This is a useful guide for practice full problems of english, you can easy to learn and understand all of issues of related english full problems. The more you study, the more you like it for sure because if its values.
Trang 1leaching
Trang 2England
and Associated Companies throughout the world
© Pearson Education Limited 2008
The right of Akis Davanellos to be identified as author of this Work has been
asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written
permission of the Publishers
The Publisher grants permission for the photocopying of those pages marked ‘photocopiable’ according to the following conditions Individual purchasers may
make copies for their own use or for use by the classes they teach Institutional purchasers may make copies for use by their staff and students, but this permission does not extend to additional institutions or branches Under no
circumstances may any part of this book be photocopied for resale First published 2008
ISBN-13: 978-1-4058-8436-5 (Exams Box Pack)
Set in 10pt Univers 45 Light
Printed in China (SWTC) Acknowledgements
The author would like to thank the following people for their support while designing the books; loanna Kontogianni for her continuous support, enthusiasm
and endless hours on the computer; his son Nikolas-Jason Davanellos and his friends for trying out and commenting on most of the activities included in the
Trang 4Introduction seeeeeeâoâsâđ eeceeoeeeee eeeoeeneeee eseeeeeeee
eeceooaneeeee seeeeeâeâSâđ
How to use this booklet
The development of the four language skills is essential for exam and non-exam classes This booklet is designed to encourage general language skills development and can be used with exam classes and general classes alike For specific exam Skills activities, see the booklet Activate! Teaching exam skills, also in this Exam Box
There are four sections in this booklet, each focusing on one of the four main language skills Each section contains activities with teacher's notes and photocopiable worksheets for the students The activities are stand-alone and teachers can pick and choose which ones to use, when and in what order For each activity, a suggested time is given However, the teacher should feel free to shorten or extend the activity according to the time available
Section A Reading
This section contains activities which can be used as or which provide tools towards the development of reading skills Although some may not look like traditional reading activities in their own right, they are designed to stimulate useful approaches and strategies to reading as part of the four skills suite
Section B Listening
Activities in this section involve students in listening to recordings as well as to each other, combining listening skills with speaking skills The activities promote a range of listening skills, including listening for detail as well as making students aware of the importance of features such as intonation
Section C Speaking
This section contains a mixture of more guided and freer activities to give students confidence in the skill of speaking Activities like information-gaps are used to make development of the speaking skills enjoyable At the same time they provide a foundation for exam style tasks
Section D Writing
Trang 6Contents Section A: Reading A1 What kind of learner are you? 6 A2 Approaches to reading 8 A3 What's your number? 10 A4 Finding connections 12 A5 Test analysis 14 Section B: Listening B1 How many .? 16 B2 How do they sound? 18 B3 Photo reports 20 B4 Just do it! 22 B5 Listening for context 24 Section C: Writing C1 A useful writing tool! 26 C2 Make it better! 28
C3 Check the checklist! 30
Trang 7What kind veer
learner are
® To raise awareness about how people learn
e To encourage students to read for detail and identify and adapt their own learning styles
25-40 minutes
e The activity encourages students to reflect on themselves and how they learn e It motivates them to look at how they might modify their approach to language
learning and improve their performance
Before the activity:
e Discuss with students the general issue of learning styles, mentioning that different people tend to have different approaches to learning
e Elicit their opinions
e Explain the aims of the activity and the procedure e Give out a copy of the questionnaire to each student During the activity:
e Ask students to read and respond to the questionnaire
e Tell them to turn the questionnaire upside down and calculate their score according to the scoring scheme
e Give out the Analysis and comments’ handout to each student and ask them to read the analysis their score gives them
After the activity:
e Discuss whether the learners agree or disagree with the comments about their learning style
Trang 8Worksheet A1: What kind of learner are you?
What's my learning style?
Name and date:
Do you enjoy your English lessons?
Usually] SometimesL] Never LJ Don’t know [_]
Do you learn new grammar rules, vocabulary, etc by heart?
Usually] Sometimes] NeverL]
Do you remember new words easily?
Usually] SometimesL] NeverL]
Do you get good marks in grammar tests?
Usually] Sometimes] Never CL]
Do you hate making mistakes?
Usually[] Sometmes[L] NeverL]
When you are abroad, do you find you pick up new vocabulary easily?
Usually] Sometimes] Never U1 Don't know LJ Don't know L_] Don't know L_] Don't know L_] Don't know [_] Do you get upset if your mistakes are not corrected?
Usually] SometimesL] Never LJ
ls your pronunciation better when you read aloud than when you have a conversation?
Usually] Sometimes] NeverL]
Don’t know L]
Don’t know L_] Do you feel you need some time to think before you speak?
