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Henry jame selected letters

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Cấu trúc

  • Introduction: On Selecting Letters

  • Chronology

  • 1 Initiations 1855-1870

  • 2 Saturations 1870-1880

  • 3 Conquests 1880-1890

  • 4 Defeats 1890-1895

  • 5 Discoveries 1895-1901

  • 6 Mastery 1902-1915

  • Index

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Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com HENRY JAMES Selected Letters www.Ebook777.com Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com www.Ebook777.com Selected Letters E D I T E D B Y LEON EDEL THE BELKNAP HARVARD CAMBRIDGE, AND PRESS UNIVERSITY LONDON, OF PRESS MASSACHUSETTS ENGLAND 1987 Copyright © 1974, , 1980, 1984, 1987, Leon Edel, Editorial Copyright © 1974, , 1980, 1984, 1987, Alexander R James, James copyright material All rights reserved Printed in the U n i t e d States of A m e r i c a 10 ι T h i s book is printed o n acid-free paper, a n d its binding materials h a v e been chosen for strength a n d durability Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data James, Henry, - H e n r y James, selected letters Includes index ι James, Henry, 1843-1916—Correspondence A u t h o r s , A m e r i c a n — t h c e n t u r y — C o r r e s p o n d e n c e Edel, Leon, - II Title III Title: Selected letters PS2123.A4 1987 ' [B] ISBN 0-674-38793-7 (alk paper) 87-8543 Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com T h e best letters seem to me the most delightful of all written things —Henry James I delight in a palpable imaginable visitable past the poetry of the thing outlived and lost and gone —Preface to " T h e Aspern Papers" www.Ebook777.com Acknowledgments The selected letters published in this volume have been drawn from many sources in the United States and abroad, public institutions and private owners, as well as collections in universities and other libraries The source of each letter is given at the top, beneath the name of the correspondent: Ms stands for the handwritten letter, Ts for typescript, Mf for microfilm "Ms Unknown" means that a copy of the letter was seen by me but I no longer know its whereabouts—since letters change hands, are lost, or simply disappear, sometimes to be found at a later date "Ms Private" means the holograph is in private hands In some instances, with the consent of the private owners, I have given their names "Dictated Ts" in the case of Henry James means a letter dictated by him directly to the typist seated at the typewriter, and usually signed by him There are other typed letters that are copies, the originals of which may no longer exist Following are the institutions or collections whose documents I have used and to which I wish to express my thanks for access to Henry James documents during many years Barrett Berg Bodleian British Library Brown Chester Colby C Waller Barrett Collection, University of Virginia Henry W and Albert A Berg Collection of English and American Literature, New York Public Library Bodleian Library, Oxford formerly the British Museum, London John Hay Library, Brown University Chester Public Records Office, U K Colby College Library vii Acknowledgments Columbia Congress Countway Dartmouth Duke Gardner Glasgow Harvard Hillstead Huntington Leeds Louvenjoul Lubbock Mass Historical Morgan N.Y Historical NYPL Princeton Royal Literary Fund Scotland Taylor Texas Vaux Yale Butler Library, Columbia University Library of Congress Francis A Countway Library of Medicine, Boston Baker Library, Dartmouth College Duke University Library Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston University of Glasgow Library The Houghton Library, Harvard University Hillstead Museum, Farmington, Connecticut Henry E Huntington Library, San Marino, California Brotherton Library, University of Leeds Louvenjoul Collection, Chantilly, France Typescripts in the Houghton Library assembled by Percy Lubbock for his two-volume edition of The Letters of Henry James (1920) Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston Trustees of the Morgan Library, New York New York Historical Society Manuscript Division, New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations Princeton University Library Royal Literary Fund, London National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh Robert H Taylor Collection, Princeton University Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin Robertson James Archive, Berkeley, California Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University I wish to thank in particular Lynn Jachney, for communicating the early letter found among her family papers (Letter 4); Adeline R Tintner, for making available the original of the letter to Fanny Prothero viii Acknowledgments about Stark Young (Letter 179); and the Royal Literary Fund of Britain (and in particular Janet