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Wkжg-ffi# Edited Ьy Virginio Evons Loгysso Kolinino Inno Somoi|yukevyсh "йЩь Еxprеss Publishing *шж Conle nts Unitl Ukгoine lo Ukroine, А Europeon Country l Ь We AreUkroinions ]с Notiono|SymЬols UniI2 KW 2o TheStoryof Kyiv b TheH e ort of Kу iv Unit3 Ьssoпsof thePost 3o Chersonese Ruins 3Ь Yoros|ov theWise UniI4 Unit5 Unit6 Unit7 Unit8 Unit9 FromЕosltowos' 4o Khorkiv: Cityof Students 4Ь Sightseeing in Lviv TheGreotPohiotiсWoг 5o Viсtory Doу ' 5Ь HeroCities UkoinionHolidoр 6o |ndeрndenсe Doy 6b Christmos Twiсe A doy in theliЬ of 7oDoilуRouline 7b Sсhoo|: ltЪol|in o Doy,s Work UkoinionPostime 8o Ho|idoy in Cгimeo 8Ь let,sGo totheDoсho C'oiщ Ploсes 9o ТheNoturolHistory Мuseum 9Ь Aquorium in Feodosiyo Unit10 Boсk& torth l0o onсeUpono Time l0Ь TrоveI Express Unitll UkoinionCeleЫities I lo Upw eGo l l Ь Sports CeIeЬritjes ' g ' .9 .l0 l l 12 t3 14 .15 .16 17 18 19 2o ' .21 22 ' 23 24 ' 25 .26 .27 Unit12 Сoфred|mщinс|ion l2o A DollЪ H ous e l2b Poinfed Eoster Eggs .28 2g WoгdШst 30 l lr' I l il- Еurо sse qAe4Фl : ,ltll *2 :',,i tltttr 1:ltll : 'i1 :l:.ttlt): of of Di|ovе(distriсt Ukrаinеis thе lаrgеstсountryin Еurope.ТhеvilIage is сonsiderеdto bе thе Rakhiи provinсeof Тrаnsсarpаthiаn) Еurope gеographiсal сеntrеof in thе wеstto the stеppеsin fromthе mountains Ukrainеstrеtсhеs in thе northto thе from thе marshes аnd thе A) , in the south B) is the ranks as longеstс) Ukrainе,s waterwа dividesthе сountryinto rightthird|ongest Еurope,s andflowsSouthto thе BlасkSеа Ukrаlnе, bankаnd lеft-bаnk piсturesque аnd а temperateсontinеnta| sсenery Ukrainеhas Thе withsnowаndwаrmD) l t hasсo|dwintеrs с|imаtе -B"С +25"С аnd betwееn ranqеs temoеrаturе Lesd-in l o} Lookot the mop ond soy whiсh seos ЬorderUkroine Ь) Nоme o гiver,o loke, o mounloin Reod the title ond write threefoсtsyou expвсt to reod in the text.Listenond сheсk Lookot the mop ond find your Iown/citу/oгeo Soy ils nomein Ukroinion,ond thenin ЕngIish,in the woy o foreigneгwould pronounсeit Re odin g& Listening фtl,t"n ond writedown o||the geogrophiсolnomesmeпtionedin the text Reod the text ond сheсk if you missedony ФI."",.the textond tryto filtin gopsA-l lhenIisten ogoinondсheсk Мotсh the words in bold with the definitionsl-2 I nеveгvеГy hot or сold produсesgood сrops thе top of the mountain А |ow flat |andthаt is a|wayswet and sоft naturalfeaturesof a сountrу a гiveroг a сanal niсe and intеresting I Find oll the words in the text thot sound the some or simi|orin the Ukгoiпion longuoge Speоk;ng o) |n poirs, reod out the geogrophiсoI nomesfгomEx one of you reods the nomesin Eng|ishoпd tЁeother soyswhotit is in Ukroinion Ьl Chooseone of the piсturesl-5 ond desсriЬeit to the сloss,fol|owiпgthe model Lobelthe piсtuгesl.5 with the nouns from the |ist:steppe,mounfoin,seа, river, foresf.Find the poгogrophsin the textwheretheyore mentioned There ore o lof of forestsin lJkroine Оok, Ьirсh, pine, Ьeeсh g,o* h,",:" Мost forestsore in the Саrpothions ond Polissio Ukrainеis mostlya flatplalnwith еxtrеmetу fertilebIасkеаrthsoil Mount Hovеrlа (2,061 m) in thе Саrpathians is thе highestЕ) ' in thе сountry.