Usually] SometimesL] Never 1 Don't know L_]
“§9UuII19U1OS, UOE9 JOJ S1UIOd Z J|9S1InỐ AID ‘Ayensn, yoee Jo} Sluiod ¢ 1IosInoÁ eAIÐ 9102S 1noÁ ø†e|jn2ie2
Analysis and comments
0-8 points: unsure
Perhaps this is the first time you have thought about the way you learn If you find out more about how
you learn, you will find it very useful
9-13 points: relaxed
You seem to learn languages without too much effort and you like communicating with people You know that you need to work on your grammar rules, but you probably don’t enjoy this area of learning Give more attention to grammar, pronunciation, etc., try to be more self-critical in terms of grammar mistakes and try to correct them
14-22 points: mixed
You probably find yourself somewhere between the ‘relaxed’ and ‘analytical’ You are the kind of person who modifies their learning style depending on the learning situation
23-27 points: analytical
You sacrifice fluency in the interests of accuracy You are too focussed on rules and grammar exercises, and you shy away from communicating with other people Try to speak more without worrying too much about mistakes
Trang 9Approaches to
Tosd1 8E ô.e
đ To raise awareness of different reading sub-skills ® To get students to identify particular reading sub-skills
30-40 minutes
e This activity familiarises students with reading sub-skills
¢ Knowing more about how and why they are reading should help to improve their performance in a wide range of reading tasks
Before the activity:
e Discuss and explain various reading sub-skills and list the following on the board: Reading for general information, Reading for gist, Reading for specific information, Reading for detail, Speed-reading, Eliciting meaning from context Add any others you feel are important
e Explain and/or elicit the nature and function of each sub-skill
e Explain that the different approaches to reading can produce different types of information For example, reading for gist gives general information about the topic, while reading for detail asks the reader to look for specific pieces of information
e Explain that the exercises relating to a reading text will usually tell them the sub-skill they are practising
e An example may be found on pages 40 and 41 of Activate! B71 Students’ Book
The activities on these pages practise reading for general information (Exercise 2, matching photos with texts), reading for specific information (Exercise 3, locating particular phrases), reading for detail (Exercise 4, finding individual words and matching them with explanations/definitions)
e Explain the aims of the activity and the procedure Give out the record form on the worksheet
e Check that all students have understood the procedure During the activity:
e Ask students to look at a reading section (chosen by you) in their coursebook e Give them time to look at the text and exercises, then discuss with them what
reading sub-skills they think are being practised
e When consensus has been reached, ask them to add information to the form
on the basis of the example given
After the activity:
e Discuss ways to use the worksheet and improve in each area Set short-term goals
Trang 10
Worksheet A2: Approaches to reading How did | do?
Name and date:
Date Activity Reading sub-skills Self-evaluation
lSth January Reading teenage Reading for geneval | OK, but need to
magazine articles, information, specific | improve abilit
Trang 11What’s {omc
umber? _
e To practise intensive reading skills
e Togive students personal motivation to read
Timing: 30-40 minutes
e This is a fun activity in which students read (fictitious) descriptive interpretations which focus on personal characteristics
e tis a personalised activity which should stimulate motivation and encourage intensive reading
Before the activity:
e |ntroduce the activity to students, and elicit adjectives describing personality Make sure you include those adjectives featured in the descriptions opposite List them on the board
e Explain the aims of the activity and the procedure
e Give out a copy of the worksheet to each student
During the activity:
e Ask students to use the code to come up with their ‘personal number’ e They then turn the page upside down and read their own description After the activity:
e Discuss with students whether they agree with the descriptions, or put them in pairs for this discussion (Note: Since it is a game, they are unlikely to agree - with much of the description, ensuring lively discussion!)
e Discuss with students the kind of reading approach they had to use e Extension: Ask students to try the activity out with the names of other
students So that other students don’t hear the same thing as they have come up with for themselves, they can invent fictitious names
Trang 12Worksheet A3: What’s your number? paddies 6 SD: SE SB A Sa ti ie shi àc là es SA máư Ác AS AB i clin Ve ED Biba Se BES Ae le, B.S TSG AE SS A a itt tls A A aa lt Rcd BER AI AA ante Ses Be AE gh a cas sands RS AR 7C RAO uất đu ited ae itachi Dah: FE MED te te Code
Use the code below to write your name/another person’s name in numbers Add up the numbers each time until you have one number This is the person's ‘personal number’
A, J, S = 1 B, K,T = 2 C,L,U =3 D,M,V = 4 E,N,W=5 FO,X=6 G,P Y=7 H,Q,Z=8 I,R=9 ExAMPtEE: Mlarion Winston = 4+ 1+9+9+6+5+B5+9+B5+1+2+6+5=67 6+7=13 1+3=4