Adam Smith) for the letter about Mrs Dickens (Letter 120) I was much indebted to Robert H Taylor during his lifetime for certain James letters and wish to thank Alexander D Wainwright of the Princeton Library for help with the Taylor collection The Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin kindly provided its recently acquired letter to John Lane and one to Morton Fullerton Lyall H Powers, the editor of HJ's letters to Edith Wharton, generously helped me with the texts of those included here My debts to many others are listed in the fourvolume edition from which the present selection is mainly drawn Not the least of my debts are to Alexander R James, the novelist's grandnephew, and to my editor at Harvard University Press, Camille Smith, who worked with me on earlier volumes and on this one ix Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com www.Ebook777.com July-December ig many of them appear in these days to be shocked at everything that is not a reiterated blandishment and slobberation of Germany, with recalls of ancient "amity" and that sort of thing, by our Government I waited long months, watch in hand, for the latter to show some sign of intermitting these amiabilities to such an e n e m y — t h e very smallest would have sufficed for me to throw myself back upon it But it seemed never to come, and the misrepresentation of my attitude becoming at last to me a thing no longer to be borne, I took action myself It would really have been so easy for the U S to have "kept" (if they had cared to!) yours all faithfully, Henry James 191 · To Margaret Mary James Dictated Ts Harvard , Carlyle Mansions, S W December ist Dearest Pegg I don't lose an hour, or scarcely, in thanking you more intensely than I can say for your two letters that have just come in together, one of November t h , and the second, smaller one, of the 19th, telling me of the note to me that you have given the young doctor; whom I shall be very glad to see if he brings me news of you, and has time, and above all, takes me as I am I am not in these days very rewarding to visitors—so little so in fact that I am obliged to manage to have almost none at all, and haven't for a long time been able to exercise the least hospitality T h e point is, however, that hearing from you does me a world of good—weeks and weeks of all this latter difficult time, ever since I have been in [Dr.] Des Vœux's hands, having somehow, and doubtless largely by my own fault, represented a sad lapse of communication with your Mother and Harry I say by my own fault, because I doubtless might have written more—at the same time that my poor old state has made writing very difficult, and yet has, withal filled me with a kind of morbid desire to be, consolingly, in touch with you Some ten days ago, or perhaps it was only a week, I could stand the great void of the post no longer, and cabled suppliantly to Harry to 432 December 1915 cable me back a few words that I could kind of try to go on with This he at once blessedly did, and more will now doubtless come, though it hasn't done so yet, save indeed to this happy extent of your news, which is so interesting and illuminating I learn by it for the first time what you are doing in Cincinnati, and very remarkable and valiant does it seem—if the inspiration and the reward to sustain you through those aspects of it which must sometimes, in their multiplication of bad cases, bad specimens, hopeless subjects etc., rather minister to doubt Likewise I groan over your doom of having been fitted out with a kind of practical equivalent to M.P —similarly depressing, I fear, even though spotted with different spots How they grow on you, as it were; I don't mean the spots, but the spotted and the inconvertibles themselves; with the big reservoir of them, that seems to surround you, to draw upon I can quite imagine what you mean by the panting freshness and readiness of such an American community as that, with its desire for the public good and the energy of its contribution to the same, of which you have become so brave an agent It's all a good bit bewildering seen from here—where, however, God knows, our own bewilderments are not wanting I shan't attempt to speak of these now—and the sign of the wondrous in yours, as it most strikes me, is such a fact as that F Duveneck is at this time of day still being "lionised"; anything there may have been to lionise him for goes back into such an antediluvian past His only good work was done in his very few first years, nearly fifty of these ago—at least the long interval since has always looked like a deadly desert I daresay, however, in fact I must often have heard, that he has flourished at Cincinnati during a large part of that time as an excellent teacher so it's doubtless all right—and it isn't of him I dreamed of writing you There is no good in my trying to go on without allowing to you