The Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) Energy Management and Energy Conservation Law Establishment : * 1978 ( after the 2nd oil crisis) Purpose of establishment : * Core organization responsible for promotion of energy conservation Oct.6.2012 Office location : Hirokazu Taniguchi Managing Director Energy Conservation Center Japan P 1 Energy Conservation Center Japan * Tokyo Head office & branches Supporting member : * 2,658 companies (as of April 2010) Staff (full time) : * 134 persons (as of Nov 1st, 2011) Budget (FY 2011) : * 2,554 million yen (Approx 32 million US$) Activities of ECCJ ECCJ Head Office and Branches Hokkaido Branch Promotion of Energy Conservation and CO2 Emission Reduction for Factories, Buildings, Stores, etc ● Sapporo ( Located at the same cities where METI local offices locate ) ● ● Hokuriku Branch Sendai Fukuoka Tohoku Branch T h k B h ● ● Kanazawa Hiroshima Osaka Tokyo Takamatsu Nagoya ● Support for CO2 reduction measures Head Office ● ● Tokai Branch ● P 3 Energy Conservation Center Japan Provision of information on energy efficient equipment through energy-saving labeling Promotion of regional energy conservation practices in local communities Promotion of energy efficient equipment through exhibition (ENEX), etc Promotion of International Cooperation for Energy Conservation ● Dispatch of experts ● Acceptance of trainees from abroad ● ● Asia Energy Efficiency and Conservation Collaboration Center Cooperation with energy conservation business 5 Implementation of National Examinations, Examinations etc etc for National Qualification of Energy Manager National Exam and training for qualified energy managers Seminar for “Type Energy Manager”, etc Support of Capacity Building for Energy Conservation and Activities Osaka Branch Shikoku Branch Energy conservation audit, instructions, survey and analysis for factories, buildings, Provision of information on the Energy Conservation Act, energy conservation policies, energy conservation technologies, Information Provision to Disseminate Energy Efficient Equipment, etc Chugoku Branch Kyushu Branch P 2 Energy Conservation Center Japan Capacity Building for energy conservation through educational seminars, etc Support for capacity building for energy conservation in local communities Information provision on energy conservation through publication Energy Conservation Center Japan Source: The Energy Conservation Center, Japan Outline of the EC Law of Japan 1973,1978 Oil crisis <Energy security> 1979 the Law Concerning the Rational Use of Energy (Energy Conservation Law) enacted Objective of the EC Law of Japan contribute to the sound development of the national economy through implementing necessary measures for the rational use of energy in factories, buildings, transportation, and machinery and equipment, to comprehensively promote the rational use of energy, while it seeks to ensure the effective utilization of fuel resources that would meet the economic and social environment of energy Source: The Energy Conservation Center, Japan Energy Conservation Center Japan P 5 Energy Conservation Center Japan P 6 Scope of Regulations under Energy Conservation Law Outline of the system of the EC Law Business operators that conduct business operations by establishing a manufacturing plant Business operators that conduct business operations by establishing a business location (hospitals, hotels, schools, etc.) (1) Manufacturing plants and business locations Target of EC The Standard of Judgment The Energy Conservation Law Business operators that provide cargo and passenger transport services as business Cargo owners: Business operators that have their cargo g transported p by y transportation p service providers p (2) Transportation (3) Residential buildings and structures Business operators that place orders for construction of residential buildings or structures Owners and managers of residential buildings and structures (4) Machinery and appliances Manufacturers and importers of machinery and appliances that consume energy Companies ( Factories and workplaces ) gy managers g Energy Qualification Periodic report Submit Government Medium-long term plan Survey Energy Conservation Center Japan Organizing Energy management system Inspection P 8 Energy Conservation Center Japan Steps of