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Burlington connect b2 workbook

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  • CONNECT B2 workbook 1-3

  • CONNECT B2 workbook 4-6

  • CONNECT B2 workbook 7-9

  • CONNECT B2 workbook 10-12

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This is a useful guide for practice full problems of english, you can easy to learn and understand all of issues of related english full problems. The more you study, the more you like it for sure because if its values.

Trang 1


Trang 2


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word given 1 Tim worked hard to make a ccSce asamusician LIVE 2 IUs important to give children ENCOURAGE

3 Lets make to meet at the weekend ARRANGE

4 The football fans made a lot of noise and caused a in the city centre DISTURB

5 The new assistant was a welcome to the business ADD

Match the words to form phrases 1 tube wu a, Cafĩ 2 outdoor tl b stall 3 untrained c response 4 clever an d ear 5 antique sl e station

Use the phrases you formed in Exercise B to complete the sentences below Make any necessary changes 1 Even to my cecce , it was clear that the singer was talented

2 Let's go and have some ice cream at ONE Of the 2.0 cece overlooking the sea 3 Lots of people were waiting at the 2222 -.2 to take a train to work

4 The necklace | bought from the se is over a hundred years old

5 The politician gave a c to the reporter's question His answer was quick and amusing Complete the text with the words below

achieved e complimented @ stand @ exceptional e get e major e plainsailing e trouble

Magician Steve Frayne, known as Dynamo, has performed for many celebrities, including Prince Charles When Chris Martin, lead singer of ColdPlay, saw one

of Steve’s tricks, Me (1) cece Steve, saying it was the most

2 — magic he’d ever seen Wy Today Steve has a successful career, but his life hasn’t been

` While growing up, Steve had

(4) s -ecceeeesrirerrier problems at home and at the age of 15, he

moved in with his grandparents It was his grandfather who helped him gain confidence He bought him his first book of card tricks and taught Steve his first magic trick This was the beginning of an interest that became important to Steve and made him (5) - out and impress others

Because of a health problem, Steve was a small, thin teenager, and bullies often

made fun of him He found that if he showed them some of his magic tricks, they usually stopped giving him (6) - Steve refused to let his health problems (7) . - him down and through hard work, he (8) . -sse his goal of becoming a successful magician

Trang 3


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given Use the Present Simple or Continuous, active or passive

1 In the Arctic Circle, the SUN o cccccscssscsssescsesseeeseeeveeeeeae (not set) at all in summer It ons esssosssccssestesseeesteentrete (call) the Midnight Sun

2 The main road -csses2c2cctecrzrvtsscres (repair) at the moment While workmen 222211122 nen (fix) it, drivers have to take a different route

3B TheLobster Pot v, (think) to be one of the best seafood restaurants in the area 4 Moststudents cua (find) it hard to concentrate when there is a lot of noise, but some

CHI LON oc ccccccscecesseeeeseeceeeccesnsessensesees (not affect) by noise at all

5 Ioday all the pupils at school 2+2 2222102722120211e (examine) by a doctor to check their general health Ẩ nurse (check) their hearing

6 ThefÍerry ec (leave) at nine œclock tomorrow.We -ccccceeeccee (take) the bus there 7 In one scene near the end of the film, the hero {run) to the top of a tall building,

Mw ,Ô (jump) from the roof, and (land) in the back of a passing truck 8 The weather is usually good at this time of year, but right now snow 2 En2ee (fall) and an icy

WII o.oo (blowW).WG se {need) to wrap up warmly before going out Complete the email with the verbs below Use the Present Simple or Continuous, positive or negative

Some verbs are used more than once

look e have e understand e think e feel e seem

Dear Lisa,

I hope you (1) better after your cold

Guess what? I (2) about auditioning for the TV programme, Britain’s Got Talent! You know I’ve been taking singing lessons and everyone says that I (3) a great voice Mum is the only one who is against me going to the audition She (4) " .it’s a good idea because she feels I'lI be too nervous She (5) so worried when she talks about it that perhaps I should listen to her What (6) YOU ?

Dad is on my side He (7) why I want to do this He (8) on the Internet

right now to find out details about when the auditions are taking place Anyway, I must go now as we (9) dinner soon

Love, Caroline

Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs given Use the Present Simple or Continuous, active or passive, positive or negative

1 begin / come / plan

A: The opening ceremony for the new concert haIll s TH te at six pm B: you to go?

A: Yes | heard the singer Jude oo cccccsscsssssssssssnesssssseen and | want to hear him! 2 want/ taste / complain

A: UghIThis sandwich 2 Ve€ry nice | it B: Why you constantly ? lts really annoying

3 hope /hurt/ see

BD Vo Dr Marshall again tomorrow My leg -22211222 se anymore, but my arm is still a problem

Br Well, bo ececcceecsceeeecctessceesessssesseeennees he can help you 4 cost/ make / look

Az That bag 2y very elegant How much Ìt ?

B: €250.lt co of real leather

Trang 4


Read the text below and decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fits each space

Too Busy to Hear the Music

Street performers are a (1) considered to be prime (2)

sess sight in cities Main streets and tube stations are sua for people who want to perform However, (3) are often in too much of a hurry to pay these entertainers much attention

This was the case in 2007, when Joshua Bell, the (4) talented classical violinist, pretended to be ` 8 busker, and played his 300-year-old Stradivarius violin at a Washington train station He'd been invited to do so by the Washington Post A journalist for this newspaper wanted to (5) insight into human behaviour How would people walking by (6) to hearing a piece of music beautifully played? Joshua, dressed in jeans and a baseball cap, went unrecognised To the journalist’s surprise, the (7) violinist, who had performed with the Philadelphia Orchestra at the age of 14, did not draw in the crowds Of the thousand people who passed by during his 45-minute performance, only 27 were (8) enough about his music to give him some money, and in total, he collected just $32 in loose (9) It seems that people were too busy to appreciate the music of one of the world’s (10)

case, it (11) must be difficult for street performers to (12) ca, classical violinists If that’s the

cam a living

1 A general B widespread C usual D common 2 A locations B places C districts D situations 3 A oniookers B passersby C viewers D visitors 4 A successfully B totally C completely 0D exceptionally

5 A learn B form C gather D gan

6 A seem B react C act D feel

7 A gifted B perfect C trained D clever 8 A_ pleased B enthusiastic © generous D positive

9 A money B pay C change D donation

10 A known B competitive © prime D foremost 41 A particularly B certainly ©€ usually D greatly

: 12 A have B do 6 make D win

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given Use between two and five words, including the word given

1 James doesn't try hard to finish his work on time EFFORT

James hardly 2-0 222.2 2 2 1.2111 kre to finish his work on time 2 Patty's teacher doesn’t encourage her enough GIVEN

ân .HHẬHẬH) by her teacher

3 The vet’s complete dedication to her job is clear COMPLETELY

i80 0 .HBHBH to her job

4 People say that the Alps are beautiful in the spring SAID

I7 — ÊÊÊT]ïô:ê-ẽ:.H), in the spring 5 All that Mary cares about is dancing MATTERS

Dancing is the 211221 12.1.0110 T10 T10 eaeerree Mary

6 Ann studied hard at school and her marks have improved PAYING Ann's hard work at school

Trang 5

Breathing Fire

Fire-breathers are performers who blow large flames from their mouths You would be amazed to see how these exciting tricks (1)


fire-breathing work? First of all, the fire-breather needs to have some kind of fuel in his mouth, which he then blows out over a flame A much larger flame (3) created in this way This may be impressive, (4) it is also very dangerous (5)

fact, fire-breathing is considered to (6) the most dangerous of all fire acts, including fire-eating

Fire-breathers (7) not want to put themselves or others in danger by performing near anything that might catch fire Therefore, before performing, they (8) examine their surroundings carefully It is important that the audience does (9) stand or sit too close Despite these precautions, accidents sometimes happen If the wind suddenly changes direction, (10) example, the flame could be blown back onto the performer, causing serious burns The risks are so high that one performer, Pele, says (1 l) she wouldn’t encourage anyone to g1ve fire-breathing (12) try, however enthusiastic they may be

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence


1 “Jane lives near the river, doesn’t she?” 6 “I need a new bike.’ “Yes, but she for a house in the town” “You should then.”

a looking a save up one for

b is looking b save up for one

c does look c save for one up

d looks d save for up one

2 |enjoy watching sports like 7 Although the runner got to a good

tennis and baseball start, he didn’t win

a compete a off

b competition b out

c competitive c round

d competitively d up

3 “Why does Steven work so hard?” 8 We've just missed our flight, so not .,

“Well, for him professional success “ we are very upset

a isn’t everything a surprise

b everything isn’t b surprised

c everything is c surprising

d is everything d surprisingly

4 The school bus is picking the students 9 “Did you talk to the phone company up half an hour earlier about your bill?”

a always “Yes, and | them any money”

b seldom a am not owing

c this week b don’t owe

d the next day c not owe

5 The escaped prisoner to be a d am not owed

very dangerous man 10 Sam up late

a is believed a forever waking

b believed b forever is waking

c is believing c is forever waking

Trang 6

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

“Would you like some white wine?” “No thanks, Ì red”

a prefer b am preferring c am preferred d preferring

“What time should | be at the airport?”

“Well, Tors plane at eight, so leave at seven.’ a lands b is landed c land d landing The library is supposed .the book | need a have b to have c are having d having The restaurant you wanted to go to on Mondays

a not usually opening b isn’t usually open c usually opens not d isn’t opening usually

Bob is saving for a new computer a by b in c up d from That ring is beautiful How much ? a it costs b it cost c does it cost d it’s cost

“Do you know what this sweater of?” “Yes, it’s cotton.”

a makes b is made c ismaking d made

“Why are you so happy?”