Тherearе many trеe|еss summitswhiсh areсаlledpolonynas Ukrainе has 5o/oof thе world,sminеrаl resourсes Тhеreаrе 80 differеnttypеs,inсludinq сoаl,iron,ore,titanium, grаnitеandmarblе Ukraineis famousfor its F) with p|аntations of pinе, oak, beесh and birсh Most forestsarе in the Саrpathians аnd Polissiа UkrаinehаsmorеthаnЗ,000lakes.ln thе Shаtskilаkеsin thе North-West thеrеarе а lot of fish:pеrсh,pikеandсаrp Тhе аnrmа| wor|d of thе Сrimеаn Mountainsis G) from thе othеr Zonеs Hеre Wе сan find rаrе bjrds аnd H) (сarrionеagle,bIaсkgrrffon,rеd dееr) ТhеBlасkSеаrsdееpаndhasа widеrаnge of animа|lifе.However, thеreis no lifеlowеrtnan ,l,500 m l) ' Тhedeеpest pointof thе B|aсkSeаis2,21Оm .ttrr:'ut:uuu, :,,:il:, t\::, I aaltt::]l WеarеUkrаiniаns Leоd-in Lookot the piсtures.Whot notionolity oгe thesepeople? How you kпow? Whot you know oЬoutUkroinion people in termsof oppeoronсe, сhoroсfer,longuogeond гeligion?Reod ond сheсk Reoding& Listening ond deсidewhotthesenumЬers 6\[i't"n * referto: population Ьig сities Russians Ukrainians five 47 million 72% 22% Reod the text ond mork the sentenсes r (Tгuetoг F {Folsel.Then exploin the words in Ьold Ukrainiansmake up 90%of UkraineЪ population Тhe Ukrainianlanguagebe|ongsto languagegrouP the Еastеrn-Slavoniс is The ltalian|anguage moге me|odious than Ukгainian Ukrainian women aгe not attraсtive r l DPeo K In g k o} lnteгviewyour poгtnerond moke notesunderthe heodings.Тhen, presenthim/herto the сloss: ,i n amе n a t i o n a |i t у language aPPеaranсe Ьl Chooseone of the peoplein the piсturesond desсгiЬethemto the сloss usingthe someheodings Мentionwhot theyweor шПd уgц Ukrainehasa populationof 47 is the seсond most popuIous сountry of the former Soviet Union, after Russia But its population is diminishing due to emigrаtion and |ow birth rаtes 72% of Ukraine,spopulation are Ukrаinians other ethniс groups wide|y spreаd in Ukraine Polish,Jews, Be|arussiаns, are: Russians(22o/o), (|ess than 1% Тatars and Hungarians Bu|garians, eасh) Мore and more peopleare movingfrom vi|lаges to towns and сities Тhere are five сities with а l populationof morethan million.Тheseare:Кyiи Donetskand Odessa Kharkiv Dnipropetrovsk, Тhe stаte languаgeis Ukrainiа belongsto the languаgegroup Many peop|e Еastern-S|avoniс be|ievethat the Ukrainian lаnguage is very melodious, the seсond most melodiousin the world,аfter ltalian Ukrainiansare very kind аnd hospitable.They welсome visitorsopen-heartedly and treаt them wаrm|yand generously Beсause of a diversity of ethniс groups, Ukrainiansdo not look аlike and саnnot be stereotyped to one kind of appearanсe.However, many think that Ukrainianwomen are very аttraсtive Ukrаiniansusually have сlose-knit families of severalgenerationsand like to spendtime with theirfamily,dining,walking,playingand goingon holidaystogether - tj Leоd-in l Еv9Y сountryhos its notionolsymbo|s Whot oгe Ukro]ne,ssymЬo|sond whot ore theyсo|Iedin Eng|ish? Whot сo|oursis the UkгoinionfIog? Whot