Energy Management EC law in terms of Management 1)Manager and Top Manager’s Role 2)Visualization and Target Setting 3)Activities (Standards of Judgment) 4)Verification of the results P 9 Energy Conservation Center Japan Role of Energy Managers Submission of ‐ Periodical report on energy consumption ‐ Medium‐to‐long term improvement plan Top Management Energy Conservation Center Japan 10 Designated Energy Management Factory Government Classification Advising on ‐ Improvement plan of Energy Efficient equipment and facilities ‐ Organization for Energy Efficiency and conservation Energy Conservation law Annual Energy Consumption Energy Manager ‐ Making the periodical report ‐ Keeping the energy consuming facilities in sound condition ‐ Carrying out “energy audit” - Manufacturing - Mining - Electricity Supply - Gas Supply - Heat Supply Type Designated Energy Management Factory (A) - All industries other than those listed left, (e.g office buildings, department stores, hotels, schools, hospitals, government offices, and amusement parks) - Head office / office bldg of the left listed industries Type Designated Energy Management Factory (B) 3,000 kL Type2 Designated Energy Management Factory (B) ‐ Instruction to the employees for energy conservation activities ‐ Technical advice for energy efficient operation of the facilities Employees Energy Conservation Center Japan • Participation of a Qualified Energy Manager at the time of mid- & long- term plan preparation • Submission of Periodical report (A) Type1 Energy Manager (B) Type2 Energy Manager 1,500 kL kl Regulatory obligations Regulatory obligations • Appointment of a type1 energy manager • Preparation and submission of mid- & long- term plans Energy Manager is a “Key Person” for promoting the E‐C activity Regulatory obligations •Appointment of a type2 energy manager ・ Preparation & Submission of mid- & longterm plans • Submission of Periodical report Energy Conservation Center Japan •Appointment of type2 energy manager • Submission of Periodical report Number of Designated Energy Management Factory Outline of the test for qualified person for energy management March 2009 Buildings Factories I Overall energy management and regulations Ⅰ.エネルギー総合管理及び法規 Total Required basic Type1 5,824 , 1,996 7,820 Type2 3,841 3,042 6,883 Total 9,665 5,038 14,703 必須基礎課目 subjects 電気分野 II Basics of the flow of heat and fluid Ⅱ.熱と流体の流れの基礎 III Fuel and combustion Ⅲ.燃料と燃焼 IV Heat utilization equipment and Ⅳ.熱利用設備及びその管理 management thereof II Basics of electricity III Electrical equipment and Ⅱ.電気の基礎 appliances Ⅲ.電気設備及び機器 Ⅳ Electric power Ⅳ.電力応用 applications Energy Conservation Center Japan P 14 Management 2 Visualization of the actual data of energy Number of certification for qualified energy managers Example: office building Candidate Certified 12000 No of o person Electrical field 熱分野 P 13 Energy Conservation Center Japan Energy situation and policy 1.エネルギー情勢・政策 Energy compendium 2.エネルギー概論 Basics of energy management technology 3.エネルギー管理技術の基礎 3. ネルギ 管理技術の基礎 (Understanding and implementing judgment criteria) (判断基準の理解・実践について) ○ Laws and ordinances concerning the rational use of energy 4.エネルギーの使用の合理化に関する法律及び命令 Heat field Optional 選択専門課目 specialized subjects 14000 試験課目 Test subject Classification 区分 13,294 10000 11,719 8000 6000 4000 3,463 2000 Survey and analyze energy consumption volume per equipment 9 1 9 9 9 1 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 09 P 15 Energy Conservation Center Japan → this makes it possible to think reduction volume and countermeasures P 16 Energy Conservation Center Japan Submission of periodical report Energy manager/ Energy management officer Top executive of company/ factory Preparation Report METI local bureau Submission of medium and long term plan METI Minister (Energy Efficiency and Conservation Division) Submission <Report contents> Top executive of company/ factory Energy manager Advice / participation Plan Preparation METI local bureau Submission METI Minister (Energy Efficiency and Conservation Division) * Total energy consumption (kl /year) * Energy consumption by energy type (list), (list) <Plan contents> * Energy intensity (unit energy consumption) * Changes of energy intensity for past years * Production quantity or total floor area of a building, etc (closely related to energy