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How to Accumulate Personal Wealth

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  • How to Accumulate Personal Wealth

  • Why It Is Hard to Get Rich Quick: The Random Walk Theory

  • Getting Rich the Slow, Boring Way

  • How Capital Markets Transform Financial Flows

  • Key Concepts and Summary

  • Self-Check Questions

  • Review Questions

  • Critical Thinking Questions

  • Problems

  • References

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P P e e r r s s o o n n a a l l T T R R A A N N S S F F O O R R M M A A T T I I O O N N How to Use Ancient Wisdom to Create a New Life of Success and Happiness For Yourself Dr. Tim Ong M.B.B.S. 1 Personal TRANSFORMATION How to Use Ancient Wisdom to Create A New Life of Success and Happiness for Yourself By Dr. Tim Ong (M.B.B.S.) First Published December 2004 Copyright 2004 by Dr. Tim Ong @ Dr. Ong Tien Kwan The author has asserted his moral rights in accordance with the Copyright Act 1987 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form, by print, electronic, mechanical, or any other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. Book Production by: The Self Improvement Site Tel: +603-90767480 Fax: +603-90757108 E-mail: tim@theselfimprovementsite.com Website: www.theselfimprovementsite.com 2 Daily Nourishment Nourish Your Spirit with Stillness Nourish Your Mind with Knowledge Nourish Your Heart with Unconditional Love Nourish Your Body with Living Food Nourish Your Relationships with Thoughtfulness - Dr. Tim Ong, 2005 3 FOREWORD My interest in personal transformation started way back in 1986. At that time, I was still a medical student. There were not as many gurus then compared to now and good self help books and resources were hard to come by. But I was determine to make a success of my life, so I lay my hands on whatever books and resources I could find and learned from all of them. I had an open mind and that, I realized, was critically important for my success today. Once I learned the “secrets” of success, I immediately put them into practice. Pretty soon, I was reaping the rewards of my faith in what I have learned. The one thing I learned was that these secrets of success were not secrets at all. Anyone who has learned this knowledge and put it into practice in his or her life will DEFINITELY create a success for himself or herself. All these secrets are nothing but universal laws, and being universal laws they are predictable and replicable. It works for everyone! Anyone who wants to transform himself or herself needs to start with this knowledge. This book provides you with that critical knowledge. The knowledge presented here is not new, of course. In fact, it is old – very old – thus I called this knowledge ancient wisdom. These are the teachings handed down to us from mystics and sages of old. Their wisdom is timeless. What I have done here is to present it in a modern way that you can easily understand. There is an old saying: WHEN THE STUDENT IS READY, THE TEACHER WILL APPEAR I believe in it and I believe that you did not come across this book by chance. It happens because you attracted it into your life. However, here’s a word of caution. 4 The principles presented here may seem simple -- even obvious -- and there is a danger that because of their simplicity, they may be regarded as useless. That would be the greatest mistake! While they are simple to understand, these principles are not easy to follow, and even more difficult to master. It has been said that even an eight year-old child may understand them but even an eighty year- old man cannot practice them unless he puts in the right effort. So, spend some time reading and How to Accumulate Personal Wealth How to Accumulate Personal Wealth By: OpenStaxCollege Getting rich may seem straightforward enough Figure out what companies are going to grow and earn high profits in the future, or figure out what companies are going to become popular for everyone else to buy Those companies are the ones that will pay high dividends or whose stock price will climb in the future Then, buy stock in those companies Presto! Multiply your money! Why is this path to riches not as easy as it sounds? This module first discusses the problems with picking stocks, and then discusses a more reliable but undeniably duller method of accumulating personal wealth Why It Is Hard to Get Rich Quick: The Random Walk Theory The chief problem with attempting to buy stock in companies that will have higher prices in the future is that many other financial investors are trying to the same thing Thus, in attempting to get rich in the stock market, it is no help to identify a company that is going to earn high profits if many other investors have already reached the same conclusion, because the stock price will already be high, based on the expected high level of future profits The idea that stock prices are based on expectations about the future has a powerful and unexpected implication If expectations determine stock price, then shifts in expectations will determine shifts in the stock price Thus, what matters for predicting whether the stock price of a company will well is not whether the company will actually