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No Word Phonetic English Vietnamese 1 humid hju:mid having a lot of moisture in the air ẩm, ẩm ướt 2 hot ˈhɑːt having a high temperature nóng 3 sticky ˈstɪki having a substance (such as glue or honey) on it that things easily attach to nhớp nháp nóng nực (thời tiết) 4 breeze bri:z a gentle wind gió nhẹ 5 chilly tʃili noticeably cold lạnh, lạnh lẽo, giá lạnh 6 cold kəʊld having a very low temperature lạnh 7 cool ku:l somewhat cold :not warm or hot mát mẻ, mát 8 dry drai having no or very little water or liquid khô, ráo, cạn 9 dusty dʌsti filled or covered with dust đầy bụi, bụi bặm 10 freezing fri:ziɳ to be become a hard substance (such as ice) because of cold no obj giá lạnh, băng giá, rét lắm 11 mist mist water in the form of very small drops floating in the air or falling as rain Mù, sương đọng lại trên kính cửa sổ 12 warm wɔ:m somewhat hot :not cool or cold ấm 13 wet wet covered or soaked with water or another liquid :not dry ẩm ướt, đẫm nước 14 weather forecast weðə,fɔ:kɑ:st the application of science and technology to predict the state of the atmosphere for a given location bản dự báo thời tiết 15 antenna æntenə a thin sensitive organ on the head of an insect, crab, etc., that is used mainly to feel and touch things (động vật) râu (sâu bọ) 16 moisture mɔist∫ər a small amount of a liquid (such as water) that makes something wet or moist hơi ẩm; nước ẩm đọng lại

BỘ TỪ VỰNG THƯỜNG XUẤT HIỆN TRONG IELTS LISTENING TESTS WEATHER /ˈhɑːt/ hot sticky /ˈstɪki/ breeze /bri:z/ chilly /'tʃili/ cold /kəʊld/ cool /ku:l/ 10 dry /drai/ dusty /'dʌsti/ freezing /'fri:ziɳ/ mist /mist/ 12 warm /wɔ:m/ 13 wet 15 16 nhớp nháp nóng nực (thời tiết) gió nhẹ noticeably cold having a very low temperature lạnh, lạnh lẽo, giá lạnh lạnh mát mẻ, mát to be become a hard substance (such as ice) because of cold [no obj] water in the form of very small drops floating in the air or falling as rain somewhat hot :not cool or cold giá lạnh, băng giá, rét covered or soaked with water or another liquid :not dry weather forecast /'weðə,fɔ:kɑ:st the application of science and / technology to predict the state of the atmosphere for a given location antenna /æn'tenə/ a thin sensitive organ on the head of an insect, crab, etc., that is used mainly to feel and touch things moisture /'mɔist∫ə[r]/ a small amount of a liquid (such as water) that makes something wet or moist C /wet/ nóng somewhat cold :not warm or hot having no or very little water or liquid filled or covered with dust ao 14 having a substance (such as glue or honey) on it that things easily attach to a gentle wind Th 11 Vietnamese ẩm, ẩm ướt 09 11 2 English having a lot of moisture in the air having a high temperature 55 Phonetic /'hju:mid/ hi p Word humid 98 No khô, ráo, cạn đầy bụi, bụi bặm Mù, sương đọng lại kính cửa sổ ấm ẩm ướt, đẫm nước dự báo thời tiết (động vật) râu (sâu bọ) ẩm; nước ẩm đọng lại PLACES Phonetic /'loukəl 'laibrəri/ Vietnamese Thư viện địa phương a small house with a single story nhà tranh swimming pool cafeteria /,kæfi'tiəriə/ cottage /'kɔtidʤ/ parliament accommodation restaurant cafe /'restərʤ:ɳ/ /kæn'ti:n/ /'kæfei/ 10 11 bookshop sports centre /'bukʃɔp/ /spɔ:t /'sentə/ 12 city council /'kaunsl/ 13 dance studio 14 park /dɑ:ns /'stju:diou/ /pɑ:k/ 15 conversation club kindergarten quán ăn tự phục vụ ao nghị viện; nghị trường chỗ trọ, chỗ ăn chỗ quán ăn, tiệm ăn căng tin tiệm cà phê hiệu sách Trung tâm thể thao Hội đồng thành phố Xưởng vũ đạo Công viên Câu lạc đàm thoại Nhà trẻ Th 16 /,kɔnvə'seiʃn klʌb/ /'kində,gɑ:tn/ 98 /ə,kɔmə'deiʃn/ a legislative assembly in certain countries living quarters provided for public convenience a building where people go to eat restaurant in a factory; where workers can eat a small restaurant where drinks and snacks are sold a shop where books are sold a building dedicated to sport activities a municipal body that can pass ordinances and appropriate funds etc workplace for the teaching or practice of an art a piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area a building that is occupied by a social club a preschool for children age to to prepare them for primary school C /'pɑ:ləmənt/ Bể bơi 55 canteen /pu:l/ English A building or room containing collections of books, periodicals, and sometimes films and recorded music for use or borrowing by people in a particular area a small body of standing water (rainwater) or other liquid a restaurant where you serve yourself and pay a cashier hi p Word local library 09 11 No EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS 2 musical instrument cassette /'mju:zikəl 'instrumənt/ /kə´set/ /'silikən tʃip/ 09 11 silicon chip digital monitor /'didʤitl 'mɔnitə/ gadget /'gædʤit/ device /di'vais/ screen /skri:n/ breaks /breik/ wheels /wi:l/ 11 12 13 14 /mi'kænikəl 'pensl/ Th mechanical pencil ao 10 55 /lait/ English Vietnamese a protective headgear made of Mũ bảo hiểm hard material to resist blows a device for lighting or igniting ánh sáng, ánh fuel or charges or fires sáng mặt trời, ánh sáng ban ngày nhạc khí any of various devices or contrivances that can be used to produce musical tones or sounds a container that holds a Băng catxet magnetic tape used for recording or playing sound or video electronic equipment Chíp silicon consisting of a small crystal of a silicon semiconductor fabricated to carry out a number of electronic functions in an integrated circuit Screen of a circuit or device Màn hình kĩ thuật that represents magnitudes in số digits a device or control that is very máy cải tiến useful for a particular job an instrumentality invented for dụng cụ a particular purpose ảnh partition consisting of a decorative frame or panel that serves to divide a space Cái phanh any frame in which a bowler fails to make a strike or spare a wheeled vehicle that has two Bánh xe wheels and is moved by foot pedals a pencil with a plastic or metal Bút máy case and a thin