The person's number is 4 and the description is therefore under ‘Fours’ below
‘Op 0} }eYM 9|doed 19L1O |I9+ Á9u1 uBnou ùAo ‘Op O} JeEYM jo} Bulag 1ø Ady} pue ‘Bulop aie Aay} 1eYM UI A9l|oq Á@u1 1I BUJU1Áu8 9A9IU98 U89 Áo | 'OD Á@U1 19A91eUAA UỊ D@@22nS 0} UBEy Bue PUe JUBPIJUOD AJOA ae SOUIN SOUIN 'S9UI911x9 1O 9|doed eJe Asy| ‘Addeyun Asean 10 Addey Alaa q 0} pus} Ady] “awoy je BulAejs pue Bulpess ‘sjeuuiue ero] pue ©1I|Od Ájou1o11xe 1e ÁouL 'nuơnou1 pue peA1ese! øIe s1uBI3
ÁJDU©J1J Á19A 918 pUĐ ÁJIS8@ SDUGI1J 9#UI Su@ØA9S “SUOI126 pUE S1LÕnOU] UỊ 1S8- '1SBJ Á1©A 91 SuoAoS
'99Iu ÁIduls 916 Áou esne2eq spuel1I JO 10| e Ae\ Áou | '9idoed 1euo o øAI1uoddns le Áou | 'ÁB1oue Jo JInJ pue 2I1sIulIydo Áddeu e1e sexIS
'Áupdu1o2 1u Aolue pue Way} a!) ÁJjp1oueB oidoed ũnou)Js 'eidoed 1euo O1 99JU SÁðAA|B 1OU 918 ÁoU| 'ÁZB| S@UI}@UIOS aie Ady} YBnoyye ‘anijeas9 pue @AI18UuIBBLUI @16 SơAI-I SØAI-I 'UOI1Xð|91 DuE 1S@1 9|I| Áo[uo oS|B ÁoUu1 ING ‘puey YOM Áo | '9|q8uoSE@1 pue o|gISues 91 pue soIqqo 1IotJ\ øAoI Áou|| '+@Inb Á1oA DUE @AI1ISUơS+@AO @1E SINC sino4 'SpU6I1‡ DuE Á|IULEI 119L) O1 |BẾO| Á19A pue BulyJOM-piey oe Áou 'BuJoBno Á1øA aie pue yBne| ajdoed 1u1o eui ÁoUJ| 'S1919261eU2 BUIUIE1191U9 Á1ØA @1E Sơ91U|
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SOML '9ldoed 19u1o (1IAA 1ueI1ed Á1@A pUE SDUSI1J DOOB 91E ÁoU | '9|qIsuos pUE 1S9UOU Je SơuQ ˆu1ou1 uo ÁIe1 eidoed 1euo pue BuI3JOAA-p1IeU 916 ÁoU | 'ÁZ6| |ị 18 1OU oi SơUQO seuO
RG Be ng sails eee eee ee ee Si eh aaa 2 i ca 45a va ca
tư yn PEE EL Se PRET oe ° POLI: ETE OBE Ee
Trang 13connections
e Toraise awareness of reading sub-skills e To encourage text analysis and referencing
30-40 minutes
e This activity focusses on reading for detail and text analysis
e Text analysis increases awareness of connections and relationships within a text
Before the activity:
e Ask students about the role of words such as it, they, who, etc (pronouns and relative pronouns) in putting a text together
e Explain the aims of the activity and the procedure e Give out a copy of the worksheet to each student During the activity:
e Ask students to look at the text
e Elicit the relationship between the circled word and the words linked by the arrows
e Work together to identify other related nouns/pronouns/relative pronouns e Encourage students to circle the pronouns and relative pronouns and draw
arrows to the words they refer to After the activity:
e Gather students’ answers and ensure that they have analysed the text correctly e Extension:
— Ask students to come up with a title for the reading passage They can work
in pairs or groups, if you wish
~ Ask them what they think happened when the father arrived home ~— Ask students to analyse similar reading texts (e.g texts from their
coursebook) in the same way
Trang 14
Worksheet Ad4: Finding connections
Name and date:
(We) all knew it The day we were all dreading had arrived | remember him standing ont ONthe doorstepooking at all of us with a smile on his fac® We were young, but\this image ahways remained with us
My sister and | watched our mother kissing him goodbye She kept her
feelings under control and encouraged us to keep our feelings under control, too Several months later, we received a letter which made us so happy Our father was coming back home Our mother held the letter in both hands and kissed it! Then she kissed us
Preparations lasted two long days Our mother cooked his favourite food, and we cleaned the house from top to bottom Then my sister and | did - something which we were sure he would appreciate We polished up his guitar
It was an old guitar which he had bought a few months before he left, but it was
good It produced a wonderful sound and he loved playing it
Trang 15Test
e Toraise awareness over the issue of reading in a test e To practise reading for understanding the structure of a test
15-20 minutes
e Students need to be aware of the conditions of any test they take e Knowing how a test is structured should help them to focus on what is
important and on their own strengths
Before the activity:
e Discuss with the students the importance of knowing the structure and make- up of any test they might take, e.g the number of components included in the test, the time available for each section, how marks will be awarded, etc e Explain the aims of the activity and the procedure
e Give out a copy of the questions on the worksheet together with a reading test that you have selected
During the activity:
e Ask students to look carefully at the test and answer the questions e Put students into pairs or groups and ask them to compare their answers e Discuss any discrepancies or differences in views/interpretations
After the activity:
e Bring in other tests for students to look at
e Create a similar set of questions to relate to listening tests, writing tests, etc., or ask students to structure a similar questionnaire
Trang 16
Worksheet AS: Test analysis
Framework for analysis
Name and date:
1 How much time is given for the test?
2 How many sections/parts are there to the test?
3 How much time is there for each part?
4 How long are the reading texts in each part (short, long, medium-length)?
5 What types of tasks are included in each part?
Trang 171T How many .?
