‘Billy the Bug’s
Trang 2Jail
0 780
To my husband, with a big bug
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Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012
and associated designs are trademarks of Scholastic Inc Illustrated by Maxie Chambliss
Produced by Brown Publishing Network
ISBN: 0-439-26252-6
Trang 3
lly the Bug lived in a rug
Billy the Bug was a very snug bug
Trang 6
So Billy the Bug
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Then Sally the Slug crawled out of her mug
and asked, “Can I help you lug that jug?” “Well, that would be splendid!”
Trang 8So Sally the Slug and Billy the Bug
both gave that jug a BIG, BIG tug But the jug was too heavy
Trang 9ie
Then Sally the Slug saw a plug in the jug and decided to give it a tremendous tug Water came gushing —
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And out of the jug
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“Boy, it was lonely inside of that jug
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“Would you like to come over and visit my rug?” kind Billy asked of the little blue bug
“Oh yes,” he replied, “It sounds very snug!”
Trang 13
So the three gave the jug a BIG, BIG, BIG tug
and were able to lug it right back to the rug
Trang 14Kus
where they glugged grape soda from Billy’s new jug,
and sipped hot cocoa
Trang 15
And they did the hokey-pokey and the jitterbug and gave the little blue bug
Trang 16“Ug_` ord Family Kiddles
Listen to the riddle sentences Add the right letter or letters to the -ug sound to finish each one
1 searching for treasure, I lifted a rock and found
avery large _ug!
2 I don’t like to drink juice from a cup, I prefer it in a ug 3 What creature can crawl but has no feet? A Ug a When I came home from school I gave my mom a big ug
@ Before sweeping the floor, you ( C
should pick up the ug >
Trang 17
To block the drain in the sink you can put in g Uudg
When my zipper got stuck I gave ita _ug
Trang 18
Give a great holler, a cheer, a yell For all of the words that we can spell
With a U and a G that make the sound —ug, You'll find it in bug and jug and rug
Two little letters, that’s all that we need
Trang 19
Here are some quick and fun ways to use this story to help children learn the word family -ug
X Explain to children that you are going to read a story that has many words with the -ug sound, made by the letters U and G All these words belong to a group called a word family
X Ask children to find the -ug word ending at the top of the front cover Review aloud with children the
sound these two letters make together Can they find two words in the title with the -ug sound?
X Flip over the book and read the story summary on the back cover Ask children to point out the words they hear with the -ug sound Explain that the story you are about to read includes many
more words that end in -ug Can they help you find them?
*K Read aloud the story once for pleasure and enjoy the whimsical illustrations Then reread the
book, emphasizing the -ug word ending in the appropriate words Ask children to listen closely
and identify all the words that end in -ug (they might raise their hand or clap when they hear one, or you might choose a volunteer to point to the word on the page) As they do so, make a list on
chart paper of all the -ug words
X Write each of the words from your list on an unlined index card Use a different color for -ug than
the rest of the word Read each word on the cards with children On another reading of the story,
distribute the cards to children and have them hold up their card as their word is read
*K Pages 14-15 of the book feature 10 riddles with ee
answers that require a word ending in-ug Read * Other words in 4
each riddle aloud and have children volunteer answers * ô the -ug family: Shon đ :
X Read aloud the cheer on page |6 several times, with N chug thug °
‘ 8 is ‘i im M
lots SĨ anergy and enthusiasm Invite children to join K drug bedbug you in reciting the cheer when they feel ready (you w N
might even choose a “cheerleader”) ° pug earplug : : shrug unplug x
* smug litterbug I
+ *
Trang 20Billy the Bug and Sally the Slug find a surprise inside a blue jug!
What can it be? Find out in this tale of new-found friends!
wIORD FAmny TALES are humorous read-aloud stories created to build