that I am having difficult days, and weeks, and even months,—for only on that basis can I really send you any coherent news I am having a troubled, new heart-condition, but it is being very well taken care of by Des Vœux, and I get, and evidently shall get, a good deal of relief One feels very abject, at our pitch of life and public pain, in the midst of the huge tremendous things that press upon us, to have disqualifying personal and physical troubles; or I should, at least, if I weren't so ancient and for a long time past so éprouvé My greatest épreuve just now, alas, by which I mean very much for all these past months, 433 December though under great present aggravation, is the fact of my almost impossibility of sleep; which has me for the moment in its clutches Take in consideration for this letter—written in the only way I can write now, or shall ever, I fear, write again—that I this A.M left my bed at 8:30, unable to stick it out longer, after not having closed my eyes the whole blessed night, from the moment I first propped myself up there on my pillows, and that this has followed upon a series of nights different only by a little I don't tell you this for dreariness, but more, rather, to show you how I bear it than how I don't (Des Vœux promises me improvement as to that, but it doesn't come yet.) A n d the great thing I want above all to say to you is that to have heard you would like so much to come out to me moves me deeply and gratefully, and that one of these months I shall intensely and rejoicingly welcome you and clutch you and keep you Only we must wait for that, wait for some less heavy and horrible time The idea of your dreaming of anything of the sort in these actual conditions simply sickens and flattens me out; therefore stick to your present noble work and feel that your actual right mission I shall keep afloat here successfully, I feel, with the good help I get; counting Des Vœux, that is, and also counting my admirable household, in which I venture to include Miss Bosanquet, as wonderfully helpful I have definitely now got Burgess back—not discharged, but on indefinite and renewable leave, and with his army pay of course stopped; and I should be utterly unable to get on without him, as his service is a matter of any and every hour, and his devotion boundless and most touching I fear I see none of your old friends with the exception, once in a while, of Fanny P[rothero]; all social life has gone to smash; nothing exists but the huge enormity George Prothero is a haggard hero of labour and courage, and she as wonderful as ever in her indefatigability But it's all applied now to the general situation—save that she'll be intensely interested to hear about you I rejoice unspeakably that your Mother has gone on to be with Harry, and I live in the deferred hope of a New York, in default of a Cambridge, letter from her Let me say that what you wrote from California must really all have come—only it was difficult, all the summer long, to make the proper recognitions Your photographs of the San Francisco house perfectly reached me, and were as interesting as possible, so that I am horrified that I didn't, and couldn't, tell you so But this is all now—save that I am extremely 434 December glad that Aleck, bless him, wasn't able to carry out that Red Cross idea The difficulties for Neutrals in France now are overwhelming— but the pen drops from my hand! Your all-affectionate old Uncle Henry James ι Margaret Payson, Peggy James's friend The painter Frank Duveneck ( 8 - 9 ) , some time after the death of his wife, Elizabeth Boott, in 1888, had returned to his home city and for many years had been teaching painting at the Cincinnati Academy of Arts This letter to WJ's daughter was HJ's last He had a stroke the following morning and died three months later, on 28 February 1916 435 Index Abbey, Edward Austin, 195 Abbot, Jacob, 7115 About, Edmond, 17 Acland, Henry Wentworth, Adams, Henry, 1 , - , 145, 148, 177, 179, 246, 247, 248, 358, 360, n s ; letters to, - , - Adams, Mrs Henry (Marion [Clover] Hooper), 72, 89, 1 , 180 Aidé, Charles Hamilton, - , 195 Ainger, Canon, 243 Alexander, George, 232, 253Π2, 276, 279η, 280; letter to, - Allen, Elizabeth Jessie Jane, 329, 355 η Allerton, Robert, 406 Alma-Tadema, Lawrence, 195 Andersen, Andreas, η Andersen, Mrs Andreas (Olivia Cushing), 366 Andersen, Hendrik Christian, xv, x x i v - x x v , 284; letters to, 3 - 3 , - , 367 - 9 Anderson, Percy, 282 Archer, William, 232, 240, 242, 280, 281; letter to, - Arnim, Countess (Elizabeth Mary Beauchamp; later Countess Russell), 401 Arnold, Matthew, 1 - 1 , 165; New Poems, 14 Arthur, Chester Α , 176, i8o Ashbumer, Annie, see Richards, Annie (Ashburner) Asquith, Η H., letter to, - Aumale, Due d', 120, , 125 Austen, Jane: Emma, - ; Persuasion, 189-190 Autrey, Mme (Helen Russell), 120, Bacon, Francis, 343 Bahlmann, Anna, 381 Balch, Louise (later Princess Louise), 154 Baldwin, Dr William Wilberforce, 237, 256; letter to, - Balestier, Caroline, see Kipling, Mrs Rudyard Balestier, Josephine, 250 Balestier, Mrs (mother), 250 Balestier, Wolcott, 235, 239, 240, 250, 251m Balzac, Honoré de, 134, 189 Bancroft, John Chandler, 40 Baring, Lady Emma, 172 Bartlett, Alice, 99, 109, 1 Beaumont, Somerset, 168 Beerbohm, Max, letter to, - Bell, Mrs Hugh (Florence Olliffe), letter to, 252-253 Bell, Vanessa, 292 m , 374 Bellingham, Mr., 307 Benedict, Clara, 267, , 293 Bennett, Arnold, 401 Benson, Arthur Christopher, 397 Benson, Eugene, 56, 100, 141 Bernstein, Henry, 418 Berry, Walter Van Rensselaer, , , 381 Bigelow, William Sturgis, Birrell, Augustine, 274, 275 Blaine, James Gillespie, 180 Blanches, Jacques-Emile, 402 Blaze de Bury, Baroness, 129 Blowitz, Henri de, 228 Boit, Edward D., 108, Boit, Mrs Edward (Mary Louisa Cushing), 109, 130, 223 Boit, James, 355 η 437 Index Bonnard, Abel, ΐ ς ι η ; Vie et l'amour, 418 Boott, Elizabeth (Lizzie), 89, 99, 0 , , Charles Scribner's Sons (publishers), letter to, - , 109, 1 - 1 , , , 200, , Chateaubriand, Franỗois Renộ de, 344 2 - 2 ; letter to, - Cherbuliez, Victor: Prosper Randoce, Boott, Francis, 68, 80, 99, , 1 , , Meta Holdenis, 14; 101 , , 2 , 290; letters to, 0 - , Child, F J , 2 - , 293 Child, Theodore E , m ; letter to, - Bosanquet, Theodora, 3 , 407, 408, 434; letter to, - Botticelli, Sandro, 6 Childe, Mrs Edward Lee (Blanche de Tri- Boughton, George Henry, queti), 3 Bourchier, Arthur, 266 Bourget, Paul, 248, , 300, , ; Un Scrupule, 193 Childe, Edward Lee, , , , 3 266 n3 Church, F P., 2 , Clark, Sir John Forbes, letter to, - Clark, Lady, Bourget, Mrs Paul (Minnie David), Clarke, Sarah Freeman, 99 Bradley, Miss, Clarks, J o h n , Bréssieux, Comte de, 3 Claude, see Lorraine, Claude Bréssieux, Mme de, Clemenceau, Georges, Brianzoni, Mrs., 260 Cleveland, Grover, 9 , 296 n2 Bridges, Dr J o h n Henry, 21 Clifford, William Kingdon, Bright, J o h n , , , Clifford, Mrs William (Lucy), 299, Bronson, Arthur, I i n Clough, Mrs A H , 5 Bronson, Mrs Arthur (Katherine De Kay), Coleridge, Lord, 243 1 , n , 287; letter to, - Collins, Dr Joseph, , Bronson, Edith, 287 Coltman, Arthur, Brooke, Margaret, Ranee of Sarawak, , C o l t m a n , Mrs Arthur, - , Compton, Edward, , , 240, 299, Brooke, Rupert, 4 - Brosses, Charles de: Lettres familières écrites d'Italie, 71, 344 Broughton, Rhoda, 296; letters to, - , 420-422 368; The Mirror of the Sea, - Cook, Edward Tyas, letter to, 211 - 212 Cowper, Henry, Browning, Pen, Browning, Robert, , , ; The Ring and the Book, i n ; letter to, - Conrad, Joseph, 284, 342; letter to, - Coppộe, Franỗois, 228 Brown, Horatio F., - 71 Crafts, James Mason, Crane, Cora (Taylor), letter to, - Crane, Stephen, - Bryce, James, Crawford, A n n i e (Countess von Rabe), Bunsen, M de, 99-100 Burne-Jones, Edward Coley, 39, Crawford, Donald, Burton, Richard, 404 Bushneil, Horace, 64 Crawford, F Marion: Mr Isaacs, Cadwalader, Mary, see Jones, Mrs Frederick Crowninshield, Frederic, Caine, Sir Henry Hall, ; The Cunliffe, Sir Robert, Scapegoat, C a n n a n , Gilbert, 329n3 Carlyle, Thomas, , , 7 Curtis, Mrs Daniel (Ariana Wormeley), 217, Carlyle, Mrs Thomas (Jane Welsh), 8 Carter, Grace, 267, - , ° > Cunliffe, Lady, , Curtis, Daniel, , , , n , , 248 Chanler, Margaret Terry, 188 Cross, J o h n W , letter to, Rhinelander 438 155-156 Colvin, Sidney, 2 , , 246, 248 372 72 , , 259Π2, 274, 277Π3; letters to, 286-287, 328-329 Curtis, George, Index Daly, Augustin, 266 D'Annunzio, Gabriele, 423 Darwin, Charles Robert, 85 Darwin, William, Darwin, Mrs William (Sara Sedgwick), n o , 156, 173, 1 , 319, n Daudet, Alphonse, 86, 157, 192, 228, 248, n n i , , ; La Douleur, 228, 248 Deerfield Summer School, letter to, 2 - 2 Derby, Lord, 153 Des Voeux, Dr., 419, 432, 433, 434 De Vere, Aubrey, 22 De Vigny, Alfred, 14 Dicey, Albert Venn, 103, 145 Dickens, Charles, 19, 92, ; The Old Curiosity Shop, 105 Π2 Dickens, Mrs Charles, - Dickens, Kate MacCready, see Perugini, Mrs Dilke, Mrs Ashton, Dilke, Sir Charles, 176, - 1 Dixwell, Mrs 1 Dorr, Mrs., 93 Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 400 Duggin, Mr., 109 Dumas, Alexandre fils: Les Idées de Mme Aubray, 19 Du Maurier, George, 154, 195, 243; letter to, 183-184 Duveneck, Frank, , 2 - 2 , 433 Edgar, Mrs David Alexander (Alice James), 411 Edward VII, 329, 387 η Eliot, George (Mary A n n Cross née Evans), , , 1 ; Middlemarch, 32Π4, 103- 104, ! I Elliott, John, 331 Elliott, Mrs John (Maude Howe), 331 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 56, 99, 1 , 103 Emmet, Ellen (Bay), 324Π2 Emmet, Katherine (Kitty) Temple, 293 Eustis, Ella, 1 Farrar, Frederic William, 209 Feuillet, Octave: M de Camours, 14 Field, Mrs Deluzy (Henriette DeluzyDesportes), 381 Field, Rachel Lyman, 382 η Fields, Mrs J T (Annie Adams), letter to, 383-384 Fiske, John, 92 Flaubert, Gustave, 85, , - , 126, - , 