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  • Tổng hợp wordform Mr.Trung

  • LESSON 01

  • LESSON 02

  • LESSON 03

    • EXTRA ^.^

  • LESSON 04

  • LESSON 05

  • LESSON 06

  • LESSON 07

  • LESSON 09



  • Wordform 19

  • Wordform 18

  • Wordform 17

  • Wordform 16

  • Wordform 15

  • Wordform 14

  • Wordform 13

  • Wordform 02

  • Wordform 01

  • Frozen

  • Bài làm đề thi HSGQG 2014

  • DNS PT 01 revision

  • Lexico grammar 18

  • Vocab for CPE 01

  • TEST 01

  • Tổng hợp Wordform olympic 2013 – PART 01








  • Tổng hợp wordform Mr.Trung

  • LESSON 01

  • LESSON 02

  • LESSON 03

    • EXTRA ^.^

  • LESSON 04

  • LESSON 05

  • LESSON 06

  • LESSON 07

  • LESSON 09

  • VB revision 03

  • Scarborough Fair

  • VB revision 02

  • Dog-tired

  • Nhìn nhau mặt lắm cười haha

  • That’s the end of the 11th grade

  • A farewell party

  • A feeling of excitement

  • A true friend??

  • A proud, selfis…

  • My first describing a graph

  • Issues and solutions to the unaltered

  • Anna’s story by Long Bui

  • Matters of success

  • Anna’s story by Yen Trinh

  • Certificate of Proficiency in English

  • Transformation 07





  • Preposition & [hrasal verbs 04

  • Lexico grammar 28

  • Wordform 19


  • Wordform 18


  • Transformation 01

  • Lexico grammar 02

  • Wordform 01

  • Lexico grammar 01

  • VB revision 01

  • New motivation

  • Writing task 01 test 2 original work of Minh Nhat

  • WRITING TASK 01 ( Bài được thầy khen tiến bộ hí hí )

