sAo cAo £)~I KET auA GIAO OICH CHUNG, NGU'OI NOI co PHIEU/CHLrNG cHi au)' COA NGU'C)'I.NOI so COA CONG TY £)~I CHUNG vA NGU'OI CO LIEN aUAN CO'ANGU'OI NOI so so GOA au)' REPORT ON RESUL TS OF TRANSACTION IN SHARES/FUND CERTIFICA TES OF INTERNAL PERSON OF PUBLIC COMPANY, INTERNAL PERSON OF PUBLIC FUND AND RELA TED PERSONS OF INTERNAL PERSON - Oy ban Chling khoan Nha nuoc di~h chling khoan - Cong ty co phan Day cap di$n Viet Nam (CADIVI) To: - The State Securities Commission - The Stock Exchange - Vietnam Electric Cable Corporation ThOng tin v€ ca nhan/to chirc thuc hien giao dich/ Information on individual/organization: Kfnh gut - Sa Giao - Ho va ten ca nhan/Ten to chtrc' Name of individual/organization: - Quoc tich/ Nationality: LEQUANG DTNH Vi~t Nam se ky - s.6 CMND, HO chieu, The can ,cU'ac (doi vo: ca nhan) hoac ~iay chU'ng nhan dang doanh n~hi$p, Giay phep heat dong hoac giay to phap Iy tU'O'ng dU'O'ng (doi vel t6 chtrc), cap, noi cap/ 10 card/Passport No (in case of individual) or Certificate of business registration No (in case of organization), date of issue, place of issue: - Dia chi lien he/Dia chi tru sa ctunh/ Address: - Di$n thoa,i/ Telephone: Fax: "Email: "" Website: - Chuc VI,J hien tai cong ty dai chunq, cone ty quan Iy quy (neu co) hoac moi quan h$ voi cong ty dai chunq, cong ty quan Iy quyl Current position in the public company, the fund management company (if any) or relationship with the public company, the fund management company:Tong Giam £Joc Cong Ty Phtm Day Cap £Ji~n Vi~t Nam Co - Chlic VI,J tc;licong ty da,i chung, cong ty quan Iy quy ta,i dang ky giaodich (neu e6)1 Posittion in the public company, the fund management company at registration date (if any): va khOng la ngU'CYinoi bO ho$c ngU'CYic6 lien quan eua ngU'CYinoi bo eua cong ty dc;li chung, eong ty quan Iy quy: (neu r6 Iy do) *1 and date on which is no longer internal person or related person of internal person of the public company, the fund management company *: Ml,lc chI danh cho twang hQ'p chua h~t thai hc;m aang ky giao dich, a6i tUQ'ng aang ky khOng la nguoi noi bO ho?c nguoi co lien quan cua nguoi noi bo cua cong ty aeua cong ty da.i ehung/quy d