consumption) * Operating conditions of energy-consuming facilities, and the new installation / dismantling Energy Conservation Center Japan * Details of a plan for improvement measures and expected energy conservation effects (Installation of high energy efficient facilities/equipment) * Period (approx 3~5 years) * Comparison with the plan submitted in the previous year Energy Conservation Center Japan 18 Efficiency improvement by Top Runner Program Top Runner Program Fuel Efficiency (km/L) 19km/L 18km/L 16km/l 15km/L 12 Space heaters Freight vehicles 13 Gas cooking appliances Air-conditioners 14 Gas water heaters 4.TV sets 15 Oil water heaters 15km/L Video-cassette recorders Fluorescent lights Achievement is judged by weighted average per product category 12km/L Target Fiscal Year At the time of standard setting Product Category Passenger vehicles 17km/L 14km/L 13km/L Energy conservation standards according to Top Runner method Efficiency Efficiency Target Base Improvement Improvement Fiscal Year Fiscal Year (initial expectation) (result) Target products (23 products) Example of Top Runner Program Copiers Computers Magnetic disc units 10 Electric refrigerators 11 Electric freezers TV sets (using CRTs) Video Cassette Recorders Air Conditioners # Electric Refrigerators Electric Freezers Passenger Vehicles (Gasoline) # Freight Vehicles (Diesel) # Vending Machines Fluorescent Light Equipment # Copying Machines Computers # Magnetic Disc Units # Electric Toilet Seats 16 Electric toilet seats 17 Vending machines 18 Transformers 19 Electric rice cookers 20 Microwaves 21 DVD recorders 22 Residential router 23.Layer switch Top Runner Program: The concept of the program is that fuel economy standards for vehicles and energy conservation standards for electric appliances, etc shall be set exactly the same as or higher than the best standard value of each product item currently available in the market P 19 Energy Conservation Center Japan 2003 2003 2004* 2004 2004 2010 2005 2005 2005 2006 2007 2007 2006 Management Items Contents Target standard (Plan) such as: air ratio, waste gas temperature,wall temperature, illuminance standard, air conditioning system standard Measurement and recording Regular measurement and record such as: operational hours, energy consumption, temperature, etc of the target facilities and systems Maintenance & Inspection (Check) Regular check and recording in order to maintain high efficiency Maintenance and inspection of facilities (Action) Improvement of facilities which are not sufficient to comply with target value Energy Conservation Center Japan 21 Overview and Composition of Management Manuals 22 Sample of Management Manual Management Manuals of Steam Boiler Reference No A1-1 Purpose This management standard is aimed at the rationalization of the use of energy through appropriate implementation of operation control, measurement recording , maintenance and inspection , and new installation , based on Article and also “Judgment criteria” of notification No 65 of the Act concerning the Rational Use of Energy xxx Factory, Energy Management Rules Management rules of energy management systems for factories based on the Act on the Rational Use of Energy Scope This standard covers steam boilers (for process use and also as a heat source of air conditioning) installed at this plant xxx Facility, Management Manuals Manuals setting specific management standards for each facility based on the “Evaluation Criteria” Specifications of the boiler facilities concerned, and number of boilers - Type: Flue and smoke tube boiler - Fuel: C heavy oil - Rated maximum equivalent evaporation: 20 t/h, boilers - Rated maximum pressure: MPa (gauge pressure), Normal maximum working pressure: 0.9 MPa (gauge pressure) xxx Facility Facility, Operation Procedure Manuals Management manuals prescribing the energy conservation operation for specific facilities xxx Facility, Measurement and Recording Manuals Item Control or standard (1) Management manuals prescribing procedures of measurement and recording for understanding energy conservation performance of facilities xxx Facility, Maintenance and Inspection Manuals Management manuals prescribing procedures of maintenance and inspection for maintaining the performance of facilities Contents Rationalization of fuel combustion (1) Air