Mô tả: tài liệu uy tín được biên soạn bởi giảng viên đại học Bách Khoa TPHCM, thuận lợi cho qua trình tự học, nghiên cứu bổ sung kiến thức môn vật lý, vật lý cao cấp, tài liệu từ cớ bản tới nâng cao, bổ sung kiến thức thi học sinh giỏi vật lý, nghiên cứu, công thức có chú thích, đính kèm tài liệu tiếng anh, tiếng pháp Tìa liệu biên soạn dựa trên chuẩn vật lí Châu Âu, sử dụng kí hiệu phổ biến tư trường đại học Paris technique Description: Document prestigieux compilé par la faculté de technologie de lUniversité de Ho Chi Minh Ville, propice à la séquence détude, recherche avancée en physique avancée, physique, matériaux de zéro à avancé , compléter les connaissances dexcellents étudiants en physique, recherche, formule avec notes de bas de page, joindre des documents en anglais, français La compilation est basée sur les standards de physique européens, en utilisant la technique commune de lUniversité de Paris Description: Prestigious document compiled by Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology faculty, conducive to the study sequence, advanced research in advanced physics, physics, materials from scratch to advanced , supplement the knowledge of excellent students in physics, research, formula with footnotes, attach documents in English, French The compilation is based on European physics standards, using the Paris University common technique
ENTROPY – LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS ND OUTLINE • Reversible Process vs Irreversible Process • Quasi-Static vs Quick Process • Carnot’s theorem • Clausius’s Integration • Entropy • The Principle of Increase of Entropy • The Change in Entropy of an Ideal Gas REVERSIBLE – IRREVERSIBLE PROCESS In a reversible process, the system can be returned to its initial conditions along the same path on a PV diagram, and every point along this path is an equilibrium state A process that does not satisfy these requirements is irreversible P P 1 Quasi–static process irreversible Quick (sudden) process 2 reversible reversible V V QUASI-STATIC vs QUICK PROCES P P Quasi–static process Quick (sudden) process 2 irreversible reversible V V Carnot's theorem Carnot's theorem, developed in 1824 by Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot, also called Carnot's rule, is a principle that specifies limits on the maximum efficiency any heat engine can obtain Carnot's theorem states: • All heat engines between two heat reservoirs are less efficient than a Carnot heat engine operating between the same reservoirs • Every Carnot heat engine between a pair of heat reservoirs is equally efficient, regardless of the working substance employed or the operation details e max eCarnot Tc 1 Th CARNOT ENGINE Two reservoirs, temperature Th, Tc CLAUSIUS’S INTEGRATION Qj, Tj P e e carnot 1 Divide any reversible cycle into a series of thin Carnot cycles, where the isotherms are infinitesimally short: Q'c T 1 c Qh Th Q'c T c Qh Th Qc Q h Tc Th Qh Q c 0 Th Tc Qi, Ti V reversible cycle Qi T irriversible cycle i i reversible cycle 0 T irriversible cycle Q ENTROPY reversible cycle 0 T irriversible cycle Q Consider a reversible cycle 1a2b1 The Clasius integration has sign “=“ P Q a b 1a V Definition: We define a state variable S that the change in entropy dS is equal to this amount of energy for the reversible process divided by the absolute temperature of the system: 1a b1 1a T Q T Q T b1 Q T 0 Q b1 Q 1a _ rever T T 1b _ rever S 0 1 _ reversible dS Q rev T Q T Q T ENTROPY (Cont.) Consider an irreversible cycle 1a2: irreversible 2b1: reversible The Clasius integration has sign “ the change in entropy during a process depends only on the endpoints => the change in entropy is independent of the actual path followed Consequently, the entropy change for an irreversible process can be determined by calculating the entropy change for a reversible process that connects the same initial and final states The principle of Increase of Entropy S12 Q rev T 12 S S S For an isolated system dQ=0 => S12 0 irreversible _ process reversible _ process S > 0, for irreversible processes S = 0, for reversible processes S < 0, the process is impossible The entropy of the Universe increases in all real processes The Change in Entropy of an Ideal Gas dS Q rev P2 V2 S nC v ln nC p ln P1 V1 T dU Q PdV Q dU PdV dS dU PdV i nRdT nR dV T T V T2 ISOTHERMAL: V i nRdT nR S dV T V T V 1 nC v ln T2 V nR ln T1 V1 nC v ln P2 V2 V nR ln P1V1 V1 nC v ln P2 V V nC v ln nR ln P1 V1 V1 i nRT; PV nRT i Cv R i2 Cp R Cv R U The Change in Entropy of an Ideal Gas dQ Q12 T T nRT ln S Isothermal Process V2 V1 T nR ln V2 V1 Isovolumetric Process nC v dT T2 S nC v ln T T1 Isobaric Process S Adiabatic Process S nC p dT T nC p ln S const T2 T1 Iso_entropy Process Example 22.6 Change in Entropy: Melting A solid that has a latent heat of fusion Lf melts at a temperature Tm Calculate the change in entropy of this substance when a mass m of the substance melts dQ T S T Tmelt Const S Q mLf T Tmel ... • Carnot’s theorem • Clausius’s Integration • Entropy • The Principle of Increase of Entropy • The Change in Entropy of an Ideal Gas REVERSIBLE – IRREVERSIBLE PROCESS In a reversible process,... Iso _entropy Process Example 22.6 Change in Entropy: Melting A solid that has a latent heat of fusion Lf melts at a temperature Tm Calculate the change in entropy of this substance when a mass m of. .. can be determined by calculating the entropy change for a reversible process that connects the same initial and final states The principle of Increase of Entropy S12 Q rev T 12 S S