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Date of preparation: October 2nd , 2015 Date of teaching : October th , 2015 Week :7 English : Period : 13 UNIT 5: ARE THEY YOUR FRIENDS? ( Lesson 1) I Aim and objectives : + Language content: Help the students to entroduce one’s friend and respond to the introduction + Language function: By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to entroduce one’s friend and respond to the introduction fluently + Education aims: Help the students develop speaking skill Language: -Vocabulary: my friend, this -Commands: This is my friend 2.Skill: Skills (listen, speak, reading and writing) Methods: Communicative approach Techniques: Ask and answer (say individually),work in pairs/ groups, discuss, repetition, translation, substitution, using pictures, cards II Teacher and students’ preparation + Material needed : student’s and teacher’s book, word cards, pictures, tape, cassette, puppets, charts + Students’ preparation: books, notebooks, workbooks III Procedure in class : 1.Stabilization :(2ms) a- Greetings b- Checking attendance: Who’s absent today? c- Calls the roll Checking up the previous knowledge : No checking up The presentation of the new materials: Teaching steps and time 5’ 10’ Teacher’s activities 1.Lead-in: - Gives the sts a game named “ Do as I say” Maybe the teacher uses the mother tongue to help them play the game - Says : today I will teach you some commands we have just used in the game Now, let’s come to Unit – lesson 2.Pre-practice: *Teaching new words -Teaches vocabulary according to the steps and principles of teaching vocabulary + my friend: bạn Students’ activities - Play game Lesson content UNIT 5: ARE THEY YOUR FRIENDS? ( Lesson 1) - Listen to the teacher and open the book -Listen and guess I/ New words: + my friend: bạn + this: 10’ + this: -Get Ss to read all the new words in chorus, in groups, then individual _Checks the students’ understanding of new words by Slap the board * Presenting commands: -Gives a situation to present (using picture): This is my friend -Gives introduction of the text (set the scene) -Plays the recording and asks Ss to listen to the tape twice -Asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus three times -Lets Ss practice the dialogue in pairs -Gets some pairs to read it aloud Controlled-Practice: -Has Ss look at part and listen to the tape -Models the dialogue (use a picture) - Practices greeting with the sts - Has Ss look at part and asks Ss to practice with their friends by using flashcards -Calls on some Ss perform a few instructions serveral times -Has the class repeat all the phrases -Has Ss to work in pairs – giving and responding to the instructions -Monitors the activity, check the pronunciation ( sound, assimilation of sound and intonation) and offer help when necessary -Calls on some pairs to perform the task at the front of the class Others observe and comment -Makes some questions to check Ss’ comprehension of language ( For the good sts) -Has the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their -Repeat -Play - Listen and copy - Listen - Listen the tape - Listen and repeat - Practice the dialogue in pairs - Work in pairs - Look at and listen - Practice - Perform a few instructions serveral times - Work in pairs -Perform - Asnwer the questions - Repeat II.Commands: This is my friend 4’ 2’ 2’ pronunciation 4.Free-Practice: -Has Ss look at the pictures on page 24 and points to Picture a, ask Ss to guess what they should say to get those in the picture -Has Ss to repeat the sentences in the bubbles a few times before let them practice freely -Monitors the activity and offers help when necessary/ corrects typical pronunciation errors -Has the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation * Listen and tick Lead in - Asks them to look at the pictures on page 31 of the student book - Says: This part I will help you listen Pre – practice: - Elicits the identification of the character in the pictures and guess what they are saying - Tells them to listen and tick the information they hear to the pictures and tick the box in the appropriate picture Controlled – practice: - Plays the tape and asks them to listen and look at the pictures in their books - Replays the tape for the pupils to listen and tick the correct pictures - Plays the tape again for Pupils to check their answers - Have pupils trade their answers in pairs of groups for correction and then gives the correct answer Free practice - Asks some questions to ensure pupils’ comprehension of the listening text E LOOK AND WRITE Lead in - Says: To help you remember the - Look at the pictures - Guess and say - Repeat - Repeat -Listen and look at in their books - Guess -Listen and tick -Listen and look at the pictures -Listen and tick -Check their answer -Trade their answer -Answer -Listen way of asking