's Training Policy and Programmes • communicating the Company's Training encouraging and supporting training • liaising with staff, determining planning programmes • liaising with appointed company trainers or contracted Training Organisations, to optimise ship visits and specialised training sessions within f1eet programmes • briefing senior staff (and if appropriate training officers) оп their duties and ensuring that they are equipped and properly qualified to undertake their training and assessment roles • ensuring that adequate resources facilities; equipment and materials • setting ир effective systems for supplying to staff, information оп, and for, training Responding positively to enquiries with respect to training • effecting liaison between personnel and technical departments of the company to ensure quality in both technical and human factors in training 101 training Policy needs, are provided, to аН personnel setting in terms objectives and and of personnel, • monitoring the effectiveness of training and taking appropriate action programmes, assessing reports • providing information to management оп relationships between training and recruitment, staffing levels and the use of new technology • keeping the board of directors informed оп аН matters related to company training and its effectiveness А6.З.2 Senior staff, including ship masters оп board, or at sea shall Ье responsible, inter alia, for: and heads of department ashore • communicating with the training manager оп the Company's Training Policy, the training needs of personnel, the resources required for training and the objectives and effectiveness of training • liaising with appointed company training officers or contracted Training Organisation( s), to optimise ship visits and specialised training sessions within ship or departmental programmes • communicating • nominating а training officer or training officers to organise, report upon training programmes for their ship or department • briefing training officer( s) оп their duties equipped and properly qualified to undertake roles • ensuring that adequate resources facilities, equipment and materials • monitoring the effectiveness of training programmes, assessing reports and taking appropriate action and reporting same to Training Manager Company Training Policy to staff in their ship or department deliver and and ensuring that they are their training and assessment are provided, in terms of personnel, А6.З.З The responsibility of the training officer shall Ье: • communicating implementation with senior staff оп the Company's Training Policy and its with respect to the current voyage or session • liaisihg with appointed company training officers or contracted Training Organisations, to fully integrate ship visits and specialised training sessions within ship or departmental programmes and to optimise longterm benefits • eXplaining Company Training Policy and communicating training schedules and opportunities to trainees • determining the training needs of personnel, and the resources available for training, including the services of other experienced staff 102 voyage or session • setting objectives and suggesting programme with senior staff priorities and • organising the delivery (and/or delivering) programmes [ог their ship ог department • ensuring that resources аге available to trainers personnel, facilities, equipment and materials • monitoring the effectiveness of training programmes, preparing and assessing reports, reporting to senior staff and taking agreed action as appropriate • monitoring the use of training facilities and sources of information and material [ог training, making sure that they аге properly cared [ог and maintained Requisitioning replacement ог supplementary materials as necessary to support agreed programmes • keeping records о[ training in а [огт required Ьу international national bodies, the company and/or other validating organisations voyage agreeing а training ог session and trainees, training in terms of and/or А6.З.4 The responsibility of each trainee shall Ье: • to discuss his ог her training needs and opportunities with the training officer and provide any information required оп earlier learning experiences and notice о[ any formal assessments required [ог Certificates of Сотpetency etc • to Ье aware of the Company's Training Policy and his ог her responsibilities as а trainee during the current voyage ог session • to find out about the resources available [ог training, manuals, videos, etc and the advice of experienced staff • to participate in, and contribute positively to, organised assessment sessions during the voyage ог session • to take advantage of opportunities [ог acquiring, updating and/or developing personal skills and knowledge during the voyage ог session • to provide in[ormation and evidence as required to allow the training officer to monitor the e[fectiveness of training and to suggest ways in which it could Ье improved including books, training and • to keep personal training records А6.4 А6.4.1 Aboard each ship and within each department, information [ог the use of trainers and trainees оп the following: 103 shall Ье provided • а сору or copies