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Language to go int teachers resource book 2

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andairports V o c a b u l a rTravel y simple G r a m m a Past r perfect events inyourlife L a n g u a gt oeg o Becounting Lostluggage Aim Proced ure To give studentspracticeat using the past perfectsimplein the contextof a bad travelexperience Put studentsinto groupsof four or five Giveeachgroupa set of cut-uppicturecardsin jumbledorderand ask eachstudentto take two or three pictures Explainthat the picturesmakeup a story.Tellstudentsto describe theirpicturesin as much detailas possibleto the otherpeoplein their group;they shouldnot show them to eachother The task is to listento all the descriotionsand trv to work out what happenedin the story,and the orderof the pictures.Givestudents abouteightminutesfor this Checkthe orderwith the class.Answer:f, g, a, j, b, h, i, c, d, e Explainthat the studentshaveto tell the storyin the past,but the storybeginswhen the man is in the taxi.Ask them what tensethe verbsthat describewhat happenedbeforewill be in (Answer:the past perfect.) Ask studentssome questionsto helpthem get the ideaof how the past perfectwill be used For example:What had hisboss told him? (She'dtold him he had to go to Moscow.)What preparationshad he made for his trip?(He'd lookedon the Internetto find out the weatherin Moscowand he'd packedwarm clothes.) in their pairs.Theyshouldstartlikethis: Studentstell the story(orally) Max was sitting in a taxi on his way to his Moscow hotel He was freezingcold and very unhappy Then they shouldsay what had happenedbefore(usingthe pastperfect)and what happenedlater(usingthe pastsimple).Allow five to sevenminutes Finally,ask students.to write the story Materials One set of picturecardsper groupof four or five students Time 30 minutes Prepa ration Copyand cut up the worksheet as above 96 L o sltu g g a g e c _ , e Two days later 9-**r r;g,r;*lx:x I riteiri':!$i;s:t*1!ii!! ' @ Pearson Education 2002 r!@:*:,*!qigt:*ir*rrirr 97 VocabularyFame andsuccess GrammarPassive constructions Language to go Describing a process Popstars Aim Procedure To give studentspracticeat using the presentsimplepassiveand pastsimplepassiveto talk about the careersof pop stars Write on the board: a) When your first single was released? b) When was your first single released? c) When was released your first single? Ask studentsto identifythe correctquestion.(Answer:b) They need to know this to the followingactivitycorrectly Put studentsinto pairs.Giveone studentSheetA, and the other studentSheetB They haveto ask eachotherquestionsto complete the missinginformation Go throughthe first one or two questions with the whole classto checkthey understand the task,then give them five minutesto comoletethe information Ask them if they haveseen a TV programmelikethis,or if there is a similarprogrammein theirown country Dividestudentsinto groupsof four or five and tell them that they haveto imaginethey are a pop group.Handout a copyof SheetC to eachstudent.Togetherthey inventthe information for theirgroupand write it down in the right-hand column.Allow sevento ten minutes Studentsnow haveto find a partnerfrom a differentgroupand take turnsto intervieweachotherabouttheirpop groups.Theywill need to makecompletequestionsfrom the prompts.Do the first two questionstogetheras examplesand write them on the board: What is your group called? When and where was it formed? Allow aboutfive minutesfor the interviews Ask studentsto write a short articleabouttheir partner'spop group for a teenagemagafne Materials One worksheetper student Time 30 minutes Prepa ration Copyand cut up the worksheet Extension Speaking:Students tell a partnerabout a pop groupfrom their country who they likeand know somethingabout,Youcan startby tellingthem abouta groupyou like,as an example 98 Pop stars I The Bardot story In 1999auditionswere heldall overAustralia to find twenty-fivegirlsto appearin a programme TV The TV programmewas called (What ?l The programmewas designedto find girlsto makean all-girlpop group Finally girlswere chosento form Bardot.(How many ?) The girlswere caliedBelinda,Sophie.Sally,Katieand Chantelle Theirfirst singlewas releasedin Theirfirst albumwas called (When ?)tt was calledPoison (What ?)lt was releasedone monthlater ( W h a.t ? ) In Octoberthev were nominatedfor In the same monththey were welcomedby 500 fans at SingaporeAirportat the start of an Asiantour In Decemberthey were askedto playfor (Who for?) The Bardotstory In auditionswere heldall overAustraliato find twenty-fivegirlsto appearin a (When ?l TV programme The TV programmewas called'PopStars' (What ?