154< 404; letter to, 157 Fletcher, Constance, 269 Fletcher, Horace, 393 η Flower, Cyril, 223 Forbes-Robertson, Sir Johnston, 377 Ford, Ford Madox, see Hueffer, Ford Madox Forster, John: Dickens, 92 France, Anatole, 247; LaVie Littéraire, ^ Fra Angelico, 66 Frewen, Moretón, 320 Frohman, Charles, 386 Fullerton, William Morton, x x i i i - x x i v , xxv, , 3 , Π , - ; letters t o , - , 265, 282, - 3 , 322-328, 368-372 Gainsborough, Thomas, 289 Gallatin, Mrs Albert (Louisa Bedford Ewing), Galsworthy, John, letter to, - Galton, Sir Douglas, 243 Gammon, George, 353 Ganderax, M , 228 Gardner, Mrs John L (Isabella Stewart), letters t o , - , 257-259 Gautier, Théophile, 31 George V , 338, 340 Gérôme, Jean Léon, 126 Ghirlandaio, 66 Gibbens, Margaret, 308 Gilder, Richard Watson, 3Ι9Π2 Gilder, Mrs Richard Watson (Helena De Kay), Gladstone, William Ewart, 147, 148, 176, 188, 199, 223 Godkin, Edwin Lawrence, 18, 92, i n , 186 Godkin, Lawrence, 186, Godley, John Arthur, Goldoni, Carlo, 54 Goldsmid, Lady, 154, 185 Goncourt, Edmond de, 86, , 124, , 228, 301 Gordon, Lady, see Hamilton-Gordon, Lady Gosse, Edmund, 225, 243, 248, 296, 429; letters t o , , - , - , 299— , 5 - , 4 - ; Cosgrave, 225; Raleigh, 225; French Profiles, m ; Portraits and Sketches, 405 m Gosse, Mrs Edmund, , 357, 404 439 Index Gosse, Philip, , 405 Gower, Lord Ronald Sutherland, 145, m , 372 Grant, Ulysses S., 209 Granville-Barker, Harley, 378; letter to, 386 Gray, John, m Gray, John Chipman, 73 Greenough, Horatio, n , 99, 1 Greenough, Mrs Horatio, , 99 Greville, Mrs Richard (Sabine Matilda Thélusson), - Grimm, Herman: Unuberwundliche Machte, 17-18 Gurney, Edmund: Phantasms of the Living, 213-214 Gurney, Ephraim W., , 141 Haldane, Viscount (Richard Burdon), 405 Hamilton, Lady Emma, 428 Hamilton-Gordon, Lady, 155 Harcourt, A Vernon, 29, 30, Hare, Augustus: Walks in Rome, 5 Harland, Henry, 277, 294 Harvey, Paul, 134, 381 Hatch, Cara V L., Haviland, Mr., letter to, 1 - Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 167 Hay, John, 305; letter to, - Hayes, Rutherford B., - , 149, Heinemann, William, 250 Henniker, Mrs., 296 Helps, Sir Arthur, 36; Social Pressure, 37Π3 Hemingway, Ernest, xxi Hill, Frank Η., i n Hill, Mrs Frank H., 281; letter to, - Hill, Percy Woodroffe, 355 Holland, Josiah Gilbert, 1 Holmes, John, 97 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 32, 49, 73, 92, , 182 Hooper, Marion (Clover), see Adams, Mrs Henry Hoppin, William, 6 m Horstmann, Louise, letter to, - 5 Hosmer, B G , 24 Houghton, Lord (Richard Monckton Milnes), 145, 147, 148, 154, 155, 157, 209, m Houghton, 2d Baron (Robert Offley Ashburton Crewe-Milnes), 8 - 440 Howells, William Dean, 32, - , - , 88, 92, 109, 197, 308, i o n ; letters to, 116, 122-124, 127-130, 136-137, 149152; " A Pedestrian Tour," 7on4 Hueffer, Ford Madox (later Ford Madox Ford), 284, 368; letter to, - Hunt, William Morris, Hunter, Mrs Charles (Mary), m Huntington, Mrs., 51 Huntington, W H., 193 Huxley, Leonard, 2 - 2 Huxley, Thomas Henry, 147, , 228 Ibsen, Henrik, 232, 245, 253n4, 6 m Ilsley, Mr., 308 James, Alice (sister; 8 - ) , 36, 53, 88, 1 , 194, 200, 203, 205, 209, , , 229, - ; death of, 232, - ; letters to, - , 138—140, 146, 156, 6 - , 234—237, - ; Diary, 273-276 James, Alice (sister-in-law), see James, Mrs William James, Edward Holton (Ned; nephew), letter to, 297—298 James, Francis (niece), - James, Garth Wilkinson (Wilky; brother; - 8 ) , 18, 26, 36, 37, 74, 167, 194, 4I2n7 James, George Abbot, 393 James, Henry, Sr (father; 1 - 8 ) , 63, 75; death of, 182, 183, 184; letters to, 3 - 49-53 64-70 94-95 - 1 , 1 - 1 , 4 - , - ; The Secret of Swedenborg, 37, 63, 64; "Is Marriage Holy," 70, 75 James, Henry (1843 — 1916): aging, - 3 , , η , 414; on art, , 39, - , - , 66, 69, , 92, 104, 106, 130, 223, 3 - , - ; British citizenship, - , - ; and death, - , - , i o 1£>7, i I , 182, 194, 222, - , 404; fees and payments, n o , 1 , 1 , , , 143, 233, 235, 294, 299, 1 , 322, 353; homesickness, 25, 1 , 178, , 187, , 356; illnesses, x x i - x x i i , ι , 44—49, - , 56, 62, 300, 302, 340, - , 388, 393 396, - - 4 4Ι9Π2 - ; intellectual life, 100, 165, Index 2 - 2 ; on letters, xv, xxv-xxvi, 79, 87, - , 403; loneliness, 24, 120, 301, 339, 393 η; on marriage, 194-195·, money matters, xvii-xvix, 24, 25, 28, 3 - - 74 98, 118, 1 - , 131, - 139 143 149 174 203 212, 224, 273, 277, 308, i r , 3r8; pets, 118, 346, - 5 ; on politics, 37, 91, - , 199, 295; on prejudice, - ; on religion, 8, - 1 , - ; seventieth birthday, - ; and the theater, 131, 164, - , 234, 245, - , 314, - ; on war, - , 3 - , r - 2 , 423, 424, - , 435; on women, 65, - , 121, - , 165, - ; on writing, 247, - , 304, 332-333 385-386, 400-401 TRAVELS: America, 29, 37, - , ' 140, - , - , 217, 295, - , 3 - 3 349 5 - , - , 407, 428; England, - , - , ° - , 91, 1 - 1 , 131, - , 164, 171 —174, 201, 2rr, 222-223, 239-240, 263-266, 293, - ; Europe, - , 93, - , - ; Florence, - , - 