replaceable lead that may be extended as the point is worn away by twisting the outer casing a flat circular plate đĩa, vật hình đĩa, phận hình đĩa a bag carried by a strap on Cái ba lô đeo your back or shoulder vai disk backpack hi p light Phonetic /'helmit/ 98 Word helmet C No /disk/ /'bækpæk/ THE ARTS AND MEDIA No Word Phonetic English Vietnamese Orchestra /'ɔ:kistrə/ concert /kən'sə:t/ symphony /'simfəni/ 10 11 the press /pres/ conductor /kən'dʌktə/ vocalist audience /'voukəlist/ /'ɔ:djəns/ festival /'festivəl/ carnival /'kɑ:nivəl/ exhibition /,eksi'biʃn/ classical music /'klæsikəl 'mju:zik/ 12 /'θiətə/ cinemas /'sinimə/ 15 art gallery /ɑ:t 'gæləri/ museum /mju:'ziəm/ Th 14 16 ballet 17 buổi hoà nhạc the state of demanding notice or attention a device designed to transmit electricity, heat, etc a person who sings a gathering of spectators or listeners at a (usually public) performance nhạc giao hưởng Báo chí dây dẫn người hát người nghe, thính giả; người xem, khán giả; bạn đọc, độc giả an organized series of acts and ngày hội; đại hội performances (usually in one liên hoan; hội place) diễn a traveling show; having ngày hội (trước sideshows and rides and games trai giới) of skill etc a collection of things (goods or triển lãm works of art etc.) for public trưng bày display traditional genre of music âm nhạc cổ điển conforming to an established form and appealing to critical interest and developed musical taste rạp hát, nhà hát a building where theatrical performances or motionpicture shows can be presented a theater where films are rạp xi nê, rạp shown chiếu bóng a room or series of rooms phòng trưng bày where works of art are tranh tượng exhibited ao theatre 13 ban nhạc, dàn nhạc C 09 11 nghệ thuật opêra 55 a drama set to music; consists of singing with orchestral accompaniment and an orchestral overture and interludes a musical organization consisting of a group of instrumentalists including string players a performance of music by players or singers not involving theatrical staging hi p /'ɔpərə/ 98 Opera /'bælei/ a depository for collecting and displaying objects having scientific or historical or artistic value a theatrical representation of a story that is performed to music by trained dancers nhà bảo tàng ba lê, kịch múa /'teli,viʤn/ radio /'reidiou/ graphics /græfik/ 19 20 newspaper /'nju:z,peipə/ 21 an electronic device that receives television signals and displays them on a screen a communication system based on broadcasting electromagnetic waves the drawings and photographs in the layout of a book a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets; contains news and articles and advertisements Phonetic /fə:/ metal /'metl/ steel /sti:l/ kim loại thép /ə'ljuminəm/ copper /'kɔpə/ a ductile malleable reddishbrown corrosion-resistant diamagnetic metallic element; occurs in various minerals but is the only metal that occurs abundantly in large masses; used as an electrical and thermal conductor đồng (đỏ) rubber /'rʌbə/ a waterproof overshoe that protects shoes from water or snow cao su plastic ceramics nhơm ao /'plỉstik/ generic name for certain synthetic or semisynthetic materials that can be molded or extruded into objects or films or filaments or used for making e.g coatings and adhesives chất dẻo /si'ræmiks/ the art of making and decorating pottery thuật làm đồ gốm Th Vietnamese da lông thú aluminum đồ thị; minh hoạ đồ thị báo English a garment made of the dressed hairy coat of a mammal containing or made of or resembling or characteristic of a metal containing or made of or resembling or characteristic of a metal knife sharpener consisting of a ridged steel rod a silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite 09 11 2 máy thu thanh, máy rađiô hi p Word fur C No 98 MATERIALS truyền hình 55 television 18 glass /glɑ:s/ a container for holding liquids while drinking kính thuỷ tinh /si'ment/ something that hardens to act as adhesive material a crystalline rock that can be cut and polished for jewelry artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers xi-măng /stoun/ textile /'tekstail/ cotton fabric /'kɔtn/ /'fæbrik/ thread made of cotton fibers artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers vải wool /wul/ leather /'leðə/ a fabric made from the hair of sheep an animal skin made smooth and flexible by removing the hair and then tanning consisting of or made up of bone a medium for written communication the trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area cement consisting of a sticky substance that is used as an adhesive consisting of separate interconnected parts a covering material made of glass fibers in resins a strong hard building material composed of sand and gravel and cement and water len; lông cừu, lông chiên đồ da, vật làm da thuộc 14 15 17 18 19 09 11 16 bone /boun/ paper /'peipə/ lumber /´lʌmbə/ glue 20 21 22 /glu:/ composite /'kɔmpəzit/ fiberglass /'fibəglɑ:s/ concrete /'kɔnkri:t/ 25 26 27 ao /wæks/ Th wax 24 xương giấy Gỗ xẻ keo hồ hợp chất sợi thuỷ tinh bê tông C 23 dệt, có sợi dệt 55 12 13 đá stone hi p 11 cement 98 10 paper /'peipə/ wood /wud/ silver /'silvə/ any of various substances of either mineral origin or plant or animal origin a medium for written communication the trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area a soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal sáp ong giấy Gỗ bạc gold /gould/ 28 29 feather a soft yellow malleable ductile (trivalent and univalent) metallic elemen vàng lông vũ, lông chim /ˈfɛðə/ WORKS AND JOBS profession /profession/ designer decorator /di'zainə/ /'dekəreitə/ architect /'ɑ:kitekt/ engineer /,endʤi'niə/ manager /'mænidʤə/ waitress waiter teacher /'weitris/ /'weitə/ /'ti:tʃə/ vacancy /'veikənsi/ professor /professor/ specialist /'speʃəlist/ 10 11 13 address 15 receptionist 16 17 an expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning /sai'kɔlədʤist/ a scientist trained in psychology /ə'dres/ the place