BB DHDCDTN 2016 CDN Final tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực ki...
MRAM Monthly Research Administration Meeting JANUARY 14, 2016 UW TOWER AUDITORIUM TOPIC PRESENTER CONTACT Suzanne May 206 543-1198 Senior Business Systems Analyst, ORIS Lupe Valencia 206 543-9985 Director, Management Accounting & Analysis Michael Anthony & Lupe Valencia Management Accounting & Analysis Michael Anthony 206 616-1379 Exec Director, Management Accounting & Analysis FY15 Office of Research Joe Giffels 206 616-0804 Annual Report Highlights Assoc V Provost for Research Administration & Integrity NIH Genomic Data Sharing Carol Rhodes 206 543-2139 Policy & OSP Process Acting Co-Director, Office of Sponsored Programs GrantTracker Kristen Bendixsen 206 616-9890 Enhancement Launch Senior Business Analyst, Research Compliance & Ops MyResearch Project Update Program Income Guidelines Capitalization Threshold Change Effort Reporting Update NEXT MRAM FEBRUARY 11, 2016 UW TOWER AUDITORIUM MIN 15 10 10 10 10 10 January 14, 2016 MyResearch Winter Quarter Update Product Updates for MRAM Pre-Post Transparency Project Update Project Objective Principal Investigators and Research Department Administrators currently have limited access to information and visibility of eGC1 and award status throughout the research management lifecycle This project delivers visibility to information on research funding status in near-real time We have a new Dashboard: Funding Status! To create this MyResearch feature we have partnered with PI’s, Department Research Administrators, ORIS, GCA, OSP and UW-IT All parties have been working together to create a solution that will aid UW and its researchers in reducing the workload associated with the management of research activities and administration Visit for more info MyResearch Update You can now take advantage of two key research activities within MyResearch: ● View Training Transcript: View your university-required research-related training records and lookup records of others on your research team Just visit one source for all your records! ● View Funding Status: Dashboard provides visibility to outgoing eGC1’s and incoming awards for sponsored research Get more information than ever about your application! Visit MyResearch: Personalized Experience ● User Specific Login: What you see in MyResearch is customized based on your NetID login and information displays if associated with your research profile ● Proactively Manage Applications: With MyResearch, use one tool to: ○ View funding application status and follow it as it becomes awarded ○ Identify eGC1 and/or award setup process hold/blocking issues, then contact respective administrative office ○ Lookup training records of your personnel Funding Status Dashboard and Cards ● Funding Status Dashboard: A dashboard of cards which represent status of recent outgoing eGC1s and incoming awards ● Funding Status Card Hyperlink: Based on an eGC1 or award status, cards provide hyperlinks directly to SAGE and GrantTracker to take additional action, such as view attachments, routing progress, edit, view budget information page Funding Status Dashboard and Cards Example This is a dashboard This is a card Funding Status Visual Queues ● Real-Time Award Status: View real-time status updates: ○ Status Stages: Composing, Routing, OSP, Approved, Award Review, Budget Set-Up and Budget Ready ○ Status Color: Green conveys no current issues, Red conveys a blocking issue and Gray conveys a status of permanently withdrawn, denied or cancelled ○ Status Icons: The “paper” icon represents the eGC1 and the “dollar” sign represents the award Funding Status Details page ● Funding Status Detail Page: Access a specific eGC1 by clicking on a card’s “View CONG TY co PHAN CANGDANANG CQNG HOA xA HQi can