“My favourite band here next month a are performing

b is performing c performing d be performing | coffee in the mornings

a often have not b am not often having c don’t often have d often am not having “Why .the baby?”

“| want to see how much weight she's put on” a you do weigh

b you weighing c you are weighing d are you weighing




Living in Hong Kong for a year helped me insight into the way of life there a do b find c make d gain Her hard work is starting to off a spend b earn c pay d add

Sue tried not to show her- when she saw the parking ticket a irritation b indifference c disturbance d dedication Our local music festival is a popular event a welcome b general c cultural d commercial Sarah her cool and started shouting a lost b forgot c dropped d missed In the producer’s latest play, all the actors a achieved b reacted c complimented d performed | don't have a about how to answer this question a trick b goal c thought d clue Sally waited .to hear the results of her test a encouragingly b enthusiastically c anxiously d indifferently A positive helps you cope with everything a thought b attitude c opinion d mind John is an excellent student He out in class a stands b leads c gets d shows

Fans are not usually allowed backstage, but they made for us

Trang 7

12 Children who cause a will be sent home

a disturbance

b nuisance

c trouble d response

cư during the show

13 Our agent is the arrangements for our trip a doing

b making c causing d planning

14 Tom is really It's important for him to win every contest he enters a dedicated b competitive c exceptional d gifted It is good to be outside and get some air a real b open c clean d fresh I made a large .to a children’s charity a amount b present c donation d generosity 15 16

WRITING AnAtticle (ce part 2)

Do the task below Write your article in 120-180 words Use the Writing Guide to help you 17 18 19 20 Teenagers often complain about their parents’ ideas a antique b old-fashioned c unpopular d well-received

People who shout and dance in the street late at night are nuisance a an outdoor b acommon c adifficult d a public I've written two of the speech for you to choose from a additives b choices c versions d papers

The police a warning to drivers not to speed on the wet roads a did b gave c said d told FAMILY WEEKENDS

ị What do you enjoy doing with your family at weekends? Write an article describing one way : your family spends quality time together Describe what you do and why you enjoy it Say i whether you would recommend this activity to other families and explain why

: We will publish the best articles in next month’s magazine

Steps for Writing an Article

1 Analyse the task Who is going to read the article? What kind of information should you include?

Brainstorm ideas What do you and your family do together at the weekend? Choose one activity Why is this activity fun? Would it appeal to other people your age? Why?

Organise your ideas Follow the plan:

¢ Par 1: Introduce the topic + Par 2: Describe one activity

+ Par 3: Describe what you enjoy about it + Par 4; Sum up and make a recommendation

Write your article Remember to write a catchy opening and

to support your ideas with examples

Topic Vocabulary

go hiking / on a day trip

visita museum

eat out

get together with family

suitable for the whole family appeal to

really enjoy spending time with make the most of our free time relaxing / healthy / educational

have an opportunity / a chance to talk

discuss various things

Trang 8


Choose the correct answer

1 An entrepreneur is someone who a starts a business

b spends a lot of time online 2 Acharity is an organisation which

a sells things to people b helps people in need

3 If people interact with each other, they a communicate with each other

b don’t communicate with each other

4 If you prevent something from happening, you a allow it to happen

b stop it from happening

5 If someone lacks the skills for a job, that person a has the skills needed

b doesn’t have the required skills

6 If you are carried away by an idea, you find it a exciting

b boring Circle the correct word in the sentences below

The mountain climbers set down / out before dawn

The tourist office provides visitors to / with free maps of the city

Jim carried on / out playing computer games although his mother told him not to The heavy traffic in this town contributes in / to air pollution

If you don’t set aside / across some money every month, you won't be able to go on holiday Sarah spilt juice all over the kitchen floor for / by accident

The only way you can make up / off for losing my phone is to buy me a new one Paul came across / into a lot of money when his grandfather died





Complete the text with the words below

tutors e launched @ comeup with @ assistance @ offered e good deal e update

Teenagers often know a (1) sss+ more about computers

than their teachers, who sometimes find it difficult to cope with new

technology Fortunately, a unique programme in the USA run by an organisation known as Generation YES has (2)

interesting idea — they let the students be the (3) !

Students are helping their teachers learn how to use technology

For example, when 13-year-old Megan Kennedy from Kansas decided to become involved in Generation YES, she helped a kindergarten teacher use the computer to show a short film in the classroom Along with two other

classmates, Megan gave the teacher valuable (4) -

They showed her how to upload film from a camera onto the computer and

how to add titles and background music

Since Generation YES was (Š) in 1996, hundreds of

schools in the USA have become involved, and many teachers are being

Trang 9


Circle the correct answer in the sentences below

1 I didn’t use / wasn’t using my camera so | let / was letting my friend borrow it

2 Claire was hot and tired because she had played / had been playing volleyball all morning

3 When | saw Jim yesterday, he looked / had looked very thin He’d just finished all his exams and he obviously didn’t eat / hadn't been eating properly for weeks

4 The author's first novel published / was published last month He felt / was feeling very proud when he saw / was seeing it in the bookshops

Charles didn’t know / hadn’t known Georgia for long when he asked / was asking her to marry him Ann watched / was watching a documentary when her TV suddenly went / was going off

The room was very hot because the air conditioning hadn't fixed / hadn't been fixed

We had been writing / had been written for over an hour before the teacher had told / told us that she had given us the wrong test


Complete the sentences with would or used to and the verbs given There may be more than one possible answer To TH CIAO cece eccccceccsssessseneeesectenvesunnesveses (live) by the sea, but now they live in the city

rA::đđAđ (not like) vegetables, but now | do c-— Paulines parents {own) a yacht?”

“Yes, but they sold it last month.”

4, Last year the team SE rereesve (practise) once a week, but this year we meet three times a week

5 My grandfather made a living as a fisherman He 22122 re (listen) to the weather forecast every morning before he went out

YOU (play) football as a child, Uncle Fred?

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs given Use the Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect Simple or Past Perfect Continuous, active or passive

a So mỊ Ơn ee HA Em - =“—— EE EE SEE EE EB sẽ“ === ——— = A oe — en Em mm =s= = = Ea = == = pe a Oe = = TH Xa aS oe man eS ee — = SO = oe ot = = = ee SS See Pees ee Se

is to some music when It all started one Saturday last month I(1) -sstseenrtdrrrrrtrrtr (listen)

(get) a callon my mobile phone Ï () -: -:trnnhtnhtthtưn phone kept ringing and after it (4) cằnerrrrrrrrrre

g Then, a few days later, while I() -rnnnrrrrrrrree

“Do you realise that

(answer) it, but there was no reply The

j i d answerin

(ring) about 10 times, I stoppe |

(check) my text messages, IT discovered a strange message All it said was, nobody at school likes you?”

ae send) and Over the next few days, some more text messages (6) -nemere ee - no)

I got more calls too Someone in my class (?) -cerrrrrrrrrrre {obviously the messages and the same person SA

n strange phone calls too, but I 1` (mot have) any

idea who it could be I felt really uncomfortable, so I told my mother about it She thought it was a case of cyberbullying and that I

00 (actually bulky) while I was reading

these awful messages We googled “cyberbullying” and found a website which (11) -cserrmrtrrrrrrre (create) to help people just like me

On the website we read that cyberbullies send threatening text messages

It was recommended that I change my mobile phone number After we - (finish) reading the information, I

Trang 10


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given Use between two and five words, including the word given

1 Joe didn't present his opinion very well in his essay POINT

1 — H.,), ,ÔỎ across very well in his essay The travel agency had not given us the correct maps PROVIDED

WO .,.H ÔỎ the correct maps by the travel agency

When | was younger, | found birthday parties very exciting USED

When | was younge 1 about birthday parties The businessman had only just started his speech when he was interrupted BEEN

U91 cu nh s~ long when he was interrupted

When was a child, Mum always served dinner at eight WOULD

When LE was a Child, dinner S2 221 1122111112222121221122 1111022 tr n0 2121221122152 ssrseerrec at eight

The storm didn’t cause the destruction of the bridge BY

Ms =—~ L ÔỎ the storm

The scientists made a mistake during the experiment OUT

While they 21H22 Hee the experiment, the scientists made a mistake My best friend always tries to help me solve my problems FIND

My best friend always tries to help me 220 2222 220122021222201221 2 2seerve my problems Use the words given at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line

ƒ Inliatuel

Many parents agree that the Internet can be a (1) sSource of USE information, but a lot of them are (2) to their teenage children _OPPOSE

spending too much time online They worry that their children enjoy it so much that they will neglect their homework Parents are even more concerned that

children and teens will be so (3) 0.00 affected by the violent games they DEEP

play online that they may become violent themselves s

However, the Internet habits of (4) 800 teens have recently been APPROXIMATE studied by scientists, with some positive findings It was found that social

(5) Sites like Facebook, playing online games, and surfing the NETWORK

Internet may actually play an important role in a teenager”s(6) DEVELOP The researchers found that the Internet offers young people a place to connect with

others and also gives them (7) 0pportunities to explore subjects they COUNT

find interesting

According to the study, US teens who were (8) H2 interested in Japanese PARTICULAR

cartoons, for example, picked up Japanese through online discussion groups In

addition, some teens became interested in (9) 0.000.000 Videos Without the MAKE

Trang 11

Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space Use only one word in each space

Everyone knows that YouTube is a website which allows you to upload videos onto the Internet that can be seen by viewers all over

two af the creators of YouTube

Œ) world The site was created (2)

2005 by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim, three young

men who (3) all working at the same company Ty

They had (4) trying to think of a concept for a new ena) C146 website (5) several months when they came up -

(6) the idea of a video-sharing website Once the new website had been set (7) they uploaded their first video This (8) called Me at the Zoo and it showed Jawed Karim visiting San Diego Zoo The short film attracted a lot of viewers and it (9)

bccome extremely popular Just five months after YouTube (10) ¬—- been launched, more than 65,000 not take long for the site to new videos were (11) uploaded every day Today, YouTube is estimated (12) be one of the most popular websites on the Internet Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence GRAMMAR 1 to any clubs when you were at school? 6 a Do you belong

b Did you belong c Were you belonging d Had you been belonging

2 Jonathan a parrot when he was younger 7 a was having

b would have c been having d used to have

3 Maria for her watch for a while when

she realised she was wearing it 8

a looked b was looking c had looked d had been looking

4 | wish Tom would stop bragging his new computer 9 a for b to c about d away

5 “Did you see that documentary on TV

about ancient Egypt?” 10 “No, |b? studied did study had been studying was studying anos While the house painted, we ate out a had been b been c was being d being

“| broke up with Steve last week.” “ had you been going out together?”

a How long b Since when c When d By the time

“Why don't you join that new gym?” “| can't afford to pay the fee”

a member b membership c membership’s d members

When the students found out the excursion " , they were disappointed being cancelled cancelled had cancelled had been cancelled ngpe Asachild, | the summer on my uncle's farm

Trang 12

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

“Was it along trip?”

