Vietnam J Math DOI 10.1007/s10013-014-0090-2 Some Extensions of the Kolmogorov–Stein Inequality Ha Huy Bang · Vu Nhat Huy Received: September 2013 / Accepted: 14 March 2014 © Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) and Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2014 Abstract In this paper, we prove some extensions of the Kolmogorov–Stein inequality for derivatives in Lp (R) norm to differential operators generated by a polynomial Keywords Lp spaces · Orlicz spaces · Kolmogorov inequality Mathematics Subject Classification (2010) 26A24 · 41A17 Introduction Let ≤ p ≤ ∞, n ≥ 2, and < k < n In the space of all functions, f ∈ C n (R) such that f, f , , f (n) belong to Lp (R), consider the following inequality: f (k) p ≤A f p + B f (n) p It is well known that this inequality is equivalent to the inequality (see [7]) f (k) p ≤ A1−k/n B k/n ( f p + f (n) p) and also equivalent to f (k) p ≤ Cn,k f where Cn,k = A − (k/n) 1−k/n p 1−(k/n) f (n) k/n p , B k/n k/n H H Bang ( ) Institute of Mathematics, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Street, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam e-mail: V N Huy Department of Mathematics, College of Science, Vietnam National University, 334 Nguyen Trai Street, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam e-mail: nhat H H Bang, V N Huy (1−k/n) For p = ∞, Kolmogorov proved in [15] that Cn,k = Kn−k /Kn Kj = π ∞ , where (−1)k /(2k + 1)j +1 k=0 for even j , while Kj = π ∞ 1/(2k + 1)j +1 k=0 for odd j Moreover the constants {Cn,k : n, k ∈ N, k < n} are sharp in the sense that these cannot be replaced by smaller ones This result of Kolmogorov has been extended by Stein to Lp (R) norm [20] and in [1] to any Orlicz norm The Kolmogorov–Stein inequality and its modifications are a problem of interest for many mathematicians and have various applications (see, for example, [1, 3, 5–12, 14, 20–22]) In this paper, we prove some extensions of the Kolmogorov– Stein inequality for derivatives in Lp (R) norm to differential operators generated by a polynomial Inequalities for Lp Spaces Denote by C k (R) the set of all functions f that are continuous in R together with all derivatives f (n) , n ≤ k, and Lp (R) (1 ≤ p ≤ ∞) the collection of all functions f specified on R for which the norm f p = [ R |f (x)| p dx]1/p , ess sup |f (x)|, ≤ p < ∞, p=∞ is finite The convolution f ∗ g of two functions f, g ∈ L1 (R) is defined as (f ∗ g)(x) = R f (x − y)g(y)dy (x ∈ R) (1) If f ∈ Lp (R), ≤ p ≤ ∞, and g ∈ L1 (R), then the integral (1) converges for almost all x ∈ R, and we have the following result Young inequality (see, e.g., [2]) Let ≤ p ≤ ∞, f ∈ Lp (R), g ∈ L1 (R) Then f ∗ g ∈ Lp (R) and f ∗ g p ≤ f p g Furthermore, S (R) stands for the Schwartz space on R and S (R) for the dual space of tempered distributions on R Recall that Lp (R) ⊂ S (R) for any ≤ p ≤ ∞ Let f ∈ L1 (R) and fˆ = F f be its Fourier transform fˆ(ξ ) = √ 2π +∞ −∞ e−ixξ f (x)dx The Fourier transform of a tempered generalized function f is defined via the formula F f, ϕ = f, F ϕ , ϕ ∈ S (R) n k Let n ∈ N and P (x) be a polynomial of degree n: P (x) := k=0 ak x We put n k k k (k) P1 (x) := and then the differential operator P (D) is k=0 |ak |x , D f = (−i) f Some Extensions of the Kolmogorov–Stein Inequality obtained from P (x) by substituting x → −i∂/∂x We define the function ρ ∈ C ∞ (R) as follows Ce |x|2 −1 if |x| < 1, if |x| ≥ 1, ρ(x) := where the constant C satisfies R ρ(x)dx = 1, and put (x) = F (1[−3/2,3/2] ∗ ρ1/4 )(x) ρ1/4 (x) = 4ρ(4x), Clearly, ∈ S (R) and ˆ (x) = ∀x ∈ [−1, 1], ˆ (x) = ∀x ∈ / (−2, 2) Put λ := We have the following theorem Theorem Let m, n ∈ N and f ∈ C m+n (R), ≤ p ≤ ∞, P (x) be a polynomial of degree n Assume f, D m (P (D)f ) ∈ Lp (R) Then P (D)f ∈ Lp (R) and P (D)f p ≤ λ(Km 2m + 1)P1 (2 ) f p + Km −m D m (P (D)f ) p ∀ > 0, where Km is the Favard constant To obtain Theorem 1, we need the following results Bohr-Favard inequality (see, e.g., [2, 4, 12]) Let ≤ p ≤ ∞, σ > 0, f ∈ C n (R) and supp fˆ ∩ (−σ, σ ) = ∅ Assume that f (n) ∈ Lp (R) Then f ∈ Lp (R) and f ≤ σ −n Kn f (n) p p, where the Favard constants Kn are best possible and have the following properties π < · · · < K3 ≤ K = π = K0 ≤ K2 < · · · < Bernstein inequality (see, e.g., [13, 18]) Assume ≤ p ≤ ∞, σ > 0, f ∈ Lp (R) and suppfˆ ⊂ [−σ, σ ] Then f (n) p ≤ σn f n = 1, 2, p, The constants are best possible Proof of Theorem for > we define (x) := ( x) x x Then, / = = λ and ˆ (x) = ˆ ( ) = ∀x ∈ [− , ], ˆ (x) = ˆ ( ) = ∀x ∈ (−2 , ) Therefore, supp ˆ ⊂ [−2 , ] Hence, by applying Bernstein inequality, we have k k k = 0, 1, , n (2) Dk ≤ (2 ) = λ(2 ) , We define the functions g, h as follows g=f ∗ h = f − g , Clearly, supp gˆ ⊂ supp ˆ ⊂ [−2 , ], supp hˆ ⊂ (−∞, − ] ∪ [ , +∞), f = g + h and D k g = f ∗ (D k ) It follows from Young inequality that g p ≤ f p =λ f p and then h p ≤ f p + g p ≤ (λ + 1) f p H H Bang, V N Huy Using Young inequality and D k g = f ∗ (D k Dk g ≤ f p p ), we obtain D k g ∈ Lp (R) and Dk k = 0, 1, , n 1, (3) From (2)–(3), we have the following estimate Dk g p ≤ λ(2 )k f k = 0, 1, , n p, (4) From (4), we get P (D)g ∈ Lp (R) and P (D)g p ≤ λP1 (2 ) f (5) p Similarly, we have D m (P (D)g) p ≤ (2 )m P (D)g p ≤ λ(2 )m P1 (2 ) f D m (P (D)h) p ≤ D m (P (D)g) p + D m (P (D)f ) p Therefore, ≤ λ(2 )m P1 (2 ) f p + D m (P (D)f ) p (6) p By Bohr–Favard inequality and P (D)h ⊂ (−∞, − ] ∪ [ , +∞), we obtain P (D)h −m ≤ Km p D m (P (D)h) p Then it follows from (6) that P (D)h p ≤ Km −m [λ(2 )m P1 (2 ) f p + D m (P (D)f ) p ] (7) From (5), (7) and f = g + h, we have P (D)f ∈ Lp (R) and P (D)f p ≤ P (D)g p + P (D)h (8) p By (5), (7) and (8), we obtain P (D)f p ≤ λ(Km 2m + 1)P1 (2 ) f p + Km −m D m (P (D)f ∀ > p The proof is complete By Theorem we obtain the following results: Corollary Let m, n ∈ N and f ∈ C m+n (R), ≤ p ≤ ∞, P (x) be a polynomial of degree n Assume f, D m (P (D)f ) ∈ Lp (R) Then P (D)f ∈ Lp (R) and π −m m D (P (D)f ) p ∀ > P (D)f p ≤ λ(π 2m−1 + 1)P1 (2 ) f p + Corollary Let m, n ∈ N Then, there exists a constant C < ∞ independent of f such that f + Dn f ≤C p f p + m+n f m p D m f + D m+n f p + π D m f + D m+n f m n p Proof Put H ( ) = λ(π 2m−1 + 1)(1 + (2 )n ) f By Theorem 1, f + Dn f p ≤ min{H ( ) : > 0} Therefore, since min{H ( ) : > 0} = H m+n A D m f + D m+n f f p p , p Some Extensions of the Kolmogorov–Stein Inequality where A = (π m)/(λn(π2m+n + 2n+1 )), we obtain that f + Dn f p ≤ H m+n A D m f + D m+n f f p = λ(π 2m−1 + 1) f p + C1 p m+n f m p D m f + D m+n f n, p where C1 is independent of f The proof is complete k Let Q(x) := m k=0 bk x be a polynomial of degree m ≥ with real coefficients, satm k isfying the condition |Q(x)| = ∀x ∈ R We define Q1 (x) := k=0 |bk |x , φ(x) = ˆ (1 − /4 (x))/Q(x) Since |Q(x)| = ∀x ∈ R, there exists a constant a > such that |Q(x)| ≥ a(1 + x ) and then φ(x) ∈ L1 (R) Hence φˆ is well defined on R and we can see that φˆ ∈ L1 (R) Put λ1 := √1 φˆ 2π Further, we have Theorem Let m, n ∈ N and f ∈ C m+n (R), ≤ p ≤ ∞, P (x) be a polynomial of degree n, Q(x) be a polynomial of degree m ≥ with real coefficients Assume |Q(x)| = ∀x ∈ R and f, (QP )(D)f ∈ Lp (R) Then P (D)f ∈ Lp (R) and P (D)f p ≤ λ1 (QP )(D)f p + λ(λ1 Q1 (2 ) + 1)P1 (2 ) f ∀ > p , g, h as in the proof of Theorem Arguing as in the Proof We define the functions proof of Theorem 1, we have (QP )(D)g p ≤ Q1 (2 ) P (D)g p ≤ λQ1 (2 )P1 (2 ) f p (9) Therefore, since h = f − g, we get (QP )(D)h p ≤ (QP )(D)g p + (QP )(D)f ≤ λQ1 (2 )P1 (2 ) f Further, put t (x) = − ˆ p p + (QP )(D)f p (10) /4 (x) Then t (x) = ∀x ∈ (−∞, − /2] ∪ [ /2, +∞) Hence, it follows from F ((QP )(D)h) = Q(x)F (P (D)h) and supp F ((QP )(D)h) ⊂ (−∞, − ] ∪ [ , +∞) that t (x)F ((QP )(D)h) = Q(x)F (P (D)h) Therefore F (P (D)h) = t (x) F ((QP )(D)h) Q(x) So t (x) P (D)h = √ ((QP )(D)h) ∗ F −1 Q(x) 2π Therefore, using Young inequality and (QP )(D)h ∈ Lp (R), we obtain P (D)h ∈ Lp (R) and t (x) (QP )(D)h p F −1 P (D)h p ≤ √ Q(x) 2π 1 t (x) (QP )(D)h p F = √ , Q(x) 2π H H Bang, V N Huy i.e., P (D)h p ≤ λ1 (QP )(D)h p From this and (10), we obtain P (D)h p ≤ λ1 (λQ1 (2 )P1 (2 ) f p + (QP )(D)f (11) p ) Since f = g + h, we have P (D)f ≤ P (D)g p p + P (D)h (12) p From (5), (11) and (12), we get P (D)f ∈ Lp (R) and P (D)f p ≤ λ1 (QP )(D)f p + λ(λ1 Q1 (2 ) + 1)P1 (2 ) f p ∀ > The proof is complete Note that Theorems 1, still hold for generalized derivatives which will be seen in the next section Inequalities for Orlicz Spaces Let : [0, +∞) → [0, +∞] be an arbitrary Young function, i.e., is convex Denote by ¯ (t) = sup{ts − (s)} (0) = 0, (t) ≡ and s≥0 and L (R) the space of all measurable functions u such the Young function conjugate to that | u, v | = R for all v with ρ(v, ¯ ) < ∞, where u(x)v(x)dx < ∞ ρ(v, ¯ ) = R ¯ (|v(x)|)dx Then L (R) is a Banach space with respect to the Orlicz norm u = sup R ρ(v, ¯ )≤1 u(x)v(x)dx , which is equivalent to the Luxemburg norm f ( ) = inf λ > : R (|f (x)|/λ)dx ≤ < ∞ Recall that · ( ) = · p where (t) = with ≤ p < ∞ and · ( ) = · ∞ when (t) = for ≤ t ≤ and (t) = ∞ for t > So, Lebesgue spaces Lp (R), ≤ p ≤ ∞ are special cases of Orlicz spaces (see [16, 17, 19]) Note that L (R) ⊂ S (R), where S (R) is the Schwartz space of tempered generalized functions Using Theorems 1, 2, and the method investigated in [1–3], we obtain the following theorems Theorem Let be an arbitrary Young function, m, n ∈ N and P (x) be a polynomial of degree n Assume f ∈ L (R) and D m (P (D)f ) ∈ L (R) in the S -sense Then P (D)f ∈ L (R) and P (D)f ( ) ≤ λ(Km 2m + 1)P1 (2 ) f ( ) + Km −m D m (P (D)f ( ) ∀ > Some Extensions of the Kolmogorov–Stein Inequality Theorem Let be an arbitrary Young function, m, n ∈ N, P (x) be a polynomial of degree n, Q(x) be a polynomial of degree m with real coefficients, and |Q(x)| = ∀x ∈ R Assume f ∈ L (R) and (QP )(D)f ∈ L (R) in the S -sense Then P (D)f ∈ L (R) and P (D)f ( ) ≤ λ1 (QP )(D)f ( ) + λ(λ1 Q1 (2 ) + 1)P1 (2 ) f (Φ) ∀ > Remark Theorems and still hold if we replace Luxemburg’s norm by Orlicz’s norm Acknowledgments This research is funded by 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(x) := and then the differential operator P (D) is k=0 |ak |x , D f = (−i) f Some Extensions of the Kolmogorov–Stein Inequality obtained from P (x) by substituting x → −i∂/∂x We define the function... (P (D)f ( ) ∀ > Some Extensions of the Kolmogorov–Stein Inequality Theorem Let be an arbitrary Young function, m, n ∈ N, P (x) be a polynomial of degree n, Q(x) be a polynomial of degree m with