ratio (2) Adjustment of load on multiple boilers (3) Fuel property 23 Management standard 1.20-1.30 Load distribution control Sأ1.0% Vuscosity:10sto@50Ԩ Heating facilities (1) Boiler feed water heating steam pressure 0.1 MPa (gauge pressure) (2) Process steam supply pressure (normal pressure) (3) Air conditioning steam main conveying pipe 0.8 MPa (gauge pressure) pressure (4) Boiler feed water quality control Energy Conservation Center Japan P 20 “Management Manuals” are the manuals specifying the operational method of facilities and systems which enables a production by energy use as minimum as possible (Do) Facility B 25.7% 73.6% 67.8% 55.2% 29 6% 29.6% 22.8% (FY2005) 21.7% 37.3% 35.6% 72.5% 80.8% 85.7% 14.6% Management Manual The standard of judgment presents a set of guidelines for the individual measures about the basic matters stated in the basic policy in order to guide business operators to judge and conduct appropriate and effective implementation of the rational energy utilization Facility A 16.4% 58.7% 66.1% 30.5% 22 9% 22.9% 22.8% 6.5% 33.9% 16.6% 30.8% 69.2% 71.4% 10.0% Energy Conservation Center Japan Management 3:Activity (Standards of Judgment) Energy Conservation Center Japan 1997 1997 1997** 1998 1998 1995 1995 2000 1997 1997 2001 2001 2000 Energy Conservation Center Japan Reference material, etc According to boiler operation procedure Refer to the criterion for each production process 0.3 MPa (gauge pressure) According to JIS B8229 24 Management 4 Verification of the results by activities 200 2009 2010 150 100 50 Dec Total Oct Nov Sep Jul Aug Jun Apr May Mar Jan Feb ctric consumption Elec (k kWh/day/room) Standards and Target Values the Electric power consumption of a city hotel in 2009 and 2010 It is easy to understand the drastic improvement in 2010 compare to 2009 In this hotel ,the energy manager made an energy conservation team to reduce energy consumption in 2009 After the action, they could reduce 10% electric consumption P 25 Energy Conservation Center Japan PDCA Cycle is the key to achieve good energy management Transition of Energy Consumption Million Kl in crude oil equivalent (百万原油換算kl) Trillion yen GDP GDP 1973‐2006 450 400 600 23.5% 2.3 times 2.3 times 350 P 26 Energy Conservation Center Japan Transportation sector 500 1973-2006 2.1 times 400 300 16.4% 31.7% 250 / Commercial/residential sector 18.1% 1973 2006 1973-2006 300 200 2.5 times 200 150 100 44.9% 65.5% Industrial sector 50 1973‐2006 100 1.0 time 1.0 time 0 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 Fiscal Year (Source) Total Energy Statistics, Annual Report on National Economy (Note) It must be noted that the values after 1990 were differently calculated from those of the years before that, because the calculation method for totaling the total energy statistics was changed in that year Energy Conservation Center Japan Source: METI/General Energy Statistics P 27 Summary (1) The EC Law of Japan has been played very important roles to promote energy efficiency and conservation, and to achieve great improvement (2) The methods of the EC Law are closely related to the management in the manufacturing factories and the workplaces (3) The experience and the method of Japan for energy efficiency and conservation under the EC Law is a very useful knowledge for the countries t i which hi h need d and d require i th the iimplementation l t ti off institutional systems to promote energy efficiency and conservation for their countries Thank you Energy Conservation Center Japan Merit 1: Reduce Operational Cost Energy Conservation Center Japan Source: The Energy Conservation Center, Japan Merit 2: Improve Corporate image 28 ... Survey Energy Conservation Center Japan Organizing Energy management system Inspection P 8 Energy Conservation Center Japan Steps of Energy Management EC law in terms of Management 1)Manager and. .. Improvement plan of Energy Efficient equipment and facilities ‐ Organization for Energy Efficiency and conservation Energy Conservation law Annual Energy Consumption Energy Manager ‐ Making the periodical report ‐ Keeping the energy consuming facilities in ... P 13 Energy Conservation Center Japan Energy situation and policy 1.エネルギー情勢・政策 Energy compendium 2.エネルギー概論 Basics of energy management technology 3.エネルギー管理技術の基礎 3. ネルギ 管理技術の基礎 (Understanding and