theystondfor? Reod orlisteп Тhe Nаtiona|F|aEfirst apрearedin 1848 The flag has two stripes:а blue one above a yellow one Тhe сoloursare symbo|iсyellow for wheat in the fieldsand blue for the sky above them The flag beсame a symbo|of the аll-Ukrainianunity ond сheсk Re o d i n g& L i stе n i n g ond motсhthe dotesto the Фt,,'"n symЬo|s Тhen,reod ond сheсk |848 |863 |Othсеntury Тhe Ukraiпiап Anthem is a song сal|ed ,,Ukrаine НаsNot YеtPerished',.Its lyriсs were written by Pavlo Сhubynskyiand it wаs publishedin 1863.Тhe sаme year it was set to musiс by Mykhailo Verbytskyi.Тhe сatсhy melody and patriotiсwords made this song very popularamong Ukrainians Artiсle20 in the Сonstitutionof Ukraineof '1996definesit as the state anthem Тhe Nationаl Еmblem (Coat of Arms) of Ukraineis a is the most anсient and dignifiedof а||the Ukrainiansymbols lts history goes baсk to the first сentury A.D' The сlassiсshape of the Ukrainian trident Was found on the сoins of Volodymyrthe Great, who ruled in the lOthсentury Тhen, it was a mark of аuthority, and a symbolof the ethniс groupswhiсh made up the Ukrainiаn nation thе anthem the emblem the flag Reod the textond motсhthe nomesto the nounsthey refer to Pavlo Мykhailo Volodymyr сolns musiс words Reodthe textond fill in the gops with lhe nounsfгomthe Iist: skу о melody text symbolо fields A B с D E уe||ow blue patriotiс сatсhy anсient Speoking Chooseone of the UkroinionsymЬols ond desсгiЬeit to youгсlossmotes ! t- When you aPProaсh Kyiv from the |eft bank of the Dnipro Riveцyou сan see a sma|ltoy-likestгuсture_ St AndгеwЪChurсh.Kyivitesbui|tit in the I8th сenturуand namedit afteгSaintAndrew,the disсipIе of JesusChrist Apostle Andrеw сame to this land in the first сentuгу A.D and prediсtеd that a magnifiсеnt сiql would aPPеar hеге.He Put a сross on the hiI|and later on peoplebuilta сhurсhon that spot But thе nameof the сity is сonneсtedwith another story Onсe upon a time there livеd three brothers - Kуi, Shсhekand Khoriv _ and thеiг sisterLуЬid.Theysett|еd on the hillsalongthe Dnipro,foundeda town and namеd it after thе eldestbrother.Тwohillswere namеdaftеrthe and Khoreцso _ whi|e other two brotheгs _ Shсhekovуtso a naгrow riveг was named Lуbidafterthе sister Тhe сity appearedmoгe than |,500yearsago.ln thе | Ith сentuгy it Ьесame the сapita|of a powerful Slavoniс ,,the mother of a|l State _ KуivonRus_ and was сa||ed Russiantowns" onsweг G\ \э кeod the text ond the questions Lеоd-in Who is shownin the piсture?How ore thesepeople re|otedto the titIe?Reodor Iistenond сheсk Reоding& Listеning e\Li,t"n ond сirсle the сorreсtonswer.Then,reod ond * сheсk St.AndrеwЪChuгсh is on thе bankof the Dnipro/Lуbid Riveг Kyi was the eldest/youngest Ьrothеr Lybidwas thе mothеr/sistеr of Kуi,Shсhekand Khoriv ln the l lth сеnturу Kуiv Ьeсamethe сapitalof Kуivan Rus/Ukrainе Kyiv was сalledthe father/mother of al| Russiantowns I I Who сameto thislandin the A.D.? firstсentur;r What wasApost|eAndгеwЪ prediсtionl With what story is the name of the сity сonneсtеd? Whу was K;rivсallеd the motherof all Russiantowns"? ЕxpIointhe words in ЬoId r ^1 ) P eoKln g In poirs,tell eoсh otherthe storyof the nome of the сity of Kyiv ond/or of your own town/villog e/oreo Тrrе |{еаfi t And heге we arе at the heaгt of Kyiц in lndеpendеnсe Squarе.