earn profits in the future Instead, you must find a company that is widely believed at present to have poor prospects, but that will actually turn out to be a shining star Brigades of stock market analysts and individual investors are carrying out such research 24 hours a day The fundamental problem with predicting future stock winners is that, by definition, no one can predict the future news that alters expectations about profits Because stock prices will shift in response to unpredictable future news, these prices will tend to follow 1/8 How to Accumulate Personal Wealth what mathematicians call a “random walk with a trend.” The “random walk” part means that, on any given day, stock prices are just as likely to rise as to fall “With a trend” means that over time, the upward steps tend to be larger than the downward steps, so stocks gradually climb If stocks follow a random walk, then not even financial professionals will be able to choose those that will beat the average consistently While some investment advisers are better than average in any given year, and some even succeed for a number of years in a row, the majority of financial investors not outguess the market If we look back over time, it is typically true that half or two-thirds of the mutual funds that attempted to pick stocks which would rise more than the market average actually ended up doing worse than the market average For the average investor who reads the business pages of the newspaper over a cup of coffee in the morning, the odds of doing better than full-time professionals is not very good at all Trying to pick the stocks that will gain a great deal in the future is a risky and unlikely way to become rich Getting Rich the Slow, Boring Way Many U.S citizens can accumulate a large amount of wealth during their lifetimes, if they make two key choices The first is to complete additional education and training In 2011, the U.S Census Bureau reported median earnings for households where the main earner had only a high school degree of $39,420; for those with a twoyear associate degree, median earnings were $55,928, and for those with a four-year bachelor’s degree, median income was $83,985 Learning is not only good for you, but it pays off financially, too The second key choice is to start saving money early in life, and to give the power of compound interest a chance Imagine that at age 25, you save $3,000 and place that money into an account that you not touch In the long run, it is not unreasonable to assume a 7% real annual rate of return (that is, 7% above the rate of inflation) on money invested in a well-diversified stock portfolio After 40 years, using the formula for compound interest, the original $3,000 investment will have multiplied nearly fifteen fold: 3, 000(1 + 07)40 = $44, 923 Having $45,000 does not make you a millionaire Notice, however, that this tidy sum is the result of saving $3,000 exactly once Saving that amount every year for several decades—or saving more as income rises—will multiply the total considerably This type of wealth will not rival the riches of Microsoft CEO Bill Gates, but remember that only half of Americans have any money in mutual funds at all Accumulating hundreds of thousands of dollars by retirement is a perfectly achievable goal for a well-educated person who starts saving early in life—and that amount of accumulated wealth will put 2/8 How to Accumulate Personal Wealth you at or near the ... How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary by Robert L. Read How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary by Robert L. Read Published 2002 Copyright © 2002, 2003 Robert L. Read Copyright © 2002, 2003 by Robert L. Read. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foun- dation; with one Invariant Section being ‘History (As of May, 2003)’, no Front-Cover Texts, and one Back-Cover Text: ‘The original version of this document was written by Robert L. Read without renumeration and dedicated to the program- mers of Hire.com.’ A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ‘GNU Free Documentation License’. The home of the transparent electronic copy of this document is: http://samizdat.mines.edu. Revision History Revision 1.8 22 Apr 2003 DocBook format, GFDL, and major fixes Revision 1.5 03 Feb 2003 Incorporated Slashdot feedback and fixed typos Revision 1.0 01 Dec 2002 First publishing of pdf at Samizdat Dedication To the programmers of Hire.com. i Table of Contents 1.Introduction . 1. 4 2.Beginner . 1.PersonalSkills .5 1.1. Learn toDebug 5 1.2. How to Debug by Splitting the Problem Space . 6 1.3. How to Remove an Error . 7 1.4. How to Debug Using a Log 7 1.5. How to Understand Performance Problems . 8 1.6. How to Fix Performance Problems 8 1.7. Howto Optimize Loops . 9 1.8. How to Deal with I/O Expense 10 1.9. Howto Manage Memory . 10 1.10. How to Deal with Intermittent Bugs . 11 1.11. How to Learn Design Skills 12 1.12. Howto Conduct Experiments . 12 2.TeamSkills .13 2.1. WhyEstimation is Important 13 2.2. How to Estimate Programming Time . 13 2.3. How to Find Out Information . 15 2.4. How to Utilize People as Information Sources . 15 2.5. Howto Document Wisely 16 2.6. How to Work with Poor Code . 