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UNITHIGHER EDUCATION I Multiple Choice It is a software package to .your requirements A meet B fulfill C satisfy D All are correct These goods are more than we need; they are to requirements A extra B surplus C addition D bonus The college .specialist language courses A runs B provides C manages D A and B He decided to .a course in art and design A sit B take C D D B and C course is a course of study that you at home, using books and exercises sent to you by post or by email A Distant B Distance C Correspondent D Correspondence What course of would you recommend? A act B action C activity D direction She failed to gain to the university of her choice A permission B admission C permit D allowance You shouldn't an offer like that A refuse B decline C say 'no' to D All are correct The course consists of ten .modules and five A core - compulsory B middle – optional C core - optional D central - optional 10 He is really bad at decisions A doing B making C taking D being made 11 We must to a decision about what to next by tomorrow A come B go C reach D get 12 She has a decisive role in the peace negotiations A done B made C played D All are correct 13 The project is a decisive towards a cleaner environment A pace B movement C coming D step 14 Preference will be to graduates of this university A given B left C reserved D handed 15 She her entrance after all the other guests had arrived A did B made C had D All are correct 16 The police were unable to entrance to the house A have B C gain D receive 17 When the post finally vacant, they offered it to Fiona A fell B became C turned out D A and B 18 The government must take decisive on gun control A act B action C actions D activity 19 I wrote down the name of the hotel for future A memory B thinking C information D reference 20 Do you think marks given by teachers are performance for students? A marks B indicators C levels D ranks 2\ She the greatest performance of her career A did B provided C gave D brought 22 I wouldn't go there at night if I you A am B was C were D B and C 23 If I .get a pole, I'll go fishing A can B could C may D might 24 If they had enough time, they head south A will B can C must D might 25 If you had the chance, you go fishing? A did B may C would D 26 If you a choice, which country would you visit? A have B had C have had D will have 27 Trees won't grow there is enough water A if B when C unless D as 28 she agreed, you would have done it A If B Had C Should D Would 29 If you .to be chosen for the job, you'll have to be experienced in the field " A want B wanted C had wanted D wants 30 If the doctor had arrived sooner, the boy A might be saved B have been saved C was saved D might have been saved II Find a suitable word for the sentences below One example has been done for you A In the distance, the sky was beginning to brighten B I brighten up at their words of encouragement C A personal letter will usually brighten up a person's day A I am writing to you in connection with your recent job B Your will be kept on file C The invention would have a wide range of in industry A The has experience in teaching and, more relevantly, in industry B The job advertisement stipulates that the must have three years' experience C The job must have good verbal skills A You must your claim within a reasonable time B It is laid down that all candidates must three copies of their dissertation C The committee will a proposal of building a new airport in the region A These pets a lot of care and attention B The conditions urgent treatment C Do you anything else? A There were only three of us on the course B He is an student of English C This is the dictionary for learners of English A They tried to get into the club but were refused B Hospital is not necessary in most cases C Do you think museums should charge for ? A Thank you for your kind of help B I accepted her to pay C They made me a /an I couldn't refuse A Going to college was not an for me B I had no but to ask him to leave C Students have the of studying abroad in their second year A She's in my group at school I give her extra lessons after school B Activities all take place under the guidance of an experienced C I have worked as a part-time adult education .for several years 10 A He is the with the biggest campaign bankroll B Age and experience will be determining factors in our choice of C No fulfils all the criteria for this position III Fill in each gap with a word from the list below behalf - decisive - submitted - course open - undergraduate - tertiary - graduates optional - entrance - requirement - preference An is a university or college student who is studying for their first degree The wisest would be to say nothing .college is a college that provides education for people aged 16 and older, but that is not a university Mr Knight cannot be here, so his wife will accept the prize on his Certain courses are compulsory, others, are There are various options to you The government must take action on gun control Let's make a list of possible speakers, in order of to the golf club is by sponsorship only 10 What is the minimum entrance for this course? 