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super mind 5 teachers resource book

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Ёi ffi ::t i*.r' ' it ъ it5rL I l wЖ&ж lntroduсtion Teqcher's notes сrnd worksheets Yfu* Ж*Ёq*уъ*** {*жжqpgъ trgъ$.& Х Disqster! 10 Жкъii& Ж ln the rсrinforest '15 &s*8& ffi Тhe Жgъ$* E Spссe restqurсrnt 25 tryъ$* s The Wild West 30 trw*** ffi ln lstсrnbul З5 &sэtъil& Y The storg trжъ&* ffi Mцseum of the &-8ж8* s Mgsterg qt seс roсk.n'roll show teller futцre 20 40 45 50 Tests The Sсienсe lesson 55 Tests Unit 57 Тests Un|t2 59 Тests Unit 61 Тests Unit 6з Tests Unit 65 Tests Unit 67 Tests Unit 69 Tests Unit B 71 Тests Unit 7з Test tсpesсripts ond qnswer kegs 75 жЖe Ж.w.wж Тhe Teoсhеr's Rеsourсe Book сontoins photoсopiob[e workshееts whiсh providе еxtro [onguogе proсtiсе for thosе tеoсhers ond studеnts fo[[owing Super Minds Level In oddition for еoсh of the tеn Studеnt's Book units therе orе two progress tеsts onе bosed on listеning ond one on reoding ond writing Thеy сover thе somе сontent os the photoсopiob[е workshеets * tifhqt the photoсopiqble workshects Provide? Whсt octivitg tgpes the worksheets Provide? The photoсopioble worksheets hove been сorefu[[y designed to reinforсе ond providе ехtro proсtiсe of the work donе in с[oss They foсus on thе longuogе introduсеd in eoсh unit of Level of thе сoursе ond not introduсе ony odditionoI or unfomi[ior [onguoge Еoсh worksheet hos oссomponying tеoсhеr's notes with suggеstions for еxploitotion in thе с[ossroom, togethеr with suggеsted optionoI fo[[ow-up oсtivitiеs There ore threе workshееts for use with thе Introduсtory Unit: The Sсiеnсe lеsson In oddition, therе ore four workshееts for еoсh moin unit in Lеve[ Тhe fourth worksheet in eoсh unit (the сLIL workshееt) is intended to be usеd сommuniсotively, for poir, smo[[ 9roup or с[oss oсtivities Тhеse workshеets inсludе gomes, quizzеs ond rеseorсh oсtivities Suggestions on how to usе thеse workshееts ore olso inсludеd in the oссomponуing teoсher's notеs Thе worksheеts provide o ronge of gomes, puzzles ond oсtivities whiсh rеquire thе students to reod ond writе words, phrosеs, sеntenсеs ond quеstions They olso providе q ron9е of motсhing oсtivities Att thе oсtivities on thе workshеets (oport from the Progrеss tests) ore designed to be used without on oudio oссomponimеnt Thе teoсhеr's notеs ond optionoIfollow-up oсtivitiеs сontoin gomes whiсh сon be used ogoin ond ogoin to proсtisе different оreos of longuoge Тhеy ore dеsсribed below This worksheеt foсuses on the key Worksheеt voсobu[ory presentеd on thе opening poge of eoсh unit in thе Student's Book Тhе voсobu[orУ orеo is idеntifiеd ot thе foot of thе worksheet ond thе items listed ot thе stort of thе tеoсhеr's notes Тhe stiсker gome Choose words thot you wont to proсtise ond writе thеm on stiсky notes Stiсk thеsе notes on studеnts' boсks ond osk thе students not to tе[[ eoсh othеr the words Studеnts minglе, osking eoсh other YeslNo quеstions to find out whot the words orе Worksheet 2: This worksheet foсuses on thе [onguoge prеsеnted ond proсtisеd in thе first grommor [esson of еoсh unit (on the sесond poge of eoсh unit in thе Studеnt's Book) Thе 9rommor foсus is exploined ot thе stort of the teoсher's notes' сe[[s Revise the grommor or voсobu[ory thot you wont to proсtisе with thе с[oss ond mokе o [ist on thе boord Gеt students to сhoose o word from the [ist to сopy 1: Worksheеt 3: This worksheеt foсusеs on the [onguogе presentеd ond proсtisеd in the sесond grommor lesson of еoсh unit (on thе fourth poge of еqсh unit in the Student's Book) onсe ogoin, the grommor foсus is ехoloinеd ot thе stort of thе teoсhеr's notes Worksheet 4: This worksheеt is bosed on the СLIL foсus of eoсh unit (сovеred on poges ninе ond tеn of еoсh unit in the Studеnt's Book) How сqn the worksheets be цsed? Тhе workshеets сon bе usеd in o number of woys: e тhe first thrеe worksheets in еoсh unit hovе beеn dеsignеd so thоt studеnts сon either work on thеm individuotly or os port of poir or сlоss oсtivities For individuoI work, thе workshееts сou[d be used by thosе students who finish сloss oсtivitiеs morе quiсkty thon othеrs Alternotivеly' thеy сon bе set for homеwork For poir or с[oss oсtivitiеs' thе worksheets сon be usеd when odditionol proсtiсе is neсessory, for rеvision, or os on oltеrnotive oсtivity whеn there is o gop or сhongе in your usuol [esson routine Suggеstions on how to usе thе worksheets in diffеrеnt Woys ore inсluded in the oссomponyin9 teoсhеr's notеs You moy find it usеfuI to kеep o reсord of thе worksheеts еoсh studеnt hos сomplеted i-*rt {;43 Bingo Get еoсh studеnt to drow o grid with six or еight into eoсh се[[ ond odopt it in some woу For еxomp[e, if you wont to proсtise post simple verb forms, writе o [ist of infinitives on thе boord, ond osk thе students to writе three rе9u[or ond threе irrеgulor vеrbs from the tist in thе post simple in thе сеt[s С[еon the boord Then reod out your [ist of vеrbs in rondom order' but in the presеnt simplе rothеr thon thе post simplе If you сo[[ out o verb ond thе studеnt hos the post tensе form of it in their tob[е, they сon сross off the word Thе first student to сross off o[[ thеir verbs сorrесtly сotts out Bingo! ond wins thе gome You сon ploy this gomе with ony voсobu[ory sеt Spetting bee Dividе the сloss into two tеoms Moke o [ist of on еvеn number of words from o voсobu[ory sеt, е.9 thе onсiеnt wor[d Soy o word, e.g fountoin' ond osk o studеnt from one teom to spe[[ it out [oud or writе it on thе boord If the spet|'ing is сorrесt, thе student sсorеs two points for thеir tеom If it is inсorreсt, o voluntеer from thе other teom сon сorrесt thе spе[[ing ond sсore o point Сontinuе, olternotin9 bеtweеn tеoms, untit o[[ thе words hovе bееn spе[t сorreсt[y Thе sentenсе memory gome This gomе proсtises сomplex sеntenсes Studеnts work in groups of four or five If possib[e, they shou[d sit in o сirс[e Thе first student storts to mokе the first holf of o sеntenсе' e.g While I wqs wotсhinq тV' Thе next studеnt in thе сirсlе repeots ond qdds to the sentеnсе, е.g t4lhile LoIo wos wotсhing TV, I wos reoding o book Тhe next student rеpеots thе sentenсe ond odds thеir own oсtivity, e.g While Lolo wos wotсhing TV, Сhristiqn wos reoding q book, ond I wos ploуing footbqll.The gоmе сontinuеs in this woy with studеnts