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CHAT Checklist English

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CHAT Checklist English tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kinh...

Khi các bạn chat với người nước ngoài họ rất hay viết tắt, giống như Vn mình cũng vậy. Mình biết một số từ, ai biết thêm thì bổ xung vô nha. plz : please IC : I see 4u : for u asl : Tuổi , giới tính , nơi ở ? lol : Cười hehe: Cười u : you afk away from keyboard bbl be back later bbiab be back in a bit kkz = okay ttyl = talk to you later lv a mess = leave a message lata = later [ bye] n2m = not too much [when asked wassup] newayz = anyways gtg = gotta go noe = know noperz = no yupperz = yes lolz = laugh out loud teehee = cười [giggle] lmfao = laughing my f*ckin' *ss off nah = no nuthin' = nothing BS = b*ll sh*t TTYL = talk to you later LD = later, dude OIC = oh I see PPL = people sup = what's up wan2tlk = want to talk? wkd = weekend dts = dont think so cul8r = see you later aas = alive and smiling gf = girlfriend g2g = got to go ga = go ahead ilu = i love you rme = rolling my eyes ss = so sorry spk = speak stw = search the web thx = thanks tc = take care sul = see you later gol = giggling out loud hru = how are you ybs = you'll be sorry wuf? = where are you from? bc = because bbl = be back later otb = off to bed np = no problem nbd = no big deal tam = tomorrow A.M tu = thank you bf = boy friend b4 = before wtg = way to go brb be right back btw by the way channel another name for room or chat room cya see ya gmta great minds think alike imho in my humble opinion j/k just kidding irl in real life lag this occurs when a server gets overloaded and transfer of messages becomes extremely slow. lol laughing out loud netsplit a too common occurrence where a network's servers get overloaded and split away from each other temporarily. Thus those on different servers will break away so that it appears to each group that the other group has left the channel. Usually these splits last only a few minutes. network an organization of servers and channels; #my_channel may exist on two different networks, but it will likely, though not always, be managed by totally different people on each network nick internet nickname op operator or person who helps control the channel. Ops are distinguished in various ways according to software used, but often designated by @ in front of their nick rotfl rolling on the floor laughing server the entry portal for a network; most networks have at least two, some have many servers ttfn ta ta for now ttyl talk to you later wb welcome back gg = good game lmao = laugh my ass off asl: age, ***, location wtf? : what the ****? fu: **** you coz: cause nmjc: nothing much just chilling g2g: get to go g9: good night ty = thank you wth= what the heck cuz = cause dun = dont know = no omg= oh my god omfg= oh my fuking god dt = double team ! WTF : Wat the f OMFG : oh my F ing god STFU: Shut The F Up msg - message nvm - never mind asap = as soon as possible gg = good game lmao = laugh my ass off asl: age, ***, location ( từ này là họ hay dùng nhất đấy lúc mới chat với bạn họ sẽ hỏi bạn ) coz: cause nmjc: nothing much just chiliing hs:head shot ns:nice shot ic =i see n = and da = the CHAT (CHecklist for Autism in Toddlers) Autism Screening at 18–24 months of age Patient Name: _ Date of Birth: _ Medical Record Number: _ Todays Date: _ Section A: To be completed by parent Does your child enjoy being swung, bounced on your knee, etc? n Yes n No Does your child take an interest in other children? n Yes n No Does your child like climbing on things, such as up stairs? n Yes n No Does your child enjoy playing peek-a-boo/hide-and-seek? n Yes n No Does your child ever PRETEND, for example, to make a cup of tea using a toy cup and teapot, or pretend other things? n Yes n No Does your child ever use his/her index finger to point, to ASK for something? n Yes n No Does your child ever use his/her index finger to point, to indicate INTEREST in something? n Yes n No Can your child play properly with small toys (e.g cars or bricks) without just mouthing, fiddling or dropping them? n Yes n No Does your child ever bring objects over to you (parent) to SHOW you something? n Yes n No During the appointment, has the child made eye contact with you? n Yes n No Get child’s attention, then point across the room at an interesting object and say ‘Oh look! There’s a (name of toy)!’ Watch child’s face Does the child look across to see what you are pointing at? n Yes n No Get the child’s attention, then give child a miniature toy cup and teapot and say ‘Can you make me a cup of tea?’ Does the child pretend to pour out tea, drink it, etc.? n Yes n No Say to the child ‘Where’s the light?’, or ‘Show me the light’ Does the child POINT with his/her index finger at the light? n Yes n No Can the child build a tower of bricks? (If so, how many ) n Yes n No Section B: Physician or Health care Provider B2: To record Yes on this item, ensure the child has not simply looked at your hand, but has actually looked at the object you are pointing at B3: If you can elicit an example of pretending in some other game, score a Yes on this item B4: Repeat this with ‘Where’s the teddy?’ or some other unreachable object, if child does not understand the word light To record Yes on this item, the child must have looked up at your face around the time of pointing (See back for scoring recommendations) Page of CHAT key items Section A A5: Pretend play A7: Protodeclarative pointing Section B B2: Following a point B3: Pretending B4: Producing a point CHAT non-key items Section A A1: Rough and tumble play A2: Social interest A3: Motor development A4: Social play A6: Protoimperative pointing A8: Functional play A9: Showing Section B B1: Eye contact B5: Tower of bricks Risk Assignment High risk for autism group Fail (NO answer) A5, A7, B2, B3, B4 Medium risk for autism group Fail A7, B4 (but not in high risk group) Low risk for autism group Not in other two risk groups Management recommendations: High risk group: Refer to developmental clinic as well as ESD (Educational Services Department) Medium risk group: High suspicion – refer as above Low suspicion – Re-test in one month Low risk group: If there are any NO answers, re-test in one month Page of  2.4. Developing stages of solution groups Pg. 31 2.5. Explaining he practicality at HCYU Pg. 34 VI. Conclusion Pg. 36 Content I. Introduction Pg. 2 II. Purpose of the thesis Pg. 5 1. Research purpose Pg. 5 2. Research objects limited Pg. 6 III. Theoretical Framework Pg. 7 1. Basics of Management: Pg. 7 2. Research Framework. Pg. 8 2.1. The three-skill method Pg. 8 2.2. Stages of development from officials to senior leaders Pg. 11 3. Research framework diagram Pg. 12 IV. Research Methodology Pg. 13 1. Methods of collecting primary information. Pg. 13 1.1. Methods of direct personal interview Pg. 13 1.2. Methods of observation Pg. 14 2. Methods of collecting secondary information: Pg. 15 V. Analyzing results Pg. 15 1. Information analysis results Pg. 15 1.1. Professional skills Pg. 16 1.2. Human skills Pg. 19 1.3. Cognitive skills Pg. 22 1.4. The relationship among skills Pg. 26 1.5. Status of the training process, improve the quality of management staff of the Board, the unit of mass movements Union Pg. 26 2. Solutions to improve the quality of young staff management agency Union Pg. 27 2.1.Solutions group to improve professional capacity Pg. 27 2.2. Solution group to motivate the staff Pg. 29 2.3. Group solution to strengthen each symbolic link among Pg. 30 individuals in the organization  I. Introduction: Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union is a political and social organization founded and led by the Communist Party of Vietnam along with President Ho Chi Minh. Launched in 1931, during quite a long history, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union has expressed his outstanding role in collecting and encouraging the revolutionary heroism among the young, substantially dedicating to the national liberation, reunification, construction and defense. Currently, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union continues to affirm its value in promoting the act of volunteering as well as the creativity and diligence among Vietnam young people while the nation is under construction. Simultaneously it can take care of and ensuring legitimate rights and interests of young people in Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union system is divided into 04 levels: central level, provincial level and equivalent levels, district level or equivalent levels and the unit level. Union Agency is the specific one in charge of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union at the central level. It is widely known as “ the agency of the young." Indeed, if you have an opportunity to visit or work in this agency, it’s quite an interesting thing to easily catch the sight of young officials in the traditional blue color of the organization ranging from leaders to principal officials in all boards and divisions. Actually, the number of the middle-aged and old-aged in this agency is not significant . However, in this case, the definition of "young" or "old" is not completely transparent, and the statistics comparing the age among leaders at the Board levels or above from different equivalent agencies in the same political system will prove that opinion.  agencies year Central youth union Farmer union Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs Ministry of Transport Avera ge age High est age Low est age Avera ge age High est age Low est age Avera ge age High est age Low est age Avera ge age High est age Low est age 2009 36 43 31 43 60 38 47 60 36 2010 36,3 42 32 42.4 60 39 45 60 39 47 60 36 2011 36,3 42 33 43 60 38 46 60 40 30 2012 36,3 42 30 44 60 38 46 60 40 45 60 31 Table 1.1. Comparison of the average, the highest and lowest of leaders among governmental agencies 3 We can see from the table 1.1 that all the three categories of the youth union are lower than those of other agencies. Moreover the lowest and average age of the Central Union tend to even further reduce as the next generation of leaders being trained ( heads and deputy heads of division) are at a very young age (the youngest born in 1988-25 years). On the other hand, the images of Name: ……………………………… KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG  Class : ……………………… …… SUBJECT : ENGLISH TIME : 45 MINUTES CLASS : 12 I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest: (1.0pt) 1. A. b i ologist B. sh i ft C. tr i ck D. dec i sion 2. A. confid ed B. oblig ed C. determin ed D. agre ed 3. A. dams B. seasons C. plants D. animals 4. A. d i versity B. sacrif i ce C. obl i ge D. s i gnificant II. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets: (6.0pts) 1. My brother (work) in a shoe store this summer. 2. Yesterday, we (walk) to the station when it (begin) to rain. 3. He often (sing) in English, but today he (sing) in Spanish. 4. While I (write) a letter, the telephone (ring) . 5. Where ………… you (go) …… ………. yesterday? 6. Your hair is wet. you (swim) for a long time? 7. I (leave) the city at weekends. 8. They (begin) to study at this school 7 years ago. 9. John (receive) hospital treatment for a year. 10. I (go) shopping with her tomorrow morning. 11. He (do) nothing before he (see) me. 12. They (go) home after they (finish) their work. 13. When their first child was born, they (be) married for three years. 14. Last January, I (see) snow for the first time in my life. 15. So far this week, I (have) two tests. III. Choose the best word to complete the sentences: (1.0pt) 1. He's always to his father's wishes. A . confident B . supportive C . obedient D . caring 2. Steve is a man. He enjoys being at home with his wife and children. A . free B . married C . single D . family 3. He told me that he had not made any for his summer holiday. A . plan B . idea C . project D . pressure 4. Some people are concerned with physical when choosing a wife or husband. A. responsibility B. attraction C. sacrifice D. decision IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions below: (2.0pts) I will never forget it, the time when I first worked as a teacher. On the first day of my career, I really wanted to make a good impression on my students, so I made a good preparation for everything and I had chosen my best clothes. My students seemed to listen to me attentively but they really looked at me with a funny look on their face, but I dismissed these thoughts from my head and try to explain the lesson as well as possible. Before getting into my car, I stopped to use the restroom down the hall. When I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I almost died. All over the front of me, in my hair and on my purse was a white chalky substance that wouldn’t come off. The harder I tried to rub it, the grayer and dirtier it looked. I was absolutely mortified, thinking about the first impression I had made. I racked my brains to think of what I could have gotten all over me and how could I have not noticed it before I went into the meeting? Then I realized what had happened. We are renovating our house, and the dry wall had just been sanded. I must have put my purse down in a big pile of dust from the dry wall. Then I probably picked it up, hugged it against my chest as I went to work. I just stood in the restroom, staring at the mirror, horrified. I wondered what those students must have thought about me. What a first impression I had just made! Note: dismiss (v): gạt bỏ restroom (n): toilet mirror (n): gương soi mortify (v): làm xấu hổ renovate (v): sửa chữa 1. What did the writer want on the first day of his career? 2. How were his students? 3. What did he do before getting into his car? 4. What did he recognize when he looked at his reflection in the mirror? Chú ý: Học sinh không được trao đổi và không được sử dụng tài liệu. THE END Name: ……………………………… English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level's archive Chit Chat: At the bus stop 1.Mike: Where are you today? go gone going goes 2.Linda: I really want to go . shops shopping shop shopped 3.Mike: What's with the shops here? wrong incorrect false funny 4.Linda: Nothing really but there is more in the town. choosing choose chosen choice 5.Mike: That's true but you have to a long time for a bus. attend expect wait await 6.Linda: Yes, I waiting for 30 minutes already. will be have been was am 7.Mike: Then it's just well it's not raining. as more much than 8.Linda: I don't like the of that dark cloud over there. sight look vision sign 9.Mike: Oh dear. Are you going to wait any . quicker slower former longer 10.Linda: No. I've just it's Sunday and there are no buses today. understood followed realised believed English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level's archive Chit Chat: Talking about the Doctor 1.Mike: Haven't seen you for . centuries ages periods times 2.Linda: No, I've been a lot of pain the last few months. over off across in 3.Mike: I'm sorry to hear that. Tell me it. through of about with 4.Linda: It's awful really. At the it's in my knee. moment second occasion hour 5.Mike: That can walking very difficult. do (b) make (c) cause (d) give make cause give 6.Linda: Then the pain in my back. there are there will be there should be there's 7.Mike: I know what that's . same as similar like 8.Linda: Of I mustn't forget the pains in my feet. way course path lane 9.Mike: Suddenly I'm much better. I won't see the doctor today. Good bye. going trying feeling making 10.Linda: But you can't go I haven't described my other pains. still again till yet .. .CHAT key items Section A A5: Pretend play A7: Protodeclarative pointing Section B B2: Following a point B3: Pretending B4: Producing a point CHAT non-key items Section

Ngày đăng: 05/11/2017, 21:26

