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越南沿海三期 2×622MW 燃煤电站项目 总承包商:CHENGDA-DEC/SWEPDI-ZEPC 项目控制号 PROJECT CONTROL NUMBER DH3-31(32)-T-PZZ-0002 RA 项目名称:越南沿海三期 2×622MW 燃煤电站 项目 Project: DUYEN HAI Thermal Power Plant Project 设备名称:防爆门 Equipment Name: Ex-proof Door (Ship No.V37) OWNER CONTRACT NO:DH3-05082011 出 厂 文 件 目 录 Ex-work Document/Drawing Content POWER CORPORATION GENERATION THERMAL POWER PROJECT MANAGEMENT BOARD CONSULTANT POWER CONSULTING COMPANY ENGINEERING JOINT STOCK CONTRACTOR THE CONSORTIUM CHENGDA-DEC-SWEPDI-ZEPC SUBCONTRACTOR N/A 长春中电正金科技有限公司 OF CHANGCHUN ZHONGDIAN ZHENGJIN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD 越南沿海三期 2×622MW 燃煤电站项目 总承包商:CHENGDA-DEC/SWEPDI-ZEPC 序 号 No 10 11 12 13 文 件 / 图 纸 名 称 Document/Drawing Name 制造商质量证书 Manufacturer's certificate of quality 产品合格证 Product certification 原材料质量证明书 Raw Material Certificate 工厂检验报告 Manufacturer's inspection Report 终版出厂图纸 Ex-work drawing 安装调试维护手册 Installation and Operation Manual 文 件 / 图 纸 号 Document/Drawing Number 总页数 Total Page 13 17 越南沿海三期 2×622MW 燃煤电站项目 总承包商:CHENGDA-DEC/SWEPDI-ZEPC 产品合格证 越南沿海三期 2×622MW 燃煤电站项目 总承包商:CHENGDA-DEC/SWEPDI-ZEPC 越南沿海三期 2×622MW 燃煤电站项目 总承包商:CHENGDA-DEC/SWEPDI-ZEPC 越南沿海三期 2×622MW 燃煤电站项目 总承包商:CHENGDA-DEC/SWEPDI-ZEPC 越南沿海三期 2×622MW 燃煤电站项目 总承包商:CHENGDA-DEC/SWEPDI-ZEPC 越南沿海三期 2×622MW 燃煤电站项目 总承包商:CHENGDA-DEC/SWEPDI-ZEPC 越南沿海三期 2×622MW 燃煤电站项目 总承包商:CHENGDA-DEC/SWEPDI-ZEPC 一、产品概述 ZD-FB 系列磁预紧式正压防爆门是长春中电正金科技有限公司多年开发研制的新一代系列自动泄爆 产品。该装置采用磁力及双气压保护技术,具有起爆压力精准,泄爆效率高,起爆后自动复位,无需停车, 防止系统二次爆燃,耐高温,可在不中断生产过程中反复使用等特点。经国家安全工程研究中心测试,各 项指标完全符合美国 NFPA68/69 标准。是传统膜板式防爆门、重力式防爆门的替代产品。 二、产品特点 结构特点 采用圆形结构,增强了防爆门的抗爆冲击强度。 采用双气压保护结构,避免了由于爆炸冲击对门盖产生的能量不能被弹簧完全吸收而造成的门盖损坏。 采用刚度较小复位弹簧及气压缓冲技术,缓解了门盖回位的冲击力,避免了门盖变形。 采用保护罩防尘结构,防止灰尘进入主吸盘与副吸盘之间,保证防爆门动作后,起爆压力不发生变化。 采用防火网结构,防火网由高导热材料构成,用来阻挡或缓冲从容器里串出的火苗,防止爆炸时火焰 喷出引起火灾,保护操作人员免遭热气流灼伤。 性能特点 采用专用调压工具,根据所需设定额定动作压力,起爆压力准确,在试验台及现场均可调整测试。 泄爆效率高≥90%,是重力式防爆门的 6~10 倍。 自动复位,防爆门起爆后自动回位,无需停车,增加机组等效可用系数。 三、主要用途 1.用途:用于火力发电厂煤和制粉系统及烟道的防爆保护。 在制粉系统中由于煤粉固有的特性,极易发生爆炸现象,严重影响着设备安全可靠运行。因此在制粉 系统具有爆炸危险的部位安装防爆门,利用此设备来释放爆炸产生的压力,以保护人身、设备或部件安全。 在烟道的吸风机出口,由于风机的压头远远高于烟道的承受压力,在非正常情况,强大的风压会使烟 道膨胀变形或撕裂,严重威胁设备的安全,因此在吸风机的出口装设防爆门可有效保护烟道的安全。 适用范围:磨煤机热一次风道、烟道。 3.适用煤种:褐煤、烟煤、贫煤。 四、结构说明 结构图 结构说明 1) 门体采用圆形结构,稳定性强,不变形,门体与保护罩在同一个轴心,同轴度高。 2) 采用门盖、动作吸盘与门杆相联接,实现了门盖、动作吸盘与门杆共同运动。 3) 采用固定吸盘中永磁体对动作吸盘的磁吸力来实现防爆门对系统的预紧力。通过调整永磁体数量及固 定吸盘与动作吸盘的间隙来改变起爆压力,实现了压力可调。 4) 采用双气压保护气垫吸收冲击能量结构,有效地保障了门盖在动作过程中的安全可靠不变形,门盖在 回位时精确,确保了密封的严密性。 5) 门杆在吸盘装置与保护罩的二点定位下,能够完成门杆的直线运动,确保门盖回位准确。 6) 采用动作吸盘与固定吸盘由保护罩密封保护的结构,有效的防止灰尘进入固定吸盘与动作吸盘之间, 可长期保证动作吸盘和固定吸盘的吸力, 始终保持起爆压力不发生变化,起爆准确,有效的防止误爆。 7)整体采用防雨结构,如装设在室外不用额外加设防雨设施。 五、主要性能、参数 参数表(应用户要求可做更改): 产品 产品 泄爆口直径 泄爆面积 最大外径 最大高度 重量 名称 型号 (mm) ( m²) (mm) (mm) (Kg) ZD-FBG-600 600 0.28 736 900 180 正压式 ZD-FBG-800 800 0.5 920 900 230 防爆门 ZD-FBG-1000 1000 0.8 1120 900 280 ZD-FBG-1200 1200 1.1 1336 1300 330 型号说明(应用户要求可做更改): ZD - FBG–800 防爆门门盖直径 磁预紧式正压防爆门 设备标识 工作条件: 1) 适应温度:-30℃~400℃。 2) 起爆压力: 1.0kPa~150 kPa。 六、 安装尺寸图 1.外形尺寸图 2.安装尺寸表 进出口法兰尺寸 D L A D1 型 号 D2 D3 mm n×d 数量×mm ZD-FBG-800 920 900 300 930 868 818 20×13 ZD-FBG-1000 1120 900 310 1132 1072 1010 24×13 七、防爆门的安装 1.安装部位 磨煤机热一次风入口管道、烟道。 2.安装要求 1) 磁预紧式正压保护防爆门在出厂前已经调试完毕,进入现场即可安装。 2) 首先开箱检查设备外观是否处于完好状态,各部位的螺栓有无松动。依照发货清单详细检查配件数量 及规格是否正确。 