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Tổng hợp conjunction

MaXX ENGLISH PART 6: CONJUNCTION DEFINITION  Liên từ từ nối từ, nhóm từ mệnh đề câu  Các liên từ kết hợp (coordinating conjunction): and (và), but (nhưng), or (hoặc là) …  Các liên từ phụ thuộc (subordinating conjunction): where (ở đâu), when (khi nào), as if (như là) … CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS Một vài liên từ thường kết hợp với từ khác để tạo thành tương liên từ Chúng thường sử dụng theo cặp để liên kết cụm từ mệnh đề có chức tương đương mặt ngữ pháp Both A and B:  I enjoy working with both Chris and Randy TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH Either A or B:  Either stay here or go out  I’ll take either English or French next year  Either the president or vice president will attend the meeting Neither A nor B:  Jerry is neither rich nor famous  Neither Mr Kim nor Mr Park is qualified for the position Not only A but also B:  He is not only intelligent, but also very funny  Not only my boss but also my coworkers didn’t understand my proposal A as well as B:  We have a responsibility to our community as well as to our families TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH QUICK CHECK: choose the correct option given in brackets to complete each sentence: 1.You can (both/ either/ neither) fax the document or mail it 2.This machine is not only slow (but/ or/ nor) also complicated 3.Customers can purchase tickets (neither/ either/both) at the box office or through our website 4.Either Sam (or/ and/ nor) Tom will be send to the new branch in L.A 5.That is neither what I said (or/ nor/ and) what I meant 6.Tour buses to the ancient palace leave every hour from both the train station (or/ and/ as well as) the tourist information center 7.I regret to inform you that (not only/ either/ neither) Ms Brown nor I will be able to attend the sales conference 8.The Elite Computer Co Not only guarantees all of its products for two years (but/ and/ as well as) will also provide a full refund to any unsatisfied customers 9.The new graphic design software program has improved the quality of the designers’s work (not only/as well as/ neither) their productivity TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS Liên từ phụ thuộc hay gọi liên từ mệnh đề trạng ngữ có chức ngữ pháp trạng ngữ (bổ nghĩa cho mệnh đề khác) Các mệnh đề trạng ngữ thường gọi mệnh đề phụ (Subordinate Clause) Adverbial clause of time - Mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian Since /sɪns/:  He has served this company since he graduated When /wen/:  when you develop products, it is important to conduct a market As/æz/-/əz/:  I saw her as she was leaving home While /waɪl/:  While He is away, Ms Sanderson will make important decisions TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH Before/ after/ until’  After he returned to the office, he got a private phone call As soon as:  I will call you, as soon as I finish the meeting Whenever /wenˈevər/:  I’ll discuss it with you whenever you like QUICK CHECK: Vocabulary: 1.Investigate /ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt/ (v) 2.Option/ˈɒpʃən/(n) 3.Sick leave: time away from work because of illness: 4.Front desk: reception dest 5.Thoroughly /ˈθʌrəli/(adv): completely 6.Inquiry / enquiry /ɪnˈkwaɪəri/: question TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH 1. - you sign the contract, you should read it carefully (A) After (B) until (C) as soon as (D) before 2.A decision on what to will be made we have investigated all of our possible options (A) As soon as (B) before (C) while (D) when 3. an employee has been employed for three months, he or she is eligible to take paid sick leave (A) Before (B) whenever (C) after (D) while 4.All contracts must be thoroughly looked over by the legal department - they are signed (A) After (B) as (C) since (D) before 5. you have finished the report, please bring it to the manager’s office (A) As soon as (B) since (C) before (D) while 6.Ms Wong suggested that I drive a company car, mine is being repaired TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH (A) Before (B) while (C) after (D) whenever 7.Please leave your hotel room key at the front desk you go out (A) Since (B) after (C) when (D) as soon as 8.We have already received ten inquiries the advertisement ran in last week edition of the newspaper (A) As (B) before (C) after (D) as soon as CONJUNTIONS IN ADVERB CLAUSE OF CONCESSION Although/ɔːlˈðəʊ/:  Although the company tried hard, it failed to achieve its goal Even though /ˈiːvənðəʊ/:  Even though he left school at 16, he still managed to become prime minister Even if: TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH  Even if you take a taxi, you'll still miss your train While (whilst):  While I accept that he's not perfect in many respects, I actually like the man Whereas /weərˈæz/:  You eat a huge plate of food for lunch, whereas I have just a sandwich Note: Despite & In spite of: QUICK CHECK VOCABULARY Size and design In term of /tɜːm/: about Failure /ˈfeɪljər/not success Stay ahead: Achieve /əˈtʃiːv/ Make effort: trieve, attempt Head /hed/(n) leader TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH 1. your application is impressive; we have found someone else who is even more qualified than you are (A) whereas (B) in spite of (C) although (D) despite 2. - the two laptop computers are very similar in size and design; they differ in terms of their quality (A) although (B) when (C) despite (D) whereas 3. the fact that a great deal of money had been invested in the project It was a failure (A) even thought (B) while (C) despite (D) for 4. - the slow growth in the economy this year, we still managed to stay ahead of our competition (A) Even though (B) so (C) despite (D) while 5. the items you requested are now out of stock, we will make every effort to fill your order within 10 days TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH (A) even if (B) in spite of (D) though 10 (C) whether 6. - the service was great; the bill was much higher than we had expected (A) despite (B) when (C) while (D) whereas 7. - being a newcomer to the field of shipbuilding, Upgrade Engineering has achieved enormous results in its first year (A) Despite (B) although (C) while (D) when 8.The new head of marketing is already making his mark on the company he olny arrived weeks ago (A) Even though (B) in spite of (C) whereas (D) while CONJUNTIONS IN ADVERB CLAUSE OF CONDITION If: TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH (A) neither (D) both 27 (B) either (C ) each 32 - the bistro’s opening was delayed, the general consensus was that the excellent menu there more than made up for it (A) Although (B) Until (C) Despite (D) Otherwise 33 Recruitment is going ahead with its plan to open offices in regional centers annual returns declined in the first quarter (A) Still (B) however (C) instead of (D) even though 34 - The erection of the Hillside Housing Complex is delayed, houses are expected to sold rapidly (A) Therefore (B) so that (C) whether (D) even if 35 research for the collins case is so complex, Mr Harris is going to need to request help from some of the company associates (A) Because (B) Moreover (C) therefore (D) Nevertheless TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH 28 36 - inconvenient, all worksite visitors must wear full safety gear, including helmets and steeltoes boots (A) Almost (B) never (C) seldom (D) however 37 Laboratory access is restricted to those having - registered fingerprints or retinal scans (A) Both (C) every (C) any (D) either 38 After four decades, Wet and wild is the sole remaining publication catering to -freshwater and saltwater aquarium owners (A) So (B) neither (C) either (D) both 39 High-level sportspeople must maintain a high level of fitness - run the risk of suffering injuries that cause permanent damage (A) Besides (B) on account of (C) or else (D) either 40 The administration requires next-0f-kin details for all employees family members need to be contacted during emergencies (A) Therefore (B) even if (C) in case (D) despite TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH 29 41 The factory’s internal lights are controlled so that they are only in operation - workers are present (A) During (B) whereas (C) while (D) through 42 - newly hired employees have completed a trial period, they are set to receive full medical and pension plans (A) Soon (B) then (C) later (D) once 43 . - long it may take, no final decision will be made until after all the short-listed applicants have been interviewed twice (A) However (B) Whenever (C) Although (D) Despite 44 John thought he had a good chance to get the job, - his father was on the company's board of trustees (A) Even if (B) since (C) although (D) however 45 Joey lost a fortune in the stock market, he still seems able to live quite comfortably (A) But (B) or (C) for (D) and TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH 30 46 Most of the visitors were happy just sitting around in the shade, it had been a long, dusty journey on the train (A) Since (B) although (C) if (D) once 47 A spokesman for the board of directors announced that the chairman will step down - and when it becomes necessary (A) if (B) there (C) then (D) so 48 Employers often mention - convenient it is for people wishing to cut down on their work hours (A) How (B) therefore (C) only (D) most TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH 1. announcing his retirement, Mr Kinsley has been busy trying to train his replacement (A) Because (B) Once (C) Since (D) White 2. something drastic happens before midnight, the postal workers will most likely walk out on their jobs (A) also (B) except (C) Unless (D) Therefore 3.The company chairman expressed disappointment in the behavior of some staff members said that most employees had not followed company guidelines (A) and (B) but (C) or (D) else 4.Golf Weekly is a newly published magazine that caters to experienced and inexperienced golfers who are just learning to play the game (A) both (B) neither (C) either (D) so TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG 31 MaXX ENGLISH 32 5. - you have written authorization from the Security Department, please not enter the zone delineated by the green line (A) Because (B) Unless (C) Despite (D) Whereas 6. Mr Pennington retires, he will receive an annual pension of more than fifty thousand dollars from Packard incorporated (A) Often (B) Once (C) Whoever (D) Sometimes 7. -Mr Bingham's promotion became official, many of his colleagues have approached him to congratulate him (A) Despite (B) Still (C) Since (D) During 8. the job market is not stable, those who persist will be able to land jobs eventually (A) Whether (B) Therefore (C) Even if (D) So that 9. - how difficult the situation may seem, it is very important to remember that there are others who are in worse situations TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH (A) As if (B) Even so (D) No matter 33 (C) As though 10 Professor Barkley is not an expert in classical economics but also a world-renowned specialist in international banking laws (A) over (B) only (C) less (D) alone 11 recent adjustments in income tax rates, workers will find themselves pleasantly surprised by an increase in the size of their paychecks (A) due to (B) while (C) in fact (D) Whether 12 All staff members are reminded that you should not use the executive restroom you have written authorization to so (A) for (B) unless (C) without (D) although 13 Even professional marketers are never sure some new products are runaway successes while others fail miserably (A) for (B) why (C) since (D) whoever TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH 34 14 Major Australian car-manufacturers will continue to produce their large sedans the recent increases in fuel costs (A) for (B) except (C) although (D) despite 15 The social committee guarantees that this year's company adventure tour will not fail to fascinate surprise you (A) but (B) and (C) also (D)even 16 The manager noted that sales of smaller models had risen significantly but -mentioned the drop-off in orders for the electric version (A) too (B) also (C) either (D) besides 17 - economic growth rates have stagnated over the last months, we cannot expect any rise in the value of the dollar (A) So (B) As (C) For (D) Although 18 something drastic happens before midnight, the postal workers will most likely walk out on their jobs (A) Also (B) Except (C) Unless (D) Therefore TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH 35 19 Our new social organizer's personal favorites not include jazz or classical music, but she loves listening to techno, world music, -rock (A) so (B) but (C) yet (D) and 20 In addition to improvements to the company cafeteria, the company sports facility will -be upgraded (A) besides (B) either (C) also (D) too 21 He asked me to pick him up at o'clock at the North York branch office he will be spending his day there to attend a meeting (A) Since (B) therefore (C) so (D) once 22 it is strongly advised that you check that you have all your essential documents in a briefcase you set out on an international trip (A) upon (B) before (C) beside (D) next to 23 Unlike many current devices, which have a good camera or a good MP3, the T20i has both TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH (A) Both either (B) neither 36 (C) like(D) 24 - there are 25 members who will be in attendance, we request that each passenger only bring one bag due to limited space on the bus (A) Since (B) once (C) despite (D) although 25 - you are no doubt aware, the new