“Yes, the plane landed, we had been travelling for eight hours.” a by the time b before

c after

d once The street was closed to cars because of a a demonstrate b demonstrated c demonstration

d demonstrating

“How often did you play basketball last year?” “I about twice a week.” a used to playing b was playing c had played d played We for hours before we found the hotel a were driving b were driven c had been driving d had been driven

Susie .a house by the time she got married a had already bought

b already used to buy c had already buying d was already buying

After | supper, | did my homework

a ate

b had eaten c had been eaten d was eating My new car in Italy a made b was made c had been made d was making Our new classroom is a than our old one a bigger deal b big deal c good deal bigger d deal bigger “How do you know so much about animals?” “L as a vet's assistant.” a used to work b was working c had worked d had been working

“| went to a pop concert last night.” “ the songs?”

a You enjoyed

b You were enjoying

c Were you enjoying d Did you enjoy VOCABULARY 1 10 11 Michael's working with children is extensive a tỉme b knowledge c insight d experience We sat in the of a tree to keep cool a shade b leaf

c top

d shadow Nobody in the shop wanted to me, so ! left a sell b notice c assist d offer Some smokers .to the new anti-smoking laws a object b oppose c complain d disagree The project was the of a young scientist a service b donation c opinion d brainchild The police tried to the crowds at the stadium a continue b compensate c control d contribute

The students are trying to funds for the animal hospital

a lift b rise c make d raise

Trang 13

12 There is of parking space in the town 17 I'd rather give money to a cause than

a atrouble spend it on something | don’t need

b alack a public

c an exception b charity

d anindifference c worthy

13 | admire people who for what they believe in d welcome

a try 18 Ann into a lot of money when her

b speak grandfather died c help a got d fight b came

14 The new law is — many people oppose it c put a controversial d went

b extensive 19 Schools should children in interesting c widespread activities d serious a engage

15 We were all in of the plan b dedicate a agreement c affect

b favour d interact c exception 20 gives me French lessons at home d support a A tourist

16 Can you help me the table? b A tutor

a raise c Atrainer b lift d An assistant c launch d exchange

WRITING An Email (Fcĩ part 1)

Do the task below Write your email in 120-150 words Use the Writing Guide to help you

Your best friend is going away to college and his grandfather wants to buy him a present to take with him He has sent you an email asking for ideas Read his email and the notes you have made Then write an email to Mr Grant, using all your notes

As you know, Ben is going away to college soon | want to give him a gift when —— Good idea

he leaves, and I’m hoping you will be able to help me decide what to buy I've been thinking about getting him a DVD player to use when he wants to

relax Another option is to get him the latest mobile phone - No, becaue Yes, because

Maybe you have a better idea Please let me know what you think

All the best, Adam Grant

Ferhaps you could

1 Analyse the task Who are you writing to? Why? What points do you need to cover? 2 Brainstorm ideas What reasons can you give for choosing a mobile phone and not a DVD? What additional suggestion can you make?

3 Organise your ideas Use the plan on page 26 of your Student's Book

4 Write your email Remember to use semi- formal language and give reasons for your


Useful Language

| would be pleased to help (He) will need some new things | think he would be delighted to get He would prefer a toa would be useful He might not be so pleased with Another possibility is

Have you considered ?

Please let me know if you need any further heip

Topic Vocabulary

be living alone / on his own

help him keep in touch

send and receive messages have features like music player,

camera, radio, Internet access,


Trang 14


Write T (True) or F (False) next to each sentence

se 1 Ifan animal is startled, it gets a fright

ca 2 If someone grumbles, they are happy about something " 3 If an animal is released into the wild, it is set free eee 4, When sounds mingle, you hear each one separately

When a lion roars, it makes a loud sound

When an animal lunges at another animal, it moves forward suddenly — 7 When you load something into a van, you unpack it

Replace the words in bold with the adjectives below

arrogant e defenceless ø starving e tense e thrilled visible e exhausted

The fans were really excited to meet their favourite singer

| was very tired after my long and difficult journey

On the day of the exam, | woke up feeling very nervous

We gave some food to the stray dog as it was extremely hungry

Without his gun, the soldier was unable to protect hỉimself

On a sunny day, the island is clearly seen from the top of the tower M ẻØø 0® WN > My neighbour thinks she is better than other people and often speaks in an unpleasant and proud way Complete the text with the words below

predator e fierce sôâ captivity e prey e vidnity e wid : e aggression

The Eagle Ow!

The eagle owl is the largest owl in the world It has wings that spread to over two metres Until the early 1990s, the only eagle owls found in Britain were kept by private owners Although they were kept 1m CÍ} ve , some birds escaped and as a result, several pairs are now living in te] 0228 - 1 , in their natural habitat

The eagle owl] is a (đ)


Trang 15


Choose the correct endings for the sentences Complete the emails with the correct words 1 When Thomas goes to Paris, he

a will visit the Louvre b is visiting the Louvre

2 By midday, the students Dear Nicola,

a will finish their test Guess what! I (1) volunteering

b will have finished their test at the animal sanctuary from tomorrow The first 3 I’ve got tickets for the football match thing I have to do is clean out the cages After

It that, I'II feed the animals I don’t know what Pll

a Starts at 2.30 doing afterwards, but I’m

b starting at 2.30 sure they’ll keep me busy I don’t finish work

4 Do you want to come round tonight? five o’clock — I’m sure Pll

We've rented a DVD and we be exhausted (4) |

Anyway, I'll let you know how it goes a order a pizza b are going to order a pizza Love, 5 The research team believe their Grace experiment a will be a success b is being a success 6 From five to six o'clock this evening, l a will be watching my favourite animals tomorrow! TV show i

rl busy all day

b will have watched my favourite ) 1 8¢t Started on it as

Ề , as I finish br

TV show

©akfast, Why 7 | won't buy a car until l

a will pass my driving test b pass my driving test a are going to cut yourself

b will be cutting yourself

Complete the sentences below with the correct future form of the verbs given, active or passive 1 Jack is driving too fast He 2 rrree (have) an accident

2 Td love to come out tonight, but l "— (not allow} to

3 Jeremy is taking part in the Athens Marathon this summer He probably re (not win), but lÍm sure he 5002228222 E se (enjoy) the experience

4 Our plane - high above the clouds s1 se (take off) at 7.30 tonight At 8.00, we 2 22c (fly) 3W (start) our maths exam at 9.00 am tomorrow

6 “The tap in the kitchen is leaking.”

“Oh, noll seo (call) the plumber right away”

7 By the time you find your umbrella, it treeremrrmresesrrarssus (SEOB} rainingl 8 “Susan came into a lot of money recently.’

“What nă she 0c (spend) it on?”

9 “I’ve just heard some good news Apparently, a new theatre re (build) in the town centre soon.”

"YVOS, AN it nc eecceccccceccccsssssscevunsseseertnsevesseasescee (design) by a local architect”

10 “†thinkl (take) my camera to the art gallery.”

Trang 16


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given Use between two and five words, including the word given

1 Annis practising the piano from four to six o'clock today BE

“0 ma from four to six o'clock today

1 we finish the shopping 3 We couldn't understand why he was behaving so strangely FIGURE

'J/-S«o20Is im for his strange behaviour 4 The hotel is expecting many guests in August BELIEVE

1" come to the hotel in August

5 There will be no food left when John gets here BEEN

100 on Ắố u00

6 It’s just like Bob to forget about the party TYPICAL

II — ` Bob to forget about the party

7 The winners of the competition are getting their prizes next week GIVEN

THe PriZe@ the winners of the competition next week 8 Jane refuses to visit us without an apology from you NOT

,ÔỎ apologise to her

Read the text below and decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fits each space


In February 2009, the state of Victoria in Australia experienced its worst bushfire ever A (1)

area of land was destroyed by flames Worse, millions of (2) animals living in the bush died in the fires and many were burnt

Thousands of injured animals were taken to (3) sanctuaries in the area for (4) medical

treatment when their (5) habitat went up in flames These animals included kangaroos and koalas with burnt paws, and lyre birds with burnt feathers Among the casualties was an animal known as the echidna, which is a (6) of Australian mammal resembling a hedgehog As it

would have been (7) impossible for these slow-moving mammals to avoid the flames, they

followed their (8) .and dug holes in the ground to hide This resulted in burns on their backs After spending time in (9) , some lucky animals were considered well enough to be (10) into the forest to continue their lives in the (11) However, experts (12) that it will take over 200 years before the plant life in the area returns to what it was before the devastating fires

1 A visible B foremost € countless D massive

2 A defenceless B outrun C afraid D hopeless

3 A refuge B nature ¢ wildlife D_ species

4 A _ insistent B urgent €C alarm D sudden

5 A_ ordinary B_ physical C standard D natural

6 A version B form Cc type D product

7 A absolutely B mainly C deeply D extremely

8 A_ feelings B thoughts C_ instincts D attitudes

9 A prison B jail Cc welfare D captivity

10 A endangered B released C returned D loaded

11 A wild B habitat C nature D freedom

Trang 17

Use the words given at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line

For centuries, the Asian elephant was used in the forest industry to transport logs But when it became illegal to cut down trees in the rainforests, these animals were no longer (1)

were treated with (3) to their owners As a result, some of the elephants and left to cope alone They were neglected and (3) woo, ANd many of them did not survive The Asian

elephant became an (4) Species,

Fortunately, some of these (5) animals were saved and now live in the Elephant Safari Park on the Indonesian island of Bali There, the elephants

have been provided with a new home and (} n addition, they have Jearnt to develop a natural skill: apparently, the elephants “draw” on the

ground with sticks and little stones held in their trunks Now with the ) park, these elephants have learnt how to paint!