3) 安装前,现场应准备的安装工具清单 工具名称 型号 焊机及配套设备 起吊设备 一吨以上 扳手 22 、30 // // 数量 备注 一套 用来焊接法兰 一套 吊放防爆门 各二套 紧固螺栓 4) 防爆门安装位置按设计院提供的安装图进行安装。 5) 将防爆门用起吊设备运送到管道连接法兰位置上方,在管道密封法兰上涂耐高温密封胶,放上耐高温 石棉垫,然后将防爆门放下,调整螺栓位置后即可拧紧,安装完毕。我公司提供反法兰,先将反法兰焊接 在管道上,之后再安装防爆门,反法兰焊接时应注意水平和密封。 6) 因为防爆门泄爆过程中,运动部件要有一定行程,所以要求安装时应考虑安装空间。在此空间内不得 有平台、过道、油管道、电缆及易燃、易爆物等。 安装空间要求: a.在防爆门直径方向上,要求安装空间大于各种型号防爆门最大直径+200mm。 b.在防爆门高度方向上,要求安装空间大于各种型号防爆门最大高度+500mm。 c.防爆门并列安装时,防爆门之间的间隔应大于 100mm。 7)在管道上安装的防爆门,如果是水平管道,防爆门应尽量采用垂直向上安装,若正上方没有合适位置, 可采取倾斜 45°向上安装;如果是竖直管道,防爆门应尽量采用倾斜 45°向上安装,尽量不采用水平安 装或向下安装(见图例)。如有特殊情况,须与设计院及厂家联系确定新的安装方案。 防爆门安装示意图例 垂直安装 防爆门 防爆门 水平管道截面 倾 斜 45° 向上安装 防爆门 竖 直 管 道 倾 斜 45° 向上安装 3.防爆门安装时应避免磕碰,尤其是门盖组件,门盖组件是精加工而成,由于磕碰可能导致门盖密封面 损坏,造成泄漏。 4.防爆门安装好后,应在防爆门处悬挂警示牌,如“防爆门处不得逗留”等。 八、检查维护 1.设备检查 1)检查设备的外观完好状态,阻火网清洁程度和完好性,查看四周管路有无异常。 2)检查运动部件复位情况是否正常。 3)检查密封情况是否完好。 4)查看门盖有无变形。 5)定期检查管道与防爆门门座之间的密封。 6)检查各零部件是否有断裂,松动或卡涩等现象。 2.设备维护 针对以上项目,在安全状态(系统泄压、通风、降温、检修状态)下进行相应的检查和维修,主要措施 如下: 1)阻火网的清洗、修复、更换:当防爆门工作一段时间后,阻火网上会积累大量的灰垢,拆掉阻火网, 进行清洗,如果破坏严重,采取修复措施或更换。 2)查看运动部件复位准确度,吸合面平整度,复位弹簧强度三种变化量。首先调整预紧力,查看防爆门 变形程度,如变形量超出规定范围,应及时更换,吸合面有杂物时,应及时清理以防止影响防爆门使用性 能。 九、安装高温防爆门制粉系统的工艺流程及控制要求 安装在磨煤机热一次风入口的防爆门为高温高压防爆门,由于电厂在运行时工艺流程错误,可能会导 致防爆门误动作,造成不必要的损失。 1.正压直吹制粉系统在启停时都会用消防蒸汽吹管路,原制粉系统的控制是关闭隔绝门进行吹管, 而安装了防爆门的制粉系统应当采用打开隔绝门后再进行吹管,否则会形成密闭容腔,进而压力超过了防 爆设定的起爆压力,造成了防爆门误动作(正压直吹系统示意图见图),因此启停机时只要是吹消防蒸汽, 隔绝风门 都要在开启的状态下。 1、原煤仓 2、给煤机 3、磨煤机 4、粗粉分离器 5、出粉管 6、隔绝风门 7、防爆门 8、一次风入口 9、关闭挡板门 10、消防蒸汽管 2.若防爆门正常动作后不能自动回位,应关闭隔绝门,将热一次风切断,防爆门就会自动回位,若 此时还不能自动回位,可与本公司联系,不要擅自处理,以免发生人身伤害。 十、安全警告 1.未经过本公司技术人员培训,不得随便调整预紧力。 2.系统运行时,任何人不得在防爆门附近逗留。 3.系统运行时,不准用手触摸防爆门门盖处检测是否漏气,以免造成人身伤害。 4.系统运行时,切忌不要调整预紧力。 5.系统检修时,应先确定系统无风压后再进行操作。 6.系统检修时,必须用不导磁工具对防爆门进行操作。 7.门盖上严禁受力,如踩踏、坐人、堆放物品等,以免损坏造成漏气。 供货范围 1.设备本体(包括反法兰、及连接用螺栓等)。 2.防火网。 3.专用调压工具(不在供货范围内,如需采用,需另外订购)。 长春中电正金科技有限公司 地 址:长春市二道区 邮 编:130031 网 址 电 话:0431-81091757 传 真:0431-88678850 邮 箱 ZD-FB Magnetic Preliminary Tension Explosion Door with Double Air Pressures Protecting Product Description Changchun Zhongdianzhengjin Technology CO.,Ltd Content I Product overview………………………………………………………………………… II Product features……………………………………………….………………………… III Main application………………………………………………………………………… IV Type model meaning………………………………………….………………………… V Use condition………………………………………………… ………………………… VI Structure drawing…………………………………………… ………………………… VII Instruction to the structure……………………………………………………………… VIII List of main performance parameters……………………….………………………… IX Installation dimension chart………………………………… ………………………… X Installation of explosion door………………………………….………………………… XI Check and maintenance……………………………………… ………………………… XII Process flow and control requirement on installation of high temperature explosion door coal pulverizing system……… ………………………………………………… XIII Safety caution……………………………………………… ………………………… 10 I Product overview ZD-FB Serial and Magnetic Preliminary Tension Explosion Door with Double Air Pressures Protection is a new generation of automatic explosion venting product through many years development by Changchun Zhongdianzhengjin Technology CO.,Ltd This device adopts magnetic force and double air pressure protection technology with characteristics of explosion starting with accurate pressure, high efficiency of explosion venting, automatic