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  • Hoàn thành các bài tập và các câu sau với thì hiện tại hoàn thành và quá khứ đơn Bài tập 1: 1) The police.........two people early this morning. (to arrest) 2) She.........to Japan but now she.........back. (to go - to come) 3) Dan.........two tablets this year. (already/to buy) 4) How many games.........so far this season? (your team/to win) 5).........the CN Tower when you.........in Toronto? (you/to visit - to stay) 6).........your homework yet? – Yes, I.........it an hour ago. (you/to do - to finish) 7) There.........an accident in High Street, so we have to use King Street to get to your school. (to be) 8) I.........Peter since I.........last Tuesday. (not/to see - to arrive) 9) Frank.........his bike last May. So he.........it for 4 months. (to get - to have) 10) I'm sorry, I.........earlier, but I.........a lot lately. (not/to write - to work)

Nội dung

BÀI TẬP THÌ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH VÀ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN Hoàn thành các động từ trong ngoặc với thì hiện tại hoàn thành I have not worked today. We (buy)..............a new lamp. We (not plan)..............our holiday yet. Where (be you) ? He (write)..............five letters. She (not see)..............him for a long time. (be you)..............at school? School (not start)..............yet. (speak he)..............to his boss? No, he (have not)..............the time yet. Hoàn thành các câu sau với thì Quá khứ đơn 1) I.........my Maths homework yesterday. (to do) 2).........Susan.........to England by plane? (to go) 3) They.........a farm two weeks ago. (to visit) 4) Jenny and Peggy.........their brother. (notto help) 5) The children.........at home last weekend. (notto be) 6) When.........you.........this wonderful skirt? (to design) 7) My mother.........into the van. (notto crash) 8) The boys.........the mudguards of their bicycles. (to take off) 9).........you.........your aunt last week? (to phone) 10) He.........milk at school. (notto drink) Hoàn thành các bài tập và các câu sau với thì hiện tại hoàn thành và quá khứ đơn Bài tập 1: 1) The police.........two people early this morning. (to arrest) 2) She.........to Japan but now she.........back. (to go to come) 3) Dan.........two tablets this year. (alreadyto buy) 4) How many games.........so far this season? (your teamto win) 5).........the CN Tower when you.........in Toronto? (youto visit to stay) 6).........your homework yet? – Yes, I.........it an hour ago. (youto do to finish) 7) There.........an accident in High Street, so we have to use King Street to get to your school. (to be) 8) I.........Peter since I.........last Tuesday. (notto see to arrive) 9) Frank.........his bike last May. So he.........it for 4 months. (to get to have) 10) I`m sorry, I.........earlier, but I.........a lot lately. (notto write to work) Bài tập 2: 1) Peter......... football yesterday. 2) They......... the car. It looks new again. 3) Last year we......... to Italy. 4) John and Peggy......... the book. Now they can watch the film. 5) I......... my friend two days ago. 6) We......... another country before. 7) She......... a new car in 2011. 8) I`m sorry, but I......... my homework. 9)......... the game of chess? 10) The girls......... their lunch yet. Bài tập 3 1) I.........my keys, so I can`t open that door. (to lose) 2) Columbus.........in the New World in 1492. (to arrive) 3) Nina.........her leg. She is still in hospital. (to break) 4) He.........here all his life. (to live) 5) Colin.........for Brazil this morning. (to leave) 6) Last winter Robin.........with his father in the Alps for three days. (to stay) 7) Ellen.........with her left hand. (alwaysto write) 8) She.........a language course in Paris last summer. (to do) 9).........anyone.........yet? (to phone) 10) I.........Paul today, but I.........him last Sunday. Bài tập 4: 1) They.........all the new words. They needn`t worry about the test. (to learn) 2) Three people.........him in hospital last Friday. (to visit) 3) Martin.........for 50 miles on scenic routes three weeks ago. (to cycle) 4) We.........chicken Tandoori before. (neverto try) 5).........a job yet? (youto find) 6) Emily and Molly.........each other for more than 10 years now. (to know) 7) First he.........to the announcement, then he.........to a café for a drink. (to listen to go) 8) She.........late four times this week. (to be) 9) What`s that lovely smell in here? Jasmine.........a yummy cake. (to bake) CHUYỂN ĐỔI TỪ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH SANG QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN ( VÀ NGƯỢC LẠI )