OF dedicated people at the safari

First the elephants are taught how to pick up a paintbrush with their trunks Once this has been (8) , they are ready to

put paint on canvas Each elephant has its own Œ) , Wwho helps the animai

Œ0) produce works of art

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence


1 “Why can’t we go swimming tomorrow?” “They’re the pool.”

Many tourists are interested in these paintings, which they buy to support this endangered species


1 i 1 ‡ ABUSE :




6 “You shouldn't go out in this rainy weather.” “Don't worry | won't go out it stops raining.”

a going to clean a after

b be cleaning b until

c are going to clean c if

d been cleaned d by the time

2 The students will leave the room as soon 7 “We've been waiting for the dentist for ages.” as they the exam “I'm sure he here soon.”

a are finishing a is

b finish b will have been

c will be finished c will be

d will finish d going be

3 “Is it okay if | call you at about 11 pm?” 8 How long will it take you to figure the answer?

“No | to bed by then.” a off

a go b up

b will go c down

c will have gone d out

d am going to go 9 “Isn’t the view great?”

4 The customer was that he wanted to “Yes Please give me the camera and 1 a photo”

speak to the shop manager a will take

a insists b am taking

b insistent c going to take c insistently d will be taking

d insistence 10 John for you at the airport when you arrive

Trang 18

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


Jack has a lot his mind as he is worried about losing his job a in b with c on d to

“What a mess!”

“It us hours to tidy up” a is taking

b will be taking c will have taken d is going to take

Signs have been put up so drivers will know this road is dangerous Warn


Warning Warnings

angoo I'll buy the black boots if the brown ones me a don't fit

b aren't fitting

c won't have fitted d aren't going to fit

“Everyone but Mary knows about the meeting.” “When is she going about it?” a to tell b to be told

c being told d be telling

Will all the votes counted by tomorrow? a being

b have been c tobe

d going to be

“We're having a party tomorrow night.” “Vm sure it 2 to be great going to be great is great

will be great


“Is Jill still planning to study medicine?”

“Yes She off her college applications tomorrow.” a sending

b going to send

c issending d does send The hikers looked when they saw the mountain lion a terrified b terrifying c terrify d terrifyingly viín at 10 tomorrow?” “No, at nine.’

a Is the exam start b Does the exam start c Is starting the exam d Start not the exam


1 10 When we heard the fire , we ran out a alarm b sound c noise d sign The boss is only dealing with matters today a necessary b insistent c urgent

d aggressive | usually order chicken, but today I for

the steak a chose b opted c decided d selected In my opinion, it is to mistreat animals a worthy b opposed c indifferent d inhumane

A chance with the manager of a

company led to my first job

a response

b encounter

c company

d arrangement

Thanks to her mind, the scientist made many important discoveries

a fast

b overwhelming c brilliant d extensive

| want to take a photo of you, so stand

and don’t move!

a still b quiet c back d calm

Trang 19

11 Donftfeed the animals under any 16 It was a real to go to Disneyland a situations a fun

b circumstances b thrill

c times c happiness

d reasons d excitement

12 Mary was brave, but | sensed an of fear 17 There was a lot of in the room; the couple

a attitude had obviously been arguing

b addition a nuisance

c aspect b irritation

d undercurrent c tension 13 1 John for his twin brother; they're identical d disturbance

a thought 18 Jenny was with her sister for taking her bike

b recognised a furious

c mistook b anxious

d relied c opposed

14 Harry isn’t modest He speaks of his d miserable

achievements 19 Let’s take a through the park; it'll be quicker

a greatly a direction b arrogantly b location

c culturally c shortcut d exceptionally d version 15 Animal organisations try to protect animals 20 The secret agent accomplished his and a welfare disappeared b captivity a performance

c insistence b project d service c solution

d mission

WRITING an Opinion Essay (ECCE)

Do the task below Write your essay Use the Writing Guide to help you

: No to New Zoo!

Animal rights activists have been demonstrating against the opening of a new zoo In response to this public i ! concern, a spokesperson for the zoo says that all the animals will be well cared for and that animals will not be

kept in small cages He also maintains that their living conditions will be well planned and, where possible,

ị will be like their natural habitat

TASK: ESSAY Some people feel that wild animals should be left in their natural habitat and not kept in zoos and safari parks Do you think it is cruel to keep animals in zoos? Discuss your opinion, supporting it with examples

Useful Language Topic Vocabulary

Steps for Writing an Essay keep an animal in captivity 1 Analyse the task Which issue are you asked to However natural habitat

discuss? Which point of view do you support? On the one hand, freedom

Underline ideas in the newspaper article and the task On the other hand survival of threatened wildlife that you can use in your essay Will you use formal or In addition help to save endangered species

informal language? Although educational for visitors

2 Brainstorm ideas Is it cruel to keep wild animals in While provide entertainment zoos? Why? How does the life of animals in a zoo

differ from their life in the wild? Do animals benefit For instance,

from being kept in zoos in any way? Such as

To sum up, 3 Organise your ideas Use the plan on page 39 of

your Student's Book

4 Write your essay Write topic sentences to give the main idea of each paragraph and add examples Remember to use linking words

Trang 20


Complete the sentences with the words below

trekking se learning e period © coastal e medical e household e sightseeing 1 The first day we were in Vienna we went on a tour of the city

2 The local hospital needed more SIPplies

3 Akeen walker, Nigel Went ON a holiday in Morocco’s Atlas mountains 4 The play was set in the 1850s so all the actors WOre dress

5 Working closely with researchers ina lab was a real experience for John 6 The shop sells a variety of Iems such as baking dishes and bowls

7 Many luxury cruise ships sail from the busy port of Portsmouth in England Complete the text with prepositions or particles

If you want to do more than just lounge Œ) 0n the beach this

summer, and you don’t enjoy staying in busy hotels, why not visit the Kolarbyn Eco-Lodge? This holiday resort, which is situated in the beautiful Bergslagen

region of Sweden, is differenl (2) other resorts Accommodation is provided in simple wooden huts which have been built deep in the forest

The resort 1s known () its varied outdoor activities, ranging from fishing to mushroom collecting Anyone drawn

CA observing wildlife in the forest can take

one of the guided tours and see wild animals in their natural habitat

At Kolarbyn Eco-Lodge, visitors have the chance to get @ taste (5) oes a simple life, surrounded (6) cv magnificent scenery It’s an opportunity to enjoy an environmentally friendly holiday Just remember ~ the resort is popular, so

you must book (7) advance

Margareta ~ voted the most popular forest hut at Kolarbyn Eco-Lodge

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words given

1 The prisoners are believed to have escaped through an tunnel GROUND

2 Make sure to check the hours of at Mystic Seaport before you go there OPERATE 3 There are many flights from this airport to different parts of the world NATIONAL 4 The new law will be soon FORCE

Trang 21


Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple, Circle the correct words to complete the Present Perfect Continuous or Past Simple, active or text


1 Botanists 220C ee GLOBE TREKKER (recently / discover) a new type of coffee plant This plant

G2222 2n 1e xce (find) in Madagascar TRAVELLING

2 Wow! That’s the most enormous television |

TH HH1 1 2112111111111 xe (ever / see) FOR A LIVING

3 Myuncle s22222cc errrrrkes (count) the ;

stamps in his collection all day He says that he Most people take time off work to travel,

sesseceueeiativetenagtntssesviesngesenncinsniensniesiae (collect) at least but for Ian Wright, making a living requires 1,500 stamps over the last 10 years travelling Ian, who (1) has travelled /

4 A lotofchanges 2 0112211222112 has been travelling all around the world

(make) to this part of the city since | last many times, is one of the presenters of

¬— HH {come) here Globe Trekker — a popular TV series which

explores the sights and sounds of different countries Since he (2) has been given /

was given the job as a presenter on the series, Ian (3) has participated /

participates in over 50 episodes of the show, visiting countries like Ethiopia,

Cambodia, Jamaica and Iran On his travels, Ian often tries local food He (4) has even been eating / has even eaten

a fried cockroach!