\ The programmewas designedto Finallyfive girlswere chosento form Bardot The girlswere called Theirfirst singlewas releasedin April2000.lt was called Theirfirst albumwas calledBardot.ltwas released and (What ?) ( W h a t ? ) ( W h e n ? ) In Octoberthey were nominatedfor four Australian Recording IndustryAwards In the same monththey were welcomedby Asiantour.(How many ?l fans at Singapore Airportat the startof an peacekeeping In Decemberthey were askedto playfor Australian soldiersin EastTimor What / groupcalled? When and where/ formed? How / discovered by your recordcompany? When / first singlereleased? What / called? When / first albumreleased? What / called? Where/ biggestconcertheld? How many people/ attendedby? @ Pearson Education 2002 99 VocabularyToysandgames probability verbs GrammarModal to talkabout future predictions Language to go Making about thefuture Areyouan optimist? Aim Proced ure To give studentspracticeat talkingaboutprobability in the future in the contextof a questionnaire to discoverwho in the classis the most optimistic aboutthe future Ask studentsto vote on who they think is the most optimisticperson in the class Handout the worksheet.Foreachof the sentences, studentscircle the degreeof probability that most corresponds to their opinion (forexample,in sentence4, if they are pessimistic abouttheirEnglish they might cicle improbable) Givethem aboutfive minutesto this Put studentsinto pairs.Theyshouldcomparetheiranswersusingthe language they learntin the lessonin the Students'Bookto talk about probability(may,might, could,I'm sure that , I expectthat , I think that , I doubt if and I don't think that ).They shouldgive a reasonfor eachof their answers,for example:I don't think l'll ever make a lot of money, becauseI'd have to win the lottery and that's not veryprobable.Allow ten to twelve minutes Studentsexchangetheircompletedquestionnaires with their partner and, usingthe scoringsystem at the bottom of the worksheet,add up theirpartner'sscore At the end, see if studentsguessedcorrectlythe most optimistic personin the class.The maximumscoreis 50, and the higherthe score,the more optimisticthe person Materials One worksheetper student Time 20 minutes+ Prepa ration Copythe worksheet n00 Areyouanoptimist? How optimistic are you? Do this questionnoire to find out For eochsentence, circlethe word(s)which best reflectgour opinion I+.lftilliFtlilll @ Pearson Education 2002 101 Vocabulary Telephoning expressions verbs Vocabulary Phrasal about telephoning Language to go Communicating byphone C a nl t a k ea m e s s a g e ? Aim Proced ure To give studentspracticein the languageusedfor telephoning Explainthat studentsare goingto makeand receivephonecallsand leaveand take messagesfor an absentcolleague Elicitsome language that the personleavingor receiving the messagemight needto use,for example: I'm afraidshe's not here Can I take a message? Could you tell me your telephonenumber? Could you ask himI her to call me back, please? (oneA and one B for Put studentsinto pairs.Giveout the rolecards pair) and ask studentsto readthe instructions each Checkthat they understand what they haveto do, then givethem aboutten minutesto leavetheirmessages.NB If your classroom layoutallowsit, you may wish to seatthe studentsin eachpairback to backto simulatea ohonecall Givefeedbackon goodand/or incorrectlanguageuse Put studentsinto new pairs,againpairinga StudentA with a StudentB StudentA takesthe roleof Mr Wilkins,who hasjust returnedto the office.He shouldask his colleague(StudentB) if therewere any messagesfor him StudentB giveshim the messagesthat he/she wrote down, for example'.Yourfriend KazukoHirakiphoned He would like to play tennis with you next Monday He wants you to call him back to confirm His phone number is 0175 200 9874 StudentA shouldcheckthe accuracyof the messagesagainstthe on his/her rolecard^ originalinstructions Allow aboutflve minutes StudentB then takes.theroleof Ms Jenkinsand StudentA givesher the messagesthat he/she wrote down Materials One rolecard(A or B) per student Time 25 minutes Prepa ration Copyand cut up one worksheet oer two students Extension lf you havetime and feel the studentscan handlethe language that will you couldroleplaythe follow-upphonecalls,for example: be involved, Mr WilkinsphonesKazukoHirakibackto arrangea time to playtennis 102 C a nl t a k ea m e