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UNIT 13 : FILMS AND CINEMA < I >: A. Choose the word whose part is pronounced differently from that of the others: 1. a. audience b. laugh c. August d. taught 2. a. silent b. film c. thriller d. situation 3. a. century b. picture c. fiction d. question 4. a. enough b. tough c. cough d. though 5. a. scene b. detective c. century d. adventure B. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from that of the others: 6. a. history b. audience c. cinema d. existence 7. a. develop b. discover c. introduce d. prepare 8. a. disaster b. voyage c. luxury d. character 9. a. adventure b. detective c. disgusting d. violent 10. a. cartoon b. fiction c. terrify d. interest < II >: What word or phrase is being defined? 1. A person who performs in films. actor 2. A play or film, and part of the story in sung to music. 3. A person who makes films. 4. The people who watch a film. 5. A part of a film. 6. A person in a film. 7. The most important actors in a film. 8. A movie in which voices and other sounds are not heard. < III >: Complete the passage with the suitable words from the box: comments comic director combined character moustache knight silent funny big Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) was an English film actor and (1) ___________ who did most of his work in the US. Most people consider him the greatest comic actor of the (2) ___________ cinema. He appeared in many of his films as the best-known (3) ___________ he created, a poor man with a small (4) ___________ and trousers and shoes that are too (5) ___________ for him, causing him to walk in a (6) ___________ way. He made many short (7) ___________ films, such as The Kid (1921), and several longer films, such as City Lights (1931) and Modern Times (1936), which (8) ___________ comedy with social and political (9) ___________. He was made a (10) ___________ in 1975. 49 < IV >: Read the conversation between Alice and her friend, Jake. Complete it with the correct form of the words in parentheses. Choose between -ed and -ing participial adjectives. Alice: That was a very (I) _____________ (interest) movie. What did you think? Jake: To be honest, I found it kind of (2) ______________ (bore). I'm not that (3) ______________ (interest) in science fiction. Alice: Really? I find it (4) ______________ (fascinate). What kind of movie do you enjoy? Jake: Mostly comedies. Have you seen Home Again? Alice: Yes, but I wasn't (5) ______________ (amuse) at all. In fact I thought it was (6) ______________ (horrify). The story line was (7) ______________ (confuse), and I couldn't find any humor in the characters' problems. When I left the theater, I felt kind of (8) ______________ (depress). Jake: I'm (9) ______________ (amaze) that you felt that way! I thought it was very (10) _________ (amuse). Alice: Well, I guess it's a matter of taste. Jake: Speaking of taste, would you like to get a bite to eat? Alice: Thanks, but it's late and I'm (11) ______________ (exhaust). < V >: Put in a / an or the where necessary. Leave an empty space (Ø) if the sentence is already complete. 1. I don't usually like staying at ______ hotels, but last summer we spent a few days at ______ very nice hotel by ______ sea. 2. ______ tennis is my favorite sport. I play once or twice ______ week if I can, but I'm not ______ very good player. 3. I won't be home for ______ dinner this evening. I'm meeting some friends after ______ work and we're going to ______ cinema. 4. ______ unemployment is very high at the moment and it's very difficult for ______ people to find ______ work. 5. There was ______ accident as I was going ______ home last night. Two people were taken to ______ hospital. I think ______ most accidents are caused by ______ people driving too fast. 6. Carol is ______ economist. She used to work in ______ investment department of ______ Lloyds Bank. Now she works for ______ American bank in ______ United States. 7. A: What's ______ name of ______ hotel where you're staying? B: Imperial. It's in ______ Queen Street in ______ city centre. It's near ______ station. 8. I have two brothers. ______ older one is training to be ______ pilot with ______ British Airways. ______ younger one is still at ______ school. When he leaves ______ school, he hopes to go to ______ university to study ______ law. < VI >: Make the correct choice : 1. Chaplin's movies captivated ______ throughout the world. a. scientists b. musicians c. directors d. audiences 2. There's a love story in it, and it's very funny. I suppose you'd call it a ______. a. horror film b. detective film c. romantic comedy d. thriller 3. Steven Spielberg is one of the famous ______. He has made lots of films including Jaw, Jurassic Park, Schindler s List, etc. a. stars b. directors c. actors d. script writers 4. The film is ______ two women who drive across America. a. on b. of c. about d. over 5. The main ______ is played by Nicole Kidman. a. actress b. character c. director d. film maker 6. Silence of the Lambs is a ______ film. It makes the audience scared. a. disaster b. science fiction c. action d. horror 7. The film is ______ the I940s, during the Second World War. a. made for b. based on c. set in d. occurred in 8. Phantom of the Opera is a popular musical written by Andrew Lloyd Webber. a. play or film in which there are a lot of songs b. part of the story performed by musicians c. series shown on television or the radio d. play performed by singers and orchestra 50 9. The movie Schindler’s List was ______ on the novel Schindler’s Ark written by the Australian writer Thomas Keneally. a. based b. depended c. played d. performed 10. Charlie Chaplin is considered as the greatest comic actor of the ______ a. musical cinema b. commercial film c. romantic comedy d. silent cinema 11. She thought the film far ______ to children. a. violent enough to show b. so violent that not to show c. too violent to show d. too violent not to show 12. There's an ______ film on at the local cinema. a. interest b. interesting c. interested d. interestingly 13. We went to ______ last night. a. a awful film b. an awful film c. the awful film d. awful film 14. They've just started ______ a film of the novel. a. shoot b. shot c. shooting d. being shot 15. The film ______ after weeks of protest by religious groups. a. was finally released b. finally released c. finally have released d. was released finally 16. We stayed for the film credits ______ who the music was by. a. for seeing b. in order see c. seeing d. to see 17. Frank works as ______ a. a security guard at a film studio. b. a security guard at film studio. c. the security guard at the film studio. d. security guard at a film studio. 