5 HOW many tỉmes 0222221022211 erve (you / warn) not to ride your bike without a helmet? 6 1am watching an interesting documentary about some

astronauts who c1 rrree (live) on the International Space Station for several months Complete the dialogues with the Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous or Past Simple, active or passive

1 A: Why are oing to the doctor?

¥ are you going As well as eating strange dishes, Ian

8: Because Í 02 eeeve (not feel) sometimes has to put himself in dangerous

well lately situations Once, while filming in the

2 A: Tom eo (think) about South Pacific, he (5) was almost burnt /

taking up the piano for a while now has almost been burnt by some red-hot

B: Well, | hope he does better than | did volcanic lava Although Ian (6) has made /

M , ÔỎ (take) lessons last has been making Globe Trekker

,- 18s .Ô (not enjoy) episodes for over 15 years, he is as

them at all enthusiastic as ever about it He

3 A: Do the police know who robbed the bank? (7) worked / has been working on the

B: No.No one eo {arrest) series longer than any of the other

so far, presenters — and he says there are lots of adventures still to come!

4 A: Why are your eyes all red?

— ,ÔỎ {just / peel) onions! 5 A: Are you going to fix the computer?

0= (already / repair)

6 A: PatriCK / find) hịís

keys yet?

B: No.He cu (look for)

them all afternoon

7 A: You're not an experienced skier, are you? B: No This is only the second time that |

Trang 22


Read the text below and decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fits each space

ate Ịự pone Ge Cc A ' Ỉ J sẽ D |

Hells Canyon in North America is the perfect holiday destination for anyone who likes outdoor activities that are off the beaten (1) The National Recreation Area there has

something for everyone, (2) from hiking to horseback riding

Hells Canyon, which (3) for 16 kilometres, was formed by the Snake River In many places along the river, the water is fast flowing and dangerous A growing number of people are (4) to Hells Canyon each year to go rafting on its wild waters Others prefer to take guided boat trips on the slower moving parts of the river With an experienced (5) on hand to make sure everything runs (6) , visitors can sit back and enjoy the breathtaking (7) As your boat sails down the river, you can see drawings on the huge black and green cliffs that were (8) into the rock over 1,000 years ago by Native Americans They were attracted to the area because of

the (9) of the area’s rich wildlife

if you’re interested in the more recent history of the area, you can (10) a taste of life in Hells Canyon in the 1930s at the Kirkwood Historic Ranch Here, household (11) and farming equipment used by early settlers are (12) ina reconstructed farmhouse

1 A path Bway C road D track

2 A_ ranging B differing C involving D varying

3 A heads B goes C extends D develops

4 A drawn B pulled C led D headed

5 Đ group B crowd C crew D gang

6 A_ easily B quickly C correctly D smoothly

7 Ê vision B scenery C land D background

8 A made B created C formed D carved

9 A diversity B difference C amount D mixture

10 A find B receive C get D achieve

11 A_ pieces B items C belongings Ð tools

12 A exhibited B conserved C noticed D demonstrated

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given Use between two and five words, including the word given

1 They started making TVs at the factory 10 years ago BEEN

am 10 years

2 Amanda gave up eating meat when she was a teenager NOT ,

AMAA 2 nh ẻẽ she was a teenager 3 Don’t go to the new restaurant without booking a table ADVANCE

ŠöÐ70061 005 at the new restaurant 4 lamonmy third visit to Japan HAVE

THis iS tHe Chir oo CLÊ:::.HăH,, Japan 5 How long has Alexander owned his yacht? BUY

How long TẠ Hư HH 2 1 HH0 HA HH HH HH TH HH 0110011102 ca his yacht?

6 They have decided to extend their house BUILD

They have decided t0 oo their house 7 Stanley borrowed some money so that he could buy a car ENABLED

The money Stanley borrowed 2202221121101 0122011101121 de a car

Trang 23

Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space Use only one word in each space

Budapest, Hungary is (1) of the most beautiful cities in Europe Its many attractions include the Children’s Railway, which is different (2) other railways because this train line is run by youngsters aged 10 to 14 The railway Nas (3) operating with great success 4) over 60 years It has carried passengers through the beautiful forest parks of the Buda Hills ever 6)- 2 it was first set up in 1948

Today, the railway takes approximately 300,000 people a year

on the 11-kilometre journey through the hills While the children (6) Work on the railway do not actually drive the trains, they carry out important duties, such (7) selling tickets and operating signals Only young people who (@) successfully completed a special four-month training course (9) allowed to work there The railway operates daily, and the young workers have to take one day off school every two weeks to participate As long as their schoolwork does (10) suffer, their involvement is encouraged

Similar railways have been set up in other parts (1) the world, including Russia and Bulgaria, but the Budapest

Children’s Railway remains one of the largest and most popular

trains of its kind that has (12) transported passengers

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence


1 “My bag was stolen yesterday.” 6 The ship can't sail until everyone is “Oh, dear! You much luck recently.” a ahead

a not have had b away

b haven't had c aside

c have been not having d aboard

d hadn't

How long on your car?

a has the mechanic been working b has been working the mechanic c has worked the mechanic d the mechanic has worked [haven't finished my composition a still b yet c just d never - Our trip to India was from any other | had experienced

a differ b difference c different

d differently “| know how this joke ends” “ , Ít before?”

a Have you been hearing b Were you hearing

c You hear

d Have you heard

7 “Have you known about Tom's illness for long?”

“Yes, he me about it a few months ago”

a tell b has told c told

d has been telling

8 This organisation is devoted to the of historic buildings a preserve b preserving c preserved d preservation 9 “Let's go ice skating.’

Trang 24

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 By 11 o'clock tomorrow night, all our guests a are going to leave b are leaving c willleave d will have left

“Are you going to the concert on Saturday?” “Unfortunately, it .”

a cancelled b has cancelled c has been cancelling

d has been cancelled

“Have you ever ridden a horse?” “Yes, | horses every weekend when | was younger.” a have been riding b have ridden c was riding d rode

“James will be in town next week”

“How long you last saw him?”

a it has been since b is it when c has it been since

d was it being that

The Mediterranean diet to be very healthy a knows b is known c has known d is knowing Three goals by John in the match yesterday a had scored b were scored c have been scored

d have been scoring

Angela has lived in her home 2002

a since

b in c for d from

“Why are you crying?” “| to a really sad song.’

a just been listening b have just listening c just have been listening d have just been listening

While the house , the children played outside

a cleaned

b have been cleaned

c was being cleaned

d had been cleaned

Henry the gym and won't be back till eight a been to b is gone to c has been to d has gone to VOCABULARY 1 10 Are these tickets only on the day of purchase? a correct b valid c worthy d lively Jerry booked a tour to a resort in Mexico a travel b passage c vacation d package

If we with each other, we'll be able to get the work done more quickly

a assist

b join

c help d cooperate

In her book, the author tried to life in

19th-century New York a recreate b release c rebuild d react Sally eats a lot, but she’s still for her age a lacking b narrow c light d underweight My uncle works hard and has a business a lively b thriving c favourite d strong The furniture in their home from antique to very modern a extends b ranges c changes d recreates Environmentalists work to wildlife a exhibit b reserve c defend d conserve

Trang 25

11 Teaching at my school have changed and the lessons are now more fun a ways b types c techniques d experiences 12 This food has no flavour; didn’t you add any ? a groceries b spices c tastes d supplies 13 The computer was so | decided not to buy it a international b overpriced c overcrowded d interactive 14 When the factory closed, many workers lost their a fee b living c livelihood d fund 15 Harry isan employee at a company that in oil a purchases b works c exchanges d trades

WRITING An Article (Fce part 2)

16 17 18 19 20 In fantasy stories, heroes may have powers a overwhelming b breathtaking c inhumane d superhuman Colourful boats can be seen in the a craft b coast c harbour d beach

Our travel agent helped us plan the for our trip a itinerary b diversity c construction d operation It's not advisable to buy a watch from a vendor a street b road c path d route The Statue of Liberty is a famous American a landmark b construction c vicinity d extension

Do the task below Write your article in 120-180 words Use the Writing Guide to help you : You see this announcement in an international travel magazine


We are looking for articles describing your dream cruise Write and tell us where you would choose to go,

who you would go with, where you would get off the ship to explore, and what you would like to see

How would you spend your free time on board the ship?

Steps for Writing an Article

1 Analyse the task Who is going to read the article? Are you going to use formal or informal language? What kind of information should you include?

2 Brainstorm ideas Think of places where people can go ona cruise Where would you like to go? Who would you go with? Where would you get off the ship to explore? What sights would you see? What activities could you do on the ship?

3 Organise your ideas Use the plan on page 50 of your Student's Book

4 Write your article Remember to use a variety of adjectives Try to use sentence patterns with so and such where appropriate

Topic Vocabulary

Trang 26


Complete the sentences with the words below _

significance e obsetving @ subjects e serial e efÍecfs e aisie e strategies e best-known e knowledge e stage

1 My two-year-old sister cant speak very well; she at a where she can only say a few words 2 You can't be a mechanic if you have no of how a car works!

3 The in the study were asked to eat only vegetables for a week

4 Archaeologists say that the discovery of the ancient village is of great 5 When I fly, ! prefer to sỉt in an seat

6 Marilyn Monroe was one of the actresses of her time 7 This television is based on a best-selling book 8 Experts learn a lot about birds from their habits

9 Soldiers learn survival as part of their training 0 Doing yoga can help reduce the of stress

Circle the correct words to complete the email

Dear Abbie,

Do you remember when your dog Rosie stole a chocolate biscuit and you said she looked (1) selfish / guilty? Well, I saw something interesting on a website recently which proves you were wrong!

(2) Properly / Apparently, a lot of people believe their dogs look sorry when they’ ve misbehaved and some

scientists actually (3) consumed / conducted a study to find out if this was true A large group of dog owners

and their pets took (4) part / place The scientists asked the dog owners to leave the room and when they returned, they were told that their dogs had misbehaved The dog owners (5) observed / responded by getting angry with their dogs and they reported that their dogs looked sorry But in fact, the dogs hadn’t misbehaved! The researchers had only said they had for the purposes of the experiment

The study proves that a dog’s expression has nothing to do with its behaviour Their owners just think it does —

which goes to (6) shew / display how often we think that dogs are like human beings

I hope you find this interesting Bye for now,


Complete the phrases in the sentences below

1 When Ben heard his dog had been run over, he went to p 2 “lsas that you and your brother are always arguing.”

“| know, but we just donft see e tO@ on anything.”