s s a g e ? Takethe role of the following people a n d p h o n e M r W i l k i n sa t w o r k Y o u w i l l need to leavea message Call 1: Yournameis KazukoHiraki.You are'afriendof Mr Wilkins.Youwould like to playtenniswith him next Monday,You would likehim to callyou backto confirm, Yourohonenumberis 0175 200 9874 N o w t a k et h e r o l e o f M s J e n k i n s ' sc o l l e a g u eS h e the officethis morning She will receivea seriesof phone calls.Explainthat she's not availableand offer to take a message.Note down informationabout the call Call2: Yourname is Anna Lopezfrom Comesain Valencia, Spain.Youare customersof Mr Wilkins'scompany Youhavea questionabouta billyou have received Youwill callbackthis afternoon Call 3: Yournameis JuneWilkins.Youare Mr Wrlkins'swife Youare phoningto tell him you will be latehomethis evening Youwould like him to callyou back Call 4: YouareJean-Paul Dugommier, a friendof Mr Wilkinsfrom Lvon.Youare comingto the UK on businessnextweek and would liketo meet him for dinner Takethe role of Mr Wilkins'scolleague.He'snot in the officethis morning He will receivea seriesof phone calls.Explainthat he's not availableand offer to take a message.Note down informationabout the call Now take the role of the following p e o p l ea n d p h o n eM s J e n k i n sa t w o r k You will need to leavea message Call 1: Yournameis Georgefrom George'sMotor Repair Youare phoning to tell Ms Jenkinsthat her car is readv and she can collectit this afternoon Call2: Yournameis MartinSchultzfrom Frankfurt, GermanV Ms Jenkinsis comingto Frankfurt for a conferencenext week.Youwould liketo talkto her about her hotelaccommodation Youwould like her to callvou back.Yournumberis o0 49 632478 11 Call 3: Yournameis AdrianaNovokova Youare Ms Jenkins'sfriend.Youare makinga personalphonecall.Youwill callher back Call 4: Yournameis Jan Borowski.You are phoningin answerto a job advertisement in the localnewspaper Youwould like Ms Jenkinsto callvou back.Yournumberis 027 7274 3108 I I @ Pearson Education 2002 103 VocabularyMakeanddo verbs fornecessity andobligation GrammarModal present go rules in the to Describing Language Whatif t Procedure To give studentspracticeat expressing obligation in the presentby talkingaboutthe rightthingto in a varietyof situations and by writingan advisorytext Write on the board: You receive an e-mail attachment which you think may contain a virus What's the right thing to do? expressions on Elicitideasand write some sentencesusingobligation for example' You it board, mustn't open the Handout the worksheetand askthe students,in pairsor small groups,to talkaboutthe rightthingto in eachsituation,usingthe languagegiven.(lf preferred, the boxescouldbe cut up into cards turn which students overand talkabout.)Theyshoulddescribeany real-life experiences they havehad of the situations, and what they for them to use did.Allow aboutten minutes.NB lt is not necessarv for all the situations all the exoressions As classfeedback,ask the groupsaboutwhat they discussed Ask studentsto readthe text aboutwhat to if vou receivean of, and to comparethe advicewith the e-mailthat you are suspicious sentenceson the board Now tell studentsto chooseone of the other situationsand write a similartext aboutwhat to Givethem sevento ten minutesfor this Studentscan readand commenton eachother'stexts Givefeedbackon good and/or incorrectlanguageuse One worksheetper student Time 30 minutes Prepa ration Copythe worksheet 104 t Aim Materials I r il W h a itf , , ? Yo u r e c e i vea n e -ma i l a tta ch me n twhich y o u t h i n k m a y c o n t a i na v i r u s You have a m inor tr affic acci dent i n w h i c h n o b o d yi s i n j u r e d What is the rightthingto do? What is the rightthingto do? Y o us m e l lg a si n y o u r h o u s e A pan of oil catchesfir e whi l e you ar e cooking What is the rightthingto do? Yo u r c r ed i t ca rd h a s b e e n sto l en, What is the rightthingto do? You have an interview for a job at a bank What is the rightthingto do? Y o ua r eg o i n go n a j o u r n e y u p t h eA m a z o n What is the rightthingto do? Youare goingon a fourteen-hour planejourney What is the rightthingto do? What is the rightthingto do? Y o um u s t n ' t Y o us h o u l d Y o us h o u l d n '.t Youhaveto Youdon't haveto Yo u w an t to g i ve u p smo ki n g You want to lose weight What is the rightthingto do? What is the rightthingto do? W h a t t o d o i f y o u t h i n l

Ngày đăng: 24/06/2017, 04:04


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