and answering about your name better Now, We come to part “ Look and write” - Asks them to look at the pictures in your book - Says: This part I will help you practice about giving and responding to instructions Pre – practice: - Elicits the identification of the character in the pictures and repeat each name a few times Point to the pictures and asks students what the character should say to respond to the question What’s your name? Controlled – practice: - Asks them to complete the sentences - Asks them to trade their answers in pairs for correction - Calls on some pupils to report their answers The rest of the class listen and give comments - Calls some students to to the board and write their answers - Corrects their mistakes Free practice - Gives them a chance to practice asking and answering about instructions 5.Consolidation: - Gives Ss a game “ Do as I say” This time the teacher uses English to guide them to play 6.Homework: _Asks the students to: +Learn by heart the new words and performing classroom instructions +Prepare Lesson _Remarks the students’ study -Look at the pictures -Say the characters -Complete -Trade their answers -Report their answers -Go to the board and write -Take notes -Practice - Play a game *Homework: - Listen and copy +Learn by heart the new words and new patterns +Write down new patterns in notebook +Prepare Lesson * Self evaluation : …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of preparation: October 4th , 2015 Date of teaching : October th , 2015 Week : English: Period : 14 UNIT 5: ARE THEY YOUR FRIENDS? ( Lesson 2) I Aim and objectives : + Language content: Help the students to entroduce one’s friend and respond to the introduction + Language function: By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to entroduce one’s friend and respond to the introduction fluently + Education aims: Help the students to love my friends Language: -Vocabulary: -Structures : Are they your friends? Yes, they are No, they aren’t 2.Skill: Skills (listen, speak, reading and writing) Methods: Communicative approach Techniques: Ask and answer (say individually),work in pairs/ groups, discuss, repetition, translation, substitution, using pictures, cards II Teacher and students’ preparation + Material needed : student’s and teacher’s book, word cards, pictures, tape, cassette, puppets, charts + Students’ preparation: books, notebooks, workbooks III Procedure in class : 1.Stabilization :(2ms) a- Greetings b- Checking attendance: Who’s absent today? c- Calls the roll Checking up the previous knowledge : 5’ - Calls two students to translate two sentences into English: a/ Hãy ngồi xuống b/ Hãy mở sách bạn c/ Hãy giữ yên lặng d/ Hãy đến - Looks at , remarks and marks The presentation of the new materials: Teaching steps and time 5’ Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Lesson content A.LISTEN AND REPEAT UNIT 5:Are they your 1.Lead-in: friends? - Says : If you want to go out or - Listen to the teacher ( Lesson 2) come in What will you say to me and open the book in English ? Maybe you don’t know and today I will teach you how to ask for permission Now, I/ Content let’s come to Unit – lesson 8’ 10’ 2.Pre-practice: *Structures: + Are they your friends? Yes, they are No, they aren’t - Explains the meaning of these sentences - Guides them to read and calls some Ss to read again -Plays the recording and asks Ss to listen to the tape twice -Asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus three times -Lets Ss practice the sentences in pairs -Gets some pairs to read it aloud Controlled-Practice: -Has Ss look at part 1, and identify the characters - Plays the tapes all the way, asks them to listen and repeat the lines in speech bubbles - Plays the tape again and asks them to repeat each line in the speech bubbles a few times - Practices with their friends - Asks a few questions to check Ss’ comprehension of the langugue - Asks whole class to repeat all the lines to reinforce the pronounciation Free practice - Practices to some pupils and calls some pairs to practice without looking at the board B POINT AND SAY: Lead in - Says: To help you remember the way of asking for and giving permission Now, We come to part “ point and say” - Asks them to look at the pictures in your book - Says: This part I will help you practice asking and answering about your name Pre – practice: 1.Structure: + Are they your friends? Yes, they are No, they aren’t - Listen and copy -Listen - Listen and repeat -Practice -Work in pairs Identify the characters - Listen and repeat Practice 2.1/ Look, listen and repeat - Practice Answer questions the - Repeat all the lines - Practice - Practice with their friends 2.2Point and say -Look at , and listen to the teacher -Look at the pictures -Listen 4’ 4’ 2’ - Elicits the identification of the character in the pictures and repeat