  • Complete ielts page16

Nội dung

Tổng hợp wordform Mr.Trung LESSON 01 Following the civil war, the (BREAK) in the provision of medical care led to a(n) (BREAK) of cholera The disappointingly low (TAKE) of new students represents a severe (SET) to the school’s financial health They inserted a(n) (GET) clause in my contract and a(n) (CUT) point by which the work should be completed LESSON 02 children were given very little social recognition in the past (LEGAL) Good taste is and cannot be learned BEAR / BREED He refused to answer questions for fear he might .(CRIME) He took drugs to reduce the pain (FLAME) His with Diane seemed to be growing (FATUOUS) I left the organisation eventually because of all the .(FIGHT) In a panic, I pushed the accelerator instead of the brake (ADVERT) Mark’s to customers led to his finally being dismissed.(CIVIL) She was in her search for the truth (FATIGUE) 10 She was a tall woman of age (TERMINATE) 11 She was charged with being (ORDER) and (TOXIC) 12 The flight from Chicago has been delayed due tobad weather (BOUND) 13 The boy was after the death of his dog (SOLACE) 14 The International Trade Agreement a period of high economic growth (AUGUR) 15 The lights the building beautifully at night (LIGHT) 16 The soldiers fired into the crowd (CRIME) 17 Their friendship is (DESTROY / SOLVE) 18 There was a(n) message on the answering machine.(CIPHER) 19 They quarrelled (CEASE) 20 To his , Charles found his name was not on the list.(DIGNITY) 21 What a(n) idea (GENIUS) 22 You have the right to decide your own future ALIEN 23 She was the most suitable candidate (DOUBT) 24 Because his folks were such good friends with the local police chief, Rusty apparently thought he could ignore with the town’s posted speed limits However, he learned differently when he was slapped with a $400 speeding ticket.(PUNISH) 25 For me, holiday was sheer pleasure (ADULT) 26 He accused Mr John of by raising allegations against Mr Tom (CHIEF) 27 I am opposed to the plan (PLACATE) 28 I have grave about playing extreme sports (GIVE) 29 Keeping details of tax changes vague is INGENUOUS 30 Moist air blew around the low pressure area CLOCK 31 The garden has been abandoned for years (CARE) 32 The break-up was due to differences (RECONCILE) 33 The man was (FRANCHISE) out of SOCIAL) behaviour 34 The memory will be (DELETE) (PRINT) on my mind 35 They were now faced with seemingly technicalproblems (MOUNT) 36 Two thirds of the region has been in the past decade.(DEFORESTED) 37 You are forever making comments Quiet! (CALL) 38 Complete the gaps in the text with a word formed from the word given in brackets LESSON 03 As a spy during the war, I was often involved in , where we tried to stop the enemy from discovering our secrets.(INTEL) Doctors and medical researchers have to become in order to their jobs (SENSE) Don’t trust John! He is greedy, and dishonest.(MORAL) Drinking alcohol when it’s very hot can you.(HYDRATE) Fossil fuels are and rapidly running out (NEW) I have to drink coffee or I can’t sleep (CAFFEINE) In some ways, the sample we studied for our research was (TYPE) Plastic bags and computer hardware are examples of products They cannot be broken down naturally byair, climate, moisture or soil (GRADE) Scientists are taken aback by some developments in cloning (LOOK) 10 Students often tend to be a bit but they usuallybecome less radical with age (ESTABLISH) 11 The breakdown was due to a seemingly conflict.(CONCILIATE) 12 The company went bankrupt out of (MINISTER) 13 The lower-paid spend a(n) large amount of theirearnings on food (PORTION) 14 We can’t predict the outcome There are too many .(PONDER) 15 Without payment, the workers here seem very .(MORAL) EXTRA ^.^ In his time he had been a big star but now he was a(n) (BE) (sb who is no longer famous or important) The party is organised for parents (BE) (sb who is hoping to become the type of person mentioned) Rupert is a(n) , good at all academic subjects and at sports (ROUND) (sb who is good at everything) A number of witnessed the accident (STAND) (sb standing near sth (generally an accident or a crime) when it happens) Going bungee jumping again? You , you! (DARE) (sb gets a thrill out of taking unnecessary risks) Who are those people? They must be (CRASH) (sbwho goes to a party that he/she has not been invited to) Gary thinks he impresses people, but he’s just a(n) .(DROP) (sb who likes mentioning the names of famous people they know (or pretend they know) to impress other people) “The party must finish at midnight.” ~ “Oh come on, Dad! Don’t be such a(n) .” (SPOIL) (sb who ruins the fun and enjoyment of others) Simon is a(n) who loves to start arguments.