where a person or organization can be found or communicated with /ri'sepʃənist/ a secretary whose main duty is to answer the telephone and receive visitors /'pailət someone who is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight Th psychologist ao C 12 14 Vietnamese nghề nghiệp; công việc, việc làm an occupation requiring special nghề, nghề nghiệp education (especially in the liberal arts or sciences) someone who designs clothing người thiết kế người trang trí a person who specializes in designing architectural interiors and their furnishings kiến trúc sư someone who creates plans to be used in making something (such as buildings) a person who uses scientific kỹ sư, công trình knowledge to solve practical sư problems someone who controls người quản lý, resources and expenditures quản đốc a woman waiter chị hầu bàn a person who waits or awaits người hầu bàn a person whose occupation is giáo viên, cán teaching giảng dạy an empty area or space chỗ khuyết; chỗ trống giáo sư (đại học) someone who is a member of the faculty at a college or university 09 11 English the principal activity in your life that you to earn money 55 Phonetic /,ɔkju'peiʃn/ hi p Word occupation 98 No pilot chuyên gia, chuyên viên, nhà chuyên khoa nhà tâm lý học địa người tiếp khách (ở phòng khám bệnh, hiệu ảnh ) người lái (máy bay), phi công 20 lecturer ˈflī(t) əˌtendənt/ /'lektʃərə/ office assistant /ə'sistənt/ flight attendant 21 22 23 clerk accountant /kle:k/ /ə'kauntənt/ cashier /ka'ʃiə/ captain /'kæptin/ 25 09 11 24 a person who keeps watch over something or someone a steward or stewardess on an aircraft a public lecturer at certain universities a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose an employee who performs clerical work someone who maintains and audits business accounts a person responsible for receiving payments for goods and services (as in a shop or restaurant) the leader of a group of people tiếp viên phi hành giảng viên (ở trường đại học) người giúp đỡ, người phụ tá người thư ký 55 19 guard 98 18 nhân viên kế toán thủ quỹ, thu ngân người huy, thủ lĩnh COLOR Word blue Phonetic /blu:/ white orange /wait/ /ɒrɪndʒ/ green grey black /grin/ /grei/ /blæk/ /red/ yellow 10 11 12 13 Th /'jelou/ purple brown /'pə:pl/ /braun/ pink /piɳk/ three times /taim/ Trắng Da cam Xanh Xám Đen reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion yellow color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of sunflowers or ripe lemons a purple color or pigment of a color similar to that of wood or earth a light shade of red Đỏ definite period of time now or previously present lần ao red Vietnames e trời Xanh being of the achromatic color of maximum darkness; having little or no hue owing to absorption of almost all incident light C English the sky as viewed during daylight the lighter pieces round yellow to orange fruit of any of several citrus trees having the color of growing grass hi p No Vàng Tím Nâu Hồng /jə:/ 15 16 full-time /'ful'taim/ part-time /'pɑ:ttaim/ midday midnight /'middei/ /'midnait/ 17 19 20 21 22 23 millennium century decade fortnight /mi'leniəm/ /'sentʃuri/ /'dekeid/ /'fɔ:tnait/ a period, typically an academic year, taken by a student as a break between secondary school and higher education for the standard number of hours involving less than the standard or customary time for an activity the middle of the day 12 o'clock at night; the middle of the night a span of 1000 years a period of 100 years a period of 10 years a period of fourteen consecutive days 09 11 18 lần tuần /wi:k/ năm trống nghỉ hiệp Toàn thời gian Bán thời gian 55 three times per week a gap year 98 14 Giữa trưa Giữa đêm nghìn năm, mười kỷ trăm năm, kỷ thời kỳ mười năm hai tuần lễ, mười lăm ngày OTHER Phonetic /'pɑ:spɔ:t/ photo /'foutou/ state /steit/ government /'gʌvnmənt/ individual variety /,indi'vidjuəl/ /və'raiəti/ private sector 10 11 /private/ Th Vietnamese hộ chiếu a state of depression or agitation the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit a single organism a difference that is usually pleasant the part of the national economy that is not under direct government contro knowledge of how something is usually done the properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproductive roles the ability to create trạng thái, tình trạng phủ, nội ao English any quality or characteristic that gains a person a favorable reception or acceptance or admission a representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide hi p Word passport C No practice /'præktis/ gender /'dʤendə/ creativity /,kri:ei'tiviti/ original inhabitant [in'hæbitənt] a person or animal that inhabits a place, especially as a permanent resident ảnh cá nhân trạng thái khác Khu vực tư nhân thực hành, thực tiễn giống óc sáng tạo, tính sáng tạo Người địa circuit 16 guarantee /,gærən'ti:/ 17 18 dialogue /'daiəlɔg/ commerce /'kɔmə:s/ carriage /'kæridʤ/ narrative /'nærətiv/ chocolate /'tʃɔkəlit/ satellite /'sætəlait/ decision /di'siʤn/ prototype /prototype/ 19 21 22 23 24 25 attitude /'ætitju:d/ 26 27 30 31 32 personal fulfillment activity ['deili] [ful'filmənt] /æk'tiviti/ Th 29 chu vi, đường vòng quanh a small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around consisting of or characterized by the telling of a story a food made from roasted ground cacao beans surrounding and dominated by a central authority or power recipient the trait of resoluteness as evidenced by firmness of character or purpose a standard or typical example a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways commonplace tasks, chores, or duties as must be done regularly or at specified interval an ongoing journey for a human individual the trait of being active; moving or acting rapidly and energetically a person who receives something very high frequency sound; used in ultrasonography an issue that affects the entire community; young and old, drivers and walkers, in the day and at nigh ao