Intra industry Trade between Similar Economies tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về t...
INTRODUCTION Viet Nam officially accedes to World Trade Organization (WTO) and enlarged door with economy world-wide. Our country sector of the economies has chance outmarch " river " for talented show egress " big marine ", but request right they is right there is stalwart internal force and go true according to " anemotropism " novum is fast progress bear down big wind billow. Trade bank is midsections there is essential role in link sector of the economies together. Action of trade banking system capable of giant size impact with respect to motherland economy in which role is accommodated; support from state bank side be is very essential. In background present-day cut-throat competition, in order to keep his foothold and develop right at inland finance market was a challenges isn't little with respect to the governing body of the each trade bank, requisition in a strategic purview and a one event sharps governing body, accommodate to continuous changed the economy. If like trade banks still only aim at traditional and operational business credit product development according to mechanism " bureaucratically ", to the service of client follow type " is begged- donation " then sooner or later will not continue foothold on the market. Seeing service products developmental potency serve for client object personally and enterprise fits and is little in market economy. ACB is stock trade bank pioneer discovering for me monotelic that go true- systems development is retailed to only develop retail bank growth become premier that Viet Nam is present-day, ACB still to map out a trend towards accord developments to give Viet Nam to trade banks. Compare retail system between ACB bank and HSBC branch bank in Viet Nam. This is one of powerful and long-time financial clique in the world to who affirm operator purview and competence of pavilion, manager of ACB in particular and of Viet Nam young generation generally, affirm develop retail array is a trend towards perforce for inland trade banks. The main content of this thesis consist of 5 chapters: - CHAPTER I: GENERAL ABOUT ACTION OF TRADE BANK IN INTEGRATION EPISODES - CHAPTER II: GENERAL ABOUT RETAIL SYSTEM (PRODUCTS SYSTEM, BANKING SERVICE DEDICATED TO PERSONALLY) - CHAPTER III: ACTUAL SITUATIONS ABOUT ASIAN STOCK TRADE BANK'S RETAIL (ACB) ACTIONS - CHAPTER IV: ACTUAL SITUATIONS ABOUT IMPARITY OF FOREIGN BRANCH BANK- HSBC- ACTIONS IN VIET NAM - CHAPTER V: COMPARE RETAIL ACTION ANALYST BETWEEN ACB AND VIET NAM HSBC CHAPTER I I. GENERAL ABOUT ACTION OF TRADE BANK IN INTEGRATION EPISODES Viet Nam trade bank system is an all-purpose banking system; compound business is configured and developed powerful, not least after our country accedes to WTO (World Trade Organization) in the year 2007. 1. Concept and feature of trade bank A. Concept According to who stipulate at article 20 items is 2 and 7 laws about lending institutions officially the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam is published: "Trade bank is total bank action a lending institution be Intra-industry Trade between Similar Economies Intra-industry Trade between Similar Economies By: OpenStaxCollege Absolute and comparative advantages explain a great deal about patterns of global trade For example, they help to explain the patterns noted at the start of this chapter, like why you may be eating fresh fruit from Chile or Mexico, or why lower productivity regions like Africa and Latin America are able to sell a substantial proportion of their exports to higher productivity regions like the European Union and North America Comparative advantage, however, at least at first glance, does not seem especially well-suited to explain other common patterns of international trade The Prevalence of Intra-industry Trade between Similar Economies The theory of comparative advantage suggests that trade should happen between economies with large differences in opportunity costs of production Roughly half of all world trade involves shipping goods between the fairly similar high-income economies of the United States, Canada, the European Union, Japan, Mexico, and China (see [link]) Where U.S Exports Go and U.S Imports Originate (2013)(Source: toppartners.html) Country U.S Exports Go to U.S Imports Come from European Union 17.0% 16.0% Canada 19.0% 14.0% 5.0% 6.0% Mexico 14.0% 12.0% China 7.0% 18.0% Japan Moreover, the theory of comparative advantage suggests that each economy should specialize to a degree in certain products, and then exchange those products A high 1/8 Intra-industry Trade between Similar Economies proportion of trade, however, is intra-industry trade—that is, trade of goods within the same industry from one country to another For example, the United States produces and exports autos and imports autos [link] shows some of the largest categories of U.S exports and imports In all of these categories, the United States is both a substantial exporter and a substantial importer of goods from the same industry In 2012, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the United States exported $146 billion worth of autos, and imported $298 billion worth of autos About 60% of U.S trade and 60% of European trade is intra-industry trade Some Intra-Industry U.S Exports and Imports in 2012(Source: newsreleases/international/trade/2013/pdf/trad1212.pdf) Some U.S Exports Quantity of Exports ($ billions) Quantity of Imports ($ billions) Autos $146 $298 Food and beverages $133 $110 Capital goods $527 $549 Consumer goods $182 $516 Passenger fares $39 $35 Other transportation $45 $55 Why similar high-income economies engage in intra-industry trade? What can be the economic benefit of having workers of fairly similar skills making cars, computers, machinery and other products which