Мanyyeaгsago it wasjust a swamPу p|aсеwheге Kyivitеshunted game |t was сriss.сrossеd and the stгеetwhiсh appearеdhегe 200 уears ato was сa|IеdKhгeshсhatyk.Тoday it is the mainstгееtin Kуiv.Althoulh it is on|y|.5km |ong,it is verуwide_ 75-|00m Theгeis a |otto seе in lndеpendenсe Squarе: a modеlof the old gatesthroughwhiсhKhan BatyiЪhordes еnteгеdthe сiqrin 1240'a monumentto thе legеndarу founders of $iч an undеrgгound еntertainmеntand shoppingсеntre 6/obus,thе Ьui|dingof thе CentraIPost offiсe with a g|obеin fгontof it andthе signsmaгking the distanсеsto manyсitiеs But the main stгuсturеin the squaгeis a monumеntto the lndеpendenсe of Ukraine.on the top of a whitесolumnyou сanseе a statuеof a Ukrainiangirl in the tгaditionaI сostumе.Bеhindthe monumentthеreis a glazed pavi|ion.To thе гightof thе сoIumnyou сan seе an e|еgantbui|dingof thе Conseгvatoiгеand to thе left,on a hil|'the Zhovtnеvyi сonсeгtha||, whiсhusеdto Ье an elitе sсhooI for gir|sfгomUkrainiannob]e fami|iеs.And now doеsanyonеwant to ask mе anythingbеforewе moveon to Е Reod the text ond put the londmorksin the list in the oгdeг they oppeor in the text L efl0-t n I Reod the titleond soy where"the heortof Kyiv" is Lookot the piсtuгesond soy lhe nomesof oll the londmorks thotyou reсognise.Reodor Iisten ond сheсk i (eо d l n g & L i s te n i n g г1 I а t ond deсidewhiсh фtl,t"n figuresfromthe list: /.5; 200; 75; | 240 onswer whiсh questions.Then, гeod ond сheсk l How wide is Khreshсhatyk? Whеn did Batyiеnter Kyiv? How longis Khгеshсhatyk? How manуyеars ago was Khгеshсhatyk Ьuiltl A B с D E Тhe gloЬe in front of the Post Offiсe Тhе Consегvatoire Thе |ndependеnсе of UkrainеMonument Khгeshсhatyk Stгeet ТheZhovtnevyi ConсertHa|I LoЬe||ondmorks in the piсtures(1-4) withthe nomes(A-E).One nomeis not needed Еxp|ointhe woгds in Ьold Speоking In poirs, use the prepositionsin fronfof, Ьehind, on the |eftof, on fheright of to osk ond onswerquestionsoЬout lndependenсe Squore - Where is theglobe? - lf,s in fronfof the Сentrol Postoffice, I Ruins L*сd-in How oId ore the ruinsin the piсture?Do theyremindyou of ony сountryor сity? Reodthe questionsin the textond try to onswerthem.Тhen,reod or Iistenond сheсkyour onswers & l-istenlng Resdle"rg to the inleгviewond morkthe 6\Li,t"n \ar+r * sentenсesI (Тrue)or F (Folse).Then,in poirs, reod ond сorreсl the folse stotements You сan findthe ChersoneseTauriсa ruinsin the Cгimea Тhe City of ChегsonesеTauriсawas foundedmore than 24 сenturiesago The City of Chersonеsеdidnt have any dеfenсеstгuсtures Тhe City of Chеrsonesewas destroyеd bу the Chinеse Whot these numЬersгefer to? trщE[Г-]_5lщ Exp|ointhe words in ЬoId ) prс KIn g d ' l In poirs,osk ond onsweгquestions Ьosed on the text |Nhereаre Сhersoneseruins? Theyore in the westernport of SeЬosfopol tempIe'What thesewordsmeаn?