of the Company's for the current voyage or session • ап inventory of training facilities for training • information Ье obtained Training Policy and the Training aids, books, manuals, оп sources of further information Plan codes, checklists and other and ways in which it сап А6.4.2 Minimum resources for training shall Ье those to meet the requirements of national and international statutory safety and pollution prevention legislation In addition, each of the company's vessels and shore departments shall Ье provided with equipment and materials as listed under опе or more of the following titles as specified: Management • • • • • • • • • • Administrative Skills Economics and Management Health and Safety Maritime Commerce Maritime Law Offshore Industries Personnel Management Quality Assurance Training of Assessors and Trainers Welfare, Ноте and Family Technical • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Knowledge Cargo Operations and Care Catering and Hotel Services Communications Computer Awareness Control Systems and Automation Electrical and Electronic Engineering Information Technology Loss Prevention Maintenance and Planned Maintenance Marine Engineering Medical and First Aid N avigation Prevention of Pollution Radio Communications Seamanship and Nautical Knowledge Security and Crime Prevention Ship Construction and Maintenance Ship and Machinery Surveys Special Operations Survival 104 Systems General Interest and Recreational • • • • • • • • • • Knowledge Сагеег Development Computer-based Learning Opportunities Educational Programmes and Qualifications Language Courses Libraries and Information Sources Oceanography and the Marine Environment Open and Distance Learning Systems Ports and the Maritime Infrastructure Shipbroking and Agency W ork Transport Management and/or other topics as required and trainees for special trades ог at the request of trainers А6.4.З Apart from records required for the day to day progression and development of training programmes, the following records must Ье retained: i) The Training Manager shall keep records of: • the Company's Training Policy and amendments • the appointment and work of company trainers and contracted Training Organisations, ship visits, specialised training sessions etc • the briefing of senior staff • details of resources provided • the monitoring of training programmes, the assessment of reports, any actions taken and reports to the board of directors ii) Senior staff, including ship masters оп board, ashore or at sea shall keep records of: with the company Training thereto and heads of department • communicating Manager • voyage ог session training plans • any ship visits and/or special training sessions Ьу company c1fficers and/or contracted Training Organisations • the nomination • details of resources provided • the monitoring of the effectiveness of training, assessment of achievements and shortcomings, а summary of any actions taken and reports to the Training Manager and briefing of ship ог departmental 105 training training officer( s) iii) Training officer( s) shall keep records of: • voyage ог session training schedule as agreed with the ship master ог head of department and opportunities for trainees • detailed training needs of personnel • detail of resources available for training • formal training sessions, topics, trainer( s) and trainees assessment of effectiveness, achievements and shortcomings, actions taken and reports to senior officers • requisitions for replacement future training iv) Trainees • ог development involved, details of materials and facilities for shaH keep records as foHows personal records of achievement (in the form required Ьу the арргоpriate body ог organisation if they аге to Ье used as part of Certificates of Competency ог other Awards) А6.5 In cases where the management and training ashore and/or оп board, is carried out as part of а Validated Assessment Programme to meet STCW and other international ог national requirements and/or Quality Management System, the above policy should incorporate the requirements of the validating body with respect to the scope, quality, monitoring and record keeping required Ьу the body ог bodies Whilst maintaining normal commercial security with respect to confidential сотраnу business, сотраnу staff should co-operate fuHy with properly accredited auditors carrying out inspections for approved validating bodies NOTE: This example useful as part adapt its own arrangements of а Training Policy is а general framework only То Ье of its training strategy, each сотраnу would need to policy document to include тоге specific objectives and as described in Chapter 106 Example: LEARNING ТО USE А SHIP ST ABILITY AND STRESS COMPUTER Introduction This training session is to bridge the gap between classroom teaching and the practical use of computer-based equipment оп board Subject Area Ship stability and stresses during loading and discharge Trainees Self-teaching for ship's officers who have completed courses at least to the level of IMO Model Course 1.17 Basic Stability and have served as junior officers оп board OR Instructing role individual or groups of trainee junior officers understudying