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Australian science and tehconology commuincator register

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Department of Industry, Science and Technology Addendum to the The Third Australian Science and Technology Communicators Register Compiled and Published as part of the Science and Technology Awareness Program CONTENTS Introduction Technical Notes PEOPLE Full Listing PROJECTS 25 Full Listing 26 QUESTIONNAIRE 39 Addendum to the ThirdAustralian Science and Teclmology Register INTRODUCTION Science and technology are increasingly important to our future The Science and Technology Awareness Program of the Department of Industry, Science and Technology aims to interest and involve Australians in science and technology (S&T) and to raise awareness of the relationships of S&T to our economic and social well-being The first Australian Science and Technology Communicators Register was produced in 1990 to assist those involved in communicating S&T to identify other such communicators and projects We hope that the Register will enhance cooperation, stimulate ideas and encourage the development of networks The 3rd Edition continued that objective, and was completely revised to provide up-to-date information on and for S&T communicators The Register is a continuing project Although it indicates the breadth of S&T communication in Australia, there are still gaps If you know of any relevant people and projects not included, please draw their attention to the Register and encourage them to fill out and return the questionnaire forms included at the back of this publication Should amendments to your own projects be necessary, please submit the new information on the forms supplied We also urge you to let us know of any amendments that should be made to entries in the Register so that we can maintain an up-to-date publication Where possible the information supplied on Register questionnaires has been included as received Some changes have been made where it was considered the consistency and clarity of the information could be improved We have gone to considerable efforts to ensure data integrity Nevertheless, the information contained in this publication is supplied on the basis and subject to the qualification that the Commonwealth does not accept responsibility for its content nor for any loss, damage or consequence whatsoever which may result from any person or body relying on any information, or any error or omission, contained in this publication The format of the Third Australian Science and Technology Communicators Register was changed in response to suggestions by readers In this Addendum, only new entries and amended entries received since the cut off for the Third Edition ill August 1994 are included If you have any suggestions for future editions of the Register, or if you would like to know more about the Science & Technology Awareness Program, please contact: Director Science & Technology Awareness Program Department of Industry, Science and Technology GPO Box 9839 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Phone: (06) 276 1780 Fax: (06) 276 2002 We in the Science & "Thdmology Awareness Program hope you find the Australian Science and Technology Communicators Register useful in your work, and we look forward to hearing from you TECHNICAL NOTES The S&T Communicators Register is presented in two sections: one for People and one for Projects Each of these is divided into a Summary Section and a Full Listing Section For this Addendum, the following only applies PEOPLE The People Section of the Register is designed to give information on the people currently working in communicating S&T The PEOPLE (Full Listing) Section lists the S&T communicators alphabetically As well as their name, their main S&T communication activitv and their employer are listed Sector refers to the arena from which you carry out your S&T communication It is printed as a 3letter code, shown below: ACA EDU ELM GOV MAN MED Academia Education including teachers, educators Electronic media Government Manufacturing industries Health and medical MUS OTH PRM RES SER Museums, science centres, etc Other Print media Research and development Service industries, consultancies Interests indicates the areas of particular interest to the communicator and it also is shown as 3letter codes Interests may refer to Targets, Issues, Purposes, Mediums or ALL of these, as listed below: Specific targets: ADU CHI JOR IND GEN SEX SPE TEA Adults Children Journalists Industry General