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ENGLISH – FINAL EXAMINATION REVISION BOOKLET (VOCABULARY) Unit 1: A Pronunciation: A choice A poverty A wanted A insignificant A donate B B B B B cuisine motivate insprired identification devote C C C C C cure donate devoted delivery delivery D D D D D courage devote impacted minimize graduate B Stress: A A A A A B B B B B inspire environment minimize engage important C C C C C affect efficient contribute manage deliver D D D D D devote distribution poverty impact nonprofit impact delivery motivate courage passionate C Vocabulary in context: Everyday heroes are nornal people who are ……………… about making the world a better place A passionate B insignificant C effective D inspiring Many researchers have ……………… their lives to finding a cure for cancer A donated B motivated C devoted D distributed The work of great people, like Nelson Mandela, makes an ……………… on millions of people’s lives A efficient B impact C inspiration D affection Charities often need volunteers to help ……………… at their events A for B out C with D on Countries need to work together in order to ……………… the impact of climate change A making B increasing C donating D minimizing Climate change are causing destructive impacts ……………… a global scale A on B in C at D for A number of charities are making their efforts to ……………… food to the homeless people A pick up B inspire C distribute D devote Bicycles are among one of the cheapest and most ……………… forms of transport A important B insignificant C couraging D efficient My mother is making breakfast with some ……………… chicken from last night's meal A last B rest C abandoned D leftover 10 This is a very difficult piece of music to play – it ……………… a lot of concentration A produces B contributes C demands D distributes 11 Helping to reduce ……………… in developing countries also helps to reduce environmental destruction A pouring B poverty C purity D poverish 12 Her friends take advantage of her ……………… They borrow her a lot of money but never pay it back A generosity B selfishness C poverty D courage 13 His new job makes a lot of demands ……………… him A on B from C of D in 14 If you would like to ……………… this job offer, call us now at 09875283 First come first served A get in on B get on C get in D get on in 15 She ……………… to having seen the robbery take place A decided B devoted C witnessed D watched Unit 2: A Pronunciation: A improved A talent A predictive A advantage A courage B B B B B analyzed analyze emerge distinguish roughly C C C C C nurtured practice practice encourage touch D D D D D predicted appropriate idea change sound B Stress: A A A A A B B B B B advantage celebration improve crucial ridicule C C C C C analyze rapidly appeal strategy courage D D D D D description movement emerge technology nurture predictive benefit commerce emulate distinguish C Vocabulary in context: The report was written after ……………… data from the case histories of thousands of patients A predicting B nurturing C describing D analysing Many young singers find it normal to have misleading speech because we have ……………… them and given them a sense of self-importance A under-rated B over-invested C over-glorified D over-merged The designs for the new building have attracted ……………… criticism because it is rather costly A fair B common C widespread D less Employment levels are unlikely to ……………… before the end of next year A fell B raise C increased D rise The school hold responsibility to ……………… their young talents A nuture B show off C waste D harness The ……………… workforce would have to support a growing number of retired people in Japan, where the population is aging faster than ever before A shrinking B increasing C rising D improving Finding the ……………… trends is the most important step when you decide to start your own business A planking B emerging C shrinking D fashion Education should be relevant ……………… the child's needs A with B at C to D for I know she's offered us a sum of money, but I don't want her to think we're ……………… of her A taking advantage B making fun C taking turn D reaching out 10 The team is discussing about the ……………… strategy to achieve their goals in the next 10 years A long-time B short-time C long-term D short-term 11 They provide a ……………… range of kitchen appliances, hoping to offer customers with more suitable choices A wide B various C thick D large 12 He's colour-blind and can't the ……………… difference between red and green easily A make B appeal C obtain D distinguish 13 He won't last long in the world of ……………… The market is increasingly competitive A purchasing B selling C producing D commerce 14 You can use the ……………… to keep only the most relevant data A hook B net C sponge D filter 15 It is that ……………… the problem is solved immediately A unnecessary B insignificant C cruel D crucial Unit 3: A Pronunciation: A provision A approach A dementia A approach A healthcare B B B B B question machine question diagnose treatment C C C C C concern challange eventually overwhelming dream D D D D D symptom eventually change behavior streamer B Stress: A A A A A B B B