(TROUBLE) (sb who causes trouble) 10 She is such a(n) and sensitive girl (STRING) (sb who is very nervous, and easily gets upset or angry) 11 Acting on a(n) , the police raided a house in central London and seized £30,000 worth of stolen goods (TIP) (use information they have been given to try to prevent a crime) LESSON 04 I was told that the information I was looking for was classified and to the public (ACCESS) His business methods have gained him a bad name (SCRUPLE) Jane’s behaviour towards her superiors led her dismissal from the job (RESPECT) The manager was so with his work that he failed to notice me standing there (OCCUPY) The child was emaciated and after being abandoned by its parents (NOURISH) “Her hand writing ; how does she expect me to read it?” (LEGIBLE) Special schools are recommended for children (ADJUST) The city of Athens is known to be noisy, andpolluted (POPULATE) All goods have been returned to the manufacturer (STANDARD) 10 The idea of moving to the countryside was to him as he was used to living in the city (APPEAL) LESSON 05 The root scribere (meaning “write”, as in script, scribe,describe, etc.) is often used to form new words Supply each blank with a word formed from the stem scribe The popular secondary schools in the town are usually Their success is to the quality of their goods The power of the monarchy was by the newlaw The film was boring Don’t waste time on it! There are no or markings to identify the tombs Those who don’t pass the entrance exam are into the army He was delighted when the were accepted for publication He wore a shabby suit and looked thoroughly When their children are sick, parents are advisedagainst taking drugs 10 The president has the entire procedure witha view to reducing corruption 11 Not even Hollywood had dreamt up such absorbing plots of the movie 12 The number in X2 is an example of format 13 How can I this newspaper? It is always sending me spams and junks 14 presentations are often less effective than well-prepared ones 15 After you listen and the task, you can look at the at the back of the book to check your answers LESSON 06 break set burst come cast lay cry fit look let I decided to treat myself to a new , including new shoes, to go on holiday ‘And now the weather forecast Today, there will be rain everywhere The for the weekend: more rain.’ An of typhoid has been reported A shop is a retail for manufactured goods Apart from the initial on equipment, it cost us very little to set up our business Suddenly, Tom lost his temper and started screaming and swearing Everyone was shocked by his There has been a huge public against the proposal to demolish the village church A man rejected by his own people is an We are still waiting to hear the of the government enquiry into the rail disaster 10 Everyone knew from the that the plan would not work LESSON 07 The sports stadium is the pride of the city (FUTURE) She is one of those people who never get angry or upset (PERTURB) Nadal has defeated his Ferrer in the quarter final (PATRIOTISM) Salt water has more than fresh water (BUOY) His injury put him out of contention for the championship (CAPACITY) She the things we need to buy – sugar, tea, and sandwiches (NUMBER) , we would stay in a hostel instead of a hotel.(BUDGET) The new BMW has a more powerful engine than its .(PRECEDE) She herself, left the farm and moved to London (ROOT) 10 Many fish protect their eggs from predators.(GENIUS) LESSON 08 ABDOMEN pain or pain in the belly is the reason for around 5% of all emergency department visits ADVANTAGE Part-time workers, the majority of whom are women, are considered the ADVICE Don’t travel on foot, since it’ll take long AFFECTION Jo is known as her beloved AGE A new book claims to have proved that moisturising creams really can help to make your skin look younger AGILE His intellect and mental have never been in doubt AGREE The kind of linkage diplomacy is always dangerous and ALLOW That the referee such a spectacular goal met with public opposition APPROPRIACY I felt that turning up at the wedding in jeans and a T-shirt was rather 10 APPROVE If you spit or litter in public places, not only you attract stares from other people but you can also be fined heavily 11 BE We try to ensure the of our employees 12 BEAUTY Cleopatra is supposed to have used sesame oil as a skin 13 BENEFIT As the sole of his uncle’s will, he inherited a huge fortune 14 BENEFIT There were generous , providing schools and churches throughout the region 15 BREAK To avoid too many of on the journey we’dbetter pack these glasses in either cotton wool of soft paper 16 BREATHE beautiful, Hue, the former capital of Vietnam,is steeped in history 17 BRING Jackie suffered as a child from a very strict 18 BURST John apologized for many of his violent of temper during the discussion 19 CANCER There is a craze