NGHiA VI¥T NAM D9c l~p - TV - H:_lohphuc - ThOi gian: 08hOOngay 26 thang nam 2016 - Dja di~m: HOitnrong khach san Grand Mercure _ Thanh ph§n tham d'1: 110· c6 dong sa hiru va dai dien uy quyen cho 64.854.000 c6 phan, tuong duong 98,26% t6ng s6 c6 phan c6 quyen bieu quyet (danh sach dinh kern) cung mot s6 dai bi8u va khach moi - Khach mOi: Ong Le Trieu Thanh, ph6 T6ng giam d6c T6ng cong ty Hang hai Vi~t Nam NOI DUNG CUOC HQP: I Bao cao ki~m tra tu each cAdong; Ong Dean Ngoc H6ng, Chu tich Cong dean, thay m~t Ban thAm tra tu each c6 dong bao cao k~t qua tham tra tu each c6 dong sa htru va dai dien uy quyen tham du Dai hoi la 110 ngiroi, nim gitr 64.854.000 c6 phan, chiem 98,26% t6ng s6 c6 phan c6 quyen bi8u quyet Do v~y, dffdu tY 1~c6 dong c~n thiet va Dai hoi d6ng c6 dong thubng nien nam 2016 Cong ty c6 ph~n Cang Da NAngduqc phep ti~n hanh hqp 1~ o II Thong qua Ouy ch~ tA chuc Dai hOi dAng cAdong thuOng nien Dng Le T§.nMinh, Truang phong Hanh chinh T6ng hqp - thay m~t Ban t6 chuc d9C DV thao Quy ch~ t6 chuc Dl;lihOi d6ng c6 dong ·thubng nien Cong ty c6 phArr Cang Da NAng Ban t6 chuc sOl;lnthao phil hqp v6i Lu~t doanh nghi~p va Di€u 1~ Cong ty Sau d6, t§.tca cac c6 dong dffbi~u quy~t 100% thong qua Quy ch~tren III Thong qua dauh sach Doan Chti tich, Ban Thu ky, Ban b§u cu, Ban ;{ p h·J leu: Kiem Theo d€ nghi cua chu t9a cUQch9P, danh sach d€ cu Ban ki8m phi~u, Ban b~u cu nhu sau: * Ban /dim phiiu : - Dng Nguy~n Duc Anh, Ban ki8m soat - Dng Tr~n Phu&c Khuong - Ba Nguy~n Thi H6ng Van * Ban bdu elf: - Ba Nguy~n Thi Thu Ha - Ong Nguyen Duy Vinh - Ba Le Thi Hoa Phdn bi~u quy~t : - T6ng s6 c6 phftn c6 quyen bieu quyet tai Dai hQi: 64.854.000 c6 phan - se phieu d6ng y: 110 phieu, nrong (eng64.854.000 c6 phftn, dat tY l~ 100% - se phieu khong d6ng y: phieu, tuang (eng0 c6 phan, dat tY l~ 0% ,.se phieu c6 y kien khac: phieu, tirong (eng0 c6 phan, dat tY l~ 0% Can cir vao Khoan - Di€u 142 Lu~t doanh nghiep s6 68/2014/QH13 26/1112014, Ong Nguysn Thu - Chu tich HQi d6ng quan tri Cong ty la Chu tea cUQc hop Dai hQi d6ng c6 dong thirong nien 2016 * Doan Chit tich: - Ong Nguyen Thu, Chu tich HQid6ng Quan tri - Ong Nguyen Htru Sia, T6ng giam d6c - Ong Nguyen Xuan Diing, Ph6 T6ng giam ddc * Ban Thukj: - Ong Nguy€n Thai Nh~t Nguyen, Ph6 TruOng phong T6 chuc Tien luang - Ba Tran Thi Phuang Thao, Thu ky cong ty IV Thong qua ehuong trlnh va nOi dung hop: Ong Nguy~n Thu, Chu toa - d~i di~n Doan chu tich, thong qua chuang trinh va nQi dung cUQchOp Phdn bi~u quy~t : - T6ng s6 c6 phan c6 quyen bi€u quy6t t~i D~i hQi: 64.854.000c6 phan - s6 phi6u d6ng y: 110 phi6u, tuang (eng64.854.000 c6 phftn, d~t tY l~ 100% - s6 phi6u khong d6ng y: phi6u, tuang (eng0 c6 phan, d~t tY l~ 0% - s6 phi6u c6 y ki6n khac : phi6u, tuang (eng0 c6 phftn, d~t tY l~ 0% V Bao eao eua Ban giam dBe v~ k~t qua hoat dong san xu§t kinh doanh, tlnh hloh tid ehinh nam 2015 Phuong hmmg, k~ hoaeh nam 2016: Ong Nguy€n Hiiu Sia, T6ng giam d6c Cong ty len trinh bay bao cao tinh hinh va k6t qua ho~t dQng san xu§.tkinh doanh, tinh hinh tai chinh nam 2015 va phuang huang, k~ ho~ch cho nam 2016, vai cac nQidung chinh sau: San luqng hang h6a thong qua Cang nam 2015 d~t 6.406.000 t§n tang 6,38% so vai nam 2014 Rieng hang container d~t 258.000 TEU, tang 13,40% so vai nam 2014 Cang Da N~ng cling da:d6n 57 luqt tau khach vai khoang 52.000 luqt khach du lich va thuyen vien, d6ng g6p vao cong chung cua nganh du lich ph6 Doanh thu d~t 527,193 tY dAng d~t 109,83% k6 ho~ch nam, tang 8,09% so vai nam truac Lqi nhu~n truac thu6 d~t 153,382 tY d6ng (trong d6 lqi nhu~ tai chinh thu dUQ'cill vi~c thoai v6n cang San Tra gan 30 tY d6ng), d~t 139,43% k6 ho~ch D~i hQi d6ng c6 dong giao va tang 64,45% so vai nam 2014, d6ng g6p ngan sach nha nuac cua Cang Da N~ng nam 2015 ti~p t\lCtang 11 % so vai cimg kyo ( Dinh kern toan b