further extensions of the model

Tài liệu More iOS 6 Development: Further Explorations of the iOS SDK doc

Tài liệu More iOS 6 Development: Further Explorations of the iOS SDK doc

... with the model editor and inspector When you selected the data model file, CoreDataApp.xcdatamodel, the Editor pane changed to present the Core Data model editor (Figure 2-9) Along the top, the ... organization of data and the relationship between the organized data components In Core Data, the data model defines the data structure of objects, the organization of those objects, the relationships ... depended on another component, you’d see the hierarchical relationship between the two with the hierarchical outline style The bulk of the Editor pane is taken up by the Detail editor The Detail...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 02:20

542 5,4K 2
Always Leave Home Without It: A Further Investigation of the Credit-Card Effect on Willingness to Pay pptx

Always Leave Home Without It: A Further Investigation of the Credit-Card Effect on Willingness to Pay pptx

... credit card rather than cash The results are surprising both due to the size of the premium and the ubiquity of credit card use The variance we observe in the premium provides a hurdle to other explanations ... instead of cash! Second, the information provided about the market value of the products offered in the two studies varied In the ®rst study we used tickets to a sold-out sporting event, for which the ... example, in the cash condition respondents may anchor their valuations using the amount of cash that they typically carry in their wallets In the credit card condition they may anchor on their credit...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 03:21

8 344 0
More iOS 6 Development: Further Explorations of the iOS SDK docx

More iOS 6 Development: Further Explorations of the iOS SDK docx

... with the model editor and inspector When you selected the data model file, CoreDataApp.xcdatamodel, the Editor pane changed to present the Core Data model editor (Figure 2-9) Along the top, the ... organization of data and the relationship between the organized data components In Core Data, the data model defines the data structure of objects, the organization of those objects, the relationships ... depended on another component, you’d see the hierarchical relationship between the two with the hierarchical outline style The bulk of the Editor pane is taken up by the Detail editor The Detail...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 17:20

542 1,2K 0
báo cáo hóa học: "Measuring the impact of health problems among adults with limited mobility in Thailand: further validation of the Perceived Impact of Problem Profile" docx

báo cáo hóa học: "Measuring the impact of health problems among adults with limited mobility in Thailand: further validation of the Perceived Impact of Problem Profile" docx

... For the development of the PIPP, selection of the domains was guided in part by the ICF, but also by a review of existing measures and a series of qualitative interviews One of the concerns of ... Thailand Methods The study was conducted in urban, rural and remote areas of Khon Kaen Province in the Northeast Region (Isaan), the setting of the Thai arm of the RESILIENCE study The Isaan region, ... reliability of the scale Given that the DIF noted for the item was relatively minor, and that the original overall model fit was very good, it was decided to retain the item in the scale for further...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

8 502 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Measuring the impact of health problems among adults with limited mobility in Thailand: further validation of the Perceived Impact of Problem Profile" doc

báo cáo hóa học:" Measuring the impact of health problems among adults with limited mobility in Thailand: further validation of the Perceived Impact of Problem Profile" doc

... For the development of the PIPP, selection of the domains was guided in part by the ICF, but also by a review of existing measures and a series of qualitative interviews One of the concerns of ... Thailand Methods The study was conducted in urban, rural and remote areas of Khon Kaen Province in the Northeast Region (Isaan), the setting of the Thai arm of the RESILIENCE study The Isaan region, ... reliability of the scale Given that the DIF noted for the item was relatively minor, and that the original overall model fit was very good, it was decided to retain the item in the scale for further...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20

8 444 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Further results of the estimate of growth of entire solutions of some classes of algebraic differential equations" docx

Báo cáo toán học: " Further results of the estimate of growth of entire solutions of some classes of algebraic differential equations" docx

... ) > 1, then for each < µ < λ − 1, there exists a sequence an → ∞, such that lim n→∞ f (an ) = +∞ |an |µ (2.1) 11 Proof of the results Proof of Theorem 1.4 Suppose that the conclusion of theorem ... Further results of the estimate of growth of entire solutions of some classes of algebraic differential equations Qi Jianming1,3 , Li Yezhou2 and Yuan Wenjun∗3 Department of Mathematics ... not the zero of g(ζ), by (3.4) then we can get g (k) (ζ) = from (3.5) By the all zeros of g(ζ) have multiplicity at least k, this is a contradiction The proof of Theorem 1.4 is complete 13 Proof...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

18 391 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Further results of the estimate of growth of entire solutions of some classes of algebraic differential equations" ppt

báo cáo hóa học:" Further results of the estimate of growth of entire solutions of some classes of algebraic differential equations" ppt