Public Gender specific, single sex Other specific groups eg ethnic, disabled Teachers Issues, content, message: ATT BIO COM ECO ENV MAT MED PHY SOC TEC Attitude altering Biological science Computers Economic concerns Environment Maths Health, medical Physical sciences Social, political, moral issues Technology Aaaenaum to the lIrtrdAustralian Science and Technology Register Purpose: Mediums: ELM MUS PRM SCH EDU ENT RES Education Entertainment Research Electronic media Museums, displays, etc Print media Schools, etc ALL Interested in all of the foregoing Other information is given on S&T Activity, Target Audience, Output and Expertise PROJECTS 1be S&T Communication Projects encompass a range of activities: from the work of individuals to activities which involve people allover Australia and internationally PROJECTS (Full Listing) is in alphabetical order by the name of the proj ect The _st_at_e given at the right of the project's name in the heading indicates the state in the address of the contact, and does not necessarily indicate the domain of the project The Category field contains one or more 3-letter codes from the list below to classify the project: COM CON EDU ELM HOA INF Competitions, prizes Conference, consultancies Education (formal) Electronic media Hands-on activities Information services, publicity campaigns, etc MUS OTH PRM RES SEX Museums, display, etc Other Print media Research Gender specific, single sex Projects may be given multiple codes; f-orinstance EDU HOA, if it is an educational project which uses hands-on activities The Purpose and Description fields are self-explanatory These fields give broad information on the S&T Communication Projects submitted for inclusion in the Register Should you wish to obtain more details on a particular project, you can make contact with the person listed PEOPLE (Full Listing) CD NSW Head Geology Department University of Newcastle CALLAGHAN NSW 2308 Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: Output: Interests: ALEXANDER Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: Output: Interests: ANDERSON Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: Output: Interests: ANDREWS (049) 21 5411 (049) 21 6925 VIC Phone: Fax: (03) 9418 7256 (03) 94176125 GOV Multimedia pruductiun Industry, general Interactive multimedia, science exhibits & CD ROM ATT CHI EDU IND MUS Phone: Fax: (03) 9245 7365 (03) 9245 7518 PRM Weekly science magazine General public, scientists & industry Weekly special supplements un Australia EDU PRM RES Mr Graham Phone: Fax: (044) 767807 (044) 76 7807 ACA Science Writing & Editing General Public and Industry Journal, Magazine articles and Reports BIO ENV PRM Phone: Fax: (02) 560 6660 SER Designing, writing, editing docn Computer users Manuals and education ATTCOM EDU ENV sac TEe ANDREWS Mr Ross Manager, Communications Grains R&D Corporation PO Box E6 QUEEN VIC TCE ACT 2600 Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: ACT Phone: Fax: (06) 272 5525 (06) 271 6430 Interests: RES Media, research & rural science Graingrowers industry, journals, public & groups Gruund Cover magazine, Video News Releases, furnms & media TEC ENV ECO AU BIO SOC ARLEIT Prof Peter Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research James Cook University of North QLD DOUGLAS QLD 4811 Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: QLD Phone: Fax: (077) 81 4279 (077) 81 5455 Interests: ACA Research, development & consulting Researchers, industry, students & general public Research, pnblications, teaching & consulting AIL BAILLIE Dr Caruline Output: NSW NSW Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: Output: Interests: Output: VIC Mr Ian Science Writer 31 Coastal Court DALMENY NSW 2546 Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: Output: Interests: Phone: Fax: Mr Nicholas Australian Editor New Scientist IPC Magazines 18 Salmon Street PORT MELBOURNE VIC 3207 Ms Kate 50 James Street LEICHHARDT NSW 2040 ACA Earth science, teaching, & research University students & the public TeacWng materials & field excursiuns ADUTEAGEN ENVPHYEDU RES ELM MUS Manager Communication Services CSIRO 314 Albert Street EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002 ANDREWS Lecturer Mechanical Engineering Sydney University SYDNEY NSW 2006 Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: Output: Interests: [I] NSW Phone: Fax: (02) 351 3539 (02) 351 3760 ACA Materials science, teacWng and R&D Engineering staff and students Lesson plans, reports, papers, manuals & seminar ADU ATT IND TEA SOC EDU RES BARBAGALLO