® To practise listening for detail
e To train students in highly-focussed listening practice and provide them with a template for this kind of listening
15-20 minutes
e Students need to listen for detail in order to perform this task This is a basic exercise to focus students’ attention on detail, a skill which is vital for formal listening exams
e Audio recordings or DVD sequences can be used for this activity
Before the activity:
e Choose an audio recording or video sequence in which certain words/phrases are repeated several times Choose up to — but no more than — ten of these words/phrases
e Explain to students that they are going to listen to an audio recording (or watch a DVD sequence) and identify the number of times certain words or phrases are repeated
e Explain the aims of the activity and the procedure e Give out a copy of the worksheet to each student
e Dictate (or write on the board) your list of chosen words/phrases and ask students to write them down under the ‘Word/Phrase’ heading in their charts e Explain the aims of the activity and the procedure
During the activity:
e Play the recording/sequence and ask students to listen out for the words/ phrases in their list and tick a box every time they hear that word/phrase e Play the recording/sequence enough times for students to complete
the task
e Then ask students to count the number of ticks they have put beside each word/phrase and enter the total under the ‘Total’ heading
After the activity:
e Gather the students’ conclusions In case of disagreement, play the recording/ sequence again and work with the whole class to arrive at a consensus e Discuss with them how the activity they have just done might help them
Trang 18Worksheet B1: How many .?
k = m= =— — — — — — — =— =— Ắ Ắ— Ắ= m ÝẰ mỉ” Ỷ —Ý — Ơn SÍm BỊ SmO SƠmCO SA BAO SP SAmO Sa BmO BAO Am BH HH mem mm HS BỊ BỊ mm Ị Bỉ BỊ m⁄m mỉ ï mm mm mm = = mm mm mm mm mm mm di
Trang 19|How do.they - AM Aims:
e To practise listening for intonation to identify feeling(s)/attitudes ® To encourage students to listen beyond simply words
10-20 minutes
e The activity encourages students to interpret the subtleties of tone of voice/ intonation in the realistic context of a dialogue
e This kind of activity is generally regarded as enjoyable by teenage students
Before the activity:
e Preteach the vocabulary on the worksheet
e Explain to students that they are going to hear a short recording (or listen to a DVD sequence without looking) and they will be asked to identify the feeling(s) expressed by the speaker(s)
e Explain the aims of the activity and the procedure e Give out a copy of the chart to each student
Elicit from students other adjectives relating to feelings and emotions Ask them to add them to the box
e Give students the names of the characters and ask them to list them under ‘Character’ in the chart (You should ideally choose a recording/sequence with no more than four characters.)
During the activity:
e Play the recording/sequence, pausing after each character's utterance (sentence or group of sentences) to give students time to take notes
e They should take notes under the headings in the chart, using one or more of the adjectives from the box to describe each character's feelings/attitude e Make it clear that they should record a feeling/attitude and reason beside each
bullet point every time you pause the recording
e They should add the reason for their conclusion/why they think the character is
exhibiting this/these feeling(s)/attitude(s)
e Play the recording/sequence enough times for students to complete the task Students can compare their answers in pairs or groups Take class feedback
After the activity:
e Ask students to roleplay the dialogue
e lf using a DVD sequence, replay it, asking students to look at the screen this time Ask them if looking at gestures, facial expressions, etc makes them change their minds about the character's feelings/attitudes
— Ask one student to choose an adjective from the box, but to keep it to themselves Write a simple sentence on the board and ask the student to read it out, using the emotion they have chosen The other students then identify the feeling(s) or attitude expressed
-—You can also put students into groups to do this activity Students should take it in turns to choose an adjective and to write a sentence to be read out — It is also fun for groups to have just one sentence (which you or they write)
which is then read out in different ways by the other students according to the adjective they choose
Trang 20Worksheet B2: How do they sound? | fully! Listen caretully!
Name and date:
annoyed astonished supportive uncertain defensive enthusiastic
optimistic worried determined confident pessimistic happy
sad nervous ironic tired sleepy excited
proud hopeful disappointed angry surprised bored
Trang 21iB Photo
e To practise listening for specific information and note-taking
e To provide listening practice in a realistic context
10-20 minutes
e This activity involves real-life situations, which students find motivating e Students are encouraged to listen carefully and extract relevant information,
even if their partners make certain mistakes
Before the activity:
e In advance, ask students to look out photos of their friends and family to use for the activity
e Asawarm-up, ask students a few questions about their friends and people in their families, e.g friend's name, colour of hair/eyes, where he/she lives, age of sister/brother
e Explain the aims of the activity and the procedure e Give out a copy of the worksheet to each student
e Allow adequate preparation time and choose a pair to demonstrate the activity first so that the procedure is clear
During the activity:
e Put students into pairs (A and B) Each student chooses a photo of a person they want to talk about, but does not show the photo to their partner
e Student A describes their photo and Student B asks questions and takes notes in the boxes around the photo rectangle The questions at the top of the boxes are the cues for Student B’s questions to Student A
e Make sure that students ask and answer about things which can’t be found in the photo, e.g how they are related to the person in the photo, where that person lives
e Once Student B has completed their notes, Student A gives them their photo to attach to the central rectangle
e Ask students to swap roles
After the activity:
Trang 231g JUST go itt!