resetting after explosion start, no need to park, prevention of quadric deflagration on system, high temperature resistance and reusable during continual production After testing by national safety engineering research center, various indexes are completely in line with American standard NFPA68/69 It is a substitute of traditional diaphragm plate type explosion door and gravity type explosion door II Product features Structural features Adoption of round structure will increase explosion impact resistant strength of explosion door Adoption of double air pressure protection structure will avoid damage of door lid by incomplete absorption of energy by spring generated from explosion impact Adoption of offsetting spring with small stiffness and air pressure buffer technology will ease impact caused by door lid return and avoid deformation of door lid Adoption of dust-proof structure on protective cover will not change explosion start pressure after dust is prevented to enter into fixing suction plate and explosion door is guaranteed to move Adopt flame screen structure, which is made up of high heat conduction material to block or buffer flame current from container and prevent fire caused by flame spouting when exploding and protect operator from being burnt by hot air flow Performance features Adopt special pressure regulation tool and set rated moving pressure based on need Explosion start pressure is accurate, which could be adjusted or tested on testing bench or on site Explosion venting efficiency is high-no less than 90%, which is 6~10 times of that of gravity type explosion door It could reset automatically After explosion, explosion door will return automatically and there is no need to park Equivalent available factor of machine set has been increased III Main application Application: in coal pulverizing system of heat power plant, because of innate property of coal dust, explosion could easily occur, which has seriously influenced safe and reliable running of machine Therefore, it is necessary to install explosion door on area of coal pulverizing system with explosion danger, which is utilized to release pressure generated during explosion to protect person, machine or component safety Applicable boiler: pulverized coal fired boiler in power plant Applicable coal pulverizing system way: mid-speed blow-through Applicable coal: brown coal, soft coal and dry-burning coal IV Type model meaning ZD - FB–800 Diameter of explosion door lid Magnetic Preliminary Tension Explosion Door with Double Air Pressures Protecting Machine identification V Use condition Temperature of coal pulverizing system: -30℃~395℃ Operating pressure of coal pulverizing system: -10kPa~+150 kPa VI Structure drawing Protective cover Return spring Action suction plate Fixed suction plate Door body Door pole Door lid Door seat No Name VII Instruction to the structure Adopt round body for door body, which has strong stability without deformation Door body and protective cover are on the same axle center, concentricity of which is high Adopt connection of door lid, action suction plate and door pole, which has realized associated movement of door lid, action suction