Ms Fiona Coordinator Outreach Education National Science & Tech Centre PO Box E28 QUEEN VIC TCE ACf 2600 Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: Output: Interests: ACT Phone: Fax: Interests: RES S&T Information Industry, general public Information resources, referrals, sales IND GEN ALL BENGSTON Ms Carrie Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: Output: (06) 270 2818 (06) 273 4346 MUS Training in sae.ce co •••• Wlicatio General public, stud_15 aM illdustry Science shows, embi15 &ad raeardl AIL NSW NSW Infonnation Manager CSIRO Information Network ~ PO Box 218 LINDFIELD NSW 2070 BEAVER Ms J•••••e Lecturer Faculty of Applied Science University of Canberra PO Box BELCONNEN ACf 2616 Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: Output: Interests: BEDER Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: Output: Interests: BENDALL Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: Phone: Fax: (06) 201 2533 NSW Dr Sharon Phone: Fax: (042) 21 3691 (042) 21 3452 ACA Writing and teaching, raearcla General public, tertiary stude_is, scholars Journal articles, teaching resource materials ENVSOCTECAITECOEDURESELM PRM Mr Chester Information Manager CSIRO Information Network CSIRO Private Bag, PO WEMBLEY WA 6014 (02) 413 7528 (02) 413 7635 ACT ACA Teaching biochemistry & cell biology University students Book· "Beginners' Chemistry" BIO EDU MED Senior Lecturer Dept of Science ok Tech Studies University of Wollongoog Northfields Avenue WOLLONGONG NSW2522 Phone: Fax: BENNEIT Ms Bryony Editor ECOS Magazine CSIRO Information Services 314 Albert Street EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002 VIC Phone: Fax: (03) 9418 7367 (03) 9419 6574 Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: Output: Interests: GOV Publish quarterly magazine I.dustry, teachers, students, 'ECOS' magazine t1W BRODIE Ms Di_c SAGEOHxdioator CSIRO Information Services 314 Albert Street EAST MElBOURNE VIC 3002 WA Phone: Fax: Output: Interests: GOV Information General public, media, education, industry Information AIT ECO IND GEN EDU JOR Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: Output: (09) 387 0710 (09) 387 7894 r!J 'ECOS' general VIC Phone: Fax: GOV Public education General public Refereace material geography (03) 9418 7215 (03) 9419 0459 for science and BROWN Prof Gavin Vice Chancellor The University of Adelaide ADELAIDE SA 5005 Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: Output: SA Phone: Fax: (08) 303 5201 (08) 303 4354 Interests: ACA Mathematical research and education Mathematical community Research papers, journals & conference lectures AIL BURRIDGE Mr Michael Director Dept of Chemical Engineering The University of Queensland ST LUCIA QLD 4067 Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: Output: Interests: CAMERON Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audince: Phone: Fax: (07) 3365 4172 (07) 3365 4199 Phone: Fax: (02) 320 6000 (02) 320 6129 Interests: CLARKE Miss Belinda Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: Output: Interests: NSW Phone: Fax: (02) 330 3000 (02) 330 3099 Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: Output: Interests: EI.M Producing educational broadcasting General public Broad range of broadcast programs AIL COPLAND MrTony Education Officer Territory WlIdlife Park NT Department of Education PO Box 771 PALMERSTON NT 0831 Nf Phone: Fax: (089) 88 6000 (089) 88 6210 EDU Output: Interests: Environmental education Students, teachers, public, interest groups Educational resource centre ENV TEA CHIATT BIO MAT SOC CORNER Mr Stuart NSW Ms Elizabeth Researcher Banksia Productions 56 Wellington Square NORTH ADELAIDE SA 5006 Producer 2SER FM 107.3 Sydney Educational Broadcasting PO Box 123 BROADWAY NSW 2007 Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: MUS Public enquiries and resources Public, students, teachers, media and artists SpecimeD ID iaformatioD, resource materials MUS BIO ENV ATT SOC GEN JOR TEA Output: Mr Ian QLD ACA Engineering continuing education Industry & government engineers Continuing education courses IND BIO COM ENV TEC EDU SCH Information Officer Search and Discover Australian Museum College St SYDNEY NSW 2000 COOMBE Managing Director Stuart Corner Information Servo Locked Bag 13 ROZELLE NSW 2039 NSW Phone: Fax: (02) 555 7377 (02) 818 2294 Output: Interests: PRM Publishing & telecommunications Industry, government, decision makers, executive Newsletters: Exclaaage & Telenews Asia IND'IEC PRM CRIBB Mr Jali_ Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: SA