are then shipped across the oceans to and from the United States, the European Union, and Japan? There are two reasons: (1) The division of labor leads to learning, innovation, and unique skills; and (2) economies of scale Gains from Specialization and Learning Consider the category of machinery, where the U.S economy has considerable intraindustry trade Machinery comes in many varieties, so the United States may be exporting machinery for manufacturing with wood, but importing machinery for photographic processing The underlying reason why a country like the United States, Japan, or Germany produces one kind of machinery rather than another is usually not related to U.S., German, or Japanese firms and workers having generally higher or lower skills It is just that, in working on very specific and particular products, firms in certain countries develop unique and different skills 2/8 Intra-industry Trade between Similar Economies Specialization in the world economy can be very finely split In fact, recent years have seen a trend in international trade called splitting up the value chain The value chain describes how a good is produced in stages As indicated in the beginning of the chapter, the production of the iPhone involves the design and engineering of the phone in the United States, parts supplied from Korea, the assembly of the parts in China, and the advertising and marketing done in the United States Thanks in large part to improvements in communication technology, sharing information, and transportation, it has become easier to split up the value chain Instead of production in a single large factory, all of these steps can be split up among different firms operating in different places and even different countries Because firms split up the value chain, international trade often does not involve whole finished products like automobiles or refrigerators being traded between nations Instead, it involves shipping more specialized goods like, say, automobile dashboards or the shelving that fits inside refrigerators Intra-industry trade between similar countries produces economic gains because it allows workers and firms to learn and innovate on particular ...The relaonship study between Organizaonal Commitment and Job Sasfacon at Ministry of Industry and Trade in Vietnam Student : Cao Trong Quy Advisors : Dr. Jau-Shyong Wang Dr. Sheng-Jung Li Co-advisor: Dr. Nguyen Thi Hien Keywords: Research Method: OUTLINE CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ! "#$ !%" !&" !'"(( !)"* CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW %! %!%! %!&(+ CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH MOTHODOLOGY &! " &!%"( &!&, &!'" &!)- OUTLINE CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS '! !(-( '!%",, '!&./( '!'-(, '!)0( '!1- CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION )! ! )!%!" )!&!2 )!'!- CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background In a world increasingly characterized by globalization, the importance of human capital as a resource that can potentially provide competitive advantage has become more important. Because a firm’s people are integral to its success, researchers interested in managing human capital have increasingly focused on human resource practices as the levers through which firms might build the human capital that makes up resources and capabilities. Improve work efficiency and good performance of the organization is committed to becoming increasingly important not only for government agencies, but also state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and foreign enterprises. Therefore, the need to study the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction is more urgent than ever. The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction at Ministry of Industry and Trade in Vietnam. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Informaon about the Ministry of Industry and Trade Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Government agencies, performing the function of state management of industry and trade, including the sectors of engineering, metallurgy, electricity, new energy, renewable energy, oil and gas, chemicals, industrial explosives, industrial, mining and mineral processing, consumer goods, industrial food processing and other industrial, commercial and domestic markets; import and export, border trade, foreign market development, market management, trade promotion, e-commerce, trade services, international economic integration, competition management, application the safeguard measures, anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and protection of consumer rights; State management of public services in the sectors under its state management. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.2 Research movaon First, research on the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction at the Ministry of Industry and Trade has not been done in a systematic way. Therefore, it is necessary to make a systematic study of science. Second, research on the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction in Vietnam now focuses only on a small scale, so the reliability of the expansion of research results to be limit. This research is undertaken in order to determine the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction at the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Vietnam and to identify which among the four components of organizational commitment (affective, continuance, normative and value organizational Original article Genetic variation of traits measured in several environments. I. Estimation and testing of homogeneous genetic and intra-class correlations between environments C Robert, JL Foulley V Ducrocq Institut national de la recherche agronomique, station de génétique quantitative et appliquee, centre de