e To practise understanding spoken instructions ® To encourage students to listen for detail Timing: 20-25 minutes Rationale: e This activity requires careful concentration while listening, and is challenging and enjoyable e The ability to listen to and follow instructions is a vital skill for exam preparation Procedure:
Before the activity:
e Put students into pairs (A and B)
e Explain the aims of the activity and the procedure
e Give out a copy of the worksheet to each student and provide them with a set of instructions (see Appendix 1, page 44)
During the activity:
e Tell students that their partners will read out a set of instructions which they
must follow exactly while listening
e Give students time to read their instructions to themselves before they begin
e Student A should read instructions to Student B, then Student B should read theirs to Student A Each student must make sure they give their partner time to follow the instructions
After the activity:
e Ask students to swap instructions so that each can now check whether they have understood correctly
e Encourage students to compare their ‘gameboards’ and discuss differences and
1 [yesterday's date] 6 blank 11 blank 16 elephant 2 picture of a bottle 7 [the day tomorrow]
3 [student's hair colour] 8 picture of a triangle
12 [student's date of birth] 13 [month]
17 [student's name]
18 comb
4 blank 9 picture of apair of glasses 14 picture of a large circle 19 picture of a tree 5 picture of a small 10 black square 15 blank 20 London
Student B
1 [tomorrow's date] 6 blank 11 picture of a flower 16 elephant
2 picture ofatree 7 blank 12 [favourite season] 17 [student's name]
3 [pop star’s name] 8 picture of a star 13 [year] 18 comb
4 blank 5 blank
9 picture of a pair of trousers 14 picture of a large triangle 19 picture of a car
10 black square 15 Paris 20 [student's date of birth]
Trang 24Worksheet B4: Just do it!
Trang 25ceca for
9 ontext ain le
e To practise establishing context
® To provide guided practice in note-taking
15-20 minutes
e The activity provides practice in the skills required for formal listening tests e t also offers itself for context identification, which is vital in predicting and
comprehending the text
Before the activity:
e Ask students to say what they understand by ‘context’
° Clarify as necessary that context can be established by finding out where, when and how an event takes place/a situation occurs, and who is involved e Explain the aims of the activity and the procedure
¢ Give out a copy of the worksheet to each student
e Tell students they are going to listen to an audio recording (or a DVD sequence) which you have chosen, and take notes on the following:
— Where does the event take place/situation occur? — When does the event take place/situation occur? — Why does the event take place/situation occur?
— Who is talking and what is the relationship of the speakers? — What are they talking about?
During the activity:
e Play the recording (or DVD sequence) and ask students to take notes in the relevant boxes as they listen
e Ask them to make a note (in the circle) of what the event or situation is as soon
as they think they know
After the activity:
e Ask them to compare their answers with a partner
e Go over their answers, playing the recording (sequence) again if necessary e Ask them to think of how knowing the context before they listen in more detail
might help them
e Extension: As an alternative, ask some students to focus on certain questions and others on other questions Then put them into groups to exchange
information and put their answers together
Trang 27A useful
Ụ writine tool:
e To introduce students to important steps in the writing process e To raise awareness of the importance of planning and reviewing what
they write
Timing: 30-40 minutes
e This activity reinforces learner training and can be used throughout the school year to develop written work
e |t provides students with a useful planning tool for writing tasks
Before the activity:
e |ntroduce the idea of certain stages that need to be gone through when doing a writing task, e.g a composition
e Ask students the kinds of steps they think are important, e.g planning paragraphs, checking
e Note that the aim is to get students thinking about and familiar with the steps rather than whether their answers are ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ There may well be reasons why different students feel that a certain order is better than another You should be the judge of what makes good sense
e Give out a copy of the worksheet e Explain the procedure before they begin During the activity:
e Put students into pairs Ask them to put the stages in logical order by numbering the boxes
e Take class feedback Guide them as necessary towards a sensible order for the process
e Then ask them to draw a flowchart chart representing the process in the rectangles This should be done individually
After the activity:
e Give students a composition title and work with them to plan it according to the flowchart they have produced
e Work with students to plan the writing of the composition Ideally, go through all the ‘steps’ in class as a learnertraining activity
e When you set writing tasks from the coursebook, etc throughout the year, ask students to use their flowchart as a planning tool
Trang 28Worksheet C1: A useful writing tool!