6 , 1 - 1 , 197; France, 2, 6 68, - , 1 - , - , 2 229, - , - ; Genoa, 65, 69; Germany, - , 18, - , 251; Ireland, 8 - ; Italy, 4 - , 8 - , - 1 , 6 - , ' 2r2— 215, - , - 7 ; London, 20, 25, 164, 177, 187, 193, 0 - r ; N e w York City, 91, 177, 184; Paris, 13, 113, 127—128, 193; Rome, 55, 113; Switzerland, - , - 4 AUTOBIOGRAPHIES: The Middle Years, m ; Notes of a Son and Brother, Ι9Π4, i4on3, 338, 394Π4, 420η; A Small Boy and Others, η, 338, - , 444 BIOGRAPHY: William Wetmore Story and His Friends, I n , 107 m , 297115, 349-350 COLLECTIONS: The Complete Plays, m ; A Passionate Pilgrim and Other Tales, 86, 109; Partial Portraits, π η , Ι32Π3, 221 n2; The Two Magics: The Turn of the Screw and Covering End, 315 n4 ESSAYS AND REVIEWS: , 128; Balzac, m ; The Bethnal Green Museum, 104; Correspondance de Henri Regnault, 98; Daniel Deronda: A Conversation, 131, 136, 141; Drum-Taps, 348n2; Du Maurier and London Society, 184 η; An English Easter, m ; From a Roman Notebook, ι i n r ; From Normandy to the Pyrenees, m ; Gabrielle de Bergerac, 3 m ι , 44η; Hawthorne, 168 η; James Russell Lowell, 253; The Lesson of Balzac, 190, 359ns, 360; Lichfield and Warwick, m ; Middlemarch, - , 114; Notes on Novelists, m ; She and He: Recent Documents, 303 n2; Social Pressure, 37Π3; Venice, 196; Within the Rim, 340 NOVELS: The Ambassadors, xxiv, 2 m , 285, 320Π4, 328η, 337, 339, 364, 416; The American, 86, 123, 137, 142, - , m , 362, 363, 364, 416; The Awkward Age, 284, i n , 3Ι5Π2, - , 363; The Bostoniane, 203, 231, 364; Confidence, i66n4; The Europeans, m ; The Golden Bowl, 337, 364, 415, 416; The Ivory Tower (unfinished), 338; The Other House, 299n3, m ; The Outcry, 387η; The Portrait of a Lady, m , I38n4, 175, 231, 363, t ; The Princess Casamassima, 102 n6, 209, 219, 231, 363, 415; The Reverberator, I35n2, 221; Roderick Hudson, 12η, 56n3, 86, io2n6, n o n , r i n i , 119, 123, 362, 363, 364, 415; The Sacred Fount, 284, - 2 ; The Spoils of Poynton, 284, 304η; The Tragic Muse, 219, 226n3, 231, 233η, 363 416; The Wings of the Dove, xxiii, 3 n , 337, - , 363, 415 PLAYS: T h e A m e r i c a n , m , η, - , 242, 243, · m , 263η, 6 m ; Guy Domville, - , 282, - ; The High Bid (Summersoft), 38on2; The Other House, 9 ^ ; The Outcry, 387; Pyramus and Thisbe, 27n21, 3 n i o ; The Reprobate, ; The Saloon, - TALES: The Abasement of the Northmores, xxvi; The Aspern Papers, xxv, 233; The Author of "Beltraffio," 287 n2; Covering End, 3Ι5Π4; The Coxon Fund, η ! ; 441 Index (TALES, continued) Crawford's Consistency, n o n ; Daisy Miller, 159, - , , ^ ; T h e Death of the Lion, 277, m , Eugene Pickering, n n ; T h e Figure in the Carpet, 301 n2; Four Meetings, 159; 277, 288-290, 304-308, - , 3 339, 406-411 James, William (Billy; nephew; 8 - ) , 393, 396, 406, 409, 410, 4Ι2Π5 Jewett, Sarah Orne, - ; letter to, 332-333; The Tory Lover, 332-333 Glasses, 294Π2; In the Cage, 284; John Jones, Beatrice, 359 Delavoy, n2; T h e Jolly Corner, Jones, Frederick Rhinelander, m 376n2; A Light Man, - n o ; A London Life, 233; Louisa Pallant, 2 n2; T h e Middle Years, 231 ; Miss Gunton of Poughkeepsie, 8 n ; T h e Next Time, Jones, Mrs Frederick Rhinelander (Mary Rawle), 422; letter to, - Jones, Henry Arthur, 276; The Masqueraders, 281 I n , m ; Nora Vincent, ; Joukowsky, Paul, 167 Owen Wingrave, 378; T h e Tree of Joyce, James, 284 Knowledge, 53 n2; T h e Turn of the Jusserand, Jules, 360 Screw, 283, o n , i n , , i n ; Keats, John, 345; " O n Seeing the Elgin T h e Way it Came (The Friends of the Friends), 294n3; W h a t Maisie Knew, 284 TRAVEL W R I T I N G S : T h e A m e r i c a n Marbles," 27Π20 Kellgren, Henrik, o n Kemble, Frances (Fanny) Anne, , 5 , Scene, 164, 209, 218, 260η 338; English Hours, 338; A French Wa- Kemachan, Mrs., tering Place, m ; Italian Hours, King, Clarence, 270 m , 338; Little Tour in France, 338; Kingston, Gertrude, m Parisian Sketches, Ι24Π3; Portraits of Kipling, Rudyard, 244, 246, 247, 278, 284, Places, m , m , m , 197 James, Henry III (Harry; nephew; - 1947), XV, 290, 312, 319, 388, 409, 1 , 434; letter to, 426-428 James, Howard (cousin; 6 - ) , 203 James, Margaret Mary (Peggy; niece; 8 - 1952), 307-308, 413, 421; letter to, 364; letters to, 3 - 3 ; Mine Own People, 245 n8; The Light that Failed, 245 n9; Kim, 333 334 Kipling, Mrs Rudyard (Caroline [Carrie] Balestier), 250, 3 , 3 Knoop, Mr., 250 Kuhn, Mrs., 360 432~435 James, Mary (niece), 274 James, Mary Walsh (mother; - 8 ) , x v i i i - x i x , , 302Π5; letters to, - 4 , 94—95, - 1 , 1 - 1 , 119—122, - , 140-143, - James, Robertson (Bob; brother; - 1910), 26, 36, 74, 142, 273, 274 James, Mrs Robertson (Mary Holton), 274 James, William (brother; - ) , 44, 53, 1 , 3 , 3 , 385; death of, 389, η , 395Π2; letters to, - , 27-32, 44-49 54-63, 70-81 1 - 1 , 124-127, - , 147-149, 158, 183, 201-204, 2 - , 227-229, 254— 257, 272-278, 279-282, 288-290, 309-312; Τ'aine, 95 James, Mrs William (Alice; sister-in-law; 