3 | want to buy some sun cream to use at the beach, so k your eyes open for a chemist on the way 4 These toys for children in hospital are great They will go a long way t making their stay easier 5 lmallf getting some exercise, but a five-kilometre run is too much for me!

6 Drivers should reduce s when they are in the city

7 Horror movies about living in a haunted house give me the c Í

8 “Some young people dream of being famous, but they dorft t into consideration how difficult it is to be followed everywhere by photographers.”

Trang 27


Replace the words in bold in the sentences with the words below Add a subject to the sentence where necessary

shall « can e wouldn't e oughtto e notbeableto © nothaveto e might e mustn't

Is it possible for you to lend me €5? There's a magazine | want to buy

Jack refused to apologise to his teacher yesterday

Visitors to the museum are forbidden to touch any of the exhibits ccc ccccccccsccsccssssseceescsessvsesessesssese Do you want me to look in the paper to see what films are on tonight? cssst222z re You had better let that pie cool down before you have any 22200 c6

It’s not necessary for us to dress up for the party A lot of people will be wearing jeans I'm afraid it will be impossible for me to fix your TV by Saturday ® m m1 PWN =

Perhaps the weather will improve next week 20 2E 1 erre

Complete the sentences with the modal perfect form of the verbs given in brackets in each sentence Use the modals below to help you One modal is used twice

may @ must © should @ can’t e needn't e would

¬.»— ,Ơ (wake) me so early We don't have school today 2 “My neighbours played really loud music last night.”

NOU oi ~- JJA.H} ,.ÒỎ {ask) them to turn it down”

E›— ÔỎ (see) Mary at the theatre yesterday She’s been in bed with flu since Monday

4 “George found a snake in his wardrobe this morning when he was getting dressed!”

“He 0102 eeervee (be) terrified!”

5 THeY eo (visit) the Acropolis Museum when they were in Athens, but I’m not sure

IM H, ,ÔỎ (pick you up) this morning, but my car broke down 7 “The winner of the competition 2 2222202 (announce) by now”

“| wonder if the judges are still making up their minds” Circle the correct words to complete the text

Everyone (1) ought / has to make difficult decisions at times Sometimes we

(2) need / should to decide about questions of honesty We want to do the right thing, but the correct thing to do (3) may / shall seem difficult Take, for example, the case of David Jenks, who came across a quarter of a million dollars outside the antique shop he owns in Syracuse, New York

Trang 28


Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space

Use only one word in each space

` ody Language

Although human beings use speech to COMMUNICATES, WE UT) oes not assume that words always communicate real feelings Sometimes we 2 tell more about what someone is feeling from their body language The term body langugge l3) used to describe all the actions, gestures and facial expressions that indicate how people really feel (4Ì, re example, someone who is interested in a conversation he is having often leans forward †owords the spedker Ôn the other (5Ì ì se _ someone who is bored might indicate this by frequently looking away

Sometimes we re ló) l0 regd other people's body language quite easily But the signdls qre Í?) - always so obvious For instance, when we tell someone a joke, and they smile, we (8Ì it for granted that they found the joke amusing But fake smiles look very similar fo real ones and it's sometimes dificult to (9) the difference

One sign that a smile is real is that the ends of the person's eyebrows go down slightly If you want to [l0) out if someone really thought your joke WAS AMUSING [ ÌÌ eo was just pretending, YOU (12) sete io study their features carefully The next time you tell a joke, check

out those eyebrows!

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given Use between two and five words, including the word given

1 It's a good idea to leave early INTERESTS

It coeeesssscconsseeeeecsnsnsecceceenereeete

“ HHBH, )ằH)HH ,ÔỎ to leave early

I1 m7 from the race

3 They should deliver our new computer today SUPPOSED

OUP MEW COMPUTE nn eeecssscessseseessccsseccssneccesneseesesnaceensscennecutsccnssesesnssecearssecsnesessnssseeussisecseasecessriceassseessisestanesseess delivered today 4 I tried to get Adam to come to the party but | couldn't PERSUADE

Na ố come to the party 5, l tried to get Sally's attention, but she was busy talking EYE

le.) 1 ÔẦ, Ô because she was busy talking

6 The dancer was so graceful that we couldn't stop looking at her TAKE


c6 .QAdAldđgl: ẢẢ the graceful dancer


7 He probably missed the bus LIKELY

Ìt ca

Hư TH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH1 T1 HH4 xe missed the bus


8 Jim and Tom plan to try windsurfing when they are on holiday HAVE

Trang 29

Use the words at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line

How Food Adverts


lt is well (1) that the advertisements we see on TV often influence our F behaviour when we go shopping Recently a team of (2) from a UK university SCIENCE found out that TV food adverts have a (3) effect on children’s eating habits ee The researchers asked 60 children, aged 9 to 11, to take part in an experiment The

(4 had to watch a cartoon on TV Just before the cartoon came on, they saw some food adverts While they were watching the cartoon, a variety of snacks were available, including both chocolate and healthier low-fat products The scientists’

PARTICIPATE Ó) cu while the children were watching the cartoon showed some OBSERVE

interesting results Some of the children ate 35% more food after the adverts,

which the scientists FOUN (6) ! The unhealthy snacks were ASTOUND

(7) popular PARTICULAR

Later, the same children were shown another cartoon and they saw some adverts for

toys before watching the cartoon (8) , they ate much less after seeing APPARENT

the toy adverts than after the food adverts The experiment shows how (9)

food adverts can be If adverts like these are shown when people are watching TV, there is a PERSUADE

strong (10) they will eat more POSSIBLE

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence,


1 My cousin have replied to my email by now, but he hasn't a must

b should c would

d need 2 | don't know if be able to drive you

to school tomorrow a can b will c would d could

3 Ahealthy diet is important for a child’s

physical develop

b developing

c developmental d development

4 She talk to us because we'd had an argument a couldn't b wouldn't

c needn't d didn’t have to 5 “Lhope you liked the cake”

“It was delicious | have another slice?” a May b Shall c Must d Would ©

6 “I'll meet you outside the theatre at nine” “But the play by then”

a will have begun

b would be begun

c will have been begun d would begin 7 Our boat was used without our a know b known c knowledge

d knowing

8 | didn’t spend all my pocket money

because I didn’t think 1

a should b must c would d have to

9, “Why isn’t Ann in class today?”

“| don ‘t know She sick.”

a should be

b should have been c might be

d might have been

10 “Do you think | ought the job offer?” “No You were right to turn it down.”

Trang 30

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

“How are we going to get to the stadium?”

“Well, we either take the train or go by car.’ a ought

b would c might d could

The dog be taken out now | took him out an hour ago

a needn't b needn't have c hadn't to d doesn't have

Don't take your eyes the road when you are driving a on b out c away d off “What are you going to do with the prize money?” “I'm not sure | buy myself a new computer.’ can may will shall it’s raining you like to borrow my umbrella? a Shail b Could c May d Would

“Did you have a good time in New York?”

“Yes a shame you couldn't come with us.’ a What's

b You're

c It’s d That's

The traffic was so bad that they reach the airport in time a can't b won't c couldn't d shouldn't Something done about all the rubbish in the streets a has b been c has tobe d have been


After many hours, the firefighters

put out the fire a could b abie to c were able to d could have

It’s Sunday, so you should take consideration that there will be no buses today


on at into ao of VOCABULARY 1 The beautiful painting caught his eye face interest look ano»

2 Anna advantage of the good weather and spent the day at the beach a took b got c had d found 3 She some of her jewellery at the local arts festival a observed b developed c displayed d demonstrated 4 The crime in our city have gone down a lot a effects b figures c subjects d types

5 Your directions are confusing and George is

to get lost if he follows them a possible b probably c supposed d likely 6 Stop at me — you're making me feel uncomfortable a seeing b keeping c watching d staring

7 Our teacher is for school trips as long as they are educational a all b everything c every d ever 8 It is not healthy to too much junk food a construct b consume c conserve d control

9 Simon took the last piece of chocolate

Trang 31

11 The company came up with a The company came up with a

that everyone could remember

a slogan b persuasion c trend

d benefit

That shop is really expensive — Jean double for her leather bag! a spent b paid c cost d bought The magazine is a signified b achieved c published d exhibited

Most of the children in the class are taking in the school play a stage b time c part d place 12 13 monthly 14

15 Many people agree with the that too much TV is not good for children a response b warning c argument d insight

WRITING AsStory (Fce part 2)

16 a b c d

17 A fashion designer needs to

There were offices along both sides of the aisle stage location corridor an eye for colour a b C d 18 a b C d 19 if you don't like your seat, I'll It’s not my have keep learn get esas with you mingle switch interact exchange

that you weren't picked for the football team a b C d 20 You should be more effect guilt fault reason

and help the

other students in your group a b C d persuasive astounding behavioural cooperative

Do the task below Write your story in in 120-180 words Use the Writing G Guide to help you

“Your English teacher has asked you to write a astory for the school magazine e.The story must tend with the words: When Christine read the email, she knew everything would be all right

Steps for Writing a Story

1 Analyse the task Who is going to read your story? What sentence must be included? Where must it appear? Should you write the story in the first person? Brainstorm ideas What was the email

about? Who is Christine? Why do you think the email made her sure everything would be all right? Organise your ideas Use the plan on

page 62 of your Student's Book Write your story Use adjectives and

adverbs to describe feelings Use direct quotations to make your story more realistic The Topic Vocabulary and Time Expressions will help you Make sure you use tenses correctly

