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FANPAGE: https://www.facebook.com/tienganhmuonmaucolorfulenglish/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel GROUP https://www.facebook.com/groups/167702720322316/?ref=ts&fref=ts sth be an arduous process = sth is an exhausting thing to = sth be a tiring process that requires a great deal of effort ex: attending a university with a top-tier reputation often is an arduous but rewarding process Be very rewarding = making someone feel satisfied ex: teaching can be a very rewarding career it allows teachers to have an input in the development of young lives someone's aspiration / pursuit = someone's strong wish for achievement ex: the educational aspirations/ pursuits of rural youth tend to be different from those of students living elsewhere Concentrate on sth = direct sb's thoughts or attention towards sth ex: some people think it is more effective to educate boys and girls in single-sex schools because they believe this environment reduces distractions and encourage pupils to concentrate on their studies Form the basis of sth = provide the ideas or actions from which sth can develop ex: traditional ways of teaching form the basis of the lesson Use lateral thinking = think in a creative way = use a creative appraoch to solving problems ex: using lateral thinking, the students can solve problems in an unconventional manner rely on linear thinking = depend on habits of thought in which one idea follows directly from anohter one ex: the students should not rely on linear thinking habits Instead, they should think more innovatively Break the mould = change a situation by doing sth unprecedented ex: he made an attempt to break the mould of British politics Academic performance = how good or bad a student is accademically ex: Tyler's academic performance has been disappointing 10 Academic qualifications = the degrees, diplomas and certificates that someone has acquired ex: today academic qualifications are essential for getting a reasonable career 11 Standardised test = tests that are designed to give each test-taker the same questions in the same format ex: High scores on standardised tests are not necessarily the best indicator of giftedness ex: lessons last for a standardised 50 minutes and are always followed by a 10-minute break, which gives the pupils a chance to let off steam 12 to be gifted / be talented = has an impressive natural ability ex: the process of being educated we can learn from the achievements of those more gifted than ourselves 13 rote memorisation = remember sth mechanically = a learning technique that focuses on learning by repetition ex: rote memorisation is not entirely useless it can help children to learn the basics such as the multiplication tables 14 Learn sth by heart = learn sth so that you can remember it perfectly ex: the view of repetitively boring lessons and learning the facts by heart may be unfair and unjustified 15 Read extensively = read widely ex: some people argue that examinations not motivate students to read extensively 16 induce cramming = cause students to prepare hastily for an examination ex: It concerns some parents that these examinations may induce cramming 17 Ignorance = lack of knowledge about a particular subject ex: No one minds mistakes or ignorance as long as you are prepared to learn from the, 18 Standard of upright conduct = to judge what is right and wrong = standard of honest and responsible behaviour ex: At school students should be taught respect for the rights of others and standards of upright conduct 19 Students' autonomy = students' right to organise their own activities ex: students' autonomy should be encouraged when there are not enough teachers to go around 20 Self-discipline = the ability to make oneself things when he/she should, even if he/she does not want to them ex: Lydia lacks self-discipline and is unable to finish anything 21 Role model = a person whom someone admires and whose behaviour and attitudes he/she tries to copy ex: My elder brother has always been a role model for me 22 Set a good example = encourage or inspire people to the same thing as one does ex: his dad was always telling him to set a good example for his younger 23 Meet sb's expectations = be as good as expected ex: His academic performance failed to meet his parents' expectations 24 fall short of sb's expectations = be disappointing to sb ex: Jamine kept falling short of my expectations 25 cannot be guaranteed success = there is no assurance that something will be a success ex: so far no teaching methods can be guaranteed success 26 cover a lot of ground = learn a great amount of information in a class = ( of subjects or courses ) deal with much information and many facts ex: we've covered a lot of ground in this class in the past couple of months 27 be well-rounded = have a variety of experiences in life ex: she's a well-rounded person who not only works hard but also has a varied social life 28 Comprehensive coverage of sth = include many details or aspects of sth ex: the impression is that the logical nature of the textbooks and