Astrophysics, Vol 53, No 3, 2010 CONSTRAINING THE COSMOLOGICAL TIME VARIATION OF THE FINE - STRUCTURE CONSTANT Le Duc Thong1, Tran van Hung2, Nguyen Thi Thu Huong3, and Ha Huy Bang3 The variation of the fine-structure constant α = e /h c can be probed by comparing the wavelength of atomic transitions from the redshift of quasars in the Universe and laboratory over cosmological time scales t ~ 1010 yr After a careful selection of pairs of lines, the Thong method with a derived analytical expression for the error analysis was applied to compute the α variation We report a new constraint on the variation of the fine-structure constant based on the analysis of the CIV, NV, MgII, Al III, and Si IV doublet absorption lines The weighted mean value of the variation in α derived from our analysis over the −5 redshift range 0.4939 ≤ z ≤ 3.7 is = ( 0.09 ± 0.07 ) ×10 This result is three orders of magnitude better than the results obtained by earlier analysis of the same data on the constraint on Δα/α Keywords: Cosmology:observations - line:profiles - quasars:absorption lines Introduction The interesting idea that certain fundamental constants are not constant at all but have a certain cosmological time dependence is not new In the 1930s, this idea was discussed by Dirac and Milne [1,2], but with respect to the gravitational constant Some of the modern theories of fundamental physics, like SUSY GUT, and string and superstring theories, motivate experimental searches of possible variations in the fine-structure constant Such theories Ho Chi Minh City Institute of Physics, Vietnam, e-mail: Research and Development Center for Radiation Technology, Vietnam Laboratory for High Energy Physics and Cosmology, Faculty of Physics, Vietnam National University, Vietnam Published in Astrofizika, Vol 53, No 3, pp 493-500 (August 2010) Original article submitted April 20, 2010; accepted for publication May 25, 2010 446 0571-7256/10/5303-0446 © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc require the existence of extra "compactified" spatial dimensions and allow for the cosmological evolution of their time and space scale sizes As a result, these theories naturally predict the cosmological time and space variation of fundamental constants in a 4-dimensional subspace [3,4] The strongest constraint on time variation of the finestructure constant comes from the Oklo phenomenon, a natural fission reactor that operated Gyrs ago, corresponding to z ~ 0.16 [5] By studying the products of this nuclear reaction, it is possible to constrain some cross-sections that depend on α It is found that Δα α Δ t = (− 0.2 ± 0.8 )×10 −17 yr [6] Since 1967, there have been many important studies of the cosmic time dependence of α using quasar absorption lines [7] Some of the most comprehensive and detailed investigations were described in [8-14] The results reported in all of these papers are consistent with a fine structure constant that does not vary with cosmological time and epoch At higher redshifts, a possible time dependence will be registered in the form of small shifts in the absorption line spectra seen toward distant quasars as the energy of the atomic transitions depend on α Initial attempts to measure the variation of α were based on the absorption lines of Alkali-Doublets [6] The best constraint obtained using this method is Δα α = (− 0.5 ± 1.3)× 10 −5 [15] Other methods such as the one using OIII emission lines [7,8,14,15], though more robust, are not sensitive enough to detect small variations in Δα α Investigations based on molecular lines [12] detected in two systems give Δα α = (− 0.10 ± 0.22)×10−5 and Δα α = (− 0.08 ± 0.27)×10−5 at zabs = 0.2467 and 0.6847, respectively Such studies at high z are elusive due to lack of molecular systems The generalization of the Alkali-Doublet method, called the Many-Multiplet (MM) method, gives an order of magnitude improvement in the measurement of Δα α compared to the AD method [8] by using not only doublets but several multiplets from different species The sensitivity of different line transitions from different multiplets to variations in α were computed using many-body calculations taking into account dominant relativistic effects [8] Recently, the subject has become of great interest for both physicists and astronomers because of the suggestion that a significant time dependence has been found using absorption lines from many different multiplets in different ions, the width separation ratio between two lines from quasars and laboratory and Many-Multiplet methods [8,1620] In this paper, we conducted a search for the cosmological time variation of the fine-structure constant from the C IV, NV, MgII, AlIII, and SiIV doublet absorption lines in the works published in 1994, 1995, and 1996 [11,12,15,21] The C IV, NV, MgII, AlIII, and SiIV systems were identified After a careful selection of pairs of lines, we applied the width separation ratio between two lines from quasars and the laboratory method, with an orginal expression for the error analysis, to compute the α variation Data Analysis We have used data from works published in 1994, 1995, and 1996 [11,12,15,21] for our analysis, because the C IV, NV , MgII, AlIII, and SiIV line doublets have the greatest ratio δλ λ = 6.54 × 10 −3 , allowing this ratio to be measured most accurately The abundance of silicon and its ionization state, as a rule, is that the C IV, NV, MgII, AlIII, and SiIV doublet lines occur on a linear part of the ground curve, which simplifies determination of the central wavelength of 447 each line Considering a possible small variation in the approximate formula used in [16], ⎛ λ (t ) ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ −1 ⎜⎝ λ1 (t ) ⎟⎠ Δ EZ α (t ) = = , Δ E α (0) ⎛ λ (0) ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ − ⎝ λ1 (0 ) ⎠ (1) we may write ⎛ ⎛ λ (t ) ⎞ ⎞ ⎜ ⎜ ⎟⎟ − ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ Δα ⎜ ⎝ λ1 (t ) ⎠ ≈ ⎜ − 1⎟ , α ⎜ ⎛ λ (0 )⎞ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎜ λ1 (0) ⎟ − ⎟ ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ ⎠ (2) where λ (0) and λ (0 ) are the laboratory wavelengths and λ (t ) and λ (t ) are observed the wavelengths from the quasars The advantage of absorption lines is that they are usually considerably narrower than emission lines In addition, the merit of the above transition is that they originate from the same level, and consequently, λ and λ undoubtedly originate in the same regions of the interstellar medium The wavelength values of these transitions are given in Table The laboratory values of the CIV , NV , MgII, AlIII and SiIV doublet wavelengths are known with an uncertainty σ λ ≈ 1m Å This uncertainty can introduce an appreciable systematic error in the determination of Δα α The analysis methods used in the present work are as described in [16] An analytic expression for the error analysis can be obtained through an approximation for the standard deviation as Δα α = f (λ1 (t ), λ (t )) : ⎛ ∂f ⎞ ⎛ ∂f ⎞ 2 ⎟⎟ + σ λ2 (t ) ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + , σ f ≈ σ λ1 (t )⎜⎜ ⎝ ∂λ1 (t ) ⎠ ⎝ ∂λ (t )⎠ TABLE Laboratory Wavelength Standards 448 Ion λ ( Å) λ (Å ) CIV 1548.202 1550.774 NV 1238.821 1242.804 MgII 2796.352 2803.530 AlIII 1854.716 1862.790 SiIV 1393.755 1402.769 (3) which, with the derivatives of Eq (3), yields the error propagation equation for the width separation ratio method In the analysis performed in our paper, this shift was small compared to the rms errors in the derived estimates However, the systematic shift due to nonlinearity could be significant when analyzing lower resolution data Therefore, it seems reasonable to minimize it by making use of relation Eq (3) Another possible source of systematic error is related to the fact that we know the laboratory wavelengths λ1 and λ with insufficient accuracy (the possible errors of laboratory wavelengths λ and λ are about several mÅ [22], whereas typical errors σ (λ ) of astrophysical measurements vary from tens to hundreds of mÅ) If different types of ions are handled in a separate way, these systematic errors are eliminated by including the laboratory point with a relative weight of ~100 in the set of analyzed data points Errors due to possible variations in isotope composition are negligible The energy of the S1 and P3 levels is virtually identical for all isotopes of a given ion Therefore, when going to another isotope, the relative change in Eq (3) is equal to the relative change in energy of the S1 level, which does not exceed 10 -6 for the ions in question Collision broadening and shifts in the measured absorption and emission lines produce even smaller errors, because the lines are formed in a tenuous interstellar medium with a number density of less than cm-1, so that the probability for a collision with an ion over the lifetime in the P1 and P3 states is negligible When observing a single absorption and emission system, the most important sources of possible systematic errors may be blending of the observed doublet lines with other absorption and emission lines and possible λ -calibration inaccuracies However, the random orientation of absorbing clouds with respect to the line of sight makes both the increase and decrease in the measured λ due to blending equally probable Taking into account the fact that absorption and emission systems with different z are observed in different spectra regions, one may conclude that the errors resulting from blending and calibration inaccuracies cease to be systematic when a fairly