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COMPONENT: BUILDING LOCAL CAPACITY IN THE CLIMATE CHANGE CONTEXT Climate Change Adaptation and Agricultural Insurance Project Main approaches  P  romotion of community participation, particularly in the development of intervention activities; implementation methods, selection of beneficiaries, decision making and implementation monitoring  S focus on the promotion of gender equitability and on strengthening the role of women  S ocial inclusion of disadvantaged groups  E quality and transparency  M  aximization of internal resources of community and households  E nhancement of sustainable development values – Protect environment and ecosystem Keys for climate change adaptation  H  armonisation of living and production  A  djustment of individuals, community, and nature to climate and weather changes -> Need to be aware of the adjustment keys i.e in living practices, natural resource use, cultivation techniques, breeding, livestock feeding etc  Promotion of indigenous knowledge combined with scientific research and climate change sensitivity  E nhanced community capacity: villagers, local government, authorities, mass organizations, associations; policy, experiences and network, etc www.snvworld.org Climate change adaptation (CCA) plan – Socio economic development plan (SEDP) Adjust and improve livelihoods to be more resilient to climate change (CC) Targets:   communes develop innovative SEDPs for 2013 and 2014 based on village consultation process;   communes develop 3-year CCA integrated with land use plans Activities:  T raining and practice on participatory planning for key personnel of communes and districts (250 people);  Training on CC and CC risk assessment (250 people)  T raining on, and reviewing, land use planning (150 people);  C  ommunes and villages assess, conduct situation analysis and develop CCA and SEDP (2,000 people) Documentation:  M  anuals on innovative SEDP for commune and village level (integrating land-use planning and CCA);  Risk assessment guidebook;  C  SA booklet Targets:   500 households increase incomes by applying new production model which adapt to CC;  A  t least 10 models which apply new methods of farming and breeding Activities:  S elect and build production models based on community proposals;  Scientists/SNV support INNOVATIVE production methods; organise training and improve production process in relation to CCA;  T housands beneficiaries of adpative livelihoods models: Livestock (cow, pig, goat, chicken, pigeon); Cultivation (Rice, Onion, Peanut); Canal and irrigation pump construction Documentation:   development model documents for onion, cow, goat, pig and chicken in the climate change context; Community  Technical manuals on producing internal livestock resources Gender equitability Awareness raising and advocacy on climate change adaptation and climate smart agriculture (CSA) Justice, transparency & grassroots participatory vote Targets:   500 people increase understanding of CC issues, community’s vulnerability to CC, risks and possible methods to reduce risks and adapt well to CC;  250  key office staff and village leaders understand and have good CC risk assessment skill, including CSA analysis skill;  100  disseminators on CC in communes;  Key  government leaders and authorities of districts and communes have good understanding of CC, CSA, innovative SEDP, gender and have good intention to integrate them in policy making process Activities  Awareness  raising and training on risk assessment and CSA;  Training on CC dissemination for commune disseminators;  5 communes develop communications plans;  Intensive participatory communication integrated into the project activities and practices;  Participatory risk assessment at village, union meetings and consultations;  Dissemination via media, commune loudspeakers and leaflets;  Community sharing and discussion to raise awareness Documentation  Risk assessment guidebook and participatory communication formats;  Project leaflets Forest and ecosystem management and protection Targets  Report of baseline assessment of forest status in Nghi Loc district and communes ;  Study report of PES (Payment for Environmental Service) and forest development fund;  Protection Forest Management Board and communes develop Forest Protection and Development Plan for year period (2013-2015) Activities  Forest research/survey;  Planning with participation of local authorities, forest owners and Protection Forest Management Board;  Technical training and support for commune to improve forest management technology Documentation  Forest protection and development plan implementation guidelines;  Technical booklets SNV Vietnam Office 6th floor, Building B, La Thanh Hotel, 218 Doi Can, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam Tel: (84-4) 38463791 Fax (84-4) 38463794 ... have good intention to integrate them in policy making process Activities  Awareness  raising and training on risk assessment and CSA;  Training on CC dissemination for commune disseminators;... chicken in the climate change context; Community  Technical manuals on producing internal livestock resources Gender equitability Awareness raising and advocacy on climate change adaptation and climate. .. develop 3-year CCA integrated with land use plans Activities:  T raining and practice on participatory planning for key personnel of communes and districts (250 people);  Training on CC and CC

Ngày đăng: 09/01/2018, 10:55