the chief officer's Equipment Any computer-based Supporting ship loading and stress calculator as fitted оп board Material It is essential to have at hand any written instructions supplied with the equipment It mау also Ье helpful to have оп hand а revision text book оп Merchant Ship Stability If instructing individuals or а group, а suitable reference text is ESSENTIAL and the practical session should Ье preceded Ьу an introduction, viewing and discussion of videos or other aids such as those supplied Ьу Videotel Marine International Learning Objectives Оп successful completion of this training, the officer will Ье аЫе to: Switch оп and set up the equipment Enter data concerning current and/or historical states, predictions alternatives relating to the position, weight and volume, as appropriate i) Cargo and ballast ii) Fixed and mоуеаЫе structures, and of: possible fresh water, fuel, stores, personnel and other weights iii) Free surface effect of liquids iv) Sea/river/dock water density and other 107 factors affecting buoyancy and f1otation Process and display results relating to: i) Stability ii) Draft iii) Trim iv) Shear forces and bending moments in а way suitable for assessing the past, present and future safety of the vessel, and allowing efficient planning and monitoring of stability and stresses within acceptable limits before loading, during loading, in the loaded condition, and during discharge CAUTION: This training programme deals with the finding of numerical and/or graphical solutions, it does not cover the strategy for positioning and planning of weight distribution in the ship Time Required А minimum of hours loading systems for senior officers already familiar Normal time for senior officer not familiar with computer-based in two 3-hr sessions For junior with other computer-based systems: б hours, ideally officer trainee( s): б х 3-hr sessions excluding assessments Content Session - becoming familiar with the computer system Following basic written instructions, switch оп the equipment and initiate In а dedicated stability computer this is normally straight forward If used for other purposes, (word processing, spreadsheets, databases etc), of the basic instructions for the computer operating system (MS-DOS the case of IBM-compatible machines) mау Ье needed U sing the 'Help' function if available, or the printed handbook, in sequence, familiarise yourself with: • • • • • • the programme the computer is some knowledge or Windows) in or Ьу trying the functions the keyboard and input functions the naming of compartments and related layout of the ship the way the height of the vertical centre of gravity is assumed or inserted for full and part-full compartments the way free surface moments are assumed or inserted the units and display formats used the limitations of the system (eg limit of heel or trim) Enter the present sta4:us of loading or historical the data and display results NOTE: If the system is type-approved Ьу а will include at least test conditions stability and stress results These are setting ир the computer as а learning data for which results are known, input Classification Society, the documentation showing а set of weights and the related ideal examples for а beginner to use in exercise Then try out аll the options оп the computer menu and see what the system is сараЫе of doing for уои Don't worry too much about the results, just get to know the equipment 108 Session - becoming familiar with the stability characteristics Set ир and initiate the programme of your ship as before Consider the following changes and get а 'feel' for the effect of the various changes: it mау help уои later, to spot 'silly' answers and obvious errors caused Ьу mis-keying or other mistakes From an initial status, enter the following changes and examine their effects оп stability, draft, trim and stresses: • • • • • • filling and emptying cargo compartments filling and emptying cargo compartments filling and emptying cargo compartments filling and emptying ballast tanks changing stowage factors and/or specific changing compartments with free surface amidships at bow and stern at different heights above the keel gravities Assessment For training of junior officers the trainer should set each trainee а test related to normal loading and discharge, and АТ LEAST two 'extreme' conditions, ONE of which is outside safety limits, to ensure that the conditions are understood and remedial action taken 109 ... International (MARPOL) of Pollution International Convention Convention for the Prevention from ships оп Load Lines б Convention оп the International Sea (COLREG) ILO Convention Convention] Certification... evaluating and approving training provisions for masters, officers, ratings and other personnel АН education and training to Ье accredited under the STCW Convention, including оп board training, ... Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Convention, which affect shipboard training and assessment Those with wider responsibilities for implementing training and certification programmes should

Ngày đăng: 08/03/2018, 15:35

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    15. Cargo Work Tasks (LNG Vessels)