their comprehensive coverage of different types of examples renders work 29 Self-paced learning/ education = study at one's own speed = learning whose rate of speed can be set or regulated by the students themselves ex: self-paced distance learning offers students convenience and flexibility 30 Core curriculum = the set of common courses that are require of all students ex: the core curriculum provide the necessary general education for students, irrespective of their fields of interest 31 the aims of education = the purpose of education ex: the aims of education should not be restricted to the development of knowledge or skill 23 academic attainment = sth that students succeeded in doing in class ex: Japan has a significantly better record in terms of average mathematical attainment than England and Wales 24 Specialise in sth = be an expert of a particular part of a subject ex: Grant Freeman, a biologist who specilises in identifying insects, has come to talk to us about his current research work 25 extra-curricular activities = activities that are not part of the course that a student is doing ex: these extra-curricular activities offer students an outlet for creativity and problem-solving 26 Promote equality = ensure the same conditions, possibilities and rights ex: some people believe that uniforms can promote equality and encourage better behaviour at school 27 repress individuality = discourage qualities that make someone or something different from all others ex: school uniforms may repress individuality and deny students the freedom of choice 28 co-education = a system in which students of both sexes are educated together ex: some people believe that co-education can make children feel more comfortable in the company of the opposite sex 29 a single sex school = an all-boys or all-girls school eX: some people arugue that single-sex schools impose abnormal conditions upon children 30 mixed-ability class = class involving students of different abilities eX: it is remarkable that large mixed-ability classes could be kept together for maths throughout all their compulsory schooling 31 distinguish sb/sth from = recognise differences between people or things eX: importantly, our commonly held feelings can help distinguish us from other cultures 32 Anti-social behaviour = harmful behaviour = behaviour that lacks consideration for others and may cause damage to society ex: even though the great majority of students are well-balanced, there is a small minority that engage in anti-social behaviour 33 be well-behaved = vehave in a polite or socially acceptable way ex: apart from a very small minority, the students are well-behaved 34 adolescence = the period of your life from in which you develop from being a child into being an adult ex: The book deals with the joys and sorrows of adolescence 35 a healthy / positive outlook on life = a healthy / positive way of understanding and thinking about life ex: A healthy outlook on life can help students to succeed both academically and socially 36 well-adjusted adults = adults who can act with good judgement ex: Educators should ensure that today's students will become productive and well-adjusted adults of tomorrow 37 Drop out of school = quit school before graduation ex: in this country, each year many students are forced to drop out of school 38 Skip school = avoid attendance at school ex: some students skip school because they dislike the material taught in class 39 come of age = become an adult ex: in some country, to come of age means to reach the age when someone is legally recognized as an adult and is legally responsible for his/her own behaviour 40 be bilingual = be able to speak two languages well or involve two languages ex: Donna appreciates she had the chance to be bilingual DOnna 41 Be monolingual = speak or use only one language ex: experts believe that people who speak two languages have a clear learning advantage over their monolingual schoolmates 42 Slack off = make less of an effort than usual eX: it's about time you stoppped slacking off and did some work it's about time 43 apply oneself = work hard with a great deal of attention for a long time ex: I'm sure you can solve the problem if you apply yourself 44 Unruly students = students who are difficult to control eX: Megan had an unruly class of adolescents on Thursday 45 act up = behave badly, misbehave ex: Ricky sometimes likes to act up in class 46 Indiscipline = a lack of control or obedience ex: the coach apologised for his team's indiscipline 47 Meet the demand of = answer the need of = satisfy a certain need or desire ex: economic globalization requires more culturally-competent university graduates who can meet the new market demands 48 be geared to sth = to be in accordance with another thing ex: education should be geared to the students' needs and abilities 49 Inform sb about sth = give information about sth ex: studying geography informs us about the different kinds of relationships that develop between a particular environment and the people who live there 50 put theory into practice = start to use a theory and