repеoting ond odding to thе sеntеnсе If o student сonnot odd to the sеntenсе or mokеs o mistokе, he or she drops out Find new words Writе o long word or phrosе, е.9 roinforest, on the boord ond osk students to work in poirs ond usе thе [ettеrs to moke new words, e.g ron, in, for Тhe poir of studеnts who find the most nеw words win Ask this poiг to сhoosе onother word or phrosе from the unit ond write it on thе boord for thе сloss to ploy ogoin Hit the word Beforе storting this gome, writе obout 20 words on the boord in rondom ploсes Put studеnts into two teoms Invitе thе tеoms to сome up to thе front of thе сtoss nеoг thе boord Givе the first studеnt in eoсh tеom o ro[[еd-up nеWspoper Soy one of the words on the boord or givе o dеfinition Thе first student to hit thot word with their newspopеr wins o point for their tеom Сontinuе until you hovе soid o[[ the words Thе tеqm with the most points ot thе еnd of the gome wins House Сhoose one studеnt to сome to the front of thе сloss ond drow doshes on thе boord to represеnt o word or phrose Тhe othеr students сo[[ out letters to try to guess the word Еvery сorrесtly guessеd lettеr is insеrted obove thе relеvоnt dosh in thе word For еvеry inсorreсt lеttеr, drow o port of o simple housе on thе boord The first student who guesses the wholе word сomеs up to the boord ond сhoosеs the nеxt word If no onе guesses thе word bеforе the housе is сomplеtе, thе originoI studеnt сhooses thе next word Doublе drowing Drqw o [inе down thе middle of the boord Put the сloss into two tеoms Ask o student from eoсh teom to сomе to the front of thе с[oss Show thеm o word Moke sure the гest of thе сloss not sеe the word Тhе students ot thе boord then еoсh drow thе word for their teom to guess Сontinue in this woy, with diffеrent students сoming to thе boord in turn Tеoms win o point for eoсh word they guеss сotegoriеs: things modе of plostiс' things modе of сotton, things mode of [еother Тhе teom with thе most points ot the еnd of the gomе wins Bonus points сon olso be won for thе most surprising objeсts сhosеn Whot сomes next? Тhis gomе proсtises spе[[ing You neеd o piесe of pqpеr sсrеWеd up into о bo[[ Ask the с[oss to stond in o сirсle or stqnd ot thеir desks or tob[еs Soy o word ond thе first [еttеr, е.g engineеr, e Throw thе popеr to o studеnt, who hos to soy thе next [еttеr, i.е л, ond thеn throw thе popеr to onothеr student This сontinuеs until thе сomolеtе word hos bееn spe[[ed сorreсtly Тhе studеnt who сomp[еtеs thе word сhooses o new word ond the oroсess beoins ogoin Piсtionory Ask o volunteеr to slowly drow on objесt, е.9 o boss guitor, on thе boord Thе first student to guess thе word tokes the next turn Studеnts сon olso ptoy the gome in groups lithqt сrre the end.of.цnit tests? Thеrе orе two progrеss tests for eoсh unit in thе LеveI Studеnt's Book Тhе first tеst is o [istening test ond the sесond is o rеoding ond writing test Тhere orе two oсtivities in еoсh tеst, сovеring thе voсobu[ory, ond grommor presented on the first, sесond ond fourth poges of eoсh unit in thе Student's Book Тhе first oсtivity in eoсh test usuolly сovеrs the voсobu[ory, ond thе sесond сovеrs grommor Тherе orе fivе quеstions ond on еxomp[е in еoсh of thе two oсtivitiеs, whiсh meons thot еoсh test is morkеd out of ten ond shou[d tokе obout 20 to 30 minutes of сloss timе The totol mork for both progress tеsts in o unit is thereforе 20 Тhе progress tests сon be usеd in o numbеr of woys You might сhoosе to one of thе two progress tеsts onсе students hovе сomp[etеd the first ho[f of еoсh unit in thе Student's Book ond then sovе the othеr pro9rеss test untiI studеnts hovе сompletеd the еntire unit Altеrnotively, you might сhoosе to onе of thе two progress tests ot the еnd of eoсh unit ond thеn sovе thе othеr progrеss test unti[ the end of tеrm Тhis stogеd opprooсh witt hеl,p you to sее whot studеnts hove [еornt ond undеrstood in thе short tеrm ond whot they сon rеmеmbеr in thе long tеrm It wi[[ olso givе studеnts on opportunity to revisе ond/or osk for help bеtween tеsts in ordеr to improvе thеir morks At thе boсk of the book, from poge 75 onwords, you wit| find topesсripts ond onswеr kеys to help you plon ond mork the tеsts сorrесt[y Three things Put studеnts into two groups Writе o сotegory on the boord, e.g Things mode of wood Thе first group to think of thгее things modе of wood wins o point Then сontinuе the gome using thеse lБ Worksheet 1: ln the Sсienсe lesson Using the worksheet g This worksheet revises sсienсe-rеloted voсobulory: shelf , goggles, instruсtions, qpron, explosion, bubbles, test tube, Iiquid, gloves, powder.It olso dеvеlops thе studеnts' obi[itv to work with onogroms * Studеnts work individuol[y or in poirs to solve the onogroms, thеn motсh thе words to the piсtures * Studеnts thеn rеod the sentenсes ond dесioе whеthеr they orе true or fo[se' KEY: Aсtivity 1: 2o goggles, Зe instruсtions, 4i shelf, 5с powder' 6j g[oves,7f bubb[еs, 89 tiquid, 9b eхp[osion, 10h opron; Aсtivity 2:2f,З f' f' t' t optionot follow-up oсtivity: Dеmonstrote how to ptoy rhe stiсker gome Writе thе sсienсe voсobu[ory on stiсky notes Stiсk thesе notes on students' boсks ond then tе[[ students to ming[е Studеnts osk УeslNo quеstions to diffеrеnt studеnts eoсh timе to find out whot the words orе, e.9 Do I weor this thing? | Is this thing dongerous? Worksheet 2: ln the post Using the worksheet * * * This workshеet pгoсtises positive ond negotive sеntеnсеs in the post simp[e Studеnts work individuolly to сomp[еte thе sеntеnсеs using o vеrb from thе box in thе сorreсt post simple form Studеnts work in poirs to soy whiсh informotion in Aсtivity ,l is fo[se They thеn сorreсt thе folse informotion Studеnts сon Use thе Intеrnet to resеorсh thеir onswers KЕY: Aсtivity 1: ptoyed, З wos, [ost, wrotе, lived; Aсtivity 2:2 PeL6 didn't ptoy footbq[[ for Argentino He ployed foг Brozil Сhorlеs Doгwin wosn't Sсottish Hе wos Еng|'ish John MсЕnroе didn't win two Wimbledon finols ond losе thrее Hе won thrее finols ond lost two Wiltiom Shokеspеorе didn't write oliyer lrлzЬt Сhor[еs Diсkens wrote it Gq[i[еo Go[itеi didn't tive in thе 19th сentury Hе livеd in thе ] 6th оnd 17th сenturiеs optionoI fo[low-up oсtivity: Te[[ studеnts to drow o qrid tike this in thеir notеbooks: Writе on thе boord the infinitivеs of obout 20 vеrbs, with four rеgulor ond 16 irregu[or verbs Ask studеnts to work o[one or in poirs ond сhoosе six verbs from thе tist Thеy thеn writе thе post simp[e form, е.9 song, of еoсh verb thеy hovе сhosеn in o seporotе се[[ on the grid Kеep o [ist for yourse[f of thе vеrbs thot wеre on the boord, thеn сlеon the boord Reod out the infinitives, in rondom ordеr, one ot o timе As studеnts i,, 9.'ll heor thе infinitive of onе of the vеrbs on their grid, they put o сross through thot verb When o student or poir hove сrossed off otl siх of their verbs, thеy shout Bingo!Ask them to сo[[ out thеir post simple forms If thеy orе o[[ сorrесt ond motсh your [ist, they orе thе winners If thеy hovе writtеn o post simplе form wrongly or сrossеd off o vеrb thot you hovе not soid, ploy сontinuеs Worksheet 3: Whqt did gou ? Using the worksheet tll This workshееt proсtisеs post simple quеstions with Did.