daily routine 28 movement once around a course movement once around a course a collateral agreement to answer for the debt of another in case that person defaults a discussion intended to produce an agreement social exchange, especially of opinions, attitudes 09 11 20 xứ chứng minh, thuyết minh đánh, đập cổng vào, lối vào /ri'sipiənt/ ultrasound ['ʌltrə'saund] pedestrian safety /pi'destriən/ bảo đảm, cam đoan; bảo lãnh đối thoại 55 15 strike entrance originating where it is found a visual presentation showing how something works a conspicuous success the act of entering hi p 14 /in'didʤinəs/ /,deməns'treiʃ n/ /straik/ entrance/'entrə ns/ /'sə:kit/ 98 13 indigenous demonstration C 12 buôn bán; thương mại; thương nghiệp xe ngựa chuyện kể, tường thuật sôcôla vệ tinh; vệ tinh nhân tạo định, nghị mẫu đầu tiên, nguyên mẫu thái độ, quan điểm việc thường ngày Sự hoàn thiện thân hoạt động người nhận siêu âm; sóng siêu âm an tồn giao thơng người 10 29 hang-gliding /ˈhæŋ ɡlaɪdɪŋ/ 30 skydiving /ˈskaɪdaɪvɪŋ/ 31 abseiling /ˈæbseɪlɪŋ/ 32 snowboarding /ˈsnəʊbɔːdɪŋ/ 33 bungee jumping /ˈbʌndʒi dʒʌmpɪŋ/ 34 surfing /ˈsɜːfɪŋ/ 35 windsurfing /ˈwɪndsɜːfɪŋ/ jet-skiing /ˈdʒet skiːɪŋ/ 37 bodyboarding /ˈbɒdibɔːdɪŋ/ Th White-water rafting the activity of riding across water on a vehicle with an engine,like a motorcycle ao 36 40 55 /ˈpærəɡlaɪdɪŋ/ 09 11 28 paragliding a sport in which you wear a special structure like a parachute, jump from a high place and are carried along by the wind before coming down to earth a sport in which you fly while hanging from a frame like a large kite which you control with your body movements a sport in which you jump from a plane and fall for as long as you safely can before opening your parachute an act of going down a steep cliff or rock while attached to a rope, pushing against the slope or rock with your feet the sport of moving over snow on a snowboard a sport in which a person jumps from a high place, such as a bridge or a cliff, with a bungee tied to their feet the sport of riding on waves while standing on a narrow board called a surfboard the sport of sailing on water standing on a windsurfer hi p /ɪkˌstriːm ˈspɔːtz/ 98 extreme sports C 27 sports that are extremely exciting to and often dangerous, for Môn thể thao example skydiving and bungee mạo hiểm jumping /ˌwaɪt ˈwɔːtə(r) ˈrɑːftɪŋ/ Môn thể thao dù lượn Môn thể thao bay lượn với diều Môn thể thao biểu diễn nhảy dù Môn thể thao leo xuống vách núi Trượt tuyết Nhảy bungy Mơn lướt sóng Mơn lướt ván buồm Mơn lướt sóng sử dụng chế hoạt động mơ tơ nước the sport or activity of riding on a surfboard or bodyboard lying on your front Môn ván lướt nằm sấp recreational outdoor activities which use an inflatable raft to navigate a river or other body of water Chèo thuyền vượt thác 41 the sport of riding on water while standing on a short wide Lướt ván diều board and being pulled along by wind power, using a large kite Môn thể thao the sport or activity of riding a leo núi xe mountain bike đạp địa hình /ˈkaɪtsɜːfɪŋ/ 42 mountain biking /ˈmaʊntən baɪkɪŋ/ jogging the activity of running slowly and steadily as a form of exercise press-up /ˈpres ʌp/ 44 push-up /ˈpʊʃ ʌp/ 45 barbell /ˈbɑːbel/ 46 treadmill /ˈtredmɪl/ 47 judo /ˈdʒuːdəʊ/ 48 recreation /ˌriːkriˈeɪʃn/ 49 snooker /ˈsnuː.kər/ Môn thể thao chạy Hít đất Chống đẩy Thanh tạ Máy chạy Mơn võ judo Sự giải trí, thú tiêu khiển Th ao C 09 11 44 an exercise in which you lie on your stomach and raise your body off the ground by pressing down on your hands until your arms are straight an exercise in which you lie on your stomach and raise your body off the ground by pressing down on your hands until your arms are straight a long metal bar with weights at each end, used in the sport of weightlifting and for exercise an exercise machine that has a moving surface that you can walk or run on while remaining in the same place a sport in which two people fight and try to throw each other to the ground (a way of) enjoying yourself when you are not working: a game played, especially in the UK, by two people in which cues (= long,thin poles) are used to hit 15 red balls and six balls of different colours into six holes around a table covered in soft cloth in a fixed order hi p 43 the activity of running slowly and steadily as a form of exercise 55 kitesurfing 98 41 50 walking /ˈwɔːkɪŋ/ 51 championship /ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp/ the activity of going for walks in the countryside for exercise or pleasure a competition to find the best player or team in a particular sport Trị chơi bi-da Đi Giải vơ địch 42 52 canoeing /kəˈnuːɪŋ/ 53 refreshment /rɪˈfreʃmənt/ the sport of travelling in or racing a canoe the fact of making somebody feel stronger or less tired or hot Môn thể thao đua ca nô Sự nghỉ ngơi tĩnh dưỡng TRANSPORTATION /ˈkɑːɡəʊ pleɪn/ shipment /ˈʃɪpmənt/ Container ship /kənˈteɪnə(r) ʃɪp/ boat lifeboat /ˈlaɪfbəʊt/ ferry /ˈferi/ 55 Cargo plane 09 11 English a fixed-wing aircraft that is designed or converted for the carriage of cargo rather than passengers the process of sending goods from one place to another cargo ships that carry all of their load in truck-size intermodal containers, in a technique called containerization a vehicle (smaller than a ship) that travels on water, moved by oars, sails or a motor a special boat that is sent out to rescue people who are in danger at sea a boat or ship that carries people, vehicles and goods across a river or across a narrow part of the sea a vehicle that travels just above the surface of water or land, held up by air being forced downwards a boat which rises above the surface of the water when it is travelling fast /bəʊt/ hovercraft /ˈhɒvəkrɑːft/ hydrofoil /ˈhaɪdrəfɔɪl/ liner canal boat 10 Narrowboat Vietnamese Máy bay chở hàng Việc gửi hàng Tàu chở hàng Thuyền Thuyền cứu hộ phà Tàu di chuyển nhờ đệm khơng khí Thiết bị nâng thân tàu Th ao hi p Phonetic 98 Word C No /ˈlaɪnə(r)/ /kəˈnæl