ECTS Users’ Guide More information on the European Union is available on the Internet ( Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009 ISBN: 978-92-79-09728-7 doi: 10.2766/88064 © European Communities, 2009 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Belgium Pr i n t e d o n w h i t e c h l o r i n e -f r e e P a P e r Europe Direct is a service to help you nd answers to your questions about the European Union Freephone number (*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (*) Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow access to 00 800 numbers or these calls may be billed. ECTS Users’ Guide Brussels, 6 February 2009 ECTS Users’ Guide 4 Contents Introduction 7 1. ECTS and the European Higher Education Area (Bologna Process) 9 2. ECTS key features 11 3. ECTS key features explained 13 3.1. ECTS as a learner-centred credit system 13 3.2. ECTS and learning outcomes 13 3.3. ECTS, levels and level descriptors 15 3.4. ECTS credits and workload 16 4. Implementing ECTS in higher education institutions 17 4.1. ECTS credit allocation 17 4.2. Awarding ECTS credits 20 4.3. ECTS credit accumulation and progression 21 4.4. Credit transfer in ECTS 21 4.5. ECTS and lifelong learning 23 5. Quality assurance and ECTS 25 6. ECTS key documents 27 6.1. Course Catalogue 27 6.2. Student Application Form 28 6.3. Learning Agreement 29 6.4. Transcript of Records 30 5 Contents 7. References for further reading 31 7.1. Credit and qualifications systems 31 7.2. Curriculum design 32 7.3. Learning outcomes 32 7.4. National publications 33 8. Glossary 35 Annex 1 Learners’ perspective in using ECTS 37 Annex 2 Suggestions for institutions on recognition of periods of study abroad in the framework of bilateral agreements 39 Annex 3 ECTS Grading Table 41 Annex 4 Key documents 45 Annex 5 Overview of national regulations on the number of learning hours per academic year 59 ECTS Users’ Guide 6 Introduction 7 Introduction This ECTS Users’ Guide provides guidelines for implementation of the European Credit Transfer and Accu- mulation System (ECTS). It also presents the ECTS key documents. The Guide is oered to assist learners, academic and administrative sta in higher education institutions as well as other interested parties. The 2009 Users’ Guide elaborates on the previous version of 2005. It has been updated to take account of developments in the Bologna Process, the growing importance of lifelong learning, the formulation of qualifi- cations frameworks and the increasing use of learning outcomes. It has been written with the help of experts from stakeholders’ associations and ECTS counsellors, and submitted for consultation to stakeholders’ as- sociations, Member States’ experts and the Bologna Follow-up Group. The European Commission has coordi- nated the drafting and consultation process and is responsible for the final wording of the Guide. ECTS 1 is a tool that helps to design, describe, and deliver programmes and award higher education qualifica- tions. The use of ECTS, in conjunction with outcomes-based qualifications frameworks, makes programmes and qualifications more transparent and facilitates the recognition of qualifications. ECTS can be applied to all types of programmes, whatever their mode of delivery (school-based, Fast Business Online User’s Guide Human Resources Table of Content Employee Information 1.1 Personal Information 1.1.1 General Information 1.1.2 Educational Background 1.1.3 Working History 12 1.1.4 Salary History 13 1.1.5 Award/ Violation 16 1.1.6 Work Accident 17 1.2 Department List 18 1.3 Human Resources Reports 19 1.3.1 Curriculum Vitae 19 1.3.2 Employee Birthday List 19 1.3.3 Employee List 21 1.3.4 Employee List by Department 22 1.3.5 Employee List by Education Level 23 1.3.6 Employee List by Speciality 24 1.3.7 Employee List by Foreign Language 25 1.3.8 Employee List by Seniority 27 1.3.9 Employees with Salary Changes 28 1.3.10 Employees with Salary Due to Increase 29 1.4 List 30 1.4.1 General Information List 30 1.4.2 Educational Information List 31 1.4.3 Other List 31 Training Management 32 2.1 Data Input 32 2.1.1 Training Request Form 32 2.1.2 Training Course Information 33 2.1.3 Training Course Result 38 2.1.4 Training Requirement Input by Job Position 41 2.2 List Maintenance 43 2.2.1 Subject List 43 2.2.2 Skill Type List 43 2.2.3 Grade List 44 2.2.4 Training Resources 44 2.2.5 Training Providers 45 2.2.6 Training Type List 45 2.3 Training Reports 46 2.3.1 Training Requirements 46 2.3.2 Training Plan 46 2.3.3 Training Implementation 47 2.3.4 Training Result Detailed by Course 48 2.3.5 Trainee Qualifying and Result 49 Fast Business Online User’s Guide 2.3.6 Human Resources Training Requirement Report by Job Position 50 Appraisal Management 51 3.1 Data Input 51 3.1.1 Performance Appraisal Information 51 3.2 List Maintenance 54 3.2.1 Appraisal Period 54 3.2.2 Appraisal Criterion Type 55 3.2.3 Appraisal Criteria 55 3.3 Appraisal Reports 57 3.3.1 Performance Appraisal Form 57 3.3.2 Performance Appraisal Template 58 3.3.3 Employee Appraisal Summary 58 3.3.4 Multi-period Appraisal Summary 59 3.3.5 Appraisal Progress 59 Tool & Supply 60 4.1 Tool & Supply Issue 60 4.2 Tool & Supply Decrease 62 4.3 Tool & Supply Request by Job Position 64 4.4 Tool & Supply Report 65 4.4.1 Tool & Supply Issue Report 65 4.4.2 Tool & Supply Decrease Report 66 4.4.3 Tool & Supply Issue Status by Employee 66 4.4.4 Tool & Supply Expiry Report 68 4.4.5 Tool & Supply Type List 68 4.4.6 Tool & Supply Opening Quantity Input 69 Fast Business Online 