11 Completed projects must be by 10 March 12 At present the organization has to rely on young, inexperienced IV Supply the correct form of the word in bold Send a full CV with your job (apply) There were over 500 .for the job (apply) We haven't yet been able to find a house that meets our (require) Last to the park are at p.m (admit) Don't expect to get treatment (prefer) After losing this battle, the general was forced to concede defeat (decide) The new qualifications are to all European countries (apply) No date has yet been set for the of applications (submit) V Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition We collected money behalf of the homeless behalf of the department I would like to thank you all Many people expressed a strong preference the original plan She-was chosen preference her sister They were refused entrance , .the exhibition What exactly is required a receptionist? There were a large number of candidates ' .the job He has a Master’s Business Administration He graduated York with a degree Psychology 10 She's away a training course VI Fill, in each gap with only ONE suitable word Several students failed to reach the required What is the current status of our application funds? The job will you to use all your skills to the maximum Last to the park are at p.m "Situations " is a section in a newspaper where jobs are advertised She will become one of the leading for the presidency We are very interested in the .of new technology to teaching They will announce the of the vote tonight A is a letter written by somebody who knows you, giving information about your character and abilities, especially to a new employer 10 is-the highest type of university degree VII Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense to form either a first or a second conditional clause If it (rain) .this weekend, we (not be able) .to play tennis Give me Peter's letter If I (see) him, I (give) .it to him I have to work about 80 hours a week, so I'm very busy But if I (have) any spare time, I (take up) .a sport like golf If I (be) taller, I (can) be a policeman, but I'm too short Please start your meal If you (not have) your soup now, it (go) cold What noisy neighbours you've got! If my neighbours (be) .as bad as yours, I (go) crazy If you (have) problems, let me know and I (come) .and help you straight away 8 You're a brilliant cook! If I (can) .cook as well as you, I (open) a restaurant If there (be) some nice fish in the supermarket, you (buy) some for supper? 10 "We have mice in the kitchen." ~ "If you (have) a cat, the mice (soon, disappear) " VIII Make second conditional sentences for the following situations Example: I can't give you a lift because I don't have a car  If I had a car, I could give you a lift We won't have a holiday because we don't have enough money I don't know the answer, so I cant tell you There aren't any eggs, so I won't make an omelette We have three children, so we won't take a year off and travel around the world I'm not very clever, so I won't be a doctor He spends all his money gambling He isn't a wealthy man I don't have any spare time I won't learn Russian Jim works very hard He has no time to spend with his family I have a headache, I can't go swimming 10 We don't have a big house We can't invite friends to stay IX Match a line in column A with a line in B and a sentence in C, A B, C A B C If Tony calls don't wait for me It would be really useful for work If you've finished I might take up an evening class He can reach me there your work, Keep warm and drink plenty of a fluids If I’m not back by you have to have visa I'd love to show you around o'clock, If you have the flu, please let me know Just be back in 15 minutes If you're ever in London, tell him I'm at Alex's! I'd love to learn more about photography If you go to Russia, you can take a break You can get one at the embassy I'd buy a computer if I could afford it If I had more time, you should go to bed Go without me and I'll meet you at the party X Match the sentence halves and write a new sentence with the same meaning, beginning each one with Unless We'll never get to the meeting Alternative sources of funding must be found If the roads haven't changed in that part of town The weather must start improving soon If it isn't ridiculously expensive You are only entitled to state benefit a or the farmers will lose their crops b if the train doesn't leave within five minutes c I'm sure I'll be able to find my way there d or the research will not be able to continue e I think I'll buy that painting f if you have been unemployed for six months XI What is the fact behind the following wishes? Example: I wish the streets weren't so dirty  The streets are very dirty I wish I weren't out of work  I wish there were something good on TV tonight  I wish I didn't like chocolate so much  I wish I could lose weight!  I wish I'd won the lottery  I wish I hadn't left school at sixteen  I wish I'd gone to university!  I wish my girlfriend had rung me last night  XII Read the following passage carefully Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE, and then answer the questions below Colleges and universities, institutions of higher education that offer programs beyond the high school level Colleges and universities provide necessary training for individuals wishing to enter professional careers They also strive to develop students' creativity, insight, and analytical skills By acquainting students with complex ideas in an intellectually stimulating environment, colleges and universities can provide unique opportunities for personal enrichment while also preparing students for future careers Such diverse professions as engineering, teaching, law, medicine, and information science all require a college education Most require training in graduate or professional school as well Increasingly, even less specialized jobs require some postsecondary education The development of new technologies and the globalization of the world economy have created high demand for workers with computer, communications, and other occupational skills that can be acquired at colleges or universities In addition, employers increasingly seek out college graduates who have gained the critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary to adapt to changing economic conditions Students who live away from home during their college or university years typically