1849-1922), xix, 158, 182, 323, 385, 387-389, 434; letters to, 212—214, ~ 442 La Farge, John, 5 - , 73, 96, 246, 248, 358, 360; letter to, - Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis de Prat de, 344 Lane, John, letter to, 294 Lang, Andrew, , , 2 , 245 Lapsley, Gaillard T , 397 Lathrop, G P., Laugel, Auguste, , , Laugel, Mrs Auguste, Laurence, Samuel, Lawrence, D H , 4 ; Sons and Lovers, 4I5n2 Lazarus, Emma, letter to, Lea, Marion, Lee, Vernon, see Paget, Violet Leigh, Mrs James, 259, 260 Leighton, Lord Frederic, , , 260, 296, 404 Index Leland, Charles Godfrey, 165 Lemoinne, John, Leonardo da Vinci, 66 Lewes, George Henry, , 35, 104 Lewes, Mrs George Henry, see Eliot, George Lincoln, Abraham, 3 - 3 Linton, Eliza Lynn, letter to, - Lippi, Fra Filippo, 66 Locke, John, - Locker-Lampson, Frederick, 153 Lodge, Elizabeth (Bessie), 422 Lodge, Mrs Henry Cabot (Anna Davis), 360 Loménie, Louis de, Longfellow, Ernest, Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 92, 173 Loring, Frank, 95 Loring, Katharine P., 194, 200, 203, 209, , 229, - , - ; letter to, 239-240 Loring, Louisa, 203 Lorraine, Claude, 39 Lothrop, Morton, 155 Loucke, Lord, 148 Lowe, Elena, 100, 1 Lowell, James Russell, 69, - , - , 104, , 201, 209, - , ; letter to, - Lubbock, Percy, x v - x v i i , x i x - x x , 320Π4, 409 Lushington, Mrs Godfrey, 148, 155 Lyall, Sir Alfred, 143 MacAlpine, William, 3 m , m , 1 Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 190 Mackay, Baron, 84 Mackenzie, Compton, 417—418; Carnival, ; Sinister Street, i n Macmillan, Frederick, 381; letters to, 2 , 233 Maquay, Mrs., 423 Marble, Mantón, xxii; letters to, 343, 348 Marquand, Mrs Henry Gordon (Elizabeth Allen), 223 Marsh, Edward, letter to, 4 - Martin, Sir Theodore, 243 Mason, Alice (the former Mrs Charles Sumner), 99, 104, i n , 1 , 258 Mason, Henry, 126 Mathew, Lady, 421 Maupassant, Guy de, 86, 248, 265, 404 Maxse, Frederick Augustus, 405 McClellan, May Marcy, - McClure, S S., 224 McKim, Charles Folien, 358 Meilhac, Henri, 228 Mengin, Urbain: letter to, 4 - ; L'Italie des Romantiques, 344 Meredith, George, 176, 404, 405 Michelangelo, - , - , 66 Michelet, Jules, 60 Millais, John Everett, Millar, Guy Hoyer, letter to, - 3 Minturn, Bessy, 93 Mitchell, Langdon, 253 Montenegro family, Morley, John Lothrop, m , , Morris, William, 2 - ; Life and Death of Jason, 14 Morris, Mrs William (Jane Burden), 23, 38 Musset, Alfred de, 303 n2, 345 Nelson, Horatio, 428 Nevin, Robert Jenkins, 268, 269 Nightingale, Florence, 155 Nix, Mrs., 153 Noakes, Burgess, 354, 407, 434; letter to, 425-426 Norris, William Edward, letters to, - , 295-296 Northbrook, Lord, Norton, Charles Eliot, 1, 19, - 2 , - , 38, 39, , , 54, , 88, 96, 102, 218, , 357; letters to, - , - Norton, Mrs Charles Eliot (Susan Sedgwick), 82, 88, 90 Norton, Grace, 35, 156; letters to, - , 87-91, 102-105, 162-166, 190-192, 208-211, 216-219, 387-388 Norton, Jane, 20, 22, 24, - , 93, 156 Norton, Lily, , Norton, Richard, 258 Orléans family, Orr, Mrs Sutherland, 165 Ortmans, F., 300 Osbourne, Lloyd, , 242, 244; The Wrecker, - Osgood, James R., 109, 1 Otway, Mr., 147 Paddington, Mrs., 353 Paderewski, Ignacyjan, 443 Index Paget, Sir James, 243 Reubell, Henrietta (Etta), letters to, 2 - Paget, Violet (Vernon Lee), letter to, 207; Miss Broum, - Palgrave, F Τ , 145, 148 Parkman, Francis, 219; letter to, - 9 ; Montcalm and Wolfe, - 9 Parsons, Alfred William, 195, 306 Pattison, Mark, 30 22 3>315-317 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 289 Richards, Annie (Ashburner), , 256 Richmond, Bruce, letter to, Riddle, Theodate Pope, letter to, - Ripley, Helen, 58, 59, 63 Ritchie, Mrs Harrison, 120 Ritchie, Hester, 374 Ritchie, Lady, see Thackeray, Anne Isabella Roberts, Llewlyn, letter to, - Robeson, Mrs George Maxwell, 180 Robins, Elizabeth, 253, 9 ^ ; letter to, 266 Robinson, Henry Crabb, 71 Rodgers, Katie, 236 Rogers, Helen, - Rogers, Mr and Mrs., 236 Rogerson, Mrs James (Christina), 155 Romney, George, 289 Roosevelt, Theodore, 338, 358, 360 Rose, Lady (Charlotte Temple), , 195 Rosebery, Lord (Archibald Philip Primrose), , 188; letter to, 181 Rosebery, Lady, 172; letter to, - 8 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 23, - Rothschild, Ferdinand de, Rothschild, Lady de, 223 Rothschild, Sir Meyer de, 172 Rowse, 97 Rubens, Peter Paul, Rucellai, Cosimo, 287 Runnells, Alice, 393, 396, 406, n s Ruskin, John, 22, , 39, , 236; The Queen of the Air, η 15 Russell, Lady Arthur, 154 Rutson, Albert, 21 Pattison, Mrs Mark (Emilia Frances Strong), 30, - 1 Payson, Margaret, - 2 , 433 Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer, - Pearson, Charles Henry, Pell-Clark, Henrietta, 168 Pellew, George, letter to, - Pennington, Mr., 200 Perkins, Charles, 92 Perry, Thomas Sergeant, 26, 32, 63, 75, 197; letters to, - , - 1 , - , 389 Persse, Jocelyn, 339, , - 4 ; letter to, 346-347 Perugini, Mrs (Kate Dickens), n i