2/69 Fast Business Online User’s Guide Employee Information 1.1 Personal Information 1.1.1 Human Resources General Information General Information - upper area - Employee ID: If you want to have default prefix of employee ID, define "Default Employee ID" in Department list; - Department: directly input in employee information entry screen or updated by department transfer in working history; - Image: used for management and CV printing; - Gender: used as filter condition in reports for employee statistics; - Ordinal Number: used to arrange employees in list It should be defined so that all employees in a department have the same number system Information input in working history can be updated to employee information However, it cannot be updated when current position is deleted You have to manually change current position to old one General Information - Date of Birth: used in reporting as "Employee Birthday List"; - Place of Birth/ ID Card No./ Place of Issue/ Date of Issue/ Expiry Date/ Nationality/ Ethnic/ Religion/ Marital Status/ Mobile Phone/ Email Address/ Current Address: are reference information Fast Business Online 3/69 Fast Business Online User’s Guide Human Resources Working - Join Date: used for filter condition "Join Date from/to" in querying some reports; - Official Hire Date: used to calculate work seniority in employee seniority statistics reports; Fast Business Online 4/69 Fast Business Online User’s Guide Human Resources - Position and Job Grade: directly input or updated from working history details Education Level - Education Level/ Graduated from/ Major/ Graduation Date: used for data filter of "Employee List by Education Level" report; - From Date/ To Date/ Rank of Graduation: are reference information Fast Business Online Foreign Language 5/69 Fast Business ...A Model Course for Public Health Education in Chiropractic Colleges A Users Guide This project, (ASPH Project #H092-04/04) is supported under a cooperative agreement from the Health Resources and Services Administration through the Association of Schools of Public Health. Model Course in Public Health – Users Guide 2 Table of Contents I. Forward II. Project Participants III. Project Summary IV. About the Model Course Project A. Background B. Methods C. Project Objectives V. Writing Clear and Measurable Learning Objectives VI. Overall Program Goals VII. Subject Specific Objectives A. Environmental Health Sciences B. Epidemiology C. Health Policy and Management D. Health Promotion and Clinical Preventive Services E. Infectious Diseases and Immunology F. Non – communicable diseases G. Occupational Health VIII. Assessment Results IX. The Public Health Work Shop X. Appendices A. CHC Task Force Template Syllabus 1. Specific course objectives 2. Area specific objectives B. A Primer for Writing Clear and Measurable Learning Objectives C. Public Health Workshop Agenda D. Public Health Resources Model Course in Public Health – Users Guide 3 I. Forward Health professionals’ knowledge and application of public health principles have become the object of increased attention from many different sectors of the health care delivery system. Commentary has been offered by many, including the Medicine and Public Health Initiative, The Pew Health Commission, Healthy People 2010, the Surgeon General and indirectly through the views of health care consumers. Collectively they suggest the need for the health professions to review and prioritize their approaches to teaching public health principles, as well as how such principles may be successfully incorporated into practice characteristics to benefit the stakeholders in the system. Priority areas have been suggested including various aspects of health policy, environmental health sciences, clinical epidemiology and clinical preventive services. This project, “A Model Course for Public Health Education in Chiropractic Colleges” represents a step in the chiropractic profession’s continued efforts to address this important issue. This manual is a collection of the background, educational tools, assessment results and recommendations for educational content generated during the project. It should serve as a useful reference for future chiropractic educators and researchers. These recommendations are a work in progress, not a final product. They represent a phase in the evolution of public health education in chiropractic, and will no doubt be the subject of future evaluation and modification. The project, including the Association of Chiropractic Colleges Public Health Workshop represent the collaborative efforts of chiropractic and public health professionals from diverse backgrounds in the health professions. Thankfully we were able to build on the prior work and experiences of the American Public Health Association Chiropractic Health Care Section’s-Public Health Task Force. Many of the project’s participants had been members of the Task Force. We were also fortunate to recruit a number of other chiropractic educators, practitioners and organizational leaders to participate in the Public Health Workshop and working and advisory groups. As the chiropractic director of this project I was honored to MAGENTO USER’S GUIDE THIS IS A SNAPSHOT OF MAGENTO USER’S GUIDE WIKI. Created: 26/7/2008 Text from: PDF Created by: TEAM for Chapter 1: Introducing Magento What is Magento Magento is a new professional open-source eCommerce solution offering unprecedented flexibility and control. With Magento, never feel trapped in your eCommerce solution again. Since