experience a major turning point in their lives that has little to with academic or professional training For example, college offers many recent high scnool graduates their first opportunity to live on their own Most first-year students welcome this increased independence, although many also find that living away from home, family, and friends can introduce unexpected challenges Campus residence halls provide common settings for students to form new bonds with peers who share similar experiences Other students form social networks by joining student organizations or by participating in extracurricular activities A True or False? Colleges and universities provide students with enough knowledge for their future careers In business, employers seek for students with the highest record of study while the critical thinking and problemsolving skills can be gained during their work Most careers in the modern society require college education All high school students enjoy living away from home and being independent Students living in campus can develop the social life by joining student organizations or by participating in extracurricular activities B Answer the following questions What colleges and universities provide students? What colleges and universities strive to develop in students? What does the development of new technologies and the globalization of the world economy demand? What characteristics employers expect from college graduates? What campus residence halls provide students? XIII Choose the correct sentence which is built from the words given My wife / anxious / find / good school / children / attend A To be anxious about good school my wife's children'find to attend B My wife finds good school to attend for anxious children C Anxious children find to attend good school of my wife D My wife is anxious to find a good school for our children to attend I / look forward /start /work /you A I look forward to starting to work for you B I look forward to start to work for you C I look forward to start working for you D I look forward to start working to you Remember / lock / door / go out A You remember to lock the door before you go out B Remember locking the door before going out C Remember to lock the door before going out D Remember to lock the door before you going out He / always / spend / more than / he / earn / so / often / debt A Always, he spend more than he earn so he is often debt B He always spend more than he earns so he is often debt C He always spends more than he earns so he is often in debt D He always spends more than he earn so he is often in debt What / house / you / live / child? A What house you live in when you were a child? B What sort of house did you live in when you was a child? C What sort of house were you live in when you were a child? D What sort of house you live at when you were a child? Einstein / not speak / until / he / eight A Einstein cannot speak until he was eight B Not until Einstein was eight he can speak C Not until Einstein was eight can he speak D Einstein could not speak until he was eight He / like / sit / next / window / whenever / he / plane A He likes sitting next to the window whenever he is on the plane B He likes to sit next to the window whenever he is on the plane C He likes sit next to the window whenever he is on the plane D He likes to sit next to the window whenever he is out the plane This computer / run / ten times / fast / old one A This computer runs fast ten times than the old one B This computer runs ten times faster than the old one C This ten times computer runs faster than the old one D This computer runs faster ten times than the old one That book / very thick / belong / my younger sister A That book, what is very thick, belongs to my younger sister B That book, that is very thick, belongs to my younger sister C That book, is very thick, belongs to my younger sister D That book, which is very thick, belongs to my younger sister 10 We / stop / play tennis / because / rain / start A We stopped to play tennis because it started to rain B We stopped playing tennis because of it started to rain C We stopped playing tennis because it started to rain D We stopped playing tennis because it rain starts XIV Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it Henry regretted buying tht second-hand car Henry wished It was such a dirty beach that we decided not to stay The beach "Don't leave the house until I get back, William," his mother said William's mother told The gate is closed to stop the children running into the road The gate is closed so that Joan eats very little so as not to put on weight Joan eats very little because Peter said he wasn't feeling well Peter said, " " John is fat because he eats so much chips If The flight to Moscow lasted three and a half hours It took Philip asked Mary if she could remember where she had put the camera Philip said, "Mary, .?" 10 Turn off all the switches before leaving the workshop All the switches XV Write complete sentences, using the words or phrases given Students / enter University /18 onwards / study / Academic Degree All undergraduate education / largely state financed / tuition fees / set at a maximum index-linked £3,000 per year, repayable after graduation contingent on attaining a certain level of income UK students / generally entitled / loans / maintenance The state / not control syllabi / but it / influence / admission procedures The typical first degree / offered / British universities / the Bachelor's degree Many institutions / now offer / undergraduate Master's degree / as / first degree, typically lasting four years During a first degree students / known / undergraduates The difference / fees / between undergraduate and traditional postgraduate Master's degrees / make / taking an undergraduate Master's