for foods in our countrythese days 20 CHAOS The room was disorganized 21 COLLEGE The Ministry of Education and Training decided to organize a(n) football championship to create a common playground for all students 22 COMMUNICATE The prisoners have been held for eighteen years 23 COMPARE Crimes of violence were rare until a fewyears ago 24 COMPENSATE He’s just received payments for the contract broken 25 PROMISE as it is, the desert has not eliminated life but only those forms unable to withstand its desiccating effects 26 CONCEIVE My dislike for the book disappeared when I finished reading a few chapters 27 CONCEIVE We hope the documentary will dispel certain about the disease 28 CONTEMPT The air stewardess made it clear how she was of his behaviour 29 CONTINUE The treatment was decided to have been due to lack of efficiency 30 COSY There’s nothing to match the warmth and of agenuine log-fire 31 COURTEOUS They didn’t even have the to apologise 32 CRIME There are moves to some soft drugs in the country and make it accessible to some specific characters 33 CRIME He destroyed the files to avoid 34 CRIME They are very about what restaurants they go to 35 CRIME Companies were urged to tackle sexually and racially recruitment practices 36 CRIME We spent the rest of the evening in mutual 37 CRITICAL Women after childbirth are naturally of their appearance (2 possibilities) 38 CRITICAL So is he that he condemns drinkers publicly while heavy ones himself 39 CURRENT There’s definitely a strong political to the film, with issues such as the wealth divide never far from the surface 40 CURRENT The trouble with a back injury is that there is a great risk of 41 CURRENT He was imprisoned for two terms of 30months and 18 months 42 DELETE Please ensure that your child’s sports clothes are clearly marked in ink 43 DELETE The article discusses the effect of stress onhealth 44 DETERMINE An alarm sounds when the temperature reaches a level 45 DIAGNOSE It’s undeniable that the of the localincompetent healer was responsible for her sudden death 46 DIE Your constant criticism has their enthusiasm 47 DIFFER In the spoken language, words are not in the flow of speech sounds 48 DISCIPLINE The police chief was forced to take action against the policeman who accepted a bribe 49 DISCIPLINE It takes a lot of to go jogging in winter 50 DISPENSE Jane has succeeded in making herself to Mr Parker She does everything for him 51 DISTANCE David and Jane are basically from here, so it’ll take about the same time to get to either of them 52 DISTANCE She easily other runners from the outset 53 DIVIDE British society is also deeply in a way which is separated from ideas of liberty and socialism 54 DOSAGE The reason for Bruce Lee’s death was sleeping pill 55 EFFECT She made a(n) grab at the book 56 ENEMY At the beginning of nineteenth century, Britain’s was France 57 ERR Even a pilot with judgment can be surprised by sudden changes in the weather 58 ERR John turned on the hot water instead of the cold and burned his hand badly 59 EXCUSE This is considered rudeness 60 EXIST Frank told everyone that he worked for a large company,but the company is 61 EXPECT Eating fish and lots of vegetables greatly increases your life 62 EXPERT They meet regularly to share experiences and develop their collective 63 EXPOSE The sun should be enjoyed but can cause sunburn, leading to increased risk of skin cancer 64 FACT “What if” questions involving are familiar in historical speculations 65 FASHION She is a(n) mother, staying at home and looking after the children 66 FEED Try to give each student some on the task 67 FICTION The author fills this real town with characters 68 FIT Each classroom in my school has been with a high- quality projector 69 FLAME Most of the city was , and bitter fighting had taken over downtown suburbs 70 FLAME The candidate made a(n) speech that incensedall those who heard it 71 FORM Some foetal cannot be diagnosed until late in pregnancy (2 possibilities) [Source CVT] • Tagged Lexico grammar • Leave a comment June 30, 2014 Wordform 01 Even the most _ person ought to appreciate the beauty of this music ( SENSE)=> INSENSITIVE Ở cần tính từ, chữ sense có tính từ chính: sensible(biết lẽ phải, đắn) sensitive ( nhạy cảm, xúc động) Dịch chữ sensitive hợp ngữ cảnh thiếu tiếp đầu ngữ để nghĩa phủ định Ngay người không dễ xúc động phải đánh giá cao vẻ đẹp nhạc => INSENSITIVE Tom was accused of stealing some document ( CONFIDENCE) => CONFIDENTIAL Chữ confidence nghĩa bí mật, sau danh từ nên cần tính từ tính từ confidence CONFIDENTIAL Burning coal is an _ way of heating a house Gas is much cheaper ( ECONOMY)=> UNECONOMICAL Dễ thấy cần tính từ, economy có tính từ economic ( thuộc kih tế) economical ( tiết kiệm ) Theo nghĩa câu phải thêm