it is open-source, Magento’s code is available free for download. Just go to to download your copy today. In this guide we will introduce key concepts and walk you through setting up your Magento store, from installing Magento, to entering products. Elements and Terminologies of Magento Sites Magento is made up of a few different elements which define the functionality, design and business logic of the site. In order to follow along with the User Guide it is crucial that you have a good grasp of the terminologies used to describe these elements of the Magento system. The terminologies introduced in this chapter are most likely new territory for you, so take your time and read through them thoroughly. But most importantly, don’t be discouraged if you can’t fully grasp the concept of all these new terminologies - This chapter merely serves to introduce them, and further chapters will dig deeper into, and expand upon, these simple definitions. Websites and Stores One of the most powerful features of Magento is the ability to manage multiple websites and stores from one back-end. This allows store owners to manage stores on different URLs, display the same products in different languages on the same URL, along with a variety of other setups. If you will only be selling your products from one URL in one language you will not need to use this functionality, but the ability to easily expand into additional languages makes Magento scalable as your business grows out of your home market. Websites A website is made up of one or more stores which share the same customer information, order information and shopping cart. This is a very broad term that can be adopted to define the unique needs of individual merchants. Stores Stores can be setup in a variety of ways, but remember that if they are part of the same website they will share certain information. Store Views 1 Store Views are mainly used for different languages, so if you wanted to have a store displayed in English and Spanish, for example, you could create the store once and create two different store views for that store. A few scenarios to define the different uses of website and store are as follows: Scenario 1: One Website with multiple stores Scenario 2: Two Stores with two store views each Scenario 3: One Website with one store and one store view The most common setup will be a one website and one store setup, but understanding the functionality of multiple websites and stores will help you understand why certain values are defined as global defaults and why others are only assigned on the website or store level. Magento's Architecture Magento is built on top of the Zend Framework, ensuring that the code base will be secure and scalable. The reasons for choosing the Zend Framework are many, but at a basic level the Zend Framework provides an object-oriented library of code with a committed company standing behind it. Using this framework, Magento was built with 3 central tenets in mind. 2 Flexibility: We believe each solution should be as unique as the business behind it. Magento’s code allows for seamless customizations. Upgradeable: By separating the core code from community and local customizations, Magento can be easily customized without losing the ability to ECMA Code User Manual, September 2009 1 EUROPEAN CARTON MAKERS ASSOCIATION The ECMA Code of Folding Carton Design Styles Users manual Release 2009 V1.0 Introduction Thank you for your interest in the new release of the ECMA Code of Folding Carton Design Styles. This application is the first digital version of the “ECMA Code “ and will allow you to explore and visualise the most commonly-used folding carton design styles and upload your own customised designs. It also provides a full explanation of the new coding system for carton design styles and gives you access to other relevant industry reference standards. This document explains in more detail the main features and functionalities of the application. How to obtain the digital “ECMA Code”. The application is available as a downloadable software from the ESDnow webshop. ( ). A direct link is available on the ECMA website. A license activation guide is embedded in the download (see Start Programs) but can also been consulted on or downloaded from the ECMA website. Installation of the software on your PC. When you have chosen the mode “execute” for the download of the software, the installation process will start automatically once the download has finished. In case you have chosen to save the download file on your PC then you have to open the downloaded file and double click the msi.exe file to start the installation process. After the installation process you will notice a shortcut on your desktop and the ECMA Code start buttons will also appear in your ‘Programs’ list. By double clicking the ECMA Code shortcut the application will start up for the first time and will connect you with the activation server. At this first start up, you will have the choice to use a demo version of the ECMA code application, which will stop working after 10 calendar days, or to buy an activation code for a perpetual licence of the software application immediately. Important at the point of activation : • Stay connected to the internet during the activation process of the software. • Firewall settings : normal Firewall settings will allow you to connect to the activation server. In case you would not be able to get a connection to the activation server disable the Firewall during the activation