bəʊt/ /ˈnærəʊbəʊt/ a large ship that carries passengers a long narrow boat used on canals a long narrow boat, used on canals Tàu thủy lớn chở khách Thuyền dùng để kênh Sà lan hẹp 43 Dinghy sailing /ˈdɪŋi ˈseɪlɪŋ// 12 sailboat /ˈseɪlbəʊt/ 13 paddle steamer /ˈpædl stiːmə(r)/ 14 cabin cruiser /ˈkæbɪn kruːsə(r)/ 15 Rowing boat /ˈrəʊɪŋ bəʊt/ 16 rowboat /ˈrəʊbəʊt/ 17 kayak /ˈkaɪæk/ 18 canoe /kəˈnuː/ 19 punt 09 11 98 55 11 a small boat or dinghy with a single mast, used esp for recreational sailing a boat with sails an old-fashioned type of boat driven by steam and moved forward by a large wheel or wheels at the side a boat with a motor and room for people to sleep, used for pleasure trips a small open boat that you move using oars a small open boat that you move using oars a light canoe in which the part where you sit is covered over a light narrow boat which you move along in the water with a paddle a long shallow boat with a flat bottom and square ends which is moved by pushing the end of a long pole against the bottom of a river /ˈɡɒndələ/ 21 aircraft /ˈeəkrɑːft/ 22 helicopter /ˈhelɪkɒptə(r)/ 23 seaplane /ˈsiːpleɪn/ 24 airship /ˈeəʃɪp/ 25 hot-air balloon hi p gondola any vehicle that can fly and carry goods or passengers an aircraft without wings that has large blades on top that go round It can fly straight up from the ground and can also stay in one position in the air a plane that can take off from and land on water a large aircraft without wings, filled with a gas which is lighter than air, and driven by engines a large balloon made of strong material that is filled with hot air or gas to make it rise in the air, usually carrying a basket for passengers Th ao 20 a long boat with a flat bottom and high parts at each end, used on canals in Venice C /pʌnt/ /ˌhɒt ˈeə bəluːn/ Thuyền buồm Thuyền buồm Tàu nước chạy guồng Thuyền máy có chỗ ngủ Thuyền có mái chèo Thuyền có mái chèo Xuồng caiac Xuồng Thuyền đáy Thuyền đáy ( thường dùng để dạo chơi Venice) Tàu bay Máy bay trực thăng Thủy phi Tàu không trung Khinh khí cầu 44 /ˈeəpɔːt/ 27 crew /kruː/ 28 passenger /ˈpæsɪndʒə(r)/ 29 platform /ˈplætfɔːm/ 30 Hire a car 31 automobile /ˈhaɪə(r) ə kɑː(r)/ /ˈɔːtəməbiːl/ 55 airport 98 26 a place where planes land and take off and that has buildings for passengers to wait in all the people working on a ship, plane, etc a person who is travelling in a car, bus, train, plane or ship and who is not driving it or working on it the raised flat area beside the track at a train station where you get on or off the train to pay money to borrow a car for a short time a car Sân bay Thủy thủ đoàn, phi hành đoàn Hành khách Sân ga Thuê ô tô Xe ô tô SHAPES Phonetic English having four straight equal sides and four angles of 90° shaped like a rectangle (= a flat shape with four straight sides, two of which are longer than the other two, and four angles of 90°) shaped like a triangle a flat shape with at least three straight sides and angles, and usually five or more square rectangular /rekˈtæŋɡjələ(r)/ triangular /traɪˈæŋɡjələ(r)/ polygon /ˈpɒlɪɡən/ oval /ˈəʊvl/ shaped like an egg spherical /ˈsferɪkl/ Spiral /ˈspaɪrəl/ 9 Circular Curved cylindrical /ˈsɜːkjələ(r)/ /kɜːvd/ /səˈlɪndrɪkl/ 10 measurement /ˈmeʒəmənt/ 11 width /wɪdθ/ shaped like a sphere a shape or design, consisting of a continuous curved line that winds around a central point, with each curve further away from the centre shaped like a circle; round having a round shape shaped like a cylinder the act or the process of finding the size, quantity or degree of something the metric system of measurement the measurement from one side of something to the other; how wide something is Th C ao /skweə(r)/ hi p Word 09 11 No Vietnamese Hình vng (a) Hình chữ nhật Tam giác Đa giác Hình trái xoan, bầu dục Hình cầu Dạng xoắn ốc Hình trịn cong Hình trụ Sự đo lường Phép đo chiều rộng/ chiều rộng 45 length /leŋθ/ 13 altitude /ˈæltɪtjuːd/ the height above sealevel 14 Imperial system 15 metric system /ɪmˈpɪəriəl ˈsɪstəm/ /ˈmetrɪk ˈsɪstəm/ 16 mass /mæs/ 17 depth /depθ/ 18 breadth /bredθ/ 19 height /haɪt/ 20 Three dimensions /ˌθriː daɪˈmenʃən/ 21 frequency /ˈfriːkwənsi/ the system of units first defined in the British a decimal system of weights and measures a large amount of a substance that does not have a definite shape or form the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something the distance or measurement from one side to the other; how broad or wide something is the measurement of how tall a person or thing is having, or appearing to have, length, width and depth the rate at which something happens or is repeated 09 11 98 55 12 he size or measurement of something from one end to the other Chiều dài Độ cao so với mặt nước biển Hệ thống đo lường Anh Hệ mét Số lượng lớn Độ sâu Bề ngang, bề rộng Độ cao/ chiều cao Không gian ba chiều Tần số, tần suất VEHICLES Phonetic /ˌdʌbl ˈdekə(r) /bʌs/ English a bus that has two storeys or decks single-decker /ˌsɪŋɡl ˈdekə(r)/ a bus with only one level minibus /ˈmɪnibʌs/ a small vehicle with seats for about twelve people School bus /skuːl bʌs/ coach /kəʊtʃ/ truck /trʌk/ tanker C a bus for carrying children to and from a school a comfortable bus for carrying passengers over long distances a large vehicle for carrying heavy loads by road a ship or lorry/truck that carries oil, gas or petrol/gas in large quantities ao hi p Vocabulary Double-decker bus Th No /ˈtæŋkə(r)/ Vietnamese Xe buýt hai tầng Xe buýt tầng Xe buýt nhỏ chứa khoảng 12 người Xe buýt đưa đón học sinh Xe buýt đường dài Xe tải Tàu/xe chở dầu 46 /ˈlɒri/ transporter /trænˈspɔːtə(r)/ 10 forklift truck /ˌfɔːklɪft ˈtrʌk/ 11 Tow truck /ˈtəʊ trʌk/ 12 breakdown truck /ˈbreɪkdaʊn trʌk/ 55 Lorry pickup 14 jeep 15 Caravan /ˈkærəvæn/ 16 camper /ˈkæmpə(r)/ 17 tractor /ˈtræktə(r)/ 18 taxi 19 cab Th 20 tram /træm/ /ˈpɪkʌp/ Xe to chuyên chở Xe nâng hàng Xe kéo Xe kéo Loại xe tải nhỏ, không mui, a vehicle with low sides thành thấp (dành and