security system requires the installation of a backup power source in case an emergency situation arises (A) As (B) For (C) With (D)So 26 you have familiarized yourself with the basic commands, we can begin to learn some of this program's more creative features (A) Already (B) Before (C) Once (D) Earlier 27 the employees’ new details were entered into the company’s records, salary payment records began arriving regularly (A) like (B) Once (C) Unless (D) Despite 28 Neither video cameras - snack foods are allowed in the cinema TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH (A) Or (B) nor (C) and 37 (D) either 29 McCloud Media has grown steadily at a rate of approximately five percent every year shares were floated a decade ago (A) If (B) since (C) how (D) than 30 - Experience with children would be a positive, it is not regarded as essential for applicants for the job (A) Otherwise (B) Despite (C) Although (D) Regarding 31 Those dates have been chosen since Mr Langley will be traveling extensively in March and April (A) neither (B) either (C ) each (D) both 32 - the bistro’s opening was delayed, the general consensus was that the excellent menu there more than made up for it (A) Although (B) Until (C) Despite (D) Otherwise TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH 38 33 Recruitment is going ahead with its plan to open offices in regional centers annual returns declined in the first quarter (A) Still (B) however (C) instead of (D) even though 34 - The erection of the Hillside Housing Complex is delayed, houses are expected to sold rapidly (A) Therefore (B) so that (C) whether (D) even if 35 research for the collins case is so complex, Mr Harris is going to need to request help from some of the company associates (A) Because (B) Moreover (C) therefore (D) Nevertheless 36 - inconvenient, all worksite visitors must wear full safety gear, including helmets and steeltoes boots (A) Almost (B) never (C) seldom (D) however 37 Laboratory access is restricted to those having - registered fingerprints or retinal scans (A) Both (C) every (C) any (D) either TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH 39 38 After four decades, Wet and wild is the sole remaining publication catering to -freshwater and saltwater aquarium owners (A) So (B) neither (C) either (D) both 39 High-level sportspeople must maintain a high level of fitness - run the risk of suffering injuries that cause permanent damage (A) Besides (B) on account of (C) or else (D) either 40 The administration requires next-0f-kin details for all employees family members need to be contacted during emergencies (A) Therefore (B) even if (C) in case (D) despite 41 The factory’s internal lights are controlled so that they are only in operation - workers are present (A) During (B) whereas (C) while (D) through TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH 40 42 - newly hired employees have completed a trial period, they are set to receive full medical and pension plans (A) Soon (B) then (C) later (D) once 43 . - long it may take, no final decision will be made until after all the short-listed applicants have been interviewed twice (A) However (B) Whenever (C) Although (D) Despite 44 John thought he had a good chance to get the job, - his father was on the company's board of trustees (A) Even if (B) since (C) although (D) however 45 Joey lost a fortune in the stock market, he still seems able to live quite comfortably (A) But (B) or (C) for (D) and 46 Most of the visitors were happy just sitting around in the shade, it had been a long, dusty journey on the train (A) Since (B) although (C) if (D) once TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH 41 47 A spokesman for the board of directors announced that the chairman will step down - and when it becomes necessary (A) if (B) there (C) then (D) so 48 Employers often mention - convenient it is for people wishing to cut down on their work hours (A) How (B) therefore (C) only (D) most TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG ... well as/ neither) their productivity TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG MaXX ENGLISH SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS Liên từ phụ thuộc hay gọi liên từ mệnh đề trạng ngữ có chức ngữ pháp trạng ngữ (bổ... Meanwhile 10 Moreover 11 Otherwise 12 Thus TOEIC READING TEACHER: DANG TRUNG 19 MaXX ENGLISH 20 CONJUNCTION EXCERCISE 1. announcing his retirement, Mr Kinsley has been busy trying to train

Ngày đăng: 21/12/2017, 19:06

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