plate and door pole Pretightening force on system by explosion door is realized by magnetic force on action suction plate by adopting permanent-magnet in fixing suction plate Explosion start pressure is changed by adjusting quantity of permanent-magnet and gap between fixing suction plate and action suction plate Pressure is made to be adjustable Double air pressure protective air cushion is adopted to absorb impact energy structure, which has effectively guaranteed that door lid will be safe and reliable without deformation during action process Door lid return is accurate, which has assured sealing tightness Under two-point positioning of suction plate device and protective cover, door pole could completely finish straight line movement to guarantee accurate return of door lid Adoption of structure of action suction plate and fixing suction plate sealed and protected by protective cover will effectively prevent dust entering between fixing suction plate and action suction plate, it could also guarantee long term suction of action suction plate and fixing suction plate and maintain no change on explosion start pressure and accurate explosion start and effectively prevent wrong explosion VIII List of main performance parameters Specification Type ZD-FB-800 ZD-FB-1000 Explosion venting area m2 0.5 0.8 Diameter of door lid Return pressure mm 800 1000 kpa 4-8 4-8 IX Installation dimension chart Chart of aspect dimension Explosion start pressure kpa 15-50 15-50 Max stroke of door lid mm 400 400 Fire resistance scope m 1.2 Weigh t kg 310 360 Dimension of contact flange List of installation dimension D L A Min X value Dimension of suction and discharge flange D1 Type D2 D3 mm n×d QTY × mm ZD-FB-800 966 1080 520 700 930 876 820 20×13 ZD-FB-1000 1168 1080 610 700 1132 1068 1008 20×13 X Installation of explosion door Installation part Mid-speed blow-through coal pulverizing system: first heat wind inlet pipe of coal pulverizer Installation requirement 2.1 ZD-FB type Magnetic Preliminary Tension Explosion Door with Double Air Pressures Protecting has been well debugged before release and installation could be carried out once delivered to the site 2.2 First open box to check whether machine aspect is in good condition and bolts on various parts are loose or not Check quantity of fittings and specifications carefully based on shipping list 2.3 Before installation, list of installation tools that should be prepared on site Tool name Type Welder and corollary equipment QTY Remarks set To weld flange Lifting equipment Above ton set Lift and drop explosion door Spanner 22//, 30// Two sets each Fastening bolt 2.4 Installation place of explosion door should be carried out according to installation drawing provided by designing institute 2.5 Use lifting equipment to transport explosion door to the place above pipe connecting flange Smear high temperature resistant fluid sealant on pipe sealing flange Put high temperature asbestos pad on it and then lay down explosion door, after that adjust blots place and tighten them, until which installation is finished If opposite flange is provided by our company, it should be first welded on the pipe and then install