Peruzzi, Edith (Story), 237 Phillips, Claude, 402, 403 Pinker, James Brand, 401 n i ; letter to, 322 Pius IX, Pletsch, Pollock, Pollock, Pope, 55 Otto, 93 Sir Frederick, 164 Lady, 145, 374 Praslin, Charles Laure Hugues Theobald (Duc de Choiseul), 381 Probyn, Lady, 165 Procter, Mrs Barry (Ann Benson), 154, 185 Prothero, Fanny, 434; letter to, - Prothero, George, 434 Proust, Marcel: Du Côté de Chez Swann, 338, 418 Putnam, James Jackson, letter to, - Quaire, Mme du, 165 Raphael, , 57, 58, 66 Regnault, Henri, 98 Rehan, Ada, 266 Reid, Sir James, 329 Reid, Whitelaw, letter to, - Rembrandt, 31 Renan, Ernest, 120, 125; La Reforme intellectuelle et morale, 93; Souvenirs d'enfance et de jeunesse, 188 444 Sackville-West, Sir Lionel, 178 Sackville-West, Victoria, 178 Sackville-West, Vita, Ι79Π3 Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin, 14, 15, ; Causeries de lundi, 1703; Nouveaux lundis, i7"3 Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 358, 360, 362 n5 Salisbury, Marchioness of, 154 Sand, George, , , 189, 302; Memoirs, 14; La Petite Fadette, 134; Mtres Sonneurs, 134 Santayana, George: Interpretations of Poetry and Religion, Sarawak, Ranee of (Margaret Brooke), 258, 372 Index Sarcey, Francisque, 228 Sardou, Victorien, 17 Sargent, John Singer, 223, - , , 428; letter to, - Sartoris, Adelaide (Kemble), 260, 404 Schliemann, Heinrich, - Schuster, Frank, 402, 403 Schuyler, Eugene, 168 Scott, Clement, 280, 281 Sedgwick, Arthur G , 19, 26, 68, 73, 92, 110 Sedgwick, Maria Theodora, 88 Sedgwick, Sara, see Darwin, Mrs William Shakespeare, William, 104, , 343, 372 Shaw, George Barnard, 232; letter to, 380 Shedd, Dr., 388 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 4 - ; Adonais, 345 Shorter, Clement King, letter to, 299 Simon, Sir John, 21 Sinclair, May, 401 Sitwell, Frances (later Mrs Colvin), 243 Skinner, Alice, 354 Skinner, Dr Ernest, 320 Smalley, George Washburn, 142, 152, 188, 295-296, 310 Smalley, Mrs George Washburn, Smith, Goldwin, 147 Smith, Joseph Lindon, 259 Smith, Mr and Mrs (HJ's servants), 5 , 156 Smith, William Haynes, 397 m , 423 Smollett, Tobias, 102 Sowerby, G : Rutherford and Company, 401 Spedding, James, 343 Spencer, Herbert, 144, 147 Staël, Mme de (Anne Louise Germaine Necker), 344 Stephen, Adrian, 375Π2 Stephen, Harriet Marion (Minnie) Thackeray, 20, 278, 375 m Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames, 243, 278 Stephen, Julia Jackson Duckworth, 292 m Stephen, Leslie, 20, , 278, 405; letter to, 292; Life of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, 278 Stephen, Virginia, see Woolf, Virginia Stevenson, Robert Louis, - , 400; letters to, 2 - 2 , - , - ; Ballads, , - 4 ; "Beau Austin," 242; The South Seas, 245 n3; The Wrecker, Ml Storey, Moorfield, Story, Thomas Waldo, 349 Story, William Wetmore, , 99, 100, 103, 104, - , i n , 168, 293, 297ns, 350η Stratton, Charles E., 13 Sturges, Jonathan, 284, , Sturgis, Howard, 423; letters to, - , 402-403 Sturgis, Julian, 153 Sturgis, Mrs Julian, 396 Sturgis, Russell, 153 Sumner, Charles, 37 Sumner, Mrs Charles, see Mason, Alice Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 4 - Symonds, John Addington, 145, - , , 347, 397; letter to, - ; " A Problem in Modern Ethics," 287 n2; Memoirs, 292 n2; In the Key of Blue, 397 ns Taine, Hippolyte, 95; Graindorge, 13—14; Notes sur l'Angleterre, 93 Tappan, Mrs William (Caroline Sturgis), 139 Taylor, Tom, 21 Temple, Mrs Captain, 104, 108, 1 Temple, Mary (Minny), 44, 63, 68, 72, 76-80, 82-83, n Temple, Robert Emmet, Jr (Bob), 8, 1 , - Π , 96, 203 Temple, Mrs William, 99 Tennant, Mrs Charles (Gertrude Collier), 154 Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 16, 23, 147, 154, i 6 n , 176; "Locksley Hall," i 6 n Terry, Ellen, 279 Terry, Luther, 99, 100, h i , n s Terry, Marion, 253 n2, 279 Thackeray, Anne Isabella (later Lady Ritchie), ; letter to, - Thackeray, Harriet Marion (Minnie), see Stephen, Harriet Marion Thackeray, William Makepeace, 96, 161 Tilden, Samuel J , - Titian, 39, 66 Tolstoi, Leo, 400; War and Peace, Toy, Mrs William (Nancy), 361 Trevelyan, Sir George Otto, Treves, Sir Frederick, Triqueti, Baronne de, 3 Trollope, Anthony, 1 , 154, , 176 Tuckerman, Miss, 360 445 Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com Index Tuckey, Dr Charles Lloyd, Wendell, Barrett, Turgenev, Ivan, 86, , , , , , West, Rebecca, x i x - x x , 146, , yè2Tì2, , ; " V i r g i n Wharton, Edith, x v i , xxii, x x i i i - x x i v , x x v , S o i l , " m , 1671 " T h r e e Meetings," 3 , 368, n n , , 4 m , i n n , , n2 ; letters to, - , - - Turgenev, Nicholas, 381, - , 422-424; A Turner, Joseph Mallord William, , Glance, Backward 4i9n2 Twain, Mark (Samuel L C l e m e n s ) , Wharton, Edward (Teddy), , 396 Tweedy, Edmund, 97, , 108, 1 , 293 Whistler, James A b b o t t M c N e i l l , n ; Tweedy, Mrs Edmund ( A u n t Mary), 76, 97, 99,

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