each name a few times Point to the pictures and asks students give permission - Guides pupils to repeat the questions and the answers a few times Controlled – practice: - Calls on a few pairs and allocates the characters in pictures - Asks them to practice in pairs - Check the pronunciation, other help if necessary - Calls some pairs to perform in front of the class - Have the whole class repeat the language that has been practiced in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation Free practice - Gives them a chance to practice asking and answering about their names C LET’S TALK Lead in - Says: Now we come the part “ Talk” Pre – practice: - Elicit the names of the characters in the pictures - Asks them to read and get the information in order to match the pictures to the text Controlled – practice: - Asks them to look at pictures and identify the characters in the pictures Asks them What each character should say and complete the sentences - Gives the correct answer and asks them to repeat e few times - Asks them to asking and answering about their name and spell it - Check the pronunciation, other help if necessary -Repeat -Listen -Practice in pairs -Answer -Repeat -Practice -Listen 2.3 Let’s talk -Say -Read and guess -Look at the pictures and answer -Repeat -Answer -Take notes -Practice Free practice: - Asks pupils to practice asking and answering D LISTEN AND NUMBER Lead in - Asks them to look at the pictures on page 33of the student book - Says: This part I will help you listen Pre – practice: - Elicits the identification of the character in the pictures and guess what they are saying - Tells them to listen to the information they hear to the pictures and write the number in the box in the appropriate picture Controlled – practice: - Plays the tape and asks them to listen and look at the pictures in their books - Replays the tape for the pupils to listen and write the number in the correct pictures - Plays the tape again for Pupils to check their answers - Have pupils trade their answers in pairs of groups for correction and then gives the correct answer E READ AND COMPLETE 1.Lead in - Says : To help you understand better, Let’s come next part Read and tick - Have pupils turn their books to page 27 Pre – practice: - Elicit the names of the characters in the pictures - Asks them to read and get the information in order to match the pictures to the appropriate dialogue - Listen and corrects Controlled – practice: - Asks them to read individually and the task then have pupils trade their answers in pairs for -Listen to the teacher 2.4 Listen and number -Answer - Listen -Listen the tape -Listen and write the number -Check -Trade -Listen to the teacher -Open the books -Say -Read the information to match -Take notes -Read individually and the tasks -Answer 2.5 Listen and complete correction - Calls on some pupils to report their answers The rest of the class listen and give comments Free practice: - Makes a few questions to check pupils’ comprehension of the sentences F LET’S SING CONSOLIDATION: - Have the pupils repeat all the sentences practiced to reinforce their pronunciation HOMEWORK: -Asks them to learn by heart the structures, new words and practice saying as much as possible -Prepare the new lesson: Lesson3Unit5 -Answer questions the -Repeat 2.6 Let’s sing - Write and at home II/ HOMEWORK: -Asks them to learn by heart the structures, new words and practice saying as much as possible -Prepare the new lesson: Lesson3-Unit5 * Self evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of preparation: October 9th , 2015 Date of teaching : October 12 th , 2015 Week : English: Period :15 Unit 5: ARE THEY YOUR FRIENDS? LESSON I Aim and objectives: Language content: - Help the students to ask and answer about friends Language function: By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to ask and answer friends fluently Language: Vocabulary: Structures: Education aims: Help the students to love their friends II Teacher and students’ preparation: Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Method: Communicative approach Techniques: Repetition, Substitution, Using pictures Teaching aids needed: Pictures, Book, Board III Procedure in class: ( 35ms) Stabilization ( 2ms ) - Greetings: - Good morning class - Nice to meet you - Checking absence: Who’s absent today? Checking up the previous knowledge.