explosion door Welding of opposite flange should pay attention to levelness and sealing 2.6 For moving parts should have certain stroke during explosion venting of explosion door, space should be considered when install Within this space, there should be no platform, gangway, oil-piping, cable and flammable and combustible things Requirements on installation space: On diameter direction of explosion door, it is required that installation space should be larger than max diameter +200mm of various types of explosion doors On height director of explosion door, it is required that installation space should be larger than max height +700mm of various types of explosion doors When install explosion doors side by side, interval between them should be larger than 200mm 2.7 For explosion door installed on pipe, if pipe is horizontal, explosion door should possibly be installed vertically If there is no proper place right above, installation at slope angle of 45° could be adopted If pipe is vertical, explosion door should be possibly installed at slope angle of 45° and not adopt horizontal or downward installation (refer to graphic example) If there is special condition, it is necessary to determine new installation plan 防爆门安装示意图例 Schematic graphic example on installation of explosion door Vertical installation 垂 直 安 装 防爆门 Explosio n door 防爆门 Cross section of horizontal pipe 水平管道截面 倾 斜 5° 向上安装 防爆门 Vertical pipe 竖 直 管 道 倾 斜 5° 向上安装 Explosion door Upward installation at slop angle of 45° Explosion door Upward installation at slop angle of 45° with designing institute and s upplier Installation of explosion door should avoid knock, especially door lid components, which are stamped and knock might lead to damage on sealing surface of door lid and thus leakage happens After completion of explosion door, warning board should be on explosion door saying don’t stay at explosion door, etc XI Check and maintenance Equipment check Check whether equipment aspect is in good condition, fire screen is clean and complete and whether surrounding pipelines are abnormal Check whether return of moving parts is normal Check whether sealing condition is in good condition Check whether there is deformation on door lid Check sealing between explosion door and door seat regularly Check whether there is break, loosening or jam on various parts Equipment maintenance Regarding above items, under safe condition (system decompression, ventilation, temperature reduction and overhaul conditions), carry out corresponding check and maintenance Main measures are as follows: Cleaning, repairing and replacing fire screen: after explosion door works for a while, there will be large amount of dusts accumulated on fire screen, when fire screen should be removed for cleaning If it is seriously damaged, repair or replace Check three variations of resetting accuracy of moving parts, flatness of operating plane and strength of offsetting spring First adjust pre-tightening force and check deforming degree of explosion door, if deformation exceeds set scope, replacement should be done in time When there are sundries on operating plane, cleaning should be carried out in time to prevent influencing service