Phone: Fax: (08) 2392366 (08) 239 2353 EDU Scientific research for TV media General public, children 8-14 years old Television broadcast aimed at children CHI GEN EDU ENT BIO ENV MUS PRM SCH Senior Science Reporter The Australian Press Gallery Senate Wing Phone: PARUAMENr HOUSE ACT 2600 Fax: Sector: S&T Activity: Target Audience: Output: Interests: @] ACT (06) 270 7012 (06) 270 7070 PRM Journalism National newspaper readers Articles, radio programs, speeches, seminars BIO COM ECO ENV MAT MED PHY SOC TEC PROJECTS (Full listing) GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE COMMUNICATION SCHOlARSHIP ACT INTERACTIVE HANDS ON PHYSICS VIC Contact: Contact: Ms Fiona Barbagallo Coordinator Outreach Education National Science & Tech Centre PO Box E28 QUEEN VIC TCEACT 2600 Category: Target Group(s): Approx Budget: Orgarming Body: Funding Source: Other Participants: Phone: Fax: Mr Louie Lambrianidis Senior Professional Officer DSTO-AMRL Dept of Defence 506 Lorimer St PORT MELBOURNE VIC 3207 (06) 270 2818 (06) 273 4346 EDU HOA MUS RES sae.ce Graduates Category: Target Group(s): Approx Budget: Orgarming Body: Austnli_ N.tioaal Uaivenity ANU, Shell Oil and Questacon The Natio •••• Seieace ad Tedutology Centre Funding Source: Other Participants: Phone: Fax: (03) 9626 7509 (03) 9626 7087 HOAINF General public all ages $300 Australian Institute of Physics (Vic Branch) Australian Science Network Purpose: Purpose: To produce enthusiastic science communicators To expose physics to the general public and increase the profile of the Australian Institute of Physics (VIC) Description: Description: Scholarships are awarded annually to 15 science graduates They tour with Shell Oil and the Questacon Science Circus around Australia The winning graduates develop effective communication skills This project is run as a hands on experience in four areas of physics: electro-magnets, PC astronomy, air physics and optical spectroscopy It is run in conjunction with the Great Australian Science Show in Melbourne each year for one full day NSW INNOVATION DEVEWPMENT INTERNATIONAL WINTER ENVIRONMENTAL SCHOOL QLD Contact Contact: Mr Stuart Pearson Principal Innovation Management & Training PO Box 275 WAHROONGANSW 2076 Category: Target Group(s): Approx Budget: Organising Body: Funding Source: Other Participants: Phone: Fax: Michael Burridge Director Dept of Chemical Engineering The University of Queensland ST LUCIA QLD 4067 (02) 477 5757 (02) 477 5757 om CON EDU INF PRM RES Business, government, media, public, researchers Category: Target Group(s): Fee for service Approx Budget: Organising Body: Funding Source: Other Participants: Phone: Fax: (07) 3365 4172 (07) 3365 4199 CON Environmental Engineers & Scientists in Australia, NZ & SE Asia $500,000 University of Queensland, IChemE, ANWA, CRC WMDC Registration fees Purpose: Purpose: Assist business by improving their products, processes, and services through innovation To bring practising engineers and scientists up to speed on the latest technological advances in the broad environment field Description: Description: Preparation of media releases, newspaper articles, conducting seminars and training on innovation Generally up to 20 continuing education courses given in one week These courses are very intensive covering: Water Air Solids Risk Hazards Environmental Auditing Law & Regulation I ~ Addendum to the ThirdAustralian Science and Technology Communicators Register "INVESTIGATING" ACf LEARNING OUTCOMES OF SCHOOL VISITS TO INTERACfIVE SCIENCE CENTRE WA Contact: Contact Ms Belinda Lamb Education Officer Australian Science Teachers Assn GPO Box 2682 CANBERRAACf2601 Category: Target Group(s): Approx Budget: Organising Body: Funding Source: Other Participants: Phone: Fax: (06) 248 9250 (06) 248 9565 EDUPRM School teachers of science Mr Terence Mcaafferty Research Fellow Key Centre, Science & Maths Educ Curtin University of Technology GPO Box U1987 PERTH WA 6001 Category: Target Group(s): Approx Budget: Organising Body: Australian Science Teachers Association CASTA) ASTA Funding Source: Other Participants: Purpose: To provide professional support for primary and secondary teachers of science, and to promote excellence in science teaching Phone: Fax: (09) 351 2989 (09) 351 2503 RES Teachers and teacher educators $45,000 Key Centre for Science & Maths Educat, Curtin University of Tech Aust Postgraduate Award Supervisor: Assoc Professor Leonie Rennie Purpose: Improve learning outcomes of school student on field trips to interactive science centres Description: Professional science