(3ms) - Calls two students to translate two sentences into English: a/ Tơi xin phép ngồi khơng? b/ Tôi xin phép vào lớp? * Keys: a/ May I go out? b/ May I come in? - Looks at , remarks and marks The presentation of new materials ( 30 ms) Teaching steps and time I/ Presentation of the new language (6ms) Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities A LISTEN AND REPEAT Lead in -Today I’ll review you the two - Listen to ways of giving and responding to teacher intructions and asking permission That’s the main structure I will give you Pre – practice: - Asks the students say the phrases -Say the phrases that they’ve learnt The lesson content UNIT 5: Are they your the friends? Lesson I/ Content 1.LISTEN AND REPEAT (7ms) - Says: Now open your books please and look at in your books to listen Controlled – practice: - Plays the tape and asks them to listen and read the lines in the speech bubbles - Plays the tape again for the pupils to repeat the lines a few times - Calls some students to repeat - Plays the tapes again for the whole class to repeat each line to reinforce their pronunciation Free practice - Gives pupils a chance to practice saying goodbye and hello to their friends without looking at the board and the book B/ LISTEN AND WRITE Lead in - Have pupils turn their books to page 34 and says: Now, I will help you the way of listening and completing the sentences Pre – practice: -Asks them to guess the information that we’ll listen to write the missing words in sentence and Controlled – practice: - Plays the tape and asks them to listen and complete the sentence and - Plays the tape again - Asks them to trade their answers in pairs for correction - Calls on some pupils to report their answers The rest of the class listen and give comments - Plays the tape the last time to check - Have the whole class read each line of the dialogues chorally to reinforce their pronunciation Free practice: - Give them a chance to practice the sentence freely - Goes around and gives help if -Open the books, look at and listen -Listen and read -Listen and repeat -Repeat -Practice -Open the books and 2/ LISTEN AND listen WRITE -Guess the information -Listen the tape - Listen and complete -Trade your answer in pairs -Report your answer - Listen and check - Read - Practice (6ms) (6ms) necessary C LET’S CHANT D READ AND MATCH: Lead in - Says: To help you understand better, Let’s come next part Read and Match - Have pupils turn their books to page 35 Pre – practice: - Asks them to read and get the information in order to match 1, 2, 3to the appropriate sentences (a, b, c) Controlled – practice: - Asks them to read individually and the task then have pupils trade their answers in pairs for correction - Calls on some pupils to report their answers The rest of the class listen and give comments - Listens and give mistakes Free practice: - Makes a few questions to check pupils’ comprehension of the sentences E LOOK, READ AND WRITE Lead in - Have pupils turn their books to page 35 and says: Now, I will help you the way of completing the sentences Pre – practice: - Guess them to get the information to write the missing words in sentences 1, 2, 3, Controlled – practice: - Asks them to read individually silently and complete the sentences - Asks them to trade their answers in pairs for correction - Calls on some pupils to report their answers The rest of the class listen and give comments - Have the whole class read each line of the sentences chorally to reinforce their pronunciation 3/ LET’S CHANT 4/ READ AND MATCH 1-c 2-a 3-b - Listen - Open the books - Read and get the information - Read and the task - Report your answers - Listen and take notes - Answer 5/ READ AND WRITE How old I’m 3.How old I’m 5.Years old - Open the books Guess information the - Read and complete the sentences - Trade your answers - Report - Read Free practice: - Give them a chance to practice the dialogue freely - Goes around and gives help if - Practice necessary F PROJECT CONSOLIDATION - Have the pupils translate the II/ Consolida- sentences into English: tion a Họ có phải bạn bạn - Translate (3’) không? b Kia ai? c Họ ai? * Keys : a Are they your friends? b Who is that? c Who are they? HOMEWORK: III/ - Asks them to learn by heart the Write on the notebook Homework structure and practice saying as ( 2’) much as possible - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 5- - Prepare Lesson 6/ PROJECT II/ Homework: - Asks them to learn by heart the structure and practice saying as much as possible - Prepare the new lesson: Unit6 lesson1 Self evaluation : …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ... ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of preparation: October 9th , 20 15 Date of teaching : October 12 th , 20 15 Week : English: Period : 15 Unit 5: ARE THEY YOUR FRIENDS? LESSON I Aim and objectives: Language... …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of preparation: October 4th , 20 15 Date of teaching : October th , 20 15 Week : English: Period : 14 UNIT 5: ARE THEY YOUR FRIENDS? ( Lesson 2) I Aim and objectives :... presentation of the new materials: Teaching steps and time 5 Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Lesson content A.LISTEN AND REPEAT UNIT 5: Are they your 1.Lead-in: friends? - Says : If you want

Ngày đăng: 10/12/2017, 03:49