тt o[so proсtises thе question words When, Where, Whot ond How * Students reod thе quеstions ond сomplеte thеm using Did or o question word, thеn motсh the questions to the onswеrs by drowing lines * Studеnts order the words to form questions in the post simple Тhey then work in poirs to osk ond onswer the questions KEY: Aсtivity 1; 2d How, Зo Whеre' 4b Whot, 5f Did' 6е Whеn; Aсtivity 2: Where did you go? How did you get thеrе? Who did you go with? Whot did you therе? Did you hovе o good time? optionol fo[[ow-up oсtivity: Studеnts work in poirs Тhеy write down five things thеу did lost wеek They must not show whot they hovе written to thеir portner Studеnts thеn toke turns to try to guess whot their portner did' by osking ,Did you ?' quеstions, e.g Did уou 5еe уour friends? Did уou ploу сomputеr gomes? Studеnts hovе two minutes to question their portner ond find out the fivе oсtivitiеs Worksheet @ 1: In the Sсienсe lesson Write the sсienсG words under the сorreсt piсtures : stet.iэt*te- * sg[ogеg J*-i tutu з stinсruisnot ''.4., fе[hs t*st ] wordеp *L;"b* ,в'.: veso[g blеsbub в.' iuqdit ,'9.: sonipolеx It.0,, norop Reсd qnd rшrite f (truэ) or f (fсlse) $ Еxplosions orе dongerous We Wеor goggles on our feet s Wе Weor gloves on our eyes r & We weor oprons on our heods S Woter s is o liquid Wе put things on shеlvеs Voсobutory: Еxperiments O Combridge University Press 2013 Suoer Mindsreoсher's Resourсe Book Level Г ffir ж,&t-****Ф3 Worksheet ll 2z |n the Pqst ( чУ w Gomplete the sentenсes with сr verb from the box in the pсst simple losе writе pl'oy bе ; S -itз'verтt* live Thomos Еdison Wos o sсiеntist Hе wos born in thе 19th сentury ond died in thе 20th сеntury He i;эw*rэt*d mony things' inсluding thе woshing moсhine footbo[[ Pe[ё wos o vеry fomous sportsmon of the 20th сentury He for Argentino ond hеlped them to win the World Сup three times .l9th сеntury Hе soid thot o Sсottish sсiеntist in the Chorles Dorwin humon beings еvolvеd from opes John MсЕnroe is onе of the most suссessful tеnnis ployers evеr Hе ployed in fivе threе Wimbl'edon finots from 1980 to 1984 He won two of thеm ond _ .Wit[iom Shokespeore is onе of the most fomous Engl.ish writеrs Hе diеd in ,1616 o fomous story сolled oliver Twist Hе in thе 19th сentury He wos one of Itolion sсiеntist, Go[ileo Gotil.ei thе fothers of modern sсienсе Find out whiсh informсltion in Aсtivitg sentenсes s Тiэ*rx*s is fqlse Gorreсt the fqlse ,^\ r) *n d.idn't iruv*nt th *shr l* l.nу*rrt** til* ii*iэtbr:L*- q3 Grommor |Ё Super Мinds Teoсher's Resourсe Book Level @ Сombridge University Press 201З 1: Post simPle revision Worksheet 3: Whсlt did gou ? ф Gomp|ete the questions with Did, Where, Whаt' When ot How Then mqtсh the questions with the qnswers did vou [ost Sundoy? did you get to sсhool lost yeor? on thе bus? Wе went to F[orido fl} did you go on hol.idoy with your fomiLy lost yeor? ** q3 timе did you get up this morning? Very еor[y! At six o'с[oсk I went to thе pork {x No By bike you go swrmmtng ot the wеekend? Whеn I wos ten did you first go to Еng[ond? No, I didn't I don't tike it A long time ogo Mqke {Цestions qbout lost sцmmer Then qsk goцr Glossmqtes $ / lost / did /whot / summеr l уou? : * did / wherе l go /you? s there / how l уou / get i did? fi" you I go /with / did / who? s / thеrе s you l did l did / уou lwhot? l o / hove/timе/good? Grommor 2: Post simple questions revision @ Сombridge University Press 201З Super Minds Тeoсher's Resourсe Book LeveL WЖЖжж&ww'Ж Worksheet 1: Around PomPeii Using the worksheet * * * This worksheet proсtises words to desсribе thе onсiеnt world: smoke, volсono, temple, сolumns, fountoin, yose thеotre, horse qnd сqrt, servont, stotuе' Studеnts tobel the piсturеs Тhеn thеy find the words in the word sеorсh ond сheсk their spеll.ing Studеnts сon thеn moke their own word sеorсh to swop with o portnеr KЕY: Aсtivity 1: vosе, theotre, fountoin, volсono' horsе ond сort, tеmp[e, сo[umn, l servont, stotuе h s m o k е timе If you look сlose[y ot thе piсturе' thеre isn't o oеrson in thе bеd! optionot foltow-up oсtivity: Studеnts work in poirs Tйey tokе turns to mimе the oсtivitiеs from Aсtivity Thеir portnеr soys whot they werе doing ot the timе of the robbеry ond whiсh сhoroсtеr they orе, e.9 You were tolking to уour friends in q сofё You'rе Som Worksheet 3: A dog with mg fсmilg Using the worksheet * This workshееt proсtisеs thе usе of thе post в Students l,ook qt the piсturеs ond сomplеte thе story using the post сontinUous Students thеn сirсlе thе words to сomplеte thе сontinuous with * o sentenсе5 s e f с o o o o u t L n s n u s с d t e o с o r n o + o r u t е e o m p I n o n optionot fottow.up oсtivity: Ptoy h е o t r е t e Aсtivity 2: Studеnts' own onswers optionot fottow.up oсtivity: Ptoy Speltiл9 bee usin9 the words from Aсtivitу (for detoi[еd instruсtions, seе poge 4) Worksheet 2: Whqt Were goц doing? Using the worksheet a This workshеet proсtises the post сontinuous g Prе-tеoсh stole, prove ond sofe (n.) Students Work olonе to reod the story obout the stolеn monеу, thеn motсh the sеntenсеs to thе piсtures * Studеnts think obout thе onswеrs, then work with o portner to dесide who stolе thе money KЕY: Aсtivity 1:2d'Зf' 4o,5Ь,6е;Aсtivitу 2:1 Som wos With her iгiends in o сofё / Kor[ wos hoving dinnеr with Еvo Thе peopte who werе with others ond o[so: John is on the CСTV fiI'm ot the poo[ / C[oirе сon show hеr сinеmo tiсket to thе poliсe / Lоuren wos tolking to someone on the phone Miсk Miсk proЬobty stole thе monеy from the bonk bесousе hе сon't provе whot hе wos doing ot the ; 101r rie Senteлсe gorne usin9 sentenсеs in thе post сontinuous (for detoitеd instruсtions, see poges ond 5) .i".o,у n t l: wos tistening, wos ployin9, wos singing, wos сutting; wеrе donсing, Aсtivitу 2: pl'oying, donсing, moking, woshing, reoding,4 pLoying, eoting, sleeping, listening KEY: Aсtivity r t rдzhile Workshэet Ч: Fqmous volconoes Using thе worksheet * Тhis worksheet enсouroges students to find out obout o fomous vo[сoniс eruption * Studеnts work in three groups Еoсh group сhoosеs o volсono ond finds the onswеrs to the questions obout it Students shorе whot they olreody know ond rеsеorсh on the Internet or in the librorу to сomplеte the My volсono сolumn of the tobtе You сould suggеst thеsе links to hе|'p: http://www geo[o gy sds u.ed u/how-vo[сo noes-work/ Poriсutin.htmI http://eduсotion.notiono[gеogro phiс.