Topic Vocabulary

look forward to wait impatiently for receive a reply

become more and more upset feel disappointed / let down a big disappointment feel / be miserable try to comfort (somebody) feel sorry for cheer (somebody) up (It) eventually arrived feel relieved be / feel relaxed optimistic glad (un)happy / (un)happily excited / excitedly angry / angrily miserable / miserably sad / sadly At first

A few days / weeks later Not long / Soon afterwards As the days passed

But one day

The following / next day By the time

Trang 32


Circle the correct answer

Too much organic / junk food like crisps, biscuits and burgers is bad for one’s health The artist turned / conveyed the effect he wanted by combining colours in an unusual way Julie spilt orange juice on Mary's coat by mistake It wasn't intentional / inspirational The articles in this newspaper are of a high detail / quality

John’s ruined / lost his appetite Perhaps he’s not well

Justine didn’t like the song at first, but it grew / turned on her




We tend to be preferred / conditioned to see things in a certain way Replace the words in bold with the words below

criticism e lifelike e disgusting © visualise e surround unconcerned

The sculpture is very realistic

The sea is getting very rough but the captain is not worried

Most people would find it horrible to eat insects

Your negative comments annoyed me What you said about me is unfair Sarah described her new dress to me but | wasn’t able to imagine it




The guards were told to stand around the prisoners Complete the text with the words below

inspiration e glance e movement e masterpieces « combination e meal

Colombe d’Or: More than just a Restaurant

At first (1) , the Colombe d’Or restaurant in the village of Saint Paul de Vence in the south of France seems like any other restaurant where guests have come to enjoy a gourmet (2) sec However, at the Colombe d’Or they have also come to admire the restaurant’s paintings In the early 20th century, many artists, including Matisse, Chagall,

and the founders of the Cubist () y Pablo

Picasso and Georges Braque, came to the village to paint They found (4) - - for their works in the

breathtaking scenery and wonderful light But some of these artiSts, whos€ (5) ccceceree are priceless today, didn’t have much money Paul Roux, a local cafĩ owner, offered them food and a place to sleep, and they gave him their paintings in return Today Roux’s cafĩ is a restaurant where some of the finest 20th-century works of art are displayed Customers from all over France are drawn to this place where food and art are a winning (6) !

Trang 33


Rewrite the sentences below using the passive

1 The customs officers are checking everyone's luggage

EveryoneS luggage 2220 2222022222212 1n H Hee

3 | think the mayor will turn on the Christmas lights next week

| think the Christmas lights 2222222222222212 20000218222 rrrrrrrrssseece

4 Over a thousand people were watching the parade when it started to rain

— when it started to rain

ssecouneccensecesnseceensscenessesssnassanscrssceseoseusserusnycessavesssuveccasiseesaneessaneeassstessiseccessessssvessiveccsatseusnavestassessarsvecsarveces by the children

6 Has anyone found the keys yet?

HaVe 0 2 HH 101 2 n2 x2 Hee ?

7 You need to be more careful That bus could have run you over!

YOU Need to be more careful You 212221112122 2 He ng HH rrsersreree ! 8 Did James Cameron direct the film Avatar?

ô ma ?

Circle the correct answer BE CAREFUL:

Both answers may be correct Complete the text below with the correct passive form of the verbs given

1 | wish you would stop to shout / shouting You're giving me a headache

2 I've told you not to talk / to not talk

during the lesson II 0

' Rabbit

3 John didn’t feel like going / to go out

with his friends, so he stayed home 4 Who taught to ride / you to ride a

Ê person

horse? ae - + ĩ

sleeping on

5 Sorry for laughing / to laugh at your the rabbit

new haircut | didn’t mean upsetting / to upset you

6 Visitors to Greece love eating / to eat

in small tavernas which serve : :

traditional dishes 0 n the side of the Colletto Fava mountain in the Piedmont region 7 It's worth to bake / baking your own bread It’s so delicious! of northern Italy lies an unusual work of art A giant pink rabbit

(Œ)- (can / see) lying on its back The 8 Gemma’s dentist advised her to eat / eating fewer sweets 60-metre-long pink rabbit (2) 1C (design) by

4 group of artists called Gelitin who are based in Vienna The rabbit

9 | hope they'll continue showing / ) (often / visit) by hikers who don’t just to show my favourite TV series for a look at the rabbit, but climb on it too

long time to come

The giant pink rabbit, which is made of material filled with straw,

10 Swift Airlines regrets announcing / to announce that flight 223 will be VẢ) se (even / use) as a bed when exhausted

delayed climbers have climbed up on the animal’s soft tummy to take a nap! Wolfgang Gantner, one of the artists responsible for the creation, says that the bunny () - 2c (suppose) to make you

feel small

Trang 34


Read the text below and decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fits each space

The works of British artist Tom Keating (1) to many art collectors today — even though they are all forgeries As a young man, Tom had hoped to become a successful artist, but art dealers were (2) to his work and Tom became

ĩ ị frustrated He was (3) of art dealers, who he claimed sometimes made

c7 mistakes in their judgment of art

Tom (4) to show the world that the opinions of art dealers and other experts

could not be trusted, and he started creating forgeries of works by great artists

Tom studied all the (5) of their paintings, and by using a (6) of techniques, got his paintings to look just like the originals For the next 25 years, Tom successfully (7) art dealers, selling more than 2,000 forgeries by over 100 different artists He had (8) his technical abilities into creating a successful business

In 1977, Tom was arrested and the public was shocked They couldn't (9) over how he had tricked everyone (10) then, his forgeries weren’t worth much, but today it has become fashionable to own a Tom Keating forgery Tom, who died in 1984, would have got a (11) out of knowing that today his paintings are popular in their own (12) and now are worth thousands of pounds!

1 A admire B please C attract D appeal 2 A indifferent B unimpressed C unenthusiastic D unconcerned 3 A angry B negative C critical D disgusted 4 A intended B chose C dreamed D enabled 5 A points B pieces C parts D details 6 A combination B composition C visualisation D joining 7 A conditioned 8 fooled C influenced D injured 8 A put B_ produced C turned D created

9 A put B get C come D go

10 A Over B Around C Behind D Back 11 A hit B surprise C kick D fun

12 A talent B right C style D ability

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given Use between two and five words, including the word given

ws that the river is not safe to swimin BE

HA dangerous place to swim THe ae

2 The travel agent said finding accommodation at the seaside would be difficult NOT

The t e travel agent l agent said ït wOuld -s s- said it would - - e-ree 2522225 222112231121 2112322122122 211112121 211i, accommodation at the seaside 3 Do they plan to talk about the new schedule at the staff meeting? DISCUSSED

E8 2-3) 07a

4 Jane hasnt found time to do the shopping yet ROUND

Ô the shopping Jarre Still na ố ẽ p

5 There were once fields all around our house USED "

2212221211221 i 9i

'đHi the city for a while AWAY

° ‘ ike << A.:: ee i the city for a while

7 Anne felt strange in her new flat, but after a while she really liked it GREW

At first, Anne felt strange in her new flat, but 22H 8 The service at the restaurant was slow, but the excellent food made up for it WORTH

, although the service was siow after a while The food at the restaUranIf . 52c 22222222211222210712121 2111110121222 xe

Trang 35

Use the words given at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in

the space in the same line

A Novel Idea

When Japanese artist Miwa Koizumi graduated from art school and moved to New York City, she was (1) TH nă by the amount of rubbish produced by the residents of the city (2) 25,000 tons of rubbish, including countless plastic water bottles, are thrown away (3)

Miwa came up with an original and (4) 00 Way of using some of the rubbish She created beautiful sculptures of jellyfish and other sea creatures by (5)

down plastic water bottles

Miwa had seen various aquatic animals on visits to aquariums and zoos, and this is where she got the (6) 0000000 for her sculptures Miwa’s sea creatures are very realistic and she manages to convey the (7) 0000000000000 that the animals are In motion

Apart from the fact that they are Œ) pleasing, Miwa's sculptures send a (9) M@ssage: stop throwing away items that could be used again so the world can be a cleaner, (10) aeons Place to live


Miwa’s creations inade from recycled HEALTHY

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence GRAMMAR

1 “Have you handed in your assignment yet?” “No, and l supposed to give it in yesterday.’

a am

b was c have d had

2 I’ve been trying to get my homework, but there’s so much that I haven't finished it yet

a away

b over c about d through

3 “You know Gail, don’t you?” “Actually, | her before.”

a not remember meeting b don't remember meeting c remember not to meet d remember not meeting 4 Our teacher can’t expect all these exercises by tomorrow a wedo b we will do c us doing d ustodo 5 “Has the road yet?”

“NO, it is still closed to traffic.” been it repaired

been repairing it

been repaired

being repaired anmø

10 plastic bottles

“Did the travel agent send you the itinerary?”