tiếp đầu ngữ : uneconomical: không tiết kiệm The was so exciting and absorbing that she couldn’t put the book down ( THRILL)=> THRILLER Cần điền danh từ, thân chữ thrill dt rồi, nhiều bạn sử dụng thrilling, thrill tính từ Phía sau thấy chữ the book, đốn đc từ cần điền liên quan đến the book=> Thriller: truyện trinh thám, truyện li lì Tom spoke _ because he was too anxious ( BREATH)=> BREATHLESSLY Cần điền trạng từ, tìm tính từ trước, có tính từ breathless breathtaking Nhưng phân biệt chỗ, j mà liên quan tới phong cảnh, cảnh sắc zậy sài breathtaking, j mang nghĩa lo âu,hồi hộp, mệt mỏi, sài breathless Mình thấy đề đề nghị olympic thường cho breathtaking Vd chữ : The scene was one of breathtaking beauty The dance left her feeling breathless and weak Her resignation was an unfortunate ( OCCUR )=> OCCURENCE She decided to have a siesta ( giấc ngủ trưa ) even though she was _ to sleeping at noon ( CUSTOM).=>UNACCUSTOMATED Chữ custom có tính từ customary(thường xun) accustomed( quen với), theo ngữ cảnh chon accustomed, đây, cô ta định ngũ trưa ta KHƠNG QUEN VỚI việc ngủ vào ban trưa => UNACCUSTOMATED Don’t believe a word Tom says He’s a terrible _ (LIE)=> LIAR Rất dễ thấy cần danh từ người liar Many modern fridges never need to be _ ( FROST)=> DEFROSTED Cần tính từ, tủ lạnh đại ngày hk bao h cần phải RÃ ĐÔNG=> DEFROSTED 10 An phenomenon ( tượng ) always makes us embarrassed ( EXPLAIN ) cần tính từ, explain có tính từ có tiếp đầu ngữ hợp nghĩa unexplained inexplicable chữ có nghĩa “giải thích đc”, nhiên chữ unexplained dành cho trường hợp hk giải thích đc BÂY GIỜ THƠI, tương lai giải thích đc vd: He died in unexplained circumstances ( sau ng ta điều tra ra) chữ inexplicable hk bao h giải thích đc, tượng đâu giải thích đc đâu gây bối rối.=> inexplicable [Source CVT] • Tagged Wordform • Leave a comment June 30, 2014 Lexico grammar 01 When you put some salt in hot water, it will _ A melt B.DISSOLVE C.soften D.disappear Khi bỏ muối vào, bị tan, thấy có chữ có nghĩa tương đồng “tan” melt dissolve, ( soften làm mềm, dissappear biến mất), chữ melt tan sức nóng (vd băng), chữ dissolve mang nghĩa hòa tan vào chât khác =>B The firemen……………the fire after three hours There was no serious loss of property A.EXTINGUISHED B.distinguished C.put off D.put away dựa vào nghĩa, thấy từ cần đừng phải có nghĩa “dập tắt”, đáp án câu A extinguish=put out= dập tăt, distinguish phân biệt, put off= hoãn lại, put away= cất đi, để dành.=> A It is no use …………….him into not buying the house He seems very interested in it A to persuade B.PERSUADING C persuade D.persuaded Cấu trúc It’s no use: vơ ích sau phải V_ing, có cấu trúc mang nghĩa tường tự There is no point in.=>B, nhớ cấu trúc thuyết phục persuade sb INTO doing st It would be nice to meet again I’ll get……… touch with you next week A on B over C.IN D off cụm get in touch: giữ liên lạc A good friend should not be………… A quick-witted B warm – hearted C SELFISH D open – minded người bạn hk nên ích kỉ ( selfish), câu lại hk hợp nghĩa quick-witted: thơng minh, nhanh nhạy, warm-hearted: tử tế, thân thiện, open-minded : thoáng ( tư tưởng) The girl ……… behind you is naughty A stands B stood C is standing D.STANDING dạng mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn who is standing-> standing Jim is just ………… I met on holiday A.AN ACQUAINTANCE B a colleague C a workmate nghỉ mát phải người quen->acquaintance D a figure I think the old woman was very angry as she ………… when she saw the rubbish in front of her house A MADE A FUSS B made a choice C made a decision D make a move có cụm make a fuss: giận ( thường chuyện nhỏ) She ………….as if she saw a ghost A spoke B SCREAMED C whispered D said thể ta thấy ma phải hét lên-> Scream : la hét, whisper: thầm 10 He seldom goes to the market,………… ? A doesn’t he B DOES HE C is he D isn’t he tag question, hk kĩ nhầm thành doesn’t he, có chữ seldom= mang nghĩa phụ định, gần hk, giống chữ hardly nên sử dụng Does he? [Source CVT] • Tagged Lexico grammar • Leave a comment June 30, 2014 VB revision 01 • (Come to) a total grand : tổng số • By the gross: (value) • gatecrasher + stowaway(ng tàu thủy vé lậu,hold : khoang tàu) + interloper (ng x.phạm quyền ng #) + trespasser • Cuisine /kwɪˈziːn/ cách nấu nướng • Check in (chuyến bay) + check on (ktra sb to make sure nothing wrong) • Lifebelts: đai cứu đắm • Distance oneself from : not connected • Travel + trip + voyage + journey (EX: They are starting their trip by flying to Paris) • Caretaker( ng trơg nhà) + stockbroker (ng mua bán cp chứg khoág )+undertaker+ bookmaker(ng cược kq đua ngựa, trả $ winner) • Never lift a finger : nothing to help • The laws of nature: quy luật tự nhiên • Notice + recognise +remark + ( Distinguish the edge of the river) • On the dole (without jobs) # In the dole