Lgì/ làm gì hơn cái gì/ làm gì I prefer reading books to watching TV... 11, [Would rather d rather + V infinitive + than + V [She would play games than read books infinitive: thich lam
Trang 184 CẤU TRÚC cần phải biết khi "đối mặt' với đề thi
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[ ¡_ |$*V + teo+ađ/ady + (for someone) + to do Hhis structure is too easy for you to remember
something: (quá để cho ai làm gi ) He ran too fast for me to follow
[5 [S#¥ + 80+ adi adv + that + S + V: (quá đến nổi [This boxis so heavy that | cannot take it
ƒ It+V + such + (a/an) + N(s) + that + S + V: (quá tis such ø heovy box that | cannot take it wy
3 đến nỗi mà ) aes tis such interesting books that | cannot ignore
lihem œr cll
4 something: (Bd cho ai đó làm gi.) Snes Si kia {hey are intelligent enough for me fo teach them
[ «5 [Havel get + something + done (past participle): |i had my hair cut yesterday
(nhờ ai hoặc thuê ai làm gì ) I'dlike to have my shoes repaired
It+ be + time + S + V (-ed, cột 2) It is time you had a shower
6 It’s +time +for someone +o do something: (đã đến
lúc ai đồ phải làm gì.) It’s time for me to ask all of you for this question,
[ 7, |lt+takes/took+ someone + amount of time + to do 5 It takes me 5 minutes fo get fo school
something: (làm gì mất bao nhiêu thời gian ) lir†ook him 10 minutes to do this exercise yesterday
[, g_|Toprevent/stop + someone/something + From + Vo) ented us from parking our car here ing: (ngan can aif cai gi lam gi.) top + thing + From + V-|
Fg |S finds ite adj to do something: (thay dé làm _ I findit very difficult fo leain about English
Pio | Teprefer+ Noun/ V-ing + to + N/ V-ing (Thich cai || prefer dog to cat
Lgì/ làm gì hơn cái gì/ làm gì) I prefer reading books to watching TV
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11, [Would rather (d rather) + V (infinitive) + than + V [She would play games than read books
(infinitive: (thich lam gì hơn làm gì) Td rather learn English than learn Biology,
[ 12 [To be/get Used to + V-ing: (quen lam gi) Tam used fo eating with chopsticks
f 18 Peet va bay giờ không làm nữa) Used to + V (infinitive): (Thường lam gi trong qk ee) young I used to go fishing with my friend when I was Md
She used fo smoke 10 cigarettes a day
14: [Tobe amazed ate tobesupesedatNAling: fi, ngạc nhiên về anced athi: bio beaufill li:
15 |To be angry at + N/V-ing: tae gian vé Her mother was very angry at her bad marks,
ƒ 14 [tobe good at/ bad at + N/V-ing: gidivé 7kém _ |Ìom good otswimming,
[ 17_ [by chanee = by accident (adv): tình cờ [met her in Paris by chance last week
19 [oan't stand help/ bear/ resist + V-ing: Không chi) nt stand laughing at her tie dog, nỗi/không nhịn được làm gi
20 oa keen onf to be fond of +: NiVime: thick am: | cy mgeristets tond of playing Mitt her:doks
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21 Ìto be interested in + N/V-ing: quan tâm đến Sundays 00000 OHHUAU va
He always wastes time playing computer games
to waste + time/ money + V-ing: tốn tiền hoặc - PRG Compulerg
22 thời gian làm gì each day
Sometimes, | waste a lot of money buying clothes
23 ‘To spend + amount of time/ money + V-ing: danh
bao nhiêu thời gian lam gi
I soend 2 hours reoding books q day
Mr Jim spent a lot of money traveling around the world last year
24 ‘To spend + amount of time/ money + on +
'something: dành thời gian vào việc gi
My mother offen spends 2 hours on housework everyday
She spent alll of her money on clothes
to give up + V-ing/ N: tirbé lam gi/ cai gì [You should give up smoking as soon as possible
26 [would like/ want/wish + to do something: thich
lam gi | would like to go to the cinema with you tonight,
27 have + (something) to + Verb: có cái gì đó để làm I have many things to do this week
28 It + be + something/ someone + that/ who:
(chính mà
Itis Tom who got the best marks in my class
itis the villa that he had to spend a lot of money last year
\You had better go to see the doctor
30 hate/ like/ dislike/ enjoy/ avoid/ finish/ mind/
postpone/ practise/ consider/ delay/ deny/
suggest/ risk/ keep/ imagine/ fancy + V-ing | always practise speaking English everyday
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i It is difficult fe Id le to Ì English
ạa |Tobeimerestedin+N/ V-ing (Thích cái gì/làm_ |W© are interested in reading books on history
cai gi)
We are bored with doing the same things:
33 |To be bored with (Chán làm cái gì) se
ạ„_|Vs the frsttửme smb have (has) + PII smt (Đây là [I's the first me we have visited this place
Tân đầu tiên ai làm cai gi)
¿ I don’t he h ti to stud
35 |enough + danh tir (di cdi gì) + (to do smt) ORL Nave EnOUd TTe TOSUAy
I † rịch Ih to br
36 |Tính từ + enough (đủ làm sao) + (to do smt) ABOUTS Venous HO DU GER
37_ [toe tinh tir + to do amt (Quá làm sao để làm cái |ím 1o young to get married
|She wants someone to make her a dress
4g [72 Prevent/stop + someone/something + From + V-|
ing: (ngan cén aif cai gi lam dÌ a: (na 2 id She wants to have a dress made
s - -az-¬Zö1öĩ ö .“.⁄ÿöĩ >> JÄ >ZÝZ H's ti it Hi
39 |Its time smb did smt (Đã đến lúc ai phải làm gì) |“ Š "S8 weninome
Re notnecessane for smb to do ert Sib DUETD, ||ryợnsyvyrcosseiryrpoitijÐGESTHISIoWENEISEI
40 need to do smt (Ai không cần thiết phải lam gi) doesn't have to do smt
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[To look forward to V_ing (Mong cha, mong dgi làm We are looking forward to going on holiday
ai gi)
[Can you provide us with some books in history?