teachers journal produced by teachers Published quarterly, "Investigating" provides articles, science activities, and presentations on various aspects of science teaching practice NT JUNIOR RANGER PROGRAM Description: This research will investigate specific linkages between process skills and learning of students on specific tours or pathways A pre-test/post-test experimental technique has been used on some pathways & interviews with behaviour observation has been applied on other pathways A large literature review, which includes a comprehensive synthesis of research findings has been published Contact: MEAT INDUSTRY RESEARCH & IMPROVEMENT Ms Delia Russell Community Education Ranger Conservation Commission NT Northern Territory Government 496 Mansfield Place PALMERSmNNT0831 Category: Target Group(s): Approx Budget: Organising Body: Funding Source: Other Participants: NSW Contact: Phone: Fax: (089) 99 4548 (089) 32 3849 School students and the general public Conservation Commission NT NT Govenunent Mr Allan Humphries Manager Communications Meat Research Corporation PO Box A498 SYDNEY SOUTH NSW 2000 Category: Target Group(s): Approx Budget: Orgarming Body: Funding Source: Purpose: To foster greater responsibility to care for and manage the natural environment To enjoy and develop positive experiences for all ages in the environment Phone: Fax: (02) 380 0666 (02) 380 0699 RES Graziers $5OM 50% Commonwealth /50% Meat & Livestock Indmtry Other Participants: Purpose: Description: Program consists of practical experiences with newsletters based on environmental themes and land management issues Presenters and leaders are experienced in related fields Activities range from 2-3 hour sessions to overnight wildlife monitoring camps To increase profitability and sustainability of Australia's grazing and processing industry Description: Research is conducted with industry so that companies share both the problem and the solution f32I PROJECTS (Full listing) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR VICTORIAN TEACHERS OF SCIENCE VIC QUES'fACON CAMP-IN PROGRAM ACT Contact: Contact: MrsJulie Mills Education Officer Science Teachers Association VIC PO Box 190 RICHMOND VIC 3192 Category: Target Group(s): Approx Budget: Organising Body: Funding Source: Other Participants: Phone: Fax: (03) 9428 2633 (03) 9428 4876 ADU TEA EDU SCH BIO PRY Primary & secondary teachers $162,000 Science Teachers Assoc of Vie (Exec Officer, Margaret Hibbias) DEET, National Professional Development Program Universities: Monash, Deakin, Melbourne, Swinburne Ms Robin Lendon Education Programs Branch Questacon National Science & Tech Centre PO Box E28 QEENVICTCEACT2600 Category: 'Target Group(s): Approx Budget: Organising Body: Funding Source: Other Participants: Phone: Fax: (06) 270 2851 (06) 273 4346 HOA Primary students & children's interest groups, eg cubs brownies $80,000 Questacon, National Science & Tech Centre Self funding Purpose: Purpose: To give children an exciting and memorable experience associated with hands on science and technology To provide professional development in science & science education for teachers in Victorian Schools Description: Description: 1\vo programs each of professional development for teachers of both primary and secondary schools All programs will renew the discipline, knowledge & pedagogy of teachers of science SA PUBLICISING THE PROFESSION OF CHEMISTRY AND THE RACI Children and adults (ratio 10:1) bring their sleeping bags to Questacon and, after an evening of exciting activities, they sleep in the exhibition galleries Activities include rocket launching, boat building and experiments with magnets QUESTACON TALKABOUT LECTURES ACT Contact Contact Dr Ivan Dainis Executive Consultant Commissioner for Public Employ 5th Floor Reserve Bank Bldg Victoria Square ADELAIDE SA 5001 Category: Target Group(s): Approx Budget: Organising Body: Funding Source: Other Participants: Phone: Fax: (08) 226 2850 (08) 226 2949 COM CON INF OTH PRM General public, students, professionals and the media' $1000 The Royal Australian Chemical Institute, SA Branch RACI members and subscriptions The national body, other state branches and special divisions Purpose: To meet member's expectations and serve the national body's objectives Description: TIle branch has over 500 members in SA who support the promulgation of chemical sciences and their importance as a career ami fO£ society's advancement Ms Robin Lendon Education Programs Branch Questacon National Science & Tech Centre PO Box E28 QEEN VIC TCE ACT 2600 