no roof at the back used, for cho nông example, by farmers dân, nhà xây dựng ) a small strong vehicle used, especially by the army, for Xe gíp driving over rough ground a road vehicle without an engine that is pulled by a car, designed for people to live and Nhà lưu động sleep in, especially when they are on holiday/vacation a large vehicle designed for people to live and sleep in when Nhà lưu động they are travelling a powerful vehicle with two large and two smaller wheels, Máy kéo used especially for pulling farm machinery a car with a driver that you pay Xe taxi to take you somewhere a taxi Xe taxi a vehicle driven by electricity, Xe chở khách that runs on rails along the tham quan chạy streets of a town and carries điện passengers ao /dʒiːp/ Xe tải chuyên chở hàng C 13 Xe tải chuyên chở hành lý/ người hi p 98 /væn/ 09 11 van a covered vehicle with no side windows in its back half, usually smaller than a lorry/ truck , used for carrying goods or people a large vehicle for carrying heavy loads by road a large vehicle used for carrying heavy objects, for example other vehicles a vehicle with special equipment on the front for moving and lifting heavy objects a truck that is used for taking cars away to be repaired when they have had a breakdown a truck that is used for taking cars away to be repaired when they have had a breakdown /ˈtæksi/ /kæb/ 47 21 underground /ˌʌndəˈɡraʊnd/ 22 subway /ˈsʌbweɪ/ 23 Steam train /stiːm treɪn/ 24 freight train /ˈfreɪt treɪn/ a train that carries only goods 25 Goods train /ˈɡʊdz treɪn/ a train that carries only goods Dưới mặt đất Đường ngầm Tàu hỏa chạy nước Tàu chuyên chở hàng Tàu chuyên chở hàn 55 under the surface of the ground an underground railway/railroad system in a city a train that is powered by a steam engine Phonetic acid rain global warming carbon dioxide Vietnamese tượng hiệu ứng nhà kính A phenomenon in which the atmosphere of a planet traps radiation emitted by its sun, caused by gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane that allow incoming sunlight to pass through but retain heatradiated back from the planet's surface rain that contains a high concentration of pollutants, chiefly sulphur dioxide and nitrogenoxide, released into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal or oil An increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere, especially a sustained increase sufficient to causeclimatic change the gas formed when carbon is burned, or when people oranimals breathe out /ɡriːn haʊs ɪˈfekt/ 09 11 Green house effect English exhaust fumes deforestation nitrogen oxide smog 10 climate 11 pollution /ˈbɜː.nɪŋ fɒs.əl/ /ɪɡˈzɔːst fjuːmz/ /diːˌfɒr.ɪˈ steɪ.ʃən/ /ˌnaɪ.trə dʒən ˈɒk.saɪd/ C burring fossil is to use a number of carbon-based productions (also known as petroleum based) to produce energy is the major way in which humans add to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (n ) gases ejected from an engine as waste products (n) the cutting down of trees in a large area, or the destruction of forests by people (n)any of several oxides of nitrogen formed by the action of nitric acid on oxidizable materials ;present in car exhausts (N) a mixture of smoke, gases, and chemicals, especially in cities, that makes the atmosphere difficult to breathe and harmful for health (n) the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place (n) a water, air, etc by harmful substances damage problem caused to or waste Th hi p Word ao No 98 THE ENVIRONMENT /smɒɡ/ /ˈklaɪ.mə t/ /pəˈluː.ʃə n/ mưa a xít nóng lên trái đất khí CO2 việc đốt cháy nhiên liệu, việc tạo hiệu ứng nhà kính khí thải chặt phá rừng khí NO khói , khí thải từ nhà máy khí hậu nhiễm 48 13 power plants /ˈpaʊə ˌplɑːnt/ 14 landfill /ˈlænd.fɪl / 15 cattle /ˈkæt.əl/ 16 wind turbine /ˈwɪnd ˌtɜː.baɪn/ 17 soar power 18 hydroelectric power 19 renewable /rɪˈnjuː.ə bəl/ 20 source of energy /sɔːs əv en.ə.dʒi/ 21 reliable /rɪˈlaɪ.ə.b əl/ 22 solar panels 23 environment ally friendly 09 11 /sɔːr paʊər/ /ˌhaɪ.drə ʊ.ɪˈlek.tr ɪk paʊər/ (n) the measured amount of heat in a nhiệt độ place or in the body (n)the complex, including machinery, associated equipment, and the structure housing it, thatis nhà máy used in the generation of power, esp electrical nhiệt điện power xử lý rác (n) the process of getting rid of large amounts of bắng cách rubbish by burying it, or a place where rubbish chôn / hố is buried chôn rác (n) animals that are kept for their Gia súc (n) a tall structure with blades that are blown round by the wind and produce power to make tua bin gió electricity lượng (n) source of energy generated fromthe sun mặt trời a form of energy generated by the conversion of free-falling water to electricity; the generation of thủy điện electricity by using the motive power of water; also called hydroelectricity (adj) energy and natural resources that is replaced naturally or controlled carefully and thay can therefore be used without the risk of finishing it all Material such as coal, gas, oil, and wood nguồn consumed in generation of power lượng (adj)Someone or something that is reliable can be trusted or believed because he, she, or it đáng tin cậy works or behaves well in the way you expect (n) a device that changes energy from the sun pin mặt rời into electricity 55 /ˈtem.prə tʃər/ 25 chemical free khí oxi C (n) a chemical element that is a gas with no smell or colour Oxygen forms a large part of the air on earth, and is needed by animals and plants to live ao oxygen (adj) not harmful to the environment vô hại / thân thiện với mơi trường /ˈɒk.sɪ.dʒ ən/ Th 24 /ˌsəʊ.lə ˈpỉn.əl/ /ɪn.vaɪ.rə nˌmen.tə l.i ˈfrend.li/ hi p temperature 98 12 26 desert 27 degradation 28 vegetation 29 sea level not including chemicals /ˈdez.ət/ /ˌdeɡ.rəˈ deɪ.ʃən/ /ˌvedʒ.ɪˈt eɪ.