large number of observations of different absorption and emission system are processed The results appear in Table 2, a plot for the CIV , NV, MgII, AlIII, and SiIV absorption systems is shown in Fig.1, and the sample average is Δα α = (− 0.09 ± 0.07 )× 10 −5 , where the error is the standard deviation around the mean Δα/α (in units of 10-5) -2 -4 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Redshift (z) Fig.1 Plot of the high-redshift vs Δα/α for CIV, NV , MgII, AlIII, and SiIV doublet absorption lines 449 Results The results of analysis of the CIV, NV , MgII, AlIII, and SiIV fine-splitting doublet lines are presented and compared with the results of works published in 1994, 1995, and 1996 [11,12,15,21] in Table 1; a plot for components of the C IV, NV, MgII, AlIII, and SiIV is shown in Fig.1 TABLE The Thong Method of Analysis Compared with Works Published in 1994, 1995, and 1996 [11,12,15,21] The Sample Average is Δα α = (− 0.09 ± 0.07 )× 10 −5 Ion Quasar z Δα/α Ref -3 (in units of 10 -5) (in units of 10 ) 450 Δα/α SiIV HS 1946+76 3.050079 0.158 [15] 0.085 SiIV HS 1946+76 3.049312 0.034 [15] 0.004 SiIV HS 1946+76 2.843357 0.059 [15] 0.071 SiIV S4 0636+68 2.904528 0.137 [15] 0.020 SiIV S5 0014+81 2.801356 -0.180 [15] -0.135 SiIV S5 0014+81 2.800840 -0.170 [15] -0.129 SiIV S5 0014+81 2.800030 0.111 [15] 0.055 CIV PKS 0424-13 1.5544 0.000 [11] -0.002 CIV PKS 0424-13 1.5557 0.500 [11] -0.084 CIV PKS 0424-13 1.5613 -2.100 [11] 0.350 CIV PKS 0424-13 1.5632 0.600 [11] -0.096 CIV PKS 0424-13 1.7157 -1.800 [11] 0.29514 CIV PKS 0424-13 1.7885 -2.900 [11] 0.488 CIV PKS 0424-13 1.7904 4.400 [11] -0.733 CIV PKS 0424-13 2.1000 1.700 [11] -0.279 CIV PKS 0424-13 2.1329 -6.100 [11] 1.012 CIV PKS 0424-13 2.1728 1.200 [11] -0.199 CIV PKS 0424-13 1.0341 -2.000 [11] 0.842 CIV PKS 0424-13 1.0348 -1.200 [11] 0.517 SiIV PKS 0424-13 2.1000 -0.400 [11] 0.276 SiIV PKS 0424-13 2.1728 1.000 [11] -0.684 CIV Q 0450-13 1.4422 -4.900 [11] 0.814 CIV Q 0450-13 1.6967 -1.200 [11] 0.192 CIV Q 0450-13 1.9985 -8.600 [11] 1.427 CIV Q 0450-13 2.0666 -3.000 [11] 0.500 CIV Q 0450-13 2.1050 -1.000 [11] 0.168 CIV Q 0450-13 2.1066 1.200 [11] -0.207 CIV Q 0450-13 2.2311 12.600 [11] -2.101 TABLE (continued) NV Q 0450-13 2.2312 -1.100 [11] 0.373 MgII Q 0450-13 0.4939 -1.100 [11] 0.282 MgII Q 0450-13 0.5481 -3.700 [11] 0.950 AlIII Q 0450-13 1.1742 -1.600 [11] 0.679 AlIII Q 0450-13 1.3107 -0.200 [11] 0.073 SiIV Q 0450-13 2.0666 0.100 [11] -0.684 SiIV Q 0450-13 2.1050 0.000 [11] -0.086 SiIV Q 0450-13 2.1068 -2.200 [11] -0.019 SiIV Q 0450-13 2.2302 -0.100 [11] 1.455 SiIV PKS 0424-13 2.100027 -4.510 [21] -0.312 SiIV Q 0424-13 2.230199 -1.480 [21] -0.112 SiIV Q 0424-13 2.104986 0.020 [21] -0.017 SiIV Q 0450-13 2.066646 1.030 [21] 0.079 SiIV Q 0302-00 2.785 2.070 [12] 1.778 SiIV PKS 0528-25 2.813 1.290 [12] -2.050 SiIV PKS 0528-25 2.810 1.030 [12] -1.500 SiIV PKS 0528-25 2.672 -5.430 [12] -3.005 SiIV Q 1206+12 3.021 -1.290 [12] -3.094 SiIV PKS 2000-33 3.551 -3.880 [12] 1.604 SiIV PKS 2000-33 3.548 2.850 [12] 0.008 SiIV PKS 2000-33 3.332 5.950 [12] -1.380 SiIV PKS 2000-33 3.191 -5.690 [12] -2.526 Conclusions In this study we have presented the Thong method for deriving Δα α by means of the C IV, NV, MgII, AlIII, and SiIV doublet lines from works published in 1994, 1995, and 1996 [11,12,15,21] Our statistical analysis based on a catalog of C IV, NV , MgII, AlIII, and SiIV absorption doublets in quasars with cosmological redshifts covering the range 0.4939 ≤ z ≤ 3.7 gives the sample average Δα α = (− 0.09 ± 0.07)×10−5 Our result is three orders of magnitude better than the results obtained by earlier analysis of the same data on the constraint on Δα α and more sensitive than that described by the AD method [7-9,11,14,15] and the SIDAM method [23,24] This improvement in estimating the possible variation of α certainly deserves further investigation on a large number of systems, aimed at reducing the final error bar This approach eliminates the largest systematic errors present in other determinations of α and provides an estimate of the remaining statistical and systematic errors Our analysis includes α -independent line ratios, which can be used to identify the true size of statistical and systematic errors This method can be applied not only for low 451 redshifts but also for high redshifts of quasars and for both absorption and emission lines The key insight of this methodology, as well as other models of variable α , is that variation of α provides a new window into the parameters of the underlying theory that unifies gravity and the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics Acknowledgments This work was partially supported by The Project on Natural Sciences of the Vietnam National 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