LESSON PLAN Friendship Unit One Lesson NO.3 Outcomes - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to listen and pick up specific details. - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to listen and understand general ideas. Type of lesson - Skill-based (listening, speaking) Key Vocabulary - sociable - sensitive - indifferent - conservative - skinny - stout Key structures - She looks athletic with her hair cut short and casual clothes. - It was her rosy plump face … that attracted me at the firt look. Anticipated Problems - Some students at the back may have difficulty listening to the CD player. Materials - Textbook - CD player -Sheets of paper -Chalk and board - Cards Stage Timing Procedure Aims Focus Materials 1. Warm- up ( 4-5’) Game: ‘ Five little things ‘ -Ssk SS to word in groups ofr 4 -Tell SS to listen to instructtions anh write down 5things as required on a piece of paper. - The group that finishes first and get all correct will get 1 point. - The group that has more points will win the game. -Check SS’ understanding of instructions and have them start the game. These are the suggested instructions: 1. Write down 5 places where you often meet with your close friend. 2. Write down 5 things you often share with your close friend. 3. Write down 5 pualities you need in a good friend. 4. Write down 5 adjectives describing appearance. 5. Write down 5 adjectives describing character or personality. Expected answers: 1. home,school,park,cinema,evening class,… 2. notes,cake,homework,school things,joy,sadnees,… - To create,interest ,review Adjectives And nouns And Introduce The topic Gpoups T-class -Sheets of Paper 2. Pre- Listening (4-5’) (1-2’) (2-3’) 3. While listening 3. honesty,loyalty,unselfishness,helpfulness,good- heartedness,… 4. tall,short,good-looking,beautiful,well-dressed, stout,… 5. reserved, out-going, sociable, studious, practical, sympathetic, … - Read SS’ items and check with the class after each question. - Declare the winner. Transition: - We use a loy of nouns and asjectives to talk about friends. Today we will listen to a after from Jack, writing about his new friend. -Write down on the board: Unit1 Friendship – Listening Teaching Vocabulary - Use pictures and axplanations to present some new words. . sociable (a.)= friendly; outgoing . conservative (a.)= opposed to great change ( bảo thủ ) .sensitive (a.) easily offended; easily hurt ( nhạy cảm) .skinny (a.) = very very thin (gâỳ trơ xương) . stout (a.) rather fat . indifferent (a.) = having no interest (thờ ơ) - Read the words one by one and ask SS to repeat. Checking Vocabulary - Tell SS to listen to the axplanations in English and say the word. 1. very thin(Expected: skinny) 2. having no interest (Expected:indifferent) 3. friendly,outgoing (Expected:sociable) 6. sesily offended (Expected: sensitive) Check with the class. Describing Yourseft ( Task a,p.17) - Ask SS to read the list of adjectives and tick (٧) the words that describe them and add more adjectives that are true for them. -Call on one student or two to read their list that describes themselves. Activity 1: Listen and tick (٧) (task b,p.17) -Tell SS they are going ti listen to a letter from Jack, writing about his new Vietnamese friend, - To provide SS with some vocab. To help them understand The listentenning text -To see if SS have learned The words - To engage SS with some personalized task & prepare them for the next task -To give practice in listening for deails T-class T-class T-class T-class Individu als SS&SS T-class - Chalk& Board - Chalk& Board -Textbook -Textbook - CD player (8-9’) (4-5’) 4. Post- listening (8-9’) 5.Homework Mai. -Ask SS to listen and tick (٧) what is true about her. -Let SS listen for the second time if necessary. -Go over the answers with the class. Activity 2: Listen and take notes -Ask SS to listen again and note down the noun phrases used to describe Mai’s appearance. -Call on SS to read their notes and check woth the class. Expected answers: -her rosy plump face, -two dimples (on her cheeks), -short hair, and –casual clothes Activity 3: Questions and Answers - Tell SS to listen again and answer the questions. 1. On what occasion did Jack meet Mai Tran ? 2. How old are Jack and Sinh? 3. What do Mai.Jack and Sinh have in common? 4. Where is Mai going this summer? 5. Will Jack go with Mai there? -Go over the answers with the class. Expected answers: 1. Jack met Mai Tran at his cousin’s party. 2. They are 17-the same age as Mai. 3. They all have the same taste in information technology and music. 4. She’s going to visit / travel back to Vietnam. 5. May be.He hasn’t decided yet. Speaking : Role play (handouts) -Pair of SS as A and B and tell A to play the role of Jack and B the role of Sinh. SS imagine they are having a conversation on the phone. -Give each student a role card (Appendix) and ask them to make a conversation based on the ideas suggested. -Move around to control and give help if necessary. -If time allows, have 1 or 2 pairs to act out their conversations in front of the class. -Ask for SS’ comments and then give feedback. Vocabulary review -Tell SS to learn the new words and make some sentences with them, describing a certain person. -To challenge SS with some note taking -To check SS compre- hension - To integrate some speaking; role play is fun -To enrich SS knowledge of vocab. Individu als Individu als Individu als T-class Pairs T-class Individu als CD Player Chalk & board - Chalk & board -CD player -Cards -Textbook Appendix Card A – Jack - invited to visit Hue by Mai - haven’t decided yet but really love to go -want to visit Vietnam and see Sinh agin -ask Sinh for suggestions Either:-decide to visit Vietnam this summer -hope to have a great time with Sinh again Or: -promise ti visit Sinh another time -hope Sinh will enjoy his summer vacation Card B-Sinh -say you also really want to see Jack again -suggest to Jack about some famous tourist attractions in VN and Hue Either:-tell Jack you’re free this summer and will show him around -agree with Jack that you will sure have a great time together Or: -say you’re sorry you are away this summer and not able to show Jack around -hope to see Jack another time