B B constant sensor dementia prevent eventually C C C C C detect treatment automate symptom jewelry D D D D D proper restore provision affects contribute pressure approach facility aging behaviour C Vocabulary in context: Alzhemer’s – the most common type of dementia among the old – affects a person’s memory, ……………… and thinking A attitude B behaviour C actions D speed She is constantly ……………… under pressure and it’s having serious impacts on her health A over B under C beneath D above Translation is a traditional ……………… in language teaching and learning A approach B step C detection D solution ……………… challanges and having lessons learnt can help a person grow up and become stronger A getting B meeting C facing D greeting She's been ……………… from cancer for two years Her health is getting better day by day A suffering B preventing C stoping D dealing It is the finacial department’s responsibility to ……………… the cash flow and report whenever there is anything strange happens A restore B monitor C detect D diagnose We need to make ……………… changes to the way we treat our environment A minor B fundamental C minority D unnoticeable His condition was ……………… as some type of blood disorder by our best doctor A considered B predicted C seen D diagnosed Most fourth-year students have to take an internship to gain ……………… experience before entering the workforce A thirdhand B secondhand C firsthand D indirect 10 Will you keep your ……………… on my suitcase while I go to get the tickets? A ear B nose C eye D mouth 11 I've been ……………… to understand completely this difficult lesson all afternoon A monitoring B struggling C facing D challenging 12 Many aged people who have Alzhemer’s have to seek help from medicine to ……………… their memory A store B restore C backup D restart 13 Her mental problems ……………… from her difficult childhood A take place B because C due D stem 14 ……………… population will put working population under growing pressure A aging B aged C young D mature 15 This was an/a ……………… experience for me to play in the national team Tt was like a dream to me A overwhelming B exhausting C challenging D detective Unit 4: A Pronunciation: A received A needs A scale A opinion A although B B B B B looked detects aspect product think C C C C C allowed spams command technology that D D D D D featured believes attach occasion therefore B Stress: A A A A A B B B B B abuse encourage offensive different lesson C C C C C allow simplify intended business effect D D D D D feature frustrating intuition allowance function review reliable encourage overall button C Vocabulary in context: What are the ……………… that new technology has on your life? - Reduced sleep-quality and social disconnection A solutions B impacts C features D functions Letters from unknown senders will be marked as ……………… in the mail box A read B spam C advertiseing D draft You would find it much quicker and easier to ……………… and download information if you upgrade your Internet service A look B search C abuse D browse Social networks help people keep in ……………… with their friends and family within a few clicks A secret B reach C touch D mind Always keep in ……………… your budget when shopping otherwise you will overspend A head B brain C mind D touch New employees always seem to be out of ……………… with the current workers It takes time to keep pace at work A touch B job C sync D mind The city has a ……………… quality as if it had existed forever A timely B timeless C timing D time We've received a complaint from one of our listeners about ……………… language during the workshop A offensive B dangerous C courageous D motivating He doesn't listen to what I say and it makes me so ……………… A frustrated B demanded C abusive D significant 10 I can't explain how I knew - I just had an/a ……………… that you'd been involved in an accident A intuition B function C ability D possibility 11 Somehow I made him mad by my words, which wasn't what I had ……………… A reached B intended C decided D complained 12 He doesn't have the ……………… to admit it when he's wrong A humility B pride C self-control D ego 13 The country's development was ……………… by a leader who didn’t want to change for the better A improved B raised C encouraged D constrained 14 Articles on that magazine are edited for clarity and ……………… A usability B readability C writability D responsibility 15 Job interviewees have to have ……………… work in order to impress the employers A preparatory B decorative C physical D demanding A Pronunciation: A subscribe A attention A motivate A college A passion B Stress: A A A A A communication facility upgrade recruit engineer B B B B B B B B B B suffer encourage solar collection illustration immigrant empower complex ensure demonstrate C C C C C C C C C C success ensure colour copy technician organize enhancing success backyard overseas D D D D D sufficient enthusiastic cold technology question D D D D D popular government urban program insufficient C Vocabulary in context: Due to the urgent need of expanding the production chains, more middle-aged workers are ………………… A recruited B fired C resigned D sacked Water play a/an ……………… role in our lives We can live no more than days without water A minor B significant C negative D confident There is no clear ……………… that she took the money We should avoid wrong acusation A example B bankruptcy C proof D reputation The employee’s ……………… and talents have contributed to the achievement of the company A communication B dedication C illustration D attention The country is totally self- ……………… in food and drink There is no need for imported goods A ancient B patient C confident D sufficient The gaps in market have offered ……………… more chances of making big money from their start-up A employers B employees C managers D entrepreneurs Children from an/a ……………… family background are more likely to get involved in crime A underrated B underprivileged C underglorified D underperformed Our poorly regulated transportation system has take away the chances to ……………… the quality of life A enhance B encourage C enlarge D enable The best way to deal with sexual discrimination is to ……………… women to speak up in the workplace A activate B generate C power up D empower 10 Have you made an appointment for your next ……………… check-up? A decoration B decorative C dentist D dental 11 She's carrying out a study that compares health service in urban and ……………… areas A cities B restricted C rural D non-trespassing 12 His confident leadership has ……………… his followers A discouraged B in spite C demotivated D inspired 13 The non-profit organization is getting ……………… support from the govenment to run charity projects A dental B financial C commercial D parental 14 The new haircut completely ……………… her She looks much younger than the last time I saw her A transformed B transplanted C transported D transitioned 15 Eventually she managed to ……………… her shyness in class She can deliver any presentation with much confidence A overcome B give up on C set up D overdue Unit 6: A Pronunciation: A tackle A concisely A clutter A engage A blanket B Stress: A compromise A desperate A communicate A institution A concise B B B B B beware consider dump conversation knowledge C C C C C barrier deliver customer absorbtion concisely D D D D D analogy deposit visual recreation speak B B B B B readable relevant experience energetically technical C C C C C multiply onstage uncomfortable equivalent engage D D D D D overwhelm jargon barrier recreation analogy C Vocabulary in context: When is the government going to ……………… the problem of poverty in the rural areas? A challenge B tackle C deal D face When shopping online, you need to ……………… of hidden costs A beware B look out C pay attention D watch out James comes up with the new design for his product He hopes the change in colour would ……………… customer’s attention A grab B pay C tackle D appeal You should ……………… of salespeople who promise offers that seem too good to be true A sovle B deal C deliver D beware He drew an/a ……………… between the brain and a vast computer so that the audience can easily understand how the brain works A biology B philosophy C analogy D poleontology During job interviews, the length of an answer is not as important as how ……………… it is You still can reply with short but detailed answers which are more effective A imaginative B short C long D concise Young children have quite short attention ………………, which is why one lesson of children in primary school doesn’t last longer than 25-30 minutes A energy B scales C pans D spans Try not to ……………… yourself with work Even a machine needs its break time A overthink B overlook C overload D overdue Sorry about the ……………… in the kitchen I would clean it up after our dinner A cluster B clutter C cutlery D cutter 10 It's important to stress that this qualification is not ……………… to a degree A equivalent B equiped C tolerant D concise 11 We had …………… about 300 visitors, but the actual number was much higher A rated B estimated C underestimated D overestimated 12 Despite the language ……………, Thien and Micheal soon became good friends A fluency B understanding C knowledge D barrier 13 "May I borrow this book?" - "…………… " A For all mean B Not all mean C With all means D By all means 14 The situation is …………… - we have no food, very little water and no medical supplies A desperate B descriptive C comfortable D compromising 15 I am a secretary Every morning at the office I have hours …………… and replying customers’ emails A going round B going after C going through D going down ... pressure approach facility aging behaviour C Vocabulary in context: Alzhemer’s – the most common type of dementia among the old – affects a person’s memory, ……………… and thinking A attitude B behaviour... that ……………… the problem is solved immediately A unnecessary B insignificant C cruel D crucial Unit 3: A Pronunciation: A provision A approach A dementia A approach A healthcare B B B B B question... can't the ……………… difference between red and green easily A make B appeal C obtain D distinguish 13 He won't last long in the world of ……………… The market is increasingly competitive A purchasing

Ngày đăng: 07/01/2018, 00:37



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