Category: Target Group(s): Approx Budget: Organising Body: Funding Source: Phone: Fax: (06) 270 2851 (06) 273 4346 EDU General public, students years 11 & 12 $6,000 Questacon Questacon, National Science & Tech Centre Other Participants: Purpose: Presentations are given by research scientists who are good communicators Topics vary widely from astronomy to genetic engineering Description: Lectures are advertised in the newspapers and radio Speakers present their talks for 50 minutes They include demonstrations and slides when appropriate Addendum to the ThirdAustralian Science and Technology Communicators Register VIC REPORT OF THE MEETING OF THE NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY RISK PERCEPTION AND CHEMICAL HAZARDS QLD Contact: Contact: Ms Ann Westmore 13 Laver Street KEWVIC3101 Category: Target Group(s): Approx Budget: Organising Body: Funding Source: Other Participants: Phone: Fax: (03) 9853 9729 (03) 9853 9729 Dr David Moy Principal Consultant Techsearch PO Box 394 SAUSBURY QLD 4107 Phone: Fax: (07) 3275 2180 (07) 3275 2180 CON EDU INF PRM Patients and carers National Multiple Sclerosis Society NMSS Purpose: To inform MS suffers and their carers about developments in research on MS, its causes, diagnosis & treatment Category: Target Group(s): CON ELM EDU INF PRM RES Media, general public, conservation organisations & professional Approx Budget: OrganisingBody: Funding Source: $5000 Self Personal & waste management research unit Other Participants: Purpose: Description: Attend scientific meeting, prepare draft report, liaise with speakers for additional input, print booklet and distribute through state branches of the society To improve community understanding of real risks associated with use of chemicals and its impact on human health and the environment Description: QLD RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT General use of conference venues, media interviews, articles and papers Contact: VIC "RURAL RESEARCH" Prof Peter Arlell Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research James Cook University of North QLD DOUGLAS QLD 4811 Category: Target Group(s): Approx Buuget: Organising Body: Funding Source: Other Participants: Contact: Phone: Fax: (077) 81 4279 (077) 81 5455 CON EDU INF MUS PRM RES Students, researchers, government, industry, ublic & the media James Cook University of North QLD Government & industry Government, researchers & industry Purpose: Ms Robin Taylor Editor Rural Research CSIRO Information Services 314 Albert Street EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002 Category: Target Group(s): Approx Budget: Organising Body: Funding Source: Other Participants: Phone: Fax: (03) 94187205 (03) 9419 6574 PRM Industry, adults CSIRO To produce graduates of distinction an:: support R&D and research training of an international standard To foster diverse industry links Purpose: Description: To encourage and facilitate the appication and use of the results of agricultural research carried out by CSIRO and other Australian organisations James Cook University has teaching, training and research of an international standard and maintains links with both industry and the community Description: Quarterly magazine on the apIiication of agricultural research Purpose: Purpose: Publish teaching resource materials suited to Western Australian curricula in science and technology To encourage excellence in science through competitive projects illustrating scientific principles Description: Description: Edit, set type, create graphics and layout printed learning resource materials for the learning of science Supervise printing Manage marketing and distribution of these materials Also market suitable software and multimedia National competition jointly run by ASTA and its member associations Eight students selected as national finalists; national winner selected in Canberra Two teachers also are selected, from national applications, to accompany the student winners to Canberra for the four-day science and technology visit associated with the national winner presentation program of the awards SHELL QUESTACON SCIENCE CIRCUS ACT SPECTRA AWARDS ACT Contact: Contact: Ms Jennifer DeUrick Program Coordinator Outreach Education National Science & Tech Centre PO Box E28 QUEEN VIC TCE ACT 2600 Category: Target Group(s): Approx Budget: Organising Body: Funding Source: Other Participants: Phone: Fax: (06) 270 2841 (06) 273 4346 Ms Belinda Lamb Education Officer Australian Science Teachers Assn GPO Box 2682 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Category: Target Group(s): Approx Budget: Organising Body: EDUIIOA Schools and the general public National Science and Technology Centre, Questacon Shell Oil and income generated ANU Funding Source: Other Participants: Phone: Fax: (06) 248 9250 (06) 248 9565 COM SEX School students, teachers Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA) Self-funding; S&T Awareness, DlST; Inst of Engineers, Australia Schools, teachers, parents Purpose: Purpose: To take interactive science to regional and remote areas of Australia To provide training for graduate Diploma in Science Communication To provide students practical and investigative experiences in science and technology through graded experiments and research activities on specific topics Description: Description: SHELL STUDENT SCIENCE AWARDS ACT SPEC1RA awards target students from Years 1-5 and Year 6+ Awards are available for each research topic Incentive awards are offered to encourage continued involvement in the scheme, to complete all topic cards available A one-off cost includes topic card, specific activity badge and postage Contact: Ms Belinda Lamb Education Officer Australian Science Teachers Assn GPO Box 2682 CANBERRA ACT 2601 TERRITORY WILDUFE RESOURCE CENTRE Phone: Fax: PARK EDUCATION NT (06) 248 9250 (06) 248 9565 Contact Category: Thrget Group(s): Approx Budget: Organising Body: Funding Source: Other Participants: COM Students, teachers Mr Tony Copland Education Officer Territory Wildlife Park NT Department of Education PO Box 771 PAUdERSmN NT 0831 Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA) Shell Australia ASTA member associations ~ Phone: Fax: (089) 88 6000 (089) 88 6210 PROJECTS (Full listing) Category: Target Group(s): Approx Budget: Organising Body: Funding Source: Other Participanls: EDU Students, teachers and interested groups NT DepartlDeat of Educatioa Category: Target Group(s): Approx Budget: Organising Body: Funding Source: EDU Industry, specialists, teachers, general Australian Institute of Geoscientists Geoscience organisations, industry groups, corporate sector Academic Institutions Other Participants: PuqJosc: Purpose: ~ - ~ D _ •••••• L •••••• 1;'08 in environmental IWn:Iafe to fauDa and flora in the Northern ~- Employment opportunities in Geoscience for young people Description: 'De Tcuilory Wildlife Education Resource Centre is a facility and cdIK;aIjonalresource based on site to promote quality teaching and learning about the northern Australian environment, and an understanding of its environmental issues Workshop on geoscience opportunities in Aboriginal enterprise development Development of TAFE course in vocational geoscience WOMEN IN ENGINEERING UK-AUSTRALIA TEACHER FELWWSHIPS VIC ACT Contact: Contact: Ms Belinda Lamb Education Officer Australian Science Teachers Assn GPO Box 2682 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Category: Target Group(s): Approx Budget: Organising Body: Funding Source: Other Participants: Phone: Fax: (06) 248 9250 (06) 248 9565 Ms Christine West Project Officer Engineering Faculty University of Melbourne Grattan Street PARKVILLE VIC 3052 Category: Target Group(s): EDU Teachers $15,000 Australian Science Teachers Associatiolt (ASTA) DEEr ASTA member auociatio.s Approx Budget: ~Body: Funding Source: - Pbooe: Fa: EDU IN£ SEX Gkk _ ••••••• {OJ) 9344 4226 (OJ) 9344 TlCTl cmoUed female S21.~ Faculty, University of MeJboune E~ring Melboune faculty, University of Other ParticipanlS: Purpose: Purpose: To raise the profile of science teaching in Australia and UK, through mutually supported fellowships offered from each country each year To promote engineering, computing studies and geomatics as suitable careers for women and to provide a support network to enrolled women students Description: Description: Successful Australian Fellows are funded for a 12-week visit to UK, where they are hosted by UK tertiary education institutions and follow personally designed professional development programs Additional support may be provided by employing systems The Fellowships are promoted through ASTAjournals, member association journals, and advertising in major national and state newspapers NT VOCATIONAL GEOSCIENCE Contact: Mr Tony Hmting Director A J Hosking & Associates Pty LId PO Box 39220 WINNELLIENT0821 Phone: Fax: (089) 274 930 (089) 279 307 Award schemes, summer schools to stimulate interest in engineering Addendum to tile lhtrdAustrallan ,)Clence and lechnology communzcators J

Ngày đăng: 08/03/2018, 14:52

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