Name and date:
1 Work with a partner Put the six stages in order Number the boxes 1-6 a Composing: Writing LÌ b Reviewing: Checking the text for: LJ — grammar — an appropriate range of vocabulary — punctuation — appropriate layout — spelling — an appropriate variety of structures — linking devices — Clarity
c Improving and finalising: Editing and producing a final version LJ
d The reader(s): Establishing the profile of the person/people who is/are likely to read the text LÌ e The purpose: Establishing the reason for writing the text LÌ f Planning: Outlining how the text will be structured (introduction, paragraphs, conclusion, etc.)
and the content of the different sections C]
2 Draw a flowchart showing the stages you have agreed on as a class Use the words which appear in bold above and put them in the appropriate boxes
Trang 29oy Make 1t petter!
® To practise editing a draft
e Toraise awareness of post-writing stages
30-40 minutes
e This activity reinforces learner training and can be used throughout the school year to develop written work
Before the activity:
e Ask students to think about things they can do to make a piece of writing better
e Give out a copy of the worksheet to each student Ask them to discuss each question with a partner
During the activity:
e Put students into pairs Ask them to edit the text below the checklist e Remind them that they should delete irrelevant information, put relevant
information in logical order (e.g by using arrows) and correct spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors
After the activity:
e Elicit their answers and discuss how the activity can help them to improve a written text, especially in a formal exam
e You may then wish to provide students with an anonymous piece of written _work (from another class) to edit
SUGGESTED KEY: 28th October Dear Dick,
lt was so nice to get your letter | have wanted to write to you for a long time, but | am not good at keeping in touch!
After | left London, | travelled to Paris to meet my friend, then we went around France to look
for a job We picked grapes for a whole month! What is your dream job?
I'm glad you are enjoying your new job | think it is very exciting, isn’t it? Since | saw you, | have done lots of different things It was hard work, but the pay was quite good
What are you doing for Christmas? How about coming to visit us here? There's plenty of room Think about it and let me know soon My parents have bought a new house At the end of September, | came home to start a course in Hotel management I’m enjoying the course, but I’m looking forward to the Christmas holidays!
My mother sends her love We all hope to see you at Christmas Hope you are well
Trang 30
Worksheet C2: Make it better!
Gi Ae RAR AA ll 0 A AR VA i A I A A A i Ea SB ES ns ears dias
Checklist for i improving drafts
Name and date:
Tick the relevant box when you are satisfied that you have checked thoroughly and made the
appropriate corrections
1 First reading
Check the information
e ls it laid out well and clearly?
e Have you included the kind of information that is relevant to your reader(s)?
e Have you excluded irrelevant information?
e ls the order of the information presented logical? OOOO 2 Second reading Check the words and phrases : Ott
e Have you used any words or phrases that are too formal/informal for the purpose? LÌ P e Can you replace commonly used general words with words which have a i
more precise meaning? L] Ý
e Do the words and phrases represent strongly or vividly enough what you want to say? LÌ
3 Third reading
Check spelling, punctuation and grammar
e Have you made any spelling errors? LÌ
e Have you used punctuation appropriately ? LJ
e Have you made any grammatical errors? LI
28rd October
Dear Dick, :
4 | was so nice to get your letter | want to write you a long time ago but I'm not good to
keep in touch! ;
After | left London | travelled to Paris to met my friend, then we went to France to found work for We pick grapes for a whole month! What is your dream job?
I'm glad you enjoy your new job | think it was very exciting isn’t it? Since I’ve seen you I’m doing a lot of different thing It was a hard work but the pay was quite well
What are you doing Christmas? How about come to visit us here? there’s plenty of rooms
Think about it and tell me soon My parents buy a new house At the end September, |
returned to home to start a course in Hotel managemenT I’m enjoying the course but I’m looking forward for the Christmas holidays!
My mother send her love We all hope to see you Christmas
How are you? rs
Bertil 7
Stati “7 eters ne v.>`, PELL SIT LETT LE EE EEE OES eT 7 EN RT
Trang 31CB Check the
® To provide practice in following appropriate features in text writing e To practise editing skills
30-40 minutes
e This activity provides a type of framework for various types of writing task e \|t also offers exposure to writing skills for formal exams
Before the activity:
e Ask students to name various types of written text they are familiar with, e.g narrative, letters, reports, etc
e Get students to suggest the considerations necessary for each text type e Choose a text from the coursebook as an example and work with students,
focussing on the number of paragraphs, content of each paragraph, tenses used, etc
e Give out a copy to each student whichever of the checklists on the worksheets or on page 45 is appropriate for the text you have chosen
e Ask them to analyse the text and judge how it compares to the checklist, e.g does the first paragraph establish the context? (Note that the checklist is only a guide and may need adapting and/or expanding.)