ʃən/ /ˈsiː (n) an area, often covered with sand or rocks, where there is very little rain and not many plants (n) the process in which the beauty or quality of something is destroyed or spoiled (n) plants in general, or plants that are found in a particular area (n) the average height of the sea where it meets khơng có chất hóa học sa mạc thối hóa/ bào mịn thực vật nói chung mặt nước 49 the land biển 30 ocean currents /ˈəʊ.ʃən ˈkʌr.əntz / dòng chảy (n)A horizontal flow of water through the ocean đại Warm and cold surface currents redistribute the dương / dòng Sun’s heat more evenlyaround the Earth hải lưu 31 soil conditioner /sɔɪl kənˈdɪʃ.ə n.ər/ (n) a chemical substance used to improve the structure of the soil and increase its porosity 55 ˌlev.əl/ coal /kəʊl/ 33 fossil fuels /ˈfɒs.əl ˌfjʊəl/ nhiên liệu hóa thạch 34 firewood /ˈfaɪə.wʊ d/ (n) wood used as fuel for a fire củi đốt 35 drought /draʊt/ (n) a long or no rain period when there is little thời kì hạn hán 36 contaminated /kənˈtæ m.ɪ.neɪt/ (v) to make something less pure or make it poisonous bị ô nhiễm 09 11 32 98 (n) a hard, black substance that is dug from the earth in pieces, and can be burned to produce heat or power, or a single piece of this (n) fuels, such as gas, coal, and oil, that were formed underground from plant and animal remains millions of years ago chất điều hòa đất than đá The animal kingdom No Word Phonetic /ˌbɜːd əv ˈpreɪ/ /ˈsiː.bɜːd / /ˈpəʊl.tri ən ɡeɪm/ English (n)a bird, such as an eagle or a hawk, that kills and eats small birds and animals (n) a bird live near the sea and gets its food from it (n) domestic fowl generally raised for eggs or meat or game (n) any animal of which the female feeds her young on milk from her own body Most mammals give birth to live young, not eggs Vietnamese loài chim ăn thịt birds of prey seabirds poultry and game mammals /ˈmæm.ə l/ cetacean /sɪˈteɪ.ʃə n/ (n) any of various types of mammal, such as the whale, that live in the sea like fish động vật biển có vú ( cá voi /weɪl/ (n)a large mammal that lives in water, bears live young, has flippers, a flat horizontal tail and breaths air through one or two blowholes cá voi whale primates rodents C ao Th hi p /ˈpraɪ.me ɪt/ (n)a member of the most developed and intelligent group of mammals, including humans, monkeys, and apes /ˈrəʊ.dən t/ (n)any of various small mammals with large, sharp front teeth, such as mice and rats chim biển gia cầm động vật có vú thành viên ngóm đ.v có vú phát triển cao lồi gặn nhấm 50 10 amphibian /æmˈfɪb.i ən/ 11 reptile /ˈrep.taɪl/ 12 insects /ˈɪn.sekt/ 13 octopus /ˈɒk.tə.p əs/ 14 phylum /ˈfaɪ.ləm/ 15 class 16 order 17 family 18 genus /ˈdʒiː.nəs / 19 species /ˈspiː.ʃiːz / 20 livestock 21 creature 22 lion 23 penguin 55 /fɪʃ/ 98 fish 09 11 (n) an animal that lives in water, is covered with scales, and breathes by taking water in through its mouth , or the flesh of these animals eaten as food (n) an animal, such as a frog, that lives both on land and in water but must produce its eggs in water (n)an animal that produces eggs and uses the heat of the sun to keep its blood warm (n)a type of very small animal with six legs, a body divided into three parts and usually two pairs of wings, or, more generally, any similar very small animal (n) a sea creature with a soft, oval body and eight tentacles (= long parts like arms) (n)a main division in a taxonomic (= scientific naming and organization system) relating to animals (n) a group of related plants or animals, in the general classification of plants and animals /ˈɔː.dər/ (used in the classification of plants andanimals) a group of related plants or animals /ˈfæm.əl i/ (n) a large group of related types of animal or plant (n) a group of animals or plants, more closely related than a family, but less similar than a species C (n)a set of animals or plants in which the members have similar characteristics to each other and can breed with each other (n)animals and birds that are kept on a farm, such as cows, sheep, or chickens (n) any large or small living thing that can move independently (n) a large wild animal of the cat family with yellowish-brown fur that lives in Africa and southern Asia (n) a black and white bird that cannot fly but uses its small wings to help it swim Th ao /ˈlaɪv.stɒ k/ /ˈkriː.tʃər / hi p /klɑːs/ /ˈlaɪ.ən/ /ˈpeŋ.ɡw ɪn/ cá động vật lưỡng cư lồi bị sát lồi trùng bạch tuộc ngành /hệ ( đơn vị phân loại ) lớp - hệ sinh thái động vật ( họ, chi, , lớp , ngành) - bên lớp bên họ họ giống lồi vật ni/ thú ni sinh vật/ lồi vật sủ tử chim cánh cụ Plan No Word Phonetic English Vietnamese 51 mushroom /ˈmʌʃ.ruː m/ fungus /ˈfʌŋ.ɡəs / leaves /liːvz/ seed /siːd/ core /kɔːr/ bark /bɑːk/ trunk /trʌŋk/ twig /twɪɡ/ branch /brɑːntʃ/ 10 flower 11 stem 12 roots /ruːt/ 13 cluster /ˈklʌs.tər / 14 fertilizer /ˈfɜː.tɪ.laɪ zər/ (n)a fungus with a round top and short stem Some types of mushroom can be eaten (n) any of various types of organisms that get their food from decaying material or other living things (n) ne of the flat, usually green parts of a plant that are joined at one end to the stem or branch (n) a small, round, or oval object produced by a plant and from which, when it is planted, a new plant can grow (n) the hard central part of some fruits, such as apples, that contains the seeds (n) the hard outer covering of a tree (n) the thick main stem of a tree, from which its branches grow (n)a small, thin branch of a tree or bush, especially one removed from the tree or bush and without any leaves (n)one of the parts of a tree that grows out from the main trunk and has leaves, flowers, or fruit on it (n) the part of a plant that is often brightly coloured and has a pleasant smell, or the type of plant that produces these (n) the stick-like central part of a plant that grows above the ground and from which leaves and flowers grow, or a smaller thin part that grows from the central part and supports the leaves and flowers (n)the part of a plant that grows down into the earth to get water and food and holds the plant firm in the ground (n)a group of similar trees that areclose together, sometimes surrounding something (n)a natural or chemical substance that is spread on the land or given to plants, to make plants grow well ao /stem/ hi p /flaʊər/ C 09 11 98 55 nấm nấm hạt/ hạt giống nhân/ lõi vỏ thân cành cành hoa cuống (lá/hoa) rễ bụi cây/ Phân bón No Word South America North America Th Continents Phonetic English the continent that is to the south of North /ˌsaʊθ America, to the west of the Atlantic Ocean and əˈmer.