|t,sGreеkto me! |t reaI|y Agora,Aсropo|is, is, bесаusea|lthesеwordsdeа|with the сitystateswhiсhwеrеfoundedby the of Ukraine ТheСhеrsonese Grеeks.ТhеirruinsarestiiIfoundon the territories ruinsareone еxampIe Wherвйn уъufiпdthеСhеrsоnжruins? PeninsuIa on thе Hеrас|ian TheyarеIoсatedin thе westernpartof Sebаstopo|, ruins? tumedintоиЁratis nоwсallrdthеСhersо*esе Whatvrг*s wаsfoundedin B.С.Itwas а сitystаtewithdemoсratiс Тauriсa TheСityof Сhеrsonеsе poIitiсaland сulturalсеntreof the B|aсkSеaRegion andWаsan impoгtant se|f-government Таu*сасonsist*fl Whatdidthr {i* оf {hеrsспеs* TherеweremorеthanЗ0 streetsanda largenumberof gardensin the сity.Тhесity andan agora,а theatrеand a templе.lt aIsohadа an aсropoIis сentreсontalnеd ,l0-15m high mightydefenсesystem:24 towers,еaсh lrl/trоruined thr Сitу оf Сheнeng* Таuгiсa? |n 1299it was сapturedаnd destroyedby the Tatar -?\- оо|:|tзаlIinа Dа/s Leсd-in ,l Lookot the piсlureof o sсhooIond сomPoreil to yours R e ш din & g Listеr:ing :! ,4 ' , {i't: ,d: ::.4 #: to the tope ond undeг|ine e\Li,t"n oll the ч oсtivitiesin the |]stbelow thotoгe mentioned in the e-moil reviewing homework сhatting to friеnds having lunсh p|a;,ing сhеss attеnding an Еnglish-language сlub сooking doingdrama exeгсising goingto the сinema p|aying football g& Р*t Reodthe textond motсhthe phroses Тhenexplointheiгmeoning to to to to to play make stage kеep the most of plays spofts in touсh dгama Exp|ointhewoгdsin Ьo|d Spе оki n g Мoke o list of thingsyou ot school ond ofterschool.Тhenpresentyour sсhooldoy to the с|ossond сompoгeit to lesyo's doy Рго!eсt Write on e-moi|to LesyooЬoutyour sсhooldoy, usingthe phroses:/ o/so , unlikeуou ,insteodof ,in odditionto ' ,.i ,',, - , -v , -| | l ul |y o u o s k ed m e o Ь o ut m y s с no o i I,dliketoreii,J, I :: :l^:*u_lor,.rirsr, "o", ].:j':j with my friends or review my homework Тhe o::o"o:: for 20 minutes j ] Аftersсhooll l,:.l^ j j ] go fo my Еngiish-longuoge luЬ, p|o| ,pou,, o] dromo for on пour or so lost week we hod o porty ot the сluЬ /eryone Еl сooked ond Ьrought in o notionol dish of (l г,nroь",ц#:j:^;l;"T',.;::] сooked "' -iis" 'Pi"'ь"y ;;;:.;:.l^"':;:H ::.,;l,J puЬliс Аndrtу, our с Golyo is o regulor mer , footЬoller n""t.nossmofe, sсhool ".j, is o promisiпg oсtivitъ, ь"lpl]',"Т:l" * j.,l J'lТ; sсhool dovs- Pleose write to me oЬouг your sсhoo| doy Keep in touсh, Lesyo L9 r:':ltll:.:illtiif': olidаyinСrimеа i |4 i ]: ' l' ] ч :i1 l -'e.q' rl l:rllllui ' , t i ] , i! l;) ] } - i! lt r i ; l*r r,l *eф}i]l I ! years Twothousand ago, Crimеа grain wasanagricultural area andexported produсеs Today, toanсient Greeсe' itstil| аround tonsofgrain ayеar, a mi||ion а|ong with sunf|ower produоts oi|аndothеr agriсu|tura| forexport' Vineyalds |ike intheSouth thosе atMassandra andKoktebе| inthe grapes forfamous Еastproduсe winesеxported byUkraine Еurope Many throughout Еastern Crimeans work inthe inthenumerous seasona| tourist trade, sanatoriа onthesouth сoast Builtfromthe1gthсentury onwards, theyarеinfaсthote|s, mostwith private Thenamе beaсhes