queue( have lost jobs) • Solicit /səˈlɪsɪt/ nài xin • Experience [unc] kinh nghiệm # experinces [c] event • Syndicate :nhóm ng giúp aim # (Many governments have tried to ban union trades) • Propaganda /prɒpəˈgandə/ [N] tuyên truyền + (Job advertisement) • Draw the line at sth/doing sth: refuse to sth • Squash courts : sân tennis • Clubs( gậy đánh golf) + bats(gậy bóng chày) • Linesman(trọng tài biên) + referee + arbitrator( ng phân xử) Umpire(ng xem coi phạm luật – baseball/tennis) • In the end # finally(sau nhiều trở ngại) • Put it on one side : deal later + lay it in (collect & store for future) • Feel ill at ease: uncomfortable & embarrased • Constituent (hooligan): (cấu tạo/ cử tri adj) # element • Bewilder :perplexed and confused: # confuse : lộn • A siren blaring (Ex : the police raced down the street with the siren balring) + gong(cồng chiên) • Sticky( dính /mật ong) # yellow :nhút nhát • Remaining (need to be done) # left Ex: After the guests had left, we were allowed to eat the remaing cakes • The conspirators were plotting the OVERTHROW /demolition/catastrophe of the government • Squabble over: cãi khơng quan trọng • Staple food : lương thực chủ yếu • Spiced/ pickled(ngâm giấm)/seasoned/ FLAVOURED WITH lemonade (Add chanh vào) • Make one’s mouth water • In your teens • Carry out one’s threat • Quench one’s thirst # quash(hủy bỏ pháp lý) +quell (đàn áp) +quieten • Camouflage (ngụy trang)+ Fraudulent • Pure gold :vàng nguyên chất • Imitation jewellery • Exile(đày ải) + expell • Take on sb (th) • cordon off # batten (lót ván) • In the pink: in good health # Over the moon: vui • Snatch(vồ lấy=steal)/grip/clutch(a baby in arm)/withdraw(rút khỏi ngân hàng)# grab from # grasp one’s hand firmly • Doing a science degree (three years or more) • Undo shoelaces • Put sb on probation :tập sự, thực tập • An IQ test is supposed to measure the LEVEL/size/degree of intelligence • Get up to sth : busy with • It sholud be NOTED/ marked /reminded/ perceived that students are expected to attend classes regularly • Break new ground: make a new discovery • Retort( trả đũa) # recourse (A source of help in a difficult situation) # resort (dùng phương án cuối cùng) • Take over (the meeting) =control • Cultivated good manner • The smell was so pervasive (lan tỏa)/ effusive(dạt dào)/ diffuse(phổ biến , khuếch đại) • Fall into place=become clear in ur mind • forget the lines( quên lời thoại) # script • High risk sports have really taken off ~ make sb stop playin’ and leave the stage • An outcry against # bang (tiếng nổ) # whist(s.u.y.t) • Enroll for • Put down (the important points) ~ make a short note of sth • Hang on (bám vào +his every word) +cling/catch • Arrange (experience) not Classify • Cheese (has gone mouldy)+decay+ stale(thức ăn cũ, bánh mì) • As tough as old boots • Dinner will be served PRESENTLY /lately/currently/actually • Syllabus (phân phối chương trình) # Compendium(bản tóm tắt ND sách) • A blow to one’s hope • On the dotted line (đường chấm chấm) • We shall have to use that glass as we are a cup short • A high DEGREE of competence • Have sth much In the way of sports ( means as a form of sth/for sth) • Convey the meaning • On end# at length ( For a long time & in detail) • With bated breath( excited & anxious) # In the same breath (lập tức nói khác) # under one’s breath (nói wa’ nhỏ) • Off one’s chest # on the tip of one’s tongue • Have sth at your fingertips # To one’s fingertips (In every way) • Pain đau(sick/hurt) # ache(kéo dài) # sore (đỏ lên, infection) # raw (đau đỏ) • Bring sb on a stretcher # bunk(giường xe lửa) • A meal fit for a KING/ emperor/queen/lord • This course assembles/ ASSUMES/ assigns/assures no previous knowledge • Making a scene ~ làm lớn chuyện • Alter a dress • The cost of the material is in the enclosed/INCLUDED/ combined bill for the work • label ( mẫu giấy nhỏ collar) • I dont think I could eat any dessert/second helping • Stir the soup/ not Whisk(vẫy) or (sprinkle: rải rắc ,mưa) • A breach of currency regulations • Cover (insurance) • Commit suicide • She is wearing a strange red hat with a long fur/ FEATHER • Just a trim( make shorter/better) # snip( cắt chớp nhống) • Be slightly woulded, not merely • Check -in (airport) # check-out(supermarket) • Wait in a QUEUE/ line/row • Give a refund/exchange/discount (bồithường) • Onslaught(violent attack) # recrimination(buộc tội lẫn nhau) • Dig a tunnel • Confiscated (lấy sth as a punishment) # deprived of • Be Thick skinned = nhận lời phê bình • Pick on sb = treat sb unfairly • Stay crisp :giòn • Do hours’ solid studying • Acquire taste • Minor injuries /ˈɪn(d)ʒ(ə)ri / • Infirmity = Physical or mental weakness # disease • This lime juice needs diluting(pha lỗng) • Sleet (mưa tuyết ) # hail stones(mưa đá) • A fine chef /ʃɛf / # chief /tʃiːf/ • Those clothes are a bit damp/ humid • Fracture [ breaking of a hard object or material] # crack the shell# shatter a window • A gust of wind # a puff of breath/steam/cigar/smoke • Get by on = manage to live • Be absolutely furious • Tilt the tray :nghiêng khay • Corkscrew: mở nút chai/ lever(đòn bẩy)/ screwdriver (vít) • Canal (kênh: /kəˈnal / # channel /ˈtʃan(ə)l/ • gossip about# slander:vu khống • Radio station • A rude boy STUCK his tongue out at me • Frequency (tần số) • Circulation : tổng số phát hành • Get over one’s relationship with sb • Tremble with apprehension • It is anticipated /foreseen/hoped that … • Eliminate loại trừ # omit (do forget) • Slices /Crumbs of bread • The brim of the glass # ledge (đá ngầm) • A food mixer is a very useful GADGET/tool to have in the kitchen • Affluent (giàu có thịnh vượng) # bloat(phồng,sưng) • Paw vuốt mèo,hổ)# claw (cua) # hoove (guốc ngựa) • Beak (mỏ chim) + fin( cá) + trunk • Neigh(ngựa hí) + moo(bò rống) • Kill two birds with one stone # took the bull bu the horns# put the cat among the pigeons • Have kittens= very anxious • There are plenty more fish in the sea • Giggle (boy stand in front of the class) +wriggle(rắn) +snigger • Grasp the branch of a tree • Hijacker: chặn xe ăn cướp • On bail= tạm cho ngồi sau đ1ong tiền bảo lãnh • Skilled FORGERS: ng mạo giấy tờ/rapists:ng phạm tội hd/smuggler(ng buôn lậu)/muggers(ng làm bộ) • Scald yourself= làm bỏng • Be underdone (steak) nửa sống nửa chín • Crease(làm nhăn) + fold the tablecloth +pleat :xếp nếp • Squash the tomatoes # squeeze (vắt) • Scratchy:nguệch ngoạc +sloppy ướt át thùy mị + rusty lục nghề • Inch by inch = slowly,with great care • Lend sb an ear • Ease off (the rain) • Obstructed (làm tắc nghẽn) + IMPEDED =DELAY + bar/block • Consign (ủy thác) # ENTRUST sb to sb =take care of • Smack(đập bốp bốp =tay) # whack(đánh mạnh) • Intensify(fighting) +heighten (giận) • FAST: ngày ăn chay ## an important religious festival • A broken ankle barred/blocked (street)+ hindered his movements • Exude Charm ~ show # expunge (xóa tên list) • Come to the fore ~ become important/noticed by people • Saw/think fit =decide to sth • Blow a fuse • Put a brave face on • Meet sb in the flesh • These goods/wares/commodities/supplies are out of stock • Each RESIDENT /dweller/inhabitant of the house must pay his own tax • To one’s heart content= as much as u want • Ruin the crop • SCAN # SCRUTINISE (nhìn kỉ lưỡng) • Swipe a rubber +rip off=steal • Forest-dwelling animals • This city has four million inhabitant • Be up for grabs =available for anyone interested • Take heart from… can đảm • Throw down the gaunlet= invite sb to fight/compete with you • Move the goalposts= change the rule for sth • Gild the lily= spoil sth good by improvin’ • Ground to a hault • Stick to one’s guns • Make headway • GIVE SB A FREE HAND • Check the flow of blood # curb(kiềm chế) # inhibit(làm less/slowly) • Hit home= strong effect=> realise • Grow a beard • Derive pleasure from • Be ripped off= bán vs giá đắt +pinch(ăn cắp)+ pilfer(cắp vặt) • Hand over fist =làm ra/mất n` tiền • To all intents and purposes= là, thực tế • Poetic Justic = trừng phạt /thưởng xứng đáng • Totter down the street/path # stagger • ADD INSULT TO INJURY +infamy:điều nhục • Be on a chair-edge ##### razor • Since time immemorial • In the knowledge that • In a jiffy : chốc lát • Injure (CRASH) # IMPAIR :SUY SỤP HEALTH • Smash the vase • Take legal action + take legal aid [$$$] • Try for =xét xử vụ kiện # charge# take to court • Essential ingredients for… • The rain lashed down (quất mạnh) CONTINUOUSLY • Tagged Revision • Leave a comment June 26, 2014 New motivation Writing has long been my actual phobia.It is simply due to the fact that to me, there is no such thing as being educated in a gifted environment Therefore, the task of writing really getS me down In other words, the instant being required to perform an essay as well as describe a chart , graph or whatever, I feel as though I am going to be passing through hell or sort of things like that.Time and time again, I liken myself to my fellow about their perfect learning medium where they are allowed access to great method of learning When it comes to term of writing, I have a feeling of envy and utter to myself that I am underpreviledged.They are taught the very comprehensive know-how However, in my belief, there will be light at the end of the tunnel Come what may,Things will look up in no uncertain terms There is evidence that today, my teacher in charge complimented me on my progessive writing I was just like on cloud nine, you cannot imagine how jubilant it was I did nothing but overcome with happiness At heart, it is not easy at all to make progress in writing which I find most