recherche de Jouy-en-Josas, 78352 Jouy-en-Josas cede!, France (Received 23 March 1994; accepted 26 September 1994) Summary - Estimation of between family (or genotype) components of (co)variance among environments, testing of homogeneity of genetic correlations between environ- ments, and testing of homogeneity of both genetic and intra-class correlations between environments are investigated. The testing procedures are based on the ratio of maxi- mized log-restricted likelihoods for the reduced (under each hypothesis of homogeneity) and saturated models, respectively. An expectation-maximization (EM) iterative algo- rithm is proposed for calculating restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimates of the residual and between-family components of (co)variance. The EM formulae are applied to the multiple trait linear model for the saturated model and to the univariate linear model for the reduced models. The EM algorithm guarantees that (co)variance estimates remain within the parameter space. The procedures presented in this paper are illustrated with the analysis of 5 vegetative and reproductive traits recorded in an experiment on 20 full-sib families of black medic (Medicago lupulina L) tested in 3 environments. heteroskedasticity / genetic correlation / intra-class correlation / expectation- maximization / restricted maximum likelihood Résumé - Variation génétique de caractères mesurés dans plusieurs milieux. I. Esti- mation et test d’homogénéité des corrélations génétiques et intra-classe entre milieux. Cet article étudie les problèmes d’estimation des composantes familiales de (co)variance entre milieux et les problèmes de test d’homogénéité, soit des corrélations génétiques en- tre milieux seules, soit des corrélations génétiques et des corrélations intra-classe entre milieux. Les procédures de test reposent sur le rapport de vraisemblances restreintes maxi- misées sous les modèles réduits (les différentes hypothèses d’homogénéité) et le modèle saturé. Un algorithme itératif d’espérance-maximisation (EM) est proposé pour calculer les estimations du maximum de vraisemblance restreinte (REML) des composantes résiduelles et familiales de variance-covariance. Les formules EM s’appliquent au modèle multica- ractère pour le modèle saturé et à des modèles linéaires univariés pour les modèles réduits. Les formules EM garantissent l’appartenance des composantes de (co)variance estimées à l’espace des paramètres. Les procédures présentées dans cet article sont illustrées par l’analyse de 5 caractères végétatifs et reproductifs mesurés lors d’une expérience portant sur 20 familles de pleins frères testées dans 3 milieux différents chez la minette (Medicago lupulina L). hétéroscédasticité / corrélation génétique / corrélation intra-classe / espérance- maximisation / maximum de vraisemblance restreinte INTRODUCTION Hypothesis testing of genetic parameters is of great concern when analyzing genotype x environment interaction experiments. For instance, Visscher (1992) investigated the statistical power of balanced sire x environment designs for detecting heterogeneity of phenotypic variance and intra-class correlation between environments. He assumed that the between-family correlation (henceforth referred to as licht.wissen 05 Industry and Trade Free Download at licht.wissen 05 Industry and Trade Contents Lighting as a productivity factor 2 More light is better 6 Visual task lighting 8 Energy-efficient lighting 10 Refurbishment and maintenance 12 Operating conditions 14 Lamps 16 Luminaires 18 Quality inspection 20 Metal processing 22 Mechanical and plant engineering 24 Automotive engineering 26 Electrical and electronic engineering 28 Printing 30 Chemical facilities and laboratories 32 Cleanrooms 34 Plastics processing 36 Food processing 38 Heavy industry 40 Storage and logistics 42 Woodworking 44 Automobile workshops 45 Laundries and cleaners 46 Watchmaking and jewellery production 47 Hairdressing salons 48 Beauty salons 49 Butcheries 50 Bakeries 51 Extracts from DIN EN 12464-1 52 publications 56 Imprint and acknowledgements for photographs 57 1 High efficiency is heightened even more when lighting fittings are designed for “in- telligent” operation. But lighting manage- ment is not only about saving energy. It also permits greater comfort, e.g. by en- abling lighting to be tailored to different user requirements: more light for older em- ployees or higher, biodynamic illuminance for night shift workers. It also enhances flexibility by making it easier to adjust light- ing to suit new organizational arrange- ments. It is important to note that the values set out in standards are minimum values. More light is allowed – and recommended. A number of studies show, for example, that the number of accidents at work de- creases significantly as illuminance rises. Optimal production results depend crucially on the level of employee commitment. Cor- rect lighting helps boost motivation, pre- vents fatigue, maintains health and guards against accidents at work. According to DIN EN 12464-1 “Lighting of indoor work places”, the objectives of lighting are to ensure visual comfort and visual performance. Visual comfort gives people a sense of wellbeing at work while visual performance describes the goal of being able to perform visual tasks over a prolonged period of time even under diffi- cult conditions. Where these criteria are both fulfilled, the lighting requirements for safety at work are met. Modern lighting technology offers solutions that not only save energy and costs but also make for better lighting. Energy-saving options range from specially developed lighting systems combining efficient elec- tronic ballasts with optimised luminaires for economical lamp operation to systems that harness daylight as a lighting component. [01] There are many good reasons to ensure correct work lighting: it boosts motivation, pre- vents fatigue, maintains health and guards against industrial accidents. Apart from that, modern lighting systems save energy and costs. 