sanatoria сomes from these rеsorts |ong peop|е traditioп ashealth spas.100years ago, сame toCrimеa inthе hеlp hope that thеsеaairwou|d them reсover fromavariety of il|nеssеs Today, many ofthesanatoria otfer thefu|| range ofhеa|th andfitnеss treatments - massage, mudbаths, fitnеss andweight lossprogrammes, saunas andsoon.Also, theCrimean landsсаpe a||ows onetoenjoy a number ofeхсiting outdoor Read aсtivities some o{thеe-mai|s fromour whobooked сustomers a ho|idаy inCrimea withusthisyear Leо$-|n ot theweЬsite o\took * oЬoutCrimeoond menliontheoсtivities offered.Reodor Iisten ondсheсk R e сdi ng& l-isten ing e\Lirt"n ond writedown * oIl the сountгies mentioned Reod the textsond find who does eoсh oсtivity biking roсkс|imЬing sightseeing staying at healthspa Reod the oсtivitiesond write H (Heolth)or F (Fun).Thenexplointhe words in Ьold ' -" PrivetSeryozha! | hopethatyouarehaving a greatsummer with rеwarding work,suссessfu| сIimbing andfunbiking Crimea madea strong imprеssion onme.What а сharming |and ofroсkandsea!Тhanks somuсh toyouandSveta аndeveryone eIsе foryourhospita|ity I massage ; sightseeing ; Ьiking ; pIaсeandsеeingthehistoriсаI | |ovеdvisiting thisbeautiful sitеs, weight-loss ; espeоia||y the arсhaeo|ogiсa| exсavations near Yevpatoria with the ruins walking ;6 hiking ; o{ananсient сityl Greek mudbaths ; сaving ; , -_, r"-.,,-9 fitness getting Aftеr ||еftCrimea tour, andyourgreat Istаrted intoroсkс|imbing Now ? I geal,ropes, Ihave a||myownс|imbing shoеs, etс.A|so, thanks forgetting me )peoKrng : 20 Te||theсlossoЬout Cгimeounderthe heodings:Position, Noture,Нistory, lndustries,Нo|idoy octivities ;! r.u' : : -r -: -: -: : :: - - ::: : , _ ' #*###*" u.,rr* ffi *,.*-.o -** paths wa|king along wooden aсross thesaltlakеofSaki,stiсking ourfeеtinto younger fun!WeaIso thethiсk, sa|ty water Grеаt feеIatIеast 40yeаrs after the minеraI bаths Wе.|I reсommend thep|aоe toaI|ourfriends! fr' I I ilrlgl H 'a'l l :tlllsl,:z Lеg d -i n |t's |ote Мorсh ond the snow is Ьeginningto me|t in Ukroine.|n the сity, the snow is oIreodygone Seeing the Ьright sunshineof the сoming spring ond the wet Ьore soi| of the Iowns, mony сity dwellers Ьegin to PrePore for the new doсho seoson oh doсho! It is o fovouritehoЬЬy for miI|ionsof peop|e.For others,it is more thon o hoЬЬy;it is o woy of |lfe ond oImoston oссupotion.Let us enter doсho |ond ond toke o сIoser |ook Doсho.Whot does it meon for o сity dwe||er?It is o resort ond o slovemoster.|t is o pIeosureond o disoster It is o сommunity, it's o IifestyIe So whot is the doсho? |t is very eosy lo exp|oin.|t is iust o сoЬin But it is very diffiсu|tto understondthot it is not iust o сoЬin for most peop|e.Тhis is the ploсe to esсoPe from the rush ond the stгess of the Ьig сity Тhis is the p|oсe where the kids grow like gross Doсho never stondsoIone.Doсho is o сommunity This is the p|oсewhere retiredpeop|e find o hoЬЬy ond working people сome ot weekendsto toke o Ьreoth of fresh oir ond to some physiсo||oЬour- digging,p|onting,weeding, woteringp|ontsond horvesting, if you ore |uсky' Doсho is the Ьest p|oсe for o BBQ or shoshlуkporties,somovorteo porties,singing songs with o guitor,swimmingin rivers or |okes.sunЬothing, Ьiking.or for teеnogers.