see if it is effective ex: the workshop helps students to put theory into practice they can test their ideas or plans for practical applications there 51 first-hand experience = experience that has been gained by doing sth yourself ex: by doing experiments, students acquired first-hand experience with the periodic table of the chemical elements 52 the responsibility for sth falls on sb = sb is responsible for sth = sb's duty is to sth ex: the responsibility for educating children used to fall both on parents and on teachers 53 The responsibility for sth rests with sb = sb's duty is to sth ex: the responsibility for limiting children's access to violence on TV rests with the parents 54 shirl one's responsibilities for sth = deliberately avoid doing sth that one should ex: parents should not shirk their responsibility for educating their chidlren 55 fulfil one's responsibilties = perform or carry out one's responsibilities ex: parents should fulfil their responsibilties and monitor their children's TV viewing and Internet use 56 Deny sb the freedom to sth = not allow sb to sth = not give sb the opportunity or the power to sth ex: there is no reason to deny students the freedom to choose subjects that interest and motivate them 57 COmpulsory subject = a subject that must be studied by all students ex: It is recognized as an important compulsory subject throughout schooling 58 Kindle sb's interest in sth = make sb interested in sth eX: the students' interest in mathematics was kindled by Emma's excellent teaching 59 optional subjects/ courses = subjects / courses that may be chosen or not chosen ex: They believe that at the secondary level, all students should take Math and English, but other subjects can be optional 60 There is no subsitute for sb/sth = sb/sth is irreplaceable ex: there is no substitute for a face-to-face relationship with a caring and well-informed teacher 61 distance learning = a flexible form of learning where students can study from home, work or on the move ex: the biggest advantage of distance learning programmes is their accessibility 62 compromise = an agreement between two sides who have different opinions or different needs // risk losing sth important ex: all classroom learning is, in fact, a compromise between the different needs of various students ex: the modifications might compromise safety in some way 63 a happy medium = a middle position ex: there's a happy medium between studying all the time and not studying at all 64 Be sb.'s mentor = an experienced person who gives advice to sb ex: Freya was my teacher, my mentor and my friend 65 sb's peer = someone who is of the same age as sb else ex; they are entering a wider community where teachers and peers will have just as much influences as their parents at home 66 take sb under sb's wing = help someone, especially someone who is younger and less experienced ex: My mentor took me under her wing at a time when I needed her the most 67 Burn the midnight oil = work very late into the night ex: Abigail has to get the report finished by tomorrow so she'll be burning the midnight oil tonight 68 study intensively = study in a highly concentrated manner ex: Many parents are concerned that exam-oriented education may restrict students' creativity and cause students to study too intensively 69 Job security = being free from the threat of losing one's job ex: It's a choice between higher pay and job security 70 be unemployed = be without a job ex: women who were unemployed were included in the research 71 Job satisfaction = the pleasant feeling you get from a job ex: the sense of belonging to a team contributes towards job satisfaction 72 be entitled to sth = be given the right to sth ex: the majority of the workers have been entitled to paid holidays 73 a sense of fulfilment = having the opportunity to develop one's abilities and interests ex: Madison found a sense of fulfilment and joy as a teacher 74 frustration = the feeling of being upset because you cannot achieve sth ex: all her efforts met with frustration 75 Brain drain = a situation in which professionals go to another country in order to improve their living or working conditions ex: this brain drain was caused by highly-skilled people only offering their services to the highest bidder 76 work experience = the experience and skills that a person gains in doing a particular job ( likely to be written incorrectly as "working experience" by non-native English speakers ) ex: Paul decided to get work experience in South America because he wanted to learn about Latin American life 77 excessive workload = have too much work to = work overload ex: the employees have been complaining about the excessive workload - they had to too much in too little time 78 be labour intensive = be a process that requires a lot of effort ex: However, the process took a long time and wa labout intensive 79 an oppressive deadline = a deadline that is too short and difficult to meet eX: working to oppressive deadlines can increase the risk of a heart attack

Ngày đăng: 24/02/2018, 00:11

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