18. This film tells the remarkable story of ______ actor. a. a disabled b. the disabled c. disabled d. an disabled 19. The movie was so ______ that we couldn't sleep last night. a. thrill b. thrilling c. thrilled d. thriller 20. It's hard to tell with Alice. Her mood are always very ______. a. surprise b. surprised c. surprising d. being surprised 21. There isn't ______ airport near where I live. ______ nearest airport is 70 miles away. a. a/ The b. an/ The c. the/ The d. the/ A 22. This young director ______ four films so far. His recent film ______ the Oscar for Best Director. a. made/ won b. has made/ has won c. made/has won d. has made/ won 23. 'You look ______ when you see me.' 'Yes. I think you are in China.' a. astonish b. astonishing c. astonished d. astonishingly 24. It was not until one was found the search for a star ______. a. will stop b. would stop c. didn't stop d. wouldn't stop 25. The actress couldn't attend the awards ceremony so she had a representative ______ the award for her. a. accept b. accepted c. accepting d. acceptance < VII >: Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: 1. Some movie fans can't separate fantasy from reality and confused an actor with the A B C character he plays. D 2. We're always amazing by John's incredible travel stories. A B C D 3. Moviemaker combines several separate processes. A B C D 4. The comedian worked hardly to entertain the children in the hospital. A B C D 5. The critic's description of the film made it sound very appealed. A B C D 6. Part of the entertainment of seeing a movie is understanding how the director combination A B a range of different styles to attain an artistic goal. C D 7. Movies are one of the most popular form of entertainment. A B C D 8. It was not until they had seen the movie stars that the crowd outside would not disperse. 51 A B C D 9. The film's representation of world poverty through the character of hungry child was quite A B C moving. D 10. The actors left the hotel separately in order avoid attracting a lot of attention. A B C D < VIII >: Read the passage and make the correct choice: The popularity of the movies began early in the 20th century and continues today. People of all ages find movies (1 ) _______. Movies are a worldwide phenomenon, as the internationalism of movie distribution has helped to (2) _______ ideas around the globe. One movie can quickly influence other movies. But why are movies so popular? Movies are a kind of storytelling.They try to describe an idea or record an observation about our culture. These (3) _______ are recorded using moving visual images. Some movies portray the situation accurately and realistically, whereas other movies find visual symbols to (4) _______ those situations. On the most simple level, movies are a succession of (5) _______ images. These successive images are captured on film. Directors film a wide (6) _______ of shots - long, medium, and close up - to create a visual composition. The visual images, along with plot, characterization, and sound, produce the desired narrative. The shots are joined together in any number of combinations in a (7) _______ called editing. Making a film is a massive, complex, and expensive task that (8) _______ art and business. Making a movie (9) _______ the talents of hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of artists, producers, and business people. It can take months even years, for a film to be (10) _______ into a movie theater. 1. a. thrilling b. entertaining c. terrifying d. amusing 2. a. break b. change c. disperse d. show 3. a. descriptions b. combinations c. observations d. introductions 4. a. influence b. record c. replace d. represent 5. a. move b. moving c. moved d. movement 6. a. row b. range c. series d. line 7. a. process b. product c. progress d. project 8. a. connects b. describes c. combines d. contains 9. a. involves b. develops c. attains d. touches 10. a. released b. moved c. delivered d. sent < IX >: Rewrite the following sentences, using “ It was not until .” 1. No one someone could leave the stadium. - It was not until 2:30 that someone could leave the stadium. 2. She weren't allowed to open her presents until her birthday. -…………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. We didn't have any holiday until last summer. -…………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. She didn't stop learning German until the age of 24. -…………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. I couldn't finish my project until Mark helped me. -…………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. I didn't sleep until midnight. -…………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. They didn't pay the bill until the electricity was cut off. -…………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. I couldn't comment further until I had all the information. -…………………………………………………………………………………………… < X >: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the words given: 1. The film's ending is dramatic. -The film ends …………………………………………………………………………… 2. The clown amused the children. - The clown made ………………………………………………………………………. 3. The film didn't come up to my expectation. - The film wasn’t as ……………………………………………………………………… 4. The film excited us all a lot. 52 - All of us were ………………………………………………………………………… 5. It doesn't matter to them which film they go to. - They don’t mind ………………………………………………………………………. 6. The book interests me. - I am …………………………………………………………………………………… 7. I didn’t notice that I had taken the wrong umbrella until I got home. - Not until ……………………………………………………………………………… 8. The sad movie depressed us all. - It was ………………………………………………………………………………… 9. When did you start working as an actor? - How long …………………………………………………………………………… 10. I called my uncle for some advice. - I called my uncle in order …………………………………………………………. A Friend Who Shares Is A Friend Who Cares Người Bạn Tốt Là Người Sẵn Lòng Sẻ Chia 53

Ngày đăng: 22/07/2013, 01:27

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