17 2.7. How to Use Source Code Control 18 2.8. Howto Unit Test 18 2.9. TakeBreaks when Stumped . 18 2.10. How to Recognize When to Go Home 18 2.11. How to Deal with Difficult People . 19 3.Intermediate 1.PersonalSkills .21 1.1. Howto Stay Motivated 21 1.2. How to be Widely Trusted . 21 1.3. How to Tradeoff Time vs. Space . 21 1.4. Howto Stress How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary by Robert L. Read How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary by Robert L. Read Published 2002 Copyright © 2002, 2003 Robert L. Read Copyright © 2002, 2003 by Robert L. Read. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foun- dation; with one Invariant Section being ‘History (As of May, 2003)’, no Front-Cover Texts, and one Back-Cover Text: ‘The original version of this document was written by Robert L. Read without renumeration and dedicated to the program- mers of Hire.com.’ A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ‘GNU Free Documentation License’. The home of the transparent electronic copy of this document is: http://samizdat.mines.edu. Revision History Revision 1.8 22 Apr 2003 DocBook format, GFDL, and major fixes Revision 1.5 03 Feb 2003 Incorporated Slashdot feedback and fixed typos Revision 1.0 01 Dec 2002 First publishing of pdf at Samizdat [...]... It has many variations, typically quite product-dependent, which are less important than the standardized core SQL is the lingua franca of relational databases You may or may not work in any field that can benefit from an understanding of relational databases, but you should have a basic understanding of them and they syntax and meaning of SQL 2 Team Skills 2.1 How to Manage Development Time To manage... circumstance, talk to an expert For instance, if you want to know whether or not it is a good idea to build a modern database management system in LISP, you should talk to a LISP expert and a database expert If you want to know how likely it is that a faster algorithm for a particular application exists that has not yet been published, talk to someone working in that field If you want to make a personal decision... the number of bugs that I have fixed is not at all motivational to me, because it is independent of the number that may still exist, and is also affects the total value I'm adding to my company's customers in only the smallest possible way Relating each bug to a happy customer, however, is personally motivating to me 1.2 How to be Widely Trusted To be trusted you must be trustworthy You must also be visible... is a welcome automation of the most boring part of data interchange, namely, structuring the representation into a linear sequence and parsing back into a structure It provides some nice type- and correctness-checking, though again only a fraction of what you are likely to need in practice SQL is a very powerful and rich data query and manipulation language that is not quite a programming language... be removed with great patience Try to keep this communication cool and cordial, and don't accept any baits for greater conflict that may be offered After a reasonable period of trying to understand, make a decision Don't let a bully force you to do How to Sell Personal Training: Advanced Sales Techniques For Personal Trainers by Chris “Shark Attack” O’Toole Chris “Shark Attack” O’Toole • Chris is one of my private coaching clients who is absolutely killing it! • He left the Finance world to pursue his passion for fitness, became a Personal Trainer in 2005. • He went from being a BRAND new trainer to opening 3 new locations with 10 sales managers & 15 trainers at each one for a major gym chain. • He often *CRUSHED* his goal of $250,000 of membership & personal training sales every 2 weeks from a 6000 membership base. • He then became an instructor for NFPT (National Federation of Professional trainers) and has also worked as a Fitness Manager with Equinox gyms. • He is a guest blogger on PersonalTrainingBusiness.com • He ABSOLUTELY loves selling personal training, and loves showing other trainers how to get into sales too. Webinar Objectives • Reveal Chris’s Step by Step Sales System. • Provide You With Specific Tips, Techniques, & Rebuttals to Overcome the Most Common Objections. • How to Avoid the Most Common Pitfalls & Fears. • Lead Generation- Get More Clients In the Gym, On the Street, Everywhere! What traits do successful sales people have in common? 1. Time Management – Developing a Great Schedule to Eliminate ineffective Time – Prioritizing Tasks- high/low importance high/low Urgency – How to be doing the most productive thing all the time 2. Setting Goals- A goal is a tangible step in the process of achieving a dream! – New Clients- Set up new appointment/ have them show up/ Sell the dream – Setting Specific Meaningful Goal – Willingness to do what it takes! Stepping outside of comfort zones 3. Communication & Listening – Product knowledge- Talk trainer then dumb it down if you have to! – Effective Communications- Multiple examples to convey one point – Looking the Part – Listen Pause Speak- Maintain focus on their Agenda! Show them you have listened. 4. Professionalism – Its always show time – Write things down – Lead by example 5. Potential Pitfalls & Fears – Believe in yourself- Fake it Till you Make it. – Don’t answer a question unless you know the answer. Get back to Them – Approach Anxiety. Learn what your made of in 10 seconds or less! – Self Evaluation and Recaps Lead Generation In The Gym • misdirection/180 • Don’t come in trying to sell, just make a friend • Hey you look Great! so when is the marathon? 1. front desk • Another Cancellation? What are you doing today, upper body or lower body? 2. membership • Make a profile for the advisor so they know who you are 3. on the floor • Hey that's a great exercise, what are you working on today? • Legs? Great! I am have a new leg blast routine! • Never stop moving 4. shark attack! On The Street • Any place and Anytime you can be recruiting Online • Guest speaker Jon Hit The Phones (elbow grease) • Speaking clearly • Tone and Directness Client Profiling • Learn as much as you can before you approach • Matching personalities: Money isn’t everything • People run in packs: They spread the word 4 you! • Some people just want to be noticed of the little things; look for the smile Building Rapport • Building Rapport - know, like, trust, close • Compliments • Common Ground • GOALS • Writing down • Buying Temperature (When to pull the trigger) • Have you ever used a Trainer before & how did it go? • Identifying buying signs and what to do when you see them Developing a Need • Establishing the need for your services • Being prepared to ask the right question till you get the right answer! Finding Hot buttons • Direct vs indirect questions • Writing down key [...]... smile can be extremely disarming 14 How to Be Happier, Wealthier, and Have People Like You More • Engage in Conversation – At first, it’s going to be tough, but trust me it gets easier Talk to everyone you meet Force yourself to ask questions, to engage them in conversation and develop a rapport Remember, not everyone is going to like you If they don’t respond or try to defer your questions, let them... on us Remember how 17 How to Be Happier, Wealthier, and Have People Like You More I told you to remove the negative self-talk from your life Well, that’s pretty hard if you have friends or colleagues pouring fuel on the fire whenever you turn around See People Who Think Like You Step one – find people who think like you and will support you in everything you do I don’t care if your goal is to create... The best part about healthy living is that it’s easy You don’t need to start eating bean sprouts three meals a day and running three miles before bed to feel good and have the energy to engage people around you 16 How to Be Happier, Wealthier, and Have People Like You More Here are my tips to an easy, effective diet: • Eat What You Need – Cut down on extra snacks Stick to around 2,0 00 calories a day and. .. position 11 How to Be Happier, Wealthier, and Have People Like You More By building your confidence, analyzing any mistakes, and being willing to adjust to whatever happens in an interaction, you create a situation where no single person disliking you should ever upset you If they do, go back to your basic visualizations – you re a good person and a likeable colleague If they don’t see that, guess whose.. .How to Be Happier, Wealthier, and Have People Like You More What I hope you ll be able to do through the mental exercises above is come to terms with the fact that you are human and that humans make mistakes When you make those mistakes, you re not a lesser person You ve just been given a gift – one that will allow you to move forward and learn from what just happened Additionally, I want you to be. .. mean you should set a goal of only 10 members in one month You might not always meet your goals – that’s okay as long a as you keep 27 How to Be Happier, Wealthier, and Have People Like You More tracking your goals and adjusting to them If you set a goal of building a site and getting 50 members in one month and you get only 25 members, guess what? You still got 25 members I’d consider that a success Be. .. down, devoting your entire being to a single task, and not stopping until it is completed It also happens to be one of the single biggest enemies of entrepreneurs looking to find a happier, more fulfilling lifestyle in their business 29 How to Be Happier, Wealthier, and Have People Like You More So much happens around you at any given time – from family issues to business snafus – that you may feel like. .. could be effectively outsourced or delegated to someone else without harming the operation of your business: 25 How to Be Happier, Wealthier, and Have People Like You More The Mindset of a Happy, Wealthy Person If ... portfolios at the end of the year How bank failures cause the economy to go into recession? 7/8 How to Accumulate Personal Wealth Problems How much money you have to put into a bank account that pays... life—and that amount of accumulated wealth will put 2/8 How to Accumulate Personal Wealth you at or near the top 10% of all American households The following Work It Out feature shows the difference... buying a smaller house, 4/8 How to Accumulate Personal Wealth and making other day -to- day sacrifices For most people, the tradeoffs for achieving substantial personal wealth will require effort,

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