42 |To provide smb from V_ing (Cung cấp cho ai cái gì)|
3 [To Prevent smb from V_ing (Can tr ai lam gi) = To [The rain stopped us from going for a walk
44, |To fal to do smt (Không làm được cai gi / That bai [We failed to do this exercise
trong việc làm cái gi)
gg, | 0 be sueoeedin V-ing (Thành công trong việc làm |ÌWe vwere succeed in passing the exam
cái gì)
đun 0i ñ [she be d this book from the libl
47 |To lend smb smt (Cho ai mượn cái gi) a
[the teacher made us do a lot of homework
48 |To make smb do smt (Bắt ai làm gi)
1 The exercise is so difficult that noone can do t g_ [To Prevent/stop + someone/something + From + V-|2 He spoke so quickly that | couldn't understand ing: (ngăn cản ai/ cái gì làm gì ) him
itis such a difficult exercise that noone can do if
Trang 7
Itis (very) kind of smb to do smt (Ai that tot bung / tis very kind of you to help me
51 tử tế khi làm gì) `
1 Thave to make sure of that information
53 |T@ Prevent/stop + someone/something + From + V-
«54, |lt takes (smb) + thoi gian + to do smt (Mat (cia ai) [It 100k me an hour to do this exercise
bao nhiêu thời gian để làm gì)
sø [T9 spend + time / money + on smt (Dành thời gian |We spendo lo! ofine on TV/ wofching TV
/ tien bạc vao cai gi doing smt lam gi)
(Không biết về cai gi)
57, |Feadvise smb to do smt (Khuyên ai làm gì) / not [Our teacher advises us fo study hard
to do smt (không làm gì)
58 |To plan to do smt (Dự định / có kế hoạch làm gì)
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i 61 |To rely on smb (tin cậy, dựa dẫm vào ai) E ở : ly ou conrelvion Nin ly on Fi
ƒ 4gg_ [Tobe able todo smt = To be capable of + V_ing I'm able fo speak English = lam capable of leat n : 2 =
i 64 |To be good at (+ V_ing) smt (Giỏi (làm) cái gi) : 3 - I imgcod oF laying tennis dl at (pl 1
doing smt to doing smt (Lam dì hơn làm gi)
f 66 |To apologize l for doing smt (Xin lỗi ai vì đã làm gì) | "2S SPSGgse Tạ bong tues ro you § =~ I want to apologize for b de t
1 You'd better lear hard
ng: (ngăn cản ai/ cái dì làm gi.) 2 You'd befter no† go out
68 Would (4) rather do smt/not do smt: Tha lam I'd rather stay at home
“9 Would (‘d) rather smb dĩd smt (Muốn ai làm gì) I'd rather you (he / she) stayed at home today
70 ‘To suggest smb (should) do smt (Gợi ý ai làm gì) I suggested she (should) buy this house
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71 |To suggest doing smt (Goi y lam gi) I suggested going for a walk
|We tried to k hard
73 | Try doing smt (Ther fam gi) a
75 |To need doing (Cần được làm) _==-=
77, [Te remember to do (Nhớ làm gì) (chưa lam cai [Remember to do your homework,
I'm going to have my house repainted
ạ_ |T9 Pevent/stop + someone/something + From + V-|
ing: (ngan cân ai/ cái làm dì ) I'm going to have the garage repair my car
= I'm going to have my car repaired
79 |To be busy doing smt (Ban rén lam gi) eae bisy Propering lerourexcm
8 ÌTowiinliiSigEt(PUenliag) 0 / Would you mind closing the door for me’
|We œre usecl †o getfing up ecrly
81 |To be used to doing smt (Quen với việc làm gì)
82 |To stop to do smt (Dừng lại để làm gì) JWESlopbodfoibw some'boirb)
83 |To stop doing smt (Thôi không làm gì nữa) IWeslogsodboing gui Eie:
sep Teh eC li Bổ