BÀI TẬP THÌ HIỆN TẠI HỒN THÀNH Q KHỨ ĐƠN Hồn thành động từ ngoặc với hoàn thành I have not worked today We (buy) a new lamp We (not / plan) our holiday yet Where (be / you) ? He (write) five letters She (not / see) him for a long time (be / you) at school? School (not / start) yet (speak / he) to his boss? 10 No, he (have / not) the time yet Hồn thành câu sau với Q khứ đơn 1) I .my Maths homework yesterday (to do) 2) .Susan .to England by plane? (to go) 3) They .a farm two weeks ago (to visit) 4) Jenny and Peggy .their brother (not/to help) 5) The children .at home last weekend (not/to be) 6) When .you .this wonderful skirt? (to design) 7) My mother .into the van (not/to crash) 8) The boys .the mudguards of their bicycles (to take off) 9) .you .your aunt last week? (to phone) 10) He .milk at school (not/to drink) Hoàn thành tập câu sau với hồn thành khứ đơn Bài tập 1: 1) The police .two people early this morning (to arrest) 2) She .to Japan but now she .back (to go - to come) 3) Dan .two tablets this year (already/to buy) 4) How many games .so far this season? (your team/to win) 5) .the CN Tower when you .in Toronto? (you/to visit - to stay) 6) .your homework yet? – Yes, I .it an hour ago (you/to - to finish) 7) There .an accident in High Street, so we have to use King Street to get to your school (to be) 8) I .Peter since I .last Tuesday (not/to see - to arrive) 9) Frank .his bike last May So he .it for months (to get - to have) 10) I'm sorry, I .earlier, but I .a lot lately (not/to write - to work) Bài tập 2: 1) Peter football yesterday 2) They the car It looks new again 3) Last year we to Italy 4) John and Peggy the book Now they can watch the film 5) I my friend two days ago 6) We another country before 7) She a new car in 2011 8) I'm sorry, but I my homework 9) the game of chess? 10) The girls their lunch yet Bài tập 1) I .my keys, so I can't open that door (to lose) 2) Columbus .in the New World in 1492 (to arrive) 3) Nina .her leg She is still in hospital (to break) 4) He .here all his life (to live) 5) Colin .for Brazil this morning (to leave) 6) Last winter Robin .with his father in the Alps for three days (to stay) 7) Ellen .with her left hand (always/to write) 8) She .a language course in Paris last summer (to do) 9) .anyone .yet? (to phone) 10) I .Paul today, but I .him last Sunday Bài tập 4: 1) They .all the new words They needn't worry about the test (to learn) 2) Three people .him in hospital last Friday (to visit) 3) Martin .for 50 miles on scenic routes three weeks ago (to cycle) 4) We .chicken Tandoori before (never/to try) 5) .a job yet? (you/to find) 6) Emily and Molly .each other for more than 10 years now (to know) 7) First he .to the announcement, then he .to a café for a drink (to listen - to go) 8) She .late four times this week (to be) 9) What's that lovely smell in here? - Jasmine .a yummy cake (to bake) CHUYỂN ĐỔI TỪ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH SANG QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN ( NGƯỢC LẠI ) * Dạng 1: S + HTHT (phủ định) + for + thời gian =>It’s + thời gian ….+ since …+ last + QKĐ (khẳng định) Ex: I haven’t seen my father for one month – It is one month since I last saw my father Tom hasn’t had his hair cut for over three months – It is three months since Tom last had his hair cut  Dạng 2: S + HTHT (phủ định) + before => It’s + the first time + S + HTHT (khẳng định) Ex: I haven’t seen that man here before => It is the first time I have met that man here It is the first time I have read this book => I haven’t read this book before * Dạng 3: - S + HTHT (phủ định) + since / for + … - S + last + QKĐ (khẳng định) …+ when + mệnh đề - The last time + S + QKĐ (khẳng định) + was + thời gian Ex: I haven’t heard him since August => The last time I heard him was in August I haven’t seen him since I left school => I last saw him when I left school * Dạng 4: S + HTHT (khẳng định) + for + thời gian => S + began / started + V-ing + thời gian + ago Ex: I have worked here for ten years.=> I began working here ten years ago It started raining two days ago > It has rained for two days CHUYỂN ĐỔI TỪ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH SANG QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN ( NGƯỢC LẠI ) 1.Viết lại câu không thay đổi nghĩa: 1) This is the first time he went abroad.=> He hasn’t………………………………………… 2) She started driving month ago.=> She has………………………………………………………………… 3) We began eating when it started to rain.=> We have……………………………………………………… 4) I last had my hair cut when I left her.=> I haven’t………………………………………………………… 5) The last time she kissed me was months ago.=> She hasn’t……………………………………………………… 6) It is a long time since we last met.=> We haven’t…………………………………………………………… 7) When did you have it ?=> How long ………………………………………………………………….? 8) This is the first time I had such a delicious meal => I haven’t…………………………………… 9) I haven’t seen him for days.=> The last ………………………………………………… 10) I haven’t taken a bath since Monday.=> It is ……………………………………………… ... What's that lovely smell in here? - Jasmine .a yummy cake (to bake) CHUYỂN ĐỔI TỪ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH SANG QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN ( VÀ NGƯỢC LẠI ) * Dạng 1: S + HTHT (phủ định) + for + thời gian =>It’s + thời... ago It started raining two days ago > It has rained for two days CHUYỂN ĐỔI TỪ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH SANG QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN ( VÀ NGƯỢC LẠI ) 1.Viết lại câu không thay đổi nghĩa: 1) This is the first time... Paris last summer (to do) 9) .anyone .yet? (to phone) 10) I .Paul today, but I .him last Sunday Bài tập 4: 1) They .all the new words They needn't worry about the test (to learn) 2) Three people

Ngày đăng: 06/02/2018, 21:14