сom/ed uсotion/ enсyсlopеdio/vo[сoniс-сon el? or _o=1&or-r=З http://news.bbс.сo.uki1 /hi l sсi|Ieсh/ 4972522.stm http://www history.сom/this-doy-i n-historу/krokotoo- * eru Dts Students work with o mеmber of onother group They tokе turns to qsk ond writе onswers to thе quuition' in the My portner's volсqno сolumn KEY: Aсtivitv 2: Mount St Hetens Whot сountry is it in? When did it eruPt? How tong did the eruption lost? How mony peoPte died? Krokotoo Poriсutir Indonesio Meхiсo 980 l 88з 194з yeors months yeors 57 з6,417 з the USA optionot foltow-up oсtivity: Studеnts work with their oiiginot.9roup to moke o short postеr presеntotion obout their volсono to show to thе с[oss { Worksheet Loolс qnd t 1: Aroцnd Pompeii write the words Then find them in the word seqrсh sm*k* -d -\; 2)l N ,{' o e h o r o k e o s p b u q b r I r У n j r o s n V m с s I r W V e W f k o k t е o o z z q U o t е o p q t n s J o n b U t t s k с d t e d t e m p t е o o с o e I o т n X n r X n o t r m u e W V q o r U o e m o o f t е o o i е с d u L p s m с f b t o o h f I o n V s n p b e p n с z t W u d t h е o t r е t Х t с I d Mсrke q new word seqrсh Voсobu[ory: Around Pompeii @ Combridge University Press 2013 Super Minds Teoсher's Resourсe Book Level Progress test 2: Reсrdin9 qnd rшriting ( Nqme on the Look сnd reqd Ghoose the correсt words ond write them lines Uoц not need to цse qll the words rj++gs oсomb oflog oсorpet soop sung[ossеs o сUp ond souсer eorrings t } к plotes o bosket сushions ft*ss We Weor thеse on our fingers We use this to mokе our hoir look niсe Еvеry сountry in thе world hos one of thesе f,* We put onе of thesе on thе floor in the sitting room s Wе use this to wosh oursеlves ffi Wе Wеor these so thot wе don't hurt our eyes in the sun qnswer Reqd the сonversotion ond сhoose the best Uoц not need to цse oll the letters Ag Cou|'d you te[[ me the priсe? fl of сoursе * Yes сould I sеe thot onе there? Ж Not ot o[[ р Do you mind if I trY this on? * Сou[d I сlose the door? e"$ Do you mind if I reod o few Poges? & Shop ossistont: Do I mind? Shop ossistqnt: Good morning Con I heLp You with onYthing? Ed: Rеod os muсh os you [ike Ed: I think it's o bit Young for her' Coul.d you show me the books obout musiс? ,& Shop qssistont: Yes, they'rе herе Woutd you likе to look ot onе? Ed: Shop ossistont: Тhis one? Yes Hеre you orе I wont to sеe if it's oK for Еd: my doughtеr 68 Super Мinds Teoсher's Resourсe Book Level Shop ossistqnt: Yеs We hove lots of books obout roсk ond pop Еd: Right, thonks Тhis onе looks pеrfeсt Shop ossistont: It's f12.99' Еd: Тhonks I'[[ toke it @ Combridge UniversitY Press 2013 Progress test 1: Listening Nqme сD Listen ond number -1.,6ii$' b & !.]* З ; ti"ten ond сomplete the сonversqtion Еthon: I'm thirsty, Mum Mum: oK, Еthon i,ii drink i;*i ff Mum: And Еthon? you o Mum: Beforе you ploy o сomputer Ethqn: I'm hungry, too Mum: Right sondwiсh Еthon: Yes, Mum? gome you o Ethqn: Yes, Mum I know my homework! ж Еthon: I'm bored Mum: you o gome to ptoy & Mum: Еthon? Еthon: Yеs, Mum Mum: I'm tired Еthon: oh, thеn $ my drink, Mum: I think I neеd to sit down Ethon: OK _ mv sondwiсh @ Combridge University Press 2O1З Super Minds Теoсher's Resourсe Book Level 69 Progress test 2: Reqding qnd rшriting Nсrme Reod the emqil Ghoose q word from the box Write the сorreсt word next to nцmbers 2.6 lutе 'ос+.or.- wig tights oudienсе сostume c€ ll.'.';* а\У, Deaг Aunt Jane, How aгe you? l'm I oK' Mum says, Hi'' -:' J/- l go to the Young PeopIe's National Theatгe on Saturday mornings now lt's great! When I grow up, l want to be an sсi,;г ! are doing a play by Shakespeaгe lt's сa|led ' w" Hamlet.l Iike the pIay but l have to weaг , on my legs I look like beсause my haiг is too shoгt But a giг|! l a|so havе to Weaг a' is veгy old and beautiful lt's green and gold and l look like my a -someone fгom the 16th сentuгy - - the play |t's сal|ed a5 havе to p|ay an instгument in of guitar l'm not vегy good at it, but l'm Iearning! |t's a type I ' l r l & our first show is next Wednesday Wi|l you сome to see - in the theatre want to have a big it, Aunt Jane? We Еmail Soon Love David Whсlt hсrve the fqmilgjust done? Gomplete thэ sentenсes with the verbs in the boх *eоФ poss buy stort dесidе 9еt v* ig:| **.tgr lots of сhoсolotе Do you think I eot too muсh? studying ot Еdinburgh Univеrsity They think it's greot .; My brothеrs hеr first Frеnсh exom in high sсhool Shе got 9Зo/o * My tittl.е sister o new job in London She's 9oin9 to stort next wеek & My mother o new сor Hе soys it wos сhеop but Mum soys it wosn't! s My fother З I to go on hotidoy They're going to toke us to s My mum ond dod Austro[io nеxt summer! Super Minds Teoсher's Resourсe Book Level O Combridge UniversitY Press 2013 Progress test 1: Listening Nсrme сD 1.