01 The ergonomic quality of workplaces in trade and industry depends crucially on the effortless performance of visual tasks. Good lighting has a positive impact on the other factors that determine productivity: performance, errors, accidents. An em- ployee who can see well and feels comfort- able in a pleasant room atmosphere is more motivated, more focused and more efficient. The quality of work increases and the number of mistakes measurably de- clines. The risk of accidents is also re- duced. The greater job satisfaction due to good lighting impacts positively on health: sick rates are significantly reduced. But good lighting does more than just maintain health; it also positively promotes good health in the long term. More light for older persons As we get older, we need more light. A 60-year-old employee requires twice as much light as a 20-year-old colleague to get the same sense of brightness. This is because the lens of the eye becomes clouded and the diameter of the pupil changes with age, resulting in a loss of visual acuity. However, the need for more light than “normal” starts in much younger years – at around the age of 35. The Abstract This study investigates the patterns and determinants of China‟s intra-industry trade (IIT) with her major two trading partners in Northeast Asia, namely, Korea and Japan Using numerical measures, we examine the evolution of trading characteristics of these three countries and find that, due to high growth rate and rapid integration into the world market, trade patterns of these countries are experiencing a great change Although inter-industry trade still accounts for the majority, its importance relative to intra-industry trade is declining significantly In addition, based on cross-industry panel data from 1992 to 2003, we develop econometric models to test the specific determinants of IIT between China and Japan and between China and Korea The empirical results show that product differentiation, research intensity and inward foreign direct investment played an important role in driving Chinese bilateral intra-industry trade with Japan and Korea, while economies of scale, trade imbalance and income inequality are negatively correlated with China‟s IIT Findings generally conform to what we expected under the economic theory Key Words: Intra-industry trade, Product differentiation, Economies of scale Introduction Since the introduction of the concept of intra-industry trade1 (IIT), i.e simultaneous exports and imports of commodities within the same „industry‟ or product category, there have been extensive studies examining the phenomenon Studies on this topic can be classified into three groups The first concerns the measurement as well as the magnitude of intra-industry trade [e.g Grubel and Lloyd (1975), Greenaway (1983) and Brulhart (1994)] The second category attempts to develop theoretical explanations for its existence [e.g Krugman (1979), Lancaster (1980) and Falvey (1981)], while the third is seeking to evaluate the determinants of intra-industry trade in an econometric framework [e.g Balassa and Bauwens (1987), Greenaway et al (1994) and Hu and Ma (1999)] The current study belongs to the third category for the special case of China Since the implementation of the “open door” policy in late 1970s, China has pursued significant trade liberalization and rapid integration into the world market It is observed that during the years 1979-2006, not only China‟s international trade volume expanded greatly, its trade patterns also experienced a noticeable change, especially in terms of the increasing share of intra-industry trade Although inter-industry trade still accounts for the majority, its importance relative to intra-industry trade is declining In this study, we focus on China‟s intra-industry trade with her major two trading Balassa introduced the concept of intra-industry - as compared to inter-industry – trade in 1966 partners in Northeast Asia, namely, Japan and Korea The purpose is to investigate the changing nature of China‟s trading patterns and the determinants of intra-industry trade The paper is comprised of both descriptive and empirical analysis The descriptive analysis will investigate the major trade characteristics of Northeast Asia and the evolution of China's trade relation with Japan and Korea It will further evaluate China‟s intra-industry trade pattern of various industries In the empirical part, we will test several hypotheses regarding the determinants of IIT using cross-industry panel data By exploring the case of China, the present study will contribute to empirical works on intra-industry trade in two ways First, most empirical studies concerning IIT focus on industrial countries where IIT is more likely to occur Although trade in developing countries and newly industrializing countries has attracted increasing academic interest since 1980s, intra-industry trade studies involving emerging economies are still limited, empirical analysis concerning China‟s intra-industry trade is even scarcer In fact, China has made great strides in manufacturing and has become an important supplier of .. .Intra- industry Trade between Similar Economies proportion of trade, however, is intra- industry trade that is, trade of goods within the same industry from one country... gaining the benefits of economies of scale by trade, as well as by direct production Review Questions What is intra- industry trade? 7/8 Intra- industry Trade between Similar Economies What are the... same argument 5/8 Intra- industry Trade between Similar Economies applies to trade between U.S states, where people often buy products made by people of other states, even though a similar product