... ) > 1, then for each < µ < λ − 1, there exists a sequence an → ∞, such that lim n→∞ f (an ) = +∞ |an |µ (2.1) 11 Proof of the results Proof of Theorem 1.4 Suppose that the conclusion of theorem ... Further results of the estimate of growth of entire solutions of some classes of algebraic differential equations Qi Jianming1,3 , Li Yezhou2 and Yuan Wenjun∗3 Department of Mathematics ... not the zero of g(ζ), by (3.4) then we can get g (k) (ζ) = from (3.5) By the all zeros of g(ζ) have multiplicity at least k, this is a contradiction The proof of Theorem 1.4 is complete 13 Proof...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

18 338 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Remarks on Extensions of the Himmelberg Fixed Point Theorem" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Remarks on Extensions of the Himmelberg Fixed Point Theorem" pptx

... S Park The following generalization of Theorems 1.1 and 2.3 is a consequence of the main theorem of [5], where B p should be replaced by B Theorem 2.4 Let X be an almost convex subset of a locally ... convex for all y ∈ Y If there is T :X a totally bounded subset K of X such that T(y) ∩ K =∅ for each y ∈ Y , then for any convex neighborhood V of the origin of E, there exists a point xV ∈ ... {xα }→u in (E,τ w ), then there is a subnet {xβ } of {xα } with {xβ }→u in (E,τ) New fixed point theorems Motivated by [3], we obtain the following main result of this paper Theorem 3.1 Let E be...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 06:20

5 304 0


... = and m = of (2.1), so that (2.3) holds ∗ ∗ Proof of (2.4) The proof is similar to that of (2.3), so we omit it here Proof of Corollary 2.2 We have (i) by the process of the proof of (2.1) and ... (n+p)/n (2.30) Consequently, the proof of (2.1) is complete by combining (i) and (ii) Proof of (2.2) The proof is similar to the proof of (2.1), so we omit it here Proof of (2.3) If k = 2, we only ... to the proof of (2.14), (2.15) holds by Lemma 2.6 and taking p1 = 1/γ, r1 = n/γ and q1 = (1 + n)/ p in Theorem 2.4(i) ∗ Proof of Theorem 2.1 Let T = U |T | be the polar decomposition of T Then...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 21:20

14 279 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Further Applications of the KKM-Maps Principle in Hyperconvex Metric Spaces" pptx

Báo cáo toán học: "Further Applications of the KKM-Maps Principle in Hyperconvex Metric Spaces" pptx

... similarly The proof is complete Now we are in a position to proof a version of the well known minimax theorem due to Neumann-Sion [11, 15] in the case of hyperconvex metric spaces Theorem 3.5 ... ”Geometry of Banach spaces and Fixed point theory”, organized jointly by the Hanoi Institute of Mathematics and Hanoi University of Education The author would like to thank the members of this ... ⊂ T x0 The theorem is proved Before proving a minimax theorem we establish a coincidence theorem which is analogous to a modified version of a theorem of Ben-El-Mekhaiekh et al in [2] Theorem...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 05:20

9 319 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Two New Extensions of the Hales-Jewett Theorem" pdf

Báo cáo toán học: "Two New Extensions of the Hales-Jewett Theorem" pdf

... · < An In other words, the function γ restricted to the standard n2 -variable submatrices of v is n the lift of an r-coloring γ of the set F ({1, , L}) < By the choice of L, there thus exist ... this fashion Proof of Theorem 1.7 Recall that our plan is to confine ourselves in the proof to the d = case The changes necessary to extend the proof to general d are minor and rather obvious, but ... words (that is, elements of Wk ) 0-variable words, then the Hales-Jewett theorem corresponds to the case n = 0, t = of Theorem 1.4 Theorem 1.4 Let k, r, n, t ∈ N be given There exists M = M (k,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20

18 337 0
Báo cáo y học: " Further validation of the Health Scale of Traditional Chinese Medicine (HSTCM)" pot

Báo cáo y học: " Further validation of the Health Scale of Traditional Chinese Medicine (HSTCM)" pot

... also because the Chinese version of the WHOQOL-BREF has become one of the standard measurements of QOL in China The aim of this study is to validate the measurement properties of the HSTCM in ... assess the underlying structure of the instrument among a set of questionnaire items Confirmatory factor analysis was further performed to examine whether the data fit the applied model Goodness of ... 2) The Cronbach's α coefficients of the HSTCM domains and the total score of the HSTCM were larger than 0.80 Except the ANC facet, of which the Cronbach's α coefficient was 0.32, the values of...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