*р Listen qnd drqw lines Tonyo Ё* W Anno 'СD 1я}| Dovid DonieI Listen qnd write ges or no Г?.1 '$ If you're thirsty, ]im wi[[ moke you o сup of teo Х iri If you're hungry, Jim wit|' mokе you on egg sondwiсh Ж If you wont to go swimming in the oftеrnoon, Jim wi[[open the poot & If you wont to listen to musiс, Jim witt p|'oy you lots of songs s S If you wont posto, Jim witt mokе it for you If you wont o quiet room, lim witt give you one @ Соmbridge Univеrsity Press 201З Super Minds Teoсher's Resourсe Book Level 71 Progress test 2: Reqding сlnd rшriting { Шqme @ Reсrd, then сomplete the words The € My fothеr is on * * I e went to seе my l] d jL l My grondporеnts orе f rl E*r He first letter is given to gou designs roods ond bridges yesterdoy Hе told mе thot my teeth оre oK - - Тhey've got сows, сhiсkеns ond pigs e s I got my first loptop lost yeor Now I wont to be o с ф Do|.1 My brothеr knows everything obout сors Hе wonts to be o m p ond Von Gogh ore myfovouritе o - - Reсd the сonversotion qnd сhoose the best qnswer Uou not need to цse qll the letters & Тhen wе'[[ go for o wo[k We'[[ wotсh o diffеrent onе Ж * Oh, Robert! Stop it! We'[[ go swimming in thе roin ffi We сon wotсh o DVD Ж Lеt's our homеwork on Mondoy €"@{aa@s' * Thеn it'[[ bе o sunny doy *€ Wе'[[ think of something еtse $ Robert: I wont to go swimming But whot wi[[ wе if it roins? Anno: Г & Robert: But whot if thе fi[m is tеrrib[е? s Annq: in the сupboord? Robert: But whot if we сon't find o diffеrеnt one? Anno: Anno: Э Robert: S Robert: But whot if thеre oren't ony But whot if we don't think of onything? Robert: But whot if it roins? Anno: Anno: t; Supеr Minds Teoсher's Resourсe Book Level @ Combridge University Press 201З L Progress test Ш listening Nqme jfu risten qnd cirс|e & o b w ,jfu r:sten qnd сomplete the sentences ,s "к Joсob Э Niсk ;$ Еtl'o *Ф Holty ж Tom yеt qЭ You for two yeors с;'lrggdЦ b**n t* Nеw Zeo[ond tennis сompetitions! yet o book! @ Сombridge University Prеss 201З Super Minds Тeoсher's Resourсe Book Level г Progrcss test 2: Reqding qnd rшriting J{qme Look сlnd reqd Ghoose the сorreсt words qnd write them on the lines 9ou not need to use сrll the words portholes soilors o lifeboot o*bql.oлъeter o most rots soils thе сoptoin o сobin Тhe сoptoin of o ship usеs this to understond thе wеother x If something hoppеns to our ship, We сon go home in one of thesе ч ж !; i.,l{,lr'i.j Тhеse peoplе work on ships & This is wherе people sleеp on o ship s Тhese orе thе round windows on o ship # & Тhеse ore smo[[ onimo[s whiсh live on ships Gomplete the Gonversqtion with the phrqses from the box hovеn't Yes, I hove written Not yеt I'vе olrеody done +.tФbчerystfd@ne* Hove you Sqm: Wе'Ve got so muсh to do, Doisy! Doisy: I know! Wе'rе so busy, Som Sqm: l l*v* Ц**' d**,* yoUr History projeсt yet? I сon't Doisy: No, I2 dесide whot to write obout Som: Whot obout the Moths homеwork? Doisy: Yes, thot З I thought it wos еosy Som: Mе too Whot obout Sponish vеrbs? Hove you leornt them? Doisy: I forgot Som: I've olrеody donе thosе I'[[ help you Doisy: Тhonks! Hove you studiеd for the Geogrophy test yеt? I've leornt thе nomes of o[[ thе сopitols Sqm: o Doisy: oh, no! I hovеn't rеod the Sсienсе book yet o story for Еnglish yеt? Som: s How witl we everything, Som? Doisy: No.6 ,,,,7- !,,,',, Suoer Мinds Teoсher's Resourсe Book Level o Сombгidge University Press 201З ii"*|'*Г Progress tests Dod: Whot did he do? GirL You know Niсk, Dod Hе went to the pool evеry Introduсtion to the progress tests Тhеre orе two progrеss tests for еoсh of the tеn units in thе Leve[ Student's Book Тhe first test is o listеning test Тhе sесond test is o rеoding ond writing test Thеre orе two oсtivities in еoсh tеst Тhese oсtivities сover thе voсobu[ory ond grommor prеsentеd on the first, sесond ond fourth pogеs of eoсh unit in the Studеnt's Book ond Workbook Thе first oсtivity in eoсh test usuo[[y сovers voсobu[ory, ond the sесond oсtivity сovеrs grommor Тhеrе ore five questions ond on еxomplе in eoсn oсtivity of the progrеss tеsts Еoсh test is morked out of tеn ond shou[d toke 20 to З0 minutes of с[oss time Тhe totoI mork for both progress tеsts in thе unit is, doy He loves swimming Dod: Whot obout Anno? Gir[: Anno wеnt to Sсotlond Dod: Тo Sсotlond? GirL Yes, shе went to stoy With her grondmo Dod: I thought hеr grondmo livеd in Irеlond Gir[: No, Dod! Anno's ount livеs in Irеlqnd Dod: Whot did Dovid do? Gir[: Dovid hod thе best holidoy Dod: Why? Whot did hе do? Gir[: Hе spеnt two weeks on thе beoсh! Dod: Did he meеt onУ nеW friends? Gir[: Lots! He emoils them еvеry doy GirL Let mе te[[ you obout Robert's ho[idoy Dod: OK GirL He wеnt to woгk with his mum Dod: Rеo[[y? Is shе o dеntist? GirL No, shе's o doсtor His dod's o dentist Dod: oh, yеs Тhot's right So whot did he do? GirL Hе hеtpеd in the hospito[ He wonts to be o doсtor now thеreforе,20 The progrеss tests сon bе usеd in o number of woys You might сhoose to them both togеthеr ot thе еnd of o unit or you might сhoose to the first of thе two progrеss tеsts onсe studеnts hove сomp[eted thе first hotf of еoсh unit of the Studеnt's Book ond Workbook, ond then sove thе other tеst until students hove сomplеtеd thе entirе unit Altеrnоtive[y, you might сhoosе to onе of the two tеsts ot thе еnd of еoсh unit ond thеn sovе thе other tеst unti[ thе end of term Тhis stoged opprooсh witt hеtp you тo seе whot studеnts hovе [еornt ond undеrstood in the short term ond whot they сon rеmember in thе long term It wi[[ olso give students on opportunity to rеvise ond/or osk for help between tеsts in order to improvе thеir morks Yfu* s*&*wъ** Progress test @ тAPЕsсRIPт а# KEY:2b,3o, 4b, 5o 6b or no @ look ond reod Choose the сorreсt words ond write them on the lines You not need to use oll the words Reod ond сompl'ete the btog KEY:2 How,3 Whot, Did, bubblеs Шsten ond Write уes ' тAPЕsсRIPT qnd writing ф l€D ' opron, test tube, shеtf, 9[oves, goggtes, $ Yfuж Ж*&*жж* &жжж*къ Progress test 2: Reqding goggtes Listening listen ond сirс[e yеs' yеs KЕY:2 powder, on explosion,4 o shе[f, instruсtions' 8жжжwвъ 1: KЕY:2 no,3 yеs, no, 1oqJr Dod: Wos it good to go boсk to sсhool todoy? GirL Yеs, it wos grеot, Dod! Dqd: Did you sее еvеryone? Gir[: I sow Ho[ly, Тonyo ond Niсk, of сourse oh, ond I sow Anno ond Dovid ond Robеrt, too Dod: Whot did Hotty on her summer hotidoy? GirL Hotty p[oyеd vo[[eybo[[ o lot, but shе didn't ploy tennis this yеor Dod: Whot did Тonyo do? Gir[: Tonyo hod o grеot ho[idoy Shе went to o sсienсe сomo Dod: Wow! Did shе moke ony explosions? Gir[: No, she didn't! Thot's dongеrous, Dod But she did tots of reo[[y intеrеsting expеriments Dqd: Whot obout Niсk? Did hе go on hotidoy to the USA ogoin? Gir[: No, hе stoyed ot homе Why, Did &#ж&& & Progress test Listening @ listen ond number тAPEsсRIPт 1: rlCD etr fountoin, stqtuе, сolumn, volсono, vose, tеmp|'e KЕY: o4, с5, d2, e6' f3 ф listen ond сomplete the сonversotion .uo, тAPЕsсRIPт Gir[: I сo[[еd you yestеrdoy, Wiltiom Why didn't you onsWеr the ohonе? Boy: I wos doing somеthing GirL Whot wеrе you doing? Boy: I wos rеoding obout the volсoniс еxplosion in Pompeii It's so interеsting Gir[: Reotty? Whot were thе peoplе doing ot thе timе of thе disostеr? Boy: They werе busy with thеir work ond thеir fomi[iеs Nobody knеw obout the volсono Girl: Nobody knеw obout it? Тhot's inсrеdible Boy: So whot wеrе you doing yesterdoy, Еvo? Why did vou сo[[ mе? GirL I wos thinking obout our Historу tеst nеxt wееk Boy: oh, yеs Sorry Did you wont mе to help you? Gir[: Thot's oK I dесided to study Gеogrophy insteod I wos working on the projeсt obout Mеxiсo otL doy Boy: Pеrhops уoU сon help me, thеn! KEY: Wеrе you doing, were thе peop[е doing' whot Wеrе you doing, wos thinking, wos working Progress test 2: Reqding qnd writing Жу*$& & кeod the story Choose o Word from the box Writе the сorreсt word next to numbers 2-6 ф KEY: sеrvonts smoke, 4thеotre, сolumns, vosе Reqd, сhoosе ond write the сorreсt words KEY:2 whi[е' еotin9, wеrе, Жж8* A Progress Listening ф wos, werе test listen ond tiсk (/| or сross (x) 'с& joguor KEY:2,/'зl4,/'5х'6х ф listen ond сirсlе .с,'.Du тAPЕsсRIPт Niсk: Hi' Anno Anno: Hi' Niсk Niсk: I'm doing o noture quiz Сon you hе[p me? Anno: of сourse! Niсk: How big сon thе greеn onoсondo grow? Annq: I know thot It's 227 kilogroms Niсk: Yеs, уou're right Niсk: Whot obout this onе? How monу peoplе livе in thе Amozon rеgion? Is it threе mi[[ion? Annq: No' it's З0 mittion Niсk: oh, yes You're right ogoin Niсk: How mony onts onteoters eot every doy? I put 350,000 Annq: It's З5.000 Niсk Niсk: oh, yes You're right Niсk: oK I don't know this one How mony onimol soесies ore thеre in thе Amozon roinforest? I think it's morе thon one mitlion Anno: It isn't onе miltion It's morе thon 20 mittion! Niсk: Do you know how for sloths сon turn their heods? Is it 36 dе9rееs or З60 dеgrees? Annol It's З60 Niсk: Yes' гight ogoin! 76,, Niсk: oK Lost onе Werе pеople living in thе Amozon roinforеst l00'000 yeors ogo? Anno: No, it wos 10'000 yеors ogo Niсk: How you know o[[ thе onswеrs to thе quiz, Anno? Annq: oh, my сloss did it yеstеrdoy KEY: 30 mi[[ion, з5'000' 20 mittion' 360' r0,000 test Reqding qnd writing Жж&* Ж Progress @ 2: look ond write the words KЕY: joguor, poo[, onteotеr, touсon' сrеepег ф кeod the сonversotion ond сhoose the best onswer You not need to use ott the letters KEY:2C' зD.48' 5E' 6G Жж*& & Progress Listening @ tcst шsten ond drow tines 1: с,D* тAPЕsсRIPт 1: тAPEsсRIPт l bronсh,2 bеok, onoсondo,4 sloth,5 poo[, 6 Boy: Did you see the bond ot sсhool yesterdoy? Girl: Yеs, I did I'm o fon! Frеd is гeo[[y good on thе еlесtriс guitor Boy: Yеs, hе is Boy: Whot did you think of Kim? Gir[: Whot wos shе ptoying? Boy: Тhе boss guitor Girl: oh, yеs She ploys vеry wе[[ Boy: Who wos thе boсking singer? I don't know him Girt: oh, thot's Pеtеr Hе's Fred's brothеr He qoеs to o differеnt sсhool ond he lovеs singing Boy: Did you seе So[[y's nеw drum kit? Gir[: Yes' shе got those drums for her birthdoy Thеy lookеd good in thе spottight Boy: Who wos thе bodyguord? Gir[: Тhot's Miсhoеl He's my big brothеr Boy: It wos good thot he stoppеd thosе girts с[imbing on the stoge Girl: Yеoh Boy: I think Groсе should bе o donсеr when shе lеoves sсhoo[ Gir[: I know Shе's so good ot donсing Shе wos thе quееn of thе stogе! KЕY: Linеs should be drown bеtwееn Kim ond thе girt ptoying boss guitor on thе right, Pеter ond boy singing on thе right of the stogе, Sotl.y ond thе 9irt ptoying thе dгums' Miсhoel ond the bodyguord' Groсe ond the gir[ donсing on the stogе Listen ond write the letters to onswеr the questions тAPЕsсRIPт !D Boy: Whot you wont to in the futurе, Luсy? Are you going to bе o donсer? Gir[: I know exoсtly whot I'm going to I'm going to be o doсtor Boy: Reotty? Where ore you going to work? In o big Mon: Whеn's your brothеr's birthdov? Womon: oh, Bеn Joshuo's your besi friеnd Don't you know the dotе? Mqn: Um, it's on the ]Зth of Morсh, I thinк Womon: No, it's not It's on thе ЗOth of Morсh Mon: Now, I сon't rеmеmber when mv mum,s birthdoy is Womon: Wеtt, I know Mory's birthdoy is on thе somе doy os my dod's Mon: Whеn's thot? Is it on the 20th of June? Womqn: No, Bеn It's on thе 12th of June M_on: OK My dod Do you know when his birthdoy hospito[? Gir[: I'm going to go ond work in Afriсo Boy: Wow! Тhot sounds fontostiс Girl: Whot obout you, Mork? Whot orе you going to be? Boy: I don't know, Luсy I'vе got o lot of iоеos GirL Are you going to be o foЪtbottеrz Boy: I don't think so I think I'm going to be o sсientist Boy: My brothеr knows whot hе's gЪing to Hе's not going to work in on offiсе GirL So how is hе going to mokе monеv? Boy: He's going to bе o singer He's going to trovel round the wortd Girt: But your brothеr сon't sinq Boy: My dod's going to tеoсh him Gir[: Сqn your dod sing, thеn? Boy: Not very wе[[ is? Womqn: of сoursе I ]ohn's birthdoy is on the 9th of Septembеr Mon: It's not on the 19th of September? Womqn: No, Bеn It's not Mon: Right, now whot obout Hе[еn? Womon: Your sistеr? Mon: Yes Whеn's hеr birthdoy? It's in Novеmbеr, I think Is it on the lith? Womon: No, it's on the 21't Mqn: I've got one morе quеstion, Emmo Womon: Go on Mon: Um, whеn is my birthdoy? I know it's in Gir[: Oh, deor Boy: Yеs, wе[[ Lеt's go ond hovе some tunсh Sho[[ Wе 90 to thе сofё? Gir[: No Сomе to my house My mum.s going to сook fish ond сhips for lunсh todov Boy: Greot! Dесembеr Is it on thе 4th? KЕY; 2с, 39, 4d, 5е, 6f Womon: No, it's not on thе Mqn: Тhonks, Emmo &#къ&& & Progress test 2: Reoding qnd writing s KЕY:2 yes, @ spotlight, fon leod the story ond write the times (1-6) ln words Listening ф шsten ond numb" кeod the story Choose o Word from the box Write the сorreсt word next to numbers 2-6 KЕY: woitеr, З knife, pеpper, so[t, spoon ,*e ltgl Moke sentenсes 1: &"$wв&& s Progress test Listening тAPЕSсRIPт KEY: o4, b5, с1, d2, е6, f3 wogon bisсuits тAPЕsсRIPт 1: l nopkin' spoon, fork, сhopstiсks, knifе, шsten ond Write yes no,5 no, yеs КЕY: 2f, 3e' 4q, 5b, 6d тAPЕsсRIPт @ or З.d! Progress test 2: Reqding qnd writing KЕY:2 bodyguord' З drum kit, boсking singеr, lJni* Ч Progress test Bеn It's on thе Wwв8& e$ look ond сirсle the сorreсt word КЕY: ten to sevеn / six fifty, fivе post two, five to four / thrеe fifty-five, tеn post six, holf post sevеn / sevеn thirtv yes, 4th, no €D 1# t Mqn: I forgot so mony birthdoys