|ust hongingoround Doсho is o sourсe of notuгo||y grown fruit ond vegetoЬ|esfor virtuol|yeveryone.A p|oсe with o differentpoсe ond pгiorities.How muсhis o ton of monureot the neorЬyform? Whot is the Ьest woy to Pгoteсt your сuсumЬersfгom the morningdew? These ore vito| topiсs, disсussedЬy on oсodemiсond o ionitor os equo|swhen they meet in o doсho vi||oge Фtooк ot the piсйres ond soy where peopl; ore ond whof whot theyore orr - th"r" people doing Whot else peopledo ot the doсho? Reodor |istento the TV tolkingoЬoutUkroinion Presenter doсhosond сheсk Regding& Listеning фt','"n to the tope ond morkthe sentenсesI (Тrue)or F {FoIse) Peoplestart to preparefor the daсhaseasonin Мay Daсhais a joЬ Daсha is the Ьеst p|aсefor BBQ parties Daсha a|waysstandson its own Daсhais a big сountryhouse Мoke two Iistsof oсtivitiespeop|eсon ot the doсho:one relotedto work ond one to leisure.Then,in poirs, сomporeyour listsond qdd oсtivities not menlionedin the text Reod the textogoin ond explointhe words in Ьold Sресking lmoginethotyou ore going to hove your Ьirthdoyp'ortyot o doсho.Тe||fie сlosswhotyou ore going to ot the doсho ond whot preporotionis needed for the porty 2L that? Andriy:Look, Mom! What's bonеs made frommammoth's Mother:Itisa сabin people liveinit? Aпdriy:Doyoumean Mothеr: Notnow, ofсourse' what's that? Andriy:A mаmmoth |ooked |ike an whiсh Mother:A mаmmoth wasananima| were huge andthеir bones Mаmmoths е|ephant iswhypеop|e used them That were |arge аswе|| more than tenthousand their сabins tobui|d years ago houses unusual Didpеop|е liveinother Andriy:WowI years many ago? in IntheX|сеntury lnсаvеs, forexamp|е Mother: Sure Pесhеra'' inсaves sett|ed Kyivthemonks was onthеirmonastеry means a сavr,s0Iater PесherskiУ'' сa||ed, Andriy:Isn,t itсoId inthere? Celsius 10-.12 degrees Mothet: is about Thetempеrature sma|| sidе-rooms сa||еd сеlIs Andtiy:Canweseеthесаvesnow? Whynot? Mother: : Lesd-in l Lookot the piсluresond soy whot is shown.Guess how theyoгe reIoledto eoсh otherond to the titIe.Reodor Iistenond сheсk Re oding& Listеning ond mork 6\Li,t"n to the сonversotion *o sentenсesА (Andriу|or М (Мotheг) Then,reodond сheсk l ltЪa сabinmadefrommammoth's bones lsnt it сo|din thеre? Not now,of сoursе Why notl WhatЪ that? Can we see the сavеsnowl ProсtiseгeodingthedioIogueo|oud,then in poirsoсt it out to youгсIossmotes 22 Reodthe diologueogoin ond exploin the words in Ьo|d Sрeсking lmogineyou ore o tourguideol your loсol noturo|historymuseum.Present the exhiЬitsin the museumlo your с|ossmotes, who p|oythe ro|eof foreignlourists.Tolk oЬout: _ onсientpeople,s in youroreo; Iifesty|e - o nim o lst ho tlivedo nd live her e; _ pI o nttsho tсo n Ь e f o undher e; o t her int er est ingf eo t ur eso f yo ur r egio no nd o m o zingf o сt so Ь o utit Рrоieсt Designo Ieof|etoЬoutthe Noturol HistoryМuseum.Presentit to the сloss :t:t:t::t atttttt:_ tt:t::'ttt: tutttr::r ttttt: ::'', utttttt :uttttt :::::att.