11 342 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Further insights of the variance component method for detecting QTL in livestock and aquacultural species: relaxing the assumption of additive effects" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: " Further insights of the variance component method for detecting QTL in livestock and aquacultural species: relaxing the assumption of additive effects" pptx

... Distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis of no QTL (a) Distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis of no QTL, obtained using the ADDITIVE test (b) Distribution of the ... and the distribution of the LR under the null hypothesis, as obtained previously by others [27] For the GENOTYPIC test (including additive and dominance effects at the QTL in the model) , there ... as the product between the corresponding probabilities of inherited gametes The expected IBD proportion (/i,j) is then the product of the probabilities that both offspring receive, either the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:21

22 287 0
A further analysis of the causal link between abortion and crime

A further analysis of the causal link between abortion and crime

... panel data model 39 The key results will appear in the β operator; the results in the following sections are the coefficients of some variable in the model The most significant, in terms of this ... crimes The academic community seemed particularly enamored of the “Broken Windows ” theory of criminal behavior, postulating that the increased punishment of minor offenses reduced the amount of ... over time Since the five states in the early group continued to have an increased number of abortions, the authors take this argument as further evidence of their theory In summary, the authors generally...

Ngày tải lên: 01/10/2015, 16:59

38 368 0
three extensions to the inventory theoretic approach- a transportation selection model, a discrete event simulation of the inventory theoretic approach, postponement from an inventory theoretic perspective

three extensions to the inventory theoretic approach- a transportation selection model, a discrete event simulation of the inventory theoretic approach, postponement from an inventory theoretic perspective

... focuses on the strategic level; however, these results and the model itself can be applied at the tactical and the operational levels as well At the strategic level, the results of the model can ... the right combination of carriers and intermodal hand-off points for the door-to-door move whose mean and standard deviation of transit time would match the output of the model In addition, the ... bundle of attributes, Baumol and Vinod’s (1970) model enables researchers to determine the impact of a change in the value of an attribute, which gives their model a great deal of flexibility They...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2014, 00:50

170 442 0
Báo cáo y học: " Experimental ablation of the pancreas with high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) in a porcine model"

Báo cáo y học: " Experimental ablation of the pancreas with high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) in a porcine model"

... monitoring the energy deposition and the therapeutic effect, and also controlling the US exposure based on the feedback digital data from the ultrasonograms in the process of HIFU treatment The therapeutic ... leading the coagulation necrosis of the whole target regions During the therapeutic process, real-time estimation of the therapeutic effect was carried out by the computer system through the graphic ... with the guide for the care and use of laboratory animals from the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China Instruments HIFU ablation was performed with a HIFU tumor therapy...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:18

7 482 0
Báo cáo y học: "Multivariate explanatory model for sporadic carcinoma of the colon in Dukes’ stages I and IIa"

Báo cáo y học: "Multivariate explanatory model for sporadic carcinoma of the colon in Dukes’ stages I and IIa"

... collaborators The fruit of that qualitative examination was the rejection of a total of controls and cases at the defining moment of the construction of the data package The fundamental cause was the lack ... part of the study were the same as for the first part of the investigation [18] The diagnostic criteria for inclusion of the cases were positive endoscopy and biopsy; those of exclusion were the ... statistical model with the controls gathered in primary care and the cases, and later, by constructing another model with the controls gathered in the hospitals and with the same cases Finally, both models...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 11:34

8 560 0
Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

... 247), or for the discovery of ‘mismatches’ between the TT and the ST on the same three levels 2.1.2 Operation of the model A key concept in the operation of House’s model is the context of situation ... Translation of legal documents 24 CHAPTER APPLICATION OF HOUSE’S MODEL FOR TRANSLATION QUALITY ASSESSMENT 2.1 Presentation of the model 27 27 2.1.1 An overview of the model 27 2.1.2 Operation of the model ... statement of function of the ST is made, including the ideational and interpersonal component of that function A similar profile and statement of function is made of the TT The TT profile is compared...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:36

85 904 5


... 1990) The lake ecological model is one of the most powerful tools to predict the long-term effects of biomanipulation Studies have tried to predict the effects of biomanipulation on the basis of ... in the model On the other hand, each state variable (box) described in Fig consists many species and growth stages of organisms Therefore, the kinetic parameters of them have a certain ranges of ... Pond #2, in which the domination of Phormidium was observed These results consistent with the correlation observed in the summer experiment Furthermore, the temporary growth of Microcystis was...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

8 524 0