process. • Individual users: be sure to install the application on the computer where you will continue to use the ECMA Code application since your activation code can only be used 2 times and is linked to the hardware in use. ECMA Code User Manual, September 2009 2 EUROPEAN CARTON MAKERS ASSOCIATION • Multi-user activations: when the application is made available via a central server and a company LAN network, a number of activation codes will be made available. In this set up, although the fact that the application has already been activated on the server, every individual workstation that will make use of the ECMA Code application will need to be activated as well. • In case you have chosen to download the demo version you will be reminded when you need to buy an activation code so that you can continue to use the application without interruption. • During the purchasing process you will also have the option to buy a hard copy of the software. Please click the option “Back up CD” in the web shop and a CD will be sent to you in a matter of days (extra cost of € 25,- excl VAT). • If you want to receive notifications, future versions and updates you need to complete the registration details. • If you experience difficulties, an information folder ( License activation guide) is available in the Start programs ( Windows Start => Start => ECMA Code => Instruction [...]... HOST Menu Items Summary xiv 31 35 36 37 38 41 43 43 44 44 44 45 45 46 46 46 46 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 50 50 51 51 51 52 53 54 56 69 Contents Chapter 4: Portal and Content Administration Administrative Functionality Site Settings Basic Settings Advanced Settings Roles Managing Roles Users Adding Users Existing Users Deleting Unauthorized Users Profile Properties Permissions Permissions Grid Deny Permissions... Portal Health Database Health Pages and Users Modules and Skin in Use Backing Up Your Website When to Back Up How to Back Up How to Restore Upgrading DotNetNuke 222 223 223 232 232 233 237 239 241 243 243 244 2 45 2 45 2 45 246 247 248 251 Deciding When to Upgrade Disabling Your Website during an Upgrade Deciding Which Package to Use Performing an Upgrade 252 252 253 253 Upgrading Extensions (Modules and... Page Module Settings Managing a Module Summary Chapter 5: Creating Your Personal Site 71 71 72 72 78 84 85 90 91 92 93 93 95 95 96 96 97 97 97 97 1 05 1 05 107 111 114 1 15 Planning for Your Personal Site 1 15 Goals for Your Personal Site Who Is Your Audience? 116 116 Essential DNN Setup for a Personal Site 116 Basic Site Settings Identifying Your Users in DNN Establishing the Appearance of Your Site Organizing... Users Management Common Misconceptions Summary 5 5 5 9 9 10 10 11 14 14 14 14 Chapter 2: Installing DotNetNuke 15 Web Server Basics Pre-Installation Considerations 15 16 What Kind of a Website Will You Be Building? How Much Content Will Your Website Have? How Much Traffic Will Your Website Receive? Who Is Your Intended Audience? Will Your Website Have Its Own Domain Name? Installation Requirements DotNetNuke. .. Module Forum Module Events Module Summary Chapter 7: Creating a Small Business Website Why Use DotNetNuke for Your Small Business Website? Goals for Your Website 139 143 146 147 148 148 148 150 152 153 164 1 65 166 168 168 169 176 1 85 187 188 188 Site Administration Considerations 188 Site Settings Allowing Users to Manage Services Creating Secure Pages 189 189 191 Custom Design Considerations Layouts... powerful features of DotNetNuke simply and practically — Patrick Renner Contents Foreword Introduction xix xxi Chapter 1: Introduction To DotNetNuke 1 What Is a Content Management System? What Is Open Source? 2 3 Software Licenses 3 What Is DotNetNuke? 4 Who Uses DotNetNuke? What Does the License Allow? A Brief History of DotNetNuke What Is the DotNetNuke Ecosystem? What Does DotNetNuke Provide and... Website during an Upgrade Deciding Which Package to Use Performing an Upgrade 252 252 253 253 Upgrading Extensions (Modules and Skins) Setting Up Multiple Environments 255 256 Types of Environments Configuring a New Environment 256 257 xvii Contents Rotating Content Using Banners Managing Vendor Accounts Banner Placement Other Uses for Banners Token Replacement Sending Newsletters Basic Settings The... understand all the features that make building websites in DNN easy and fun Who This Book Is For This book is for users of DotNetNuke 5 and primarily targets people interested in building a website for themselves or an organization This book is for users with all levels of knowledge about DotNetNuke, from those first learning about the platform to those who have years of experience working with DNN This... the highly versatile DotNetNuke Web Content Management System, I highly recommend this book as I believe it provides the insight and guidance to allow you to achieve your goals Shaun Walker Co-Founder & Chief Architect DotNetNuke ... following information: - Type: - Current Position, - Previous Position: if position type is current position, it will be updated to general information; - Nature: - Official Position, - Concurrent Position:... the employees belong Note: - Only employees with position "Nature" as "1 - Official" and working status will be shown in report - In case there is no record in "Current Working History", employees. .. Note: - The record with earliest "Start Date" in "Actual Salary History" will be shown without old salary; - Department viewed in report is current department of employees; - Only working employees