“No, but she said she will us one soon”

a be sent b send

c have been sent d been sending

“| find it hard to wake up in the morning.” “Well, to bed a bit earlier might help.”

a going b go

c yougo d togo Everyone to hear Joe's good news yesterday a pleasing

b is pleased c has been pleased d was pleased

Trang 36

11 “The fire burned down half the forest.” “lwonder “

a was Ít started by

b was it started by who

c who was started it d who started it

12 “Are you coming to the show tomorrow?” “No, I'd prefer next week.”

a go

b togo c going d be going 13 The mess in the dining room ought up this morning a been have tidied

b be tidied

c to have been tidied d have been tidied

14, “Why aren't you going to Chicago?" “Melissa and Greg their wedding.” a have cancelled b been cancelled c cancel d cancelling

15 I've been trying my glasses all day find

b finding c in finding

d to find

16 You mea sandwich; I’m not hungry

a didn’t need making

b needn't to make c haven't needed to make d needn't have made


17 Sheila had what to wear for the party

a a trouble to decide

b trouble deciding

c, the trouble to decide d troubles for deciding

18 Laura is very critical her parents a with

b for c of

d to 19 wu use calling Kim; she's out of town a There’s not b It’s not c Theres no d It’sno

20 The detective won't give up until he

the crime a is solved b will solve c solves d has been solved VOCABULARY 1 10 ! took liking to Melanie when | met her a aquick

b asudden

c aninstant d aneasy Frank doesn't along with his colleagues

a put b take c work d get

'm not a fan of art; | don’t understand it a abstract b unclear c uncertain d mixed

Trang 37

11 I havenrft round to making dinner yet a ran b made

c kept

d got

In his stories, the author writes from a child’s a point b idea c perspective d attitude | didn’t hurt her- a absolutely b exceptionally

c intentionally

d properly John is in Pop Art a interested b insisted c instructed d inspired Jill seems about her exams They don't bother her a defenceless b unconcerned

c hopeless

d unimpressed 12 13 14 15

WRITING Aheview (r( par: 2)

Do the task below Write your review in 120-180 words Use the Writing Guide to help you

17 18 19 20 se down a problem sometimes makes it easier to solve a Cutting

b Breaking c Dividing d Putting Sally was bored doing the tasks

a miserable b disinterested c mundane d unconcerned The children’s book has some beautiful a illustrations b exhibitions c decorations d observations | prefer simple but meals

a heavy

b organic

c gourmet d nourishing

He’s a good speaker and his point across well a gets b takes c makes d forms

We need reviews about films!

Write a review of a film you've seen recently Tell us what you liked and disliked about the film Comment on the acting, the plot and any other aspects of the film you feel are worth mentioning We also want to know whether you would recommend the film to other young people

We'll publish the best reviews in our next issue

Steps for Writing a Review

1 Analyse the task What are you going to write about?

What kind of information should you include? How should you end your review?

Brainstorm ideas Which film are you going to write about?

What is the storyline? Who are the main characters and what did you think of the acting? Is there any other aspect of the film you feel is worth mentioning? What did you like or dislike about the

film? Would you recommend it to other teenagers? Why?

Organise your ideas Follow the plan:

* Par 1: Say what type of film it is

+ Par 2: Describe the plot and comment on the acting « Par 3: Say what you liked / disliked

+ Par 4: Sum up and give your recommendation

4 Write your review Use a wide range of vocabulary

Where appropriate, try to use sentence patterns with

not only but also, and My only (complaint) is that

Topic Vocabulary

mystery / action / science fiction / fantasy / drama / comedy new and exciting

The story / plot is about

Trang 38


Replace the words in bold with a suitable phrase below

remained intact e put their own Hvesatrisk se goitalone e face to face in the opposite direction @ in search of e® backandforth e keep out of

The explorers went to South America to look for gold -22::2222222222222x222z2-xercee

Despite the flood, our car was undamaged 0cc.ee

Firemen often endanger their lives when they fight forest fires 2222222222212 We've made a mistake I’m sure we should be going the other way re

Tell the children to stay away from the kitchen while I’ COOKING sc cccccccsccccecsssscesssssstecesscensecsensseveecensevenectesneneene

We walked in one direction and then the other along the beach 1 22221122210 2-2 re Jake's decision to leave his job and work by himself is a Dold one 2- 2222212222222 222 ve ON AYM PF WN DP

You need to sort out the problem by meeting each other Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words given

1 She felt a lot of at not being able to help FRUSTRATE

2 There is alWways some ve to new ideas RESIST 3 The winters in northern Canada are cold BITTER

4 [tS not of for earthquake victims to survive for days under fallen buildings HEAR

5 There was an emergency -. -.- -e of thousands of people after the earthquake EVACUATE Circle the correct answer in the sentences below

It hadn't rained all year and the drought / flood was affecting the farmers When | felt the ground shake, | knew it was a hurricane / an earthquake The tornado ripped apart / sought out the houses that were in its path

Overcast / Clear blue skies and warm temperatures are forecast over the next few days

The gale-force winds / light breeze caused a great deal of damage



We could see far across the huge piains / backgrounds

Complete the text with the words below

last © spectacular e gather se witnessed e lavaandash se evacuate « measured e close up

A Voleano Is Born

One day, a local farmer, Dionisio Pulido was standing in a field in Paricutin, Mexico It was

February 20, 1943 The man (1) - ccree an unusual event when the earth in

the field suddenly rose several metres in front of his eyes This was the first eruption of the Paricutin volcano Dionisio had never seen a volcano before and he was amazed by the

2 — sight After a few days, the hot (3) from

the volcano cooled and hardened into rock, and the volcano began to grow After a week it


(4) — 100 metres

The volcano erupted several times over the following months, causing people to 1 = D their homes as their villages were destroyed Although local people were leaving, scientists from all over the world came to observe the volcano from (6) It was a valuable opportunity for them to

8ñ data for research on volcanic activity Then, in 1952, the volcano

Trang 39

GRAMMAR A Complete the text with relative pronouns a LUCKY STRIKE?

A man (1) name appears in the Guinness Book of World Records survived more lightning strikes (2) 22.2 se anyone in the world! Roy Sullivan, (83) was employed in a national park in Virginia, USA, was first hit by lightning

(4) uy he was working in a local forest The lightning

7 went through his leg, hit his toe and left a hole in his shoe The next ; time (8) Roy was hit, he lost consciousness

ì Over the following years, Sullivan was struck by lightning again and ’ again — and each time he survived The chances of being struck by | lightning have been roughly estimated at one in 3,000 However, the

1 place (6) Sullivan lived and worked has an average of

40 thunderstorms with lightning a year during the summer months

He also worked outside, (7) Inereased his chances of

_ being hit Yet it is amazing that Sullivan survived being struck by

' lightning seven times!

We can use relative pronouns to combine sentences in different ways

Combine each of the sentences below in two ways, using the pronouns given

1 Sally Marks was interviewed She had survived the earthquake

E0 , had survived the earthquake who

b They interviewed Sally Marks, 52222222212 2221122 22212222282 eo the earthquake who

2 My 70-year-old aunt bought a boat It cost €30,000

A MY AUN, < , bought a boat at a cost of €30,000 whe

b My 70-year-old aunt bought a boat ra €30,00O, that 3 Aman saved a child from the fire His photo was in the newspaper

a The newspaper had a photo of the MAM oo ccoccccccscccsessescsssseseeescesssessesersnsvesvesesesesssiace a child from the fire who

SIM se in the newspaper had saved a child from the fire whose

4 Tom lived ina large city It was on the east coast of England

a The large cỈty - 22211 12201122 was on the east coast of England where b Tom lived in a large cÍfy, -c 2221022222222 edekervee on the east coast of England which

5 The thieves broke into the house on Saturday The owners were at the beach at the time

a The people 2222212221121 were at the beach at the time whose

b The house was broken into last Saturday, - 2 2c n2 1222 reeecrree at the beach when Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb

Alice has her shopping - ca {deliver) each week The singer gets his secretary 222222 2e (answer) his fan mail | had my hair 22-52222222222-.- (do) by the hairdresser last week

Where do you go to get yOUr Car - 202211221 (repair)? Andrew had his house 2e (paint) last week

| must have my shoes (mend) before the party

Trang 40


A Use the word given at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in

the same line : ema i i most There are many different kinds of storms, but hurricanes are probably one of the ) These storms begin over the ocean, where they become very ng Ø Ð@f0f@ T@Y eventually hit the land l 7609 region of Texas, are COA ving in Galveston, near the (3) sre : tne pee to forget Hurricane Ike, which hit the area on 13 September, 2008 LIKEL "¬ y esidents had bee war | y : ¡ ( ) — t 3 f W n the hu ĩ cane APPRI }AGH ities gave as it gathered force over the ocean As the storm headed for Texas, the authorities 9 ind Œ) rrrtrrtn PROTECT evacuation orders and millions of people left their homes to find (7) -

from the storm | _ hurricanes, i for is (Ö) .eerenrrtnh of Si Sten My oto ~ BỊ in their path Therefore, the people living In DEVASTATE which often leave a trail OF (9) rr Ì MATE

i (10) esseascsscensceecrneestenserees the seriousness of these storms However Ore esi a HT Hurricane Ike resulted in terrible destruction and the je 0 on Thoueands of houses were damaged and the cost of the damage was over °

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given Use between two and five words, including the word given

1 Alex didn’t bring that toy for the children WHO

'“xsaAôšš: 2 that toy for the children 2 Someone broke into my sister’s car last night HER

I2 1i 0cm .ẽ ẽ n3 last night

3 Melanie was the only guest who didn’t arrive on time APART

All thE ắơidíii'7/j)i0œă35343a5343Ê55i)“)a-5°-5sư‡ồ53đ3ĂðƠ353544 Melanie 4 The singer didn't record any more songs after this one LAST

H1. -::::||:::-: the singer recorded

5 Have you got back the items the burglars stole? STOLEN

I1 returned? 6 Although his French is fluent, Peter has never been to France SPEAKS

P€T€[ H121 111211111212 112 xaeevee has never been to France

7 lwas born in a city in the north-west of England WHERE

U33 :ỞỬ|L|ĐH||Œg8|Ở:Ở:::.,) is in the north-west of England

escsvescesuersenssvenenscnesasancasatccnenasvenussecessuseusnesvenessseussnecustseseessuneasseseusaretensseeescsesensnstersesgensasssenaesvessessavensssenacieacsnssetaesesaeticaeccesretencesess painted

Ngày đăng: 04/02/2018, 03:58