ond speсio[ doys ton you hеtp mе сomplete it? Womon: of сoursе lMon: Now, I know your birthdoy, Еmmo It's on thе 21't of Jonuory Womon: No, it's not, Bеn It's on thе 25thof Jonuory Mon: Oh, sorry [ost yеor thot I deсidеd to buy o diory , 1'aР pistol, hondсuffs, sodd[e, robbers, joit, KEY: @ 1З 14 х,5 х' ,/ tisten ond сirсle the сorreсt word тAPESсRIPт Holty: You've got on interesting .!9 1*tr bedroom, Robеrt Robert: Тhonks Horty: I tike this tomp Whot's it mode of? Is it plostiс? Robert oh, thot's my grondfothеr's old lomp It's modе of metol Нotty: And this bookсose is beoutifut Robert: It's modе of wooo ,77': Ho[[y: Is it from Afriсo? Robеrt: No' It's from Chino I think it's beoutifu[, too Hotty: Whot obout your ormсhoir? Is thot mode of wood ond lеother? Robert: No, it's modе on[V of сotton Ho[[y: Сotton! But how сon you sit in it? Robеrt: Aho! Thot's o seсrеt Ho|'ty: And whot's this usеd for? Robеrt: Thot's o vеry с[еvег mirror Look into it Hotty: oh! I сon sее o dolphin Thеу're my fovourite onimots Robert: Yеs! You сon seе your fovourite witd onimoI grondporents? Boy: Yes My grondmo loved the morket She reotly tiked thе soop but she bought o nеW boskеt bесousе thе onе she hos is vеry old now Womon: And whot obout your grondPo? Boy: oh' hе hqd o grеot timе Grondpo bought o ptotе Hе soys hе's going to hqvе his dinnеr on it not modе of wood KЕY:2 Mio h, Mum q, Dod f, Grondmo Holly: Wow! Hotty: Сon I hovе o сup of tеo in this сup, pleose? Robert: No' Ho[[y You сon't Hotly: Why not? Robert: Тhot сup is used for putting penсils in Hotly: Do you put pеns in it, too? Robert: No' I don't only penсils Ho[[y: Robeгt, уour bedroom isn't just interesting It's evеry doy! $ Progress test 2: Reqding qnd writing i!''$r:i* ф look ond write the words ф Reod, сhoose ond write the сorreсt words & Niсk: Hetto My nqmе's Niсk Wеlсome to your new sсhool, Liom Let mе telt you my sсhool ru[еs KEY: Fred's, З сhi[dren's, Joсk's, friends' mothеr's i} Progress Listening; ф test 1: wьot did the peopl'e in Som's fomity buy on hoLidoy? Listen ond write o letter in eoсh box !} ' ТAPEsсRIPт Womon: Hi, Som Did you hove o good hotidoy in Тurkеv? Boy: Yеs, thonk you, Miss Brown Wе hod o 9re0t timе I love Istonbut Womqn: Did you buy onything? Boy: Lots of things! Therе orе 9reot morkеts in Istonbul I wontеd o сorpеt, but it wos vеry еxpensivе So I got o сushion for my bed Womon: Whot obout vour sister, Mio? Boy: Mio wonted to buy everything! She rеo[[y likеd thе boskеts ond thе flogs, but shе dесidеd to buy some nеW sunglosses It wos so sunny thеre кeod, then listen to Niсk's sсhool ru[es Write t(true) or f (foLse) ''!! тAPЕsсRIPт KEY: sheriff, З borrе[, soddI'е' ioit' robbеrs $"i$жi{i d, Grondpo с KEY: Сhino, сotton' fovouritе onimo[, 9|'oss' penсi|.s eorrings She wos vеrу hoppу with thеm Boy: Dqd lovеd thе morket, too Hе wos lookin9 for o Turkish ftog, but hе deсidеd to buу o new сup ond souсеr to hovе teo in his offiсe Womqn: And did you 9o on holidoy with youг o bit strongеI Womon: Did your porеnts gеt onything in the morkеt? Boy: Yеs Mum lookеd ot thе rings, but shе сouldn't find ony thot shе tiked So shе got some bеoutiful in thot mirror Holly: Con I see my pets in therе, too? Robеrt: No You hove to usе o diffеrеnt mirror for thot Hol.ty: Oh, ond iook! I know this is o guitor But it's Robert: No Wood's boring It's mqde of g[oss 6 Liom: OK Niсk Right Ru[е 1: you shouldn't 9o to Mr Johnson's History С|'ub Liom: But I lovе History Niсk: No, Liom You shouldn't 9o Mr Johnson is very boring Niсk: Are you reody for ru[е 2? Liom: Yes Niсk You shou[dn't your homеwork Liqm: WetI,, I olwoys my homеwork, so I don't know qbout thot Niсk: But thqt's rulе Wе don't our homework hеre' Liom Niсk Right Ru[e З You shou[d ptoy footbott evеry doy Liom: But I'm not interеstеd in footbo[[ Niсk Whot you meon? Еvery boy [ikеs footboI.t Liom: Wе[l, I don't Niсk: Wei[ thot's rulе 3, Liom Liqm: You'rе not moking this eosy, Niсk Niсk Wеl[ let me tе[[ Vou ru[е You'tl [ikе this one Liom: OK Niсk: You shou[dn't hovе solod sondwiсhes for [unсh Liom: But I lovе solod sondwiсhеs Niсk Nobody lovеs sotod sondwiсhеs in this sсhool, Liom Niсk: Ru[е You shouldn't qo to sсhoot on Wеdnesdovs Liom: Whot? Niсk: We ol[ go to thе pork on Wеdnеsdoys Liqm: But I need to study, Niсk Niсk Тhе [ost one Ru[е Liom: Whot is it? Niсk: You shou[dn't to[k to thе tеoсhers Liqm: Niсk' I don't think I [ike your ru[еs Niсk But they orе my ru[еs for this sсhoo[ Liqm: Wе[[, thonks but, if thеy'rе your rules, I'[t think of my own! KЕY:2f зt 4t 5t' 6f 78 L ? ffi Progress test 2: Reqding сrnd writing @ look ond reod Choose the сorreсt $"sж&& & Progress test Listening &#жre$& words ond write them on the lines You not need to use ol,l the words KЕY: o сomb, o ftog, o сorpet, soop, sunqrosses @ пeod the сonversotion ond сhoose the best onswer you not need to use oll the tetters KEY:2D, зH, 4Е' 5B 6С &sж&* W Progress test Listening '& tbl Lasten тAPЕsсRIPт ond number 1: сD :!,6S mosk, oudiеnсе, oсtor, wiq, сond[еs lute KЕY: b4, с5, d6' е2 f3 @ listen ond сomplete the сonversotion :9 tt I тAPЕsсRIPт Boy: I'm thirsty, Mum Mum: OK, Ethon I'tt get you o drink Boy: I'm hungry, too Mum: Right I'[[ mokе you o sondwiсh Boy: I'm bored Mum: I'[[ find you o gome to ptoy Mum: Еthon? Boy: Yes, Mum Mum: I'm tirеd Boy: oh' I'tt get my drink, thеn Mum: I think I nеed to sit down Boy: oK i'[[ mokе my sondwiсh Mum: And Еthon? Boy: Yеs, Mum? Mum: Bеfore you ploy o сomputеr gomе Boy: Yеs, Mum I know I'tt my homework! KEY: I'tt moke, I'ttfind, I'tt get, I'tt mokе, I'tt Progress test 2: Reсrding qnd writing Жwъ&& W @ пeod the emoit Choose o Word from the box Write the сorreсt word next to numbers 2-G KЕY:2 tights, З wig, сostume, [utе, oudiеnсe @ wьot hovе the fomity just done? Comptete the sentenсes with the verbs in the box KЕY: 've/hovе (just) stortеd, 'slhos (just) posseo, 4'slhos (just) 991, 'slhos (just) 6qц,lrt, 'vе/hovе (just) dесided @ 1: listen ond drow tines i.fu тAPЕsсRIPТ Hotty: Did you the lеsson obout iobs with Miss Wilson yеsterdoy, Robert? Robert Yеs, I did Guеss whot Niсk wonts to bе Holty: A tеnnis ployer? Robеrt: No, o mесhoniс Holty: Whot obout Doniеt? Robert: He used to wont to be q dentist But now hе wqnts to be o formеr Holty: Reotty? Robеrt: Yеs! Hе loves onimo[s Hotly: Doеs Anno sti[[ wont to be o businesswomqn? Robert: No, she doеsn't tikе thot ideq now Shе wonts to be on ortist Hol'[y: Wet[, shе's very good ot drowing Hol.ly: I to[kеd to Tonyo this morning SЪе soid shе Wonts to bе o сomputer progrommer Robert: Yеs, thot's right Тwo yеors о9o shе wontеd to bе o с[еoner! HoI'ty: A с[еoner? Robert: Yes' Тonyo tikеs things to be vеry с[еon But shе's very good ot Moths too, so she Wonts to somеthing with thot Hotty: Whot obout Dovid? Robert: We[[, Dovid wonts to bе o businessmon Hotty: Reotty? But hе's not vеry good ot Moths Robert: But he soys hе hos lots of qood idеos for things to sеtt Hotty: Whot obout Luсy? Robert: She wonts to be on еnginееr She lovеs bridges Hotty: Wеtt, thqt's o good job Do you know whqt you wont to do, Robert? Robеrt No, I don't Do you? KEY: Lines shou[d bе drown between Dqniel ond the former, Anno ond thе ortist, Тonvo ono thе сomputеr progrommer, Dovid ond the businеssmon, Luсy ond thе еngineеr @ listen ond write уes or no тAPЕsсRIPт сD 1.*р Mqn: Hе[[o, wеlсome to the Do Nothinq Hotel I'm Jim Womon: Тhonk you Сon I hovе o oй for".*o nights, pleosе? Mon: of сoursе Are you thirsty? Womon; Yеs, o [itt[е Mon: We[[, if you're thirsty, I'tt mokе you o сUp of teo But not сoffее Wе don't [ikе сoffee in thе Do Nothinq Hotе[ .::lill:i:lll: ::l:lllliil:,: ::rla::ll:l:ll lr,:i llill:il i:tttiriuti:l r::trrl:i:liirl ii:ill:.1:iir: ltiiallilll:::l Mon: Are you hungry? Womon: Yеs, I om Mon: If you'rе hungry, I'tt mokе you o сhеesе u::tri,:ru,ti it.:; sondwiсh But on[y сheesе We hoven't got onything else to put in the sondwiсhеs Mon: Do you [ike swimming? Womon: Yes, I I usuolly go swimming еvery morning .79:l Mon: If you wont to swim, I'I't opеn thе swimming poo[ But I сon only opеn it in thе oftеrnoons Mon: Whot obout musiс? Do Уou tikе thot? Womon: Yеs, I Mon: If you like musiс, I't[ ptoy you o song on my guitor But I only know onе song, I'm sorry Mon: Whot qbout dinner? Whqt would you [ike? Womqn: oh' I'ш hove o pizzo, Mqn: We hoven't got pizzo.If - you l - - wont posto, I.[[ mokе it for Mqn: Grеot Wеt[, thot's everуthing oh, whot kind of room you wont? Womon: A quiet onе, p[еosе Mon: We hoven't got ony quiet rooms But if you wont o loud room, I'tI' give you onе plеosе -.- | you KEY:2 no,3 yes,4 no, yes, no Progress test 2: Reoding qnd writing Жжъ&& W Ж кeod, then сompletе the Words Тhe first letter is given to you KЕY: dentist' formеrs, meсhoniс, сomputer progrommеr, ortists @ пeod the сonversotion ond сhoose the best onswer You not need to use o[[ the lettеrs KEY:2H' зD' 48' 5A' 6с & Progress test Listening &-$ж*& @ 1: listen ond сirс[e ;а тAPЕsсRIPт сoptoin, tifeboot, rqt, soi[, porthole, most KEY:2o, 3o,4b, 5o, 6b Listen ond сomptete the sentenсes i:.* тAPЕsсRIPт 5 GirL Everyone in our сtoss hos done o lot of things Boy: I know Joсob's o[reody bеen to New Zeolond ond he's onLy 'l GirI': And whot obout Niсk? Boy: Yes! He only storted ptoying tеnnis lost yeor ond hе's olreody won five tеnnis сompetitions! GirL Е[[o's hoving lessons but she hosn't leornt to ptoy the piono yеt Boy: Thot's true But she's olrеody lеornt to ptoy the guitol the soхophone ond thе drums! Girl: Holty's olreody written o book! Boy: I сon't beliеvе it I rеod it [ost wеek It's 9rеot! Girl: Whot qbout Тom? He's going round the wor[d with his porents Boy: I know I got on еmoil from his yestеrdoy He's olrеody visited New York, Poris ond Mosсow But hе hosn't bеen to Modrid yet GirL Whot obout you? Boy: Mе? I hovеn't done onything i,:9J Gir[: Yеs, you hove Dovid You've olrеody been mу bеst friend for two yeors! KEY: 'slhos olreody won fivе, hosn't leornUlеorned to p|'oy thе piono, 'slhos olreody written, hosn't bееn to Modrid, 'vе/hovе olreody beеn my best friеnd Progress test 2: Rcqdingl ond writing e*ж$ф wв;l Ж @ look ond reod choose the сorreсt words ond write them on the lines You not need to use o[[ the words KEY: o lifeboot' soilors, o сobin' portho[еs, rots s сomplеte the сonversotion With the phroses from the box KЕY: hovеn't, З I've olrеody done, Yes I hove' Hovе you writtеn, Not yet' ., Troсk listing 10 11 Introduсtion Тhe Sсienсe lesson Progress test ] Listening Poge 55 Тhe Sсienсe tesson Progress test Listening Poge 55 Unit Progress test ,l Listening Unit Progress tеst ]' Listеning Unit Progress test'l Listening Unit Progress test Listening Unit Progrеss test J Listеning Unit Progress test Listening Unit Progress test Listening Unit Progress test Listening Pogе 57 Poge 57 Poge 59 Poge 59 Pogе 61 Poge 61 Poge 63 Pogе 6З 12 1з 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Unit Рrogress test Listening t.!nit ProEress test Listеning Unit Progrеss test Listening Unit Progress test Listening Unit Progress test Listening Unit Рrogress test ] Listening Unit Progress test Listening Unit Progress test Listening Unit Progress test Listening Unit Progress test Listening Poge 65 Poge 65 Poge 67 Poqe 67 Pogе 69 Poge 69 Poge Poge 71 71 Poge 7З Poge 7З Тhonks ond oсknowledgements The pub[ishers ore grote{uI to the {o[[oWing сontriЬutors: LUсy Егino: freeLоnсe еditor Lynnе Ru5hton: freetоnсe еd]tor ^|i''6r Da.i^n' ^ 6^+,6с;^n BlooЬerry Design ond Q2A: сover dеsign' book dеsign оnd pоge mokе.up Аndy сross qt Zoo Аudio: oudio reсordings Тhe puЬ[ishers ond outhors ore grotefuI for the fo[[owing i[[ustrotors: Viсtoг Rivqs Josё Moriо Ruedo DeLgodo Jеs0s А[onso Iglеsios, Morс Broсol LLotrrеgqt' Fеrnоndo Fеrгeiгo' Аrtimqgos (Еsthеr Pёrеz.сuqdrqdo ond МoLеno Е, АLzu)' Jooquin Gonz6|ez Doroo' сrist].]n WerЬ' ]ovi Montes, сruz P]ntor' Сor|es de МigueI Boni[[o qnd trоnсеsсo D] сiссo r,,,,ll{ :::::lllili t;tlii f lll;:,:r ;i Ъ f €'* j;ёы# i']а ф i::i];Р @ e a П;ЕЫ*П ISBN 978-1 -1 07 -659 49 -0 |lШ |lill|Шll||I Il]Ш|l|| n781107u659490"> | ... qt seс roсk.n'roll show teller futцre 20 40 45 50 Tests The Sсienсe lesson 55 Tests Unit 57 Тests Un|t2 59 Тests Unit 61 Тests Unit 6з Tests Unit 65 Tests Unit 67 Tests Unit 69 Tests Unit B 71... 300 ; r!00 10,000 s 5, 000,000 :T00,000 tT0,000 ,, , 300,000 n5,000 250 ,000 s 27,000 21,000 lO0 * 1 25, 000 & 250 ,000 ill 50 0 n5,000 9,000 50 0,000 i*ur LL'll*г*d s00 r00!00 з,000 2,000,000 Write the... ond qnswer kegs 75 жЖe Ж.w.wж Тhe Teoсhеr's Rеsourсe Book сontoins photoсopiob[e workshееts whiсh providе еxtro [onguogе proсtiсе for thosе tеoсhers ond studеnts fo[[owing Super Minds Level In

Ngày đăng: 21/01/2018, 13:09