performance of explosion door Check whether O-ring seal is loose or aged, if it leaked seriously, in time replacement should be done XII Process flow and control requirement on installation of high temperature explosion door coal pulverizing system Explosion door installed on first heat wind inlet of coal pulverizer is high temperature and pressure explosion door Wrong process flow during operation of power plan might lead to wrong action of explosion door, which will result in unnecessary loss Positive voltage blow-through coal pulverizing system will use fire - extinguishing steam to blow pipeline both at start and stop Control of original coal pulverizing system is to blow pipe after closing isolation door, while coal pulverizing system installed with explosion door should adopt pile blowing after opening isolation door, otherwise, close cavity will form and pressure will exceed set explosion start pressure which will lead to wrong action of explosion door (refer to the figure for positive voltage blow-through system), therefore, if fire-extinguishing steam is to be blown at machine start or stop, isolation door should be open Original coal silo Coal feeding silo Coal pulverizer Powder separator Powder outlet pipe Isolation door Explosion door First wind inlet Close baffle door 10 Fire-extinguishing steam pipe If explosion door can not return automatically after normal action, isolation door should be closed and first wind should be cut off, after that explosion door will return automatically If after that explosion door still does not return, could contact use and don’t cope with it arbitrarily to avoid personal injury XIII Safety caution Don’t adjust pre-tightening force at will without taking training from technicians of our company During system operation, no one is allowed to stay around explosion door During system operation, it is not allowed to touch explosion door lid with finger to check air leakage to avoid personal injury During system operation, it is strictly not allowed to adjust pre-tightening force During system overhaul, operation should be started after determining no air pressure in system first During system operation, tool without conducting magnet must be used to operate explosion door It is forbidden to exert force on door lid such as trampling, person sitting or piling up things, etc to avoid damage causing leakage Scope of supply Equipment body (including opposite flange and bolts for connection, etc) Fire screen Special pressure adjusting tool (it is not within scope of supply, if necessary to use, please order separately) Changchun Zhongdianzhengjin Technology CO.,Ltd Address: Changchun City Zip Code: 130031 Tel: 0431-81091757 Fax: 0431-88608850 Email: ...越南沿海三期 2×622MW 燃煤电站项目 总承包商:CHENGDA-DEC/SWEPDI-ZEPC 序 号 No 10 11 12 13 文 件 / 图 纸 名 称 Document/Drawing Name 制造商质量证书 Manufacturer's certificate of quality... 总承包商:CHENGDA-DEC/SWEPDI-ZEPC 终版出厂图纸 安装维护手册 ZD-FB 型磁预紧保护防爆门 产品说明书 长春中电正金科技有限公司 Changchun Zhongdianzhengjin Technology CO.,Ltd 目 录 ZD-FB 型磁预紧正压保护防爆门……………………………………………………………………………3 1.1 产品概述…………………………………………………………………………………………………4

Ngày đăng: 02/03/2018, 22:46

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