degree / a first degree / a more attractive option The End ANSWER KEY I Multiple Choice D B D D D B B D C 10 B 11 A 12 C 13 D 14 A 15.B 16 C 17 D 18 B 19 D 20 B 21 C 22 C 23 A 24 D 25 C 26 B 27 C 28 B 29 A 30 D II Find a word application applicant Submit require advanced admission offer option Tutor 10 candidate III Gap-fill undergraduate course Tertiary behalf optional open decisive preference Entrance 10 requirement 11 submitted 12 graduates IV Word formation application applicants requirement(s) admissions preferential I decisive applicable submission V Prepositions in /on On for in - to to of for In from – in 10 On VI Gap-filling standard for require admissions Vacant candidates application result reference 10 Doctorate VII First or second conditional? rain-won't be able see-will give had - would take up were /was - could don't have - will go were - would go have - will come could - would open is - will you buy 10 had - would soon disappear VIII Sentence completion If we had enough money, we'd have a holiday If I knew the answer, I'd tell you I'd make an omelette if there were some eggs If we didn't have three children, we'd take a year off and travel around the worid If I were cleverer, I'd be a doctor He'd be a wealthy man if he didn't spend all his money gambling If I had some spare time, I'd learn Russian Jim would have time to spend with his family if he didn't work so hard If I didn't have a headache, I'd be able to go swimming /I could go swimming 10 If we had a big house, we'd be able to invite friends to stay /we could invite friends to stay IX Conditional forms If Tony calls tell him I'm at Alex's He can reach me there If you've finished your work, you can take a break Just be back in 15 minutes If I'm not back by o'clock, don't wait for me Go without me and I'll meet you at the party If you have the flu, you should go to bed Keep warm and drink plenty of fluids If you're ever in London, please let me know I'd love to show you around If you go to Russia, you have to have a visa You can get one at the embassy I'd buy a computer if I could afford it It would be really useful for work If I had more time, I might take up an evening class I'd love to learn more about photography X Beginning sentences with Unless Unless the train leaves within five minutes, we’ll never get to the meeting Unless alternative sources of funding must be found, the research will not be able to continue Unless the roads have changed in that part of town, I'm sure I'll be able to find my way there Unless the weather starts improving soon, the farmers will lose their crops Unless it is ridiculously expensive, I think I'll buy that painting Unless you have been unemployed for six months, you are not entitled to state benefit XII The facts behind You're out of work There's nothing good on TV tonight You like chocolate so much You can't lose weight You didn't win the lottery You left school at sixteen You didn't go to university Your girlfriend didn't ring you last night XII Reading A True or False False False True False True B Comprehension questions They provide necessary training for individuals wishing to enter professional careers They also strive to develop students' creativity, insight, and analytical skills It demands workers with computer, communications, and other occupational skills They expect college graduates to have the critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary to adapt to changing economic conditions They provide common settings for students to form new bonds with peers who share similar experiences XIII Sentence Building D A C C B D A B D 10 C XIV Sentence Transformation Henry wished (that) he hadn't bought the second-hand car The beach was so dirty that we decided not to stay (or) The beach was such a dirty place that we decided not to stay William's mother told him not to leave the house until she got back The gate is closed so that the children can't / won't run into the road Joan eats very little because she does not want to put on weight Peter said, "I am not feeling well." If John did not eat so much chips, he would not be (so) fat It took three and a half hours to fly to Moscow Philip said, "Mary, can you remember where you (have) put the camera?" 10 All the switches must be turned off before leaving the workshop XV Sentence Building Students enter University from 18 onwards and study for an Academic Degree All undergraduate education is largely state financed with tuition fees set at a maximum index-linked £3,000 per year, repayable after graduation contingent on attaining a certain level of income UK students are generally entitled to student loans for maintenance The state does not control syllabi, but it influences admission procedures The typical first degree offered at British universities is the Bachelor's degree Many institutions now offer an undergraduate Master's degree as a first degree, typically lasting four years During a first degree students are known as undergraduates The difference in fees between undergraduate and traditional postgraduate Master's degrees makes taking an undergraduate Master's degree as a first degree a more attractive option CV’s B.A Degree ... The End ANSWER KEY I Multiple Choice D B D D D B B D C 10 B 11 A 12 C 13 D 14 A 15. B 16 C 17 D 18 B 19 D 20 B 21 C 22 C 23 A 24 D 25 C 26 B 27 C 28 B 29 A 30 D II Find a word application applicant... TRUE or FALSE, and then answer the questions below Colleges and universities, institutions of higher education that offer programs beyond the high school level Colleges and universities provide... science all require a college education Most require training in graduate or professional school as well Increasingly, even less specialized jobs require some postsecondary education The development

Ngày đăng: 28/11/2017, 08:59