-::::::: atttttt:t: I AquaПum InF a рaЁ of I I I s€рarate fro'il Ё; r ilfty nоt €nloу :':.,.i i}f F€orloslya,s €xcelt€nt dally prcgrammosi Lookot the poster.Whiсh of the followingсon you see in the piсtures? Yourguidewillshareamazing storiesabouttheB|aсksea '_l jellyfish - pulsating and drifting 4t_ through theEaгth'soоeans Joinus forinteresting question-and-answer sessionsabout goldfish l t8**-rn F::r' staгfish sеashеlls je||yfish sharks goldfish whales Мoke two lists: Тhingsуoucon ot theoquorium Thingsуou shouldnotdo ot theoquorium (\кeod a1 or |islenond сheсk l a | K * о ln g & L' | sle n I n g to the tope ond motсhoсtivities 6\ш,t"n \a l.4 with piсturesA.D Then reod ond сheсk Ехperienоe thebeautyof a dozen rareand exotiсspeciesof staгfish andsitin a mтine bio|ogy classto learnhowtheyhave survived formillions of Vears I a marineЬioIogyсIass a guidedtour a Grand Show a quеstion-and-answer sеssion Reod the text ogoin ond moke o Iistof Andsavingthebestforlast: Don'tmiss thе chanсеto see our anima|care staff interaсt withthe dolphinsat the Grand Dolphin Show! тo avоId frlghtanlng th|s пaglc dWОY - no fod or drlnki nof,ashрhotographу * tto feedlng thc anlma|s tn tte €xhlb.ltloа arеa odieсtives thot сhoroсterise Feodosiyo,s Ьest doily pгogгomme.Тhen exp|oin the woгds in Ьold S р **k l rз g ln poirs,сhooseone of the piсtures (A.D}ond desсriЬethe сгeoturelo youг poгlner.Theyguesswhiсh piсtuгeyou ore desсriЬ!ng Рrо ! c с t Drow o poslerfoг the Grond Do|phin Show Presentit to the сIoss 23 Leqd-in ot piсturesl.3 ond soy whiсh Фtool ч Ukroinionfoiryto|esore shown.Reod or Iistenond сheсk Re sdin g& Listening to thetope ond motсhthe фLi,t"n t Ukroinionond ЕngIishtit|esof foiry toles l a The FгogPгinсеss Kotygoгoshko b The Bi|IyGoat Gгuff Rukavyсhka с Thist|еdown Koza-Deгеza Tsarivna.ZhaЬa d The F|y'sCastIе Reod the iext ond for foiry toles 1-4 in Ex writeout oIl the odjeсtivesused ond to desсгiЬethe moinсhoroсters odd your own A B с D dlс -"^ Р| )p eo Кlng ёI In poirs,use piсtuгesl-3 to desсriЬe сhoroсlersfrom Ukroinionfoiry toles.Your portnerguesses whiсhсhoгoсter you oгe desсriЬing d) - ^l.J UlU d) - +l^^ Ll |с hills F o r сеnt U r iе5 , pеo p|е hа vе bееn ga t her ing st o r iеsa nd |ifе int egr a t ing ^,,^^,i ^^-^,-1 еХ pеr |еГ"Or t^^- е,еa m{.S-,а,с[ s a nd fiсt io n int o t hеm Тhеy t o |d t а |еs t o t hеir сhi|drеn to tеасhthеmhowto bе good Мanypopu|ar tа|еsаrеаboutanimа|s - ТhеF|у,sСast|е- is abоutsеvеп Rukavусhka fromа mousеto а bеa;whomаkеthеir antmа|s, homеinsidеa |ostmittеnandbесomеfriеnds isa mаinсharасtеr ln thеstoryKoza-Dеrеza,thе fo r Bi||y G о a tG r ufГ who t е||s I iеs a ndispunished ihat Тhеir othеrfairyta]еsdеa withmagiс good сhаrасtеrs fightagainstthе evil onеs _ SаVеShis o|dеr - Thtst|еdo'iln Kotуgoroshko fromthеDrаgon,s dungeon'Тhеstоry brothеrs а in whiсhPrinсеlvаnmаrriеs of Тsarivna-Zhаbа frog and hе ps hеr to bесomеа bеаutifu| nr n.|L!) оq( J, Reodthetextogoin ond explointhe wordsin Ьold 24 Ukrainian fairy +-l^ Ldlс) i