ɪ.kə/ to the east of the Pacific Ocean the continent that is to the north of South /ˌnɔːθ America, to the west of the Atlantic Ocean and əˈmer.ɪ.kə/ to the east of the Pacific Ocean Vietnamese Nam mỹ Băc mỹ 52 Africa /ˈæf.rɪ.kə / Asia /ˈeɪ.ʒə/ Europe /ˈjʊə.rəp/ Antarctica Australia 55 the continent that is to the south of the Mediterranean Sea, to the eastof the Atlantic Ocean, and to the west of the Indian Ocean the continent that is to the east of Europe, the west of the PacificOcean, and the north of the Indian Ocean the continent that is to the east of the Atlantic Ocean, to the north of the Mediterranean, and to the west of Asia 98 /ænˈtɑːk the continent around the South Pole tɪ.kə/ /ɒsˈtreɪ.li.ə a large country in the southwest Pacific Ocean / Châu phi Châu Á Châu Âu Nam cực Châu Uc Countries Mexico France Indonesia Turkey England Germany China 10 11 Greece Brazil India 14 15 16 17 Vietnamese Ai cập /ˈɪŋ.ɡlən d/ /ˈdʒɜː.mə ni/ /ˈtʃaɪ.nə/ (n) a country that is part of theUnited Kingdom Anh /ɡriːs/ /brəˈzɪl/ /ˈɪn.di.ə/ /ˌnɔːθ North Korea kəˈriː.ə/ /məˈleɪ.z Malaysia i.ə/ /ˌnjuː New Zealand ˈziː.lənd/ /naɪˈdʒɪə Nigeria ri.ə/ /ˌpɑː.kɪˈs Pakistan tɑːn/ /ˌsɪŋ.əˈpɔ Singapore ːr/ Mexico Pháp Indonesia Thổ Nhĩ Kì (n)a country in central Europe Đức (n)a country in East Asia Trung Quốc (n)a country in southeastern Europe (n) a country in South America (n) a country in South Asia Hy Lạp Brazil Ấn Độ C /ˈtɜː.ki/ ao 13 English (n) a country in North Africa (n) a country in southern North America (n) a country in western Europe (n) a country in Southeast Asia formed of a group of islands (n) a country in southeastern Europe and Western Asia (n) a country in East Asia Hàn Quốc (n)a country in Southeast Asia Malaysia (N) a country in the southern Pacific Ocean New Zealand (N) a country in west Africa Nigeria (n) a country in South Asia Pakistan (n) a country in Southeast Asia, formed of the island of Singapore and other small islands Singapore Th 12 Phonetic /ˈiː.dʒɪpt/ /ˈmek.sɪ kəʊ/ /frɑːns/ /ˌɪn.dəˈni ː.ʒə/ hi p Word Egypt 09 11 No 53 19 20 21 22 23 Switzerland United Kingdom Italy the dominican republic the philippines Denmark /ˈswɪt.sə lənd/ /jʊˌnaɪ.tɪd ˈkɪŋ.dəm /ˈɪt.əl.i/ /dəˈmɪnɪ kən rɪˌpʌb.lɪk/ /ˈfɪl.ɪ.piː nz/ /ˈden.mɑ ːk/ (n) a country in central Europe Thụy Sĩ (n) the country that consists of England, Scotland, Wales, andNorthern Ireland (n) a country in southern Europe Vương Quốc Anh Italia Nước cộng hịa Đơ- mi ních (n) a country in the Caribbean (n) a country formed of a group of islands in Southeast Asia Philippin (n) a country in northern Europe Đan Mạch Word Phonetic /lɪŋˈɡwɪs tɪk/ linguistics English (adj)connected with language or the study of language (adj)(of a person) able to use two languages equally well, or (of a thing) using or involving two languages 09 11 No 98 Languages 55 18 bilingual trilingual /ˌtraɪˈlɪŋ ɡwəl/ (adj) able to speak three languages polyglot /ˈpɒl.i.ɡl ɒt/ (adj)speaking or using several different languages Portuguese /ˌpɔː.tʃəˈ ɡiːz/ (adj) belonging to or relating to Portugal, its people, or its language Mandarin /ˈmæn.d ər.ɪn/ Bengali /beŋˈɡɔː li/ Chinese /tʃaɪˈniːz/ Hindi /ˈhɪn.di/ (adj) a Chinese language that is the official language of China and Taiwan, and an official language of Singapore (adj) belonging to or relating to Bangladesh and West Bengal or their people (adj) belonging to or relating to China, its people, or its language (n)one of the official languages of India, spoken especially in northern India Russian 11 Japanese 12 German 13 Punjabi C ao Th 10 hi p /baɪˈlɪŋ.ɡ wəl/ /ˈrʌʃ.ən/ (adj) belonging to or relating to Russia, its people, or its language /ˌdʒæp.ə nˈiːz/ /ˈdʒɜː.mə n/ /pʌnˈdʒɑ ː.biː/ (adj) belonging to or relating to Japan, its people, or its language (n) the language of Germany, Austria, and parts of Switzerland (n) the language spoken in the Punjab area Vietnamese (thuộc) ngôn ngữ song ngữ/ thông thạo thứ tiếng thành thạo thứ tiếng sd vài ngơn ngữ khác tiếng/ người Thổ Nhĩ Kì tiếng Trung/ Đài Loan tiếng/ người Băng La Đét tiếng/ người Trung Quốc tiếng Ấn (thuộc ) tiếng/ người Nga (thuộc ) tiếng / người Nhật Tiếng Đức Tiếng người Punjab 54 (adj)belonging to or relating to Thailand, its people, or its language (adj) belonging to or relating to Iran, its people, or its language Thai /taɪ/ 15 Persian /ˈpɜː.ʒən/ 16 Filipino /ˌfɪl.ɪˈpiː nəʊ/ (n) person or language of The Philipines 17 French /frentʃ/ (n) person or language of France 18 Italian /ɪˈtæl.jən / (adj) belonging to or relating to Italy, its people, or its language 19 Greek /ɡriːk/ (ADJ) belonging to or relating to Greece, its people, or its language hi p (thuộc) Thái Lan thuộc tiếng/ người Iran người/ tiếng Phi lip pin người/tiếng Pháp ( thuộc ) tiếng ý, nước Ý, người Ý (thuộc ) tiếng / người Hi Lạp Th ao C 09 11 98 55 14 55 ... vệ tinh; vệ tinh nhân tạo định, nghị mẫu đầu tiên, nguyên mẫu thái độ, quan điểm việc thường ngày Sự hoàn thiện thân hoạt động người nhận siêu âm; sóng siêu âm an tồn giao thông người 10 /ˈtrafik... Viết báo cáo Sự nghiên cứu Đọc sửa in thử Thí nghiệm Kinh nghiệm dẫn đoạn tham khảo (trong sách) Sách giáo khoa Từ điển Máy tính xách tay Máy in ngư cho h ời c ọc sinh ố vấn Sự chung sức, hợp tác... /ˈskedʒuːl/ /skuːl ˌriːˈjuːniən/ / redʒɪˈstrɑː ˈɒfɪs/ /ˈsteɪʃənri/ Người giám thị cử nhân Hợp chất Từ vựng Kế hoạch làm việc a school social gathering Cu trưộờc h ngội họp an administrative official

Ngày đăng: 22/11/2017, 14:54

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