problematic On no account have I allowed myself to be complacent on what I’ve done I no longer hold fear for that task It works like magic, all my endeavour has turned out to be fruitful Yeah, I will throw my energy into it and by no means attach to writing :) • Tagged General jottings • Leave a comment June 26, 2014 Writing task 01 test original work of Minh Nhat The line chart provides information on the changing rates of crime in Newport City Center from 2003 to 2012 There are three types of crime mentioned, which is burglary, car theft and robbery That approximately 3500 burglaries commited in 2003 made burglary the most frequent crime in that particular year The number continued to raise the following year before it fell dramatically in the next years ‘ time, reached its bottom in 2008, when there was just about 1000 cases Since then, the statics remained quite stable Likewise, the number of robbery levelled out, but not just for the period of time from 2008 to 2012 only It barely changed since 2003, with nearly 700 incidents annualy And robbery was consistently the less common crime commited On the other hand, car theft started out with approximately 3000 cases in 2003 From that time on, the number fluctuated between 2000 and 3000 The year 2007 witnessed car theft ‘s overcoming burglary to become the most frequent type of crime commited It stayed in the 1st place for the rest of time In summary, the statics changed considerably over the years, with the exception of robbery • Tagged Writing • Leave a comment June 26, 2014 WRITING TASK 01 ( Bài thầy khen tiến hí hí ) The line graph provides a breakdown of crime in number term regarding burglary, car theft and robbery in the inner city, which varies throughout the period from 2003 to 2012 Obviously, burglary was recorded to be of incomparable superiority, at approximately 3400 cases from the outset of the period.This number rose considerably, reaching its peak of around 3700 incidents in 2004.However, Burglary then experienced a tremendous fall by 2200 cases, which hit a low of 1200 in 2008 and latter turned to be fairly constant between 2008 and 2012 Likewise, car theft seemed not to be any better in comparison with burglary Up to 2400 cases were committed in 2003.It was at a standstill in 2005, then closely followed by a noticeable drop.The year 2006 witnessed car theft plummeting to its lowest point, with over 2000 number of incidents Remarkably enough, this sort of crime subsequently recovered to roughly 2700 cases, ending up the year Robbery, meanwhile appeared to be less unpleasant than the other aforementioned crimes, standing at 700 cases in 2003.Despite periodic fluctuations from 2005 to 2012, it was to some certain extent a less troublesome issue with respect to robbery To recap, burglary and car theft went through an erratic phase.Nonethless, those two crimes still stayed at a comparatively high degree while robbery turned out to be at the same number from the beginning to end • Tagged Writing • Leave a comment June 16, 2014 Complete ielts page16 The given bar chart illustrates information on the issues that three age groups encounter when they start a new life in a foreign country We can see from the data that the greatest problem, which was experienced by 35 percent of people aged 35 to 54, was to categorize their finance.Whereas the number was slightly less popular with the younger and the older group, around 34 percent and 24 percent respectively.It was sorting out health care that the medium year- olds might as well find the most complicated to struggle with,up to 37 percent significantly.There was nearly 18 percent of people from 35 to 54 having difficulty in looking for a proper school for their kids.By contrast, those figures are considerably reduced to percent, half the percentage of people between the ages of 34 and 54.At the same time, with the pattern only at percent, this was seemingly not a matter to people over 55 Overall, based on the data provided, problems of living abroad among the three age groups are the same, but to a certain extent, people aged 35 to 54 have more troubles in dealing than others ... cần danh từ người=> COMPATRIOT: ng đồng hương Salt water was more than fresh water ( BUOY) Câu đánh lộn HAS, thật hiển nhiên hông sài khứ Do đánh lộn nên cách bạn sài tính từ=>> BUOYANT: danh... giãn Graham’s a very _public speaker and never looks at his notes (SURE) Key: anh khơng nhìn vào tờ thích nên anh tự tin => SELFASSURED The sudden snow storm caught us all and there was chaos... The suspect was questioned why there was no _in his diary that day (ENTER) => cần danh từ, mà enter có danh từ entrance ( lối vào) entry ( mục ghi zơ sổ)=> ENTRY [Source CVT] • Tagged Wordform

Ngày đăng: 24/02/2018, 01:08