During the activity:
e Choose a text type you want the students to write, and copy the relevant checklist for them
e Ask them to follow the features mentioned in the checklist and write their own text This can be done as pairwork, if necessary
e Ask them to tick each box once they have completed the relevant part of the task
e When they have finished, ask them to check their final text against the checklist once again (and to review and edit it according to the principles set out in Sections A and B of this booklet, if covered)
After the activity:
Trang 32Worksheet C3: Check the checklist! Narrative text
Name(s) and date:
about (formal), / would like some advice on (less formal) Use linking words such as moreover, in addition
d Use language and expressions to introduce initial requests and any further requests, e.g / wonder if
you could provide me with some information about (formal), Could you also/Please let me know/tell me if (less formal)
e Use expressions for your closing remarks, e.g | look forward to hearing from you f I l I I i l | | I 1 I I I l I I I 1 Sign off using, e.g Yours faithfully (formal), Best wishes (less formal) { | | 1 1 1 | 1 | | |
Paragraph 1: Provide the context (Who?, When?, Where?, Why?, What?, How?) LÌ Paragraph 2: Give a general description of the event/situation as well as a more detailed
1 description of the people involved L] ¡
I |
1 Paragraph 3: Focus on the details of the event and make this the longest paragraph LÌ n ¡ Paragraph 4: Express your opinion/feelings about the event/situation or any event/situation
| of this type L] 1
a_ The length of the sentences should vary in order to create suspense or a feeling of surprise
| b Adjectives should be used to add to the dramatic effect
c Direct speech changes the pace and makes the story interesting
d_ Linking words such as then, after that, while, before long, etc are essential for indicating the 1 passage of time
e Use past tense forms for dramatic effect
f The first sentence of each paragraph should be a brief introduction to the paragraph's content ; i l I | l | ' Letter asking for information or advice 3 1 | | Name(s) and date: ; i
| Opening: Dear Sir/Madam, etc me I
Paragraph 1: State your reason for writing and refer to the letter/advert/article, etc you
1 have seen CI ¡
Paragraph 2: Give details about what you need to know, e.g dates available, facilities, cost LÌ ¡ Paragraph 3: Request prospectus/brochure/form and write concluding remarks L] | Closing remarks L1; | Sign off rl | | Your signature LI | | Your name in capitals LÌ ; Remember: :
Trang 33From headline to
aTrtiolel.: sac
® To practise composing headlines e To practise writing an article e To practise editing skills Timing: 30-40 minutes Rationale: e This activity involves students in a step-by-step procedure towards writing an article
e |t involves learnertraining skills related to exams e lt increases motivation and promotes group dynamics
Before the activity:
e Put students into groups
e Give out a whole set of the incomplete headlines to each group Keep the beginnings and endings separate
e Make students aware that they have the beginnings and endings of headlines and ask them to match the parts to make as many complete headlines as possible Let them know that different combinations are possible and that they can duplicate beginnings and endings to make different headlines
e Make them aware that the beginnings all begin with a capital letter (or, in one case, a number) and the endings with a lowercase (small) letter
e Ask each group to select one of the complete headlines for an article they
_ would like to write
e |f necessary, review language for describing past events (e.g Past Simple, time adverbs)
During the activity:
e Students continue working in groups All students in a group work together to write the article They elect one person to be the actual writer
e Follow the steps outlined on Worksheets C1 and C2, as appropriate e Monitor progress and offer support during the writing phase After the activity:
e Give each completed article to a different group and ask that group to review and edit the article, making their corrections obvious, and write a final version e Each group then returns the corrected version and final article to the
Trang 34Worksheet C4: From headline to article!
! Students welcome | Teenage girl linked to |
nanan anna enon ‡errrrrrerrrrrrererrrrrrerrrr —Ì
3 Teenager ! Mystery over |
3 New teenage star | 13-year-old |
: Pop festival : Bullying 3 | Teenager expelled | | Endings ! because of ! : I a : becomes Head teacher | a, inappropriate clothing | |
3 new rules ` for school theft |
3 discovers ancient ruins : goes to Hollywood |
' $chool vandalism | cancelled because of rain’
Bm meee
a See = ee ee oe eS ee ee ea ee ee À
© Pearson Education Limited 2008 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Trang 35Predicting the
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® To promote speaking practice through a questionnaire e To encourage students to speculate using the wil/Hfuture
20-30 minutes
e The activity provides practice in asking and answering about the future, a topic often featured in formal exams
e The activity develops the topic and encourages students to debate
Before the activity:
e As awarm-up, ask students to say what they think life might be like in the future
e Put students into pairs Give each pair a photocopy of the worksheet e Clarify vocabulary as necessary
During the activity:
e Ask students to refer to the key and circle the relevant number for each item, according to what they think
e Each pair should try and reach a consensus so that they circle only one number for each item
e Encourage them to debate with each other to reach a consensus After the activity:
e Ask each pair to team up with another pair to compare their conclusions ‘ Encourage each pair to justify their conclusions to the other pair
e Extension: Display all the questionnaires and ask students to write a short report about the general conclusions or some of the general conclusions, e.g Most students think that ., but a few think that Everybody believes that Nobody thinks that
Trang 36
Worksheet D1: Predicting the future
einai areli aii lis Pe A a ii ia Sa Se SE BRE AE SA Mi i th in ht SSR GE SA A i iB i tl sts tc eS SB SM tl i tic ellis SE BB hh ete s Rate it! | Names and date:
1 Dolphins will be extinct 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 Computers will replace human beings at work 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 People will live on the Moon 123 4 5 6
4 Food will be replaced by pills 123 4 & 6 | ' 5 The Internet will replace school education 1 2383 4 B5 6
| 6 There will be no more icebergs at the North Pole 123 4 5 6
7 7 Cars will use nuclear power 1 2 3 4 5 6
| 8 There will be a child president in at least one country 1 2 3 4 5 6 |
| 9 AUFO will land on Earth 123 45 6
10 People will live to the age of 150 123 4 5 6 |
11 Cars will drive on the right in Britain 123 4 5 6 :
| 12 There will be a major nuclear accident somewhere 1 2 3 4 5 6 |
| 13 Houses will be built under the sea 1 2 3 4 5 6
| 14 Everybody in the world will speak English 1 2 3 4 5 6
15 People will spend their holidays on the Moon 123 4 5 6 16 Everybody will be vegetarian 123 4 5 6
17 There will be no snow in European ski resorts 123 4 5 6
| Key to rating
1 = Definitely
| 2 = Probably
; | 3 =It might happen
Trang 37ey 4 SON contest Aim: e To promote speaking practice through an information-gap activity Timing: 20-30 minutes Rationale: e This is an information-gap activity designed to promote realistic oral communication e lt gives students confidence in dealing with similar tasks in exams Procedure:
Before the activity:
e Find out students’ likes and dislikes in music e Put students into pairs (A and B)
e Give out a copy of the worksheet to each student and ask them to look at the information provided, without showing it to their partner
e Tell them that they have incomplete pieces of information for the programme of a song contest
e Explain that they both have certain pieces of information (bios) about the same three people - all singers — and that they will have to ask each other questions to find out the missing information, e.g B: How old is Mario Resini? A: He's 35 (B writes 35 by ‘Age’ on their information sheet.)
e Help them with vocabulary and guide them as to the kinds of questions they will have to ask, e.g Country — Where's he/she from?
e Give them time to prepare, and nominate one pair to demonstrate asking and answering a few questions before the others begin
During the activity:
e Ask all students to go ahead and make sure they know that they should take notes based on the answers their partners, give them
After the activity:
Trang 38Student A: bios Name: Mario Resini Age: 35 Home town: Country:
Marital status: married Time as pop star: Interests: music, reading Song title: Ambition: are & Re "vế: 4 xế P" <% Hal s = g = “ hes s hà s hộ kẻ bị P của Name: Daniela Kompler Age: Home town: Rio de Janeiro Country: Brazil Marital status: Time as pop star:
Interests: yoga, horse riding Song title: Ambition: to meet Victoria Beckham i số: vì s = $ + cài 3 " " „ as iy c3 ng: ys Name: Fiona Larsen Age: 25 Home town: Copenhagen Country: Denmark Marital status:
Time as pop star:
Interests: fishing, cycling
Song title: Rocking and rolling Ambition: % messes seems mmm emma eee BỊ ]“ =“ =— ⁄ƒ= — — — m= =~ 7 Student B: bios Name: Mario Resini Age: Home town: Milan Country: Italy Marital status: Time as pop star: 8 years Interests:
Song title: / am alone
Ambition: to own a horse Name: Daniela Kompler Age: 22 Home town: Country:
Marital status: single Time as pop star: 4 years Interests: Song title: Love me Ambition: Name: Fiona Larsen Age: Home town: Country:
Marital status: married
Trang 39DS You say it!
® To promote speaking practice through dialogue
e To encourage students to construct a dialogue from prompts ® To practise intensive listening
15-20 minutes
e This activity promotes both fluency and accuracy e |t provides the opportunity for intonation practice
Before the activity:
e Asa warm-up, ask students what kind(s) of music they particularly like e Put students into pairs (A and B)
e Give out a copy of the worksheet to each student Ask them to read through it
without letting their partner see it
e Explain to them that each student has the same dialogue with different pieces of information missing Their task is to ask questions/give answers/make comments according to the prompts or in response to what has just been said In doing so, they will complete the dialogue
e Help them with vocabulary and the formulation of example questions e Suggest hesitation devices they can use to make the dialogue sound more
natural and to ‘buy time’ while they think about how to formulate a question or answer, e.g Erm , Well, you see ., | mean , Let me think
e Give students time to prepare, asking them to plan what they are going to Say, according to the prompts
e Nominate one pair to demonstrate part of the dialogue before the others begin During the activity:
e Point out to students that they must listen very carefully to their partners in order to continue the dialogue effectively
e While students are engaged in the task, you may wish to record one of the conversations and replay it for self-correction and class evaluation
e lf necessary, repeat the activity to improve fluency, accuracy, intonation, etc After the activity: